How is halal food different from regular food? A bird with feathers and a fish with scales. How Halal Food Is Different From Kosher

28.09.2019 Bakery

Nowadays, more and more preferences are given to healthy eating, sports and the rejection of all kinds of fast food. When the counters in all supermarkets are literally overwhelmed with not always useful goodies, you will not find this in Halal stores, whose products meet special requirements. This name, which has become practically a quality mark in many countries, is increasingly found in Russia and other "non-Muslim" countries.

Approved products

Halal - what is it and what is it eaten with? It is known worldwide that Muslims pay special attention to their food. This is dictated not so much by a love of healthy eating to maintain a figure or normalize life in general, as by religious trends. Customers in Halal stores are sure that they buy only high-quality products made using special technologies and not containing harmful substances, as well as components prohibited by the Koran. For example, during harvesting, special methods of slaughtering livestock are used, almost complete removal of blood and compliance with hygienic rules and regulations.

Is it only meat?

Not many people know what kind of products are sold under the Halal label (that it is not only meat). There are pastries, sausages, poultry and much more. If we move away from the gastronomic industry, then such goods can also include clothing, cosmetics, perfumery. And that's not all. When making purchases under this brand or using any service, the buyer can be sure that he is acting in accordance with the laws of Islam. Because "Halal" is not just a literal commercial title. And to get it, you need to go through the procedure of some of the requirements set by the standard of the Council. The certification takes place at the Halal International Certification Center.


One of the most important events in this area - the "Halal-2013" exhibition in Moscow - was organized for the fourth time. The event was held from 13 to 16 June at the All-Russian Exhibition Center and brought together more than 140 companies producing and supplying Halal products. You can find out what kind of event it was on the official website. The fifth Moscow exhibition will take place in June 2014. This event is perhaps the best way to establish yourself as a halal supplier.

In addition, the First Russian Halal Summit began its work. Within its framework, in June this year, a conference was held on international achievements in this industry. The event was held in St. Petersburg and was marked by the arrival of many Russian and foreign leaders.

Halal Invasion

What is this going on? In all countries, the "halal movement" is gaining momentum. More and more stores with these products can be seen - from small kiosks to huge supermarkets. And the excitement is happening not only in Muslim countries, but also in Russia, France, Great Britain and many others. The trend towards the organization of healthy eating in the world of Islam has long been caused by religious considerations, while in Europe it is the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Assalamu 'alaykum, girls!

Do you know what halal is? Do you know what is allowed and what is forbidden?

Today I will tell you an interesting story about the opinion that sometimes exists among those who consider themselves Muslims - about halal.

Maybe from the outside it will seem ridiculous, but I felt uneasy. After all, most people do not even realize what sin they take on their souls when they spread such words about what they really do not know.

In general, this is what we are talking about.

Wonderful salt

We were visiting relatives - they are ethnic Muslims. It was in a private house, my children and I went out into the yard and saw the titmouse. And the conversation turned to the fact that these birds are greedy for lard - it is worth hanging a piece higher, they fly in a flock and begin to feast. Then they began to find out whether it was possible to feed the animals with what Allah had forbidden for us, and suddenly a relative gives out:

“Don't you know that salt sanctifies all products? If you add salt to the bacon, it becomes halal! "

I was just numb. For a minute, in the most literal sense, she was speechless. Yes, they do not recite namaz and are not covered, but they go to the mosque, they observe fasting in Ramadan, and sometimes they speak "Bismillah" more often than ourselves. And suddenly something like that. What is most interesting - we did not manage to convince them! The miraculous salt so filled their heads that they (not for the first time) thought they were religious fanatics). The argument - ask the Hazrat, it didn't work either. All that remains is to read the dua and ask Allah to guide them on the right path.

And so, I decided to write this post, suddenly it will be read by someone who is convinced of something similar.

What is halal

The meaning of the word "halal" cannot be translated into Russian in a short and correct way. If you convey its meaning as accurately as possible, it will turn out: "That which is permitted, that does not contradict the laws of Sharia, that does not entail sin." In other words, halal is a way of life a devout Muslim, the only true path of Allah is Islam itself.

