The most high-calorie nut. What are the benefits of nuts for losing weight? Nutritional value of pistachios and other nuts

It is difficult to find a person who does not like at least one kind of nuts. Cedar or walnut, peanuts or pistachios, some will definitely take a place in the heart. They can be added almost everywhere, and also used without any additions. They can serve as breakfast, lunch or dinner, or even just a snack. A hand reaches for them when watching TV or reading. And only sometimes during meals there is a desire to find out how many calories are in nuts. But before deciding whether to refuse this product for the sake of your figure, you need to analyze each type in detail, according to its pros and cons. And only then determine whether the calorie content of nuts is a friend or foe. But, in any case, after all, any terrible numbers can be bypassed. The main thing - there would be a desire.

How many calories are in nuts

Conventionally, most nuts can be divided into two groups: with the largest and lowest calorie. Pine nuts and cashews are somewhere in between these values, but given that the former are consumed uncontrollably, they will be even more harmful than those that fall into the category highest calorie content. This, of course, does not mean that nuts with the lowest calorie number can be consumed in unlimited quantities. But those that belong to the first, it is worth not to allow an excess on the menu.

So, the "dangerous three": pecans, hazelnuts and walnuts. The calorie content of the two main "enemies" is 691 and 680 kcal per 100 g, respectively, which is very significant. And the calorie content of a walnut is already 647 kcal. These species are best included in food as little as possible, but not completely thrown out of the diet, of course. After all, hazelnuts are very useful for problems with the heart and blood vessels, as well as anemia, it affects nervous system, circulation and bone tissue, is a good helper in the fight against diabetes. Walnut is indispensable for the productive work of the brain, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, increasing vascular tone, hormonal stabilization in men and women. And pecan, in addition to an active obstacle to the growth of cholesterol levels and an invaluable aid to the work of the heart, contributes to weight loss. And this is with the highest calorie content of all nuts! In addition, pecans are a staple for vegetarians due to their ability to replace animal proteins and their high plant iron content.

The next two species "weigh" less, but you can't relax with them: at least one representative is absorbed by Russians like seeds - imperceptibly and uncontrollably. These are pine nuts, the calorie content of which reaches 628 kcal, and cashews with a value of 601 kcal. As for the former, their use is clearly not weighed in grams, if there is free access. Who counts how many nuts are eaten, clicking them measuredly under the murmur of the TV? Only a mountain of shells grows side by side, and the stomach seems like a black hole that can not get enough. Unfortunately, then such a throwing into oneself of an unknown amount pine nuts, whose calorie content does not seem to be as high as that of pecans and hazelnuts, can be clearly seen in the waist and other problem areas. In terms of the BJU ratio, these nuts have more fat than all the others: as much as 67%. Only pecans are 5% ahead of them, but in terms of taste, the latter does not feel as much as it does in pine nuts. Nevertheless, they are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, and they also contain a perfectly balanced vegetable protein, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. Needless to say, with so many positive aspects, it is impossible to exclude pine nuts from the diet? Even if it is difficult to keep track of how many of them were eaten.

Cashews, although they cannot boast of such a track record, are able to show off a high level of Omega-3 and a relatively low fat content of 49%. With this nut, the calorie content of which is 601 kcal, the situation is a little more complicated than with the rest. With all its advantages, expressed in the prevention of oncology and the prevention of osteochondrosis, the normalization of cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as strengthening immunity, cashews can cause individual intolerance, expressed in severe disorders gastrointestinal tract and skin reactions. But for those who are confident in their “friendship” with this nut, cashews can be advised as a fighter against inflammation of the throat and gums, hypertension and diabetes, and even anemia and toothache.

