Almonds, what is valued for, how to distinguish bitter from sweet. Bitter almonds: useful properties and contraindications

27.08.2019 Lenten dishes

Almonds or almonds- this is a bone, It is considered a valuable product and delicacy. According to the classification, it belongs to the genus plum, which also include peach, cherry, homemade plum, apricot.

Almonds are found in chocolate and sweets. It imparts a delicate flavor to liqueurs.

Almonds contain a large number of useful monounsaturated fats that remove cholesterol, B vitamins contribute to the structure, renewal and vital activity of cells, delaying the aging of the body. Vitamin E also promotes rejuvenation. The minerals in almonds are dominated by magnesium, silicon, phosphorus and calcium, which are the driving force behind the cardiovascular system.

Almond varieties

Almonds come in several varieties:

By taste distinguish between sweet and bitter almonds.

According to the degree of fragility, fragile almonds are distinguished. The kernels of this variety are sweet, their peel is very thin.

Almonds are also distinguished by skin thickness- it is divided into:

  • dense almond varieties
  • thick-skinned almond varieties
  • soft-skinned almond varieties
  • papery almond varieties
  • Sweet almond

    The sweet almond variety is the most popular, it is oval and oily and can be bought in stores, it is consumed both fresh and fried.

    Sweet almonds are grown in Spain, California and Jordan.

    The benefits of almonds

    Among the useful properties of almonds, a high content of microelements vital to the human body is known: potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese.

    Benefits of sweet almonds

    Sweet almonds are rich in fiber, proteins, so it improves digestion.

    It is useful for pregnant women, very useful for good brain function. Stops brain degradation in old age.

    Sweet almonds help break down fats and remove them from the body.

    The harm of sweet almonds

    The harm from sweet almonds can be felt when consumed in large quantities.

    People with a weakened stomach when overeating may experience, for example, prolonged digestion or an allergic reaction.

    Excessive consumption of almonds can contribute to the appearance of unnecessary fat, as its 609 kcal.

    Almond composition

    Almonds contain protein, fatty oils and dietary fiber. It contains many vitamins. Especially high in vitamin E, which protects the cells of the body from aging. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is involved in metabolism, providing the body with energy, strengthens the immune system. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a part of many enzymes, it is necessary in the synthesis of hemoglobin. B6 vitamin (pyridoxine) improves the functioning of the nervous system, is involved in hematopoiesis. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) lowers blood cholesterol levels, thereby preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases, improves liver function.

    Bitter almonds

    Bitter almonds is the fruit of the Rosaceae tree. V bitter almonds contains a lot of the glycoside amygdalin, which makes it bitter, gives the characteristic smell of almonds and is very poisonous. During the fermentation of amygdalin glycoside from almonds in the stomach, a deadly poison is formed - hydrocyanic acid (cyanide).

    Bitter almond fruit

    The seed of the bitter almond is enclosed in a hard capsule, which is covered with a leathery, slightly fluffy shell. Outwardly, bitter and sweet almonds are very similar, and bitter almonds are often smaller in size than sweet ones.

    Due to the fact that bitter almonds contain a lot of amygdalin glycoside, it has a stronger almond aroma than sweet almonds, so if the nut smells strongly of almonds, it is poisonous.

    Amygdalin glycoside in almonds

    Amygdalin gencibioside mandelic acid nitrile glycoside is found in the seeds of many plants of the genus plum and gives them a bitter taste.

    Some seeds and seeds of fruits and berries contain amygdalin glycoside. Its presence betrays a characteristic bitterness with an almond flavor. During the hydrolysis of amygdalin (or fermentation in the stomach), a strong poison is released - hydrocyanic acid... Hydrocyanic acid appears in jams, compotes, and tinctures of pitted fruits. In the bound state, it is harmless, but when stored, it turns into a soluble form and causes poisoning. In the kernels of bitter almonds, amygdalin glycoside contains:

  • up to 2.5 up to 3
  • plums - 0.96
  • cherries - 0.82
  • apple seeds - 0.6%
  • Composition and useful properties of bitter almonds

    The beneficial properties of bitter almonds are almost the same as those of sweet almonds, since they are very similar in composition. But, due to the high content of dangerous amygdalin, bitter almonds cannot be consumed fresh.

    Bitter almonds contain many:

  • vitamins (B, E)
  • various minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and many others)
  • vegetable proteins (up to 30%)
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially oleic and linoleic)
  • Almond oil

    Almond oil is used in food, perfumery and pharmaceutical industries.

    Almond oil regulates the water and lipid balance of the skin, stimulates the process of cell regeneration. Almond oil is used as a base for medicinal and cosmetic ointments that soften the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as an effective remedy for the treatment of pressure ulcers in patients.

    Almond oil nourishes hair, increases its flexibility, elasticity and shine, strengthens both dry and oily hair, accelerates its growth.

    Bitter almond oil

    Essential almond is obtained only from the bitter variety of almond. The oil is a clear liquid with a pronounced marzipan odor. Almond oil is considered effective:

  • pain relievers
  • antispasmodic
  • antihelminthic agent:
  • However, due to amygdalin, it is not recommended to use bitter almond essential oil at home.

    The use of bitter almonds in cooking

    Due to the bitter taste of almonds (a bitter variety) and its toxic properties, it is rarely used in cooking.

    Neutralizing the poisonous properties of bitter almonds

    Bitter almonds contain about 4% amygdalin (a dangerous amount). However, amygdalin is dangerous only when it is fermented in the intestine (under the influence of emulsin, which it also contains) and poisonous hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyte are obtained from it. During heat treatment, these enzymes are destroyed, the amygdalin becomes neutral, and no poisons are formed.

    Therefore, after thermal processes, bitter almonds become safe and can be eaten. But, it tastes very bitter.

    Heat treatment of bitter almonds to destroy enzymes:

  • roasting
  • calcination
  • boiling
  • baking
  • High temperatures break down enzymes (including emulsin), and amygdalin becomes safe. Therefore, roasted bitter almonds can be added to any food to add almond flavor and aroma. Or there are toasted nuts.

    Roasted almonds

    Roasted almonds have almost the same properties as raw almonds. However, when roasting in almonds, the concentration of B vitamins, vitamin E.

    The advantage of roasted almonds is that they are easier to digest.

    Bitter almonds are used only after heat treatment.

    Application of bitter almonds

    Bitter almonds are mainly used to make almond oil. In turn, almond oil is used in the production of soaps, creams, hair balms, in medicine, in the pharmaceutical industry.

