Fruit snacks on skewers. Canapes on skewers for the festive table on children's birthday

07.04.2019 Grill menu

Almost any festive buffet can not live without fruit treats... But not every host or hostess of a feast knows how to serve fruit beautifully. We want to advise you very interesting idea serving is a fruity canapé. Cooking fruit canapes does not take much time, only 20 minutes of cooking time and your table will be decorated with a beautiful and aromatic appetizer... Let's now figure out how to make fruit canapes at home so that they resemble a beautiful restaurant snack, and not a mishmash on a stick.

If you, our novice cooks, have a question: “What is this canapé?” - we answer. The word is French and means small sandwich... Cooking canapes from fruits allows the use of absolutely any fruit, but care must be taken to ensure that all the ingredients are combined aesthetically. In our article, we will post a photo of how the right delicious fruit snack should look like.

To create 6 servings you will need:

  • Mango - 1.
  • Banana - 1.
  • Canned pineapple- 200 grams.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Mint leaves, skewers.

So our simple instruction to create a dish:

  1. Remove the pit from the mango. To do this, cut the fruit around the bone in two halves, and then turn them in opposite directions. Thus, the pulp will separate from the stone, after which, peel both halves and cut into slices. We cut these slices with a knife into neat squares or squeeze circles out of them with a special mold.
  2. Peeled banana and canned pineapple, also cut into squares or circles, sprinkle them lemon juice, and then we send it together with the mango to the freezer for an hour, so that after a while we collect a snack from these chilled fruits.
  3. First put a slice of mango on the dish, on top of it a slice of banana and pineapple. We stick the pieces on the skewers and pour over the honey. Additionally, fruit canapes on skewers can be garnished with mint.

Skewer sandwich recipe

We offer one more uncomplicated option how to cook fruit canapes on skewers.

A 10-serving platter requires the following foods:

  • Orange - 1 piece
  • Pear - 1 pc.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Grapes - 100 grams.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking a sweet snack:

  1. First, you need to separate the oranges from the white film, seeds and skins.
  2. Divide the pear into 4 parts and remove the core.
  3. We cut the banana into round pieces, 0.5 cm thick, and the orange and pear into 1 cm thick slices.
  4. Sprinkle all the pieces with lemon juice, cool, and then begin to prick on skewers.

Fruits in powdered sugar


  • Orange 1 pc.
  • Pear 1 pc.
  • Banana 1 pc.
  • Seedless grapes
  • Lemon juice 2 tablespoons
  • Powdered sugar
  • Skewers


  1. Cut the orange pulp without the skin and film and cut the pear into slices, the banana into circles.
  2. Sprinkle all the fruits with lemon juice - this will prevent the fruits from darkening. String a piece of each fruit onto a skewer: grapes, orange, pear, banana.
  3. When will you do the right amount, sprinkle them with icing sugar.

Fruit with honey


  • Mango 1 pc.
  • Banana 1 pc.
  • Canned pineapple
  • Honey 3 tbsp
  • Lemon juice 2 tablespoons
  • Mint leaves


  1. Peel and seed the mango, cut into layers, from which cut out circles with a round mold or glass. Cut the banana into slices, pineapple slices.
  2. Sprinkle the fruit with lemon juice and begin to pick on a skewer: mint leaf, pineapple, banana, mango. Pour the ready-made canapes with honey, put them on a dish. You can serve.

Fruits in chocolate glaze


  • Fresh pineapple
  • Strawberries, cut in half
  • Banana
  • Chocolate icing hardening


  1. Collect the fruits on skewers, cool slightly, placing in the freezer for 10-20 minutes.
  2. Then take out and cover chocolate icing... Can be served on the table.

Juicy fruit canapes


  • Watermelon, seedless pulp
  • Melon, pulp without seeds
  • Mint leaves
  • Cheese (suitable for mozzarella, halloumi, suluguni)


  1. Put the pieces on a skewer in the sequence: 1/2 mint leaf, watermelon, melon, cheese.
  2. Chill before serving.

Fruit pear and cheese canapé


  • Pear
  • Dor blue cheese
  • Walnuts
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon juice


  1. Cut the pear into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. Chop the nuts and mix with the crumbled cheese, drizzle olive oil and put the mixture in a circle of pear.
  3. The pear can be pierced with a skewer, like a sail - it will be convenient to take.

Canapes with chicken and pineapple


  • Chicken fillet
  • Raw egg
  • Breading or crushed crackers
  • Sesame seeds
  • Lemon juice 1 tbsp
  • Honey 1 tbsp
  • Pineapple (canned)


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into layers, beat off.
  2. In salted egg chatterbox dip and roll in breading. On hot skillet fry for 10 minutes on each side. When cooled down - cut into pieces. On a skewer, chop a pineapple, a chicken piece.
  3. Mix lemon juice with honey, dip the meat bottom of the canapes into this mixture, then dip the bottom in sesame seeds.
  4. Place on a platter and serve.

