How to cook mushrooms umbrellas. Recipes how to cook mushroom umbrellas fried in batter

08.04.2019 Salads

Lovers of quiet hunting often ignore umbrellas - they are too similar to their poisonous brethren and are not very attractive in appearance. Meanwhile, they make delicious, aromatic and original dishes... Moreover, these mushrooms are suitable for consumption raw, they taste like boiled chicken breast. Cooking the umbrella mushroom requires care due to the fragility of the cap.

Description of appearance

The mushroom has a self-explanatory name: a thin stiff leg is covered on top with a wide flat cap, strongly resembling an umbrella. In young mushrooms, the cap is oval, similar to a microphone, tightly wraps around the stem. The objects of the hunt are white, girlish, blushing and variegated types of umbrellas.

As a rule, due to the external resemblance to toadstools and other poisonous mushrooms umbrellas are objects of hunting experienced mushroom pickers. In fact, distinguishing an edible mushroom from a poisonous twin is simple:

  • the majority of scales are located along the edges of the cap, and not evenly, like in toadstools;
  • the leg ring is three-layer, and it can be easily moved up or down with your fingers, but in poisonous specimens it is motionless;
  • the cut site does not change color upon contact with air;
  • when the hat breaks, the umbrellas smell nice, the smell resembles wet walnut... Inedible counterparts have an unpleasant odor.

Stuffed young mushrooms

For this purpose, only young umbrella mushrooms are suitable. Cooking recipes stuffed mushrooms popular in Eastern Europe. You will need the following ingredients:

  • egg-shaped caps of young mushrooms - 15 pcs.;
  • mashed potatoes - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • ground cloves - 1 pinch;
  • boiled carrots - 1 pc .;
  • minced chicken breast fillet - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and black pepper.

How to clean properly fresh champignons for frying

Grate carrots and mix with minced meat and mashed potatoes... The resulting mixture is salted, pepper and ground cloves are added to it.

Vegetable oil is poured at the bottom of the deep speed and the onion, cut into half rings, is laid out.

The hats are placed for 2-3 minutes in warm water to prevent brittleness. Then they are carefully stuffed and placed in a frying pan close to each other so that the minced meat does not spill out. Tomatoes cut into slices are placed on top, 200 ml of water is added, covered with a lid and put on low heat.

The dish is prepared for 25 minutes. Time is counted after boiling water.

Before you include an umbrella mushroom in your diet, which has beneficial properties, it is important to consider contraindications. You can cook from it delicious foodfollowing step by step recipes... It belongs to the mushroom family. Among wide range representatives, umbrellas are one of the best, having excellent taste.


To prepare the chops, you need to carefully cut the caps from the mushrooms. The leg is not needed. The hats are washed and dried, rubbed with salt and rolled in flour. Now they are placed in a preheated pan with sunflower oil... Fried until golden brown. The perfect side dish to become potatoes.

Baked umbrellas

  • 3-5 pieces of mushrooms
  • 2 eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Salt and garlic

For cooking, you only need hats, which are washed in running water and dried. Eggs should be beaten with salt and garlic squeezed through a garlic dish. One tooth will be enough. In this mass, hats are rolled, then in bread crumbs... Put in a mold and bake until golden crust.


Going for mushrooms, it is important to familiarize yourself with the appearance of the umbrella so as not to confuse it with other species.

What are


There are several species, among which the white or Macrolepiota excoriata has a gray-white scaly cap. The color is dark brown. In young specimens, it is rounded. It becomes flat over time. Characteristic feature species is considered the presence of whitish fibers on the cap. The leg darkens slightly when touched.

Umbrella Blushing

Chlorophyllum rhacodes is gray, brown tint caps, with scales. Young specimens have a round cap, which later becomes bell-shaped and straightens.

A characteristic feature of the species is that when pressed on the leg, it subsequently takes on a pink or orange tint. Having cut the leg, you can find pink stains.

Sometimes this species is called shaggy.

