Homemade grape wine recipe. Homemade blue grape wine

17.10.2019 Healthy eating
1388 03/12/2019 7 minutes

In most cases, grapes are bred specifically to produce natural wine. To enjoy the taste of a high-quality homemade drink, you must strictly follow the preparation technology. Of course, every winemaker has his own unique recipe and many little secrets, but the general procedure is always the same. If you miss at least one of the important stages in the production of grape wine, then all the work on the cultivation of culture will be in vain. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to properly prepare homemade wine, both red and white.

Raw materials

The higher the quality of the grapes used to make the wine, the better the finished product will be. The main thing in the preparation of raw materials is the correct harvest. Harvesting must be done within the time required by a particular variety. It is important to choose a suitable day, the weather should be dry and warm, preferably no precipitation during the last 3 days. Freshly picked berries are not stored for a long time, it is best to immediately send them to. Before starting preparation, the grapes must be sorted out, rejecting small, dry or green berries, as well as throwing away dry leaves and other natural debris.

As for the choice of varieties for making grape wine, you need to pay attention to the chemical composition of the berries. Winemakers believe that the higher the sugar content of the fruit, the higher the content and the better the taste of the finished drink. Ideal values ​​for wine are 22-24% sugar and up to 10 acids per liter of product. Of course, such marks are reached by a rare harvest, but it is worth focusing on them.

Read how to grow grapes from seed.

Inventory and storage containers

Raw material handling

The harvested crop does not require special pre-treatment. On the contrary, the less time and transformations the grapes pass from the moment of harvest, the better. The most important thing is to clear the berry mass of leaves, spoiled or moldy fruits, sort out unsuitable grapes (dry, small, unripe). Washing the berries is by no means recommended, since water will worsen the quality of the future wine, and so-called “wild” yeast, important for proper fermentation, will be washed off the surface of the fruit.

You can learn how to properly store grapes.

Getting juice

Making a homemade wine drink begins with processing berries. Fill the selected container made of suitable material 3/4 full with berries. You can grind grapes in a special way, but you can also do it manually, in a reliable old way: with your hands or feet, with a wooden pestle. Ground berries, juice with pulp are left in containers for primary fermentation and the beginning of fermentation. In mass production, at this stage, sulfur (sulfurous anhydride, no more than 20-25 mg per liter) is added to the berries for a longer preservation and prevention of the development of fungi or harmful bacteria.

Mechanically squeezed juice is not considered the best material for wine. Experts say that the drink turns out to be more saturated if the juice was obtained "by gravity", squeezed out by its own mass of overripe bunches.

The crushed berries are covered with gauze and set aside in a dark place for 3-4 days. Sometimes the fermentation time is increased to 1-2 weeks, while getting a darker strong product. During this phase, it is important to remove the pulp that has accumulated on the surface several times a day. This is followed by another significant stage - the separation of pure juice. For this, all the pulp is removed with a spoon, and the remaining liquid is passed through cheesecloth several times.


This is the longest and most significant stage in wine production. The previously obtained pure juice should be poured into a container made of glass or food grade plastic. The container should have a long, elongated throat. Then a water seal is installed on the neck - a device that limits the contact of liquid with air. As a water seal, you can use:

  • special factory device;
  • a plastic tube, one end of which is fixed to a bottle of wine, and the other is dipped into a jar of water;
  • medical rubber glove with one pierced finger.

The container should be removed to a warm, dark place. The fermentation temperature of red wine ranges from 21-28 degrees. White wine requires a temperature of 18-23 degrees. Remember that temperature extremes deteriorate the quality of the product, and too low temperature will stop the fermentation process.

By the way, the squeezed pulp can then be used for the production of homemade chacha.

Adding sugar

Every 2% sugar added to the wort increases its strength by 1 degree. It is believed that the optimal strength of the wine is 14 degrees. Without the use of sugar, this figure will remain equal to 9-11. Sugar is added after 2-3 days of fermentation of the drink. This is done like this:

  1. Pour 1 liter of wine from the general container and add 50 grams of sugar there.
  2. Try it. If the liquid remains the same acidic, add another 25-30 grams.
  3. Pour the liter back into the container and let it ferment further.
  4. Repeat the process every 2-4 days throughout the fermentation until the sugar is converted to alcohol.

Removal from sediment

The full fermentation period is approximately 50-60 days. The readiness of the drink is evidenced by a deflated glove, the cessation of the bubbling of water in the can (when using a water seal with a tube), a clear boundary between the sediment and clear wine. If these signs are observed, then you need to immediately remove the drink from the sediment, otherwise it will acquire an undesirable taste and an unpleasant smell of fermenting yeast. It goes like this:

  1. Place the wine container on a hill.
  2. Wait for the sediment to settle again in an even layer.
  3. Take a clean thin hose and lower its end into a container 2-3 cm above the sediment level.
  4. Place the container for further fermentation below the first container and lower the other end of the hose into it.
  5. Wait until all the transparent part of the liquid has merged. Make sure that the sediment does not get into the second container.

If necessary, the drink removed from the sediment is left in a dark place to allow it to ferment.

Sugar content control

After the fermentation process is completed, sugar is no longer processed into alcohol and is added solely to change the taste. Pour a liter of liquid from the common container and add sugar until the taste of the drink is satisfactory. It is recommended not to add more than 250 grams of sugar for every liter of wine. To determine the strength and sugar content of the drink, specialized devices (wine-sugar meter) are used.

The strength of a wine can be determined by its sugar content. For this, the readings of the sugar meter are compared with the data in the tables according to the ratio of brie (a unit for measuring sugar content) and degrees.


Clarification of wine is the process of cleaning it from parts of wort and yeast. There are many ways to lighten a drink, here are the most popular ones:

Homemade recipes

Each winemaker knows his own secrets of making the Solar Drink. Also for red and white wines, production technologies have their own characteristics. There are many recipes for making homemade wine, but we will tell you about the most popular and simple ones.


For the preparation of red wine, berries of dark or red varieties are used. The most popular recipe, "Favorite Muscat", is based on the characteristics of the red and. To prepare such a wine, you will need: 10 kg of grapes of the specified variety, 2 kg of sugar and 4-5 liters of water. Water is used to reduce acidity and strength and is added at the stage of pouring the drink into a container for active fermentation. Sugar spills out gradually, the first half during fermentation and remaining in the finished drink, removed from the sediment.


White wine cannot be diluted with water. For cooking, you need 10 kg of white grapes and 3 kg of sugar. All production technology is described above and is no different from standards. The only thing worth paying attention to is removal from the sediment. From the fermentation tank, the drink is immediately bottled, where its final maturation takes place. With this method of bottling, it is inconvenient to clarify the drink and for this purpose the milk method is most often used.

Read about Muscat grapes in.


In this video, a winemaker shares his experience of making homemade wine from grapes.


  1. Most winegrowers are engaged in the cultivation of this culture in order to obtain wine.... There is a special technology for the production of homemade solar drink.
  2. Wine preparation consists of several stages., each of which is important in its own way. Most of the time is spent fermentation and maturation of the drink.
  3. Each winemaker has his own unique recipe homemade grape drink, however, they all consist of 3 main ingredients: grapes, sugar and water.

Read about the process of drying grapes to obtain raisins in.

