Gourmet cold snacks. A simple and beautiful holiday snack "Funny Penguins"

29.08.2019 Dishes for children

How to set the tables in the office yourself, so that it is not only tasty, but also aesthetically pleasing for a restaurant? How to treat a large company if the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is more than modest? What snacks and an aperitif at the wedding to offer guests so that they do not get bored while the newlyweds are busy with a photo session? Finally, how is it unusual to set the table on New Year's Eve so that all guests can not only have a hearty meal, but also dance, sing, arrange quizzes and play games? The answer suggests itself - you need to arrange a festive buffet table.

The main thing in the article

Buffet: when is it appropriate and irreplaceable?

It was the practical and sophisticated French who came up with the term "buffet", which means "fork". That is, all the food that is served at the buffet table should fit on one fork. A distinctive feature of the buffet table is that people are not seated at tables, but move freely around the room with a glass and a small plate in their hands, which does not prevent them from feeling comfortable and communicating with each other. Before arranging a buffet table, you need to familiarize yourself with its first rules, one might say, commandments:

  • the number of dishes that will be on the tables (plates, glasses, spoons, forks and napkins) should be two or even three times more than the invited guests;

  • sometimes it makes sense to buy disposable tableware, but only of the same sample and of decent quality, stylized and aesthetic;
  • at the entrance it would be good to arrange a "hospitality table" with an aperitif: champagne, cognac, liqueurs or liqueurs;

  • tables with treats should be located so that it is easy and simple to get to them;
  • buffet tables should be slightly higher than ordinary kitchen tables: usually their height is slightly more than a meter.

Traditional buffet meals: what snacks are right?

All kinds of cold snacks are very popular on the buffet table: small sandwiches, multi-layered canapes, stuffed vegetables, and especially rolls and mini-rolls with various fillings.

Not a single buffet table is complete without exquisitely decorated cuts of meat and sausages, cheese plates, and fruit platters.

Beautifully designed tartlets with different fillings, various sandwiches, snacks on skewers, slices or chips - all this will not only become part of a wonderful menu for any occasion, but also perfect for any corporate event, business reception or a friendly party.

If you want to have a fun holiday, be sure to arrange for alcoholic drinks in advance. Basically, guests at the buffet table are offered champagne, table wines, a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

What shouldn't be served at the buffet table?

According to the rules of the buffet table, all dishes and snacks that are served on it must be "for one bite", that is, they are decorated very concisely, but succinctly and compactly. At the buffet table, they are not at all welcome:

  • a variety of first courses, in particular soups, at least in their usual serving;
  • traditional hot dishes - potatoes, meat, roasts, all kinds of stews and casseroles - are strongly discouraged. It should be convenient for the guest to put snacks on the plate and eat them with only one fork;

  • fish should be thoroughly deboned and thinly sliced: guests should not feel discomfort when picking their hands in a plate in order to separate bones from flesh;
  • puff salads in traditional salad bowls are not allowed at the buffet table: there are many other ways to serve your favorite, sauced dishes at such an event.

Cold appetizers for the holiday: a tribute to the classics

Basically, the buffet table consists of cold snacks, which should be light, unobtrusive, for every taste. At the same time, they should be portioned so that guests do not have to cut or divide the dish, trying to take a piece for themselves.

Before a buffet table, you should carefully think over the menu and serve universal snacks that will be good both cold and hot, since it is not customary to warm up food at such an event. The food should be in harmony with the drinks offered to the guests. So, we offer you several popular and proven options for buffet meals.

Hcut and rolls for the festive table

Traditionally, at the buffet table, it is customary to serve a variety of cuts: meat, vegetables, cheese and fruit platter. Sliced \u200b\u200bdishes look very nice, especially if you don't just put meat and sausages on the dish, but combine them with other products, such as olives, wrap them in rolls, or string them on skewers.

The cheese plateau looks very advantageous: several types of cheese are cut in various ways: hard cheese is cut in plates or triangles, and soft cheeses are cut into cubes.

It is customary to put grapes, honey and nuts on the dish along with cheese: these products are in perfect harmony with each other.

Cold appetizers for the festive table in the form of rolls are not only nutritious, but also very beautiful dishes that diversify and make the menu of any feast original. You can make such rolls from almost any product: lavash, cheese, fish, zucchini, pieces of meat or ham, as well as wrap all kinds of filling in pancakes, omelette and crab sticks.

The most popular rolls at buffets are:

  • cheese rolls with meat or mushroom filling;
  • ham rolls with "Jewish" salad and herbs;
  • rolls of pita bread or puff pastry (meat, red fish, caviar, processed cheese with salmon or mushrooms are suitable as a filling);

  • zucchini or cucumber rolls stuffed with pasty cream cheese;

  • herring rolls with chopped gherkins or Korean carrots as a filling. This option for serving herring looks much more original and festive than a banal fillet, cut into pieces, and is eaten by guests in a matter of minutes.

Very unusual is a cheese roll with chicken and mushrooms. To make it you need:

  • boil chicken fillet and one chicken egg;
  • chop and fry mushrooms;
  • chop all the ingredients, mix them and season with mayonnaise, adding a little greens;
  • grate 500-700 grams of hard cheese, send it to the microwave or oven for a couple of minutes: the cheese should melt and acquire a viscous, pasty consistency;
  • lay a cling film or parchment for baking on the table and "pour" the cheese on it, smoothing the edges with a spoon;
  • after waiting for the cheese to dry out a little, evenly distribute the filling on it; \\
  • roll a tight roll of cheese;
  • wrap it in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours;
  • nicely cut into circles and serve.

