Fried umbrellas are a European delicacy. Edible mushroom umbrella: description and photo

The amazing mushroom with a delicious taste got its name for its external resemblance to an open umbrella. This miracle of nature belongs to the Champignon family and is very popular among fans of "quiet hunting", because dishes made from such an unusual mushroom turn out to be very spicy and you can sell the "catch" for a good fee.

We will figure out how to recognize this umbrella, where it is found and what will help prevent a fatal mistake - to confuse an edible with a poisonous one similar to it.

general description

Umbrellas get their name because of the very specific shape of the cap, which is inherent in a large number of species. Many representatives of the umbrella genus have a cap color - off-white, with a bias in gray or beige; in the central part of the cap there is a bulge of a darker color. Under the head are white plates that darken over time. The stem is cylindrical, separates from the cap even with little effort, and often has a filmy white ring.

Umbrellas are saprotrophs, they consume biological compounds of dead organisms for food, they can be found almost all over the world, but they prefer to grow on forest edges, glades, meadows and open areas. Can be grown in greenhouses and summer cottages.

Mushroom umbrella - decoration of the forest

Types of umbrella

  • White
  • Motley
  • Blushing
  • Maiden
  • Elegant

The white umbrella (also called the field umbrella) is similar in appearance to the variegated, but its large size allowed it to become a separate species.

Important! According to external data, a white umbrella is similar to a poisonous lepiota. You can distinguish them by size (the edible mushroom is larger) or by making a cut: the flesh of the inedible "double" turns pink on the cut.

It also resembles a poisonous smelly fly agaric, but on the leg of the latter there is a kind of "blanket" of white mycelium filaments. And the cap of the poisonous mushroom is covered with mucus and scraps of film.

You can meet this fragrant and very tasty mushroom in wide areas of Europe and North America, it is found even in the northern regions of Africa and Australia. It prefers to grow in meadows, pastures, and forest edges.

How to cook it in cooking? In order to please yourself or your guests with an unusual delicacy, you only need to use hats, the legs are often empty inside, watery and tasteless. As a rule, such edible mushrooms will make a wonderful duet for meat or fish, which is reflected in the traditions of the cuisine of mysterious China.

The description is as follows:


  • 7 to 10-12 cm in diameter.
  • Color - off-white, close to gray, less often - light brown or cream.
  • Fleshy.
  • Has lagging scales.

Young mushrooms have an egg-shaped cap, but over time it becomes more and more flat. But the darker brown bump in the central part remains. The mushroom belongs to the lamellar, under its cap you can see numerous white plates that acquire a brownish or brown tint with age.


  • Height from 5 to 15 cm.
  • Hollow cylindrical.
  • White with dark rings.
  • It turns brown when touched.

The pulp is white, does not change color when exposed to air, has a pleasant aroma.

In folk medicine, this gift of the forest is very widely used and is used by healers to treat rheumatic diseases. But it is important to remember that this fact has not been proven by official science, and before starting such treatment, you should consult a professional.

In the photo you can find other representatives of umbrellas, in particular, the edible blushing, which is also often called shaggy. The blushing one has an external resemblance to some other representatives of umbrellas, for example, with an elegant one, but a well-known technique will help to distinguish mushrooms: to make a cut, the graceful pulp will not blush. There is a similarity in description with the variegated representative, but the blushing one is more compact in size and the ability to change the color of the pulp, again, blush.

Important! In order not to confuse the edible mushroom with its poisonous counterparts, you should be extremely careful. Inedible mushrooms, for example, lead-slag chlorophyllum, have brown caps and legs, and their cap is decorated with large separating scales.

An umbrella grows blushing in fertile soils, abundantly fertilized with humus, in deciduous forests. You can meet him in Europe, Asia, as well as in the northern regions of America and Africa. The best time for "quiet hunting" is from the second half of June to the first days of November.

How is this interesting mushroom prepared? It can be used in almost any way, but it is very important to completely remove the scales. Soup made of umbrellas is tasty and original, and even a novice hostess can handle it. To do this, boil the mushrooms in boiling water over low heat for about 20 minutes, then add the potatoes, fried onions and carrots and let it brew for about half an hour. An appetizing and aromatic dish is ready!

