Shelf life of rice groats. Shelf life of wheat groats

04.05.2019 Soups

It is not allowed to lay the goods on the floor, as the product may sweat.

Groats are stored in warehouses at a relative humidity of no more than 75% and an air temperature of no more than 25 ° C. Oat flakes "Extra" according to STB are stored at a relative humidity of no more than 75% and an air temperature of no more than 20 ° C.

Sharp temperature fluctuations can lead to sweating of some products, self-heating and mold. For long-term storage, it is better to use low temperatures - about 0 ° C.

From the moment the cereals arrive at the warehouse, a systematic control over the storage conditions, condition and quality of the stored products is established. Controlled by:

Temperature in the warehouse (thermometers installed at a height of 1.5 m from the floor);

Relative air humidity in the warehouse (hygrometers, psychrometers, hygrorogrophs, electronic psychrometers, etc., installed at a height of 1.5 m from the floor);

Cereal temperature (alcohol or electronic thermometers in a metal frame);

Taste, smell and color of cereals;

Pest infestation in cereals, equipment and storage facilities.

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When storing cereals, a change occurs organoleptic indicators, rancidity, sourness. When proper storage in dry groats, self-heating and mold do not occur, but the processes of aging of high-molecular compounds, hydrolysis and oxidation of substances proceed, albeit slowly. Aging processes affect, first of all, the consumer properties of cooked porridge (the ability of cereals to swell during cooking, duration of cooking and increase in volume).

For cereals set following dates expiry date from the date of manufacture:

Oat flakes "Extra" 6 months (STB);

Oat flakes "Hercules" and petal 4 months. (GOST);

Barley groats: pearl barley 18 months, barley groats 15 months (STB);

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Polished millet 9 months;

Semolina, corn, oatmeal 10 months.,

Wheat groats (Artek, Poltavskaya No. 3 and 4) 14 months;

Crushed rice, wheat Poltava No. 1 and No. 2 - 16 months;

Buckwheat done, polished rice - 18 months;

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Buckwheat unground, polished split peas - 20 months;

Storage of cereals

Groats are stored in dry, well-ventilated warehouses, not infested with pests of grain stocks, observing sanitary rules. During storage, it is necessary to maintain a temperature not higher than 18 ° С ( optimum temperature - from -5 to 5 ° C) and relative humidity of 60-70%, without sharp fluctuations. Storage of cereals together with sharp-smelling products is not allowed. Duration of storage (in months): oat flakes and oatmeal - 4; polished millet - 9 (for the southern regions - 6); semolina, corn, oat groats - 10; barley groats - 15; wheat groats (Artek, Poltavskaya No. 3 and 4) - 14; crushed rice, wheat Poltava No. 1 and 2 - 16; buckwheat, pearl barley, polished rice - 18; buckwheat unground, polished split peas - 20; whole polished peas - 24.

The shelf life of imported fast-cooking cereals, depending on the technology and packaging used, can be from 6 to 12 months. The deadline for implementation must be indicated on the packaging.

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Storage of cereals

Conditions and terms of storage and transportation of cereals

The groats are suitable for long-term storage, they can be used at the production site or transported over different distances, including long ones.

In the practice of storing cereals, it is necessary to take into account the same properties as those of the grain mass. The storage of cereals is carried out at groats factories, warehouses and bases of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, less often - at bases, warehouses and trade and public catering enterprises.

For storage of cereals used different ways... The oldest and most widespread storage method is in textile containers made of various fabrics. Use linen, jute, cotton and mixed bags with a capacity of kg. Also, cereals are packaged in small containers of 1-3 kg each, stored in boxes or boxes on pallets or racks.

The storage of cereals can be carried out both in heated and unheated warehouses, but always dry, clean, well-lit and ventilated, not infected with pests of grain stocks, separately from pungently smelling and perishable goods. Optimum parameters of the external environment: relative humidity%, temperature from 5 to 15 ° С.

Transportation of cereals over long distances is carried out in railway wagons and vehicles. When transporting by rail, it is necessary to use absolutely dry, clean wagons that do not have any foreign smell for loading products. In the wagons, the bags are placed on podtovoy at a distance of 0.5 m from the walls, leaving a passage between the stacks.

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For rail transportation natural decline cereals should not exceed 0.09% for a distance of 1000 km and 0.13% for a distance of 1000 to 2000 km.

When transporting by road, it is also necessary to use dry, clean vehicles in which pungent-smelling substances have not been transported; conditions of soaking or contamination must be excluded.

Transportation of cereals in containers is associated with high costs, container costs, the use of physical labor, and sometimes leads to spoilage and contamination of products. The transition to bulk storage and transportation according to the scheme: the grain bin of the grain mill -\u003e the car -\u003e the tank - ”the receiving hopper of the filling factory can provide greater savings and better preservation of cereals.