If you think that making wine is an incredibly difficult process, then you can breathe easy. A rich grape harvest can be turned into a fragrant drink at home. This requires the simplest devices and a great desire.

Wine can be made from both white and dark grape varieties, even pink ones. The principle of preparation is almost identical, so it will not be difficult to quickly choose the right tactics.

General cooking principles

Only ripe grapes should be selected for making wine. Unripe or overripe berries will not produce normal wine: the fermentation process will be spoiled or the taste itself will be bitter, sour, etc. This rule applies to any grape variety.

It is necessary to prepare a glass bottle, in which the wine will ferment, a water seal (you can from improvised means), cheesecloth, bottles. You may need some more kitchen utensils, but every kitchen has them, like a mortar. It is important to be patient, because the wine has been ripening for more than one month.

Homemade black grape wine

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Traditional way of making a drink, the taste of which can be easily adjusted with sugar.

How to cook:

Tip: A water seal can be made from a rubber glove, in one finger of which you need to make a hole with a needle. Then pull the glove over the neck. It will first puff up, and when it’s deflated in a month, it means that fermentation is over. The drink itself will become lighter.

Homemade grape wine with honey

In this recipe, sugar replaces fragrant honey, which makes the wine softer and has an original aroma.

How much time - 1.5 months.

What is the calorie content - 66 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water and juice into one bottle, mix. You can simply pour in one liter of both in turn;
  2. Pour a liter of honey here, stir it. It is advisable to take liquid honey, it is easier to use;
  3. Add yeast, stir;
  4. Install a water seal on top and remove it in a dark and always warm place for a month and a half;
  5. The first three days you need to stir the mass so that the upper part sinks to the bottom;
  6. After the fermentation process is over, it is necessary to filter the wine;
  7. Next, stir the remaining honey and pour into the jars. Consume not earlier than after two months of aging.

Advice: you need to use natural honey, not artificial. It is he who will give the wine not only sweetness, but also a characteristic aroma and taste.

Semi-sweet drink with added water

This recipe uses black grapes and the water allows the wine to be less strong.

How much time is 45 days.

What is the calorie content - 80 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. First put the pulp into the bottle, and then pour the specified amount of water here;
  2. Pour sugar, stir, tie the neck with gauze;
  3. Remove to a dark place (temperature - 24 degrees) for ten days;
  4. After that, the pulp can be removed, the rest of the liquid mass can be filtered;
  5. Pour the wort into a clean bottle and install a water seal on top;
  6. Leave for at least a month to ferment;
  7. When it's over, it's time to taste the wine. Add more sugar to taste;
  8. Pour into clean bottles and allow to mature for four months in a horizontal position.

Advice: it is advisable to additionally filter the wine twice a month during its ripening period, so that it is more transparent.

Fortified grape wine

Alcohol not only helps the wine to last longer, but also makes its degree much higher.

How much time - 2 months.

What is the calorie content - 196 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. The sorted berries should be mashed by hand into a gruel, transferred to a clean container (not metal), covered with a piece of gauze and left for three days;
  2. Mix the resulting pulp with sugar, transfer to another container with a neck, install a water seal on top;
  3. Rearrange for a month and a half in a warm and dark place;
  4. After the fermentation process is completed, the wort should be filtered, all the sediment should be thrown away, and alcohol should be poured into the young wine according to the following principle: no more than 20% alcohol from the total weight of the wine;
  5. After two days, filter the drink again, pour it into containers and remove for two weeks in the basement to ripen. Store horizontally.

Tip: fortified wine, which needs to be aged for two weeks, can be left in the same container, and only then bottled.

Dry wine recipe

A variant of using white grapes without any additives to obtain dry wine.

grapes 10 Kg

How much time - 1 month.

What is the calorie content - 65 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Berries should be prepared: sort out unripe, overripe, spoiled;
  2. Then quickly knead them with your hands or ceiling with a mortar. It is important to do this quickly so that the contact between the skin and the juice is short-lived;
  3. Separate the juice from the pulp;
  4. The container with juice should be set aside for nine hours;
  5. Then strain it with a small hose;
  6. Take a small wick, lower it to half of the container in which the wine will stand. Set it on fire and let it burn out. This process is called fumigation and prevents unwanted early fermentation;
  7. Pour a third of the juice into a jar (or into an already fumigated keg), shake it;
  8. Pour in another third, shake again and repeat the same with the third part;
  9. Then just top up the rest;
  10. Remove to a warm room;
  11. After a month, young wine can be tasted. If no sweetness is felt and fermentation is complete, you can start filtering;
  12. Pour into bottles and put in a cool place for another month.

Tip: first it is better to filter with a tube from container to container, and then use several layers of gauze for secondary filtration.

Semi-sweet drink

White grapes are used, as well as sugar and water. This allows you to get a semi-sweet pleasant wine.

How much time is 40 days.

What is the calorie content - 98 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Sorted berries should be squeezed to get the wort;
  2. Then leave it for five days, be sure to cover it with gauze;
  3. Pour the juice into a separate container, add sugar and water to the pulp, mix;
  4. Leave everything for three days, and then combine the juice with the pulp;
  5. Next, place the entire mass in a container, install a water seal on top, leave in a warm, dark place for at least a month;
  6. Then filter the wine, bottle it and pasteurize for about twenty minutes;
  7. Leave to ripen for at least two months.

Advice: it is better to drink wine within two months after its maturation, because the white drink is stored for less time than the red one.

Homemade wine recipe using a glove

Wonderful aromatic wine made from dark grape varieties, where a water seal in the form of an ordinary rubber glove is used.

How much time - 50 days.

What is the calorie content - 53 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Sort out the grapes, knead it by hand or with a mortar, and then dilute with the specified amount of water;
  2. Leave in a warm place for four days, covering with gauze on top;
  3. Next, squeeze out the liquid using the same gauze;
  4. Add a glass of sugar, all yeast and almond essence to the wort;
  5. Transfer the whole mass to a bottle;
  6. Take an ordinary rubber medical glove (it is usually white or blue). Punch a hole in one of the fingers with a needle, for example, in the middle. Pull over the neck. This will be a water seal;
  7. Leave for another four days;
  8. Then add another half glass of sugar, stir, leave to ferment for at least a month. During this period, taste the drink and, if necessary, add sugar;
  9. When the inflated glove has dropped, it means that the fermentation process is over. It is necessary to remove the wine from the sediment using a thin hose;
  10. Leave the young drink in the jar for a week, closing the top with a nylon lid;
  11. Strain the wine again without touching the sediment;
  12. Leave to ripen in bottles for at least another month, or you can keep it for up to a year.

Tip: you do not need to add almond essence, but it gives a pleasant aroma, similar to a noble cognac from a distance.

If there are a lot of grapes, it is better to buy a barrel in which you can transfer the fruits with your feet. This will not damage the bitter bones, and the process will go much faster. Sometimes the berries are left under their own weight to get juice.

A water seal can also be made. This requires a plug, a hose, and a can of water. Make a hole in the cork about the size of a hose. Insert the hose into the cork and close the bottle with it, while the hose should not touch the wine. Dip the other end into a jar of water. Thus, oxygen will not flow, and gases will "gurgle" through the water in the can.

Homemade wine is a quality and tasty drink. If you stick to the technology and be patient, you won't have to worry about the result. Go for it!

