Chicken skewers on skewers marinade. How to cook chicken skewers in the oven

12.08.2019 Healthy eating

Chicken fillet shashlik in the oven sounds pretty unusual. How to cook it? How to bake? Which marinade to use? There are many questions, but this dish is worth preparing. Chicken meat turns out fragrant, juicy and tender, nothing worse than on the grill. But most importantly, of course, you need to know a few secrets that will make the chicken fillet kebab ideal.

Secrets of cooking delicious chicken fillet skewers:

First, the chicken breast should be marinated for a short time, about 1-2 hours. If the fillet is left in the marinade for a longer time, the fibers will begin to break down, which will make the meat friable. In this case, keep the chicken in the marinade at room temperature.
Secondly, since chicken breasts are a dietary product, they must first be beaten off a little with a kitchen hammer. This will allow the meat fibers to break down and penetrate deeper into the marinade.
The third secret is cutting meat. Chicken fillet is never cut into very small pieces, otherwise it will dry out when baked. The ideal size is 4 cm pieces or 1.5 cm strips. In addition, the meat is only cut against the grain.
The fourth rule is salt. It should not be in the marinade. The fillet is salted at the very last moment before being put on the skewers.
The next item is baking. The meat should be cooked evenly on all sides. Therefore, it must be cooked on a wire rack or on a baking sheet with high sides so that hot steam circulates from all sides.
The seventh nuance is wooden skewers. They should be large and preferably made from bamboo or birch wood. If possible, they are pre-soaked in water, then they will not burn when baked, especially in a gas oven.

Following all of the above tips, you will get an excellent chicken fillet kebab in the oven with tender, soft, aromatic and tasty meat.

Chicken fillet shashlik in the oven on skewers, a recipe with a step by step photo


Chicken fillet - 2 pieces

Kefir - 250 grams

Salt to taste

Saffron - 1 teaspoon

Ground pepper - to taste

Cooking chicken fillet shashlik on skewers:

1. Wash the meat under running water and dry with a paper towel. Lightly beat off whole fillets with a kitchen hammer on both sides. Then cut the chicken breasts into cubes about 4-5 cm in size.

2. Fill the chicken with kefir and leave it at room temperature for 1 hour.

For the marinade, acidic ingredients should be included as the acid breaks down the fibers, allowing the meat to taste and become tender. Together with kefir, you can use milk with balsamic vinegar or mayonnaise. Gourmet foods like orange or kiwi are also great. They contain fruit acid, which will provide the kebab with a rich taste.

3. Then remove the pieces from the marinade and season with saffron and ground pepper. Aromatic spices and herbs can be used to taste. For example, paprika and turmeric will give the pieces a golden hue, and the curry mix will add a savory flavor. Oregano, marjoram, coriander, ginger, rosemary and nutmeg also go well with chicken.

4. Mix the meat well, add salt and mix again

5. Now we will string chicken fillet on wooden skewers one by one (try not to leave large distances between the pieces).

6. Place the kebabs on a wire rack or baking sheet so that the meat does not come into contact with the bottom. The hot air will then allow all the pieces to cook evenly and simultaneously.

7. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and send chicken pieces on skewers to bake for half an hour. You can also use the "grill" mode, then the meat will be ready in 10 minutes. But you need to bake it for 5 minutes on each side.

8. Serve ready delicious chicken fillet skewers on skewers immediately to the table. Because if it cools down, it will no longer be so juicy and soft.

Bon Appetit!

If you want to cook Japanese Yakitori shish kebab from chicken, then watch this video.

Chicken breast fillet is the only "barbecue" part of the carcass. The homogeneous tender fillet has no veins, fat and tough fibers. You can make a set of spices for pickling yourself by taking a pinch of marjoram, basil, thyme and parsley. You will need a few peas of black and allspice.

The washed chicken fillet is cut into cubes, focusing on the size of the wooden skewers. Ready-made chicken skewers, cooked in the oven, are served without removing wooden sticks, so the meat should not hang from the skewers in huge shapeless pieces. The minimum marinating time is 1 hour, the maximum is a day.

The meat is placed in a deep bowl, sprinkled with salt and spices. Stir with your hands so that the spices "stick" to the chicken. Then sprinkle with thin onion rings. The vinegar is diluted with cold water, the meat is poured and mixed with a spoon. The dishes are covered with a lid or plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator.