Packaging and labeling

The packaging of cereals is usually made in jute, flax-jute or cotton bags with a net weight of 65 to 70 kg. Each of them has a marking label made of paper or cardboard, which indicates the name of the product, its type, grade, net weight, production date and standard number. A significant part of cereals is packaged directly at groats factories in single-layer paper or cellophane bags of 900 g each.

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How to store cereals correctly: rules and terms

Grains and cereals can be stored very for a long time... But if you don't comply the necessary conditions, they can become a habitat for small bugs, worms and other insects. To prevent this from happening, the hostess needs to know where to store cereals at home and how to do it correctly.

Choice of capacity

Some inexperienced housewives keep purchased bulk products in the original packaging. And this is their main mistake... Lack of tightness is the main reason for the appearance of insects. In addition, it is very inconvenient to store cereals in such a container. Over time, the package becomes unusable, and its contents may crumble.

To prevent bugs from starting up, cereal stocks are best stored in glass jars or special containers with sealed lids. Many of the most various containers, and each housewife will be able to choose a container to her taste.

Plastic containers are lightweight, practical and convenient. When using them, the load on the locker will be minimal. Metal cans are beautiful and durable, but they have one significant drawback: rust spots can appear in them. Similar products made of stainless steel do not have this drawback, but they are also more expensive than other containers. Glass containers are convenient and beautiful and have a variety of designs. The best container ceramic containers are considered for storing cereals. They are sealed, practical, pleasing to the eye with an attractive design. However, which container to give preference to is up to you.

Storage period

Each cereal has its own shelf life. Rice stocks should not be kept for more than 1.5 years. Keep it in closed banks or linen bags in a cool dry place. And so that bugs do not start in the cereal, put 2-3 metal bottle caps or garlic in the container.

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The shelf life of quick-cooking cereals depends on the packaging and technology of their production and ranges from 6 to 12 months

Millet does not lose its taste for only 4 months. If the cereals are stored longer, then before cooking the porridge, pour it with a solution of boiling water and soda (1 tsp of powder will be needed for 1 liter of water), rinse thoroughly and dry.

It is advisable to use buckwheat in 20 months. To get the most out of it, fry it in a pan or oven first.

The shelf life of semolina is 14 months. If, after long-term storage, it has lost taste qualities, try to fry it. Habitual semolina will be transformed.

Oatmeal can't boast long term suitability. They must be used up within 4–5 months. Especially if the flakes contain additives: fruits, berries, spices or cereals.

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The shelf life of fast-cooking cereals depends on the packaging and the technology of their production and ranges from 6 to 12 months.


  • Be sure to pour purchased bulk products into special food containers.
  • The storage area should be dry and dark with good ventilation.
  • Optimum storage conditions are temperatures from –5 to +5 ° С and humidity 60–70%. Make sure that the maximum temperature does not exceed +18 ° C.
  • Do not keep sharp-smelling foods (smoked meats, spices, etc.) near cereals.

Folk tricks

People's ingenuity will help to keep stocks of cereals in proper quality. To prevent bugs and other insects from getting in bulk products, be sure to ignite them in a frying pan after purchase or keep them in the freezer for a day right in the packaging from the manufacturer.

Some housewives prefer to put garlic cloves in containers with grain for the same purpose, bay leaf or lemon peels. Others use pieces of foil or ordinary tablespoons instead of pungent odors. It is enough to put them in the groats, and the bugs will bypass your supplies.

To protect rice from the musty odor that can occur from long storage, put a pod of red hot pepper in the container.

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IN winter time bulk products can be transferred to the balcony. Low temperatures not only will protect them from bugs, but will also significantly extend the shelf life.

Take on board the listed tips, and then uninvited guests will never start in your stocks. Remember: in order to properly store cereals at home, you need to clearly know where and at what temperature it is best to keep them, what are the shelf life of each type of grain.

How to store cereals correctly

I recently wrote about the importance of having a supply of food at home. This applies to absolutely everyone, regardless of material well-being, but especially to economical people.

Home "bins" will save you from spontaneous trips to shops and will hedge in difficult times for the family.

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It is important to remember that this “strategic” stock should not only be replenished with use, but also updated from time to time, as each product has its own expiration date. Today we will discuss the question of how to properly store cereals.

Speaking about the shelf life of cereals, or, as we used to say, "bulk" products, it is important to remember that we are talking about terms subject to storage conditions.

If the conditions are not met, then the shelf life, of course, is reduced.

Three storage conditions for bulk products

For cereals, flour and some sugar special conditions no storage required.