Everyone can make delicious wine from grapes at home. To create it, no special devices are needed: the distillation apparatus is assembled from improvised means. The sweetness and strength of the alcohol is determined by the ingredients used. For example, a good taste is obtained when combining isabella with other varieties. The step-by-step recipes with photo and video tips presented below will help you understand the features of preparing a fragrant drink. It can be prepared with added water and sugar, without yeast.

How to make wine from grapes at home, a simple step-by-step recipe

Experienced winemakers hardly ever use yeast or water. Self-fermentation of grapes ensures natural taste. Water is added only if the grapes are too acidic. In other situations, a homemade grape wine recipe includes only berries. The absence of additives makes it exquisite with a pleasant aftertaste. How to make wine from grapes at home, without using additional components, is described in the following instructions.

Ingredients for making wine at home according to a simple recipe

  • grapes - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 100-150 gr. for 1 liter.

A step-by-step recipe for a simple wine preparation at home

  1. The bunches are cleaned of large twigs (leave the green ones, it is better to remove the dry ones), put them in a small saucepan and pound with a mortar. It is impossible to pre-wash the grapes: this will lead to the removal of the escaping wine yeast from its surface.

  2. The pulp (crushed grapes) is transferred to an enamel bowl. The top is closed with gauze. This will eliminate the appearance of fruit flies. Shakes up a couple of times a day. The composition is allowed to stand for 4-5 days at a temperature of 18-23 degrees.

  3. After that, the cake is separated. To do this, put gauze on the colander, on top of the pulp.

  4. The squeezed juice is poured into jars (filled by 2/3), tightly closed with lids. Holes are prepared in them, a flexible tube is connected. Its free end is immersed in a small jar of water. This will help evacuate gases and prevent direct contact of the liquid with air.

  5. When fermentation is no longer active, sugar is added. The need for filling is checked by tasting: it must be added if you feel insufficient sweetness and alcohol strength. When bubble formation stops, spill and seal should be started.

Amazing dry grape wine at home - a simple recipe with a photo

Making dry wine from grapes at home is not difficult. Its advantages are the simplicity of preparation: the use of additives is not required in this case. Making wine from grapes at home can be done using any variety with little sweetness. Then the resulting drink will have a slight sourness.

Ingredients for making dry wine at home according to a simple recipe

  • grapes - 10 kg.

A step-by-step recipe for making dry homemade wine

  1. Bad and green grapes, leaves are removed. The sorted grapes are manually pounded with a mortar. In an enamel bowl, it costs about 1 day (temperature - 20-25 degrees).
  2. The remnants are separated from the wort: the composition is filtered several times and poured into bottles with a narrow neck. A hose is connected to the lids and lowered into a jar of clean water.
  3. At the end of fermentation, the liquid is poured into containers. It is important to carry out the procedure carefully without touching the sediment. It is better to store containers in a dark place. When sediment is formed, additional filtering is allowed.

Wine from grapes at home - recipe without yeast, video

Natural wine should include a minimum of additives. But also during its production, it is necessary to take into account the special requirements for collection and processing. Therefore, beginners are advised to make homemade grape wine according to a step-by-step cooking recipe. Compliance with the rules indicated in the video tip will help to avoid common mistakes.

The specified instruction provides an example of using isabella. But it is allowed to replace it with other berries. For example, Bianca is a white grape that belongs to the best varieties. It has an original taste, but it is quite expensive, and it is not easy to care for the plants themselves. Therefore, you can make homemade wine from grapes with the addition of water and sugar and with cheaper familiar varieties - raisins, valentine or bazhena.

Delicious wine from Isabella grapes at home without yeast - a simple recipe with a photo

The use of Isabella as a base is fully justified by the simplicity of its cultivation and collection in large quantities. True, some winemakers believe that it is almost impossible to make delicious wine from Isabella grapes at home. Achieving a rich and pleasant taste with such a variety is easy when using additional components. A simple recipe will help to prepare an exquisite wine from grapes at home.

Ingredients for Easy Recipe Isabella Homemade Wine Without Yeast with Water and Sugar

  • grapes - 5 kg;
  • water - 12 liters (only boiled);
  • sugar - 3 kg.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade Isabella wine without yeast with added water and sugar

  1. Prepare the bunches for processing. Grind the grapes, cover with sugar and leave for a week.
  2. Dilute the present pulp with water and leave for 1 month under gauze. The resulting "cap" must be constantly removed.
  3. At the end of the monthly fermentation, the mixture should be filtered and bottled. It is important to remember that the ingress of sediment to the purified liquid will lead to its rapid deterioration.

Homemade grape wine with the addition of water and sugar, recipe with photo

The use of auxiliary ingredients allows you to get a strong and very sweet wine. These white grape drinks are combined with cheeses, desserts, chocolate or other pastries. Red grape alcohol is usually served with meat dishes (poultry, pork, or beef).

Ingredients for making sweet wine at home

  • red grapes - 5 kg;
  • water - 30% of the mass of the resulting pulp;
  • sugar - 40 g per 1 liter.

Recipe for making sweet homemade wine with the addition of water and sugar

  1. Remove damaged grapes, leaves. Press grapes for wine at home using a mortar.
  2. Place the grape gruel in an enamel pan, mix with the additives. Cover with gauze and stir after 3-4 days. In the future, the foam "cap" that appears should be removed. After another 12-24 hours, strain the pulp.
  3. Add water to the prepared composition (40% of the total mass). Pour it into a bottle, close it with a medical glove, make a puncture in it to remove gases. When the glove goes down, you need to take out a little liquid, heat it and dissolve sugar in it (200 g for each liter), pour the mixture into a bottle.
  4. When the liquid stops fermenting, you need to wait for the precipitation to peel off and hold the mixture for a month. Then, using a straw, pour it into bottles and seal it.

Homemade white grape wine with the addition of water - a delicious recipe

A distinctive feature of light transparent wine is a delicate refined taste. It has lightness and is combined with simple snacks: cheese, vegetable cuts. Ideally complements salads and fish. You can make wine from white grapes at home from any variety. Regardless of the sweetness, the drink will have a pleasant aftertaste. During 1 year of storage, it is recommended to carry out additional filtering of the liquid. This will help to achieve its transparent color, protect it from the appearance of bacteria.

Ingredients for a delicious recipe for making homemade grape wine without yeast

  • grapes - 20 kg.

Step-by-step recipe for making wine from grapes at home

  1. Prepare the bunches: clean them of leaves, damaged or rotten grapes.
  2. Grind the berries. It is better to carry out the work by hand: using wringers and crushing the seeds can lead to bitterness.
  3. Juice is decanted from the prepared grapes: the pulp is placed in cheesecloth and wiped well. Subsequently, it settles for about 12-24 hours to settle unnecessary particles.
  4. After settling, the juice without impurities is decanted using a tube. The sediment must not be raised! It is poured, closed with a tongue or similar stopper, with the possibility of connecting a thin hose.
  5. During fermentation, a temperature regime of about 15-25 degrees should be maintained. After reducing the volume of juice in glass bottles, it is refilled: due to contact with air, harmful bacteria can form in it.
  6. Straining and spilling occurs only at the end of fermentation, when the bubbles stop forming and the carbonated aftertaste completely disappears.