Now it’s worth finding out how many calories are in the nuts of the third group, conventionally called the lightest. The last three are almonds, peanuts and pistachios. The presence of peanuts here can surprise someone, but it is “in the tail” by right. In this nut, the calorie content shows the number "550", like in pistachios. True, the latter are not recommended to be abused: 10 pieces are considered the daily norm. And for almonds with a calorie content of 575 kcal - 3-5 nuts. This is due to both the load on the liver and the content of special substances in the shell, which, in case of an overdose, can no longer go for good, but to harm. If we talk about the positive effect of these products on the body, then the proportion of monosaturated fats in peanuts is high, in addition, it is used in the fight against malignant tumors and for the prevention of stroke. Among other things, peanuts have a beneficial effect on hormonal background, bone tissue and cardiovascular system. Almonds are indispensable for hypertension, various kinds of tumors, ulcers and problems with the bile ducts. And pistachios are certainly important if you want to help the liver, with anemia and cardiological problems, and are especially recommended for athletes.

Eat and not gain weight

The combination of nuts and dried fruits can become great option a snack for both losing weight and adhering to proper nutrition. But now, having found out how many calories are in nuts, you can determine what is acceptable for yourself. daily allowance and try not to exceed it. For those who know that the use of pure form close to the risk of failure, there are several healthy recipes, which will not harm the figure and will allow you to satisfy your desire in a certain nut.

For example, very interesting option from pumpkin and cinnamon, which will reduce the impact on calories walnuts which are also on the ingredient list. For the dish, you will need pre-steamed raisins and dried apricots and pumpkin cut into small pieces, which are sent in a deep heat-resistant dish to the oven for a quarter of an hour. In another bowl, walnuts, honey and Orange juice, serving as a kind of sauce for pumpkin, with which you need to pour it after fifteen minutes. Decorate the dish with cinnamon sticks or sprinkle already ground, send back to the oven until cooked. This dessert goes well with bulgur or couscous, and one portion of it in this case will “weigh” only 304 kcal.

Sweet teeth can occasionally be allowed to bake muffins for tea from low-fat cottage cheese, eggs (it is better to take some proteins), a small addition of semolina, lemon peel, sugar, cut into small pieces of apple and chopped almonds. One or two things during the morning tea party will not add a dozen kilograms, but they will help you more easily survive an unusual diet without cakes and cakes.

Fans of light dinners should try carrot salad with garlic and raisins seasoned with honey, olive oil and walnuts. The calorie content of one serving will be 75 kcal, and this will be a great end to the day.

Or you can just mix honey, lingonberries and pine nuts. The calorie content of the latter is deactivated due to the remaining components, but the main thing is not this, but the benefits of such a combination for the stomach and immunity. A couple of spoons a day will not affect the figure, but will improve general state organism as a whole.

5 out of 5 (7 Votes)

Nuts are amazing gifts of nature that can increase the intellectual abilities of a person and increase his mind. In total there are dozens of types of nuts.

Useful substances, microelements, vitamins, dietary fiber, which are contained in nuts, have beneficial effect on the human body.

Nut calorie table

Nuts are very high-calorie product nutrition. But despite this, nutritionists claim that they are useful in the fight against overweight. Useful substances contained in the product improve metabolism. In order not to harm the figure, daily dose should be reduced to 15-20 g.

Table - how many calories are in nuts:

Product Calories (kcal/100g) Fat (g) Protein (g) Carbohydrates (g)
Peanut 548 45,2 26,3 9,7
Brazilian nut 656 66,4 14,3 4,8
Walnut 648 61,3 13,8 10,2
Hazelnut 704 66,9 16,1 9,9
Almond 645 57,7 18,6 13,6
pine nut 673 61 11,6 19,3
Coconut 354 33,5 3,4 6,2
Cashew nuts 643 54,1 25,7 13,2
Hazelnut 628 67 10 18
pistachios 556 50 20 7

Useful properties of nuts:

  • Nuts are an undeniable source of vitamins and minerals (B vitamins, vitamin E, selenium, calcium, zinc, iron and iodine).
  • are one of the most useful and necessary products for the mind. Thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, they are indispensable for mental stress.
  • The increased calorie content of the product, a combination of light fats and vegetable proteins, serve as a real source of energy. Therefore, they are necessary for physical activity. To some extent, they can replace meat and eggs.
  • Contains omega-3 fatty acid. Due to this, the product is extremely useful for ailments of the cardiovascular system.