There are only three of them. The place where you are going to store your stock should be:

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The last condition is the most difficult, since in modern standard apartments there are no cool closets or products suitable for storage of any cellars, and the lower the temperature, the longer the shelf life. The packages usually indicate temperature regime no more than 20 degrees. Therefore, when looking for a place to store cereals and other products, you need to try to find the coolest place in the house.

The packaging in which the products are stored also plays an important role. It should never be plastic bags... In them, the cereals grow moldy and prey.

There are more suitable storage options. It:

  • Paper bags
  • Linen bags boiled in strong saline solution
  • Rigid containers - glass or plastic cans, which are tightly (preferably hermetically) closed. Convenient to store cereals in plastic bottles... They are hermetically sealed and you can see very clearly what exactly is there and how it “feels”. Depending on the capacity of the bottles, you can choose a suitable packaging (preferably packed in small portions)

Since we never reliably know exactly how the cereals were stored until they were packaged, we cannot know with complete certainty whether they are not infected with some unpleasant living creature.

Therefore, to be sure that no "kutska" will gobble up your stock, heat the cereals in the oven or freeze them for 2-3 hours in the freezer. This will disinfect them.

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Sift the flour.

Before, in times Soviet Unionwhen were created strategic reserves, steel wire or steel nails were laid in cereals. Thanks to this, the cereals were stored for decades. Very simple and affordable way, which can be adopted for storing cereals at home. To prevent the nails from rusting, you do not need to wash them, but simply wipe them thoroughly with a soft cloth.

Additionally, as a safety net in a container where cereals are stored, you can put chestnuts from moths and cloves of garlic (not peeled) from larvae.

The larvae do not live in sugar, but ants can start. Dry ones will help scare them away. orange peelsplaced in bags.

To keep it dry in the cupboards where cereals are stored, you can lay out bay leaves and small containers with salt in the corners, which absorbs moisture very well and has disinfecting properties.

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Sugar damp very quickly, you need to take special care of it. Large bags should never be placed on the floor; a pallet is required. Make sure there is no moisture source nearby.

If lumps do form in the sugar, it can be made crumbly again by heating the lumps in the microwave. Time 30 seconds, maximum temperature. In this case, be sure to put a glass of water nearby, otherwise the sugar in the oven will simply burn out.

By following these simple rules, you are much more likely to keep your stocks fit for consumption throughout the entire shelf life.

It is important to know that it is different for all products, so study the table below.

Shelf life table for "bulk" products

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Even if outwardly the products do not change in any way, after the expiration of the shelf life they may become unusable, bitterness may appear.

Therefore, it is so important to follow all of the above rules. Stick on the containers with stickers with the date the product was booked so that you can use the cereal or flour that is approaching the end of its shelf life.

Well, if you overlooked something, and a moth, mold or beetles started up - throw it away without regret - health is more expensive! They don't save on health! Feed the birds or pass them on to your friends who have chickens in the village.

But better spoilage prevent, control your stocks and update them on time.

Be healthy and frugal.

And here are some more interesting articles of the site - read:

2 responses to: How to store cereals correctly

Please use it for health)

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And in what container should the flour be stored? Also in a plastic bottle?

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Conditions and terms of storage of cereals

In this article, we will discuss the following questions:

  • Types of pests;
  • How to choose cereals, shelf life of cereals;
  • Types of storage containers;
  • How to store cereals correctly, proven storage secrets;
  • Bugs in flour, cereals and how to deal with them.

It's not worth talking about the benefits of cereals once again, many are known amazing recipes cooking the most different dishes from the cereals we are used to: rice, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, wheat, corn, barley, etc.

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We are familiar with the taste and health benefits varied dishes of them since childhood. From various cereals and legumes produce many types of cereals. Which one gets to your table is a matter of your taste and preferences.

Many manufacturers show bad faith, and sellers often turn out to be unscrupulous or too economical and do not want to rid their counters or store shelves of expired goods or for any other reason that does not allow them to be eaten.

As a rule, insects in cereals start up as a result of non-compliance with sanitary control at the factory: unscrupulous manufacturers often do not produce the necessary heat treatment products, as well as incorrectly stored. And even if you buy bulk products exclusively in vacuum bags, there is no guarantee that there are no living creatures in them.

Bugs in cereals can also start due to the wrong neighborhood - they can simply move from dried fruits bought in bulk and not immediately processed from possible pests, pasta, flour, tea, coffee or even hot spices.

Therefore, you should not blame yourself and doubt your own economy and cleanliness if you have bugs.

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The most common route to an apartment is through groceries and bags from the store. Production conditions, packaging and transportation methods are often violated. All this leads to the appearance of bugs. It is very difficult to see insects in cereals at first glance, because they are small in size.