The fleshy bell pepper is cut into squares. Small mushrooms are washed, if necessary, the legs are slightly shortened. Wooden skewers are soaked in cold water for 10 minutes.

Mushrooms, chicken pieces, onions, bell peppers are strung on skewers. Olives have little effect on the taste of kebabs, but they beautifully set off white chicken meat, so a couple of olives are strung on each skewer.

Kebabs are packed in culinary bags. As a rule, 5 chicken skewers are placed in one bag. When baking kebabs in the oven without packages, you have to keep an eye on the meat all the time and pour it from time to time with liquid sauce or marinade. Baking in a bag eliminates such hassle, the fillet will be juicy with a pronounced taste. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes, the temperature is 200 degrees.

Then cut the top of the bag, continue to bake the chicken kebabs for another 10 minutes.

They are immediately served hot. An accompaniment can be a glass of light dry wine, and, alternatively, a glass of cold tomato juice.

You can do without sauce, because each shish kebab is a multi-tiered pyramid, in which the taste of meat, mushrooms, olives, vegetables alternates. If you are particularly fond of sauces, complement your meal with hot ketchup or grainy Dijon mustard.

Oven-baked chicken skewers are prepared when a “couch picnic” is planned due to bad weather or lack of time for long walks. This simple dish will become a little “culinary delight”.

Oven chicken skewers on skewers is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish that will appeal to both adults and children. The big advantage of chicken meat is that you can use a large number of marinades for it and complement the dish with vegetables for every taste.

Below are the most simple and interesting recipes with which you can prepare original and delicious dishes for the holiday or for every day.

This recipe is very easy to prepare and doesn't require a lot of ingredients.

As skewers, you can use both miniature metal and wood skewers. The latter must be soaked in water for several hours so that they do not burn in the oven.

For a classic chicken fillet skewers, the following components are needed:

  • a pound of chicken fillet;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 1 large onion
  • 0.5 tsp dried garlic;
  • some black pepper;
  • some lemon juice.

  1. The meat is thoroughly washed, cleaned of pieces of fat and films, cut into small pieces.
  2. The marinade is made as follows: an onion is punched in a blender, salt, garlic, pepper and lemon juice are added to it, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Chicken pieces are placed in the marinade and mixed thoroughly so that all the meat is evenly covered with a thin layer of the mixture.
  4. The resulting workpiece is sent to the refrigerator for 12 hours for infusion.
  5. The oven is heated to 200 degrees. The marinated fillet is strung on skewers and laid out on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake for at least 20 minutes, periodically turning the kebabs to obtain an even crust.

Serve hot. Vegetable salad, potatoes or pasta will be a great addition to them.

Chicken fillet

For this dish, fillet cut from the thighs and drumsticks of a bird is perfect. The marinade is made from simple ingredients, making the dish juicy and soft even when it cools.

The following components are required:

  • a pound of chicken fillet, cut from the legs and thighs;
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 tbsp. l. mustard;
  • juice from half a medium-sized lemon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • additionally add your favorite spices.

Shish kebab is prepared like this:

  1. The fillet is cut into small pieces. Do not make them too small - the dish will turn out to be dry.
  2. Prepare the marinade: cut the onion into thin half rings, add mustard, lemon juice, salt, pepper and any spices to taste, mix thoroughly.
  3. Marinate the meat in the resulting mixture for a day.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, cover the baking sheet with parchment. String fillet on skewers and place on a baking sheet.
  5. Bake for about half an hour, turning the skewers periodically to ensure a uniform bake.

The dish is served hot, it goes well with mashed potatoes and vegetable salad.

Unusual pineapple recipe

A great option for a festive table. The dish turns out to be aromatic, tasty and juicy, and guests always ask for more.

For such a kebab, you will need pineapple wedges in syrup and large fillets from the breast. This is necessary to give a special shape to the kebab. Also, the dish will not fall off the skewers during the baking process.

The exact number of required components is indicated below:

  • 1 large chicken breast without skin or bones;
  • half a glass of tomato ketchup (if desired, you can replace it with thick tomato juice with pulp);
  • half a glass of soy sauce;
  • 1 small can of pineapple in syrup, cut into rings

Prepare the dish as follows:

  1. Fillet is cut into long thin strips, pineapple is chopped into small pieces.
  2. The marinade is simple to prepare - you need to thoroughly mix the tomato juice and soy sauce, then pour the fillet strips with the resulting mixture. Leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  3. The most crucial moment has come - stringing meat and pineapples on skewers. The fillet is pricked so that a snake is obtained, and at each turn, a pineapple layer is additionally pricked.
  4. The resulting semi-finished product is laid out on a sheet of foil and sent to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes.