Duck breast, persimmon and berry canapes


  • Chicken breast
  • Ripe persimmon (can be substituted for mango)
  • Berries (raspberries, blueberries, cranberries)


  1. Ready duck breast(fried or baked) cut into thin plates. We wrap a slice of sweet juicy persimmon in each plate.
  2. Putting on a skewer: berry, mint leaf, meat roll.

Mascarpone tartlets


  • Tartlets
  • Strawberry
  • Mascarpone cheese
  • Mint leaves


  1. Cut a part of the mint and mix with the cheese, put in the tartlets, cut the strawberries and decorate the tartlet with 1/2 berry and a mint leaf.

Fruit canapes with cheese

A very simple recipe for fruit canapes with cheese home cooking. Step by step recipe home kitchen with a photo for cooking at home in 20 min. Contains only 23 kilocalories.

Ingredients for ten servings:

  • Pear - 1 pc.
  • Mandarins - 2-3 pcs.
  • Grapes - 100-200 g
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Lemon - 0.5-1 pcs.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Prepare foods for fruit and cheese canapes.
  2. Peel the pear, cut into 4 parts, remove the seed capsule and cut into small pieces.
  3. Peel the tangerine and divide into wedges.
  4. Wash the grapes and separate from the branch.
  5. Cut the cheese into small square slices.
  6. String the prepared products on skewers in next order: grape, tangerine slice, pear slice, cheese slice.
  7. Put the ready-made canapes with fruit into the lemon.
  8. Place it in the center of the serving platter. Fruit canapes with cheese can be served. Bon Appetit!

Fruit on skewers

Products used:

  • wheat bread - 200 g
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • pear - 1 pc.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • kiwi - 1-2 pcs.
  • grapes - 100 g
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons


  1. Cut the bread into small cubes, brush each with honey.
  2. Cut the fruit into pieces of the same size and put on skewers, alternating with grapes and bread.

Get the Recipe: Fruit Canape

Products used:

  • mango 1 pc.,
  • bananas 1 pc.,
  • canned pineapples 200 g,
  • lemon juice 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • honey 3 tbsp. spoons


  1. Use hard mango fruits. Cut the mango in half around the pit, turn the halves of the fruit in opposite directions and separate from each other, remove the pit. Peel the mango halves, cut into thick slices and use the cookie cutter to shape into circles.
  2. Cut banana into slices, pineapple into slices.
  3. Sprinkle the fruit with lemon juice and leave in the cold for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Place mango slices on a platter, then bananas and pineapples on top.
  5. Fasten fruit canapes skewers and pour over with honey. Read more

Fruit canapes


  • Grapes (green and red) - 1 bunch.
  • Peach - 2 pcs.
  • Pineapple - a few slices.
  • Berries (blueberries or blueberries) - 150 g.
  • Strawberries - 200 g.

Cooking method

  1. Wash and dry fruits and berries.
  2. Slice peaches, strawberries, pineapple.
  3. Put on skewers according to colors.

Canapes are small sandwiches for one, two bites, which are collected in the form of pyramids, where all the ingredients are placed on skewers or toothpicks. They can be served both on a bread and vegetable basis. Are festive dish, and now they are increasingly decorating New Year's tables.

In many cases, they can be easily prepared from the foods you have in your home. The most important thing is to correctly assemble that beautiful composition, which not everyone succeeds in. And that's why you need to know the basics. technological processes, those useful tips and the tricks of this most delicious and at the same time simple dish.

Today I will tell you and show you wonderful recipes simple canapes on skewers with step-by-step photos to festive table... And also to complement After all, this is just a great idea for any holiday, celebration or feast. So scroll down below, get inspired and have fun making these mini sandwiches.

Fruit canapes on skewers - a step by step photo recipe


  • Black grapes - 1 sprig
  • Green grapes- 1 branch
  • banana - 1 pc
  • mandarin - 1 piece
  • kiwi - 1 piece
  • watermelon - 1/6 part.

Cooking method:

An important role here will be played by canapé skewers.

Divide the watermelon into slices, separate the rind, and cut the pulp into small squares, about 3 by 3 cm. Remove all seeds from them.

Peel the tangerine, separate all the slices and cut each slice into three parts. Of course, if they contain seeds, then they must be removed.

Remove the skin from the banana and cut it into not thick rounds.

Now we start collecting and for this we need to put on a skewer first black grapes, tangerine, then green grapes, banana, kiwi and a slice of watermelon.

For a change, you can swap black grapes with green spots.

Then we put the finished masterpiece on a plate and additionally decorate with fruits.