Natural wine from grapes at home, as can be seen from step-by-step photos and video recipes, can be prepared even by a novice winemaker. Compliance with these rules, careful grinding, filtering will allow you to get a truly original drink. Using only grapes as a base, it is easy to get a light dry wine. With the addition of water and sugar, it will not be difficult to prepare a semi-sweet drink. You can make wine from grape juice at home without using yeast at any time of the year. For example, for early varieties, harvesting is done in the summer. And from isabella they are prepared even in the fall: it tolerates frosts and can be harvested with the onset of cold weather. But the most important thing is that such a wine product will have high quality, excellent aroma, and will not contain dangerous impurities.

Grapes are juicy and highly aromatic berries, which are one of the main components of great alcoholic drinks. In the world there are thousands of grape varieties for different purposes, different ripening periods, different growing conditions, agricultural technology. There are many recipes for making wines from wine berry tinctures, each of which differs not only in technology, but also in results.

Making wine from red grapes

Wine made from red grapes is an excellent alcoholic beverage that is not difficult to make at home. This recipe is designed for 10 liters of freshly squeezed juice, for the preparation of which you can take any dark grape.

We make homemade wine from grapes, strictly adhering to the recommendations from the recipe. Then, even if you are preparing this drink for the first time, you can be sure of success. Traditionally, black grapes are used for red drinks, but at home you can use any.

Ripe grapes need to be sorted out, plant debris and dry leaves must be removed. Do not wash the berries, so as not to lose the beneficial wild yeast that causes alcoholic fermentation. You can leave the branches of the bunches - they give the finished drink a pleasant wine aroma.

Carefully crush the berries together in clusters. This can be done in different ways - with the help of special devices, a pusher, a blender or with your hands. Put the crushed berries in a convenient container - fill it no more than two-thirds.

Mix the prepared wort well and place in a warm place for fermentation. After 4-5 days, you need to remove the pulp from the surface, pour the drink into a clean dish. You can squeeze the pulp through a strainer or several layers of gauze.

Add sugar to a jar with strained wort, mix well, put on a lid with a water seal and place in a dark warm place for fermentation. Leave the drink for 3 weeks - during this time, fermentation should stop. Drain the young wine from the sediment using a straw, pour it into clean bottles and put in a cool place for maturation.

Leave the drink for at least 40 days, after which you can taste it.

Making wine from dry grapes

Dry grape wine is an excellent dessert drink that is ideal for treating guests. If after harvesting there are some dry berries left on the branches, you can always make this great drink with your own hands.

Required Ingredients:

  • Water - 7 l
  • Dry grapes - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg

For starter culture:

  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Raisins - 1 glass
  • Water - 1 glass

Before making wine from grapes, make a leaven. For this glass of raisins, you will need to grind in a blender or meat grinder, add a little sugar, mix well and pour this mixture with warm water. Put the starter culture in a warm place for a few days and when the mixture sours well, it can be used to make wine must.

Dry grapes need to be separated from the twigs, add sugar to it and mix very well so that the mass is homogeneous. Add warm water, mix well again and gently pour in the starter. When the wort is ready, close the container with a water seal and place it in a warm place. If there is no water seal or the neck of the can is not standard, put on a rubber glove, after making several small punctures in it with a needle.

After a few days, the future wort will ferment well - usually this process lasts about a month. After the glove falls off and the bubbles disappear, the wine will need to be carefully drained from the sediment. If you like clear wine, strain it several times through a gauze filter. Pour the poi into bottles and place in a cool place for 2-3 months.

As you can see, making homemade wine from grapes is not at all difficult - use the recommendations of experienced winemakers and next time you can make it without prompts.

A simple recipe for how to make wine from grapes

A simple grape wine recipe will come in handy for all owners of home vineyards. If this amazing berry grows in your garden, you can always make a great drink from it without much effort. To prevent wine from turning into vinegar, you should follow simple guidelines and tips.

Required Ingredients:

  • Grapes - 10 kg
  • Sugar - 2.5-3 kg

Homemade wine made from grapes is the most popular drink that is very easy to make. Take unwashed bunches of grapes and carefully select the berries from them. It is very important that the white bloom remains on the berries, otherwise fermentation will not occur and the wort will simply turn sour. In an enamel bucket or a large bowl, crush all the berries with your hands or with a crush, you can use twigs until they let the juice out.

Then you need to cover the container with gauze and leave to ferment in a warm place for about 4-5 days. Mix twice a day using a wooden spoon with a long handle. Do not use metal utensils, otherwise the drink will oxidize.

After the pulp rises to the surface, it must be thrown into a colander and squeezed well through cheesecloth. Pour the strained juice into jars, add granulated sugar and mix well.

We put on a washed medical glove on the neck of the jar, pierce several holes in the fingers with a needle and tie it tightly with an elastic band in a circle. If you have a water-seal lid, you can put it on. Leave the wort to ferment for 2-3 weeks at room temperature. It is very important to keep an eye on the glove - at the beginning of the process it is inflated, and when it is deflated, the young wine is ready.

After a yeast sediment forms at the bottom of the jar, and the wine becomes light and transparent, it must be filtered. Gently pour the drink from the sediment into clean bottles and close tightly with the lids.

We take out homemade wine in a cool place for about a month. During this time, the wine should be drained from the lees three times, pouring into clean bottles.

The wine can be tasted, but it is better to leave it for another month to mature in a cool place.

What grapes make wine and the best grapes for red wine

The result is influenced by what grapes the wine is made from - try to choose technical wine varieties. They contain a large amount of juice, which, when fermented, turns into this amazing drink.

The best grapes for wine are table grapes. Usually the bunches of wine grapes are not very large and the berries are small but fragrant. Muscat varieties with a bright taste and smell are ideal for making homemade drinks.

Suitable grapes for red wine are technical varieties, a distinctive feature of which is a high percentage of juice. The berries and clusters are usually not very large, but fragrant. The most famous wine varieties are Muscat, Cabernet, Regent.

It is not necessary to choose which grapes are best for wine - it can be both white and dark varieties. If you want to prepare a fragrant, aromatic assorted drink, you can use both dark and light berries at the same time - the taste of the drink will only benefit from this.

How to make dry homemade grape wine

Dry homemade grape wine is an excellent alcoholic drink made only from natural ingredients. Dry wine is considered to be fermented juice without added sugar. However, if no sugar is added, it can sour due to its low alcohol content. That is why, dry wines also contain sugar, but in very small quantities.

Required Ingredients:

  • Grapes - 10 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg

Making wine from grapes at home is very simple.

Take ripe berries of any wine varieties, sort - remove the rotten and spoiled ones, put in a colander and mash well. It is best to crush the grapes in small portions. Fill the jars with the resulting juice and cake, close the top with a piece of gauze and put in a warm place for 3 days.

When the cake rises to the surface of the wort, it will need to be carefully removed, and the liquid must be poured into another clean jar. Put the strained juice in a warm place for a week, after that it will need to be strained and closed with a lid with a water seal. Leave the drink warm until fermentation has completely stopped. Drain the young wine, strain and pour into a clean jar, add sugar and put in a cool place.

The preparation of homemade wine from grapes can be considered complete, it remains only to let the drink mature for several months.