    The benefits and treatment of bitter almonds

    Bitter almonds have been used to treat many diseases. For example, they treated noise and ear pain. We washed our hair with bitter almonds and wine to get rid of dandruff and calm an agitated mind, and cured urticaria.

    It was believed that if you eat 5 pieces of bitter almonds before drinking alcohol, you will not get drunk.

    Bitter almonds mixed with cornstarch were treated with:

  • coughing
  • asthma
  • pleurisy
  • A drink made from a decoction of violet root with the addition of bitter almond oil crushes and removes stones from the kidneys and bladder.

    When applied externally, bitter almonds, pounded with honey, heals trophic ulcers and herpes, and with vinegar (or wine) - lichen.

    In treatment, bitter almonds are considered more effective than sweet almonds. But, because of its toxicity, it must be used carefully.

    Harm and contraindications of bitter almonds

    The harm of bitter almonds is associated with the presence of amygdalin in its composition, which, after fermentation with the enzyme emulsin (contained in it), decomposes into sugar, benzaldehyde (a toxic substance) and extremely poisonous cyanide (hydrocyanic acid). Fermentation with the release of hydrocyanic acid occurs in the digestive tract.

    10 nuts of bitter almonds can kill a child, 50 nuts can kill an adult.

    The bitter almond variety is so bitter that it is not eaten in such quantities.

    The harm of almond oil

    Both whole bitter almonds and the aromatic oil obtained from it by the method of cold pressing, where amygdalin is also present, are poisonous.

    Nutritional value of almonds, calorie content

    Almonds are high in calories, so eating them too much can lead to weight gain. But. Thanks to its components, it is included in the nut diet for weight loss.

    The calorie content of almonds is large - 609 kcal.

  • Mono- and disaccharides contain about 6 g
  • Saturated fatty acids contain about 5 g
  • Ash contains about 3.7 g
  • Starch contains about 7 g
  • Water contains about 4 g
  • Dietary fiber contains about 7 g
  • Vitamin B4 (choline) at 52.1 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) at 6.2 mg
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) 24.6 mg
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 1.5 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 40 mcg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) in the amount of 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in the amount of 0.65 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) at 0.25 mg
  • Vitamin A (retinol equivalent) at 3 mcg
  • Beta-carotene at 0.02 mg
  • Fluoride in the amount of 91 μg
  • Selenium at 2.5 mcg
  • Manganese 1.92 mg
  • Copper in the amount of 140 mcg
  • Iodine in the amount of 2 mcg
  • Zinc in the amount of 2.12 mg
  • Iron in the amount of 4.2 mg
  • Sulfur in the amount of 178 mg
  • Chlorine in the amount of 39 mg
  • Phosphorus in the amount of 473 mg
  • Potassium in the amount of 748 mg
  • Sodium in the amount of 10 mg
  • Magnesium in the amount of 234 mg
  • Calcium in the amount of 273 mg
  • Almond plant

    Almonds are often called the healthiest nut, but they are really hard stone fruits. Almonds grow in the form of a bush or a beautiful tree with reddish twigs during flowering. The branches of the almond tree are covered with white-pink flowers with a delicate aroma.

    The largest producers of almonds in the USA, Quite, Mediterranean countries. In culture, three varieties of it are used: sweet, bitter and thin-walled.

    The benefits of almonds

    Sweet almonds are used in folk medicine for:

  • anemia
  • bronchial asthma
  • insomnia
  • migraine
  • diabetes mellitus
  • Almonds are useful as an antitussive agent, it was used as an anti-inflammatory for throat ailments. It affects potency, relieves hangovers.

    Benefits of almonds for the liver and spleen

    Almonds normalize the liver and spleen, have a mild choleretic effect. It has anticonvulsant properties, it is prescribed as a laxative, used as a means of increasing appetite. To stimulate appetite, it is advised to consume almond oil on an empty stomach 3 times a day, 3-4 drops.

    The use of almonds for recovery from illness

    Almonds are useful for people recovering from a serious illness. This is both a high-calorie product and a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

    Cleansing the kidneys with almonds

    Some experts point to the beneficial effect of almonds in cleansing the kidneys from small stones.

    Using almonds to calm the nervous system

    Another useful property of almonds is its ability to calm the nervous system, increase its resistance to stress. Regular consumption of small amounts of nuts cures insomnia. It is also believed that almonds stimulate the birth of original creative ideas and give a sense of well-being.

    Almonds can cause allergies

    Almonds are allergenic. For some people, almonds are an active allergen. Allergic action can be expressed in the following symptoms:

  • labored breathing
  • swelling of the mouth and larynx
  • Such cases happen abruptly, however, children should not be given a lot of almonds.

    Almonds are contraindicated in case of heart rhythm disturbances

    Storing almonds: how to store, where to store?

    Almonds contain a lot of rancid oils and should not be stored in an open container. At home, it should be kept tightly closed, in a dry and cool place, out of direct sunlight. For example, in the refrigerator, it will retain its fresh appearance for a long time.

    Using almond meal

    The cake remaining after the extraction of almond oil is used for making halva or as food for pets.

    Application of almond seed shells

    The almond seed shell does not disappear - it serves as a raw material for the manufacture of activated carbon. It is used as a flavoring and coloring agent for cognacs and liqueurs.

    Rules for the use of almonds

    Almond kernels are eaten fresh, salted or fried, used in confectionery, as an additive to ice cream and yogurt. Salted and roasted sweet almonds are considered the best snack for cocktails and beer in most countries of the world. Almonds are usually sold in a hard peel, which reliably protects the "nut". It is useful to know a simple secret of how to quickly peel almonds from the shell.

    The use of almonds in cooking

    Bitter almonds have a characteristic pronounced smell and a brighter taste, therefore they are widely used in cooking. Bitter almonds are used in small quantities in a variety of dishes, which want to give a characteristic almond aroma and flavor.

    Sweet almonds are used in oriental cuisine to make sauces. In Chinese and Indonesian cuisines, walnuts are added to rice, salads, meat and poultry. In India, it is fried along with other spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger) and mixed with yogurt.

    Almond milk

    Almond milk is made from raw sweet nuts. It has a mild nutty taste and is cholesterol free.

    It contains a lot of magnesium and vitamin E, it contains phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium and zinc, manganese, many B vitamins.

    Almond milk is on a par with soy and coconut milk, it can be added to coffee, used for baking, for making creams and mousses, cereals.

    Almond milk is used on fasting days, for making cocktails with oatmeal, bran, fresh fruit and syrups.

    Milk has a diuretic effect, so it has a beneficial effect on the kidneys.