Recipe of this dish is considered very simple and the result is very beautiful. Plus, the combination of fresh and varied fruits will give you an exquisite and unique taste.

How to make canapes on skewers for kids

Ingredients per serving:

  • A pineapple
  • strawberries - 1 pc
  • grapes - 3 pieces
  • marshmallows
  • kiwi - 1 piece
  • pear - 1/3 part
  • puffed rice - 2 tablespoon
  • coconut flakes - 1 tbsp. l
  • chocolate - 1/3 of a bar

Cooking method:

First of all, we separate the lower part from the pineapple with a knife, after which we cut off a ring, about 2.5 cm thick and peel it.

Divide it into 6 equal cubes, but it is better to remove the core and seeds.

1.We take a strawberry, cut off her butt, put it on a pineapple cube and fasten it with a skewer.

2. For the second, we need two grapes, preferably of different colors, unfortunately I have the same color, well, nothing. We pierce them with a skewer and put them on the second piece of pineapple.

3. We make the third with marshmallows, first we pierce it and put it on a cube.

4. For the fourth, we need to take two marshmallows, plant one first, followed by a peeled kiwi circle, then the second.

5.The fifth is done with a peeled orange slice, in the order shown in the photo below.

6.And the sixth with a pear, a round strawberry and a pineapple cube.

That's what I did.

Canapes without bread with sausage and cheese


  • Skewers - 6 pieces
  • salami - 6 slices
  • cucumber - 6 slices
  • olives - 6 pcs
  • cheese - 6 cubes
  • parsley leaves.

Cooking method:

In cooking according to this recipe, we first prepare everything necessary ingredients, rinse the cucumber under water, open a jar of olives and cut in the amount indicated above.

Then we take a skewer or a toothpick and put an olive on it first.

Now comes the parsley leaf.

A cucumber, as well as a sausage, we plant it tucking, on both sides.

And all that remains is to put on a cube of hard cheese.

Delicious canapes with salmon


  • Black bread - 2 slices
  • cream cheese- 50 grams
  • salted salmon - 120 gr
  • red caviar - 2 tbsp l
  • dill greens - 1 small bunch
  • lemon - 1/2 pc.

Cooking method:

First of all, I wash the greens and chop them finely.

Now we cut the salmon into thin slices.

Then add chopped greens to the cream cheese and mix well.

Cut off the edges from slices of bread so that you get even rectangles.

Now we begin to form the canapes and for this you need to coat the slices of bread with cream cheese on one side.

Then tightly lay out the slices of red fish.

Put cheese on top again.

Then another layer of fish and spread the cheese on top of it.

And we cut the resulting sandwiches, each into four canapes.

Where on each we lay out a slice of lemon, and red caviar on it.

And we fasten them with a skewer or a toothpick, so that it looks like in the photo below.

This is how it turned out holiday snack from caviar and salmon.

Eat to your health!

How to make ham canapes


  • Ham - 150 gr
  • hard cheese - 150 gr
  • pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

Cut the cheese into small squares.

Cut the ham into the same slices as the cheese.

Divide the cucumbers into rounds.

Then we begin to put the chopped ingredients on the skewer.

First cheese, then cucumber and ham.

And in this way we collect canapes from all the pieces.

Herring canapes (video)

Original appetizers on the festive table do not have to be expensive. In this recipe you will see very a good option how to cook herring canapes. Budgetary, very tasty and not difficult!

Bon Appetit!!!

Almost any festive buffet table cannot do without fruit delicacies. But not every host or hostess of a feast knows how to serve fruit beautifully. We want to give you a very interesting serving idea - this is a fruit canapé. Cooking fruit canapes does not take much time, only 20 minutes of cooking time and your table will be decorated with a beautiful and aromatic appetizer. Let's now figure out how to make fruit canapes at home so that they resemble a beautiful restaurant snack, and not a mishmash on a stick.

If you, our novice cooks, have a question: “What is this canapé?” - we answer. The word is French and means a small sandwich. Cooking canapes from fruits allows the use of absolutely any fruit, but care must be taken to ensure that all the ingredients are combined aesthetically. In our article, we will post a photo of how the right delicious fruit snack should look like.

Cooking fruit sandwiches on a skewer

Now we will provide you with recipes for fruit canapes, the process of cooking each will take a minimum of your free time. The only "but" before starting cooking is that self-made canapes from fruit on skewers should not exceed 60-70 grams by weight, and 1-1.5 centimeters in thickness. So we include all our accuracy.

Recipe for "sandwich" on a skewer number 1

We offer you a simple recipe, naturally described step by step, as a detailed scheme of actions. This fruity canapé on skewers is perfect for both a festive table and a simple home gathering with kids.

To create 6 servings you will need:

  • Mango - 1.
  • Banana - 1.
  • Canned pineapples - 200 grams.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Mint leaves, skewers.

