Homemade grape wine. How to make homemade grape wine (red or white)

I love holidays, because this is a very good opportunity to gather at one table all my relatives and friends. Sit, talk about what happened in our life during the time that we did not see each other. It is my wife's duty to cover the festive table with all sorts of goodies, but I have only a little left - to treat the guests with delicious wine, which I have been making with my own hands, and for quite a long time. I know quite a few ways and variations of this homemade drink, and they all received quite a lot of positive feedback. But, not so long ago, a friend of mine told me a recipe for wine from green grapes at home. Without thinking twice, I decided to make this wine too. You know, it turned out quite unusual and tasty. Homemade grape wine has a very pleasant aroma and an unusual delicate taste. When I put this wine on the table, it immediately attracted the attention of the guests with its divine aroma. After the end of the feast, everyone approached me with a request to share the method of preparing this masterpiece. So I decided to tell you the recipe for wine. By the way, on its basis you can cook a gorgeous one. And don't forget that heavy alcohol consumption is harmful to your health!
- 600 grams of green grapes;
- 185 grams of sugar.

How to cook from a photo step by step

Now I begin to describe the cooking process itself. So, first I pick off the grapes and put them in a bowl.

After that, I crush the grapes well with my hands, as if squeezing the maximum juice from each berry.

I pour the resulting mass into a jar along with the bones.

I cover the jar with gauze (I make sure that it is without a "medical smell", if it is still present, then I wash the gauze, and then I use it).

I leave the jar for four days.
After that, I filter the grape juice through a colander, throw away the skins.

Then I pour the juice into a jar, add sugar, put on a glove and leave it in this state for at least a month.

This is the kind of wine that came out in a month.

It comes out excellent and

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


The secrets of winemaking can be learned for almost years. Although everyone can easily learn this art. The first time it may not turn out a masterpiece worthy of world exhibitions, but a homemade drink will be no worse than a store one. Want to try? Then study simple recipes with photos describing how to make wine from grapes at home.

How to cook

Making homemade wine requires three main ingredients. This list includes:

  • grape;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The latter component is not used in all homemade wine recipes. It is added if only the grape juice is very sour and even reduces the cheekbones. In other cases, dilution with water only worsens the taste of the drink. Making wine from grapes at home begins with the collection and processing of the harvest. Wild yeast, necessary for fermentation, must be left on the bunches. To do this, you need to collect the fruit after 2-3 days of dry weather. If the grapes are purchased, then the berries cannot be washed.

Making homemade wine after processing the harvest involves three stages. Step-by-step instructions on how to make a drink can be described as follows:

  1. Getting the pulp. It is an intermediate product of winemaking and is a mass of crushed bunches of grapes. At the same time, it is not necessary to remove the ridges, but the wine will taste a little bitter with them.
  2. Wort separation. This stage begins 3-5 days after receiving the pulp. From it the wort is released - unclarified grape juice. This is already wine, but young and has not begun to ferment.
  3. Fermentation. At this stage, the wine quiver multiplies and converts the fruit sugar from the grape into alcohol. The wort is separated from the pulp, poured into a working glass container and closed with a cork with a water seal or a medical glove. In the same step, you can sweeten your homemade wine.

Fermentation time

The fermentation of a drink is influenced by many factors - temperature, amount of sugar and yeast activity. Therefore, there is no exact answer to the question of how much homemade grape wine plays. This process can take about 30-90 days. Fermentation is divided into three stages:

  1. Elementary. Yeast fungi begin to actively reproduce.
  2. Stormy. The bacteria stop multiplying, taking up the entire volume of the wort. For the first couple of days, it actively hisses and foams. How long does the wine ferment during this phase? It can play from 0 to 100 days, depending on the desired strength of the drink.
  3. Quiet. The wort calms down, there are already very few bubbles. The foam settles, and fermentation takes place in the lower layers. The duration of this phase is determined by the period of processing by the fungi of all sugar into alcohol.

