Pepper stuffed with vegetables and eggplant. Stuffed peppers with eggplant rolls with carrots and parsnips

20.06.2020 Bakery products

And the cucumbers! After all, they are still growing, and they continue to delight me with horror with their myriad harvest.
Therefore, at our call, friends brought children, empty boxes, took a stepladder and went for a walk in the garden, and, at the same time, to harvest.

But I can't say that about peppers. My peppers are late this year, they turn red slowly. Mom's peppers are still the best, but they still won't ripen.
But out of a dozen relatively new varieties that I planted for testing this year, I still found one that frankly pleased me. This is the "Snowfall" variety.
True, I did not wait for them to blush, but in the technical stage they turned out to be very good.

Snowfall is an extremely fruitful, early ripe sweet pepper hybrid. The plant is vigorous, indeterminate, well leafy. Fruits are cone-shaped, up to 15 cm long, even, moderately thick walls, perfect for baking and stuffing.

I’ll cook this pepper for my friends for dinner.

But I warn you right away that my recipe is not for the faint of heart. This is a weekend dish. Spend a lot of time, dance around the stove, and they will eat it whole, and there will be nothing left for tomorrow.

A dozen peppers are placed in my large baking dish in one layer.

To make the peppers convenient to stuff, I blanch them in a wide six-liter saucepan in boiling salted water for a couple of minutes.

As you already understood from the name, I will not stuff the peppers with minced meat, but with eggplant.
I learned about the existence of such a recipe from my friend Aelita aelitin ... The conversation was long-standing, I forgot the recipe, so I invented my own, suitable for my understanding of stuffed peppers.
Only later, when the peppers were cooked and the friends left with the apples, she wrote me instructions, but it was too late.

For minced meat, I will use baked eggplant, which I cook in the Philips Airfryer.
I bake the eggplants, pre-piercing them with a toothpick in several places, at 200 degrees for 13 - 15 minutes (depending on the size) until the skin is charred.
If you do this in the oven, then you need to set the temperature to 250 degrees, and it will take much more time.

I don't know yet how many eggplants I need for minced meat, but I think about five or six.

I cut the eggplants in half and scoop out the juicy flesh with a spoon.

To prepare minced meat, I also need
2 carrots
2 onions
3 cloves of garlic

Diced onions and carrots, cut into strips, are sent to a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. I don't need to fry them too much.
Fry over medium heat, only slightly, until the onions are transparent and the carrots are softened, for only five minutes.

To make the sauce, of course, you can take ready-made delicious tomato sauce, but I have these tomatoes like mud, so I grind all the substandard ones with a blender and turn them into tomato sauce.
But she shared the secrets of making tomato sauce with me t_agatha here

I took a dozen medium sized tomatoes and ground them with a blender.
You can preferably pass the resulting sauce through a sieve and clean it of seeds (or do it at the very beginning), but there is no strength anymore, so I just do not filter anything, but add squeezed out 3 cloves of garlic, hot pepper, salt and spicy slices to the sauce herbs (I have dry dill, cilantro and green basil).

And for thickening I use applesauce. A terrific addition that adds both sweetness and sourness to the sauce. very tasty, I recommend.
Salt and sugar to taste, but as a guideline for 1 liter of sauce, 1 tablespoon each. salt and sugar.

I boil a cup (about 100 g) of washed rice for three minutes in boiling salted water. I rinse with cold water and let it drain.

I chop the eggplants with a knife, turning them into minced meat.

I mix the resulting eggplant mince with fried onions, garlic and carrots and lightly fry, mix everything several times.
I put the minced meat in a bowl, add the washed rice and chopped fresh herbs.

I add salt, ground pepper and mix.

Gently, using a teaspoon, stuff the peppers with the minced meat.

I have some minced meat left and I add it to fresh tomatoes. the pulp from which I scrape with a spoon and leave it here, in the form. Goodness should not be lost!

I pour the peppers with tomato sauce, add a glass of cream to the mold (you can just water) and send it to the oven.

The oven is preheated to 200 degrees. Roasting time 40 minutes.

I understand that the photograph of the finished dish is more important than its taste, but alas. I didn't get the final photo (I was in a hurry, tired, was drunk - emphasize the necessary). But I promised to show it, so don't blame me.