Cooking a fragrant "sandwich" on a stick

So, our simple instructions for creating a dish:

  1. Remove the pit from the mango. To do this, cut the fruit around the bone in two halves, and then turn them in opposite directions. Thus, the pulp will separate from the stone, after which, peel both halves and cut into slices. We cut these slices with a knife into neat squares or squeeze circles out of them with a special mold.
  2. We also cut the peeled banana and canned pineapple into squares or circles, sprinkle them with lemon juice, and then send them together with the mango to the freezer for an hour, so that after a while we collect a snack from these chilled fruits.
  3. First put a slice of mango on the dish, on top of it a slice of banana and pineapple. We stick the pieces on the skewers and pour over the honey. Additionally, fruit canapes on skewers can be garnished with mint.

Recipe for "sandwich" on a skewer number 2

We offer another simple option for how to cook fruit canapes on skewers. A 10-serving platter requires the following foods:

  • Orange - 1 piece
  • Pear - 1 pc.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Grapes - 100 grams.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking a sweet snack

  1. First, you need to separate the oranges from the white film, seeds and skins.
  2. Divide the pear into 4 parts and remove the core.
  3. We cut the banana into round pieces, 0.5 cm thick, and the orange and pear into 1 cm thick slices.
  4. Sprinkle all the pieces with lemon juice, cool, and then begin to prick on skewers.

The stringing pattern represents the following sequence: grape, orange slice, pear slice, banana circle. Ready dish sprinkle with icing sugar.

Variegated fruit canapes will be in place at any feast. They will make a romantic dinner more sophisticated, delight the kids at a children's party, help without special efforts impress colleagues with a spectacular mini-buffet. They are interesting, varied, and allow you to “be creative” from the heart with taste and form. In a word, not a single housewife will hurt to master a couple of recipes for making fruit snacks on skewers. Believe me, they will come in handy more than once.

Fruit canapes - the highlight of the festive table

Establish for certain exact time and the place of birth of delicious baby sandwiches - and even more so to find out whose clever head guessed to string not only meat and cheese on a wooden skewer, but also fragrant fruits- it is not possible now. According to linguistic scientists, the very word "canape" came to us from ancient greece where it sounded like "konops" and was used to refer to small insects like a mosquito or a mosquito. The Egyptians, and after them the Romans, adopted the Greek term, modified it to "conopeum" and began to call it beds with a net from uninvited blood-sucking guests. Over time, the word traveler moved from Latin to European languages ​​and firmly settled in French, for some unknown reason clinging not to a canopy bed, but to a miniature sofa with a curved back. So what is next…

And then there are solid secrets. Either the French remembered the original meaning of the term "canapes" and called the snack sandwiches "mosquitoes" for their small size. Either the chef with a particularly violent imagination saw in the pieces of delicious food, piled up in a pile, a resemblance to his favorite piece of furniture. Or perhaps the point is to absorb unusual snack It was most comfortable just on such sofas, leisurely sipping wine from a glass and conducting a leisurely dialogue with his interlocutor.

It is still better to remove the pits from cherries when preparing canapes.

Whatever the case may be, one thing is certain: a funny idea took root, gained popularity and spawned dozens of different, but invariably delicious culinary recipes... And there are at least five reasons for this:

  1. Fruit canapes are delicious, juicy and flavorful.
  2. If you don't set out to create some absolutely incredible composition from a dozen different ingredients, you can prepare a treat in no time. For example, strawberry-banana "canapes" will be taken away from skillful hostess on the strength of a quarter of an hour.
  3. Find the recipe fruit salad or a cake that would please every guest to the last is impossible. But out of half a dozen different options fruit sandwiches, even the most capricious fussy will pick up something suitable for themselves.
  4. Canapes are versatile. They will perfectly play the role of a dessert at a family feast or a buffet table, will take an honorable place at children's table, and on occasion will serve gourmet snack To strong drinks... Let's say to white wine"turrets" with tangerines, kiwi, apricots will do; melon and strawberry are combined with red. Sweet liqueurs are usually eaten with grapes and pears; cognac, in addition to the traditional lemon slice, loves the company of apples and juicy peach, and the taste of champagne is perfectly set off by pineapple and watermelon.
  5. Making a fruit snack is pure creativity. You can not only use any fruits and berries you want, but also safely combine them with other ingredients: chocolate, marshmallow, mastic, nuts, marmalade. Sometimes even ham and cheese are used. Complete freedom of creativity and no boundaries!

Traditionally, it is customary to serve 3-4 types of canapés with different fillings... Moreover, it is advisable to calculate in advance the total number of snacks so that there are at least 8 miniature sandwiches for each guest. Considering that canapés are a “one bite” treat, they can fly off the dish in a few minutes, and no one should be left out.