Sugar quantity

Approximately 1% of the alcohol in the finished drink is provided by 2% of the sugar in the wort. The sugar content of grape varieties common in central Russia rarely exceeds 20%. They will make a drink with a strength of about 6-7%, maximum 10%. In addition, the sweetness of the drink will be zero, and the taste will be sour-astringent. The sugar content of the wort should not exceed 15-20%, otherwise the yeast will stop fermenting.

So how much sugar does grape wine need? The product is added fractionally after the juice tastes sour. Each liter requires 50 g of granulated sugar. They are diluted in 1-2 liters of drained wort, then sent back to the bottle. This is done once every 3-4 days in the first 2-3 weeks of fermentation. When the juice no longer tastes sour, then there is already enough sugar and no more need to add it.


In the classic version, 10 kg of grapes are taken. If each one requires about 100-200 g of sugar, then in general you will need 1-2 kg. In rare cases, water is needed. It is taken at the rate of 500 ml per 1 liter of juice. At the end, the wine is made semi-sweet, sweet or fortified. There is another option - a liqueur drink. The table contains the proportions of homemade grape wine in relation to alcohol and granulated sugar content.


The sugar and alcohol content in sweet homemade wine should be between 12-18% and 16-20%. The acidity does not exceed 0.8%. It is better to make such a drink from blue grapes or use nutmeg varieties. Sugar should be added at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 liter of juice. This is at the fermentation stage. Already at the end, you can make a sweet homemade wine to your liking by adding a little more sugar.


According to the traditional recipe, fortified grape wine is prepared at home with the addition of sugar and alcohol or vodka. The strength of the drink will depend on their number. By adding fruits or berries to the grape must, you can get different types of fortified homemade wine - vermouth, port or sherry. The proportions for them are approximately as follows:

  • grapes - about 6 kg;
  • granulated sugar for fermentation - 0.6 kg; for fixing - at the rate of 100 g per liter of wort;
  • medical alcohol - 1 liter.

To make homemade dry wine with your own hands, you should know that it is made without sugar at all or that its amount does not exceed 0.3%. Fructose from the wort is only fermented by yeast. Sugar for this purpose is not added at all. For this reason, dry wines are considered the most natural, delicious and healthy. Grapes are needed for their production with a sugar content of 15-20%. Better to take the Isabella variety:

  • from such grapes a wine of a pleasant ruby ​​color is obtained;
  • this variety belongs to the dining room.


Homemade semi-sweet wine is especially popular. It is softer, tastier and has a distinct grape aroma. In the composition of such a drink, no more than 8% sugar and up to 13% alcohol are found. The low content of the latter makes this wine ideal for an ordinary feast. The proportions of the ingredients here are about the following - for 1 kg of grapes about 800 g of sugar and 1.5 liters of water.


Before you put homemade wine with your own hands, you need to choose the right grapes. Only ripe fruits are suitable. In unripe, there is a lot of acid, and in overripe, acetic fermentation already begins. It is not worth collecting carrion, because it has an unpleasant earthy taste. Technical wine grapes are suitable for winemaking. Their clusters are not very large, and the berries themselves are small and fit tightly to each other. Among these varieties, Isabella, Muscat, Riesling, Merlot, Chardonnay and Cabernet stand out. For home winemaking, Crystal, Kishmish, Druzhba, Rosinka and Regent are also recommended.


  • Servings Per Container: 22 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 72 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Making wine from Isabella grapes at home is very simple. This variety is unpretentious - the berries are frost-resistant, have a dense structure and pleasant taste. Even white can be made from this variety if you use green unripe fruits. For the same recipe, a fortified drink is prepared, so you will also need medical alcohol.


