Egg chatterbox. Scrambled Eggs - Step by Step Recipe

06.11.2019 Salads

Scrambled eggs are probably the most popular breakfast dish, not only in our country, but in the whole world. Each country has its own numerous recipes for scrambled eggs, well, and the simplest of them is, of course, scrambled eggs. It is with this dish that the path to culinary begins most often, it is this dish for many that is the first self-prepared, and even in distant childhood.

Over time, our culinary skills improve, many become real aces in culinary. But the very first dish is still relevant and in demand, not only because it is quickly prepared, but also because it is unusually tasty and healthy.

Even children know how to cook scrambled eggs. So with me, such scrambled eggs were the first independent dish. We called it "Shake". Often I cook it and now, I think, soon my granddaughter will master this simple recipe.

We need two eggs for one serving, but this, of course, is very individual: someone wants all four. Wash the eggs, break them into a bowl and add salt. You can add pepper immediately, or you can add pepper to an already prepared dish.

Mix the eggs well with a whisk, fork or spoon. You don't need to whip, just make it so that the mass is homogeneous. Add a little water - 1-2 tablespoons per egg - and mix again.

You can start frying. Before pouring the eggs, heat the pan well with butter or vegetable oil. The edges will immediately "grip".

Move the toasted edges with a spatula. The liquid egg mass will immediately rush to the vacant place. We also move the new fried mass aside, and so on until all the liquid is fried. It takes only a few minutes.

If the scrambled eggs lose their shape, it's not scary. For scrambled eggs, this is perfectly acceptable.

Put it on a plate. You can use it both independently and with various additions - bacon, tomatoes, herbs, cheese, etc.

Chatterbox - breakfast is every bit as tasty as a proper French omelet, and at the same time, perhaps easier to prepare. The ideal scrambled eggs take some practice to know exactly when the moment is right to stir the eggs in the pan or remove them from the heat, but practice is profitable. However, to cook with a chatterbox without filling is to deprive ourselves of special pleasure, and we don't want that, right? Therefore, you can safely use this recipe for cooking both ordinary (but ideal) chatterbox, and for scrambled eggs with a variety of fillings.

Perfect Scrambled Eggs

Crack the eggs into a bowl, season with salt, beat with a fork and let sit for 10-15 minutes while you work on the rest of the ingredients. What you need to do with them depends on the fillings you choose: chopped greens, grated cheese, finely chopped tomatoes should be added to the egg mixture just before frying, and the ham, mushrooms, onions and bell peppers should be quickly fried in a pan before you add eggs.

There is only one exception: bacon, which I prefer to fry beforehand and add to the plate. If you use it, put the pan on a low-medium heat (it is better to use the one with a non-stick coating and a flexible silicone spatula - bacon does not care, but scrambled eggs will be easier to cook with scrambled eggs), fry the bacon strips until golden brown and transfer to paper towels if you cook eggs without bacon - melt a piece of butter in a frying pan. Pour most of the butter (or melted fat) over the eggs and stir quickly, add the filling as described above and pour the egg mixture into the skillet.

After waiting 20 seconds for the eggs to grab slightly, begin with gentle movements of the scapula to shift them from the edges to the middle, so that the eggs, which have already acquired a dense consistency, are mixed with the still liquid ones. Stir the contents of the pan every 10 seconds, and when you notice that there are almost no liquid areas left, stir the eggs one last time and remove from heat: they will reach perfect creaminess in the cooling pan on their own. Arrange the eggs in bowls, season with black pepper, add fried bacon, garnish with chopped herbs and grated cheese, drizzle with truffle oil if you have one, and serve immediately with breakfast.

Scrambled Eggs Recipe - Three in One

Kitchen equipment and utensils: a deep small bowl (preferably made of thermal glass or food-grade metal), a wooden spatula, a dining fork, a whisk, a saucepan, a ladle, a frying pan.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • Chicken eggs for scrambled eggs preferable to buy pets or an eco-product - purchased at an eco-shop.
  • It is believed that the most delicious chicken eggs come from free-range birds.
  • For scrambled eggs can be used both creamy and vegetable(olive oil.
  • Salt is best used finely ground or fine sea salt.
  • Ground black pepper is not added to a classic dish... They can be sprinkled on an individual portion.
  • Depending on your taste preferences, you can add milk or cream to the dish.

Cooking scrambled eggs step by step

Breakfast of eggs is not deprived of popularity. The British consider it their national treasure, the French simply cannot imagine breakfast without delicious scrambled eggs, but we can talk about the American tradition of a full breakfast indefinitely.

Chatterbox in English in a saucepan

In order not to overexpose eggs on a hot surface, they need to be collected to one edge. The consistency of the mass should be heterogeneous, and consist of pieces of coagulated protein and a liquid creamy yolk substance. Put the finished scrambled eggs on freshly made toast and serve.