Cool the finished dish slightly and can be served.

Chicken kebab for children

This recipe will appeal not only to kids, but also to their parents. The dish turns out to be juicy and soft, and wooden skewers delight children. The main difference between this recipe and the rest is the absence of hot spices and the minimum amount of salt, since these ingredients are not useful for a growing body.

For a "children's" chicken kebab, you should stock up on the following components:

  • a pound of chicken fillet without skin and bones;
  • 4 tbsp. l. fatty sour cream;
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 2 tsp lemon juice;
  • 2 medium-sized onions;
  • some salt to taste.

Preparing the dish is very simple:

  1. Fillet is cut into small portions.
  2. To make the marinade, combine butter, sour cream, lemon juice, salt and finely chopped onion.
  3. In the resulting mixture, marinate the fillets for a day.
  4. Skewer the marinated meat and fry until golden brown in a grill pan. An important condition! You do not need to bring the dish to readiness.
  5. Fold the resulting semi-finished products on baking foil, which should then be wrapped.
  6. Send the shish kebab into an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

Before serving on the children's table, the dish is cooled slightly. If the mini-kebab seems too bland for adults, then you can add any spicy sauce to your taste, the neutral taste of meat will not conflict with it.

Cooking with vegetables

Shish kebab can be served as an independent dish, it does not require a side dish. Its main plus is that any vegetables are suitable for cooking, it all depends on the taste of the hostess.

This dish will require the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of chicken fillet, you can take mixed from the breast and thighs;
  • 2 large onions;
  • salt, pepper, chicken seasoning - to taste;
  • cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, zucchini, carrots - to taste.

It is very simple to prepare such a kebab:

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces, season with salt and pepper, add the onion cut into rings. Leave in the refrigerator for a few hours.
  2. Wash the vegetables thoroughly, peel them if necessary. Cut the courgettes and eggplants into cubes, tomatoes and carrots into rings.
  3. You need to string the kebab on skewers in such a way that the meat alternates with vegetables.
  4. a little black pepper;
  5. any spices to taste;
  6. 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  7. Prepare shish kebab in a jar as follows:

    1. Fillet is cut into small portions, tomatoes are halved, onions are cut into large pieces.
    2. To obtain the marinade, mix salt, pepper, spices, onions and vegetable oil, coat the meat with the resulting mixture and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
    3. Chicken and vegetables are strung on skewers alternately. The resulting blanks are filled into a jar, after which it is closed with a foil lid and placed in a cold oven.
    4. Shish kebab is prepared for at least one and a half hours at a temperature of 190 degrees. As soon as an appetizing crust has formed on the meat, the dish is ready.

    The jar is allowed to cool, after which the kebab is removed and served with herbs and vegetable salad. The meat according to this recipe turns out to be juicy and aromatic.

    Homemade chicken kebab is a simple, inexpensive, tasty, and most importantly healthy dish that will be appreciated by both adults and children. You can pick up several options for the most successful marinades and regularly pamper your household with an original dish.

Perhaps many of our compatriots are lovers of such a dish as barbecue. In addition to pork and lamb, we are happy to eat pickled, strung on sticks and fried. But what if you want to pamper yourself with this dish, but you cannot go to the country or nature, but you don’t want to go to a cafe or restaurant? There is a way out - cook chicken skewers in the oven! This dish will always come to the table and will not leave indifferent neither you nor your household and guests. We bring to your attention several options for cooking such a yummy.

on skewers with vegetables

This dish can be called dietary, so it is ideal for those who are trying to keep track of their figure. In order to cook chicken according to this recipe, first you need to prepare the following products: 300 grams of chicken breast, 350 grams of frozen or fresh vegetables to your taste, sweet peppers - two or three things, salt and pepper to taste. We also need a marinade, which we will prepare from the following ingredients: 100 ml of kefir, a couple of cloves of garlic, a small onion, mustard beans - a teaspoon, French mustard - half a teaspoon, sweet paprika, turmeric, curry, chili and salt taste.