But the taste of these peppers stuffed with eggplant turned out to be so unusual and good that the friends ate almost all the contents, although it is very difficult to surprise them with anything.
They praised me so much that I was very pleased not at all sorry for the time spent.

This dish can be served both warm and cold. I strongly advise you to try to repeat my feat someday.
Have a nice day, everyone. And I went to work.

P.S. When this post was already written, I received a message from Aelita with a recipe.

"The principle is as follows:
Eggplant peel, cut into cubes, add salt, drain, fry
the rest is optional, stuffing options into the peppers.
1. eggplant + meat + onion + carrot
2. All the same + rice
3. Pure vegetables without meat, then it can be eaten cold (and it is sooooo delicious)
And then, according to your own recipe, stuffed peppers. "

Alya, I did everything wrong :)) But I also got it sooooo tasty.
Thanks for the great creative idea.

1. Peel the bell pepper from the stalk and pulp with seeds.

2. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, salt.

3. Put prepared pepper in boiling water and cook, from the moment of laying, for 3 minutes. We take it out of the water and cool it.

4. Remove the bitterness from the eggplant. To do this, peel the eggplants, cut into small cubes, salt, cover and set aside for 15 minutes.

5. After the time has elapsed, wash the eggplants with running water, squeeze out of the water and fry in sunflower oil until half cooked.

6. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

7. Add to the minced meat: cooled eggplants, bread crumbs, cheese, pepper, salt and add spices - mix.

8. Fill the prepared peppers with this mass.

9. Put the peppers in a saucepan or frying pan, add 500 ml of salted water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer under a closed lid for 20 minutes.

10. Dilute flour with water, add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and pour over the peppers.

11. Simmer the peppers for another 20 minutes, sprinkle with herbs at the end of cooking.

Delicious peppers stuffed with minced meat, eggplant and cheese are ready!

Enjoy your meal!

P.S ... Bulgarian pepper is a very useful vegetable, because has a large amount of fiber. It's just that it's not tasty to eat one pepper, but if you stuff it with different ingredients, you get a tasty and healthy dish.

Stuffed peppers (semi-finished product) are frozen if they do not intend to cook it at the moment, and then, when the time comes, they cook it without defrosting, it is very convenient and time to save on preparing the dish.

Peppers can be stored frozen for up to 2 months, during which time the product retains all its useful properties.

This recipe for stuffed peppers with eggplant is one of the most delicious. However, there is one drawback in it - it is eaten in a couple of minutes, and only the smell remains in the jar. It will take a couple of hours of your time to cook it, but I assure you, my dear hostesses, the end result of this recipe will delight you very much.

And after the amazed eyes of your household and guests, you will forget that you spent several hours of your day off near the stove, because what could be more pleasant than praise addressed to you. And if you treat your colleagues with pepper, you will surely receive the title of a noble culinary specialist and will proudly share the recipe ...

I cook pepper in several ways. One in a marinade with a spicy filling, with herbs and garlic and in tomato sauce. All the recipes are very tasty and worthy of attention of lovers of homemade preparations. I will write you all five, and you can choose the one that you like more or prepare several jars each, the contents and preparation are the same, but the tastes are completely different.

With practice, I began to like eggplants without skin better, and I advise you to take small peppers. They include fewer rolls, but such peppers look better on a plate and they are more convenient to eat. Small gogoshars will also go, but do not take large peppers - you need a lot of rolls and in a jar will not fit much. As shown in the photo - you should not do it, you do not need to fill all the voids of the pepper, otherwise it will burst.

Recipe for Stuffed Pepper with Marinated Eggplant Rolls - Basic Step by Step Recipe

Bright, tasty preparation for the winter it's worth tinkering for the sake of such... You can cook it spicy, and if you don't like spicy, then red hot pepper can be excluded from the list of ingredients or added quite a bit, this is already an amateur.


  • 3 kg small bell pepper
  • 3 kg. eggplant
  • garlic 4 heads,
  • bitter pepper 4 pieces
  • a large bunch of dill, parsley and celery

For the marinade:

  • 2 glasses of water
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup sunflower oil
  • 1 tbsp salt


Small bell peppers of the same color or different. As you want, remove the tails and seeds and blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. If you cook 2 or 3 servings at once, then peel and pour boiling water in a large bowl, cover and leave to cool, so it will take less time, but while you are busy preparing the eggplant.

