Storage of cereals. How to store different types of cereals correctly? secrets of storing different cereals

15.04.2019 Healthy eating

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At first, many young housewives do not particularly bother about storing cereals, especially since now almost everyone acquires it in special packages, and they store them in them.

True, from time to time, such packs tend to tear, disperse, after which all the cereals are outside, falling asleep in the cabinet in which these packs stood, or even scattered throughout the kitchen, if at that time the pack was simply on the table or in hands.

But this is not the main problem, much more serious - these are bugs that can start in various types of cereals, and then there is nothing left to do but throw out the whole pack, because porridge with insects is not the most pleasant sight.

Since porridge is very healthy and required product, which should be present in the diet of any person wishing to lead healthy image life, then we usually store them in considerable quantities and in different types: buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, semolina, wheat groats and any other.

But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a large space where all this could be placed and arranged, because the standard kitchens in our apartments do not allow much to roam.

To avoid all these problems, as well as to be known as a good housewife, you need to figure out how to properly store cereals, because it turns out that even such a thing has its own helpful advice and advice.

Surely, many of us remember grandmother's mezzanines and kitchen cabinets, in which whole rows were lined up three-liter bottlesfilled with different cereals and pasta.

In fact, the idea is still the same, just progress is moving forward and the storage tanks for cereals have changed and transformed somewhat, they can be selected in accordance with the decor own kitchen, for every taste and color. But what containers are best suited for such purposes? Let's figure it out.

What are the storage tanks for cereals?

  • Metal jars. They, of course, look stylish and of high quality, but in such containers there is a drawback - they can easily rust, and this will not happen from the ingress of water, but simply, over time. Not only does it look ugly, but also harmful oxidation processes will dissipate on your cereal, without thereby adding useful and taste propertiesbut rather the opposite. Another option is stainless steel jars, but such containers, most likely, will greatly facilitate your wallet, which is also not always appropriate.
  • Plastic is quite a convenient and appropriate option, they often have an attractive appearance, and can also boast of an important advantage - they are very light, which is why the load on the lockers is minimal. When there are 10 jars on one shelf, then, you know, this fact will play a significant role, in the truest sense of the word.
  • Glass containers. Probably one of the best and optimal options... Modern glass jars for cereals have a stylish design, they can differ in price, but if you do not chase brands, you can choose a quite decent option at a very reasonable price. And in general it is believed that ordinary banks with lids can also be used as containers for storing cereals, it is not for nothing that our grandmothers and mothers did this, and in order for them to look beautiful and unusual, they are even decorated with their own hands, which we will talk about a little later.
  • Ceramic containers. Also an excellent and very stylish option, it is believed that this is the best solution for storing any bulk products.

Naturally, all these containers must have a good airtight lid that will close tightly without leaving any gaps. By the way, in addition to special containers, ordinary linen bags are perfect for such purposes, which must first be soaked in a saline solution and then ironed with an iron. You can put cereals in a bag directly into a glass or any other container, so you will definitely forget about bugs and other annoying insects.

Secrets of storing different cereals

We figured out the containers, everyone made their choice, but that's not all. It turns out that in order for the cereals to be stored as long as possible, and at the same time everything was done without bugs, as well as the appearance of unpleasant odors, you need to resort to some tricks.

It turns out that not all cereals have the same shelf life.

For example, rice can easily be stored for years, it will have nothing, but buckwheat grain stored for no longer than 20 months. Millet is not at all a long-liver, so that the porridge turns out to be tasty, it can be stored for no more than 4 months, otherwise the cereal will then taste bitter and give away unpleasant odor. Cereals also do not lie for a long time, optimally 4-5 months, especially if it is muesli with various additives.

In order not to get bugs in the rice, and also it does not give off a musty smell, put a pod with it in a container hot pepper... If there is no pepper, then several slices will do, and you do not need to peel off the top skin from them.

Another method that works for all cereals is to use gauze bags of salt, which can be placed on the bottom of the container. Some housewives put dry bay leaf or lemon zest, which is also very effective.

It is also necessary to process the cabinet itself, where the jars of cereals are located, so that some kind of living creatures do not start up in it. To do this, simply treat it with vinegar and then spread out the lavender oil-soaked pads. Don't worry, the smell will go away quickly.

Another the right way, the success of which does not depend on what your semolina is stored in, buckwheat, rice or oat groats, is not to be lazy right after buying cereals, warm it up in the oven, and then sift it through a sieve. Another way is to put a bag of cereals in the freezer for a day, then the probability of the appearance of insects is practically zero.

Decor and beauty

Even the most ordinary bottles can be decorated, this requires a little imagination and perseverance. Better, of course, to use rectangular jars, they are easier to arrange in a cabinet, as a result of which they take up much less space.