Making white homemade wine from grapes

Homemade white wine made from grapes is an excellent drink that is perfect for serving on a festive table. It is ideal with seafood, poultry and meat treats. To prepare it, you need to take "frozen" grapes, due to which the drink acquires a surprisingly beautiful amber hue and rich taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Grapes - 10 kg
  • Sugar - 3 kg

According to this recipe for wine from grapes, you can take not very ripe grapes, which must be removed a few days before the start of the mass harvest. Overripe grapes are not suitable for preparing this drink - it is best used for jam and compote.

Before making homemade wine from grapes, not very ripe berries must be removed from the branches, put in a plastic bag and put in the freezer for a day. When the berries are well frozen, their taste and aroma will become more intense.

Put the prepared berries in a convenient container for making the wort and knead well.

It is necessary to sort out the grapes, remove the burst, rotten and dry berries. You do not need to wash them - wild yeast remains on the surface of the berries. Mash the grapes well and squeeze the juice, if possible, separate the seeds.

The juice should settle for 6-12 hours - pour it into a glass jar and leave at room temperature. After that, carefully drain the juice without touching the sediment.

White wine juice contains less yeast, so the process starts later. White wine should be placed for fermentation in a warm room at a temperature of at least 15-20 degrees. Close the jar with a lid with a water seal, otherwise the drink may acidify during fermentation.

Vigorous fermentation lasts about a week, after which it will be necessary to last a little ready-made white wine. If there is no ready-made drink, add a little juice from the berries of the same variety and leave the drink to ferment for another week.

When fermentation stops, it will be possible to remove the drink from the sediment, strain and sweeten. Aged white wine for at least a month in a cool place in tightly closed bottles or jars

Making homemade wine from grape juice

Wine made from grape juice is very easy to make at home. For this recipe, you can take berries of any wine variety.

Required Ingredients:

  • Grape juice - 9 l
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg

Making homemade wine from grapes begins with extracting the juice. Fresh berries need to be kneaded well and squeezed through a fine strainer or several layers of gauze. The resulting juice can be used to make wort, and the remaining pulp can be used to make excellent moonshine.

Pour the juice into a convenient container - a jar or small barrel, cover with gauze and put in a warm place for five days.

During this time, it should be stirred twice a day. When the pulp rises to the surface, fold it in a colander and squeeze it well through cheesecloth.

Pour all the collected juice into a glass jar, add the required amount of sugar and stir.

Wear a rubber glove over the neck of each can.

Pierce each glove in several places with a needle. This is necessary so that air comes out during fermentation. For better tightness, close the neck with plasticine. Special water seal covers can be used.

Leave the wort at room temperature for 5 weeks. When the gloves on the cans deflate, the drink is ready. Gently bottle the young wine and store in a cool place.

Homemade grape wines can be dry, semi-dry, or sweet. Depending on the amount of sugar added to the wort, not only the taste, but also the strength of the drink will depend.

According to this recipe, the drink will be very light with a delicate delicate fruity aroma. However, despite the fact that the alcohol content in it will be no more than 5-6 degrees, it should not be drunk in large quantities. Wine should be drunk chilled from small glasses.

Recipe for making wine from black grapes at home

You can take any kind of black grapes for wine, but Bako, Kristall, Druzhba, Livadia black, Regent, Cabernet are best suited for this purpose.

Required Ingredients:

  • Grapes - 2 buckets (for 10 liters of juice)
  • Sugar - 3 kg

For making wine from black grapes, only ripe and overripe berries are used. They are less acidic and contain a lot of sugar. It is advisable not to wash the fruits; on contact with water, most of the wild yeast present in the skin is washed off from them.

Sort the berries out of the debris and crush them with a crush or hand. In the old days, a large amount of wine was immediately made, so the berry was trampled underfoot. The grape mass is placed in a fermentation vessel, it is good if it is a large glass jar.

The jar of wort is placed in a cold room for a week. No need to cover. The contents of the vessel are stirred every day. The state of the drink must be monitored. As soon as the cake begins to sink to the bottom of the vessel, then the first stage of fermentation is over, it must be filtered immediately, otherwise it will begin to turn sour.

The wort is filtered through cheesecloth or other cloth into an enamel bucket, the vessel is rinsed and refilled with wort. If you prefer sweet wine, add a glass of sugar for every liter of liquid. Transfer the jar with home brew to a warm place. The wort should warm up enough and the sugar should dissolve. Then try "for sugar" - add more if desired.

On top of the vessel, you need to put on a rubber glove and wrap it with threads several times so that it does not "rip". The drink is left at room temperature for fermentation. After about two days, sediment will begin to settle. The liquid is again poured into the bucket, the vessel is rinsed and refilled, a new glove is put on. If the grapes were a little greenish, then the drink will be sour, you need to add more sugar.

The drink will remain in this state for the next month. During this time, the glove should “inflate” several times. You will understand about the readiness of the wine by its state, it should stop “rising”.

You need to prepare cans or bottles for wine. The container is washed with hot water and dried well. Clean and dry containers are filled with beverage and sealed tightly. If you are using bottles, they are left in a horizontal position at about a 45 ° angle. According to this recipe, homemade grape wine must be aged for another 3-4 months, although you can try it now.

Frozen grape wine recipe

Frozen grape wine is a dessert wine made from berries frozen on the vine. Eiswein is a very popular alcoholic beverage produced in the USA, Canada, Austria and Germany. This "ice wine" has a pleasant soft taste and a very rich aroma.

The recipe for making wine from grapes frozen on the vine differs from the usual method. Berries must be frozen at a temperature of at least 8 degrees below zero. In other cases, the juice cannot be extracted and the wine will not come out.

Before making wine from grapes, berries can be frozen in the freezer. Despite the fact that they will differ slightly from the collected in natural conditions, you can prepare this great drink at home regardless of the weather.

Ice wine has an average alcohol level of 9-12%, a significant sugar content of 150 to 350 g / l and a high acidity of -10-14 g / l. It is usually prepared from varieties such as Riesling or Regent, but regular wine varieties can also be used.

Since, unlike water, sugar and other solutes in grapes do not freeze, this allows a more concentrated grape must to be squeezed out of frozen grapes. The result is a small amount, but quite concentrated, very sweet wine. It takes 13-15 kg of grapes to make 350 ml of such wine, so it is not profitable to cook it at home. Despite this, many winemakers make this drink - the method of preparation is the same as for regular table wine.

Chop the berries well, add a little ball and put the wort to ferment. After about 2-3 months, the wort will ferment, it is filtered and poured into clean bottles.

DIY table grape wine

Wine made from table grapes is a wonderful homemade drink that can be enjoyed in a quiet family circle or treated to guests at a festive table.

Required Ingredients:

  • Grapes - 10 liters of juice
  • Sugar - 3-3.5 kg

Before you put the wine from grapes, you need to prepare the juice - carefully crush the fruits and squeeze. You can use the press or regular crush. We put the pulp together with the juice in a special container, mix it with a wooden spatula several times a day. After 4 days, drain the wort, if the room was cool, then you can wait five days.

We make wine at home from grapes of only wine varieties - Muscat or Regent.