    You can prepare milk yourself. For the night, you need to soak the nuts in water to swell, then scroll in a blender and strain through thick gauze. The remaining cake can also be used.

    How Do I Pick a Good Almond?

    It is better to buy almonds unpeeled in the shell. The shell should be whole, without rusty deposits, without mold, the fruits should be selected in color, uniform, similar in shape. The smell of harosh almonds should be pleasant, with a touch of freshness.

    Choose almonds in sealed bags.

    Almond diets

    Despite the high calorie content of almonds, it is used in weight loss diets.

    100 grams of almonds a day can satisfy your hunger. At the same time, a person can feel good throughout the day, since nuts have a low glycemic index. At the same time, the blood sugar rate increases slightly. Consistent sugar levels make you feel full.

    Almond treatment

    Almonds are used to treat external and internal diseases: asthma, migraine, anemia, loss of sensitivity of the upper and lower extremities, in the prevention of malignant tumors.

    Emulsions from almonds for diseases of the digestive tract: relieve pain, relieve constipation, envelop the mucous membrane, protecting it from irritation.

    Bitter almonds are used in homeopathic remedies for the treatment of diphtheria, ear disease, asthma, dry cough. Bitter almond drops are used in a small dosage (7 drops each) against flatulence and to improve appetite.

    Almonds for the treatment and prevention of diabetes

    Almonds normalize and reduce blood sugar levels, therefore it is recommended to use it for type 2 diabetes mellitus, for patients in a pre-diabetic state and for the prevention of diabetes. Almonds lower cholesterol levels.

    Almonds contain many beneficial mineral salts that are needed by pregnant women. It is recommended for magnesium replenishment. Magnesium relieves muscle tension and prevents cramps. 30 grams of almonds contain 80 mg of magnesium per day. Vitamin E contributes to the normal bearing of the fetus. Nut grains prevent constipation.

    Due to their content of beneficial elements, almonds are beneficial for breastfeeding.

    Almonds are used to prevent cancer

    Almonds are used for the prevention of malignant tumors, as they are rich in antioxidants that protect against cancer, and contain vitamin E, which protects the cells of the body from degeneration.

    Almonds help to repair already damaged cells.

    Almond fibers cleanse the toxins in the colon that lead to inflammation in the colon and the formation of colon cancer.

    Folate also protects against cervical cancer.

    Almonds are good for the brain

    When the brain is congested, almonds stimulate its activity, for example, during examinations.

    Almonds are the leader among nuts. It contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that preserves cognitive functions as the body ages, and contains oils and amino acids that stimulate concentration.

    Everyone knows that almonds are delicious nuts. But the fact that it is very useful for the body may come as a surprise to you. Consider if almonds are good for you, when are almonds good for you and when they are bad for you.

    Did you know? The name almond comes from the name of the goddess Amygdala. This young girl blushed easily, so during flowering almonds look like a gentle blush on the cheeks of the Amygdala.

    Chemical composition and nutritional value of almonds

    Almonds are not only tasty, but also healthy. Consider what is in almonds.

    Important! Almonds, in fact, are not considered a nut, since they are closer to peach, plum, apricot. And what we call a nut is a bone. The almond fruit has no pulp. The hazel is hidden in a fragile shell, which is covered with a dark green shell. Almonds can be sweet and bitter. The sweet ones are used in the food industry, and the bitter ones are used in the perfumery industry.

    Almonds contain B vitamins (thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folacin (B9)) and vitamin E. It contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and all trace elements necessary for the human body. Essential oils give the almond aroma, which are also included in its composition.

    Almonds are high-calorie foods. Its cores contain water - 4%, fatty oil - up to 50%, protein - about 21%, carbohydrates - about 22%, vitamins, mucus, dyes, essential oil - 0.5%. Energy value per 100 g of product is 576 kcal (2408 kJ).

    Almond properties

    Almonds are the raw material for almond oil and seeds.

    Useful properties of almonds

    Almonds have many health benefits. It has a positive effect on blood lipids and the antioxidant content of vitamin E in the blood. Almonds are a powerful source of protein and contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. It enhances immunity, cleanses internal organs, strengthens vision, and has a beneficial effect on all body systems.

    It is used to prevent cancer and gastrointestinal diseases. Almonds are a potent aphrodisiac that enhances sperm production and improves sperm quality.

    It has a laxative and diuretic effect on the body. Almond seed shells can be used to make activated charcoal.

    Harm and contraindications to its use

    Like any product that is beneficial, in some cases it can also be harmful, so the use of almonds should be dosed. Consider why you can't eat a lot of almonds.

    At first, remember that only sweet almonds are used in food. Secondly, allergy sufferers need to use it carefully. Individual intolerance does not happen often, but it should not be discounted. Thirdly It is not recommended for obese people to consume almonds as a high-calorie product.

    Almonds should be used with caution for people with heart disease.

    It should be remembered that bitter almond seeds are poisonous due to the content of amygdalin glycoside in them. As a result of the breakdown of this chemical, hydrocyanic acid is released, which has a negative effect on the nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular systems.

    Did you know? Hydrocyanic acid was used by the Nazis during World War II to kill people in concentration camps. Death from it occurs within 5-15 minutes.

    Eating almonds during pregnancy

    By consuming almond nuts during pregnancy, you need to know for sure that they will benefit and not harm the newborn. Since almonds contain a large amount of folic acid, which contributes to the normal development of the fetus, the usefulness of its use by pregnant women becomes obvious.

    Also valuable for the development of the baby is the content of a special protein, which is necessary for the formation of human tissues. If there is a lag in fetal growth, then almonds can be prescribed as a dietary supplement to eliminate this problem.

    The content of vitamin E in almonds is very valuable for the body of the expectant mother. If a pregnant woman eats 10-15 almond kernels every day, this will provide her body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, and the development of the baby will be full. Also, the use of almonds during pregnancy has a good effect on digestion and helps to cope with insomnia.

    Almond oil should be used to prevent stretch marks on the body during pregnancy and to massage back pain and swelling of the legs.

    Eating almonds at such a crucial period of her life, the expectant mother should know what is good for food only sweet almonds. It should not be forgotten that unripe almonds can lead to food poisoning. Almonds, like any nut, are among the foods that can cause allergies. Therefore, watch the reaction of your body and do not consume it in too large portions.

    Since this valuable product is high in calories, it is better for pregnant women who gain weight too intensively to stop eating almonds. It is also worth giving up the use of expectant mothers who have a frequent heartbeat, kidney disease or gallbladder disease.