Very important! Researchers believe that this edible mushroom can cause severe allergic reactions, so it should be tested by an allergist before cooking.



  • The size is from 7 to more than 20 cm in diameter.
  • The color is beige, light brown or gray.
  • The presence of fibrous scales.
  • The mushroom is lamellar, under the cap there are white or creamy plates, which turn red when pressed. It was this feature that gave the mushroom its name.

The age of the fungus is easy to determine by the cap: in young ones it has a pronounced ovoid shape, in more mature ones it is similar to a bell, over time it straightens, becoming almost completely flat, and the edges are tucked up.


  • Size from 6 to over 25 cm.
  • Smooth.
  • Tapers downwards.
  • Color - white or light brown. The older the mushroom, the darker its leg.

The flesh of the mushroom is white, fibrous. It has a pleasant aroma and amazing taste.

The umbrella is colorful due to its large size is often called "large", "high". Another original name is "drum sticks". This amazing forest dweller grows in open spaces, preferring sandy soils, which is why you can see it not only on forest edges, but also in city parks. Found very widespread use in folk medicine, as a remedy for rheumatism.

In appearance, the motley umbrella can be easily confused with its poisonous "colleagues" in the forest, in particular, with lead-slag chlorophyllum. But to avoid mistakes, you should focus on the size: the edible mushroom is much larger. In order not to be mistaken and not to mistake the variegated umbrella mushroom for its "brother", the blushing umbrella, an incision should be made and if the flesh turns red, then this is not a variegated variety of mushroom.

It is often used to prepare delicacies such as baked or stewed mushrooms. And some brave gourmets eat them raw. The French are very fond of this dish: umbrellas fried in oil are variegated with herbs.

But when preparing any dish, it is important to remember that the scales should be carefully removed, and the mushroom itself will noticeably fry.


  • In diameter from 15 to almost 30 cm.
  • Consists of well-defined fibers.
  • The color is beige or gray, the scales are dark brown. Due to the fact that the scales are brighter, the mushroom got its name.

The cap of young mushrooms is egg-shaped, but gradually opens, becoming more and more similar to an umbrella. Old mushrooms have a flat cap with slightly raised edges, in the center of which there is a convex tubercle of a darker color. White plates are located under the cap, which can be easily separated from the base.


  • Height from 10 to more than 30 cm.
  • Brown color.
  • Cylindrical, easily detaches from the cap.
  • Often on the leg there are rings consisting of scales.

The pulp, which tastes similar to walnuts, is endowed with an unobtrusive pleasant aroma, typical of mushrooms, while being white and friable.

This umbrella prefers a mild climate, therefore, from the second half of summer to the beginning of autumn cold weather, it is found in Europe, the American continent, Australia and even Cuba.


You can often find a photo and another representative of the umbrellas, known as elegant or lightweight. This miracle of nature prefers to grow in open grassy areas, on the edges of forests, in meadows and fields. It is not uncommon to find entire colonies of mushrooms, but sometimes they grow alone.

The name is very in harmony with the description: the leg is thin, slightly curved, a bell-shaped hat, but over time it straightens, becoming flat, white in color with a dark brown bulge in the center. On the cap there are rough yellow scales.

Umbrellas are a true decoration of the forest and gourmet table. They are distinguished by a delicate aroma and delicious taste, which is why they are very widely used all over the world.

The umbrella mushroom is one of the most delicious representatives of the mushroom kingdom. It is considered one of the varieties of champignons, although it differs from them both in appearance and in taste. It belongs to the group of saprophytes, that is, those that grow on decaying organic remains. This mushroom is distributed all over the world, and in our country there are five of its varieties.

Despite such features, many mushroom pickers do not take it. Maybe because an edible umbrella mushroom looks like a fly agaric? But knowledgeable mushroom pickers are happy to collect young umbrellas, which grow in one place every year. Those who want to taste the pleasant nutty taste of this mushroom need to know how to distinguish it from poisonous ones, where it grows and how to cook it properly.