When buying cereals, try to monitor the quality of the purchased product. The packaging with cereals should not be cloudy, especially dirty or with visible insects.

There are several types of kitchen insects found in flour, nuts, dried fruits, cereals, spices:

The most tenacious, prolific, voracious and unpretentious pests. In order to remove them, you will have to make a lot of effort. These are small beetles (1.8-3.7 mm long) cylindrical from light brown to reddish brown, covered with short silky hairs. Often, living or dead insects can be seen on the windowsills in the dwelling where the grinders are wound up.

They love to eat dry animal products and vegetable origin: different cereals, grain, tea, coffee, flour products, croutons, animal feed, cookies, dried fruits, nuts, dry medicinal plants (even poisonous!) and tobacco.

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Traces of the stay of the grinders can also be found in the bindings of books, herbariums, where they leave many passages, depositing the products of their vital activity in them.

The special cunning of grain grinders lies in the fact that with a slight infection, their stay in the food substrate occurs secretly - they do not appear outside. But with a high population density, pests can be found on windows, walls and on the floor in the room. The use of products in which bread grinders are wound up, especially without heat treatment, is unhealthy!

These are small (1.5-2.5 mm long) coleoptera, rusty-yellow insects, covered with small silky hairs with long, widely spaced antennae.

They make their way into apartments with poorly dried food and high humidity. If the room has good ventilation and a normal level of humidity, then the pests cannot survive. Red flour eaters, as a rule, live in industrial enterprises - mills, bakeries, feed mills.

The taste preferences of these bugs are rather limited - flour eaters do not damage products with a moisture content of less than 15-17%, they are mainly content with rotting flour or cereals (most often corn) and dry animal feed. Dry cereals and flour are not touched. Gathering in groups in food, flour eaters increase their moisture content, contaminate with excrement and shells from larvae. A characteristic feature the presence of the flour eater are the sieves for flour gnawed by him.

Insects have a characteristic elongated nose, and are most often found in pasta, flour products, rice, greche. Sometimes they eat legumes.

Small beetles, only 3-3.5 mm in size, are reddish-brown in color with short antennae, rounded sides and small wings (however, they cannot fly). These insects enter the kitchen from the bags with starch or flour brought in, from where they crawl throughout the territory, crawling into cracks, latches, loosely covered containers with dry food. Especially these beetles "respect" flour, rice, buckwheat, semolina, Artek groats, millet and dried fruits. Under favorable conditions, flour beetles reproduce well, bringing up to four generations a year. Food damaged by the beetle becomes lumpy and, of course, unsuitable for food. Their use is fraught with the appearance allergic reactions, indigestion, or even poisoning.

Simple rules will help you not to make a mistake in choosing cereals:

  • Definitely no "loose" or non-factory packaging. Loose cereals are at least unhygienic. It is best to choose a transparent factory packaging, through it you can clearly see whether all the grains are equally intact and whether there are any impurities. In addition, cereals are stored longer in sealed packaging.
  • No lumps. Make sure that the cereal is not caked - this is the result of improper storage - near water, as a result, the cereal gains moisture and the taste becomes worse.
  • Pay attention to the smell! There should be no foreign odors in the cereal, each cereal has its own aroma, but none should smell of dampness or mold. If you smell a honey smell, then there are ticks. Any cereal, if fresh, tastes sweet and only oatmeal can be slightly bitter.
  • There should not be husks and bugs in the cereal, and crushed grains should not be found among whole grains - this may indicate that pests have already settled there.
  • Try to always pay attention to the date of manufacture, because the longer the cereal lies, the more likely it is that it began to deteriorate. Remember that in the first half of the year, before the harvest, we buy cereals that have already been lying at least since last year. And in old groats moths and bugs can start, and it starts to taste bitter, especially for millet.

Shelf life of some cereals in months:

wheat, rice and pearl barley -12,

Of course, so that the cereal does not deteriorate, you need to store it correctly.

Containers with tight lids, in dry closets or odor-free boxes are best suited for this. At home, it is better not to store cereals in the manufacturer's cellophane packaging or in fabric bags. Ideal in glass or ceramic dishes with tight-fitting lids.

The rump will also be good in a plastic container, especially if it is equipped with rubber gaskets for a tighter fit of the lid.

Metal boxes for storing cereals and flour quickly rust and do not provide the necessary tightness.

You should not store cereals and other types of groceries for a long time. Over time, the fats contained in the cereal go rancid, the taste deteriorates, and nutritional properties decline.

