Strategic food supply. Supply stocks - what is kept and how long? Sources of receipt of products

01.11.2019 Grill menu

A healthy beggar is richer than a sick king. Folk saying.

Fats in our diet.

My rich acquaintances, as they agreed, eat olive oil, they prescribe it from Turkey, it is super popular, fashionable, and even writers and scientists are all talking about olive oil.

But I know a parable from the Bible, where it says that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a pin than for a rich man to go to heaven. Everyone is rewriting information from each other. about the benefits of olive oil. This is funny, even the famous doctor V. Laskin, God rest his soul, writes that olive oil is useful, they say, US scientists have determined this, but in olive oil 70% oleic acid, perhaps she helped the doctor go to heaven ahead of time for 30 years. But this is such a "grave" humor. Do we need oleic acid? Possibly small amounts, but in balance with lenolenic acid 30:70.

I personally need the opposite - flaxseed oil, it is in flaxseed oil, I am not saying anything bad about olive oil, it is also excellent, under special circumstances, mixed with flaxseed oil 50:50, or 30:70, just as useful. Everything is individual - one needs olive oil, another sesame oil. Dangerous imbalance - a set of oleic acid throughout life from olive, sunflower oils, and the absolute absence of "Omega - 3" linolenic acid from linseed oil. Especially older people need 90% of linseed oil, and they have 90% of sunflower oil, and even refined oil.

And there is a huge amount of oils: sesame, black cumin, pumpkin, grape, nut, watermelon, melon, palm, coconut, sunflower, camelina, soybean, corn, castor, and they are all delicious, just use any fat rather as a medicine.

US scientists have determined that it is necessary to eat dairy products in tones, this is suicide, but this does not mean that we will also believe these statements. So what kind of oil to drink? What fats to eat? Everyone will decide for himself which ones, because they are all pleasant, give joy to the body when they are used, and if they are cold pressed, then these are healthy oils. No harmful oils, there is a dosage! For example, if I drink 15 drops of olive oil in a glass of hot water, it is naturally not a bad idea, it will open up blockages in the bile ducts, but black seed oil will do it even better, who likes what.

Linseed oil

As for the fat in the diet, then through painful experiments, the doctor of medicine, the founder of anti-cancer therapy - Max Gerzon, found that the only answer was flaxseed oil. Linseed oil, made by cold pressing with the help of a press, at 32 degrees Celsius, is the only acceptable for a cancer patient. Dr. Gerson emphasized that linseed oil should be applied cold. It efficiently supplies helo-nutrients and enzymes that help destroy cancer and other diseases, in balance with other natural vegetable medicines. It really is a miracle oil. Flaxseed oil is an invaluable gift from nature, which is neglected by the bulk of the world's population. Information has been received that there is no less in camelina oil "Omega - 3" than in flaxseed oil, which is good news.

But anyone can say that he does not have cancer, and I will laugh for 3 days. Yes, of course not ... And vascular sclerosis at the age of 10, isn't it the initial stage of cancer?

Why am I citing this particular example of Dr. M. Gerson, because he is the most honest man who has dedicated himself to selfless service to humanity. And now every second has latent cancer. 96-year-old doctor, biochemist from Germany Joanna Budwig, the same opinion, and besides linseed oil, she does not use fats, I also follow her commandments, although I am only 60 years old. But it is impossible to buy flaxseed oil of 32 degrees of extraction, the manufacturer can always issue oil squeezed out at 80 - 90 degrees for oil squeezed out supposedly at 32 degrees, this is not provable. And money blinds producers, and they don't care what kind of oil they produce. They themselves, as a rule, use harmful oils, they themselves have never tried cold pressing-32 degrees, which makes them suffer from incurable diseases, however, like all of us. Yes, this is a paradox, usually oil manufacturers die from heart attacks.

Recently I came across another statement from reputable scientists, they say - experimental studies have shown that a diet high in flaxseed oil (40g per day for 3 weeks) gives the same increase in liver phospholipids eicosapentoenoic acid as a diet high in fat fish (Christiansen et al., 1991), which are extremely scarce and expensive. This turns everything upside down - eicosapentoenoic acid is extremely useful and necessary for the body.

But I have my own opinion on this matter, I can say that a raw food diet, as a way of nutrition, is necessary, first of all, and then everything else.