The most useful nuts for the human body

Without exception, all types are beneficial to human health, but each of them has its own characteristics. Modern scientists identify the "five" most useful in the world - hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, Brazilian nut and peanuts.


Another name for hazelnuts is Lombard nuts. "Die Hard" has been known since ancient times. Our ancestors used it to make protective amulets against evil spirits and cataclysms. Nowadays, it is extremely useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, anemia, arterial hypertension. Hazelnuts are recommended to be taken in order to prevent oncological diseases, since they contain an anti-cancer substance - paclitaxel.


Even in ancient times, Hippocrates and Avicenna described the healing effects of the walnut (walnut) and its leaves. And modern scientists call it the "tree of life" due to its rich composition. Indeed, this fruit contains many useful substances: vitamins, alkaloids, tannins and many trace elements. Walnuts are recommended for people with thyroid problems due to their high iodine content.

Walnuts will help with physical exhaustion, diseases of the heart and nervous system.

Fruit kernels are used for diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, as well as an effective wound healing agent.


Almonds are also called royal or elite nuts. Although in reality it is not a nut - it is a stone fruit. A feature of this species is the high content of calcium in its composition. What makes it useful and indispensable for the health of the skeletal system. Thanks to phosphorus, iron and potassium, almonds are highly recommended for diseases of the heart and circulatory system, doctors advise eating about 60 g of almonds per week.

Regular use of these nuts improves sleep and helps with insomnia. In medical and preventive purposes almonds are used urolithiasis, gastritis, ulcer, hypertension, anemia, migraine, eye diseases.

This species must be introduced into your diet very carefully, since it is difficult for the body to digest. Almonds can be eaten raw or roasted. Often it is added to sweets and pastries, and in Eastern countries- to meat and rice dishes.

Brazilian nut

Brazil nuts are considered the most delicious, according to gourmets, and the most useful, according to scientists. It is considered one of the most useful and necessary for female body also called the nut of youth. All this is due to the presence in it of huge number selenium, which prevents premature aging.

Just two Brazil nuts a day will have a beneficial effect on the skin. Thanks to high calorie, these nuts serve as a source of energy and vigor. In addition, they prevent the development of cancer and heart problems.


There are more than 70 types of peanuts in the world. These beans are a good preventative for heart disease, cancer and gastritis. Peanuts have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, soothes when overexcited and helps with insomnia. It is an excellent antioxidant. Improves hearing, vision and memory.

Just a few peanuts can satisfy your hunger. Therefore, nutritionists consider it one of the most healthy nuts for weight loss, and are allowed to use during the diet. Peanuts are easily digested by the human body due to their high protein and protein content. But it is not recommended to abuse these nuts so as not to provoke an allergy and not to disrupt digestive functions.

In addition to this "five" of the most useful nuts, pine and hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, and coconut are also very popular. All of them are rich in vitamins and mineral composition, enhance immunity, improve brain function and cardiac activity.

The most useful nuts for women

Regular consumption of nuts by women improves reproductive function, strengthening memory, slowing down the aging process of the body, improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Each of the types of nuts has its own special benefits for the female body.