How beautiful to cut fruit

The easiest way out is to take a knife and simply crumble the washed and peeled fruits into cubes or slices. Cheap and cheerful, but ineffective in terms of wasted time. And the beauty of the future "canapes" will suffer, since not everyone will be able to fit the pieces cut by hand to one size, and different-sized slices will greatly spoil the appearance of the snack.

The neater the pieces, the more effective the result.

If you have a special spoon for watermelon and melon in your kitchen, use it. Perfectly even colored spheres on skewers always look impressive.

Any large fruit with not too dense pulp can be turned into balls.

Using cookie cutters, you can turn fruit slices into shapes of any complexity.

A true masterpiece in miniature

If you are seriously keen on the topic of canapés and are going to regularly treat guests and homemade sweet "kebabs", it does not hurt to purchase special device for cutting berries and fruits into pieces. V budget option it will be replaced by an ordinary egg cutter.

The slices will look the same

For the most advanced cooks, a special canapé syringe will come to the rescue. Sequentially cut with it pieces of fruit selected for a treat, push the plunger, and ready-made delicacy will end up on your plate. It remains only to fasten it with an elegant skewer. The syringe will just as easily cope with pieces of biscuit, marshmallow, marmalade and other goodies, if it occurs to you to add them to your creation.

Don't have a cooking syringe? Take a regular one by cutting off the top of it

Remember that fruits are perishable. They quickly give off juice, darken and lose their shape, so you need to cook the delicacy shortly before serving, sprinkling the pieces with lemon juice for greater safety.

Step-by-step fruit canapé recipes

So who are you going to regale? Business partners, old friends, relatives at a family holiday? Then turn your attention to the recipes for fruit canapes with cheese and ham. Unusual flavor combination will arouse interest and give your evening a small touch of aristocracy.

For adults

With grapes and cheese

You will need:

  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 100 g green or blue grapes(try to get a seedless variety).


Perfectly combined with grapes hard varieties cheese: Gouda, Maasdam, Edam, Dutch, Parmesan. However, soft curd cheeses with mold - for example, Bree - will be here in its place. Do you want to make a mix of two or three different varieties, shading their taste with halves of walnuts, almonds, strawberries, slices exotic mango or thin leaves of fresh tarragon.

The classic version of cheese and grape canpe is far from the only one

With melon and parma ham

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg of melon;
  • 200 g goat cheese;
  • 100 g sliced Parma ham;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • half a lemon;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Cut the melon in half, remove the seeds, and cut the pulp into cubes or, using a special spoon, into balls.

    In the absence of a spoon for cutting, a simple dessert

  2. Mix oil, juice of half a lemon, salt, pepper. Pour the marinade over the prepared melon slices and leave them alone for a quarter of an hour to allow the pulp to soak.

    The result will be better if you lightly whisk the mixture with a whisk.

  3. Slice the goat cheese as you like.

    Sprinkle finely chopped basil over the cheese if desired

  4. In random order, string pieces of melon and cheese, a slice of ham on a skewer, and then put the canapes in the refrigerator.

    The taste of the treat will be beyond praise

  5. The appetizer should be served chilled, with red semi-dry or white wine.

The combination of melon and Parma ham is considered a classic and does not need any additions, but if you have a desire to brighten the taste of the canape, add basil leaves, arugula or kiwi pulp to the indicated ingredients. In addition, the melon itself, on occasion, can easily be "substituted" by a juicy pear.

With pear and cheese Dor Blue

You will need:

  • 1-2 pears;
  • 100 g Dor Blue cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped walnuts;
  • some olive oil;
  • juice of half a lemon.


Lemon with marmalade and cheese

And here's a totally incredible yet eye-catching combination:

  • hard cheese;
  • the same amount of marmalade;
  • half a lemon.


Such an appetizer usually does not sit on a plate.

For children and older people with a sweet tooth

But quite exotic! Let's talk about simpler recipes, where there will be no such spicy food combinations. For example, what could be more traditional and tastier than strawberries and chocolate?

Bananas, strawberries and marshmallows in chocolate

You will need:

  • banana;
  • a handful of strawberries;
  • multi-colored marshmallow;
  • half a bar of dark chocolate.


  1. Peel the banana and cut into slices.

    Sprinkle lemon juice on the banana to keep it from browning

  2. Wash the strawberries and remove the tails.

    The berries must be the same size

  3. If the marshmallow is large, cut it into strawberry-sized chunks. Leave the small one as it is.

    Multicolored marshmallows look festive

  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.

    If you want to make the mass less thick, add a spoon or two milk to it

  5. String the prepared pieces of fruit and marshmallows on wooden sticks, pour over with chocolate and let cool.

    Canapes will appeal to both children and adult sweets

If the combination of marshmallow and chocolate seems too sugary, remove one of the sugary ingredients from the recipe, or make two sweetened canapes to suit all tastes.