Containers should not stand in direct sunlight. Hide them in a closet - this will make your croup more whole. For greater safety, you can put a couple of garlic cloves, chili pepper or bay leaf in a container with cereals, which bugs really do not like. A bag of salt will not be superfluous, which protects the cereal from moisture.

But keep in mind that even perfectly "packed" cereals cannot be stored forever.

After purchase, some housewives recommend frying the cereals in the oven. This will not harm the quality of the cereal, but it will be possible to get rid of the bug larvae, if they are still in the cereal. Others advise keeping the cereal in the freezer. There is logic here - the cold is destructive for both bugs and larvae. Only you do not need to constantly keep cereals in the freezer, 48 hours is enough. If it happens in winter, take the cereals out to the balcony - it's more convenient because there is more space and the freezer will be free.

In any case, the cereals you just bought should be checked. Although measures are taken in production to prevent insect infestation of cereals, troubles occur quite often. Even in a seemingly clean cereal there may be larvae. therefore important advice housewives - do not neglect to check the newly purchased cereals and, from time to time, your containers and cabinets with cereals.

How to get rid of bugs in flour?

Small portions of spoiled cereals do not have to be thrown away. First, they should be sieved on a fine sieve, and then dried in the oven, heating to 110 ° C.

How to get rid of flour bugs and pests in semolina?

Spoiled food is placed on the balcony (in winter) or in the freezer for 48 hours. They are then sieved as well. It is flour and semolina that do not change their taste after such processing.

What to do if insects start in peas or legumes?

Pour salted water over the groats and leave for 5-10 minutes. After that, drain the liquid with floating insects and their larvae, and dry the products.

Large quantities of cereals where pests have started should be discarded completely. The waste products of pests are dangerous and cause significant harm to humans.

In the conditions of modern availability of cereals, the simplest and reliable way get rid of pests - throw away the affected cereals. If some cereals were stored in an unsealed package, then there is a high probability that bugs have made their way into all open packages. Even if there are no visible insects, they could lay eggs. Therefore, the main advice is to clean the cabinets of all cereals that were stored in unsealed containers. And those products that were stored correctly should be carefully checked and it is desirable to carry out preventive treatment.

If for some reason you do not want to get rid of all the leaky bags and containers, you can follow the advice described above and try to deal with the pests yourself. Important. If the product is severely affected, discard it.

If bugs are found, it is imperative to get rid of them not only in food, but also in furniture.

They can be destroyed only with the complete elimination of larvae and laid eggs. Empty the cabinets from containers and bags, sweep out all spilled flour, cereals, and wipe all the shelves with a vinegar solution (one spoon per liter of water). You can exterminate pests in crevices and hard-to-reach places with boiling water. Containers for cereals and flour are also thoroughly washed and poured hot water... It will be enough to wash the containers in the dishwasher.

On the shelves of the cabinets where cereals are stored, you can put small cloth bags with Persian chamomile or lavender (you can search in pharmacies), it is harmless to humans, and poison to bugs.

But most best remedy pest control is prevention. Keep food storage cupboards clean, use sealed container... Check the cereals periodically for pests, and wipe the cabinets with a solution of vinegar and water.

Don't buy food for future use. Buy bulk solids in small portions, but more often. Then, in any case, the bugs will not have time to settle in your products.

Try to keep the kitchen dry and warm at all times, high humidity is the best environment for various harmful insects.

Keep track of the expiration date when purchasing.

Read about how to get rid of food moths in the following publications.

I. Tikhonov "The Big Book of Soviet Home Economics". Moscow, AST, 2016

Bogatyrev S.A. "Technology of storage and transportation of goods"

  • Shelf life: 15 months
  • Shelf life: 15 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: not indicated
  • Time in the freezer: not indicated

People have long been familiar with such a cereal as barley. He is one of the oldest. Even primitive man grew barley more than 10 thousand years ago. This culture is associated with the history of Egypt and Syria. Nowadays, wild barley can be found in other countries of the world. The well-known barley porridge is obtained from barley kernelsthat is crushed. The cereal is preliminarily subjected to processing, during which small and damaged grains are sifted out. No grinding or polishing occurs during the production of cereals. Therefore, everything remains in the product. useful qualities in safe. Most of all fiber remains. It is not customary to divide cereals from this cereal by types and varieties; it differs in the size of particles. It is on this basis that cereals can have numbers from 1 to 3. Most often, you can buy cereals in a store, which is a mixture of all numbers. Good to know, like expiration date barley grits.