Characteristics of umbrellas

Why was this mushroom so named? This will become clear when you see old mushrooms. If in youth their hat resembles an egg, then with age it opens up and becomes like an umbrella: flat, often with a small tubercle in the middle, on a long thin leg. Even in size, this mushroom is not inferior to an umbrella, however, for children. It grows up to 40 centimeters high, while the hat is usually 25-30 centimeters in diameter. You need to know that the umbrella mushroom is edible only at a young age. It grows from late July to cold weather. Usually appears in the same place every year.

Therefore, after warm summer rains, experienced mushroom pickers go on a "quiet hunt". Since this fungus belongs to saprophytes, it loves humus-rich soils and is most often found in pastures, fields or along roads. In the forest, the umbrella mushroom chooses places where there are a lot of fallen leaves, branches and other plant debris.

How to distinguish an umbrella from poisonous mushrooms?

Many mushroom pickers are afraid to take this tasty saprophyte, because outwardly it resembles a fly agaric. He also has a "skirt" and specks on the hat. But still, there are also many differences:

  • the three-layer ring on the umbrella leg slides up and down easily;
  • the edible mushroom has no remnant of the veil on the leg, like poisonous ones;
  • the fly agaric has a smooth and shiny hat, and the umbrella has a matte hat;
  • fly agaric specks are rare, and in the umbrella they appear with age, as if the skin is cracking, and the central part remains smooth.

But the danger of collecting these mushrooms is also that there is a poisonous umbrella mushroom. There are also several types of them. Some simply cause stomach upset, but some are deadly poisonous. Therefore, you need to know their signs.

Umbrella mushroom poisonous

The scientific name of the umbrella mushroom is macrolepiota. It is clear from it that it is very large, because a "macro" is a "large, large" one. But there are also smaller umbrellas in our forests, which are simply called lepiots. The most common of these are purple and crested lepiota. You need to know them well because they are inedible. What are the signs of a poisonous umbrella?

  1. The most important thing that distinguishes it from edible is its small size. The diameter of the cap of an adult mushroom is usually 2-6 centimeters, the maximum that it can achieve is 12 centimeters.
  2. All lepiots are similar to fly agarics in that the hat is decorated with the remains of a blanket that wrapped up a small fungus when it climbed out of the ground.
  3. Poisonous umbrellas smell bad.

Rules for collecting and eating mushrooms

Types of umbrellas

Five types of these mushrooms are common in our forests:

  • umbrella white;
  • blushing;
  • motley;
  • and a very rare species, listed in the Red Book, is a girl's umbrella.

You can guess about their characteristic features by the name, but it is better to know the most common mushrooms so as not to make mistakes when collecting.

Mushroom umbrella variegated

This lamellar mushroom is very common in our forests. It bears fruit actively in August-September, but individual specimens can be found in July and October. These mushrooms grow in groups, in the same place every year. The mushroom cap is ovoid, the edges are bent inward and connected by a blanket. With age, it opens and becomes flat with a small tubercle in the middle, reaching a size of 25-30 cm.

The surface of the cap is dry, brownish or gray in color. It is all covered with brown scales, which turn into white flakes at the edges. The pulp is cotton-like, with a pleasant nutty smell. The plates are white, brittle, slightly pinkish with age. The leg is straight, thin, slightly widening downward, hollow inside. A movable ring is located at the top. It is brown in color, cracking with age. The variegated umbrella mushroom is considered the most delicious representative of this species. It is fried, salted and even dried. And in France it is prized as a delicacy. Only young mushroom caps are eaten. Sometimes this species reaches enormous sizes - up to 50 centimeters in diameter. Then it is called "big umbrella". But such specimens are rare.

Umbrellas are white

These mushrooms grow mainly in the field, along roads, in meadows and pastures. You can find them on lawns in parks and in vegetable gardens, as they prefer places well lit by the sun. They are less common than variegated varieties, but they are also edible and tasty. The white umbrella mushroom is rather small. The hat only grows up to 10 centimeters when unfolded. But only young ovoid mushrooms can be eaten. The stem is very thin, with a slight thickening at the base and a motive ring at the top. It can be distinguished from its inedible counterparts by its pleasant smell and always white pulp and plates.