Cooking process

Thoroughly wash the chicken fillet, dry, cut into large cubes and put in a deep bowl. Add garlic passed through a press, onion chopped into half rings, kefir, salt and spices there. Mix gently and leave to marinate at room temperature for an hour. Then we cover the dishes with a lid or cling film and send them to the refrigerator for several hours: it is best to marinate the meat in the evening.

We soak the skewers for half an hour in cold water so that they do not burn out. If you use, then put them on a plate and let defrost a little. If fresh, then rinse them and cut into medium-sized pieces. Peel the bell peppers, rinse and cut into large squares. We extract the pickled meat. We put alternate chicken fillets and pieces of sweet pepper on skewers. The ingredients should fit snugly together. Heat the grill and cook the kebabs on each side for a few minutes. While the meat is on the grill, prepare the baking dish. To do this, put vegetables, sweet paprika and, if necessary, salt and spices in it. Top with grilled skewers with chicken fillet and pepper. We cover the form with foil and send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. A few minutes before cooking, remove the foil so that a golden crust forms on the meat. A delicious and fragrant chicken skewer on skewers in the oven is ready! Until the dish has cooled down, serve it on the table and enjoy! Bon Appetit!

Simple chicken skewers in the oven

This dish is very simple to prepare, but its taste will not leave indifferent any of your guests or family members. It is perfect for everyday dinners as well as for celebrations and special occasions.


If you decide to cook chicken fillet kebabs at home, then you will need the following products: chicken breasts - five pieces, a lemon, a couple of medium-sized onions, salt, spices and vegetable oil to taste. Also, do not forget about the wooden skewers themselves. For a given number of ingredients, they will need about 20 pieces.

Cooking process

Remove the skin from the chicken breasts, rinse and dry. Then cut the meat into small pieces and put them in a deep bowl. Finely chop the onion, and chop the lemon together with the zest on a coarse grater. We combine all the ingredients, to which we then add spices, salt and vegetable oil. Mix well and leave to marinate for at least 2-3 hours. By the way, you can marinate meat in advance: it can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a day.

We string them evenly on a baking sheet or wire rack. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and send the chicken fillet into it for 20-25 minutes. During cooking, do not turn the skewers over.

Please note that there is no need to wait until the meat is browned, as in this case you risk overdrying it. After keeping the skewers in the oven for the allotted time, remove them. White chicken marinated in this way cooks very quickly and does not brown like a barbecue that is fried on the grill.

Delicious chicken kebab, cooked on skewers in the oven, is best served hot. It goes well with a wide variety of dishes, especially fresh vegetables. Bon Appetit!

When the hot season of picnics in nature has passed, kebab lovers should not despair. After all, a delicious chicken kebab can be prepared at home. To do this, you only need wooden skewers, chicken meat and some spices. My today's recipe with a photo will tell you step by step how to cook homemade chicken skewers in the oven on skewers.

For this dish, I used boneless chicken breast with a total weight of 850 grams. To save time, you can use the chicken breast fillet right away.

I removed the skin from the breast and then separated the meat from the bone. Fat, fibers and ligaments also need to be cut with a knife.

Cut the fillet into pieces.

How to marinate chicken for barbecue

Add the ingredients for the marinade to the meat: 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of mustard, 2 large cloves of garlic, half a teaspoon of curry spices and about the same (maybe a little more) salt. In this case, the garlic should be passed through a press or, after crushing it with the flat side of a knife, cut into strips.

Thoroughly mix the chicken with spices. We cover the bowl with a lid or wrap it with cling film, and send it to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. My meat stood like this for 12 hours.

Pickled meat must be skewered. To prevent the skewers from charring during cooking in the oven, they must be soaked in water for at least half an hour.

Put the chicken kebab on the edges of the baking container. To keep the shape clean, it can be lined with foil. I didn’t, but I advise you.

Preheat the oven to 220 ° C and place the skewers there for 25-30 minutes. It is not worth keeping the meat in the oven longer if you want the kebab to turn out juicy, and not dry and tough.

Remove the browned chicken pieces on skewers from the oven.

Serve the kebab without removing it from the wooden skewers. It is best to serve fresh vegetables and your favorite sauce with meat.

Homemade chicken kebab is a really delicious, hearty and beautiful dish. The highest ratings for such a kebab are always given by children, who eat meat from wooden skewers with great pleasure. Treat your household to a “piece of summer” too.