Do not use it for allergy sufferers, as its constituent components can cause allergic reactions.

Umbrella Motley

Macrolepiota procera has a fibrous, gray or beige cap with scales of dark brown color... The pulp tastes like champignons. In appearance, it is similar to the poisonous fungus Chlorophyllum brunneum, but in its difference the color does not change when the stem or cap breaks. Also it looks like a blushing and graceful

It should be noted that it can be used in folk medicine... A decoction is prepared from it to cope with rheumatism.


Macrolepiota mastoidea gets its name from the tubercle that protrudes in the central part of the cap. During breaking, the pulp does not change color and exudes a pleasant characteristic odor.


Leucoagaricus puellaris is listed in the Red Book of Russia and is rare. The peculiarity of the mushroom is that it exudes a radish aroma. The umbrella is white, turning pink when broken.


Macrolepiota konradii is white with a pinkish tinge in the center of the cap. The leg has a wide ring whiteforked at the edges. The smell at the break is pleasant, taste similar to champignons.

Inedible umbrellas


Some of the mushrooms belong to other genera, among which poisonous species should be distinguished. A prominent representative is Lepiota cristata inedible. Its cap is not more than 5 cm in diameter, bell-shaped. In young specimens, the cap is in the shape of an umbrella, in mature mushrooms it is light brown. The leg is thin, empty inside. The hat has a pungent specific smell.


This Lepiota castanea has a reddish-brown hat and is also not edible. Over time, the cap can crack into scales, the stem is reddish-brown.


Sometimes this umbrella is called Lepiota aspera. The hat is fleshy, up to 15 cm in diameter, light brown in color. The leg is cylindrical, brick-colored. Breaking the pulp can give you an unpleasant, pungent odor.

Chlorophytum lead and slag

Chlorophyllum molybdites by appearance very similar to an umbrella, but it is poisonous. The hat is white, spherical in shape, which eventually turns into a flat one. The pulp does not have a certain smell, but it can turn red on the cut.

Chlorophytum dark brown

Chlorophyllum brunneum also belongs to poisonous fungi. The hat is fleshy brown. The short stem turns gray-brown over time. Having broken the pulp, it darkens on the cut, becomes orange. Scientists claim that this species has a hallucinogenic effect.

Amanita muscaria

Amanita pantherina is a deadly poisonous mushroom. Mature specimens have a brownish-brown cap with white flake-like scales. Having broken it, you can observe the darkening of the pulp and feel an unpleasant pungent odor.

Stinky fly agaric

Amanita virosa is the most toxic fungus, which is also called the white toadstool. Having consumed minimal amount this species can be poisoned for sure. In most cases, the use of Amanita virosa is fatal. Amanita has an off-white light, the cap of which is covered with flakes. Having broken a toadstool, you can feel a strong chlorine smell.

Chemical composition

It is worth noting the fact that in the composition of this fungus, scientists have identified a high level of fiber, chitin. Also, the pulp contains 2.4 g of proteins, 0.5 g of carbohydrates, 1.3 g of fat. Due to the presence of vitamins PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K, the mushroom is considered valuable product... Also, one cannot fail to note the high content of potassium, iron, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the pulp. In addition, umbrella mushrooms contain 17 amino acids, beta-glucans and melanin, which are excellent at fighting cancer.

Also, a significant content of vitamins of group B was noticed. In dried form, it consists of 75% protein.

The benefits of the mushroom

Beauty and slimness

For those who are used to keeping track of their forms, you can include this product, which has a low calorie content, in your diet. Regular use pulp promotes the elimination of toxins, stimulates digestion and perfectly satisfies the urge to hunger.


Those who love mushroom dishes and use an umbrella mushroom as an ingredient can fully experience positive changes in health. First of all, the components in its composition cope with the activity of viruses and bacteria, and also has a rejuvenating effect on cells. The body is saturated with protein, which helps to improve the muscles.