I myself have been making linseed oil for several years, and I know all the secrets of its preparation. I love linseed oil and I use it, of course linseed oil can be mixed 50:50 with your favorite oil and you have a good alternative. I only use flaxseed oil in its pure form, it usually deteriorates within 2 months, and once a month or 2 months I squeeze fresh flaxseed oil for myself, except for it I do not use other fats. It has a sweetish taste.

My opinion

But I can note that the use of flaxseed oil will not completely solve the problem of blood thickening, in my opinion. It is an auxiliary natural component to raw food diet. Many people eat a lot of animal food, cooked foods, how will flaxseed oil affect such people? This is only known to God, I think that everything depends on many components, from the amount of iodine contained in the body, ending with other elements, the lack of which can lead us to the grave. Only a raw food diet can solve the problem of blood thickening, although A. Zalmanov's turpentine baths can thin the blood specifically, which pleases me, but pharmacies sell these baths in the form of fakes in beautiful boxes, and there is no "smell" of turpentine - homemade, profanity. I have been making turpentine baths for many years, and I feel deception right away. Also, drinking homemade apple cider vinegar will help acidify the blood and thin it, just as citric acid is just as beneficial.

Vegetables - treat

Let me explain. You see, fruits and vegetables produced by the food industry are fertilized with only three minerals, but plants, like the human body, need 50 more minerals. Where can I get them? I take them from mountain plants - wild rose, hawthorn, barberry, blackberry, from sprouted grains of cereals, and other plants, mountain plants contain a large amount of minerals, which is extremely important in the treatment of cancer and its prevention. I make condensed concentrates from them without heating them. In a simple gheper, or a special mixer, you can make such a concentrate. Juices from plants are also needed.

When we drink juices, they enter the bloodstream as quickly as alcohol. Dr. Walker is a juice promoter, died July 6, 1985 at the age of 117, always saying that the body needs fresh, organic matter from fresh vegetable juices. In 1 minute we fill the glass with juice, and in the second minute the juice is already in the patient's blood. If this amount of food were eaten, it would take hours of digestion, many living enzymes and nutrients would be lost during digestion, and juices quickly enter the bloodstream. It is desirable to have a juicer of the "press" type, with its help you can squeeze out juices of an order of magnitude higher quality.

How to drink juices correctly?

But! There are super-enthusiasts who drink juices incorrectly, after sugary juices, blood sugar drops below normal and a person becomes ill. There is a law, I ate a plate of salad, after which I drank 30-50g. juice, but not a glass. Such a small dose is safe, lettuce will block the release of insulin into the blood, and glucose will be absorbed slowly.

In the morning I go cross, I look, under the fence at the stadium sits and can not get up my friend - Doctor of Science, "naturopath" (meat and pilaf eats in tones), author of 20 printed publications, the coolest psychologist, and generally a super man - M. I asked, what's the matter? M. answered me that his head was spinning and he had no strength, what was the matter? I took him by the arm and took him home, gave him fruit. If someone saw M. in such a helpless state, he would laugh, in a good understanding of this story. Who doesn't happen to, right? The fact is that M. drank 1 glass of carrot juice and went to the stadium, carrot juice lowered M.'s blood sugar, this is called hypoglycemia, and M. became ill. I explained to him that in the beginning, you need to eat complex carbohydrates - vegetables, and then a little juice, but not a glass, of course. Here's a funny story.

And even then, after a carbohydrate load, you should exercise physically - wash the floors, take out the trash, do push-ups. In general, it's funny when someone goes to work out in the gym, I think it's stupidity, hopeless. A person must either produce something, benefit others every minute, build, and not beat each other's faces in the ring, or tumble over the bars, or push weights, it is even more stupid to run after the ball, wasting energy. There are many professions that do not bring any benefit to society. So cut firewood to your neighbors, instead of lifting the barbell in the gym, plant a cucumber plantation, help the blind, it will be a good deed.

William Fedoseevich, a former diver, 70 years old, has just been buried - a heart attack. Every day for 2 hours in the morning I did physical education at the stadium, walked a lot, diet. When he started having heart pains, I advised him to give up all the fats, eat only flaxseed oil and raw food, he looked at me with disbelief and went to see a cardiologist, medications, and soon died, went to heaven. Here's a story.