    Important! When choosing almonds in the supermarket, know that it is better to buy them in their shells. Fresh almonds will have a pleasant nutty smell and the same kernel color. Store almonds in a cool place in a closed dark container or freezer. Due to the presence of essential oils, almonds can turn rancid if stored improperly.

    Application of almonds

    Due to its benefits, almonds are widely used in medicine, cosmetology, food and perfumery industries. The most widely used is almond oil. It is made by cold pressing almond kernels. For medicinal purposes, both the oil itself and in conjunction with other medicinal components are used.

    The use of almonds in medicine

    The beneficial properties of bitter almonds have been used since ancient times in folk medicine. For this they took fruits, leaves, root bark and almond seeds.

    Plant fruits in crushed form they were used for coughs, asthmatic attacks, pleurisy. Almond infusion was taken with poor eyesight. External use was used as an antiseptic and as a wound healing agent. Eating seeds recommended for anemia, headaches, leg cramps.

    Like many oils, almond oil is versatile to use. It is much more effective than olive oil in lowering cholesterol levels. It is able to reduce the acidity of the stomach, has a laxative effect, heals wounds, burns, is used for pain in the ears.

    Almond oil has analgesic, soothing, anti-inflammatory and emollient effects. For ulcers and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity, it is recommended to take almond oil half a spoonful 3 times a day for 3 months.

    For the treatment of the respiratory system, it is necessary to apply 10 drops 3 times a day. The oil has an analgesic effect on sports injuries and sprains. In such cases, compresses are used.

    The use of almonds in the perfume industry

    In addition to the usefulness of almonds, its seductive aroma is used in the perfumery industry. Essential oil is best suited for this.

    Be aware that whole bitter almond kernels do not smell. After cutting, they acquire a specific aroma thanks to benzaldehyde. When creating perfume compositions, perfumers add almond aroma and thereby create a special refined aristocratic scent.

    After cleaning from amygdalin, almond oil is used to make elite soaps.

    Did you know? Almonds were cultivated in Western and Central Asia as early as 4 thousand years BC. NS.

    The use of almonds in the food industry

    Almond nuts are widely used for the preparation of sweets and various confectionery desserts, their benefits and excellent taste are beyond doubt. Roasted nuts can be used with beer. Dried almonds ranks first in comparison with other nuts for its taste.

    Whole Roasted Almonds is the most expensive and valuable. It is used for making sweets, chocolate bars, as a decoration on confectionery. Chocolate coated almonds are very tasty.

    Crushed toasted almonds can be used in the manufacture of pastries, cakes, cookies, as an additive in jams, butter, pasta, ketchup. It is widely used in the dairy industry, adding to ice cream, cheese mass.

    Almond flour used for the preparation of pastes, as an additive in icing and dough. This gives the confectionery a great taste and smell of almond.

    In the production of cognac, wines, liqueurs, they use almond shell... It improves the color and aroma of the drinks.

    cooked in northern Spain and called horchata. In France, mixing it with orange water produces a drink called horchada. Almond milk was used to make the delicious blancmange dessert.

    The most famous dishes in Europe with the addition of almonds are marzipan and praline. Is a mixture of ground almonds with sugar syrup, and praline Is ground almonds fried in sugar.

    The use of almonds in cosmetology

    The benefits of almond oil are great not only in cooking, almonds are widely used in cosmetology as well. It is easily absorbed into the skin and mucous membranes, is suitable for any skin regardless of age and type and has no contraindications. It is added to cosmetics for the face, hair and the whole body.

    When using almond oil, you should know that it does not moisturize the skin, but helps to block moisture. Therefore, it must be applied to damp skin.

    The oil acts in its own way for each type of skin. It has a regenerating effect on flabby and dry skin, a regenerating and moisturizing effect on mature and dry skin, an antiseptic effect on oily skin, a velvety and uniformity effect on sensitive and vascular skin. After applying the oil, the skin becomes firm and wrinkles are smoothed out.

    Almond oil is an excellent product for the care of hands, nails, eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. It stimulates their growth and shine. It is often used as a makeup remover and massage.

    Almonds are a member of the Rosaceae family of trees. The pronounced smell and bitterness in the nut is manifested from the presence of the glycoside amygdalin. After being digested in the stomach, the substance turns into a strong poison - hydrocyanic acid, which belongs to the category of cyanides. Bitter almonds useful properties and contraindications are almost the same as sweet, so you need to use the product carefully.

    A bit of history

    The legendary Silk Road helped the almond reach the Mediterranean coast. And in the 18th century, thanks to the Franciscans, the exotic product came to the United States. Currently, the state of California is the main supplier of quality almonds.


    During the Great Patriotic War, this plant became the embodiment of resistance. On the Malakhov Kurgan, where there was not even a meter of unexploded earth, almonds survived. The tree, the only one that remained intact, was cut by bullets and shrapnel, with broken branches and could hardly stand on the root. And yet it survived. For many decades in a row, every spring it blooms magnificently, giving a generous harvest.

    Currently, almonds have taken a fancy to the mountains of the Tien Shan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, northern Iran. In Crimea, mainly sweet varieties of nuts are grown. In Slovakia, it is planted mixed with grapes. Both grapes and almonds benefit from this neighborhood. The tree protects the vine from the winds and the hot sun.

    Outwardly, it is almost impossible to distinguish a bitter variety from a sweet one. However, it possesses a fluffy, leathery drupe, under which is an oblong core. Bitter almonds differ from sweet almonds in size - they will be smaller.

    Due to the amygdalin glycoside, the nut fruit has a rich smell, which is why almonds are bitter. The shell of bitter almonds must be broken with a hammer; in sweet varieties, it is softer.

    There are no significant differences between sweet and bitter almonds. The high amygdalin content makes the bitter variety inedible and dangerous. Despite this disadvantage, the kernel of the nut contains many useful substances:

    • vitamins B, E;
    • component B17;
    • calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc;
    • vegetable proteins;
    • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

    Among all existing nuts, bitter almonds rank first in terms of the amount of bioactive components contained. In addition to the useful composition, it is from this variety of nuts that almond oil is made.

    It has a bright marzipan aroma and is a strong analgesic, antihelminthic, antispasmodic agent.

    Bitter almonds, which are widely used in many areas of medicine and cosmetology, still remain a dangerous product.

    Composition and useful properties

    The beneficial properties of bitter almonds are in many ways similar to those of sweet almonds, since they are very similar in composition. However, due to the high content of amygdalin, bitter almonds should not be consumed fresh.

    Despite this, this fruit is also good for the body. It is extremely rich in vitamins (B, E), various minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and many others), plant proteins (up to 30%) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially oleic and linoleic). In general, in terms of the total content of bioactive components, bitter almonds reliably hold the 1st place among nuts.