  • Isabella - 5 kg;
  • medical alcohol - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 0.6 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the grapes, then knead with your hands or a crush. Transfer the resulting mass to a glass jar.
  2. Leave the gruel for 3 days, then add sugar.
  3. Then cover with a lid, send to a warm place to ferment for 2 weeks.
  4. Take thick gauze, fold it in three and strain the drink through it, then send it to a dark place for 2 months.
  5. After the specified time, pour alcohol into the container. Leave the workpiece for another 2 weeks.
  6. Then pour the drink into bottles, place them in a horizontal position for storage.

With water

  • Cooking time: 45 days.
  • Servings Per Container: 20 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 96 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

DIY grape wine with the addition of water turns out to be thin and not so cloying, but no less pleasant in taste. Almond essence gives an unusual aroma to the drink. If you don't like this smell, then you can add a little vanilla. An ordinary glove is involved in the technology. It does not allow oxygen to pass through to the wort, but releases carbon dioxide through a small hole.


  • wine yeast - 10 g;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • grapes - 2 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • almond essence - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. First, sort out the grapes, then mash and dilute with filtered water.
  2. Then put in a warm place, leave for 4 days, so that the wort is separated from the cake.
  3. Then strain the juice, squeeze out the liquid from the cake, pour everything into a glass container.
  4. After pressing, add half the sugar, almond essence and yeast and stir.
  5. Put on a glove with a small hole in the finger on top, leave for 4 days.
  6. Take a little wort, add 100 g of granulated sugar to it, pour back.
  7. When the glove stops inflating, remove it from the sediment using a thin hose.
  8. Cover with a nylon lid, let stand for another week.
  9. Remove the wine from the sediment again, you can drink it after full maturation after 1 to 12 months.

From grape juice

  • Cooking time: 76 days.
  • Servings Per Container: 30 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 133 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

To the surprise of some gourmets, you can make wine at home. Apart from punctuality and patience, nothing is required of you here. But the drink turns out to be very tasty, and the aroma is simply amazing. Together with the squeezed juice, you can use the grapes themselves. The proportions of sugar can again be adjusted to your liking, making a semi-sweet or sweet dessert wine. As for the varieties, it is recommended to use several at once. For example, merlot and cabernet make delicious wine.


sugar - 1.5 kg;

grape juice - 5 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the squeezed juice together with the grapes in a container of a suitable size.
  2. Leave the mixture in a warm place for 3 days. Stir twice a day.
  3. Next, squeeze the mass under a press or by hand, then strain into a glass container, put on a glove with a small hole on it.
  4. Insist for 40 days in a well-ventilated area.
  5. If part of the wort is not included, then add it every 2 days.
  6. When carbon dioxide stops coming out, add sugar in the specified amount.
  7. Then filter the drink, pour into bottles and infuse at a temperature of 11-14 degrees for a month.

Secondary from pulp

  • Cooking time: 48 days.
  • Servings Per Container: 20 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 56 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

According to the classic recipe, only wort is involved in the fermentation process, i.e. cake, which remains after straining, is not used for cooking wine. Although there is a separate recipe for it. Learn how to make a second wine. It will not be as rich as the first grade drink. This is a matter of taste - some people even really like this wine. Its aroma is not worse, it just has a different shade. The secondary wine itself from the pulp is obtained with a lower strength.


  • purified water - 5 l;
  • dark grape cake - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Transfer the cake to a clean dry dish.
  2. Then add a mixture of sugar and water there.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into 3 liter jars.
  4. Put rubber gloves on top of them. Make a small puncture with a needle on one of the fingers.
  5. Leave the drink to ferment until the pulp is compressed and loses its initial color. This will take about 40-45 days.
  6. Then strain the wort, removing all the cake.
  7. Leave the wine for another 3-4 days.
  8. If the taste of the drink suits, then bottle it. Otherwise, leave to ferment for a couple of days.


  • Cooking time: 4 months.
  • Servings Per Container: 15 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 128 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Having studied the recipe for white grape wine, you will learn how to prepare a unique drink with an exceptional aroma and taste. The process will take several months, so you have to be patient. But the result will delight not only you, but also the guests. Connoisseurs of noble booze will definitely appreciate this wine. You can adjust the sweetness of the drink yourself. According to this recipe, the wine is semi-sweet.