Umbrella girlish

In some books, it is referred not to this family, but to champignons. The girl's umbrella mushroom is very tasty, but it is quite rare, even listed in the Red Book. It is distributed mainly in the south of Europe or in the Primorsky Territory. How do you recognize it? Like all umbrellas, the cap first has an ovoid shape, opens with age, but does not grow to a large size - on average, 6-10 centimeters. Its color is light hazel, often almost white, darker in the middle. The edges of the cap are thin, fringed. The color of the flesh is white, and the plates darken slightly when touched. The entire surface is covered with large scales, which acquire a darker color over time. The stem is very thin, widening towards the base, light in color.

Mushroom umbrella blushing

This variety is similar to the variegated and large umbrellas, but has some peculiarities. It is sometimes called shaggy because of its large, flaky brown scales and square shape. This is a medium-sized umbrella - it is about 20 centimeters in diameter. And the leg can grow up to 25 centimeters. Its appearance, like all umbrellas: at first the cap is ovoid, then it opens, there is a thickening at the base of the leg and a movable ring. Its peculiarity is a reddish color that appears with age and the fact that the pulp changes color when damaged: first it becomes yellow, then orange and finally turns red. This fungus is found in light coniferous forests with acidic soils.

How to prepare umbrellas?

This is one of the most delicious mushrooms and is very easy to prepare. Umbrellas can be fried immediately after cleaning and rinsing under running water.

They are very tasty with potatoes and onions, or simply fried in sunflower oil. An unusual dish is obtained by baking umbrellas in the oven with herbs and garlic. Gourmets will like it if they soak the bends in milk for several hours before frying, and then boil a little and let the water drain. You can cook soup from umbrellas, salt them, dry and marinate. They are prepared very quickly, the only condition is that you only need to eat young hats. Legs are not eaten as they are very tough and fibrous. In an old umbrella, the pulp becomes unfit for food. Having tasted this delicious mushroom once, you will never forget its pleasant and unusual nutty taste.

There are many mushroom lovers, but not everyone knows how to pick them. Many people pass by such a delicious mushroom, collecting conditionally edible ones.

The umbrella is a wonderful mushroom that is often found in our forests. Unfortunately, this delicious mushroom is not popular, as many mushroom pickers are afraid to confuse it with toadstools.

Why is a mushroom called an "umbrella"?

The umbrella mushroom really resembles an umbrella. In the forest you can find huge umbrellas, which sometimes line up in "witch circles", up to 40 cm high with a hat up to 30 cm in diameter. This mushroom opens up like a real umbrella: at first the plates ("knitting needles") are closely pressed to the leg ("umbrella handle"), then they move away from it and take a horizontal position. This similarity is striking, so few doubt the accuracy of the name. Many edible mushrooms have poisonous counterparts. Umbrellas are no exception. Moreover, not all umbrella mushrooms are edible. Therefore, you should never forget the main rule of a mushroom picker - take only those mushrooms that you know well.

This is not a fly agaric!

Many types of umbrella mushrooms are tasty edible mushrooms, but often mushroom pickers do not pick them up and knock them off with their feet, believing that they have found (porphyry or panther). Let's try to list the main differences between these very different mushrooms. Let's start with the scales. The scales on the cap of the fly agaric are the remnants of the blanket of young mushrooms. As the fungus grows, they keep getting weaker. The hats of old fly agarics are often smooth, with sparse scales. In the umbrella mushroom, the scales on the cap do not appear immediately. The central part of the cap remains without scales. It is darker and smoother. The stem of an adult umbrella mushroom has a three-layer ring that can be moved up and down the stem. There is no blanket or its remains at the base of the leg.

The thin umbrella can be confused with some inedible mushrooms, such as the purple acutesquamose umbrella, which smells unpleasant and tastes bitter. There are other umbrella mushrooms that can lead to poisoning or stomach upset. For example, an inedible comb umbrella with a hat with a diameter of 2 - 5 cm. It is not necessary to collect a masteoid umbrella (a hat of 8 - 12 cm). His cap is covered with granular scales, white plates. There is also a lethally poisonous fleshy reddish umbrella, the cap of which is only 2 - 6 cm in diameter.