The French version of scrambled eggs is pasty in texture, the protein lumps are smaller, but they are clearly visible in the dish.

The substance of the American dish is glossy, thick and delicate in texture, layers mixed with each other. Our family loves this method of cooking scrambled eggs the most. And I serve all three options traditionally - either on a piece of fresh loaf, or on lightly toasted toast.

Video recipe

And yet, I found a master class demo from Jamie Oliver that I want to bring to your attention. All three principles of making this uncomplicated dish are demonstrated here. Enjoy watching and take on all three methods of scrambled eggs.

Egg breakfast is the most nutritious. It is very simple and quick to prepare. Dish served as an independent... You can serve tea or coffee, fresh or canned vegetables, herbs, salads to it. They also make a dish with a filling, and the filling can be either meat or filled with vegetables or mushrooms.

Basic common truths

  • The cooking method affects not only the appearance of the dish, but also on its taste.
  • Even though this is a simple dish, it does take some skill to be sure not to miss the moment of taking it off the heat to keep it dry.
  • The longer the eggs are cooked, the more more their taste resembles "gum".
  • Scrambled eggs are the most unpretentious, hearty and high-calorie breakfast.
  • For dinner, egg dishes are not recommended by nutritionists., because in the evening they lie heavily on the stomach and hinder the work of the pancreas.

Exists many recipes for making eggs for breakfast... I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular recipes for its preparation.

  • Pay attention to a very simple two-in-one recipe positioned on this portal as. Very simply and very quickly you can feed the whole family with breakfast.
  • Take note, and do not confuse scrambled eggs with, since the methods of preparation of these dishes are completely different, and the taste is very different.
  • For lovers of fried eggs, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipe, which is prepared very, very simply.
  • For those who are prescribed a diet, for a variety of a modest menu, I recommend asking. This unpretentious dish will significantly enrich the diet with high-calorie food.
  • For fans of exotic dishes, I suggest seeing how the traditional is prepared and getting acquainted with the various methods of its preparation.
  • Probably, there is no more popular summer dish than simply does not exist. It is here that you will find several ways and methods using modern household appliances to prepare it.
  • And "under the curtain" I propose to get acquainted with the classic cooking.

If you liked my recipes, leave your feedback on this page. Also, tell us how you cook bird eggs for your family. After all, there are a lot of cooking methods.

Intrigued me while reading Rex Stout's novel The Hunt for the Mother of the detective cycle of books about Nero Wolfe. When a famous culinary detective asks his next client if she knows how to cook scrambled eggs, I realize that not only I do not know how to cook, but simply know little about this dish. It turned out that I knew him in absentia. She often avoided this strange-looking, crumbled omelet when traveling. I got used to cooking lush. The correct scrambled eggs according to Nero Wolfe, according to classic French cuisine, are cooked in 40 minutes using the French chef Escoffier's method using a double boiler. The French way of cooking allows you to cook the perfect scrambled eggs of impeccable quality.

Wolfe looked at Lucy ...
- Do you like eggs?
She laughed. She looked at me and I laughed too. Wolfe glared at us both.
- What the hell did you find funny about eggs? Mrs. Weldon, can you make scrambled eggs?
- Oh sure.
- Using Mr. Goodwin's favorite expression, you can safely bet ten against one, which you do not know how. I will cook scrambled eggs for breakfast and you will be convinced of this. Warn me forty minutes before you're ready.
- In forty minutes?
- Yes. I knew that you do not know how.

The Hunt for the Mother, Rex Stout

A common European or American breakfast of scrambled eggs takes ten minutes to cook. The speed of preparation explains the wide popularity of the chatterbox among the inhabitants of many countries of the world. Scrambled eggs in taste occupies an intermediate position between coarse scrambled eggs and a delicate fluffy omelet. Recipe ingredients differ from cook to cook. For cooking, butter or vegetable oil is used; milk or water; sour cream, grated cheese, various spices are added. Thickeners such as starch or flour are added to reduce the risk of burning the food during cooking. Scrambled eggs get their name from the way they are cooked: the eggs are constantly stirred during cooking. The British prefer to achieve a fine, uniform texture by thoroughly stirring the scrambled eggs while cooking. The Americans, gently stirring the scrambled eggs towards the middle, achieve a granular texture of the dish - the formation of granular egg cottage cheese. Scrambled eggs have incorporated the benefits of scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs. It cooks quickly like scrambled eggs, it turns out to be a soft, delicate consistency like an omelet. Variations of the dish with various additives and serving options are found in many countries around the world. American-style, the dish is served garnished with fried bacon and cherry tomato halves.

One of the founders of The Beatles, Paul McCartney, was not indifferent to the chatterbox. The legendary tune Yesterday was originally called the comic title Scrambled Eggs and contained the lyrics: Scrambled eggs, Oh, my baby how I love your legs.

