Simple and fun party foods. Lavash pies with suluguni

16.04.2019 Seafood dishes

Bringing guests home is fun and right. And if you have at least one helper, then it is not so difficult to prepare a party for 10-20 people.

So, you need bowls of different sizes. They need to be placed on all horizontal surfaces so that guests do not push in one place, but can move freely around the apartment and communicate with each other.

We put nuts in small bowls (if pistachios, do not forget to put a container for the shell next to it), olives, salted pretzels and so on. Put cherry tomatoes and mini mozzarella in the middle. You can put cans of pesto sauce nearby. Serve separately plates or boards with diced cheese and grapes and any cold cuts. Pour corn or potato chips into the largest containers.

Since our guests are walking, standing, on which we will have to sit, and as a result, maybe also lying, then all the food should be convenient for immediate delivery to the mouth. No sets and cutlery. So we need to prepare several salads to put on tartlets. It is better to cook pasty salads (they do not crumble and it is convenient to lay them out). I usually make 2 salads. First, cod liver with egg. It's very fast and easy. The main thing is to choose good liver, do not skimp on this. Elementary recipe: knead the liver, grate hard-boiled eggs, on fine grater grate pickled gherkins, finely chop green onions, add a drop of mayonnaise, salt a little, if necessary. This salad is good for the smallest tartlets. The second salad, of course, is Olivier! Arrange it in bigger baskets. By the way, you will need an assistant just for Olivier. Mom and I usually cut this salad in four hands. Yes, add some capers in addition to pickles. It will be delicious! As a hot item, I suggest you do chicken skewers... It's very simple: marinate for at least an hour chicken fillet... There are excellent Thai mixes, or you can sprinkle curry stupidly. Cut into small pieces, stick on skewers and put in the oven. It will be ready very quickly. And it’s convenient.

Well, just before the guests arrive, make a guacomole. The main thing here ripe avocado otherwise it won't work. This sauce takes about 2 minutes to cook: toss 4 diced ripe, ripe avocados into a blender, squeeze out 3 cloves of garlic, squeeze the juice of one lime and salt. Then beat in a blender until you get a smooth cream. Try to see if there is enough salt and lime. Place in small deep bowls and place next to corn chips... Make sure your girlfriends don't fight over this sauce. I had precedents at home.

For a youth buffet, it is better to serve snacks that you can eat standing up and with your hands (in extreme cases, without a knife), i.e. sandwiches, canapes, tartlets (you can fill with salads), small meat and fish rolls, salads in wine glasses and bowls, stuffed eggs and tomatoes.
On the hot side, you can serve the same snacks (for example, classic julienne- also portioned), or cook one great dish that can be eaten without a knife - for example, pilaf or spaghetti.
Finely chopped pickled and fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, small, unsweetened cookies (crackers), cheese different varieties, ham or other meat products.

Here are some snacks to choose from:

1. Eggs in tomatoes

Take 6 round tomatoes, carefully make a hole in each top and remove the pulp. Season the resulting depression with pepper and salt. Pour gently over the egg, sprinkle with salt, pepper and garlic. Spread out on oiled sunflower oil baking sheet and bake in the oven over medium heat.

2. "Borovichki" from eggs

Boil eggs, cut off the tops. Boil these tops in a tea brew - they will turn brown. Remove the yolk carefully. Prepare a mixture of yolk, sprat (you can use liver or other pate) and herbs. Stuff the eggs with this. Place the eggs with the slice down and cover with a hat on top. On a large dish, chop any edible greenery and depict a grassy lawn out of it. And place your boletus on the lawn. It turns out delicious and beautiful.

3. Baked buns

Cut small buns in half lengthways and carefully cut out the crumb. Put the filling out boiled potatoes with mushrooms or cheese with tomato and onion or cheese with garlic. Imagine! Fill, cover, brush with sour cream and put in the oven for a few minutes.

4. Bananas wrapped in bacon

3 peeled bananas, 450 gr. bacon.
Cut the bananas first lengthwise, then crosswise into pieces 2.5 cm thick and long. 5 cm. Cut the bacon pieces into 3 pieces. Wrap the bananas in bacon and fry in a skillet. Serve hot.

5. Spicy sausages

Sausages, cheese, mustard, bacon.
Cut the sausage lengthwise, grease the cut with mustard, put a piece of cheese in each sausage, wrap with a slice of bacon and bake in the oven.

6. Sandwich "Sail"

Grate cheese on coarse grater, mix with a raw egg, salt and pepper. Gently spread on loaf slices and bake in the oven. Cut the smoked sausage into thin slices and pin to the sandwich with a sail-shaped skewer.
Very student-like !!!