Edible umbrellas, variegated, thin and blushing, are so different in appearance from any "double" that it is not difficult to identify them. However, if in doubt, it is better to pass by, leaving these umbrellas to more experienced mushroom pickers.

Mushroom umbrella motley, thin and blushing

In our forests, the umbrella is more variegated, thin and reddening. It is worth noting that there is confusion in popular literature regarding the definition of umbrella mushroom species. Especially the red umbrella suffers from this, which in some reference books is accompanied by the stigma "poisonous", and in others it is recommended as a very tasty mushroom. Most likely, a fleshy reddish umbrella is meant. In addition, the same umbrella mushroom is often presented under different species names ("motley" - "great" - "big", etc.). The motley umbrella is more often found in birch and mixed forests, the places are chosen by those where it is lighter: meadows, forest edges and even pastures. Its miniature copy is a thin umbrella with a cap up to 10 cm in diameter and a leg up to 15 cm high. Another thing is a blushing (shaggy) mushroom umbrella. He prefers coniferous forests. The blushing umbrella is slightly smaller than the motley one. The edges of its scaly cap are slightly wavy. This species is easily distinguished by its pulp, which quickly turns red (or slightly reddened) in all sections. Adult mushrooms may have a pinkish discoloration.

Young umbrellas are the tastiest

How to cook an umbrella mushroom?

The umbrella mushroom, or rather its hat, is very tasty. The stem of this mushroom is discarded as it is made up of long, tough fibers. Try frying the hat in vegetable oil. I am sure that you will like it so much that the umbrella will become one of your favorite mushrooms. I gladly eat a hat, well fried on both sides (like a pancake). First from the side of the plates. It can be pre-rolled in flour, bread crumbs or beaten egg. This mushroom (fresh and dry) is good for soup as well. Young umbrellas are salted and pickled. The umbrella is prepared quickly, almost like champignons. Some people eat this mushroom raw, using it in salads or making sandwiches with it. Scales on the cap do not need to be removed. Gourmets cook an umbrella mushroom not only in a frying pan, but also on the grill of the oven (with a tray) or barbecue. Necessarily with herbs, pepper and garlic. It turns out very tasty.

Umbrella mushrooms (Latin name Macrolepiota procera) got their original name due to their characteristic shape. They resemble open umbrellas in the rain. Mushrooms are highly valued for their pleasant and even delicious taste, but many inexperienced mushroom pickers are discouraged by their unusual appearance. In addition, there are poisonous umbrella mushrooms, so care must be taken when collecting.

Description according to scientific classification

Department - Basidiomycota

Class and order - Agaricomycetes, agaric

Family - Champignon

Rod - Macrolepiota

According to the description, the umbrella mushroom is a close relative of the champignon, therefore it has similar qualities. Most of the species encountered are harmless to health, and even are the target of "quiet hunting" for many amateurs, so they can be classified as edible.

Main types

Mushroom White Umbrella (Latin Macrolepiota excoriata). Usually somewhat smaller in size - its fleshy gray-white cap in diameter reaches 7-13 cm. Another name is the field umbrella mushroom. Edible. Distributed in coniferous and mixed forests in open areas, found in steppes, pastures and glades. Season: June - October. The hat is 6-12 cm in diameter, fleshy ovoid, becomes flat with aging, but a tubercle remains in the middle. The color of the cap is whitish or beige, small scales are placed on the surface, the cap is smooth and brown in the center. The leg is up to 12 cm high, at the base with a small ring. The plates are white; as the fungus grows, they acquire a brown or cream shade. The pulp has a pleasant smell, white color. The distribution area is Europe, Asia, the Far East and Siberia.

Blushing umbrella mushroom (lat.Clorophyllum rhacodes). Edible. It belongs to the mushroom family of the genus Chlorophyllum. Other names are mushroom-umbrella shaggy. The distribution area is forest glades and steppes saturated with humus. The season is from June to November. The mushroom was given the name due to the fact that it changes color - when cut it becomes red-brown, when pressed, the plates become orange-red. The hat is up to 20 cm in diameter, at first spherical, then acquires a bell-shaped shape with a small tubercle in older species. The edges of the cap straighten over time and become covered with cracks. The color of the cap is beige or grayish, the center is dark with scales. Leg up to 15 cm, diameter up to 2 cm. At the base there is a ring of whitish coloring. Red umbrella mushroom has a mild taste and pleasant aroma.