    In addition, essential almond oil is obtained only from the bitter variety of almond, which is a clear liquid with a pronounced marzipan odor and is considered an effective analgesic, antispasmodic and anthelmintic agent. However, due to amygdalin, it is not recommended to use bitter almond essential oil at home.

    But despite the fact that almonds are harmful in large quantities, you should not be prejudiced against them. It has many useful qualities:

    • Almond milk smoothes out wrinkles on the face, leaving it smooth and firm.
    • Selected quality fat (almond oil) is used for massage.
    • Infusion of bitter almond kernels effectively removes freckles, age spots.
    • The kernel contains a lot of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins B, E and PP.
    • Contains potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium.
    • Bitter almonds are an excellent cancer prevention agent.
    • Raw nuts improve the digestive tract and strengthen the circulatory system.
    • Almond relieves migraine, tachycardia, fights insomnia.
    • Almonds combined with wine will relieve dandruff from the scalp.
    • Pounded nut treats cough, asthmatic attacks, pleurisy.
    • In addition, bitter almond extract can fight stretch marks and cellulite. A few kernels a day will make hair thick, eyelashes fluffy, teeth and nails strong. Bitter almonds will prolong and preserve their beauty and youth for many years.
    • Women who consume several almond kernels during menopause easily and painlessly tolerate this unpleasant condition.
    • Bitter almond oil gently and well removes makeup, and during a massage makes the skin velvety and smooth.

    Medicine and Pharmacology

    In this area, bitter almonds are far superior to sweet almonds. Shells, kernels, leaves, root bark have healing properties. In addition to decorative qualities, the beneficial properties of the plant have been known for a long time.

    Leaves are harvested at the end of flowering, fruits - in autumn when ripe, when the pericarp cracks. The kernels are dried after peeling. A fatty aromatic oil is obtained from them. It is added to injection solutions, ointments and emulsions. Doctors identify the following beneficial properties:

    • pain relievers;
    • narcotic;
    • laxatives;
    • sleeping pills;
    • antispasmodic;
    • vasodilators;
    • anti-cold;
    • antihistamines.

    The almond fruit is a prophylactic anti-cancer agent, in some cases helping to fight tumors. Thanks to vitamin B17, which breaks down into sugar, cyanide and benzaldehyde, it attaches to cancer cells and destroys them.

    It also acts as a remedy to relieve severe pain and improve metabolism. But the healing power of the fruit depends on the dosage. For the prevention of tumors, take 1-2 tonsils a day. Even a small overdose can cause irreparable harm.

    Bitter almonds are used in homeopathy for the treatment of respiratory organs in asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, diphtheria. With long-term treatment, they have a tonic, bile and diuretic effect.

    Preparations based on bitter almonds help with anemia, neurosis, hypertension, skin diseases, tachycardia. It is taken for exhaustion, irritability, insomnia. It is useful for people after a protracted illness due to the powerful content of vitamins and minerals that can quickly restore lost strength. In complex treatment, it is used for psychosomatic disorders.

    During menopause, it is prescribed to men and women. Almond kernels inhibit the production of gastric juice, which contributes to the effective treatment of stomach ulcers.

    A few drops of oil relieves bloating, reduces flatulence, normalizes bowel function, and improves appetite. It removes radionuclides, helps to endure the effects of radiation sickness. Absorbent carbon is made from the walnut peel.

    • Bitter almonds mixed with cornstarch are used to treat lingering coughs, pleurisy, asthma.
    • Mixed with honey, it is used as a wound-healing antiseptic in the treatment of trophic ulcers, herpes, and wounds.
    • Ground nuts relieve leg cramps, headaches, relieve anemia.
    • Eating unpeeled almonds can improve bowel function, relieve constipation, and pain when urinating.
    • Almond oil with the addition of violet root cleanses the kidneys and bladder of stones.
    • When the ligaments are stretched, the formation of bedsores, diaper rash, it is rubbed into the skin with light massage movements. The skin softens, blood circulation and metabolic processes are improved. Reduces pain, swelling and hardening.
    • A good shampoo is a mixture of almond oil and wine. It helps to get rid of dandruff and improve hair structure.
    • 5 pieces. nuts eaten before the feast will not allow alcoholic intoxication.
    • Healing tincture is prepared from the almond shell. It strengthens vision, improves the condition of the liver and maintains the elasticity of blood vessels. From 100 g of nuts, the shell is removed, 0.5 l is poured. alcohol. Incubate for two weeks in a dark place. Shake occasionally. When the infusion is prepared, it is drunk 15 drops before meals.
    • In the treatment of baldness, gruel from ground nuts is rubbed into the head. It is also used to get rid of furunculosis, applying it in the form of a compress to the diseased area of ​​the body until recovery.

    Cooking use

    Because of the bitter taste and toxicity, the use of bitter almonds in cooking is not as common as the use of sweet almonds.

    But there is one important detail here. Bitter almonds do contain an increased amount of amygdalin (about 4%).

    However, this substance itself is not harmful. Hydrocyanic acid, as well as benzaldehyte, which is not harmless to the human body, are released from the nut only after its fermentation with emulsin, which is also contained in almonds.

    Heat treatment destroys enzymes, making the amygdalin neutral and no poisons are formed. That is why after any thermal processes (frying, roasting, boiling, baking), bitter almonds become absolutely safe for the body, and can be safely eaten. True, it tastes very bitter.

    However, bitter almonds still have one culinary advantage over sweets: a pronounced smell. And his taste is also bright. Therefore, in small quantities, bitter almonds are added to a variety of dishes, which they want to give a characteristic almond aroma and flavor.

    People already knew about the benefits of bitter almonds in ancient times and used it to treat many diseases.

    Thus, the famous Persian scientist and healer Avicenna (Ibn Sina) recommended using pounded bitter almonds or oil from it to treat noise and pain in the ears.

    Shampooing with bitter almonds mixed with wine can help get rid of dandruff and calm an overexcited mind. This same mixture effectively treats hives.

    If you eat 5 pieces of fresh bitter almonds before drinking alcohol, you will not get drunk.

    Severe coughs, asthma, and pleurisy will help heal chopped bitter almonds mixed with cornstarch.

    A drink made from a decoction of violet root with the addition of a few drops of bitter almond oil will crush and remove stones from the kidneys and bladder.

    When applied externally, bitter almonds, pounded with honey, heals trophic ulcers and herpes, and with vinegar (or wine) - lichen.

    In general, bitter almonds are considered more effective than sweet almonds in treatment. But, for obvious reasons, you need to use it very carefully.