Avicenna himself knew that barley can remove toxins and toxins from the body. He wrote about this in his treatise. Currently, it was able to confirm and modern science... In case of poisoning or allergies, doctors suggest introducing dishes from this cereal into their diet instead of ordinary food... In addition, it is worth noting that this product contains hordecin. This substance has antifungal activity. So if you soak the cereal, you can treat the problems caused by the fungus. Barley groats have a mass useful properties... It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, emollient, antispasmodic and enveloping effects. Therefore, it can help with various ailments... For constipation, hemorrhoids, obesity and colds it is worth starting to eat food from this cereal. Patients who have problems with the liver, gallbladder, urinary tract, liver and breast diseases can introduce barley into their diet. Diabetics can also turn their attention to this product. The carbohydrates found in cereals will not spike your glucose levels. Chemical composition this product is very beneficial for the human body. This is worth knowing as well as the expiration date of the barley. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, coarse fibers and fats in the ratio necessary for a person. Also in cereals there are vitamins A, groups B, E and PP. Composition nutrients very rich. There is: phosphorus, fluorine, boron, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, nickel, iodine and chromium. Since barley contains a lot of fiber, it becomes very beneficial for the digestive tract. It removes toxins and toxins from the body, and also stimulates digestion and intestinal peristalsis. The protein of this cereal is almost completely absorbed. the human body... Due to its beneficial properties, barley groats are in demand in dietary and baby food... Human health becomes much better when eating foods made from this cereal. The product costs little, but the benefits are great. Thus, you can save a little on the purchase of food, but at the same time improve your body. This is important to know as well as the shelf life of barley. This cereal great taste and high calorie content, therefore, when eating it, you can quickly get full. With the introduction of this cereal into the diet, it is possible to improve digestion and forget about constipation. Allergy sufferers can eat barley meals without fear, as it has anti-allergic properties.

You can eat meals from this product very quickly. It creates a feeling of fullness for a long period of time. This is due to the fact that it contains special carbohydrates and fiber. According to nutritionists, people who are obese and diabetics should eat dishes from this cereal. Interestingly, when eating barley, you can cheer yourself up and start getting rid of depression. When regular use eating this product can get rid of fine wrinkles and improve skin condition. From barley grits excellent diet soups and porridge, since it has a high content of protein-containing gluten. Such food is very suitable for patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as during the postoperative period. This is worth knowing as well as the shelf life of barley. This product is well known to people who want to lose those extra pounds. In barley grits fewer caloriesthan other cereals. That is why it is also perfect for dieting. When eating barley porridge, you can charge the body with energy, but at the same time not gain excess weight... The main thing is not to add too much sweet and dairy products to this dish.

A 7-day diet will help you achieve slim figureand also get rid of excess weight. It is important to observe it correctly. The result depends on this. You can lose up to 4 kilograms in a week. IN barley porridge many useful and nutrients, and dietary fiber... The dish takes a little longer to digest than those prepared from other cereals. The consumption of this porridge will not increase the sugar level, and the body will not feel hunger for a long time. Constipation should not occur. Digestion usually goes well, and excess cholesterol is also excreted from the body. But it is worth remembering that some foods should not be consumed during the barley diet. Only kefir is allowed from dairy products, all others are not allowed. Also, you cannot eat meat, fish and eggs. You should also forget about bread, rolls, alcohol and sweets. This is worth knowing, as is the shelf life of barley. But you can drink coffee and tea, eat fruits and vegetables. Low fat kefir must be present in the diet. Glass with warm boiled water you need to drink 30 minutes before taking porridge. Sample menu you can find for yourself on the Internet. Such a diet can be tolerated quite easily, the main thing is to follow it for a week. You can repeat it after a month. Do not forget to introduce barley groats into your diet.

To properly prepare porridge for this diet, you should do the following. 4.5 cups of water is poured into a saucepan; salt and oil do not need to be added. When the water has boiled, add 500 grams of cereal. The porridge is cooked until thick and then infused wrapped in a warm place. 30-40 minutes. Despite the usefulness of this product, it may not be suitable for all people. This is worth knowing, as is the shelf life of barley. Patients with severe chronic diseases The gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation should stop eating foods from of this product... You should not eat this porridge every day if it is not part of the diet. With its excessive use, you can gain extra pounds. Therefore, it is best to consume it several times a week. The shelf life of barley grits is no more than 15 months. The product must be poured from the packaging into a container that is tightly closed. It is recommended to store cereals in a dry and dark place, it should be well ventilated. From time to time, it is best to go through the product to check if pests are in it. If there are any, then it is better to discard the cereal.

The groats are suitable for long-term storage, they can be used at the production site or transported over different distances, including long ones.

In the practice of storing cereals, it is necessary to take into account the same properties as those of the grain mass. The storage of cereals is carried out at groats factories, warehouses and bases of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, less often - at bases, warehouses and trade and public catering enterprises.