Botanical description


Umbrellas differ from their counterparts in a recognizable hat, which opens like an umbrella as it grows. This species has a cap-toothed structure, and the fruiting body reaches medium and large sizes. The hat itself reaches 30-35 cm in diameter and has a darkish elevation in the very center, and the height of the leg can be about 40 cm.Thanks to this, they are noticeable and do not hide in the forest, but before going into the forest it is worth looking at the umbrella mushroom in the photo of our website ...

Most types of "umbrellas" are characterized by the following features:

the average size of an umbrella-shaped cap is from 20 to 35 cm;

loose fleshy pulp of light color;

weak mushroom smell with an admixture of hazelnut;

average leg length - from 10 to 30 cm (cylindrical, hollow);

the width of the hat plates is about 2 cm.

Young "umbrellas" differ somewhat in appearance, acquiring a spherical or ovoid shape. As it grows, the appearance gradually changes, so it is not difficult to distinguish between young and old mushrooms. The skin is whitish in color, which begins to crack over time. As a result, recognizable scales appear.


The leg is quite long, but at the same time weak and hollow inside, therefore it often bends under the weight of the cap, which in turn is easily detached. At the base of the leg, a tuberous seal is felt. A real edible umbrella mushroom has a fleshy pulp, which sometimes begins to turn red on the slices.


The hat plates turn white or cream in color, but they darken over time. A white or brown ring forms on the stem, which can be easily moved. Over time, it darkens and becomes wider.

Habitat and growing conditions

Experienced mushroom pickers know where the umbrella mushroom grows. It is one of the most common on the planet, therefore it grows absolutely on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. However, the growing conditions must be suitable:

predominantly sandy soils;

light forests;

temperate climate;

grassy places.

In different regions, you can find an umbrella mushroom in various botanical atlases. Its main habitat is the northern temperate zone. In the European part, such mushrooms are found almost everywhere.

Various sources about umbrella mushrooms say that they appear in clearings next to light forests, forest edges and clearings. They prefer open areas covered with dense grass. In this regard, it is often possible to find "umbrellas" of various sizes in park areas, in the fields and even in private gardens. The active growth season starts in June and lasts until November.

Different types of umbrella mushrooms and their dangerous counterparts

In various regions, in open spaces, meadows and pastures, they can form "witch circles", and some people are afraid to confuse umbrellas with dangerous doubles.

First of all, edible species include:

graceful umbrella mushroom - has a characteristic look, but small size;

reddening umbrella mushroom - has a small size, "shaggy" cap and reddening flesh;

white umbrella mushroom - is distinguished by a brighter light shade and relatively small size.

These varieties can be freely picked and eaten without fear. They are safe for human health.

Twins and similar types of umbrella mushrooms

But special attention should be paid to twins, which are similar in many botanical parameters. First of all, the umbrella can be confused with the usual fly agaric because of the characteristic scales on the cap.

However, in the fly agaric, they are formed from the covers of old mushrooms, and over time they are weaker and disappear completely. In the umbrella mushroom, on the contrary, scales appear with age, while the central part remains darkish and smooth.

In addition, there are a number of umbrella mushrooms, according to the description of which it is not recommended to eat because of the unpleasant taste or even dangerous properties:

acutesquamose - purple tint and unpleasant odor;

masteoid - a small cap 8-10 cm, granular scales, snow-white plates;

fleshy reddish mushroom, about 2-6 cm in diameter.

Lead-slag chlorophyllum;

Chlorophyllum is dark brown;

Amanita muscaria;

Amanita is smelly;

Thus, it is better to collect already grown and large mushrooms in which all the characteristic botanical features are visible. This is especially true for brown and reddish shades. Thanks to this, you can figure out how to distinguish an umbrella mushroom from doubles. Edible variegated and blushing species stand out strongly from other species.

Cooking methods

This type of mushroom is very popular, they are recognized as one of the best. If you cook the umbrella mushrooms correctly, you can get delicious dishes.