    Almonds are widely used in medicine, experts highlight its main qualities:

    • almonds relieve pain and act as a cold remedy;
    • with the help of a nut, eyesight can be strengthened;
    • regular use of the product improves brain activity and heart function;
    • almonds are an effective remedy in the fight against worms;
    • with the help of the nut, the functions of the respiratory tract are restored.

    Bitter almond cancer treatment is also possible, it will act as a preventive measure. This ability lies in the content of vitamin B17. The substance has rather contradictory properties, because during decomposition it is divided into molecules of sugar, cyanide, benzenedehyde.

    Without violating the integrity of cells and the general condition of the body, the vitamin clings to malignant tissues and destroys them. It is able to act as a pain reliever and improve metabolism, but in case of an overdose it turns into a strong poison.

    As a prophylaxis for cancer, it is necessary to use 2 almond kernels. The daily amount of nuts increases by one until the person reaches 10 tonsils.

    Eating bitter almonds alone will not be enough to cure cancer. It is necessary to treat the use of bitter almonds with caution, because by abusing the nut, a person will expose himself to severe poisoning, which without timely medical intervention can be fatal.

    For the treatment of cancer, not only the fruit is used, but also almond oil. It needs to be rubbed into the sites of the tumor. It is excellent for the prevention of skin, nose, and breast cancer.

    The oil can soften the skin, relieve swelling and lymph node lumps. It is impossible to use only almond oil for a long time, the body will begin to get used to it and there will be no therapeutic effect.

    Experts advise alternating almond and camphor oils. It is recommended to use almond oil under the supervision of a doctor, because amygdalin can poison the body even through the skin.

    Cosmetologists all over the world are happy to use all the beneficial properties of almonds to make women more beautiful, more self-confident and prolong their youth.

    Bitter almonds have found application in the field of beauty both in professional products and in home, folk recipes. Almond oil is just perfect for getting thick and long hair in a short time, it will stimulate hair growth and simply heal.

    To restore damaged hair, restore healthy shine and beauty to them, many use aroma combing. Just a few drops of almond oil should be applied to the comb and gently comb each strand from the roots to the ends. The addition of other essential oils in a minimal amount will only speed up the process of hair growth and restoration:

    • for dry hair, cosmetologists recommend mandarin, ylang-ylang, orange, sandalwood oil;
    • for oily hair, it is better to use lemon, cedar, bergamot, cypress oil.

    It should be remembered that oily hair should be combed with oil before shampooing; the nutrient mixture is applied to dry hair after shampooing. Such formulations are often used to create masks and during the wrapping procedure.

    An easy-to-make scrub can help fight dandruff. It will require:

    • bitter almond oil 1 tbsp. l .;
    • 50 g ground almonds;
    • 1 egg yolk.
    1. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then apply on the head, rubbing the mixture for 15 minutes.
    2. After rubbing in the scrub, you need to hold it on your head for another 15 minutes, and then completely rinse off with warm water.

    Despite the benefits and harms of bitter almonds, it is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. For self-use of the product, you must consult a doctor and know how to distinguish bitter almonds from sweet ones.

    There are no special differences in the varieties of almonds, they are used in the same way, you just need to remember simple rules and be happy to strengthen your health with the help of a healthy nut.

    Harm and contraindications

    Almonds can harm the body due to their high calorie content and amygdalin content. For people who are overweight, it is necessary to completely eliminate or limit the intake of bitter almonds.

    After it is consumed and broken down, a fermentation process takes place in the stomach, hydrocyanic acid is released, from an excess of which you can get severe poisoning.

    Not only does the nut contain amygdalin, the oil made from almonds is also rich in this substance. Despite this, the product is still valued in medicine, because it is able to cure many diseases. It is not recommended to use the oil on your own, because there is a risk of poisoning. You should consult your doctor and establish an acceptable daily rate of oil.

    Such conflicting properties are not a reason to completely abandon almonds. During heat treatment, the enzymes and poisons contained in the nut are broken down, and it becomes safe. By frying the almond kernel, it will turn out to protect your body.

    A small tree, especially decorative in its delicate pink bloom. The fruits of almonds are not only of interest to the food industry, but also have a number of beneficial healing properties.

    Ask the experts

    Flower formula

    Bitter almond flower formula: Ч5Л5Т∞П∞.

    In medicine

    In the pharmacopoeia of many countries, the fruits of bitter almonds, almond essential oil and plant-based preparations take their rightful place. Almonds are used in combination with other medications for both prevention and treatment of many diseases.

    Trypsidan Syrup is a phytopreparation that contains extracts and extracts of many plants (bindweed, brahma, embelia, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, etc.), including bitter almond seeds. It has a well-pronounced anxiolytic, sedative, antispasmodic, hypnotic and vasodilating effects, improves blood microcirculation and assimilation of vitamins, increases appetite. The drug normalizes the activity of the nervous system, raises immunity after illness, has an anti-asthenic effect.

    Bitter almonds act as a cardioprotective agent, relaxes muscles, and improves blood flow to the brain. As a result of long-term systematic treatment with bitter almonds, a sedative, tonic and diuretic effect is obtained. The components of this drug help to improve blood circulation, active metabolism, and exhibit antianemic action. The drug is indicated for neuroses, when there are symptoms of irritability, anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, sleep disturbances. Bitter almonds are indicated for menopausal syndrome in men and women. In medical practice, it is used in the complex treatment of psychosomatic disorders at the initial stage of hypertension, migraine, skin diseases, spastic pain from the digestive tract, neurocirculatory dystonia, tachycardia.

    Contraindications and side effects

    If bitter almond oil has no contraindications for use, then the use of the fruits of the plant should be handled carefully. The danger is represented by the glycoside amygdalin in the composition of nuts. When the glycoside breaks down, hydrocyanic acid is released, which in combination with potassium in the body forms the strongest poison - potassium cyanide. As a result, the functionality of the respiratory enzymes of tissues is paralyzed. Cyanides give the fruit a specific almond smell. Eating more than 30-40 grains causes severe intoxication, which can be fatal. Contraindications of bitter almonds especially apply to children who, even with a slight consumption of nuts, can get poisoned.

    In cosmetology

    Almond oil (Oleum Amygdaiarum) is intended for body skin care and is recognized by cosmetologists around the world. The high concentration of oleic acid in the essential oil of bitter almonds causes rapid absorption of the drug into the cells of the epidermis. The oil has a softening and soothing effect on the skin, nourishes it without causing allergic reactions, eliminates flaking, moisturizes and cleanses pores, and is suitable for any type of facial skin.