Various methods are used to store cereals. The oldest and most widespread storage method is in textile containers made of various fabrics. Linen, jute, cotton and mixed bags with a capacity of 50-70 kg are used. Also, cereals are packaged in small containers of 1-3 kg each, stored in boxes or boxes on pallets or racks.

The storage of cereals can be carried out both in heated and unheated warehouses, but always dry, clean, well-lit and ventilated, not infected with pests of grain stocks, separately from pungently smelling and perishable goods. Optimum parameters of the external environment: relative humidity 60-70%, temperature from 5 to 15 ° С.

Transportation of cereals over long distances is carried out in railway wagons and vehicles. When transporting by rail, it is necessary to use absolutely dry, clean wagons that do not have any foreign smell for loading products. In the wagons, the bags are placed on podtovoy at a distance of 0.5 m from the walls, leaving a passage between the stacks.

In the case of rail transportation, the natural loss of cereals should not exceed 0.09% for a distance of up to 1000 km and 0.13% for a distance of 1000 to 2000 km.

When transporting by road, it is also necessary to use dry, clean vehicles in which pungent-smelling substances have not been transported; conditions of soaking or contamination must be excluded.

Transportation of cereals in containers is associated with high costs, container costs, the use of physical labor, and sometimes leads to spoilage and contamination of products. The transition to bulk storage and transportation according to the scheme: the grain bin of the grain mill -\u003e the car -\u003e the tank - ”the receiving hopper of the filling factory can provide greater savings and better preservation of cereals.

Packaging and labeling

The packaging of cereals is usually made in jute, flax-jute or cotton bags with a net weight of 65 to 70 kg. Each of them has a marking label made of paper or cardboard, which indicates the name of the product, its type, grade, net weight, production date and standard number. A significant part of cereals is packaged directly at groats factories in single-layer paper or cellophane bags of 900 g each.

    Groats are a seemingly solid product, but capricious. The longer the cereal is stored, the worse its taste becomes. And food moths can also start in the cereal. Therefore, do not store cereals for a long time. Earlier our grandparents used to make chests, barns, where it was possible to store both flour and sugar for an infinitely long time. But now, even in packaged cereals, moths often come across, so I think that the optimal storage period for cereals will be six months, no more.

    The shelf life of cereals is different. It all depends on the storage conditions. Wheat, corn, oat and semolina can be stored for 3 to 8 months. Buckwheat can be stored for a very long time: up to 20 months. Rice 16 months. You can understand for yourself that the cereal has deteriorated: it will not have a rancid unpleasant taste.

    It is better to store cereals in ceramic dishes.

    When you buy cereals, it is best to store them in a glass or plastic jar, with a well-tightly closing lid, if stored improperly or with high humidity, cereals begin to deteriorate, all sorts of bugs and insects start up.

    The cereals must be constantly examined, the cereals infected with insects are thrown out, they cannot be eaten.

    Millet, pearl barley, oatmeal, semolina cannot be stored for a long time, because they contain a large number of fat and bugs start there most quickly.

    Oatmeal should be stored for 4 to 6 months.

    Millet, pearl barley, semolina, corn grits from 4 to 10 months.

    Peas 2 years old.

    Rice 1.5 years.

    Buckwheat 1.5 years.

    Whole grain cereals can be stored for up to two years, crushed cereals - only up to three months. All cereals have a different shelf life. It is important to pay attention to storage conditions. Semolina, wheat, oat and corn grits can be stored from three to ten months, rice - up to eighteen months, buckwheat grain - up to twenty months, flakes - about six months. Read more here.

    Cereals are not stored for a long time, and if they are also in an open pack, then it is better to use them within a few weeks, after opening, especially cereals... Better to buy small packs and eat fresh cereals.

    Often in stores they sell cereals by weight and it is not known how long this bag of cereals has already stood in the store's warehouse, and the expiration date is not specified. Therefore, do not store cereals that you bought in bulk for more than 3 months. The taste and benefits are lost.

    In general, in the 90s, some of them stored cereals for more than 2 years, and then they ate everything and did not throw it away - then there was no way to get DNM products from the fire and people were stocking up with cereals in bags of 50 kg each.

    The expiration date on cereals is indicated on the package, so you need to carefully study the date of manufacture and shelf life. But all the same, it is not recommended to store cereals for a long time, they can turn rancid and different bugs can start in them. Eat porridge for health!

    The expiration date of each cereal is best viewed on the packaging, and if there is no packaging with a date marking, then buying such a cereal is quite dangerous, because its shelf life could already be out. To extend the shelf life of cereals, it is recommended to store them, for example, in glass jars with gauze or linen bags, and also add salt, for example, to rice so that it absorbs moisture, or bay leaves - from insects.