The components in the pulp of the mushrooms help to strengthen and cleanse blood vessels, remove harmful cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Regular use of umbrellas is an excellent preventive measure for oncology.

Also, umbrellas are getting the job done. nervous system and stimulate brain activity, which allows to normalize blood circulation, improve blood composition and reduce sugar. Not every mushroom can boast of being eaten raw. Thus, you can get the maximum useful vitamins, which is extremely important for the prevention of various diseases.

How to choose the right one

The negative nuance is that the umbrella can be confused with other poisonous mushrooms. To prevent this from happening, you should be extremely careful and first of all pay attention to the hat. It is worth seeing the records under the hat. They should be cream or dark beige. The umbrella breaks, light flesh is revealed, and the cut line exudes a characteristic mushroom smell. It is dry to the touch.

How to store

Place fresh mushrooms on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. There they can be no more than two days. Proper storage involves providing air access to the umbrellas. Do not leave the product in the bag.

You can extend the shelf life by salting the umbrellas, pre-cleaning and rinsing. After sprinkling the mushrooms with salt, they are placed under oppression in a cool place, where they can be stored for about three months. For more long-term storage they can be frozen or dried. Dried mushrooms do not lose their qualities during the year.

Cooking applications

Thanks to taste characteristics product, it is used in cooking. In terms of its taste characteristics, it is similar to champignon, which is very popular. It is used in salads after being thermally processed. The pulp is delicious when grilled, marinated, salted and breaded, fried in a pan. Dish on your own nutritional qualities does not concede chicken breast... In the cooking process, in addition to mushrooms, an egg and flour are used.

Sometimes only caps are used, since after heat treatment the leg becomes stiff. But it is she who is taken for making broths. At the final stage, the legs are removed from the broth and discarded.

It should be noted that the mushroom will make an ideal tandem with potatoes, dill and garlic. It can also be paired with pork, fish, seafood, beef and eggs.

About healthy eating

Due to the components included in the pulp, the product is used in dietary nutrition, on the menu of people with diabetes and vegetarians. He is a frequent guest on the table and among lovers of a salt-free diet. You can combine this product with raw seasonal vegetableswithout resorting to heat treatment of the mushroom. Healthy salad better refuel soy sauce or lemon juice. For a side dish, you can serve lentils, beans, buckwheat or rice.


Despite useful qualities for the body, the umbrella mushroom can harm it in the presence of diseases of the intestines, pancreas or liver. You can also not eat food in a large number... Otherwise, bloating, cramping and painful sensations may occur. It is worth noting that this product is contraindicated for children under 5 years old and nursing mothers.

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In the forests, huge representatives of this species are often found, resembling giant umbrellas, lined up in a characteristic "witch circle".

These reach a height of 0.35-0.45 m, and the diameter of the cap reaches 0.25-0.35 m. In young specimens, the plates are closely pressed against the pedicle, with age they turn into a horizontal arrangement. There are many types of umbrellas, the main ones are presented in the table.

Species name Latin Description of the hat Leg characteristic Features of the pulp
Mushroom umbrella variegated Macrolepiota procera In young specimens, it is spherical, and with age it acquires a wide conical or umbrella-shaped shape. A surface with a dark, rounded tubercle in the center. Brownish-gray skin with angular scales Cylindrical, hollow, with a rigid fibrous structure and a spherical thickening at the base Whitish in color, quite dense, with a characteristic nutty taste and a slight mushroom odor
Mushroom umbrella graceful Macrolepiota gracilenta Fine fleshy, ovoid or bell-shaped, becomes almost flat with age, with a brownish tubercle in the center. The skin is whitish with cracking and ocher scales. Cylindrical, with clavate extension and slight curvature Snow-white, with a pleasant mushroom aroma and taste
Mushroom umbrella white Macrolepiota excoriata Flat-lying, with a large brown tubercle in the central part, whitish or cream colored, without shine Fibrous, white, pleasant taste and flavor
Conrad's Umbrella Mushroom Macrolepiota konradii Relatively thick, convex-prostrate, with a papillary tubercle in the central part Cylindrical, hollow, with a slight clavate thickening at the base White and dense, with a pleasant mushroom aroma and taste
Mushroom-umbrella mastoid Macrolepiota mastoidea Thin fleshy, umbrella-shaped, with a large and well-defined pointed tubercle in the central part Cylindrical, hollow, with a slight tuberous thickening at the base Dense and soft, pure white in color, with a pleasant nutty flavor and mushroom smell
Mushroom umbrella blushing Chlorophyllum rhacodes Beige, umbrella-shaped, with cracking edges Tapering at the top, hollow, with a smooth surface and a thickened base Hard, fibrous, white, reddening at the cut
Mushroom umbrella girlish Leucoagaricus nympharum Fine-fleshy, umbellate, with a low tubercle and thin fringed edges Cylindrical, narrowed at the top, with a tuberous thickening at the base It turns pink on the cut, has a rare smell, there is no pronounced taste