Dr. Gerson's patients drink 8 ounces of juice (1 ounce 30 grams) 13 times a day, which is equivalent to 20 pounds (pound - 450 grams) of food per day. You also need live organic food - raw fruits and vegetables that surpasses the most vivid imagination, it is not only tasty, but also serves as an organic addition to juices, these are organic medicines straight from the table of Mother Nature. But with cancer, sweet fruits cannot be consumed, otherwise there will be pain.

Let's sum up

Write down what you ate for breakfast today? I interviewed 10 women, they were from 60 to 82 years old, wondering what they eat, because everyone complained of high blood pressure, tumors, and other diseases.

Here is their diet.

Oatmeal, bread from the store, a piece of cheese, an egg, meat food, milk, kefir, tea with sugar, omelets, rice with meat, coffee, jam, butter, refined sunflower oil, lard, dumba from a ram, pilaf, samsa, a fish.

I told them that there is raw organic natural food: pumpkin seed cream, sugar-free rosehip syrup, pressed flaxseed oil, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, bananas, corn in packs, radishes, celery, beets, carrots, radishes, cauliflower, red and green peppers, hot peppers, asparagus, white cabbage, algae, bitter wormwood, elecampane roots, immortelle herb, sauerkraut, green and onions, dill, parsley, spinach, turnips, eggplant, zucchini, squash, roots ginger, purple cabbage, purple onion, garden pumpkin, pomegranates, kiwi, apples, pears, plums, quince, prunes, watermelons, melons, cherries, cherries, apricots, apricots, alcha, sea buckthorn, black elderberry, lemons, pomegranates, mangoes, pineapples, especially dates.

It is endless to list natural food products, and each of them is a living organic food product of our cells. Cooked food is our first enemy, because it is dead, and it should probably be no more than 10% of the total diet. Look what an army that stands up to disease. But this army must be united, that is, go into battle in a solid line, and not in a handful.

But poor women reacted to my advice with suspicion and negativity, the way of life that they lead suits them, even if I live less, but, they say, as I want.

So summary

Strategic food

Eat lots of raw salads, and flaxseed oil is the healthiest fat, and consume lots of juices, but in small doses. I personally use a lot of juices from wheat, rye and millet sprouts.

I give a recipe: sprout wheat or rye, grind the rye in a meat grinder 2 times, put 100 g of mass in a blender with 0.5 l of warm water, beat for 1 minute, strain through cheesecloth, squeeze out the remainder and drink milk from sprouted wheat in small sips. It will be condensed, not like water. This is before meals for 1 hour. You will feel the inexplicable, something supernatural, unknown.

The main food - 20 varieties of different vegetable salads with flaxseed oil, it is they who will give a balance of mood, energy and overall health.

Have you ever drank milk from raw bitter or silver wormwood? Long life to you.

Let's talk about long term food supplies. We all live in an unstable time, which will be tomorrow, alas, difficult to predict, so you want to protect yourself and stock up on everything you need (and above all food) before another crisis strikes or, in the worst case, BP.

If you need to stock up on food in case of a prolonged crisis or worse, then you should immediately calculate how much and what products should be purchased. Food stocks are made on the basis of 6 months of the life of the group, without counting on the receipt of provisions from the outside. This autonomy was created taking into account such factors as:

1. Priorities of the first time.

For safety reasons, the first actions that need to be performed at the control point should be devoted to the inspection of the territory and planning further actions, as well as other similar things.

2. Ability to "pause".

There may be a time of passive use of food supplies, when you need to be patient and wait for the right moment, not being held back by the need for hasty action.

3. Increase in the size of the group.

Food stocks should be calculated taking into account the increase in the size of the group due to new people who may come without food.

4. Assessment of the ability to store food.

Stocking up on food for more than six months is very problematic, and storing food for such a time is not easy at all. The volumes required to store food for 6 months for 50 people are significant numbers.