    The expiration date for cereals is indicated on the packaging, if any 🙂

    In general, the shelf life depends on the storage conditions and on the date of manufacture of cereals (not to be confused with the date of packaging!).

    At a temperature not higher than 18 C (the optimal temperature is from 5 to 5 C) and a relative humidity of 60-70%, the storage periods recommended by GOSTs are as follows (in months):

    • oat flakes and oatmeal 4;
    • polished millet 9 (for southern regions 6);
    • semolina, corn, oat groats 10;
    • barley groats 15;
    • wheat groats (Artek, Poltavskaya 3 and 4) 14;
    • crushed rice, wheat Poltava 1 and 2 16;
    • buckwheat, pearl barley, polished rice 18;
    • polished split peas 20;
    • whole polished peas 24.

    Shelf life of imported cereals fast food depending on the technology and packaging used, it can be from 6 to 12 months.

    The shelf life of cereals depends on the amount of fats that make up it. Most fat is found in oatmeal (so much that it can be eaten without oil), so its shelf life is very short - about 4 months, least of all - in buckwheat, it will not deteriorate for a very long time - about one and a half years.

    If you do not know how long your groats have been stored, try rubbing them on your palm, if a rancid smell appears, it has deteriorated. If there is no smell, everything is fine, you can eat.

    Also, note that bugs could start from long storage in the cereal, in this case, even if it has not deteriorated, it should be thrown away.

Grains and cereals can be stored for a very long time. But if the necessary conditions are not observed, they can become a habitat for small bugs, worms and other insects. To prevent this from happening, the hostess needs to know where to store cereals at home and how to do it correctly.

Choice of capacity

Some inexperienced housewives store purchased bulk products in their original packaging. And this is their main mistake. Lack of tightness is the main reason for the appearance of insects. In addition, it is very inconvenient to store cereals in such a container. Over time, the package becomes unusable, and its contents may crumble.

To avoid bugs, cereal stocks are best stored in glass jars or special containers with sealed lids. A wide variety of containers are sold on store shelves, and each hostess will be able to choose a container to her taste.

Plastic containers are lightweight, practical and convenient. When using them, the load on the locker will be minimal. Metal cans are beautiful and durable, but they have one significant drawback: rust stains can appear in them. Similar products made of stainless steel do not have this drawback, but they are also more expensive than other containers. Glass containers are convenient and beautiful and have a variety of designs. Ceramic containers are considered the best container for storing cereals. They are sealed, practical, pleasing to the eye with an attractive design. However, which container to give preference to is up to you.

Storage period

Each cereal has its own shelf life. Rice stocks should not be kept for more than 1.5 years. Keep it in closed jars or linen bags in a cool dry place. And so that bugs do not start in the cereal, put 2-3 metal bottle caps or garlic in the container.

The shelf life of quick-cooking cereals depends on the packaging and technology of their production and ranges from 6 to 12 months

Millet does not lose its taste for only 4 months. If the cereals are stored longer, then before cooking the porridge, pour it with a solution of boiling water and soda (1 tsp of powder will be needed for 1 liter of water), rinse thoroughly and dry.

It is advisable to use buckwheat in 20 months. To get the most out of it, fry it in a pan or oven first.

The shelf life of semolina is 14 months. If after a long storage it has lost its taste, try frying it. The usual semolina porridge will be transformed.

Oatmeal does not have a long shelf life. They must be used up within 4–5 months. Especially if the cereal contains additives: fruits, berries, spices or cereals.

The shelf life of fast-cooking cereals depends on the packaging and the technology of their production and ranges from 6 to 12 months.


  • Be sure to pour purchased bulk products into special food containers.
  • The storage area should be dry and dark with good ventilation.
  • Optimum storage conditions are temperatures from –5 to +5 ° С and humidity 60–70%. Make sure that the maximum temperature does not exceed +18 ° C.
  • Do not keep sharp-smelling foods (smoked meats, spices, etc.) near cereals.

Folk tricks

People's ingenuity will help to keep stocks of cereals in proper quality. To prevent bugs and other insects from getting in bulk products, be sure to ignite them in a frying pan after purchase or keep them in the freezer for a day right in the packaging from the manufacturer.

Some housewives prefer to put garlic cloves, bay leaves or lemon peels in containers with grain for the same purposes. Others use pieces of foil or ordinary tablespoons instead of pungent odors. It is enough to put them in the groats, and the bugs will bypass your supplies.

To protect rice from the musty smell that may arise from long storage, put a pod of red hot pepper in the container.

In winter, bulk products can be transferred to the balcony. Low temperatures will not only protect them from bugs, but will also significantly extend the shelf life.