The easiest cooking method is to grill or breadcrumbs. However, you first need to well clean the leg and cap from the scales. In some cases, it is allowed to be consumed raw in small quantities, mainly in salads or similar dishes.

The harsh legs are usually not used, or they are dried and ground into powder for various seasonings.

One of the most delicious varieties of champignon is considered to be an unusual, exotic species that amaze with their sometimes gigantic size, mushrooms umbrellas. It is also surprising that, despite their widespread occurrence in the main climatic zones, they are well known only to a small circle of experts. Learning more about these wonderful mushrooms is not only interesting but also rewarding.

Of the whole variety of species, the most popular as an object of collection and procurement are the following: variegated, blushing and white. They are all edible and fall into the fourth category. Despite their common belonging to the genus Macrolepiota, similar outlines and proportions of the proportions of the fruiting body, they also have a number of differences. The description will help you find out what they look like.


White umbrella mushroom (Macrolepiota excoriata), also known by the following names: field or meadow umbrella.

As follows:

  • at the beginning of development, the cap has a rounded shape, as it grows, it opens and reaches 10 cm in diameter. The surface is formed by small scales, dry, with a matte texture, white at the edges and brown in the center. Cracking cuticle;
  • loose flesh does not change its milky color in the cut, with a tart smell and taste;
  • free plates with a cartilaginous colarium are easily detached from the cap. At the beginning of growth, white, then pinkish;
  • spores are smooth, elliptical;
  • the leg is hollow inside, low, up to 10 cm, about 1 cm thick, can be even along the entire length, or with a slight thickening at the base. The surface is smooth, milky, yellow below the ring. When pressed, it becomes slightly brown. In the upper part there is a movable membranous white ring.


Red umbrella mushroom (Macrolepiota phacodes), in another way it is also called shaggy umbrella or chicken coop.

  • the cap is spherical at an early age, straightens out in the process of growth and reaches about 20 cm in diameter. The texture is rough due to the many rectangular creamy pink or brown scales. In the center of the cap there is a wide brownish tubercle without scales;
  • the flesh is loose-fleshy, initially white, turns red on the cut, its smell and taste are neutral. Delicate in the cap, stiff-fibrous in the stem;
  • the plates are light, attached to the cartilaginous ring at the junction of the cap and the leg (colarium). When touched, they are painted in carrot color;
  • spores are oval, smooth;
  • beige or light brown leg about 2 cm thick, rather high, reaches 25 cm, hollow inside, has a tuberous swelling near the soil. In the upper part there is a filmy grayish-white ring.


Mushroom umbrella variegated (Macrolepiota procera), also popularly found under the names umbrella large or tall.

  • the name, "variegated", it received because of the many brownish angular scales covering a very large, 25-30 cm in diameter, cap. As it grows, its shape acquires noticeable changes: the ovate at the beginning of development turns into bell-shaped in the middle phase and fully unfolds in mature specimens. The main color is gray with shades of brown, darkening towards the center, where there is a pronounced tubercle. The surface is dry to the touch;
  • the pulp is fleshy, loose, white, with a characteristic smell and taste reminiscent of nutty;
  • loose, very light plates, turn red with age, are separated from the leg by a cartilaginous colarium;
  • spores are smooth, elliptical;
  • the leg, with a thickness of about 3 cm, can reach up to 35 cm in height. The surface is covered with brown scales, hollow inside, noticeably thickened near the base. Along the entire length it is painted in a light brown tone. There is a wide filmy ring on the leg, which easily moves along it.

In what forests and where do they grow

A common property for umbrella mushrooms is their love for open, well-lit spaces, and unpretentiousness to climatic conditions. For them, soils with a sufficient humus content are important, since these are saprophytes that form mycorrhiza in the presence of an organic substrate.

The blushing umbrella mushroom can be found everywhere in Eurasia, including in the north of the temperate zone, in both the Americas, Australia and North Africa. It grows from July to the end of October in mixed, coniferous, deciduous forests, singly or forming small colonies. In addition to its taste, it is good because it can be harvested until late autumn, when there are already few other mushrooms.