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Most of the edible mushrooms growing in our country have poisonous counterparts, and the umbrella species is no exception in this regard. The false or inedible umbrella mushroom comes in two main varieties:

  • chlorophyllum lead-slag (Chlorophyllum molybdites);
  • dark brown chlorophyllum (Chlorophyllum brunneum).

Both species, due to the soil and climatic features of our country, are not widespread in Russia and are found mainly in America, Eurasia, Australia and Africa.

Mushroom umbrella: collection features (video)

Many inexperienced mushroom pickers confuse Macrolepiota with fly agarics. ... However, these two types can be easily distinguished by the following features:

  • the presence of a three-layer ring on the Macrolepiota leg, which can be easily moved both up and down;
  • the umbrellas are completely free of the remains of the bedspread on the leg;
  • fly agarics have a smooth and shiny head, while Macrolepiota has a matte surface.

Edible umbrellas are characterized by pronounced cracking of the skin, but in the central part it always remains intact.

Distribution area

The umbrella belongs to the saprotroph category and prefers sandy soils in light forests. Quite often found in clearings and forest edges, and also feels good in forest clearings or clearings. In some years it can be found in open areas, recently it has become a frequent visitor to the territory of forest park zones and personal plots. Grows best in temperate climates.

Fruiting occurs from early summer to mid-autumn. Grows lamellar mushroom singly or in small groups. The species is prone to the formation of "witch circles".

Cooking methods

Macrolepiota is very easy to prepare. These mushrooms are suitable for making soups, delicious and nutritious second courses, cold snacks.

Cook aromatic soup from umbrellas even novice housewives can do:

  • rinse and soak the mushrooms for a couple of hours in cold and salted water;
  • rinse the mushrooms again and cut into medium-sized pieces;
  • slice onion and potatoes;
  • grate peeled carrots on coarse grater;
  • sauté onion and carrots in vegetable oil until tender;
  • pour mushrooms with water, bring to a boil and cook for 20-25 minutes;
  • add potatoes to the soup, and after 15 minutes add sautéing and spices and cook until tender.

Mushroom soup should be served with fresh herbs and fresh sour cream.

Unique mushroom aroma and delicate taste have baked umbrellas that are prepared according to following recipe:

  • carefully peel and rinse the mushrooms, remove the legs completely;
  • beat eggs with salt and chopped garlic in a blender;
  • dip mushroom caps into the egg mass and roll in breadcrumbs.

Received mushroom preparations can be baked in the oven or fried in a hot pan until golden brown. You can use such a dish not only hot, but also cold.

Mushrooms called "umbrellas" belong to the mushroom family, have unusual taste: gentle and very pleasant!

Cooking umbrella mushrooms

Unfortunately, umbrella mushrooms are not so widely popular in modern kitchen, like porcini mushrooms or champignons, therefore recipes for their preparation are not often found. But the process of preparing umbrella mushrooms is quick and completely uncomplicated, the main thing is to know how to cook them correctly. Before use, it is advisable to boil the umbrellas in slightly salted water for 20-30 minutes. It should also be remembered that dishes made from young umbrella mushrooms are much tastier, since they have a delicate and pleasant structure.