Not everyone is ready to eat a cholesterol cocktail of eggs, butter and fried bacon in the morning. For adherents of a dietary and healthy lifestyle, there are dietary recipes for the dish. Diet version of scrambled eggs is prepared with refined olive oil, milk or water. The taste of variations of a dish with milk or water will subtly differ in a creamy shade, but the consistency of both options will be soft and tender. You can diversify the taste by adding a spoonful of low-fat sour cream, grated cheese, various spices, additives to the main ingredients. When preparing chatterbox for baby food or a diet menu, you should not get carried away with spices. For cooking, use a steel, cast-iron or thick-bottomed pan. We will cook scrambled eggs in the American way - with gentle stirring, forming soft egg lumps. We remove a little undercooked from the fire with a chatterbox. It will reach the desired readiness due to the internal heat of the egg mixture. If you overexpose the chatterbox on fire, the lumps will lose their softness and juiciness.

The first photo shows scrambled eggs cooked in milk, the second in water. The finished dish is served hot with bran bread toasts or stacked on top of them. You can decorate the dish with chopped herbs, baked tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms.

Scrambled eggs - recipe for cooking in milk


Scrambled eggs - recipe for cooking in water


  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Chilled boiled water - 100 g
  • Refined olive oil - 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Spices to taste

Cooking scrambled eggs with water is similar to cooking with milk. The only difference is that the egg mixture is prepared by replacing milk with water.

  1. Pour a teaspoon of vegetable oil into a frying pan or thick-walled pan. We put on a slow fire. Strong fire dries up the finished dish.
  2. Prepare an egg mixture of eggs, chilled boiled water, salt, spices. First, mix thoroughly until the eggs are homogeneous, then add cooled boiled water, salt, spices.
  3. Do not whisk the ingredients into a foam, but gently mix with a fork, whipping movements until smooth.
  4. Pour the prepared mixture into the heated olive oil.
    When the protein begins to curl, begin to gently stir the mixture with a wooden spatula to the middle of the pan (saucepan), forming soft egg grains.
  5. We remove the chatterbox from the fire when all the fried eggs acquire a grainy texture. Due to the internal heat, the eggs will quickly reach readiness. Overcooked chatterbox loses the softness and delicate creaminess of the lumps.
  6. Freshly fried scrambled eggs are served hot, You can put the eggs on bran bread toast, season with chopped herbs. You can decorate the dish with baked cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms.


1. Vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive) 1-3 tbsp. spoons, as if in fried eggs.

2. Eggs (depending on the composition of the family, there are four of us, but it is possible less, more can be) - 5 pcs.

3. Slice of bacon, ham or ham (I have a ham) 1-2 pcs

4. A small piece of cheese - here 3 pieces of medium thickness "Russian".

5. Cucumber and tomato were not included in the photo (they were found later).

6. Greens - there is parsley, but the basil is also very suitable, it just ran out, and the new one has not yet matured.

So - it's time to pour the oil into the pan and while it is heating we chop the meat and cheese into cubes.

Eggs in a bowl and pepper (or other favorite spices) in my case SMP (fresh ground pepper), BUT do not salt! There is salt in cheese and meat :).

And whip, without fanaticism, tk. no time.

Here it is necessary to make a small explanation - it is necessary to stir on the fire immediately and continuously, I paused for photographing, because the quality of the finished product was reduced. What can you do - documentary filming.

Pour into a frying pan.

We do not stop interfering (fotik, infection, does not).

Cheese with meat would be needed almost immediately (after 10 seconds), but it doesn't matter.

If the pan is hot, then the dish becomes ready in 40-60 seconds. The main sign of readiness is protein folding, as soon as all the protein is curdled - covered with a lid - turn off the heat. And set the table at a run, and here the kettle began to sing. Rushing into the refrigerator for a creamy one brought two additional trophies: a cucumber and a tomato - to their cause! There would have been time, I would have hit the road to the garden for a green onion, but the crowd had already rushed in, and then my back thought suggested adding a couple of slices of sweet pepper, but everything had already been eaten.

Well, here's the result:

As a result, the dish took 4 minutes (the fotik took time) and the whole breakfast in 7 minutes. The son was not late for school, the whole family had breakfast.

P.S. In our family, we call such a dish scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs (because you have to stir or "chat" all the time). Of course, this food looks more like a yum, but there is one BUT! The eggs prepared in this way are very tender, because they do not have prolonged contact with hot surfaces and, as a result, they are simply delicious. Cheese and meat (by the way, it is possible without meat) simply expand, complement the taste. By the way, if you add cheese right away, it disappears visually - it mixes with the egg almost completely, but the aroma remains. Well, the main bonus is time!