    Almond oil is considered one of the most powerful natural hair growth stimulants, strengthening hair follicles. By nourishing the hair roots, the oil makes the strands shine and silky.

    In other areas

    In addition to the use of almonds in pharmacology (as a solvent for injectable drugs, sex hormones), bitter almond water is obtained from seed cake. The very same almond cake is called "almond bran" and is used to soften dry skin as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in cosmetic medicine.

    Cold pressed bitter almond oil is considered medicinal. Hot processing (pressing) sweet almond oil after the refining process is used in the food and perfume industries. The oil yield from the seeds of bitter almonds is several times lower than from the fruits of sweet almonds. And yet, speaking of beneficial qualities, bitter oil occupies a special place among medicinal agents.

    The kernels of seeds or nuts of sweet almonds are considered a valuable food product. They are eaten fresh, or fried, used in the preparation of cakes, pastries, marzipans. Bitter almonds are not used in the food industry. Its oil is first purified from amygdalin, then used in soap making.

    Almonds are an excellent honey plant, used in horticulture for rootstock of apricots and peaches. Because of their strong, dense wood, almonds are used in joinery.


    Almond is a shrub or small tree belonging to the subgenus Almond (Amygdalus) of the genus Plum, subfamily Spiraeoideae, family Rosaceae of the order Rosaceae (Rosales).

    Botanical description

    Almonds are a small drought-resistant tree with a height of 2-5 meters. Branches are smooth, red-brown in color, young branches are green in color. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate, petiolate, arranged in bunches on the branches, with a pointed tip. Fruiting of almonds begins at the age of five. Flowering begins in early spring, even before the leaves appear. The flowers are bisexual, pale pink or pure white, solitary, almost sessile and arranged in pairs.

    The formula of the bitter almond flower is CH5L5T ○○ P ○○.

    After flowering, drupes are formed around July. They are oblong, green or brownish-gray, velvety pubescent. The pericarp is leathery, dryish, thin. A single-seeded bone has a strong or fragile shell that looks furrowed.

    The plant is found in two forms, which are distinguishable only by the taste of the seeds: these are sweet almonds (Amygdalus communis L. forma dulcis DC) and bitter almonds (Amygdalus communis L. forma amara DC). Almonds are considered to be long-lived because they can live up to 130 years. Fruiting lasts up to 50 years. The plant reproduces by seeds, root suckers. The tree is not afraid of 25 degrees of frost, but may suffer at the beginning of the growing season, during the flowering period.


    The birthplace of bitter almonds is considered to be Central Asia; this plant was discovered many centuries BC. e, judging by the ancient written sources. Today, almond trees are common in the Mediterranean countries, China, the Western Tien Shan, the Caucasus and the Crimea. Tajikistan is famous for its "city of almonds" - Kanibadam. The plant is grown in warm regions of Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Almond prefers stony and gravelly slopes at an altitude of 800-1600 m above sea level. Prefers soils rich in calcium. Trees grow in small groups, the number of which is 3-4 individuals.

    Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

    Procurement of raw materials

    In medicine, fruits, leaves, root bark, gum and seeds of bitter almonds are used, the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times. The leaves of the plant are usually collected at the end of the flowering period, the fruits - in the fall with the onset of their maturity, and the seeds - when the pericarp of the fruit cracks. The seeds are removed from the rind and dried in the sun. A fatty oil is subsequently obtained from almond seeds. The latter is used as a solvent for the preparation of injection solutions of medicines, as well as as a base in emulsions and ointments.

    Chemical composition

    The dry seeds contain fatty oil (about 50%), 20% proteins, glucose, enzymes, amygdalin glycoside.

    The fatty oil contains glycerides of linoleic (15%) and oleic (80%) acids. Wild bitter almond seeds are poisonous due to the presence of the glycoside amygdalin. As a result of the cleavage of the glycoside, hydrocyanic acid, glucose and benzaldehyde are released.

    Whole bitter almond kernels are odorless. When cut, they acquire a specific almond aroma, thanks to benzaldehyde.

    Depending on the region of growth, the concentration of oil in the almond kernel ranges from 42% to 60%. In addition to the above acids, vitamins B and E, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, carotenes, etc.

    Pharmacological properties

    Almond kernels have a tonic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect, and are prescribed internally as a mild laxative. Scientists have found that almond tree nuts are capable of inhibiting the secretion of gastric juice, and this makes them a promising drug for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. It is enough to take only 7-8 drops of almond oil and the remedy effectively relieves intestinal bloating, regulates and normalizes the digestive tract, and stimulates appetite.

    The peel of almond seeds ("nut shells") is a raw material for the production of high quality adsorbent carbon.

    Vitamin B₁₇, which is part of bitter almonds, selectively affects cells: it destroys malignant formations, destroying cancer cells, but at the same time does not violate the integrity of healthy cells and tissues. Vitamin B₁₇ has an analgesic effect and also improves metabolic processes.

    Historical reference

    Since ancient times, almonds have been cultivated in Western and Central Asia; they were planted as early as 4000 BC. NS. The ancient Phoenicians blessed almonds as a sacred tree. The name almond is romantic, associated with the name of the goddess Amygdala - a beautiful girl with an innocent blush on her cheeks. The delicate pink flowers of the tree were identified with the image of this beauty. Hence the origin of the Latin name of the plant - "amygdalus", almond.

    Over time, almond trees were introduced and distributed in other countries of America, Europe, and the Mediterranean.

    Application in traditional medicine

    Due to its beneficial properties, bitter almonds have long been recognized in folk medicine and are successfully used to treat many diseases. The fruits of the plant in crushed form are effective for lingering coughs, asthmatic attacks,. With the same broth, they strengthen vision, taking an infusion of almonds inside. Bitter almonds well cleanse the skin of freckles, age spots, in combination with wine, relieves hair of dandruff.

    It is advisable to use bitter almonds as an antiseptic and wound-healing agent for the treatment of wounds and ulcers. The crushed seeds also help with anemia, headaches, and leg cramps.

    Reception of almonds with fresh peel has a beneficial effect on the work of digestion, lowers blood cholesterol levels, fried nuts are effective for pain in the intestines, painful urination. In complex treatment with violet rhizome, almond oil is indicated for cleansing the kidneys and bladder, crushing stones. Effective for the treatment of constipation, headache.

    The use of bitter almond oil is indicated for rubbing the skin with sprains, bedsores. Also useful for noise and pain in the ears, swelling. Due to the presence of vitamin B₁₇, it is advisable to use bitter almond oil for cancer treatment. It is well rubbed inside with massage movements, as a result, the skin softens well, metabolic processes are activated, swelling of the lymph nodes and hardening disappears, pain symptoms disappear. In order to prevent cancer, 1-2 grains of almonds are consumed inside.