7. Stuffed tomatoes(1st option)

Wash medium-sized tomatoes in cold water, cut off the tops and remove some of the pulp with seeds. Fill prepared tomatoes with minced pasta, ham and cheese. Boil the pasta, pour over melted butter and mix with finely chopped ham, grated cheese (feta cheese), red pepper and fill the tomatoes. Sprinkle generously with grated cheese on top and bake in a moderately hot oven

7. Stuffed tomatoes (2nd option)

Prepare the tomatoes as in the previous recipe. Sort the rice, rinse, boil. Finely chop the bell peppers and fry in butter. Finely chop the boiled eggs. Finely chop the dill and parsley. Transfer the prepared food to a bowl, add salt, mayonnaise, mix.

I think the sandwiches and canapes need no comment ...

For dessert, cakes and cookies are ideal.

1. Cookies from cottage cheese

Cottage cheese - 250 g, margarine - 200 g, flour - 2 glasses, salt, soda.
Knead the dough. Roll out, cut out circles, dip them in sugar and bake.

2. Cake "Potato"

600 g loose biscuits mince, add 2 tablespoons of cocoa, incomplete glass icing sugar, 250 g softened butter, half a glass of nuts, minced. You can add 2 tablespoons of liquor, wine or brandy. Mix everything very well, cut into potato-shaped balls and roll in cocoa. Refrigerate.

3. Nut cookies

Enamelled or glassware pour in 3 proteins, put 250 g of sugar, 250 g of ground nuts. Stir the mixture continuously, first over high heat until it warms up, then over low heat until it thickens. Remove from heat and add two vanillin powders. When the mixture has cooled, roll in balls the size of a walnut (wet your hands first). Place the balls on a greased baking sheet, leaving a small distance between them, and bake in a moderately heated oven until browned.

4. "Peaches"

Beat 2 eggs with 2 glasses of sugar, add 200 g creamy margarine, then pour in 1 cup sour cream, 0.5 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp soda, 5 cups flour. Mix everything well, roll into balls and bake. Cool, gently cut in the middle (for the filling). Filling: mix crumbs from balls with 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of sour cream and 1 tbsp of cocoa. Mix everything well, fill in the halves and combine into a whole ball - a peach. Then dip one barrel in carrot juice and the other barrel in beet juice and roll in sugar.

5. Pastry "Choux"

Pour 1 glass of water, 100 g of butter or margarine into a saucepan, bring 1/4 tsp of salt to a boil, then add 1 glass of flour, stir, cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Then remove from heat and add 5 eggs one at a time. As soon as the dough begins to stretch, you can spread it on a greased baking sheet at a distance of 3.5 - 4 cm. Fill with cream and cover with glaze.
Creams - sour cream with sugar, protein cream, condensed milk with butter, etc.

6. Loose waffles with cinnamon

150 g butter, 150 g flour, 4 eggs, 2 / 3st sugar, cinnamon, salt.
Mix together butter, flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt. Add beaten eggs. Mix well and bake.

Maybe the baking recipes are unpretentious, but since for a youth party, the main thing is that it is fun, original, easy to prepare and inexpensive.

chief editor of the site "M.Vkus"

Here comes the New 2018! With what the editors of the portal "M.Vkus" heartily congratulate you, our dear readers. We assume that you have already moved away from the New Year, have had enough sleep and are making plans for a long vacation. In fact, there is not so much time left - only a week, so we suggest not to waste time in vain and plan everything carefully. For example, numerous visits of guests - girlfriends with children, friends of a husband, mother-in-law, relatives ... So that such a pastime is not a burden for you, but only brings pleasure and joy, why not turn it into an exciting entertainment? To make things easier for you, we've come up with as many as 9 culinary themed home party ideas for your inspiration!

1. Adults + Middle School Children: Fondue Party

This version of the themed culinary party is perfect when you are waiting for your friends with their schoolchildren to visit during the holidays, and you are very lazy to fiddle with food. Ask your guests to buy on the way fresh fruit- bananas, apples, pears, tangerines and others. Get the stock out of the closet milk chocolate, a bag with marshmallows and long wooden skewers. Lubricate the fondue with butter, break the tiles into pieces and set them over the fire. After 15-20 minutes, you will have a whole bowl of melted hot chocolate. It is enough to cut the fruit into pieces, put it on wooden skewers along with marshmallows and dip in chocolate. To such delicious dessert both children and adults will be happy to watch good cartoons or family comedies.