The opposite of halal is the meaning of the word "haram". Haram is a way of life that is pleasing to the shaitan, leading to the betrayal of the Almighty.

The concept of halal applies to all areas of human life: services, business, finance, everyday life, clothing, jewelry, relationships between people and others. There are exact indications of everything halal and haraam in the Quran, in difficult cases you need to seek clarification from a spiritual mentor and get an accurate and correct answer.

Halal food: what is it?

Over the past few years, halal products have become more widely available in stores around the world. "Permitted" products are in demand not only by Muslims, but also by Christians. In order to understand well what halal is in food, let's turn again to the concept of haram in food. Faithful forbidden to use as a food product:

  • Pork, as well as all derivatives that are prepared from the components of pork carcasses (gelatin, which is most often made from pork cartilage);
  • Alcohol (including those used as a flavoring agent - sweets, canned food, meat marinated in wine);
  • Animal blood;
  • Carrion (meat of dead (not killed) animals);
  • Insects, birds of prey, predatory animals (especially those that feed on carrion);
  • Meat of animals killed without mentioning the name of Allah, in violation of halal rules.

Pay attention to the last point! Even if the animal, the meat of which you are going to purchase, belongs to the category of permissible, you must find out - who killed it and how. The fact that this is a chicken does not mean that this chicken is halal. And a rabbit. And beef. And any other livestock. Only if you know for sure that the animal was slaughtered Sharia compliant and a believer, such meat is halal for you.

Certain food colors and additives made from insects that contain skin, hair, or fat from animals killed inappropriately are also banned. Halal food should be natural, healthy and wholesome.

Halal meat and other foods: features

The meat of “allowed” animals can turn into “forbidden” food. Let's figure out how halal meat differs from ordinary meat. "Clean" meat can be obtained if the regulations slaughter:

  • The animal must be healthy;
  • The slaughter site must be perfectly clean;
  • The slaughterer must be an adult, mentally healthy, have a sharp tool (sharpening a knife in the presence of an animal is prohibited!) And slaughter, causing the least suffering to the animal (only one incision is allowed in the neck area);
  • Immediately before slaughter, the slaughterer must say: "Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!" (in the event that the butcher is not a Muslim (which is allowed), he can say: "With God!");
  • All blood must drain from the carcass of the slaughtered animal, for which it is suspended;

Halal meat production process strictly controlled representatives of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims or the Council of Muftis.

If everything is clear with meat, what does “halal” mean on the packaging of rice or sugar? This can only mean one thing, that the product does not contain any prohibited additives, dyes, preservatives. This is especially important for sweets, vegetables, canned food and other products.

be careful when buying pastries: most cakes and pastries contain alcohol, and gelatin is the base of marmalade and marshmallows, not to mention jelly. This does not mean at all that such delicacies are forbidden for Muslims. Halal jelly (like marmalade with marshmallows) is prepared on the basis of gelatin made from Agar-agar algae or pectin (obtained from peaches or apples).

Let's not let ourselves be fooled

Halal products are becoming more and more in demand. This fact is often used by dishonest manufacturers who use the word "halal" on their labels. Frozen foods (manti, pasties, dumplings, etc.) require special care. Content may not match what is written on the package.

Note! The inscription "Muslim sausage" or "Muslim dumplings" does not mean that the product is halal! The packaging must have a sign confirming the permissibility of food. For example, the mark of the Council of Muftis of Russia.

Each a halal product must be accompanied by a special certificate, which can be requested from the seller.

Hope the article was helpful for you girls! Have you encountered any misinterpretation of the word "halal" or wrong beliefs about it?

In the modern world, it has become fashionable to adhere to a healthy lifestyle - go to gyms and swimming pools, rationalize nutrition, follow a full diet, go for massages and lead an active lifestyle in general. And of course, this is very commendable, especially if you consider that even young people strive for this, who 5-7 years ago were not interested in anything except elite alcohol and noisy club parties.