Cut the eggplants lengthwise into strips 5-7mm thick, salt and leave for 2 hours to remove the bitterness. If you have young eggplants, you can cut them with the skin.

Then squeeze all the eggplants from the salt and fry, preferably in two pans at once, until golden brown.

Fried eggplants can be immediately put on a sieve or colander so that excess oil absorbed during frying drips. We don't need extra calories. If you still have a lot of oil, then you can make eggplants according to a simplified recipe. On a baking sheet, slightly oiled, put dried eggplant slices in one layer, sprinkle with oil on top and put in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. They will not absorb that much oil, but will become soft and baked.

While the eggplants are cooling, we will prepare a mixture of pepper, garlic and herbs. Peel the hot peppers from the tails and seeds, peel the garlic and grind everything in a blender, or twist it in a meat grinder. Add the chopped greens to the mixture and stir.

Spread our mixture on top of the eggplant tongues, roll it up and stuff the cooled steamed peppers with it. You can put one or two rolls in each pepper, it all depends on the size of the pepper and eggplant.

If the pepper is small, then there will be fewer rolls. Do not try to stuff a lot of rolls into the pepper, otherwise it will burst.

We put the stuffed peppers in one-liter jars, oh usually small peppers in a jar fit 8-9 pieces.

When all the peppers are filled, prepare the marinade and pour into the jars. If there are a lot of jars, then the marinade must be cooked in several portions at once.

Cover and sterilize for 30 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, roll up the jars and, after they have cooled, put them in the closet or cellar. It will stand everywhere well.

Stuffed Pepper Recipe with Eggplant Rolls in Tomato Sauce

This is one of the interpretations of my favorite stuffed peppers with eggplant rolls. Appetizing pepper can decorate any festive table. Therefore, you should prepare such preservation, because it will add variety to your winter diet, and you will always have a gorgeous dish ready for the holiday.


The ingredients are the same , as in the first recipe. It is better to take small peppers so that more of them go into the jars.


  • 0.5 l of water
  • 0.5 l of vegetable oil
  • 0.5 l 6% vinegar
  • 100 g salt
  • 100 g sugar

Tomato sauce:

  • 2 liters of tomato juice
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 glass of vinegar
  • 100g butter
  • 1 tbsp salt


Peel the pepper, cut the eggplant as in the first recipe.

Spread the cooled eggplant with a mixture and stuff with pepper, pour in tomato sauce.

We will make it from 3kg of tomatoes by twisting them in a manual juicer, which I have written about more than once in my recipes. There is practically no waste, but the juice is squeezed out to the last drop.

Prepare the marinade, pour it into liter jars and sterilize for 30 minutes.

Practice has shown that it is better to peel off an eggplant, now I just do that. This is a photo of this year of canning. Such a blank of pepper can be safely stored at room temperature.In winter, the peppers can be put whole on a plate or cut into thick rings, but I hope you also enjoy this eggplant peppers recipe for the winter like the rest of my recipes.

Stuffed peppers with eggplant rolls with carrots and parsnips

In appearance, ordinary peppers from a can amaze with the richness of the filling and colorful variety. You get such a pepper, cut it across into circles, and such beauty! A worthy dish for a festive table.


  • Sweet red pepper (12-15 pieces) - 15 pieces
  • Eggplant (preferably long-fruited, approximate quantity) - 10 pcs
  • Carrots - 3 pieces
  • Parsnip - 2 pieces
  • Garlic (large heads) - 2 pieces
  • Water - 2 l
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Salt - 2 tbsp l.
  • Vinegar (6%, of which 150 ml for cooking pepper) - 300 ml
  • Cloves - 20 pieces
  • Allspice - 20 pcs
  • Black pepper - 1 tsp
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces
  • Sunflower oil (for frying, can go more) - 0.5 stack.


Wash the peppers, cut off the stalk and remove the seeds. Boil the marinade with sugar, salt, spices and half the vinegar. Put the pepper in the boiling marinade in parts, boil for 2 minutes at a low boil. Cut the peeled carrots and parsnips into thin strips. Fry in sunflower oil until half cooked. ...

Cut the eggplants lengthwise with a thickness of 0.5 cm.Leaving 2-3 pieces, which are cut into washers, 1 cm thick, Fry the eggplants until soft in oil, over high heat. Grease each fried eggplant slice with garlic, passed through a garlic press, put straws of carrots across and parsnips and roll them up. We start the peppers with rolls, tightly stacking several pieces of them.