2. Adults in pairs: wine tasting with light snacks

If friends are going to visit you and you plan to sit and chat about latest news in each other's lives, why not hold a meeting in the format wine tasting? Ask each guest or couple to bring a bottle or two of their favorite wine with them. Organize your own snacks - decorated with grapes and walnuts, canapes, small sandwiches, Italian biscotti, salted crackers. Prepare more glasses so that wine from each new bottle is poured into a fresh one. By the way, you can arrange a tasting "blind". Just wrap the bottles in parchment and write a number on top. At the end of the evening, have each of the guests name the number of the wine that he liked the most.

3. Friends of the husband: buffet table with hearty finger foods

It doesn't matter for what purpose your husband decided to invite his friends to visit on vacation - to watch a sports match or auto racing, to play role-playing on a console computer game or discuss the creation of a new business project. Boys are always boys, and nothing will please them more than a covered buffet table with hearty high-calorie snacks and cold beer. You shouldn't try to impress your husband's friends with your culinary talents: they are unlikely to be keen on a match, a game or a discussion of a project, will appreciate your complex dishes, over which you pored for a couple of hours at the stove. Keep it simple - a couple of large salad bowls filled to the brim with potato and corn chips, a couple of bowls with spicy tomato and cheese sauces, a bowl of popcorn, cold cuts, a couple of plates with simple and understandable sandwiches. You shouldn't bother too much with complex decorations, as well as with large quantity plates and cutlery. Men are more likely to eat with their hands, grabbing snacks they like from the table. So if you don't want to find the whole living room in greasy fingerprints when you return home, make sure that there are enough dry and damp napkins around the table.

4. Best Friends: Bachelorette Party with Smoothies and Diet Snacks

After you have tidied up your apartment after a visit from your husband's friends, it’s time to send him to his mother for half a day (along with the children, of course), and you should devote time to your beloved. Invite your best friends over and have a bachelorette party. Face masks, eye patches, Sex and the City or Desperate Housewives as backgrounds. The food for such a theme party is not the most important thing. After new year's eve most women are trying to regain their former slimness, so berry smoothies and smoothie bowls, light greens and fruit salads- perfect food accompaniment.

5. Mother-in-law's visit: nautical-style dinner party

During the New Year holidays, many will have to go through a rather serious test - a visit from relatives to visit. Often such an event unsettles and spoils the mood for a long time, especially if the mother-in-law comes. You will probably be remarked that the apartment is not clean enough, that the child looks tortured and you are overloading him with lessons, and you have clearly gained a couple of kilograms, but, of course, it suits you ... To survive such an event, we suggest that you go headlong. into a lunch format. For example, make it in nautical style... Cover the table with a blue or of blue color, decorate it with shells, ask the children to make boats out of paper and paint them in different colors. Make a menu exclusively with seafood and fish - with them you can cook a lot of very cool and delicious snacks, salads, soups and hot meals. Even if the mother-in-law does not appreciate your efforts, the husband and father-in-law will definitely like them.

6. A company of any composition: get-togethers with homemade pizza

If on vacation you have invited a crowd of friends with children to visit different ages, then here's the perfect format for everyone - a pizza party. Not ordered in the delivery service, but at home. Prepare the pizza dough in advance ( different recipes dough), grate more mozzarella and ask your friends to bring 3-5 types of their favorite foods. As soon as the guests gather, start creating - roll the dough (you can not in a circle, but in the shape of a baking sheet), lay out the ingredients brought by the guests, sprinkle with cheese - and in the oven. Then try everything together and choose which of the guests has the tastier mix of your favorite products. By the way, you can skip the dessert separately. As a sweet, the same pizza is perfect, for example.

7. Children separately from adults: special buffet

If there are a lot of children and they are already old enough to leave them alone, give them a separate room, where set the table with special "children's" snacks. Stock of cartoons or games for the console and a table with figuratively sliced ​​cheese and ham, crackers and salted cookies, pieces of fruit and marshmallows. We guarantee that with such a table and multimedia entertainment, children will not remind adults of themselves for at least a couple of hours.

8. Company of any composition: grill party

This party format is perfect for the happy owners of an electric grill. For instance,Tefal Optigrill XL GC722D34... It can be used to burnming any guests. Hungry men fry steaks and burgers. D women who are worried about the figure, fish fillet or chicken breast without oil. Children - to fry fruit - it will definitely amaze their imagination and delight. Most importantly, such a grill party is a pleasant memory of the summer, warm July evenings, when you gathered with friends at someone's country house and grilled meat and fish.