  • Almond. It has a large number of fiber and vitamin E, which makes the skin healthy, clear and beautiful. This product is used in the fight against excess weight. It is recommended to consume 15-20 g of almonds daily. And to avoid the difficulties of its digestion, it is worth soaking it in water overnight.
  • Brazilian nut. Serves as a healthy snack to boost energy and focus. The trace element selenium, which is part of it, increases the fertility of a woman, prevents oncological diseases of the breast and bones. Selenium, along with other vitamins and antioxidants, rejuvenates skin cells. Brazil nut oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, strengthens nails, and gives hair a healthy shine.
  • Cashew nuts. The product contains the least amount of fat, which allows it to be included in diet menu. This is a real source of folic acid, therefore, cashews are useful for pregnant women and those who are planning to start a family. The composition contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory components that help relieve pain, including toothache.
  • Hazelnut. It is advised to use it varicose veins veins outside and inside. It also improves immunity and improves memory, gives health to hair and nails.
  • Walnuts. A real assistant to women in the fight against cardiological and oncological diseases. They contain a lot of biotin, which prevents hair loss and strengthens them. Eating this nut during pregnancy prevents the child from developing food allergies.
  • Pine nuts. Cleanse the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, which has a beneficial effect on appearance women. It is useful for nursing mothers to eat 2 tbsp. spoons of pine nuts to improve lactation and get more nutritious breast milk. ethnoscience uses shells and kernels in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

    For men

    Nowadays, men often face problems with potency and the ability to have children. Scientists argue that the nutrition of men plays a decisive role in this matter. Nuts must be present in their diet.

    • Walnuts. Their benefits for men have been proven by many studies. In men who consumed walnuts regularly, scientists found a significant improvement in sperm quality, thanks to the organic acids found in the fruit. In addition, biological active substances, in particular arginine, have a positive effect on male potency.
    • Brazil nuts. The powerful antioxidant selenium contained in the Brazilian fruit increases testosterone levels, thus improving the quantity and quality of sperm. It also serves as a prophylactic against prostate cancer. Arginine improves potency, it is also called natural "Viagra". For increase male power 2-3 nuts are enough large doses selenium is toxic and can cause the opposite effect.
    • Almond. A real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, a source of energy. Due to the high amount of calcium, almonds are good for bone health, which is very important for athletes and older men. Almonds help increase libido and maintain a healthy sex life.
    • Pistachios. A handful of pistachios helps to increase sexual desire in men and the pleasure of sexual intercourse. Alimentary fiber and fatty acids will help lower blood cholesterol levels, and arginine will improve blood flow to the genitals.
    • Hazelnut. It has a healing effect on the reproductive system of men, improves blood flow and cleanses the blood of cholesterol.

    For kids

    Children under three years of age are not recommended to use nuts, as they contain a lot of protein, which is quite difficult to digest.

    The child's body has not yet developed enough enzymes that are responsible for the digestion and assimilation of proteins. In this case children's body will receive only a load on the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

    Nuts, in addition, are a strong allergen and should be introduced into the diet of a child older than three years very carefully.

    The most useful for children is a walnut. It is an excellent source of iodine, therefore, this product especially useful in childhood in areas with high radiation. Useful substances will help increase the mental abilities of children, cope with hypovitaminosis and anemia. For children, it is enough to eat 2 nuts a day.


    Nuts will bring maximum benefit to the body if you consume them 30 g per day. They are indispensable for human body, have amazing taste. You can use them in different form adding to almost any dish.

The fruit of a tree or shrub is a nut: walnut, forest, cedar, peanut, pistachio, cashew. Even those who do not count calories are sure that there are plenty of them. Please note that they are conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • the highest calorie content;
  • least.

If 1 pc. as if to quietly eat an extra walnut a day, then in a year the body will gain 5 extra kg from 1 nut per day. Although there are a lot of calories in nuts, they are advised by experts to people who want to lose extra pounds.

It would seem that something is incompatible. In fact, everything is simple.

In them unique composition all:

  • nutrients;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements.

Therefore, do not even think about giving up such products. They are very helpful. Give you a powerful boost of energy and nutrients. They contribute to a good metabolism.

Due to them, cholesterol and hemoglobin return to normal. Compared to meat and milk, the absorption of protein, it is much easier to digest from nuts. It's all about lysine. Pine nuts are high in calories, but also fast-digesting and light proteins.