Put the stuffed peppers in a jar, fill the gaps, if they remain, with circles of fried eggplant. Boil the remaining marinade again, add at the end the second half of the vinegar and pour into the jars. Cover the jars with sterilized lids and put on sterilization, 700 g - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes Then roll up and put to cool, covered with a blanket.

When you open the jar, carefully remove the pepper and cut it across into 1cm slices, the cut will be colorful and very appetizing!

Eggplant rolls in pepper with herbs and garlic

We are in a hurry to please you with a delicious recipevegetable preparation for the winter - bell pepper stuffed with eggplant rolls with herbs and garlic. The taste of the salad is unusually bright and recognizable, and the preparation is perfectly stored at room temperature and always causes a sensation on any festive table.


  • sweet pepper(medium) - 5 pieces
  • eggplant (medium) - 2 pieces
  • dill - 1 bunch.
  • parsley - 1 bunch.
  • garlic (medium heads) - 2 pieces
  • allspice (peas) - 3 pcs
  • bay leaf - 1 piece


  • Input - 125 ml
  • sugar - 50 g
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar (9%) - 25 ml

For frying

  • Vegetable oil(how much is required)


All ingredients are for a 1 liter can. With products it acts in the same way as in the first recipe, but I recommend cleansing the skin better. Finely chop the greens, pass the garlic through a press. Mix the herbs and garlic well in a bowl.

Put the herbs with garlic on the strips of eggplant and roll them up.Then we fill the boiled bell pepper with these rolls.
Put bay leaf and allspice peas on the bottom of a clean jar. We put stuffed peppers in a jar.

We prepare the marinade: boil water with sugar and salt, add vinegar, pour our peppers and put the jars to sterilize. 1 liter cans - 40 minutes. At the end of sterilization, we roll up the jars and send them for storage. The snack keeps well at room temperature.

Well, that's all, now if suddenly guests come to you, or maybe you have a holiday, then with such snacks you will be at your best. With boiled potatoes and fried liver with onions, these peppers stuffed with eggplants are very soulful in harmony, and the rest of the products also.


  • parsley, dill or celery, or all together - 2 bunches
  • 3 heads garlic
  • eggplant 2kg
  • sweet pepper 2 kg

Marinade 1 for blanching:

  • 0.5 l of water,
  • 0.5 l of vegetable oil
  • 0.5 l vinegar 9%
Marinade 2 for pickling:
  • 1.5 l tomato juice
  • 200 gr. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 100 g vinegar 9%


Wash and cook the whole vegetable for slicing. Remove the center from the pepper. And cut the eggplants into tongues.

First, prepare your first marinade. Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil. Boil bell peppers, peeled from seeds and eggplants, cut into tongues without a peel, in this marinade for 5 - 7 minutes, depending on the thickness of the walls of your pepper.

Then remove the vegetables from the brine and cool. Grind your herbs, which you choose based on your preference. Grind the garlic in any way.

Brush the eggplants with garlic and sprinkle with herbs. Roll into a roll and fill the bell pepper with it, as in the previous recipes.

Blend the ingredients from the second marinade and bring to a boil. Place the peppers in the jars and cover with the second marinade. Heat the water in a saucepan and put the jars to sterilize for 20 minutes, it will warm up quickly, because we poured boiling water over the pepper. Although you can roll it up right after pouring, but I did not risk it, it’s safer.

Roll up the bell peppers stuffed with eggplant rolls. If you won't sterilize, then wrap until cool.

Eggplant-stuffed bell peppers are a wonderful vegetable lean dish that can be offered for breakfast or dinner. We are more accustomed to the fact that peppers are cooked with meat filling, but the meatless option is also very good. When cold, peppers stuffed with eggplant can be served as an appetizer.

Prepare all the items on the list for cooking. The amount of pepper and eggplant is arbitrary, since it all depends on the size of vegetables and utensils in which the dish will be cooked.

Cut off the top of the peppers and remove the seeds.

Cut the eggplants into cubes, put in a bowl and season with salt. Leave on for 30 minutes.

Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan, squeeze and fry the eggplants until soft. At the end of frying, sprinkle the eggplant with garlic and basil. Cool the filling slightly.