  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • grapes - 10 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the grapes carefully, remove the rotten berries, and put the rest in an enamel bucket.
  2. Knead the product thoroughly. When the juice comes out, cover with gauze.
  3. Insist 5 days in a warm place. Stir the contents with a wooden spatula several times a day.
  4. Next, discard the pulp in a colander, and strain the juice into a glass container, fill it only 75%.
  5. Add sugar, put on a glove with several punctures on top, fix it with an elastic band.
  6. After 3 weeks, fermentation is almost complete. At this point, you can add more sugar to your liking. In this case, leave the drink for another 1-2 weeks.
  7. Then strain the juice into bottles, cork, send to the cellar to infuse for 3 months.

Glove recipes

  • Cooking time: 3 months.
  • Servings Per Container: 12 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 112 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Homemade grape wine with a glove is very aromatic. According to this recipe, it is also prepared by the varieties Lydia and Isabella. More precisely, the juice of this grape is taken. A mixture of elderberry, oak bark and sage gives the drink a special taste. It is added to a bottle of wort in a gauze bag. At the end of fermentation, it is simply taken out, and thanks to this, the wine acquires an unusually fragrant aroma.


  • Isabella juice - 0.8 l;
  • sage, oak bark, elder flowers - to taste;
  • granulated sugar - 320 g;
  • Lydia grape juice - 1.2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mash the grapes well, and after a couple of hours squeeze with your hands and strain the juice through cheesecloth into a glass container.
  2. Next, dissolve granulated sugar, and then install a glove with punctures. Leave the drink until it falls off.
  3. Then remove from the sediment, pour into a clean jar.
  4. Insert the gauze bag with additives.
  5. Close again, leave for 1 month.
  6. Remove the drink from the sediment again, remove the bag with additives.
  7. Insist for about 2 more months.

From red grapes

  • Cooking time: 73 days.
  • Servings Per Container: 15 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 147 kcal.
  • Purpose: on the festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

The benefits of homemade wine are evident when used in moderation. Blood pressure is normalized, hemoglobin rises and radioactive substances are excreted. Homemade red grapes make the drink stronger, more aromatic and tart. All thanks to the bones, which contain a large amount of tannins. The wine is bright and fragrant by mixing the pigments secreted by the skin with clear juice.


  • red grape variety - 10 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the berries, crush them with a crush or clean dry hands.
  2. Cover with gauze, let stand for three days. Stir the contents periodically.
  3. Collect a layer of pulp, squeeze, and filter the juice with gauze. Pour everything into a glass container.
  4. Then, over 10 days, gradually introduce all the sugar in portions.
  5. Seal the bottle with a punctured pharmacy glove.
  6. Send the container to a warm place for 60 days.
  7. Once the glove is deflated, you can bottle the juice.
  8. Then send it to storage in a cool place.


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Homemade grape wine - simple recipes. The technology of making grape wine at home

Wine made from green grapes has a pleasant taste, light aroma. It can be presented in dry, semi-dry or dessert varieties. In addition to delicacy and lightness, this intoxicating drink has a lot of useful properties. How to make white wine at home, we will tell you further in step-by-step instructions.

Almost all known white grapes are suitable for making light wine. A distinctive feature is only taste, color and aroma. The berries should be well ripe by the time of collection. Even slight overripening is allowed. During this period, they will have the maximum concentration of sugars and minimum acids. The drink will turn out to be soft, but at the same time rich.

Harvesting should be done only in sunny weather, in the afternoon. Otherwise, there will be no desired concentration of yeast on the berries and the product will not play.

From the collected bunches, berries of poor quality are removed, which can significantly spoil the taste of the finished wine in the future. They can cause unwanted bitterness.