Fashionable exotic

Sometimes, even when we observe any nutritional system, there is a temptation to eat something tasty and terribly harmful. Against the backdrop of breakdowns, some are inexorably gaining the previously lost pounds. But there are those who approach the issue of their favorite hazards with all responsibility and a pinch of cunning when buying halal food.

Products with the mysterious eastern label "halal" are available in many stores, but they are quickly sorted out by customers in the very first days of delivery. What is hidden under the mysterious name "halal food"?

What is the essence and benefits of consuming such gastronomic products? Let's figure it out together. Do not be intimidated by such an exotic product name. It is worth emphasizing that they are successfully used by representatives of various races and religions around the world. In a broad sense, halal food does not have any religious overtones. More precisely, it is really associated with Islam, but for us Christians, it is nothing more than wholesome food. So what does it mean "Halal food"- a return to ancient traditions, or another trend of fashion?

Halal food is the key to health and beauty

So, if you see a sausage in front of you, or any other product marked "halal", you are probably wondering what exactly it is connected with. The word "halal" in translation from the Arabic language has an almost literal meaning "Compliance with the laws of Sharia". “This is, of course, wonderful, but how Sharia law is related to ordinary sausage"- you will probably think to yourself. The answer to your question is kept by one of the most ancient and greatest religions in the world - Islam.

In the sacred book of any devout Muslim, it is clearly stated what he can eat and what is categorically not. Sometimes we find it ridiculous to prohibit the Koran, say, on pork. It would seem, why Muslims consider this meat "dirty"?

But they, like us, have their own laws by which they have to live. In addition, as practice shows, these traditions have a very beneficial effect on the health and energy state of a person.

Thus, by consuming halal food, we can join the Islamic culture, and at the same time cleanse the body. It is believed that not only he gets rid of all sorts of sores and pollution. The soul itself is also healed.

According to the Quran, the following animal products are prohibited from consumption:

  • Pork;
  • Predatory meat (wolf, tiger, lion, etc.);
  • Birds of prey meat (hawk, falcon, etc.);
  • Donkey and mule meat;
  • Dog meat;
  • Some offal;
  • Genitals and endocrine glands;
  • Bladder and gallbladder;
  • Pure blood.

Moreover, Islam prohibits the consumption of alcohol. Agree that the exclusion of the above products can be very useful for a person far from Eastern religion. Indeed, by consuming the listed products inside, we endanger not only our figure, but also our health. For example, pig meat contains saturated fatty acids, which have a detrimental effect on lipid metabolism.

In addition, when this type of meat is consumed, the level of cholesterol in the blood increases greatly, which contributes to the development of hypercholesterolemia with all the ensuing consequences, up to atherosclerosis.

Another characteristic feature of halal is that an animal whose meat is prepared for sale must be killed strictly for slaughter. Eating the meat of an animal that has died a natural death, or has been killed in any prohibited, unacceptable way, is strictly prohibited. It is not allowed to slaughter an animal without a special prayer for this rite. It is believed that the brute should be killed with the name and permission of God.

What is halal food?

It is pure food, both in a moral, spiritual and physical sense. During its manufacture, the addition of prohibited products is not allowed, which means that the food is considered healthy and wholesome. Take a look at the above list of Muslim prohibitions again. Now imagine that all of the above somehow ends up in your plate with meat products and semi-finished products from an ordinary grocery store.

Sad, isn't it? Isn't that a reason to buy halal food?

Today, halal products are successfully sold not only on the shelves of our homeland, but also in stores in Europe and the United States. Halal food restaurants exist in many countries and are frequented by the rich and famous. They believe that such food is ideal for their health and beauty, and that says a lot. In Great Britain, halal products are sold annually to 6,000,000 people, although, according to the census, only 2,000,000 devout Muslims live in the country.

As you can imagine, halal food is suitable for all people, without exception, and is considered very healthy. In addition, it has a rich taste, since it contains only natural products, without various carcinogens and toxic additives.

Kosher food

What are halal and kosher food? We have dealt with halal. Now let's move on to the kosher. Translated from Hebrew, "kosher" - "Fit, suitable"... Basically, it has nothing to do with food directly ... but it also has to do with religion! Kosher food also implies compliance with some rules and restrictions in the Jewish religion.