The most "dangerous" nuts in terms of calories are: pecans, walnuts and hazelnuts. Never relax with pine nuts like seeds. Although they belong to the middle segment, like cashews. To the most "light" peanuts, pistachios, almonds.

Therefore, it is not necessary to daily menu have 100 gr. meat. You just need to calculate how many calories are in 100 grams of nuts and replace meat with them.

Look at this table. Here are the calorie information for some foods. With this information, you can comfortably lose weight without excluding nuts from your diet.

Consider the benefits of this product

All nuts, without exception, are useful. love milk and bakery products? In 100 gr. hazelnut as many calories as 300 grams of bread and 800 gr. milk.

Thanks to the right fats, when you eat these nuts, the body starts a wonderful metabolism. In addition, they normalize blood pressure. Kidneys, heart and brain improve their work. They make it possible to strengthen blood vessels.

Walnuts contain substances that help strengthen immunity, brain activity, increase hemoglobin, and stabilize blood pressure:

  • copper;
  • amino acids.

Walnut contains 450 calories per 100 grams. Many people ask how much in 1 piece walnut kernel calories. We answer, up to 65. How many calories are in a nut in 100 gr. you know, so enter 4-6 pieces into the daily diet.

In addition to knowing the calories in walnuts, we bring to your attention that they have Omega 3 fatty acids. This powerful antioxidants. To maintain immunity, ellagonic acid is found here. If you make them a snack, you will increase your daily calories by only a normal 156 kk.

In peanut composition: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium, support skeletal system and vessels. Maintain immunity. They are needed for cancer prevention. Promote rejuvenation, because it contains folic acid and coenzyme Q10. There are about 70 varieties of such beans.

Cashew nuts have a delicate and buttery flavor. The amount of fat here is not as much as in walnuts, peanuts. Here is the field of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. They improve heart function, maintain normal cholesterol levels. Antibacterial and tonic effect. Prevention of caries and gum disease. Brazil nuts have 100 grams = 670 calories.

Pecan helps to get rid of excess weight. Although it is high in calories. Vegans especially love it. It replaces animal protein and there is a lot of vegetable iron. It looks like a walnut, but without partitions.

What is the calorie content of products and how much can you eat them per day

Calorie content in 1 nut:

  • In walnut - 26
  • There are 155 in 25 cashew nuts.
  • In hazelnuts -8.4.
  • In peanut - 5.9
  • In the cedar nucleolus - 1.12
  • In the 1st nut, pistachio - 3.2 k

In order not to gain excess weight, pay attention to energy value products:

  • You can eat cedar 100 grams per day.
  • Almonds, stone fruit - 3-5 pieces, there is a large amount of vitamin E.
  • Hazelnuts - 7 pieces.
  • Peanuts -8 - 10.
  • Pistachios - 10 pcs.

Macadamia is also part of the nut family. This is an Australian, expensive delicacy. In 100 grams - 718 kk.

In order not to get fat

Nuts help suppress appetite. Therefore, you can safely 100 gr. nuts to replace daily lunches or afternoon snacks, especially if you combine nuts and dried fruits.

And so, it is better not to overdo it and stick to 30 gr. For those who follow the figure, 15-20 grams will be enough. As a preventive measure, eat 5 nuts a day. It will be useful for the body. All nuts contain magnesium, which helps reduce sugar intake.

You need to end the day light dinner? Try eating hazelnuts, walnuts, a handful of pine nuts, or almonds instead. They must be consumed whole. Because the nut crumb is absorbed quickly, and there is no feeling of satiety from it.

Nuts are good in " tasty”, but this benefit is quite high-calorie. Many on a diet try to get rid of such products, but nuts are generally recognized products ...

How many grams of nuts can be eaten per day when losing weight, which ones contribute to weight loss and can they be eaten on pp?

Bone Wide is always for safety, easy weight loss and believe me, it's much better than crazy diets with restrictions that you can hardly stand!