Nobody leaves the holiday disappointed

Jelly on skewers

You will need:

  • a bag of grape jelly;
  • a bag of strawberry jelly;
  • a handful of grapes;
  • a handful of strawberries;
  • molds for ice.


Fruit platter

You will need:

  • apples;
  • canned pineapple;
  • kiwi;
  • grape;
  • Strawberry;
  • blueberry.


  1. Wash all fruits. Peel the apples, remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into small pieces.

    Look for sweet apple varieties in the market, such as Kitayka, Medok, Belarusian apple

  2. Peel and chop the kiwi.

    Treat your loved ones with a fragrant rainbow on a skewer

The fruits in the given recipe can be replaced with others without any damage to taste. For example use canned peaches instead of pineapple, soft pear instead of apples or raspberries instead of blueberries.

And you should also pay attention to the combinations:

  • Banana, kiwi and tangerine. The fruit will need to be peeled, cut the banana and kiwi, cut the tangerine into slices, and then, in any order, plant this whole fragrant company on wooden skewers. Everything! Sweet, but shaded with a slight sourness, and therefore even more delicious dessert ready.
  • Green grapes, kiwi and pineapple. The situation is reversed here: sweet yellow tropical fruit soften the sourness of its green neighbors. Those who fail to get a pineapple for the holiday will be replaced by an orange.
  • Banana, orange and pear.
  • Strawberries and banana.
  • Apple, pear, red orange.
  • Grapes and melons.

Fruit canapes for lunch - video

Options for serving fruit canapes in the photo

Canapes can be placed on long skewers Semicircular pieces of tangerines can be represented as sails So that the skewers do not remain empty, you can offer the guests pieces of fruit separately - let everyone collect their own canapes The easiest option is to simply fold the canapes upside down. Even a minimum of ingredients can be beaten in an interesting way. An unusual combination of basil, watermelon and strawberries will perfectly fix with soft cheese Top canapes can be garnished with chocolate

What else about fruit canapes? Many. But why waste time on theory when you can start practicing right away? New combinations and flavors are just waiting for you to discover them. Choose your favorite fruits and berries, shake up the kitchen cabinets in search of marshmallows, icing sugar, chocolate and other goodies and go ahead - create a unique canapé according to a recipe invented by you personally!

Fruit is a decoration of almost every festive table. However, simply putting the delicious fruits in a vase or on a dish is not fun! Therefore, today we offer you to get acquainted with several options for how to make beautiful and original canapes on skewers! These simple recipes are sure to please both adults and kids!

Fruit is a decoration of almost every festive table.

The popularity of fruit canapes

For centuries, a variety of ripe, juicy, fragrant fruits have adorned festive tables. Of course, most of us eat fruit on a daily basis. However, if in everyday life, in principle, there is no need to serve fruits in any special way, then this is simply necessary to do this at a solemn feast.

Bright and delicious canapes they will wonderfully decorate the table, cheer up, delight the look and taste. Weddings, birthdays, buffets and corporate parties, children's parties - fruit canapes on skewers will always come in handy.

Bright fruit canapes on skewers are a great decoration for any table!

Fruits, marshmallows, cheese and other ingredients

It is clear that for the preparation of these canapes on skewers, the main ingredient is fruit. It is great that you can use absolutely any fruit (as well as berries) to your taste: apples, peaches and pears, melons and watermelons, bananas, oranges, tangerines and lemons, grapefruits, kiwi and pineapples, grapes and strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, cherries, gooseberries, mango and papaya. This list can be supplemented with any fruits to your taste!

For creating delicious decoration tables are suitable both fresh and canned fruits and berries.

In addition to fruits, the following products are often used to prepare festive fruit canapes on skewers:

Do not be lazy to create a page in your culinary notebook for successful combinations that you and your guests like.

Table: examples of successful combinations for canapes with apple

How beautiful to cut fruit for canapes

First of all, it should be said that fruits for snacks should be cut shortly before serving. This will save the snack from losing juice, which adversely affects both the taste and appearance treats. In addition, those fruits, the pulp of which tends to oxidize and acquire a completely unappetizing dark color (for example, apples, bananas), must be sprinkled with lemon juice immediately after cutting.

The main tools for making fruit canapes are a sharp knife, clean and dry cutting board, wooden or plastic skewers.

Snacks look much more original, the ingredients of which are cut in an unusual way... So, you can use special knives for curly cutting of fruits and vegetables. For example, using a noisette spoon, you can cut balls and hemispheres from fruit.

Using a noisette spoon, you can cut balls and hemispheres from fruit

And also a great help in business can be metal cookie cutters.