Norms for laying products for one person for 6 months:

  • Stew - 3 boxes of 45 pieces.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 liters
  • Lard - 18 kg
  • Condensed milk - 30 cans.
  • Canned meat - 30 cans
  • Corn and other canned vegetables - 30 cans
  • Salted canned food - 15 cans
  • Peaches and other sweet canned food - 30 cans
  • Rice, buckwheat and other cereals - 30 Kg
  • Pasta - 60 kg
  • Peas or beans - 20 Kg
  • Sugar - 10 kg
  • Salt - 15 kg
  • Wheat - 10 kg
  • Egg powder - 5 kg
  • Starch - 0.5 kg
  • Tea - 1 kg
  • Coffee - 0.1 kg
  • Black pepper - 0.2 kg
  • Spices - 0.1 kg
  • Onions - 20 kg
  • Dry sauces - 0.5 - 1 kg
  • Soda - 1 kg
  • Nuts with lemon in honey - 2 Kg
  • Jam - 3 l
  • Dried fruits - 1.5 kg
  • Caramel - 3 kg
  • Chocolate - 1 kg
  • Galette cookies - 1 kg
  • Crackers - 10 kg

It should be noted that the main food items in an emergency are spaghetti, stew, cereals and bacon. The rest can become auxiliary products and flavors, as well as products that are used to diversify the diet.

This list is based on the experience of two families living with a limited diet for several months. The practice was not entirely rigid - certain common foods such as milk and bread were included in the diet. Rest days with a completely normal diet were also allowed, but in this practice, a recipe for making dishes was used, based on preferences and the rate of consumption of provisions.

Physical activity, as well as stress level at the time of this experiment, were consistent with the daily life of a city dweller, therefore, the need for food at high loads may increase.

In addition, the need to take provisions on the road was taken into account. To cover such a need, the main quantities of the stock were increased, and also some products were specially added to the list in order to be spent on trips.

Strangely, little attention is paid to the preparation of food supplies on various sites and in books devoted to survival. The authors appeal to the fact that without water and shelter, a person in an extreme situation will die much faster than without food. Well, you can't argue with that, but this is not at all a reason to deny the importance of food.

Without food, a person weakens, loses coordination, becomes less sturdy and worsens. Food is important. Therefore, it will never be superfluous to think about whether there is a supply of food in your pantry that will not let you die of hunger in a survival situation.

Long Term Storage Product List

The list of products that can be stored for a really long time (for years) is not at all so long, so you should not flatter yourself. However, if you collect a little of each in your own, your chances of successful (and even quite tasty) survival are much increased.

  1. Cereals

Perhaps, it is on cereals that you can pin your highest hopes. Rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, bulgur, couscous - all this can be stored from six months to one and a half years (in this sense, the greatest "long-liver" is white polished rice).

  1. Pasta

Durum wheat pasta, which contains nothing but flour and water, can be stored for up to 3 years. Pasta does not have such amazing useful properties as cereals, however, they are satisfying and high in calories - and more often than not, this is all a survivalist needs.

  1. Legumes

Peas and beans are similar in composition to meat products and in the absence of the opportunity to eat the latter, they will be successfully replaced (if not to taste, then in terms of nutritional value). You need to store legumes in the same way as cereals - in a dry, airtight, dark place. However, try to renew stocks more often - over time, legumes lose their nutritional properties.

  1. Dried breads, vegetables and jerky

In general, dried foods are stored very healthy - crackers, bagels, raisins, dried apricots, dried meat and fish - protect them from insects and keep them away from heat.

Honey practically does not deteriorate and does not lose its beneficial properties. In addition, do not forget about its ability to help the body fight infections and generally maintain general tone - in a situation of survival, you often have to resort to traditional methods of treatment.

  1. Flakes

In ordinary life, it is not very useful, but for an emergency store it is just that. And trace elements, and carbohydrates, and sweet, and quite satisfying. You can store it in the original cardboard packaging.

  1. Nuts

Any nuts are a calorie bomb, a charge of energy and benefits for your body. They perfectly satisfy hunger and do not take up much space.

After searching for information on this issue in the Russian segment of the Internet, I was shocked by the "rational" proposals of some "experts". For example, it is recommended to use fresh chicken eggs to create a home stock. Or vacuum-packed milk powder. Or sour cream ...

First of all, I have compiled for you a general list of products suitable for storage and products for storage that are unusable.