9. Elderly relatives: tea drinking in the English style

Perhaps during the holidays you will be visited not only by your friends, but also by various relatives - relatives, cousins ​​and second cousins ​​of grandmothers and aunts. Our advice to you: if there is no particular enmity between them (well, you never know), invite them all together and arrange something bright and beautiful for the sake of such a meeting. For example, gatherings in the spirit of English tea drinking "five o" clok. The classic format assumes that there will be small sandwiches on the table, soft buns scones, assorted mini cakes, cake pieces and sweets. Beautiful tea set and aromatic tea complete the picture. Treat your relatives, give them hot tea, and listen patiently to all their complaints and stories. After all, the main thing that they lack so much is your attention.

We hope you find our ideas helpful. It is logical that you will not follow them completely, we just wanted to inspire inyou do not receive guests according to the usual program, but come up with something original. Who knows, maybe a new format of gatherings you will like it so much that you will repeat it in the new year and meet with friends much more often than in the past.

You and your coworkers have decided to have a party at the office, but you have absolutely no time to spend half a day in the kitchen cooking festive dinner of several complex dishes for the whole company? A familiar situation, isn't it? Of course, in an eternal time pressure, there is a temptation to take the path of least resistance. And organize a buffet table at work, warming up semi-finished products or ordering dinner at a nearby cafe. But is it really possible to compare these dishes with food cooked with your own hands?

Just a hundred years ago, the rhythm of life was completely different - calm and measured. Our great-grandmothers could, without haste, go to the market to choose the most best products, and then spend hours doing magic in the kitchen, preparing several complex festive dishes for guests. Needless to say, a lot has changed now. Constant rushwork at work, traffic jams ... We are constantly in a hurry, and there is still not enough time to get everything done, even if we use the methods of time management so fashionable today. Therefore, parties in offices often follow the same familiar scenario: many in the evenings after a working day often have enough time only to drop into the nearest supermarket and buy a little bit of everything there, and then set the buffet table in a few minutes.

We assure you: to prepare original and delicious food for a buffet table, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time on it! We decided to save you from the need to search for culinary publications suitable fast and delicious recipes, calculating how long it will take to prepare these dishes. And we have selected for you recipes for quick and delicious salads, sandwiches and other dishes, any of which will be ready in just a matter of minutes.
Such buffet dishes differ from semi-finished products, as the original differs from a bad copy: after all handmade! And, of course, they cannot be compared with fast food, which causes the development of many diseases. In addition, they will cost you much cheaper than ready-made store ones, which means that not only your stomach, but also your wallet will benefit.

Another plus is that cooking according to our recipes is not difficult. Many of the recipes are simple, and the products are available here. So many of these dishes will be able to cook not even the most experienced hostess.
Each recipe is accompanied by a color photograph ready meal, therefore, arrange and serve such dishes in the most the best way will not be difficult for you.

How to save time in the kitchen:

If you cut food small pieces and put in a dish in a thin layer, they will cook faster. Grated or minced foods are cooked faster than whole or coarsely chopped foods.

You can prepare pre-prepared items for many dishes in advance. For example, knead the dough and shape it into a roll or cookies, make a sauce for a salad, etc.

Cook several dishes at once, performing sequentially different operations. At the same time, each of them will take much less time. So, for example, first you boil potatoes for a snack, then you chop the vegetables for the salad, then you mix the ingredients for the cocktail, and so on.

Modern kitchen appliances(mixer, blender, food processor) in a few seconds they will perform all the laborious operations for processing products that would take you a lot of time: grind and mix boiled meat, nuts, vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, make mashed potatoes, whip egg whites, creams, cocktails, mix the dough.

Appliances such as an airfryer, multicooker, microwave perform all operations faster than another kitchen appliances... They are able to replace several devices at once: a stove with an oven, a pressure cooker, a grill, a toaster and others. In an airfryer, for example, you can cook several dishes at once without fear that they will mix with each other or become saturated with extraneous odors. You just have to press a button on the control panel - and you can forget about cooking for a while: the multicooker or airfryer will do the rest.

Have a nice evening and Bon appetit!

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Many girls and just young housewives, planning to throw a party with friends at home, are planning a light snack menu. Don't feel like bothering with chops, pork, or roasting poultry. Cutlets and stuffed vegetables as a hot dish is also not an option. What, then, to cook?

So, about what to cook for a home party with friends and video recipe assorted canapes, read on.

Party at home or recipes for the best party ever

Of course, when your friends are very young people, then you shouldn't have dinner at the table with cutlery and linen napkins. It is much more convenient to set up a table with a variety of mini-snacks, canapes, sandwiches, salads and cold cuts.

Everyone will take a plate and put in exactly what they like. There is no need to warm up something and serve by the hour, worry about the degree of doneness and sauce.