Metal cookie cutters will help you cut fruit beautifully and unusual

Step-by-step recipes for canapes on skewers with a photo

Exotic "kebabs" with peaches or nectarines, bananas, kiwi and coconut flakes

A great option for a family holiday or romantic dinner which requires absolutely no cooking skills. A simple recipe that everyone loves.

  • 1 nectarine or peach;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 kiwi;
  • liquid honey - to taste;
  • coconut flakes to taste;
  • some lemon juice.
  1. Rinse the nectarine under running water, pat dry with a kitchen towel, remove the bone. Cut the fruit into medium-sized cubes. If desired, this fruit can be replaced with a peach.

Cut nectarine or peach into neat cubes

  • Ripe but not overripe banana, peel and cut into thick slices. To avoid browning, sprinkle with a little lemon juice.

    Pour the sliced ​​banana with lemon juice

  • Use a peeler or sharp knife to slice the skin off the kiwi. Cut the fruit into cubes the same size as the nectarine before.

    Cut the peeled kiwi into cubes

  • Alternating between fruits, string them onto long wooden barbecue sticks.

    String fruit pieces onto wooden skewers one at a time

  • Transfer the skewers to a platter or large plate, sprinkle with coconut flakes and serve. To brighten up the snack, you can use multi-colored coconut flakes.

    With grapes, cheese and tarragon

    Alluring berries go well with cheese. You can experiment and fantasize by combining grapes of different colors with various types favorite fermented milk product. In addition, these canapes can be supplemented with walnuts or aromatic herbs.

    • 80-100 g of semi-hard cheese;
    • 150-200 berries white grapes seedless;
    • 15 leaves of fresh tarragon.
    1. Cut cheese like Gouda or Cheddar into cubes with a side of 1.5 cm.Try to do this as carefully as possible, since the smooth edges of the pieces are the key to the stability of your canapes on the plates.

    Cut the cheese into neat cubes

  • Rinse the grapes, dry thoroughly. Do the same with fresh tarragon.

    Rinse a small bunch of grapes, separate the berries from the branches, dry

  • Form the canapés by stringing the ingredients onto small wooden or plastic skewers in the following sequence: grape berry, tarragon leaf, cheese cube. Make sure that the skewer does not pierce the cheese to the full height of the cube, otherwise the canapes will not be able to stand firmly on the plate.

    String grapes, tarragon and cheese on small skewers

  • Chill the appetizer for 15 minutes at 15 degrees before serving.

    Help yourself to your health!

    An appetizer made of grapes and blue cheese, such as Roquefort, will turn out to be original and tasty. And to slay the guests with your culinary skills on the spot, you can add this unusual combination fresh or canned mangoes.

    The combination of juicy grapes, exotic mango and blue cheese will amaze the most sophisticated gourmets on your holiday!

    BBQ canapes made from watermelon, pineapple, strawberries and other fruits and berries

    Such unusual design fruit snacks will come in handy for both birthday and children's party, and for the wedding. It takes a little work, but the result is worth it!

    • 1 large watermelon;
    • several stalks of celery;
    • long wooden barbecue skewers;
    • assorted fruit and berries to taste. In this case, we used an assortment of:
      • kiwi,
      • strawberries,
      • pineapple,
      • blueberries,
      • grapes,
      • watermelon pulp,
      • mango.
    1. Wash, dry and cut the watermelon in half with even edges. Remove the pulp of the watermelon and transfer it to a bowl, a little later it will be possible to cut out figures for "barbecue" from it.
    2. Punch three holes in the bottom of the watermelon. Set the barbecue upright using sturdy celery stalks of equal length.
    3. Put dark berries (blackberries, black grapes) inside the watermelon - they will imitate coals.
    4. Make a BBQ grate by piercing half of the watermelon with long wooden skewers.

    Use half a watermelon and wooden skewers to make a base for a fruit barbecue

  • On the rest of the skewers, string pieces of fruit and berries.
  • Place the skewers on a wire rack, chill the appetizer a little and serve immediately.

    Fruit BBQ is a great decoration for any table!

    Recipe for kids - rainbow with fresh and canned fruits

    As with the previous recipe, we can say that this type of snack is suitable for any holiday. Fruit canapes "Rainbow" are especially popular among children.

    Rainbow canapes for a wonderful mood!

    • Strawberry;
    • tangerines;
    • canned pineapple;
    • white and black grapes.
    1. Prepare everything you need. Throw canned pineapples in a colander or sieve, leave to drain the syrup. Divide the peeled tangerines into slices. Rinse strawberries and grapes, remove the stalks, dry well.
    2. String prepared ingredients on skewers, using the well-known rhyme - "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting!" The first letter of each word in this phrase, which is familiar even to little ones, will tell you in what order to place an appetizing assortment on skewers.
    3. Serve ready-made canapes immediately after cooking.