Is it possible

So, is it possible to eat nuts at all while losing weight? Of course yes! The idea that there are special products for weight loss or some special “fat-gaining” food came to us from the 2000s, when cottage cheese was considered a panacea for losing weight, and butter- poison.

The main factor in the success or lack thereof in losing weight is calorie deficit. This means that you should receive less energy per day than you spend. Calculating it is easy: using a special formula, you must calculate what you need and eat 20% less.

Everything else—eliminating a food group, fasting on a full moon, or cutting out all foods that have an “a” in their name—leads to this goal: reducing your daily calorie intake.

Nuts are tasty, satisfying, high-fat and protein products which contain a lot of fiber and vitamins! They can be your "vent" on the diet, thanks to which you can fill the micronutrient basket without offending taste buds!

But there are nuts for removing fat - this is some kind of game from the public “40kg”, this is simply technically impossible: not a single product has a similar effect, because. fat is removed from the body by muscle mitochondria, in which it burns ().

What do they eat

So, which nuts are the healthiest and best for dieters - an overview of the most popular nuts:


    It is not simple great treat, but also an unconditional help to your health. These nuts help with anemia, diseases, heart disease, dermatitis, colds. In addition, walnut has a calming effect and is indicated for insomnia and nervous disorders.

    A walnut is needed for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as during the recovery period after surgery. Has a beneficial effect on immune system organism.


    Many consider this fruit useless, but this is not at all the case. Peanut promotes cell growth and renewal. It is used as a choleretic agent. In addition, it increases potency and has a great effect on libido. It also improves memory, the ability to concentrate, is indicated for insomnia and fatigue.


    Almonds are useful for hypertension, obesity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, asthma, pleurisy, heartburn. Moreover, sweet almond recommend to all persons who have reached the age of thirty, as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis with elevated level cholesterol.

    Bitter almonds are indicated for use as a prophylactic in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, as well as in the treatment of certain diseases. genitourinary system among women.


    Hazelnuts are pure protein. It is indicated for diabetes, anemia, chronic fatigue, phlebitis and prostate enlargement, arterial hypertension.

    Cashew nuts

    Cashew is a delicious sweet slightly curved fruit that perfectly strengthens the immune system, in addition, cashew normalizes metabolic processes in the body, is indicated for anemia, psoriasis and heart disease.


    This little greenish nut is capable of help during periods of great physical and mental stress, as it activates the work of the brain and at the same time has a tonic and restorative effect on the entire body. Pistachios are useful for people suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, arrhythmia and thrombophlebitis.

How much per day?

The main thing to always remember is that nuts are a delicious, but high-calorie food. Of course, per day, you can eat as many nuts as fit into your diet. But still try to use them in adequate portions.

Visual portions with KBJU

At 20 gr. nuts, depending on the variety, contain 110-150 calories. In order not to have to measure the number of nuts on the scales that can be eaten without harm per day, we list the most popular varieties of nuts and their content in one handful. How many nucleoli fit in the cherished 20 grams?

  1. almonds - 20 pcs.;
  2. pine nuts - 150 pcs.;
  3. peeled pistachios - 40 pcs.;
  4. walnut - 10 pcs.;
  5. brazil nuts - 8 pcs.;
  6. pecan - 18 pcs.;
  7. cashews - 18 pcs.

Any nuts bring real benefit, but only when used in fresh. Candied or salted nuts are not as healthy. They are good to add to soups, casseroles and salads.


Very often we hear from people - I can’t lose weight, I don’t have sweets at all, only nuts and dried fruits. Stop! They are easy to deal with! Often they are used uncontrollably, and then it is not clear where the gain comes from.

Look, you can take nuts from a jar like this:

Let's weigh: 29 grams of weight and 14 grams of fat. But you can draw in another way, from the heart:


And please: scooped up with all the proletarian generosity - received 293 kcal and 26 gr. fat. And if there are not one, but two or three such handfuls a day, at work at the computer? You won’t fit into any KBJU!