Suitable for creating a home stock of food:

Sterilized canned meat in classic metal cans
Sugar GOST 21-94
Long grain parboiled rice
Pasta group "A", premium
Freeze-dried coffee
Spices and seasonings (black pepper, vinegar, red hot pepper, bay leaf, paprika, etc.)

Suitable for storage only after careful handling:

Cooked biscuits (biscuits)
Other cereals (peas, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal)

Unsuitable for storing:

Fresh vegetables
Fresh fruits

Chicken eggs

Without freezing, you can safely forget about them as well, they will rot in the shortest possible time, even if they are in the refrigerator.

Powdered milk
Vegetable oil

They will not lie for more than a year, and, in addition, they require mandatory storage in the refrigerator. The whole problem is in the fats of these products, and fats oxidize over time.

Dried fruits
Homemade canned meat

Made, as a rule, illiterate, without following the proper technical processes. The use of such products after long-term storage can lead to anything, up to poisoning with botulinum toxin.

Canned fish

The allowed storage limit is usually no more than 2 years.

Ready-made solutions in the Russian market

There are several types of ready-made solutions for long-term stocks

And also a number of other, simpler ones, and all of them are available to you for review in the "All Our Products" menu of our website.

Why are we stocking up on food?

A food supply in case of a crisis is the only way to feel confident in the face of constant Russian inflation, the threat of social collapse and an unstable social environment. No "paranoia" - just the storekeeper allows you to stand on your feet differently. Harder, calmer; a strong rear is always good.

Someone argues that storing is a waste of money with the risk of losing it due to spoilage of the stored food. We know many of these skeptics as figures from the statistical columns "died of hunger during the period ...". Civil war, world wars, social collapse, rising crime rates - there are many dangers in the world, and one of the really effective ways to insure yourself against them is autonomy.

It is autonomy that is the essence of the home emergency stock of food. It is not the first year that I have been affirming, and will continue to affirm, that a real, healthy human being is a family man who lives completely autonomously in an ecologically clean area. A person who is independent of the "benefits" of "civilization" with its unbridled consumerism, disgusting mass culture, and eternal squabbling.

Now in the yard - the Golden Age, no matter how strange it may sound. Never in the last millennium has man enjoyed such personal comfort on such a massive scale. Today, every laborer can afford a heated toilet, soap, a variety of imported food from all over the world, and even a private car!

But at what cost did we get all this? And have we not become perniciously addicted to all this?

The law of conservation of energy has not been canceled, and huge material benefits are achieved by spending resources, as well as the labor of third world countries. The very resources that should have been used for a decent education of children, knowledge of the world around them, space exploration, the world's best armed forces ...

By “optimizing” the consumption of natural resources, we are in a vulnerable position. We are Russia. And this position is the position of a schoolgirl returning home in dark alleys, with an expensive telephone instead of a pistol.

The social situation in Russia today is frankly explosive. Citizens confident of the future walk the streets, and meanwhile the level of unemployment, imports of food products is growing, and the police, hastily converted from the police, are acquiring water cannons and expanding their weapons.

What is it for?

It's not so important why.

It is important to be prepared for any situation. This is how I live, and I recommend you to live the same way.

Simple guide.

During the twentieth century on the territory of Eurasia, famine occurred TEN times. And each time the need arose for the same components of the stock of products:

Animal protein (absolutely indispensable for the development of children and during pregnancy)
Carbohydrates (the main source of energy. Up to 60% of the human diet should consist of them)
Fiber (essential for healthy digestion)
Animal fats (a source of energy for heavy exercise. They also contain fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins)
The main vital vitamins are A, C and D.

There are two fundamental approaches to the formation of reserves. You can make them either from products requiring preparation (cereals, flour, etc.), or from ready-made products - canned meat, canned cereals, canned soups, freeze-dried substances. The second option from the above is more expensive, but much more convenient and simple to prepare - you only need to protect the cans, and not sort through and pour groceries into more protected containers. However, neither the first nor the second contains enough vitamins.

Therefore, I recommend combining both methods, and complementing them. Of course, it is better to provide with more expensive methods what cannot be provided with cheaper ones. Canned meat, a source of animal protein in our food supply, cannot be replaced by any cereal.

Now I will touch on the proportions.

A person's daily needs, if we talk about days of heavy physical exertion, are at least 400 grams of meat, at least 0.4-0.5 kg of cereals, and always fresh plant food.