    Serve a wonderful treat for kids and parents in the shape of a rainbow

    Savory option with caramelized pear and raw gorgonzola

    This recipe is perfect for a romantic candlelit dinner. When paired with a glass of sparkling champagne, pear and gorgonzola canapes are amazing!

    Delightful taste for true connoisseurs of beauty!

    • 2 pears;
    • 50 g of gorgonzola cheese;
    • 1 tablespoon of liquid honey;
    • butter;
    • freshly ground black pepper - to taste;
    • lemon and fresh mint for garnish.
    1. Wash the pears, peel, stalks and seed pods, cut into cubes.
    2. Slice butter melt in a skillet or saucepan.

    Melt a piece of butter in a skillet or saucepan

  • Place pieces of previously prepared fruit in a skillet with butter. Fry the pears for a few minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.

    Saute the pear pieces for a few minutes

  • Add a spoon to the pan natural honey, sprinkle the fruit with a pinch of freshly ground black pepper, stir and cook for another 1-2 minutes.

    Pour honey to pears and add black pepper

  • Transfer the finished fruit to a plate lined with a piece parchment paper, leave to cool completely.

    Transfer the honeyed fruit wedges to a plate lined with baking paper

  • Cut the gorgonzola into cubes the same size as the pear.
  • Pour the cooled pieces of fruit and cheese on wooden skewers, transfer to a plate. Garnish with lemon wedges and fresh mint leaves.

    An amazing appetizer for a glass of cold champagne is ready!

    With lemon, marmalade and hard cheese

    Such delicacies can be offered to both adults and children. Per a few minutes you can decorate the table with a delicious, bright and memorable treat!

    1. Cut hard cheese and colorful marmalade into cubes of the same size.
    2. Wash the lemon, dry it, cut into pieces (quarters of circles).
    3. Form a canapé by stringing all prepared ingredients onto small wooden or plastic skewers.

    Easy to prepare but incredible delicious treat for those with a sweet tooth of any age!

    With melon and ham or ham

    Not quite ordinary, but a wonderful combination of ripe melon pulp with a delicate jerky- it's worth a try! Complement this splendor with a glass of sparkling or dry white wine, you can feel a piece of the charm of the famous Spanish cuisine.

    • a quarter of a small ripe melon;
    • a few slices of jamon;
    • biscuits and straws - for decoration.
    1. Cut a slice of melon peeled from the skin into thin slices. By using metal mold, cut out the blanks in the form of flowers from the pulp. In the center of each flower, make a through hole for the "core".

    Cut out "flowers" blanks from the melon pulp

  • Divide the jamon into long strips of medium length, twist into mini-rolls and insert into the holes of the melon blanks.
  • Stick the flowers onto the stem skewers.

    Insert slices of jamon into the middle of the blanks

  • Pour the crumbled cookies and straws into low glass glasses. Dip the stems of the flowers into the cookie-simulated “ground” so that the snack is firmly positioned and does not tilt to the sides.

    Place some of the flowers in glasses with cookie crumbs

  • Transfer the remaining canapes to a large flat plate or large, pretty platter.

    Place the appetizer on a platter and serve.

    Fruit Santa Claus with marshmallows

    Such an appetizer will give guests a great charge of positive and fun at the New Year's or Christmas table. Mini figurines of a magical winter character will enchant adults and kids alike.

    • bananas;
    • seedless white grapes;
    • Strawberry;
    • white marshmallows;
    • lemon juice.
    1. Prepare all the ingredients. Cut the peeled bananas into slices of equal thickness, sprinkle a little with lemon juice. Rinse and dry white grapes (preferably seedless). Rinse the strawberries lightly, putting them in a sieve, leave for a while to let the water glass, then peel off the sepals.
    2. Form Santa Claus figures by stringing the ingredients on toothpicks or small snack skewers in the following order: grape berry, banana circle, strawberry, small piece of airy marshmallow.

    String fruits and marshmallows onto small skewers

  • Ready-made canapes can be served as an independent snack or used to decorate desserts, pastries, cakes.

    Use fruit canapes as a garnish or simply serve on a large platter

    Making canapes with chocolate

    This wonderful product is also a frequent companion of fruits and berries. If you also like to eat chocolate, you can safely pour melted chocolate on absolutely any fruit canapes on skewers.

    Simply pour melted chocolate over the fruit canapes on skewers and enjoy!

    For canapes, you can use black, white or milk chocolate... In addition, while the melted mass has not yet frozen, you can sprinkle the treat:

    • coconut flakes
    • chopped nuts
    • chocolate chips (different color),
    • confectionery sprinkles
    • almond flakes
    • refined sunflower kernels,
    • sesame seeds,
    • poppy seeds.

    Brighter look and rich taste canapes on skewers in chocolate can be added using various topping

    Video: spectacular canapes on skewers from the chef