The variegated umbrella mushroom can usually be found in shrubs and rare forests, on forest edges, clearings, and clearings. Collection time - August, September. Rows and groups are usually created. More rare localization - "witch rings" and single specimens. Among his fellows, the macrolepiot is a real giant: you can collect 5 - 6 of these mushrooms and no longer worry about a hearty dinner for the whole family.

The white umbrella mushroom grows in small colonies from July to early October on roadsides, glades, meadows and pastures. It is found less often than a variegated umbrella and is noticeably inferior to it in size, but it has a more pronounced smell and taste.

Similar species and how to distinguish from them

  • The variegated umbrella is often confused with the graceful (thin) (Macrolepiota gracilenta), which is much smaller. This species is edible, quite suitable for harvesting and also belongs to the fourth flavoring category. A fatal error can be if poisonous twins fall into the basket: lead-slag chlorophyllum (Chlorophyllum molybdites) and dark-brown chlorophyllum (Chlorophyllum molybdites). Their main differences: a light cuticle, the pulp, when pressed, acquires an orange or reddish tint.
  • The blushing umbrella has an edible twin, the maiden's umbrella (Chlorophyllum molybdites). It can be safely collected and harvested, although it is quite rare. Among the poisonous counterparts, in addition to the already named chlorophyllums, the poisonous lepiota (Lepiota helviola), the scaly lepiota (Lepiota brunneoincarnata) and the panther fly agaric (Amanita pantherina) are similar. The main difference between these deadly twins is their much smaller size.

A novice mushroom picker may find such a comparative memo plate useful.

Mushroom name Hat Pulp Leg
Umbrella blushing brown, scaly changes color at the fracture to reddish light brown
Lepiota poisonous gray-pink, sometimes brick-red, with a large number of scales pressed to the cap turns pink at the cut pinkish, short, without thickening
Scaly lepiota cream or gray-brown with cherry-colored flakes forming concentric circles the smell of fruit in young specimens, bitter almonds in overgrown ones; the color at the break does not change. low, with a fibrous ring
Amanita muscaria yellowish, orange-, olive-brown shades, with numerous warts does not change color at the fracture, with a repulsive odor. white, with wide Volvo

The mastoid (Macrolepiota mastoidea) is similar to the field umbrella. Its pulp is thinner, otherwise it is practically indistinguishable from its counterpart. The list of poisonous twins, in addition to those already listed, is supplemented by the swollen lepiota (Lepiota ventriosospora) and the stinking fly agaric (Amanita virosa):

  1. Lepiota is much smaller in size, has a cap with a reddish skin and a large tubercle, yellow or orange pulp, scales on all parts of the fruiting body.
  2. Amanita muscaria (or white toadstool) is an inhabitant of forests. Its cap is smooth, covered with light scales, with a specific smell of rotten potatoes. There is always a swollen thickening at the base of the leg.

Primary processing and preparation

The peculiar, slightly astringent taste of the caps of young specimens is the main advantage of all these mushrooms. It is during the period of early ripeness that it is preferable to collect them. They are good for frying, in broths, salads, fillings for sandwiches and pies.

Attention! Regardless of the nature of the dish in which these mushrooms are used, they must necessarily undergo heat treatment (without pre-boiling), even if they have just been harvested.

Young umbrellas can also be pickled, and they are quite suitable for drying. Mature specimens are best fermented or salted.

Benefit and harm

Speaking about the beneficial properties of the species considered, it would be enough to mention their composition rich in fiber (5.2 g / 100 g) and amino acids. But more importantly, the amount of potassium contained in mushrooms by umbrellas meets the daily requirement for this element by 16%, and there are even more B vitamins in them than in some cereals and vegetables. For those who have problems with overweight, it is useful to include umbrellas in the diet of mushrooms due to their low calorie content, low hypoglycemic index.

In addition to their nutritional value, they have therapeutic properties: they are used to make extracts and infusions for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, purulent wounds and even tumor formations.

Attention! Limiting the use of umbrella mushrooms should be in case of pancreatitis, and they are not recommended for nursing mothers and children under 5 years old at all.

Compliance with the rules for collecting and preparing umbrella mushrooms, moderate consumption, taking into account the individual state of the body, will ensure the presence of a tasty and very useful product in the diet.