Everything, except for fresh plant food and vitamins, can be stored (multivitamin complexes, unfortunately, are not suitable for long-term storage).

1) 1 can of stewed beef GOST 5284-84 premium, net 525 g
2) 0.4-0.5 kg of cereals - pasta, rice, oatmeal
3) Fresh plant foods (I recommend white cabbage)

A food stock based on this formula can protect you and your family from hunger. But what about plant food, which cannot be preserved fresh except by deep freezing, and which is stored for no more than a year?

The answer brings me back to the thesis that I have already voiced in this article. Be Autonomous! Don't live in cities, this is a dubious convenience, bought at the cost of physical and mental health.

Besides, stocking up in the city is still useless. After all, food should not only be available, it will also need to be protected if it becomes scarce. And this also happened many times during the twentieth century ...

Order a long-term storage of food products now, and for a long time you will not need to drag out your hands with bags, waste time, gasoline, trust unknown suppliers. And most importantly, you will insure yourself against events that have occurred many times in the history of Russia - crises, deficits, price increases, socio-political collapses. Call us!

Many things and actions are peculiar to humans, which resemble some behavior of wild animals. For example, creating a strategic stock of products. This subconscious habit of having in stock a certain arsenal of food and some other goods often saved people in difficult times. What do they buy in reserve? We will try to answer this question.

Minimum stock, or how to save

All people are different, and what they buy in reserve is different. For some, the accumulation of strategic reserves becomes a mania. And for some, this is just a necessary supply of food. However, there is a certain recommended list of things and products that it is desirable to have in stock.

Modern life is an eternal lack of time and energy for housekeeping. It is in order to have the opportunity to cook a delicious lunch or dinner at home, to meet unexpected guests, in case of illness, you must always have the necessary food on hand. In this case, you must follow the rules and terms of their storage. Of course, first of all, when buying a stock, you need to take care in advance about the place, conditions and duration of storage.

Only products with a long shelf life can be purchased for future use without risk to life and health, without losing their quality. Otherwise, the whole point of the stock is lost. After all, thrifty people are thrifty, but if there is no savings, and the entire stock turns into a pile of spoilage, then in this case it is not worth making this stock.

Stock types

There is a grocery stock and a general one. The food supply includes essential foodstuffs. In general - basic household items, such as medicines, personal hygiene products, detergents and

Food is the most expensive item in the family budget. To minimize daily food costs, you should create a supply of food for all family members, replenishing it as you use it. There are practically no housewives who do not make any household supplies. Products purchased in advance and some blanks are already the minimum required stock of products, which will help to save money in the future.

Sources of receipt of products

There are several sources of receipt for products in stock. They can be classified as:

Seasonal blanks

Seasonal preparations are a stock of some products for the winter and spring. Everything that the housewives and owners have collected and purchased from seasonal products, and subsequently rolled up, dried or frozen, will be an excellent help in winter and spring. The larger the stock, the longer it will last. The terms and conditions of storage of products prepared for the season allow them to be stored and used for a long period. So, home-made preservation can be stored for 2 or 3 years. The cheapest seasonal products that are bought in reserve are a good investment of the family budget.

Occasional blanks

Sometimes people accidentally make stock purchases. Promotions, discounts, sale of "deposits" - all this affects the buying activity. Favorable prices are conducive to the purchase of goods in small wholesale. Of course, these are unplanned expenses, but they then pay off. The main thing is to get necessary products, and not cheap nonsense. It is imperative to pay attention to the shelf life and sale of products sold under the promotion. Often, sales for are held on the occasion of their expiration date. Therefore, you need to be careful, you cannot put expired products in stock.

Planned blanks

Permanent procurement of stock of products for future use is done in a controlled and planned manner. Everything is decided in advance. Usually a list is made and the stock is updated regularly. Such a stock includes products that are used constantly. Each person decides for himself what he needs for life and what is not.

There is also a so-called "strategic reserve" - ​​in the event of a deterioration in the financial situation of a family or a deterioration in the economy in the country, the onset of a crisis. These reserves will help to hold out in difficult times without starving. You can use such a stock in the event of a sharp jump in prices during a financial crisis, in a period of cataclysms, hostilities or loss of livelihood. What goods are bought in reserve in this case? This list includes foods and essentials. Having such products in the required volume, you don't have to worry about random troubles. Just do not forget to update stocks.