Fill the prepared peppers with eggplant filling.

Prepare the sauce. Dice the onion, grate the carrots. Fry the onion in sunflower oil until transparent, add carrots. I also add chunks of pepper from the tops. Pour tomato juice into a frying pan, add sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

Put the peppers stuffed with eggplants vertically in a saucepan, pour the sauce on top. Put the pan on the fire, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add the bay leaf to the saucepan.

This recipe for stuffed peppers with eggplant is one of the most delicious. However, there is one drawback in it - it is eaten in a couple of minutes, and only the smell remains in the jar. It will take a couple of hours of your time to cook it, but I assure you, my dear hostesses, the end result of this recipe will please you very much. And after the amazed eyes of your household and guests, you will forget that you spent several hours of your day off near the stove, because what could be more pleasant than praise in your address. And if you treat your colleagues with pepper, you will surely receive the title of a noble culinary specialist and will proudly share the recipe.

I cook peppers in two ways. One in marinade and the other in tomato sauce. Both recipes are very tasty and worthy of attention of lovers of homemade preparations. I will write both of you, and you can choose the one that you like better or prepare several jars of each. the preparation is the same, but the tastes are completely different.

Pickled Stuffed Pepper Recipe


3 kg small bell pepper
3 kg. eggplant
garlic 4 heads,
bitter pepper 4 pieces
a large bunch of dill, parsley and celery

For the marinade:
2 glasses of water
1 cup vinegar
1 cup of sugar
1 cup sunflower oil

1 tbsp salt

Small bell peppers of the same color or different. As you want, remove the tails and seeds and blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. If you cook 2 or 3 servings at once, then peel and pour boiling water in a large basin, cover with a lid and leave to cool, so it will take less time, and while you are busy preparing the eggplant.

Cut the eggplants lengthwise into strips 5-7mm thick, salt and leave for 2 hours to remove the bitterness. If you have young eggplants, you can cut them with the skin.

This year, the rainy summer is not the skin of all the eggplants was also pampered, hard and dried, it is better to peel it. Then squeeze all the eggplants from salt and fry, preferably in two pans at once, until golden brown.

The fried eggplants can be immediately placed on a sieve or a colander so that the excess oil absorbed during frying drips. We don't need extra calories. If you still have a lot of oil, then you can make eggplants according to a simplified recipe. On a baking sheet, lightly oiled, put dried eggplant slices in one layer, sprinkle with oil on top and put in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. They will not absorb that much oil, but will become soft and baked.

While the eggplants are cooling down, we will prepare a mixture of peppers, garlic and herbs. Peel the hot peppers from the tails and seeds, peel the garlic and grind everything in a blender, or twist it in a meat grinder. Add chopped spread our mixture on top of the eggplant tongues, roll it up and stuff the cooled steamed peppers with it. You can put one or two rolls in each pepper, it all depends on the size of the pepper and eggplant.

Do not try stuff a lot of rolls into the pepper, otherwise it will burst. Stuffed peppers are placed in one-liter jars, ohusually small peppers in a jar fit 8-9 pieces.When all the peppers are full, prepare the marinade and pour into the jars. If there are a lot of jars, then the marinade you need to cook several portions at once. Cover and sterilize for 30 minutes.

Stuffed Pepper Recipe with Eggplant Rolls in Tomato Sauce

The ingredients are the sameas in the first recipe.

Peel the peppers, cut the eggplants as in the first recipe. Prepare the brine and boil all the vegetables for 5 minutes. Spread the cooled eggplant with the mixture and stuff the pepper, pour in the tomato sauce. We will make it from 3kg tomatoes, twisting them intomanual juicer which I'm not p i wrote in my recipes. There is practically no waste, but the juice is squeezed out to the last drop.Prepare the marinade, pour it into liter jars and sterilize for 30 minutes.


0.5 l of water

0.5 l of vegetable oil

0.5 l 6% vinegar

100 g salt

100 g sugar
Tomato sauce:

2 liters of tomato juice

2 cups sugar

1 glass of vinegar

100g butter

1 tbsp salt

Such a blank of pepper can be safely stored at room temperature.

In winter, the peppers can be put whole on a plate or cut into thick rings, but I hope you also enjoy this eggplant peppers recipe for the winter like the rest of my recipes.

Enjoy your meal!