For each jar, you can come up with a beautiful signature: write your jar in curly font on a bright piece of paper, and then glue it onto the container itself. Jars can be pasted over with clippings from old magazines, which depict food and dishes, so they will look more fun and cute.

Some housewives glue the jars with lace, pieces of fabric, use the decoupage technique, but what to say, there are many options, try it yourself, and you will understand that the main thing is desire!

Groats are an extremely necessary food product. Groats are crushed or whole grains of mainly cereals and so-called cereal crops: oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, barley grits, rice, millet, pearl barley, Wheat groats. There are also several types of cereals from legumes: peas, lentils.

Why are cereal dishes so useful? The thing is that cereal food is a rich source of energy and nutrients! Porridge and other cereal dishes are especially necessary for our body in winter - the complex carbohydrates they contain can warm our body no worse than a fur coat!

The benefits of cereals originate in the growth of cereals and legumes. Each ripe seed, filled with solar energy, bears the most valuable aid to the life support of the body. Whole grains are an inexhaustible source of fiber, fiber (i.e., substances that cleanse the intestines) and other elements. People who eat at least 3-5 meals a week made with whole grains have a 20% lower risk of heart disease. The more meals in your diet, which include cereals, the more tangible this relationship.

Each cereal has its own beneficial properties, and almost each of them can be used in dietary and therapeutic - prophylactic nutrition. Many cereals, promote the removal of cholesterol from the body, strengthen the walls blood vessels, improve the functioning of the heart, as well as the liver and gastrointestinal tract... Different cereals have slightly different useful properties, this must be taken into account when choosing cereals for your diet.

How to choose cereals?

How not to get lost in such a variety? How to choose the right cereal and enjoy this valuable product?
If you buy low-quality cereals, then the dishes from it will be bitter and unpleasant, so be careful when choosing cereals.

If you decide to buy prepackaged cereals, then first of all check the integrity of the package. Pay attention to the expiration date. The "older" the cereal, the more bitter it will become after cooking. Take a look at the appearance of the cereal: there should be no sticky lumps, otherwise this indicates the presence of food moths in it. There should be no foreign impurities in the cereal.

It is very important to know the real color of any cereal. Semolina white or cream, oatmeal - gray-yellow, correct millet - bright yellow color... Fresh buckwheat is beige with a yellow tint. And if buckwheat brown color - means the cereal has undergone heat treatment and useful properties there is little in it.

Rice is usually chosen according to the shape of the grain. The shape of the rice determines its taste. Long, transparent and thin grains will not stick together during cooking, the dish from it will always be crumbly. These grains of rice are ideal for preparing salads and side dishes. Round grain rice is completely soft, so choose it for cereals, desserts and casseroles.

The color of the rice matters too. Sanded white rice it cooks quickly, but there are practically no vitamins in it. If you want to quickly prepare a side dish of rice and get maximum benefit, feel free to choose transparent yellow (parboiled) rice. The grains of such rice must be uniform color. Brown rice - not a spoiled product at all, but on the contrary, brown rice varieties are most useful.

If you buy groats by weight, then you have the opportunity to smell the groats. The smell of mold and dampness is definitely not a sign quality product, especially cereals.

If you decide to check the quality of cereals from home stocks, then rinse some of the grains and taste the grains. If they are sweet and not bitter, congratulations, this is a fresh product.

Before using the groats, be sure to sort out and rinse them under running water, even if they were purchased in perfect packaging.

How to store cereals?

At first, many young housewives do not particularly bother about storing cereals, especially since now almost everyone acquires it in special packages, and they store them in them.

True, from time to time, such packs tend to tear, disperse, after which all the cereals are outside, falling asleep in the cabinet in which these packs stood, or even scattered throughout the kitchen, if at that time the pack was simply on the table or in hands.

But this is not the main problem, much more serious - these are bugs that can start in various types of cereals, and then there is nothing left to do but throw out the whole pack, because porridge with insects is not the most pleasant sight.

Since cereals are a very useful and necessary product that should be present in the diet of any person who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle, we usually store them in considerable quantities and in various forms: buckwheat, rice, barley, oatmeal, semolina, wheat groats. and any other.

But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a large space where all this could be placed and arranged, because the standard kitchens in our apartments do not allow much to roam.

To avoid all these problems, as well as be known as a good housewife, you need to figure out how to properly store cereals, because it turns out that even for such a case there are useful recommendations and advice.

Surely, many of us remember the grandmother's mezzanines and kitchen cabinets, in which whole rows of three-liter bottles were lined up, filled with various cereals and pasta.

In fact, the idea is still the same, just progress is going forward and the containers for storing cereals have changed and transformed somewhat, they can be selected in accordance with the decor of your own kitchen, for every taste and color. But what containers are best suited for such purposes? Let's figure it out.

what are the storage tanks for cereals?