Here is a list of what products are bought in stock:

  • finely ground wheat flour;
  • whole cereals, various;
  • rafinated sugar;
  • natural honey;
  • dairy, fish, vegetable, stew, jam, salads, condensed milk, pates, fish, etc.
  • milk powder and;
  • durum flour pasta;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • condiments and spices;
  • tea and natural coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • long-term storage vegetables: potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, cabbage, beets;
  • baking soda and vinegar;
  • nuts.


Flour is essential in those families where they often bake. This product has a long shelf life, but flour cannot be stored for more than 12 months. Otherwise, it loses its taste and nutritional qualities. The ideal period for renewing the flour stock is six months. The optimal stock is 50 kilograms.

Store flour - both rye and wheat - under certain conditions: in dry rooms with zero air temperature. It is optimal to store flour in 5 liter linen bags. Pre-soak the bags in a saline solution. This will prevent insects from appearing on any product stored in the bag.


Sugar has always been a strategic product. Many people cannot imagine life without sugar. During the war, sweet water gave strength to the exhausted, helped to survive the blockade.

The shelf life of this product is 8 years. However, it should be remembered that granulated sugar and refined sugar quickly absorb foreign odors. Therefore, it is better to store sugar in tight plastic bags, packaged in 5 kilograms. The stock of this strategic product is from 25 to 150 kilograms. The sugar storage room should be well ventilated with low humidity. Sugar is stored at room temperature on shelves.


Cereals in stock can be varied. For long-term storage, buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley, peas are suitable. All these cereals will be stored longer if they are rolled up in glass jars, having previously fried. A good way to extend the shelf life of cereals is to put a red pepper pod in a container with a product. This will additionally protect against bugs.

The strategic volume of cereals may vary. It should be noted that crimped cereal products are not stored for long, and it is not recommended to harvest them for future use.


Durum wheat pasta and pasta have a long shelf life. The drier the room, the longer the storage space. Pasta is stored in Usually, pasta that is bought in reserve has a shelf life of 3 to 5 years.

You should not purchase pasta with additives for long-term storage. Their implementation period is short. Typically, a strategic stock of pasta is 20 kilograms or more.

Vegetable oil

It is better to store vegetable oils for a stock in a glass container. It should be from sunflower, corn, olives, or canola. Do not store oils in cold conditions, as well as near heating devices. Vegetable oils are a source of vitamins. Its presence in the diet of people is required. Therefore, this product is classified as strategic.


Canned food has a long shelf life. This is especially true for meat products. Usually, after 5 years, the packaging collapses from corrosion, and the product remains the same tasty and nutritious. It is this fact that requires careful attention to the storage of canned food. If there is no damage from rust on the container, there is no swelling, then the preservation can be stored for a long time. Canned food must be airtight, without damaging the cans. Optimal storage conditions: low humidity and air from 7 to 10 degrees Celsius.


Honey can be stored under normal conditions in a hermetically sealed container, preferably made of glass. The quantity is not limited. Honey is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the human body. If you have a lot of honey in stock, then you shouldn't stock up on a lot of sugar.

The rest of the products are stored under normal conditions that meet their standards. This is just a short answer to the question: "What products do you buy in stock?"

Things "in reserve"

There is also a small list of what goods are bought in reserve. These are essential supplies and medicines. What do they buy in reserve in small quantities? It:

  • hygiene kit for women;
  • detergent and soap;
  • plastic bags;
  • toilet paper or napkins;
  • a set of locksmith tools and fasteners;
  • flashlight and spare batteries;
  • a sanitary set of bandage and plaster;
  • first aid kit with the most necessary medicines.

There can be different products and things in the “strategic set”. In this article, only the recommended ones are indicated, those that are the basis.

You should not stock up on a large amount of food that requires special storage conditions, such as a freezer. In the absence of electricity, all this supply will be lost.

Water is an essential product

But to have several tens of liters of drinking water in stock is convenient and prudent. Even under normal conditions, in case of an unforeseen cutoff of water in the water intake, during the repair of pipes, the supply of drinking water will always come in handy.