Remove the raised hat from the pulp and squeeze through several layers of gauze. Put the settled juice on the stove, heat to 45 degrees and add sugar. When the sugar is dissolved, remove from heat and cool to 30 degrees. Pour the wort into glass jars, close it with a water seal and leave it warm for 3 weeks. in 21 days the young wine will be ready. It will need to be drained from the sediment and poured into small jars or bottles. If you let the drink ripen within 4 weeks, the taste will be much softer and richer.

How to put rose grape wine

Wine made from pink grapes turns out to be not only very beautiful, but also incredibly tasty. Delicate delicate floral aroma of the drink will impress even the most fastidious connoisseurs of classic wines. To make it at home you will need:

Required Ingredients:

  • Grapes - 1 bucket (for 5 liters of juice)
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg

Before making wine from grapes, you will need to sort out the berries well, carefully rejecting rotten and damaged berries.

Branches and leaves give the drink a pleasant bitterness, so you can leave them as well. We crush the prepared berries with a wooden crush.

Place the crushed grapes in an enamel pot or barrel, cover with a clean linen towel or a piece of gauze.

We put the wort in a warm place - stir it regularly at least twice a day. After 3 days, we filter the workpiece, and remove the pulp that has risen to the surface and squeeze it well. add sugar to the strained drink, mix and pour the wort into 2-3 liter glass jars. We close the cans with water-seal lids or wear ordinary rubber gloves.

Transfer the wort to a room with a temperature of 15-18 degrees for a period of at least two months. When fermentation is over, the drink will need to be carefully drained from the sediment using a straw and poured into convenient jars or bottles. Put the bottles of wine in a cool place and let the drink mature for two months. During this time, the drink will become light and acquire a pleasant delicate taste.

Homemade grape wine recipes are similar, so you can use this preparation method for any rose varieties.

The recipe for homemade wine from grapes "Lydia"

Homemade wine made from grapes "Lydia" is a very tasty and aromatic drink. Despite the fact that in some countries wines from the varieties Lydia and Isabella are prohibited due to the high content of methanol, in small quantities this drink is not only not harmful, but also useful. To prepare it you will need:

  • Grapes "Lydia" - 8 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg

Making wine from grapes begins with grinding the raw materials. To do this, you need to knead the berries well with a crush or hands. It is undesirable to use a juicer or meat grinder, as they grind not only the pulp, but also the bones.

To make wine, you will need a few kilograms of well-ripened grapes. Be sure to sort out the berries and remove any rotten or moldy fruits. Separate the berries from the brushes and crush until juiced. Place the resulting mixture in a suitable dish, add a little sugar and put it in a warm room for a few days.

When fermentation begins and all the pulp rises to the surface, it will need to be removed, and a lid with a water seal should be put on the jar. You can wear any rubber glove - just remember to make one or two small punctures to get the gas out.

Add sugar in portions - divide the total by 2-3 doses. Add sugar and stir the wort about every 4-5 days. When fermentation has completely stopped, the drink will need to be carefully drained into a clean jar so as not to touch the sediment formed at the bottom.

Strain the resulting wine through cheesecloth and bottle.

Put the wine from grapes "Lydia" to ripen in a cool place - in a month you can drink it.

Isabella wine recipe

Wine from the Isabella grape variety has a very pleasant recognizable taste. Making it at home is not difficult. To do this, you need to take the necessary ingredients and follow the recommendations from the recipe.

Squeeze the juice from carefully selected grapes. Put the pulp on the bottom of the pan and top up with water so that its volume is one third of the volume of the crushed Isabella grapes. Sprinkle all of this on top with sugar - 40 grams per liter. The mixture must be stirred and placed in a warm place for several days. After the mixture begins to ferment, and a dense foam from the pulp will form on the surface, the pulp will need to be removed, and the liquid will be poured into a clean jar. Squeeze the pulp well through several layers of cheesecloth.

All Isabella wine recipes are very similar and differ only in the amount of added sugar. The strength and sweetness of the drink will depend on its amount, so add sugar to your taste.

We bottle the wort by three quarters, and firmly close the neck with lids. Leave it at room temperature for a few days, after which you will need to wear rubber gloves or water-sealed lids.

When fermentation has completely stopped, the drink will need to be filtered several times and poured into clean cans or bottles. Put in the wine in a cool place and let it rest a little.

Homemade grape wine can be tasted right away, but it is best to let it mature. To do this, place the bottles with the drink in a cool place for several months.

Making homemade wine from grapes (with video)

Do-it-yourself wine from grapes can be done in another way. To do this, you will need to take: 5 kg of grapes, 3 kg of sugar and 12 liters of boiled water.

Crush the grapes well, add sugar to it, mix and leave for a week. Then add water and leave for another month in a warm place. When the drink has fermented well, it will need to be filtered and bottled.

And here is how grape wine is made in Georgia: 50 kg of grapes are crushed, 100 liters of water are poured, 20 kg of sugar are added and put on for 21 days. Stir every day. During this time, the cake settles, the wine is removed from the sediment and bottled.

For another way to make grape wine, see the video:

Watch a video of homemade grape wine and you will see how easy it is to make this drink at home.

Making wine at home from grape leaves

For the first time, wine from grape leaves was invented by the gardener Yarushenkov in the second half of the last century. According to his recipe, you can not throw away the shoots and leaves of the plant, but you can process and prepare a delicious aromatic drink.

Before making wine from grapes and their leaves, you will need to heat the water and bring it to a boil.

Dip the prepared leaves and young shoots in boiling water, squeeze them well so that they all submerge in the water and close the lid. Wrap the pot in a warm blanket and leave in a warm place for 3 days. The resulting wort will be sour and dark brown in color.

Add sugar (100 g per 1 liter of liquid) to the wort and stir well. After 1-2 days, active fermentation will begin - leave the drink in a warm place and put a lid with a water seal on it. After about 10 days, the drink will need to be tasted and added sugar if necessary.

Leave the wort in a cool place to ferment for another 1 week, then strain and pour into glass bottles. Drain the lees from the lees every week, leaving to ripen in a cool place. The wine will have a pleasant rich taste, and in appearance it will resemble a wonderful amber cognac.

Simple recipes for making wine from grapes are suitable for all gardeners on whose plots any variety of this magnificent berry grows.

How to make homemade grape wine

Homemade wine from different grape varieties can be prepared in a fairly simple way.

The grape berries are kneaded, the resulting pulp is heated to 75 degrees, mixed, and then cooled to 23 degrees. Dilute a 2% yeast starter culture and leave it warm. After 3 days, add to the pulp and cover with a wooden circle on top of it. With the help of this circle we press the pulp, add mineral nutrition to it, sugar in the amount of 100 g. for 1 liter. and leave under a water seal for fermentation.

The next stage of making wine from grapes is the ripening of the finished drink. After fermentation, the wine is left to settle for a couple of months, after which it is removed from the sediment.

To add a little sweetness to the drink, sugar is added to it in the amount of 120-180 gr. per liter. Then it is bottled and sealed tightly. To speed up the maturation of the finished wine, it is pasteurized for several hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. You need to store delicious grape wine in a horizontal position, in the dark and at a temperature no higher than 12 degrees.

Ingredients: 10 kg of grapes, 2 kg of sugar, 2 liters of water.

Cooking method. Remove the grapes from the bunch and knead. In this case, we do not split the bones. Place the resulting pulp under a press to extract the juice. After all the juice has been collected, put the pulp into another container, pour in a little warm boiled water, let it brew and put it under the press again.