So if there is no scale, learn to control yourself (and not go for the supplement).

Average 5 almonds- it 6 gr.(37 kcal, BJU 1/3/1)

25 almonds30 gr(183 kcal, BJU 6/16/4)

18 nuts20 gr.(122 kcal, BJU 4/11/3)

22 nuts25 gr.(152 kcal, BJU 5/13/3)


1 heaping tablespoon10 gr.(67 kcal, BJU 1/7/1)


28 nuts25 gr.(157 kcal, BJU 4/15/4)

The most valuable acquisition of mankind can be called nuts, which have large nutritional properties and providing great benefit the human body. Each nut, and today they are presented in a wide range, good in its own way, but most often they contain a large amount vegetable fats and squirrel. In this regard, those who care about their figure and do not accept extra pounds, the question often arises, how many calories are in nuts, but it is definitely difficult to answer it, because it depends, first of all, on the type of nut and the form in which you are used to consuming them.

Composition, useful properties and calorie content of nuts

Not so long ago, we did not have the opportunity to buy one or another type of nut, and the choice was limited, as a rule, to walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts. Today the situation has changed and often eyes run wide from the variety of nuts offered by trading establishments. Speaking of the calorie content of a particular nut, it is worth starting with studying the composition of the nut and the presence of useful substances in them, and this cannot be taken away from most nuts.

In any case, all nuts are appreciated great content vegetable fats, mainly well-digestible proteins and fiber, which normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Nuts also contain a large amount of vitamins, amino acids and useful minerals that favorably affect the functioning of the vital systems of the human body, they improve heart function, normalize brain activity and remove harmful substances from the body.

The benefits and calorie content of walnuts

One of the most popular nuts that grow well in many regions of Russia and in European countries is the walnut, which contributes to the normalization blood pressure and increasing the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. It is recommended for pregnant women and children who are sick after surgery, and it remains only to answer the question of how many calories are in walnuts, and this is not the most low calorie food, as it turned out. The calorie content of walnuts is 650 kcal per 100 grams of the product, which means that its excess can lead to unnecessary kilograms.

The benefits and calorie content of pine nuts

The people of Siberia and Far East the taste of pine nuts is well known, although recently it has not been difficult to buy them. These small nuts, however, are of great benefit to the body, as they contain a large amount of amino acids and iodine. The answer to the question of how many calories are in pine nuts also makes you be more careful with them - this is about 630 kcal per 100 grams.

Useful properties and calorie content of hazelnuts

Hazelnut, or hazelnut, is one of the most common nuts that can be found in many regions of Russia and in other countries of Europe and Asia. With the help of hazelnuts you can treat cardiovascular diseases, it contains many vitamins and minerals, naturally I would like to know how many calories are in hazelnuts, and this is over 700 kcal per 100 grams.

Calorie content of almonds, cashews and pecans

You can talk about the calorie content of nuts, but to fully understand the situation, it is enough to consider how many calories are in cashew nuts, find out the calorie content of almonds and compare these numbers with how many calories are in pecans - and these nuts are the most common today. Answering the question of how many calories are in almonds is not easy, as they come in several varieties, including sweet almonds, which contain 650 calories per 100 grams. Calorie content of cashew nuts great taste, is 640-650 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Nuts are good without additives, but nuts with honey deserve special attention, which have a great healing effect, but the answer to the question of how many calories are in nuts with honey will make many think. Yes, calories walnut with honey is 425 kcal per 100 grams, but there are nuts that are much more high-calorie, and the nut calorie table will help you learn more about this:

Nut Kcal/100 gr.
dried peanuts611
Brazilian nut565
Roasted chestnut182
fresh chestnut166
Pine nuts629
Pine nuts (cake)432
Cashew nuts643
Cashew fried572
Cocktail nuts and dried fruits483
Almond sweet645
almond petals650
mustard seeds474
Flax seeds534
sunflower seeds578
pumpkin seeds556