  • Metal jars. They, of course, look stylish and of high quality, but in such containers there is a drawback - they can easily rust, and this will not happen from the ingress of water, but simply, over time. Not only does it look ugly, but also harmful oxidation processes will dissipate on your cereal, thereby not adding useful and taste properties to it, but rather the opposite. Another option is stainless steel jars, but such containers, most likely, will greatly facilitate your wallet, which is also not always appropriate.
  • Plastic - quite a convenient and appropriate option, they often have an attractive appearance, and also boast an important advantage - they are very light, which is why the load on the lockers is minimal. When there are 10 jars on one shelf, then, you know, this fact will play a significant role, in the truest sense of the word.
  • Glass containers. Probably one of the best and most optimal options. Modern glass jars for cereals have a stylish design, they can differ in price, but if you do not chase brands, you can choose a quite decent option at a very reasonable price. And in general, it is believed that ordinary jars with lids can also be used as containers for storing cereals, it is not for nothing that our grandmothers and mothers did this, and in order for them to look beautiful and unusual, they are even decorated with their own hands, which we will talk about a few later.
  • Ceramic containers. Also an excellent and very stylish option, it is believed that this is the best solution for storing any bulk products.

Naturally, all these containers must have a good airtight lid that will close tightly without leaving any gaps. By the way, in addition to special containers, ordinary linen bags are perfect for such purposes, which must first be soaked in a saline solution and then ironed with an iron. You can put cereals in a bag directly into a glass or any other container, so you will definitely forget about bugs and other annoying insects.

secrets of storing different cereals

We figured out the containers, everyone made their choice, but that's not all. It turns out that in order for the cereals to be stored as long as possible, and at the same time everything was done without bugs, as well as the appearance of unpleasant odors, you need to resort to some tricks.

It turns out that not all cereals have the same shelf life.

For example, rice can easily be stored for years, it will have nothing, but buckwheat is stored no longer than 20 months. Millet is not at all a long-liver, so that the porridge turns out to be tasty, it can be stored for no more than 4 months, otherwise the cereal will then taste bitter and give off an unpleasant odor. Oatmeal also does not stay for a long time, optimally 4-5 months, especially if it is muesli with various additives.

In order to prevent bugs from getting in the rice, and also it does not give off a musty smell, put a pod of hot pepper with it in a container. If there is no pepper, then a few cloves of garlic will do, and you do not need to peel off the top skin from them.

Another method that works for all cereals is to use gauze bags of salt, which can be placed on the bottom of the container. Some housewives use dry bay leaves or lemon zest, which is also very effective.

It is also necessary to process the cabinet itself, where the jars of cereals are located, so that some kind of living creatures do not start up in it. To do this, simply treat it with vinegar and then spread out the lavender oil-soaked pads. Don't worry, the smell will go away quickly.

Another sure way, the success of which does not depend on what your semolina, buckwheat, rice or oatmeal is stored in, is not to be lazy right after buying the cereal, warm it up in the oven, and then sift it through a sieve. Another way is to put a bag of cereals in the freezer for a day, then the probability of the appearance of insects is practically zero.

Harm of cereals affected by pests

Pests of cereal stocks, eating your cereal, pollute it with excrement, skins after molting and corpses, thereby filling the product with toxic properties. In such cereals, the content of protein, vitamins, lipids decreases, and uric acid appears. Once in the human body, such croup reduces the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, increases vascular permeability. There are also changes in the parenchyma of the liver, kidneys, there is a likelihood of allergies and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

While most cereals are fairly cheap, many people get very upset when they find bugs and gnats in kitchen cabinets. These insects multiply very quickly: if they start in a bag with one cereal, then in a couple of weeks they will "occupy" the entire cabinet.

If insects are found, you have to throw out the entire contents of the kitchen cabinet. With bugs and midges, you can not only fight, but also prevent their appearance. The rules for storing cereals are quite simple, and if every housewife adheres to them, then you will not have to constantly throw out fresh products.

How to deal with bugs?

Groats are ideal products for the reproduction of insects such as grain grinders, Surinamese flour eaters, barn weevils. They quickly leave traces of their vital activity, which not only spoil the taste of food, but also often lead to poisoning. What causes bugs to appear in cereal bags? They may already be in the cereal when you buy it at the store. Manufacturers are obliged to process cereals before packing, but, unfortunately, they do not always do this.

Many housewives, after buying cereals, warm it in or put it for a day in freezer... So, if you buy cereals by weight, such manipulations will help reduce the risk of bugs breeding.

It should be noted that bugs appear not only in cereals, but also in dried fruits brought from Central Asia... Before storing, rinse and dry prunes, raisins and dried apricots in the oven, and then store dried fruits separately from cereals.