We repeat the procedure until the juice is released. Mix the resulting juices, add 1 kg of sugar and put in a warm place to ferment. It is recommended to use wild yeast to improve the fermentation process.

On the 6-7th day of fermentation, add 50 g of sugar to the drink, on the 10th day - 400 g of sugar, on the 15th day - all the remaining sugar. After 23-27 days, filter the young wine and let it stand to form a sediment.

After that, we remove the wine from the sediment, filter it through a dense cloth, pour it into bottles and put it in a cool dark place for quiet fermentation.

After 5-6 months, carefully remove the wine from the sediment, filter, pasteurize and seal. To obtain a rich taste and aroma, the finished wine is aged for at least 3 years.

Isabella grape wine

Ingredients: 5 kg of Isabella grapes, 2 kg of sugar, 20 g of sourdough, 10 liters of water.

Cooking method. We separate the berries from the bunch, sort out, rinse and knead with our hands in an enamel bowl. Heat the pulp over low heat to 60 ° C, then cool. We discard the mass in a colander and squeeze out the juice.

Dilute the resulting juice with water and sugar, stir to dissolve the sugar, and add the leaven. We put the container in a warm place, close it with a water seal, leave it to ferment for 2 months.

If desired, we sweeten the finished wine with sugar syrup, pour it into bottles and pasteurize.

Grape-raspberry wine

Ingredients: 8 kg of grapes, 2 kg of raspberries, 3 kg of sugar, 4 liters of water.

Cooking method. We wash the grapes, dry them and knead them with our hands so that the juice begins to stand out abundantly. We sort out the raspberries and knead them separately.

Combine both masses, mix, place in a container, cover with a cloth and leave to ferment in a warm room. The mass must be mixed 2 times a day.

After 6-7 days, squeeze the juice out of the mass. We heat the water to 40 ° C, dissolve the sugar in it. Pour the prepared syrup into the grape juice, close the container with a cork with a water seal, leave it to ferment for 45-60 days.

We remove the finished wine from the sediment, sweeten it to taste, bottle it, pasteurize and store it.

Grape-currant wine

Ingredients: 5 kg of black currant, 10 kg of red grapes, 500 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Separate the black currant berries from the stalks, rinse and pass through a juicer. We squeeze the juice from the grapes, pour it into another container, heat it to 25-30 ᵒС, add sugar and, without cooling, mix with black currant juice.

Pour the resulting wort into a glass bottle, close the lid with a water seal and leave to ferment at room temperature for 10-12 days.

When the fermentation process is over, the wine is filtered and bottled.

Ingredients: 1.2 kg of raisins, 300 g of sugar, 2.5 liters of water.

Cooking method. We sort out the raisins, wash them, put them in a 5-liter jar. Dissolve sugar in warm water, pour raisins with this solution. Leave for fermentation for 2 weeks. The container must be shaken periodically. Pour the resulting infusion into a separate container, carefully knead the raisins remaining in the jar. Pour in the drained liquid, top up with water.

Cover the container and leave to ferment for 30-40 days. As fermentation proceeds, the water from the barrel will evaporate, so it must be refilled periodically.

We remove the young wine from the sediment, let it stand for another 2-3 months, so that small particles settle. We drain the wine again, bottle it and seal it.

Line of grape wines - white, rose, red

The grapes at the strongest pressing are able to give no more than 80% of the juice, in which the pulp will be present. After fermentation, the pulp will settle, and after draining the wine from the sediment, you can get about 70-75% of the original mass. The sugar in homemade wine is glucose and fructose. The sweetest grape varieties may contain 25% or more.

Grape wine without added sugar is called dry, if sugar is added, the wine becomes sweet, semi-sweet or semi-dry. With the addition of ethyl alcohol - fortified. A separate technology is used to make dessert and sparkling wines. If aroma components are added to the wine, it becomes flavored. Homemade wine can be made from one grape variety, and it will be varietal, or from several varieties - the wine will be separate or blended.

Making wine at home from grapes is a fun process. Traditionally, men are engaged in winemaking in families, however, this is not at all a prerequisite for success. Housewives often make equally wonderful and delicious wines, although they find it difficult to lift or move large wine bottles and containers.

Homemade wine is an incomparable pleasure!

The benefits and dangers of homemade wine

Homemade wine, prepared without heating the raw materials, as well as without the addition of preservatives, dyes and flavors, contains many vitamins, minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium), which has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. Pectins are good for the intestines and remove toxins from the body. Phenolic compounds found in dark-colored skin are often physiologically active substances and have a protective effect on the cells of the body.

Alcohol and high sugar content in house wines can adversely affect the state of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and pancreas. Making wine at home from grapes according to all the rules that we will analyze will help you get a drink that increases health and brings joy to the house!

Indications and contraindications for drinking homemade wine

It should be noted that the indications are advisory in nature, while contraindications are urgent. Homemade wine is recommended to be consumed in small quantities in case of loss of strength, as a vitamin and tonic, which has the property of increasing appetite. Red wine, rich in potassium and phenolic compounds, is recommended to be consumed to maintain heart function, as well as to rejuvenate the body.

Homemade wine is contraindicated for elderly people with disorders of the heart and blood vessels, people with diseases of the stomach, pancreas and liver, suffering from migraines, as well as pregnant women, children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Calorie content of homemade wine

In dry light wines from white and red grapes, the calorie content does not exceed 85 kcal / 100 g, dessert wines with a high sugar and alcohol content have a caloric content approaching 200 kcal / 100 g of the product.

Varieties for homemade grape wine

The varieties that can be taken to make homemade grape wine vary considerably across regions. The northern border of the industrial viticulture of the Russian Federation runs at the level of the Volgograd region, where you can find classic European varieties with the highest wine-making properties: Riesling, Rkatsiteli, Saperavi, Chardonnay, Aligote, Krasnostop Zolotovsky and many others. In more northern regions, varieties of the famous breeder A.I. Potapenko, for example, Amethyst. They are great for making homemade grape wine. In the northern regions of the Russian Federation, American grape varieties grow: Isabella, Lydia, but for winemaking they should be taken less and blended with other varieties, for example Moldova. This is due to the biochemical processes occurring during the fermentation of these varieties.

Lydia is a hardy, vigorous grape variety with dark pink berries, sweet and pleasant to eat fresh, belongs to the isabelle group of American varieties. The taste is the so-called "strawberry" or, as it is called in another way, "fox".

Lydia grape variety

Isabel- a winter-hardy grape variety with dark blue, almost black berries, the juice is densely colored, resistant to diseases and pests of the vine. Wine made from Isabella grapes at home turns out to be very dark, saturated, it is permissible to dilute it with water or adding juice from another variety. It is good only in the first one to two years of cooking, over time it acquires a putrid taste.

Isabella grape variety

Moldova- late variety with dark colored berries, its taste is harmonious. Wine from Moldova is sweet and without additional sugar.

Grape variety Moldova

Bianca- many growers of the north grow this white berry variety with bushes covering for the winter. Bianchi berries ripen early, have time to collect a lot of sugar, they are very juicy, and they are easy to mash for making wine from white grapes at home.

Platovsky- a promising white grape variety for northern viticulture, very early, accumulates a lot of sugar, resistant to diseases and pests.