Umbrella Mushroom Chops


8-10 pieces of umbrella mushrooms

6 tbsp flour

4 tbsp vegetable oil, salt and pepper to your own taste.


For mushroom chops, only the mushroom cap is used, cut off the leg, and rinse the cap well with water. Rub each hat with salt and pepper, roll in flour on both sides and place in a pan with heated vegetable oil. Fry the mushroom cap on both sides until golden brown. Potato dishes are well suited as a side dish with chops.

Mushrooms - umbrellas in batter


10-12 pcs. mushroom umbrellas

6 tbsp flour, oil for frying, salt and pepper to your taste.


Prepare batter: mix flour with eggs, add about 150 ml of water, beat well with a fork or whisk, add salt and pepper. Rinse the mushrooms well, separate the legs from the caps. Dip the cooked pieces of mushrooms in the batter several times (so that the entire surface is evenly covered). Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add mushrooms in batter there, fry until golden brown on both sides. Cooking time for mushrooms about 5 minutes on each side.

Umbrella mushroom sauce


1 PC. bell pepper

50 ml. ketchup

125 ml. cream (15%)

2 teaspoons flour

50 g bacon

2 pickled cucumbers

500 g of umbrella mushrooms

salt and seasonings to your liking.


Rinse and chop the umbrella mushrooms well thin straw, stew in own juice, adding salt, seasoning and finely chopped bacon. Sweet bell pepper cut the same into small piecesafter removing the seeds. Add pepper to mushrooms. When the excess liquid in the mushrooms has evaporated and the mushrooms are ready, add the cream, ketchup and flour diluted with a little water. Simmer the entire mixture, stirring occasionally, for about 8-10 minutes. Already in ready-made sauce add finely chopped pickled cucumbers, mix everything thoroughly.

Mushroom sauce is perfect with potato and rice dishes.

Envelopes with mushroom umbrellas


For pancake dough

2 glasses of milk or water

2 cups of flour

1 tbsp Sahara

2 tbsp vegetable oil,

1 tsp salt

For filling

150 g hard cheese

1 onion

5-6 pcs. mushroom umbrellas.


Prepare the filling: fry the umbrella mushrooms until the liquid has completely evaporated (if you add soda to the mushrooms at the tip of a knife, the mushrooms will become softer). Fry the finely chopped onion and mix with the mushrooms. Grate hard cheese on fine grater... Knead pancake dough and bake from it thin pancakes. Ready pancake sprinkle with hard cheese and put a tablespoon of mushrooms and onions. Form an envelope, ready-made envelopes, put in a preheated oven for about 10 minutes, in order to hard cheese melted inside the envelopes (you can pour sour cream on top).

The guest of our dinner is a fragrant mushroom from the champignon family. Colorful umbrellas - delicious edible mushrooms... If you have ever seen but not tasted these lovely natural gifts in their forests, it is very vain. Umbrellas have an inherent one mushroom flavor, which is impossible to confuse. Saturated mushroom flavor able to conquer anyone. Fried umbrellas with onions on olive oil - a dish worthy of a festive table.

For frying, umbrellas are suitable in any version: fresh, dry, frozen. I will focus on a fresh umbrella weighing about 1 kg.

And I will only use the hat. She is fleshy and wide at the umbrella.

The hat is gently rinsed with water. The umbrella has a rather brittle structure on the inside of its cap. After water procedures, the mushroom is cut in any shape. For frying, it is better not to grind the umbrellas. Having a loose, airy base, they are roasted three times.

Umbrellas are first stewed in their own juice until reduced in volume.

Then onion chopped into cubes is added and vegetable oil is introduced.

The umbrellas are salted at the very end, fried three times.

Well, take a sample! How? Agree that fried umbrellas - great alternative chicken meat... Have a nice mushroom dinner!