According to Jewish law, it is allowed to eat only the meat of livestock - a cow, a bull, a sheep, a ram, a goat or a deer. The consumption of poultry is allowed - chickens, geese, turkey, ducks.

It should be noted right away that Halal products can be eaten by people of any nationality and religion. For Muslims, the term "Halal" is primarily a confirmation of compliance with Islamic traditions. The Halal label means that the product does not contain ingredients prohibited for consumption by Muslims (pork, blood, etc.), and is a pure product of Spiritual origin. For everyone, the high quality of Halal products comes first, as they are tasty, do not contain harmful preservatives and additives, and meet the requirements for shelf life and storage.

Products manufactured in accordance with Islamic norms are in demand not only by the two billion Muslim population of the Earth. Non-Muslims who are striving for a healthy lifestyle are also willing to purchase these products. For example, in the UK, Halal products are sold annually to six million people, although there are only two million Muslims. Halal marks not only meat, but other products as well; such products can be identified by a special badge. How is Halal meat different from regular meat?

Halal meat production includes:

  • Careful observance of sanitary and hygienic rules at all stages of production;
  • Kind attitude and mercy to the animal before, during and after slaughter;
  • Animals should be fed exclusively with natural feed that does not contain hormonal and artificial additives, GMOs;
  • Reliable absence of diseases in the animal that can harm human health;
  • Just before the slaughter of each animal, a short prayer is said;
  • The animal is killed by cutting the carotid artery; any other methods (electric current, etc.) are prohibited by Islamic tradition. Everything should be done humanely, in one swift movement;
  • The blood is removed from the body of the animal almost completely, in a natural way. When cooked, such bloodless meat acquires a slightly different taste - pleasant and refined; in addition, the absence of blood reduces the risk of bacteria developing in fresh meat. It is believed that the meat of animals slaughtered according to Islamic canons is not only tastier, but also healthier for human health.

Modern food is replete with chemical flavors, flavorings, colors, preservatives, genetically modified ingredients, etc. With the study of the effects of such substances on the human body, many of them are recognized as unsafe, and some are downright carcinogenic. The situation is complicated by the fact that with an increase in the number of people on the planet, the demand for food resources also grows, while the principle of “faster, more, cheaper” dominates in the production / consumption of food, which cannot but affect the quality of products.

But at the same time, the opposite tendencies are intensifying in the world: more and more people are striving to switch to a healthy diet and are learning a responsible attitude to the choice of food in order to protect themselves and their children from the negative consequences of eating low-quality "chemically" food. In the West, in particular in developed European countries and the USA, such a concept as "organic food" is gaining popularity - organic, natural food. It is understood that such a product is not harmful to the human body: vegetables do not contain nitrates, sausage and ham - carcinogens and GMOs, yoghurts - artificial colors, etc. All this echoes the Halal standards. Halal is not just food of religious significance, but also food that meets modern environmental requirements. Currently, special attention is paid to the production of Halal products all over the world, since this consumer market is very attractive.

Definitions of words in the Arabic-Russian dictionary

Halal validation

Halal certification is the main guarantee of compliance of products and services with Halal requirements in a market economy. The confirmation procedure is aimed at achieving the following objectives:

  • assistance to Muslim consumers in a competent choice of products and services "Halal";
  • protection of Muslim consumers from an unscrupulous manufacturer (seller, executor);
  • confirmation of information on the compliance of products and services with Halal standards;
  • creation of conditions for the activities of organizations and entrepreneurs in the market of Russia, the CIS countries, as well as for participation in international economic, scientific and technical cooperation and international trade.

"Halal" conformity confirmation is a voluntary procedure.

Halal events in Russia

Exhibitions are held in Russia where companies specializing in the production / distribution of goods and services permitted by Islam are presented. For example, the international exhibition Moscow Halal Expo. The aim of the exhibition is to develop halal principles in Russia in production, consumption, trade, business and financial relations. The first exhibition took place in June 2010 at the International Exhibition Center. Since then, the event has been held annually.

Notes (edit)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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