Grape variety Platovsky

Preparing to make wine at home

Let's take a closer look at how to make homemade wine from grapes. The preparatory stage consists of two steps: picking or purchasing grapes and preparing containers for fermentation.

If the grapes are grown on their own, you should wait for the moment of their full maturity, in another way it is called "technical maturity". Ripe berries are the sweetest, moderately hard, the seeds are dark in color. If you overexpose the bunches on the bush, they can crumble, and the taste of the berries will become bland.

What to look for when buying wine grapes:

  1. The combs on the bunches should not be dry. It is best if they are green or slightly covered with gray bark.
  2. There should be no spoiled berries in the bunches.
  3. All bunches are of the same variety.

How to choose a container for homemade wine

When pressed from 10 kg of grapes, approximately 7 liters of juice will be obtained. For the initial fermentation, the container must be 1/3 full. These values ​​are guided when choosing the volume of containers. It is also necessary to provide an additional container in which fermentation will take place parallel to the main one, the young wine from it will be used to add to the main dishes. Some vendors offer aspiring vintner kits.

Plastic container for fermentation.

How to make wine from grapes and the stages of fermentation

Sourdough is made a few days before the wine is made. A small amount of grapes is kneaded and left to ferment, for example, in a 2 liter jar.

Wine grapes should not be washed, as the skin deposits contain yeast, which will determine the fermentation process. The berries are freed from the ridges and sent for pressing. If there is no special hand press, then pressing can be done manually: knead the grapes well and squeeze it using a hard object, for example, a wooden rolling pin. Many people ask the question: how to make grape wine at home, and can juicers be used? The answer is yes, you can. It is especially good to ferment the juice squeezed out of white grapes using a juicer without holding it on the pulp. The photo below shows a hand press for pressing grape juice.

Manual press for pressing grapes

To get a rich color wine, fermentation is carried out together with the pulp. Juice is already called wort. Sourdough is added to it and placed in a warm place at a temperature of 18-20 o C. At a very high temperature, the yeast dies, and at a lower temperature, the process will go too slowly. At the optimum temperature, vigorous fermentation begins on day 3-4. The container should be kept under a polyethylene lid, which is slightly permeable to gases. Another option is a rubber glove, which is lightly punctured. Another option is to cut a rubber tube into the polyethylene cover, the free end of which is lowered into the water. By the intensity of the boiling water, you can determine the degree of fermentation. At this time, the pulp is stirred several times a day, trying to drown it in the wort. When the bubbling stops, the pulp is finally squeezed out and completely removed from the container. Depending on the temperature, the vigorous fermentation period lasts from 5 to 14 days. In the photo you can see containers with fermenting wort.

Large bottles for making wine

Fermented wort containers

Wine yeast

For better fermentation, a pure yeast culture is added to the wort (available in specialized stores). At the same time, the wine turns out to be more tasty and harmonious.

After the end of the period of vigorous fermentation, sediment accumulates at the bottom of the tank. At this time, the wine is carefully poured into another container of smaller volume. For overflow, use a rubber tube and use the communicating vessel method. After a period of vigorous fermentation, a quiet fermentation occurs (a very weak process). It can last from 1 month to 2-3 years.

Homemade grape wine: recipe and proportions

Squeeze the grapes removed from the bunches in an enamel bowl, if there is no press, squeeze by hand and drain into a glass fermentation vessel, add the pulp. If the skin of the grapes is thick and very intensely colored, the pulp can be used for fermentation not all, but leave part for another wine, prepared on the pulp with sugar. Grape sourdough, made in advance, 4-5 days before filling the main container, is added to the vessel with the wort. The wort with the pulp is stirred daily, the intensity of fermentation is monitored. If the room is warm, the process can be very violent, with the contents splashing out, while the walls and ceiling can get indelible purple stains.


A container with fermenting grape juice cannot be ignored!

After 7-10 days, the process subsides, a cloudy sediment settles at the bottom. The wine should be drained into another container and refilled from an additional container. The maximum length of time a wine can be kept in its original container depends on the temperature. So, if it does not exceed 18 ° C, then the wine is kept on the pulp for up to 15 days. The drained wine is kept under a plastic lid for about 1 month. Then it is bottled and stored in a cool place. This is how dry wine is prepared from grapes at home. The photo shows the transfer and removal of homemade wine from the lees.

Transfusion and removal of the lees from the lees of young homemade wine

Homemade sweet and semi-sweet grape wine, a simple recipe

For semi-sweet wine, grapes are removed from the ridges, crumpled and squeezed. The fermentation process is started by adding sourdough. After 5 days, add sugar at the rate of 50 g of sugar per 1 liter of grape juice. The fermenting wort is kept for another 5 days and the same amount of sugar is added. The further process is the same as in the manufacture of dry wine.

To make a sweet wine, add sugar three times. The third time - before draining young wine and sending it to quiet fermentation. Many add sugar to wine before drinking to taste. This is wrong, since the sugar will not be fermented, although such wine will seem very tasty to many.

Recipe for strong homemade grape wine

Fortified wine is first prepared in the same way as sweet, but at the time of the third addition of sugar, alcohol or vodka is poured in at the same time. The easiest way is to add vodka at the rate of 5 parts of young wine - 1 part of vodka. The addition of ethyl alcohol will stop fermentation and the wine will taste more like fresh grapes. In this way, dessert wines are made that can be drunk at the end of a meal with various desserts, including sweets.

A simple recipe for homemade wine from Isabella grapes

Pure Isabella wine is very rich, and it is advisable to make it with a slight dilution with plain water. If sweet or semi-sweet wine is made, then water is added at the first addition of sugar at the rate of 800 ml of juice and 200 ml of water. Further, the wine is prepared according to the recipe for semi-sweet, sweet or fortified wine.

In a special publication of our portal, we will tell you in detail how to make homemade wine from Isabella grapes. You will learn the basic stages of preparation and familiarize yourself with five recipes for wine.

Lydia grape wine

The Lydia grape variety is very sweet, and for a harmonious taste it can be prepared according to a semi-sweet wine recipe, but add sugar only once in a proportion of 40 g / 1 liter of juice.

Wine from grape cake at home

After squeezing the juice, there are still many coloring substances in the cake, and in the grape seeds there is oil, tannins and physiologically active substances. All these valuable components can be extracted if everything is done according to a simple step-by-step recipe for making homemade wine from grapes:

  • In the cake, add water at the rate of 200-300 ml and sugar 40-50 g per 1 kg of cake.
  • Put the mixture on low heat and heat to a temperature of 75-80 ° C.
  • Pour into a container, add yeast leaven and leave to ferment.
  • After the end of fermentation, the wine is poured into another container for quiet fermentation, after 1 month it is bottled.

Maturation and aging of homemade wine

After passing the stage of quiet fermentation, the drink is bottled and sealed with corks. In general, grape wines mature for a long time, within 2-3 years. Maturation occurs in bottles when stored in a basement, refrigerator, or cool room. The shortest period from production to consumption for fortified wines. They can be tasted as early as 3-4 weeks after preparation. Sweet and semi-sweet wines should be allowed to mature for 3-6 months. Dry wine is best tasted between 6 months and 1 year.

Capping wine

Storage options for homemade wine