    1. Highly effective medicinal plants. Great encyclopedia / N.I. Maznev. - M .: Eksmo, 2012 .-- 608 p.

    2. Dudchenko LG, Koz'yakov AS, Krivenko VV Spicy-aromatic and spicy-flavoring plants: Handbook / Otv. ed. K. M. Sytnik. - K .: Naukova Dumka, 1989 .-- 304 p.

    3. Complete illustrated encyclopedia of medicinal plants in Russia / VK Varlikh. - M., 2008 .-- 672 p.

    4. Encyclopedic reference. Plant treatment. - M .: "ANS" Publishing House, 2005. - 1024 p.

    Greetings, dear readers!

    Since ancient times, almonds have been valued for their flavoring, healing and beneficial health human quality. According to old beliefs, he had the gift of bringing happiness and prosperity to the house, and to their owners love, health and good luck.

    Previously, almonds were available only to a select few. Today he wide used in various fields. Culinary experts add it to cookies, desserts, salads, pastries. Adherents of proper nutrition are eager to use it as a convenient snack.

    But in Ayurveda, traditional or folk medicine, it is believed that the use of this nature of the product and its derivatives contribute to improving brain function, normalizing the functioning of internal organs and the state of the whole organism.

    However, before consuming almonds, I will tell you a little more about it. From my article you learn about its varieties, composition, positive or negative characteristics.

    And also, how to prepare it, how much you need to eat, how to use it so as not to harm your health. Because excessive Eating it or ingesting unripe kernels can cause poisoning, allergic reactions, or serious harm to the body. So let's start in order.

    Traditionally, almonds are a nut that is stone fruit the fruit of the genus Plum. In shape, it resembles a peach pit. And its benefit to humans depends on its unique composition, which is rich in:

    1. Minerals of copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium;
    2. Vitamins of group B, E, A;
    3. Pantothenic and folic acids;
    4. Pyridoxine;
    5. Monounsaturated fatty acids;
    6. Fiber;
    7. High quality vegetable protein;
    8. Essential amino acids.

    Thanks to the unique combination of these ingredients, almonds have excellent:

    • Pain relievers;
    • Anthelmintic;
    • Anti-inflammatory;
    • Expectorant;
    • Disinfectants;
    • Emollient;
    • Anticonvulsants;
    • Antioxidant;
    • Antitussive;
    • Soothing properties.

    There are in nature two varieties of almonds:

    1. Sweet.
    2. It is a nut with a sweet core, oval shape, slightly buttery taste. It is eaten, used for confectionery, cooking, and nutritional systems. It is used to prepare almond milk for cosmetics.

    3. bitter.

    This stone fruit contains hydrocyanic acid and amygdalin glycoside, which decomposes and releases poisonous hydrogen cyanide. Because of this, bitter almonds cannot be consumed without proper pretreatment. After all, 10 nuts eaten by a child or 50 pieces by an adult can be fatal.

    However, after appropriate calcination, frying or boiling, toxic substances disappear from them. At the same time, this nature product is a unique storehouse of essential oils, which serve as the basis for the production of healing almond oil.

    Safety precautions

    Speaking about the benefits of almonds, I want to warn you about contraindications to its use. This point must be taken into account. allergy sufferers... After all, they may have an individual intolerance to certain substances in the composition of nuts.

    Their use should be limited to people with redundant weight, since they are very high in calories. You can join this company and cores who have a high heart rate.

    And here you should always remember that the use of bitter almonds can manifest itself as severe dizziness, cause poisoning or drug intoxication. And all because of the contained there cyanide... However, if absolutely necessary, bitter almonds can only be consumed in small quantities, after frying them.

    How are almonds used for medicinal purposes?

    A feature of almonds is that, on the one hand, they are a natural storehouse of minerals, vegetable fats, proteins and vitamins, and on the other hand, they are high in calories and quite heavy product for assimilation.

    His permanent use:

    1. Restores normal metabolism;
    2. Relieves pain in the intestines during inflammatory processes;
    3. Strengthens vision;
    4. Normalizes the work of the respiratory system;
    5. Promotes the expulsion of worms, a better outflow of bile, blood purification;
    6. Improves brain activity;
    7. Strengthens potency;
    8. Removes bad cholesterol;
    9. Helps reduce the effects of alcohol on the body;
    10. Relieves insomnia;
    11. Helps with treatment:
    • migraine;
    • seizures;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • anemia;
    • urolithiasis.

    At the same time, nut kernels are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and their products processing:

    • Oilcake;
    • Butter;
    • Cream;
    • Milk.

    And now I will dwell a little more specifically on the question of how to properly use the main constituent of almonds.


    Usually sweet almonds are used for food. Adults are advised to eat them no more 50 grams, and children - no more than 2 nuts. Today, roasted almonds are most commonly found on supermarket shelves.

    Yes, it is tastier and more nutritious, but this does not have the best effect on its beneficial properties. Ideally, almonds are best consumed in cheese form and buy unrefined on the market or order online.

    And in order to improve digestibility of nuts I will tell you about a secret. Before use, you need to peel the almonds from the shell, and soak the kernels in cool water for several hours, these are:

    • Allows you to soften the peel;
    • It is easier to separate it from the core;
    • Enhance their digestibility.

    After the nuts, you need to rinse, dry with a disposable paper towel, and then eat.

    With regard to bitter almonds, it is most used for prevention cancer... By the way, they have anti-cancer properties, and it's not for nothing that they look so similar to each other.

    Usually, almonds should be consumed by people with a hereditary predisposition to reduce the risk of developing malignant neoplasms in the area:

    • Liver;
    • Gastrointestinal tract;
    • Duodenal ulcer.

    You should start taking it with one or two nuts, increasing their daily intake, one at a time, to 10 pieces per day. Otherwise, an overdose can block cellular respiration, causing severe suffocation. Therefore, overeating almond nuts, especially bitter ones, should not be.

    You can hear more about the benefits of almonds in the next video.

    At the end of my story, I want to note that fans of a healthy diet use almonds as well-fed snacks and love them for their low glycemic an index that does not increase blood sugar. The consumption of several nucleoli energizes a person, allowing him to replace a traditional cup of coffee in the morning.

    However, this natural product should not be abused, and, moreover, with their help to deal with self-medication... It should not be forgotten here that the use of bitter almonds always requires advice and supervision from qualified specialists.

    Health to you! See you!