Storage periods

  • Semolina, rice, buckwheat and flour can be stored at home for no more than six months.
  • Hercules, oatmeal, unground and millet are stored for only four months.
  • And polished rice can be kept on a shelf in a closet for several years.
  • Millet, rolled oats, oatmeal and buckwheat are stored only in a cool place at a temperature of 18 degrees. These cereals contain vegetable fatsoxidizing in heat. If you store them at high temperature, over time they will become bitter.

Best packaging

The best "packaging" for storing cereals are linen bags boiled in a saline solution. The fabric allows the cereals to "breathe" and the salt prevents mold and insects from entering the bags.

Another a good option for storage - plastic or glass containers, which are hermetically closed with lids. To prevent worms from getting in the cereals, put a clove of garlic in the container with the product. IN winter period cereals can be stored on the balcony in large, tightly sealed containers.

The groats are suitable for long-term storage, it can be used at the production site or transported over different distances, including long ones.

In the practice of storing cereals, it is necessary to take into account the same properties as those of the grain mass. The storage of cereals is carried out in groats factories, warehouses and bases of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, less often - in bases, warehouses and trade and public catering enterprises.

For storage of cereals used different ways... The oldest and most widespread storage method is in textile containers made of various fabrics. Linen, jute, cotton and mixed bags with a capacity of 50-70 kg are used. Also, cereals are packaged in small containers of 1-3 kg each, stored in boxes or boxes on pallets or racks.

Storage of cereals can be carried out both in heated and unheated warehouses, but always dry, clean, well-lit and ventilated, grain stocks not infected with pests, separately from pungently smelling and perishable goods. Optimal parameters of the external environment: relative air humidity 60-70%, temperature from 5 to 15 ° С.

Transportation of cereals over long distances is carried out in railway cars and vehicles. When transporting by rail, it is necessary to use absolutely dry, clean wagons that do not have any foreign smell for loading products. In wagons, the bags are placed on podtovoy at a distance of 0.5 m from the walls, leaving a passage between the stacks.

For rail transportation natural decline cereals should not exceed 0.09% for a distance of 1000 km and 0.13% for a distance of 1000 to 2000 km.

When transporting by road, it is also necessary to use dry, clean vehicles in which pungent-smelling substances have not been transported; conditions of soaking or contamination must be excluded.

Transportation of cereals in containers is associated with high costs, container costs, the use of physical labor, and sometimes leads to spoilage and contamination of products. The transition to bulk storage and transportation according to the scheme: the bagging bin of the groats mill -\u003e the car -\u003e the tank - ”the receiving hopper of the filling factory can provide greater savings and better preservation of cereals.

Packaging and labeling

The packaging of cereals is usually made in jute, flax-jute or cotton bags with a net weight of 65 to 70 kg. Each of them has a marking label made of paper or cardboard, which indicates the name of the product, its type, grade, net weight, date of production and the number of the standard. A significant part of cereals is packaged directly at groats factories in single-layer paper or cellophane bags of 900 g each.

I don't need to say much about the benefits of cereals. These foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber are on the menu of almost every family. It's so great to have a bowl of oatmeal or millet porridge for breakfast and get a boost of energy for a long time.

But we, as hostesses, often have to decide the problem of storage of bulk products... After all, if you leave cereals in open bags, uninvited guests can settle in them, and even take out and arrange packages, from which something constantly pours out is not very pleasant.

How to store cereals?

1. Special glass jars with sealed lids... Now on sale great amount beautiful and functional containers for storing cereals. But if you don't have the opportunity to purchase them, I assure you, ordinary glass jars with lids are just as good. You can stick beautiful stickers with inscriptions or buy multi-colored covers.

2. Plastic containers are also quite suitable for storing bulk products. And you don't have to buy them either. If you still have ice cream or mayonnaise buckets with sealed lids, feel free to pour cereals there, after thoroughly washing the container.

3. Plastic bottles... What do the craftsmen do from plastic bottles! So they can come in handy for storing cereals. You can just fall asleep bulk products into bottles, or you can modernize them a little by cutting off the neck and adjusting the bottom of another bottle as a cap.

Little secrets for storing cereals:

  • You need to store cereals in a sealed container.
  • To prevent bugs from starting up in the croup, you can:

- before sending the cereal for storage in a jar, ignite in a pan or hold it in the freezer for a day
- put unpeeled garlic, bay leaf or lemon zest on top of the cereal
- put a piece of foil or a spoon in the flour.

  • If the storage rules are observed, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, millet can be stored for a very long time. It is better not to buy semolina and oatmeal for future use.
  • If you store cereals not in their original packaging, it would be good to mark the expiration date on the container.

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