White grapes have the ability to decay quickly, so you need to prepare a drink from freshly harvested material. The containers where fermentation will take place must be treated with boiling water. This procedure helps to get rid of third-party microbes that can affect the wine making process.

Not the least role is played by the grape variety, from which the intoxicating drink is to be made. The fruit should not only be juicy, but also have a high sugar content and minimal acidity. Better than others, these requirements are met:

  • Bianca;
  • Aligote;
  • Sauvignon;
  • Riesling;
  • Viorica;
  • Feteaska and others.

When using these particular varieties, you can apply the classic technology of winemaking and at the same time get a drink with excellent taste at the end.

Aligote grapes are suitable for making white wine

How to make light wine at home

Making a grape hop drink begins with harvesting. The harvest of white grapes intended for making wine is recommended to be harvested overripe. The only exceptions are the southern regions, where it is better to pick the berries unripe. In this case, the finished drink will be strong, aromatic and with a pleasant mild taste.

The collection must be carried out in clear and sunny weather. If it rained for a long time, then you need to give it a few days after they end, so that a sufficient amount of yeast again forms on the berries.

Juice for making wine

It can be done in this way:

  • sort the fruits and throw away the spoiled ones;
  • cover unwashed berries with a rolling pin or other suitable object;
  • under no circumstances remove the bones.

As a result of the actions carried out, we get the so-called wort. During fermentation, sugar can be added to it if desired.

The proportion of sugar added during fermentation should not exceed 27% of the total wort produced.


The resulting juice is kept for 12 hours and the smallest particles are allowed to settle. Next, drain the clean liquid with a hose into a clean container. To prevent the development of diseases and improve the quality of wine, it is recommended to add up to 1 gram of sulfur dioxide per 10 liters of finished juice to the must. Sulphitation is not an obligatory procedure, because at home production volumes are usually insignificant.

White wine ferments at a constant room temperature. As in the production of a drink from blue varieties, you need to put a water seal on the container and use it to monitor the fermentation process. It is important that souring does not occur. If there is a cessation of processes, then you need to add raisins or sourdough.

Yeast is able to process sugar in a couple of months, resulting in a dry wine. To obtain semi-sweet varieties, fermentation should be forcibly interrupted by changing the temperature or carrying out sulfitation.


The resulting young drink must be taken out to a cool room and kept for a couple of weeks. During this time, the remains of the yeast will settle. Then the drink is again poured into a clean container, and the settled sediment is disposed of. Store the product in a cool, dark place. As a result of this, sediment will gradually accumulate, and the wine itself will thus be clarified. It needs to be drained from time to time and separated from the thick. This procedure is carried out throughout the year.

Dry white wine is consumed in the first few months after maturation. But strong varieties can be aged for a very long time (within 12-15 years). In this case, the bottles must be in a horizontal position.

Extract wine should be in a dark and cool room

The secret way to make a wine drink

There is another original way of making wine from white grape varieties. Its distinctive feature is that the berries are pre-frozen. This contributes to a change in some qualities of raw materials, which in the future have a beneficial effect on the taste of the drink.

After freezing, the grapes must be put in a bowl, allowed to defrost, and then squeezed out. Further, the cooking technology will be standard. Only at the final stage you will need to add sugar. This is done when the product has already recouped and is ready for the next spill.

The resulting white wine should be stored in a well-ventilated, humid room with constant low temperatures. In such conditions, the corks on the dishes will not dry out. Also, they will not be subject to oxidation due to contact with alcohol.

Making wine from white grapes at home is a very troublesome business that requires a lot of time and patience. However, the result is fully justified. The product turns out to be not only insanely tasty, aromatic and transparent, but also natural.

The last factor is very significant in our time. After all, the products that are sold on store shelves are not always suitable for consumption. It is often capable of causing significant harm to health. But homemade natural wine, on the contrary, is very useful for the human body. In addition, it is even recommended by doctors for dietary nutrition. And, as you can see, it is quite simple to prepare it. And what sort you choose for this is the tenth thing!