Home party buffet table - perfect solution... A few delicious recipe ideas help to organize a real feast.

At a home party, various small snacks are very popular, it is better if they are served in the form of canapes, on toothpicks or skewers. Canapes look beautiful on green lettuce and taste great.

Canapes for a party at home

I have a few pretty interesting recipes canapes for a home party.

Many of them can be quickly prepared while guests are between the doorstep and the bathroom.

Canapes with herring and tomatoes



  1. Separate the tomatoes from the branch, wash and cut in half. Sprinkle olive oil and season with dry herbs.
  2. Cut the herring fillet into thin strips, about 5 cm long.
  3. Then, on a toothpick and a skewer, string one edge of the fillet, then half a cherry and close the herring fillet with the second edge. Place the canapes over the lettuce and serve.

Canape with smoked sausage


Cooking method:

  1. Cut the cheese into cubes slightly larger than the olives.
  2. String a slice of sausage on a skewer so that you get a sail, and inside it is an olive and a cube of cheese.

Canapes with red fish


  • slicing any red fish
  • grated cheese
  • garlic
  • mayonnaise

Cooking method:

  1. Grate garlic, mix with cheese and mayonnaise.
  2. Place some cheese filling on the fish slice and roll into a sweaty roll.
  3. Cut the roll into two or more pieces and string on skewers.

Cucumber canapes

Cut a long cucumber lengthwise and remove the entire center with seeds with a teaspoon. From fused or cream cheese prepare a paste with chopped dill.

Stuff both cucumber halves with paste, then combine them, giving a natural shape. Squeezing the cucumber tightly, cut into slices 1-1.5 cm thick.

String on a skewer first half a cherry tomato, and then a circle of cucumber with cheese paste... Try to pierce the cucumber to cheese filling stayed inside.

Recently, salads and snacks served in large potato chips or pieces bell pepper.

Here are some options for these snacks.

Snacks in chips and bell peppers:

  • you can put "Olivier" salad, crab or with chicken in the chips
  • chips perfectly replace tartlets, you can serve caviar in them
  • shift to pastry bag liver paste and squeeze a nice curl on each chip
  • sprat pate plus a slice fresh cucumber go well with chips
  • in the cut halves of bell pepper, you can put Caesar salad seasoned with mayonnaise, salad with squid, cod liver, with tongue or ordinary crab salad
  • if the peppers are pre-scalded with boiling water, then the salad in them will become tastier and play in a new way
  • use multicolored pepper, festive table it will only be happier
  • appetizer in peppers is served in the same way as in chips - on a large platter with lettuce

Chicken legs "Banquet"

Mix in equal parts ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard. Dip in sauce chicken legs or wings and leave for a couple of hours.

Pickled legs can be fried on vegetable oil, but it is better to bake them in the oven. So your hands will be free for other things, and in the oven the dish will turn out to be less greasy.

Put the finished legs or wings on a large dish, garnish with tomatoes, herbs and lemon wedges. Serve separately the ketchup, soy and honey sauce.

For a change, there should be a fish on the table.

Fish sticks in batter Pink salmon in batter

The side dishes at the buffet party should be special, but special. Serve mashed potatoes, somehow simple. I suggest turning your boring mashed potatoes into a masterpiece at your party.

Potato "Pinnacles"

Prepare the mashed potatoes as usual, but only with milk or cream. And no water or broth. Add butter and 1-2 raw eggs... You need to act very quickly with the eggs, beat the mashed potatoes so that they do not have time to cook.

Salt to taste and transfer potato mass in a pastry bag. Then cover a baking sheet with foil or baking paper and squeeze out small turrets. Place the baking sheet in hot oven just for a few minutes.

As soon as the turrets turn golden and the curls darken, it's time to get it. Serve on a tray or flat dish... One turret - one side dish.

The second option for the side dish is green beans... Rice or vegetable stew also good. But the beans will be better.

Green beans in oriental style

Green beans, directly frozen, fry in vegetable oil until soft. Remove with a slotted spoon and place in a salad bowl. Season with salt ground pepper and lemon juice.

Add chopped garlic and pour in soy sauce... Let stand under a towel for 10-15 minutes and serve. Unusual side dish everyone will appreciate!

Don't forget about fresh fruit and vegetables. And drinks need to be taken care of in advance.

And here is the video below the recipe I promised at the very beginning of the article. Rate recipes and write comments.

Video recipe for Canape "Assorted"

Happy party to you!

Now I am waiting for your feedback and recipes.

Good luck and health to you!

Always yours, Alena Tereshina.