Lavash or omelet rolls are made in the same way. You can wrap any products in them that are in harmony with each other to taste.

Do not forget about fruit slicing: fruits and berries should definitely decorate the buffet table, and they can be served in an original and elegant way:

Sandwiches and canapes

The simplest appetizer at a buffet table is sandwiches. You can cook countless numbers of them and they will all be completely and irrevocably eaten, the main thing is to serve them beautifully and effectively, using a variety of products for cooking. It is convenient to use different breads as a basis for them:

  • white toast - for club sandwiches, sandwiches with caviar, red and white fish;

  • black - for sandwiches with herring, bacon and pickles;

  • crackers - used to serve canapes: cheese with olives and herbs is served on savory ones, on sweet ones - sweet cream with berries.

Potato pancakes are suitable as a basis for sandwiches: any salted fish is good with them. Even simple foods such as black bread, lettuce, cream cheese, small tomatoes and olives can be used to make very effective and mouth-watering sandwiches.

Take note of a few more extraordinary ways to make canapes.

Snacks on skewers and tartlets

The simplest ones, however, are no less tasty for this, are cold snacks served in tartlets. You can bake them yourself, or you can buy them ready-made in any store. These small baskets can be filled with any salad, garnished with a sprig of parsley or a few eggs, and an original, delicious appetizer is ready.

The following combinations are great as fillings for tartlets:

  • processed cheese and seafood;
  • liver, carrots and pickled cucumbers;
  • chicken, prunes and fresh cucumber;
  • cheese with garlic and olives;
  • smoked meat or chicken and pickled mushrooms.

These snacks can be served in a different way by placing them on large potato chips of the same size, or alternatively on savory crackers.

The most popular food for the buffet table is the skewer snacks, as they are very convenient to eat and very easy to prepare.

You can put any products that go well with each other on the skewers. On them you can string meat cubes, thin slices of ham and cheese, miniature pickled mushrooms and gherkins, cheese with grapes, as well as various seafood - mussels, shrimps and others.

The appetizer is very original and tasty "Taste of Italy", and it is very simple to prepare. For this you will need:

  • 200 g mozzarella in small balls;
  • 2 sprigs of cherry tomatoes;
  • a bunch of green basil;
  • a handful of dried basil.

Remove the mozzarella from the brine, dry and roll in dried herbs. A tomato, a leaf of green basil and a mozzarella ball are strung on a skewer.

Stuffed dishes at the buffet

Stuffed dishes are an excellent option for cold appetizers, because many products "lend themselves" to stuffing, the contents of which can be taken out and filled with something tasty, resulting in an appetizer with a harmonious, refined taste. An excellent option for a cold holiday snack will be:

  • eggs stuffed with canned salmon and garnished with red caviar;

  • tomatoes stuffed with crab salad;
  • halved sweet bell pepper, cored, filled with any salad.

An original and elegant snack that will decorate any table is "Fly agaric". To prepare it you will need:

  • a few cherry tomatoes, cut in half;
  • 200 g ham;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 1 large cucumber;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream.

Stages of preparing a snack:

  • in a separate dish, mix the diced ham, grated cheese and eggs;
  • dressing the salad with sauce;
  • cut the cucumber into rings of medium size;
  • collect the fly agarics: first put the cucumber rings on a flat dish, put the balls on them, which we "roll" from the ham-cheese salad, and on the balls we place the tomato halves - the caps of our mushrooms.

In order for the appetizer to take on a finished, believable look, you need to put dots of mayonnaise on the caps of the fly agarics.

Mini baked goods: what to serve at the buffet table?

Baking is very welcome at the buffet table, but all of it should be in mini-format: if pies, then miniature, if pies, then cut into tiny portions. Eclairs with cheese and liver filling and small puff buns, which can be stuffed with any salads, are very relevant.

At the buffet table, it is customary to serve pancakes stuffed with everything you like, in several serving options:

  • fold the pancake greased with filling into a roll, cut into small pieces, decorate with herbs, caviar;
  • we fold the spring roll with a neat envelope;
  • put the minced meat in the middle of the pancake, collect the edges to form a bag, and connect the ends with a feather of green onions.

Today muffins are very popular at buffets - miniature muffins with or without filling. Such an appetizer successfully replaces even a cake, because you can serve several options for muffins and guests will try them all.

Hot dishes for a buffet table

Although the format of such a holiday as a buffet table does not imply heating food, it is necessary to have a hot meal at such an event. Ideal as hot dishes:

  • kebabs on bamboo sticks from chicken or pork;

  • mini-kebabs of mussels, shrimps or chicken hearts;
  • julienne from chicken or seafood in portioned bowls or tartlets;

  • meat rolls with various fillings (mushrooms, ham, cheese, bacon);
  • as a side dish at the buffet table, you can serve boiled young potatoes, sprinkled with herbs and skewered.

For a buffet table, fondue is perfect: in a sauce container, hard or processed cheese is heated and brought to a liquid consistency, to which you can add herbs and spices. Anything can be dipped in such a sauce: small sausages, cubes of sausage and cheese, croutons, miniature potatoes, pastries.

Recipes for "trendy" snacks for buffets: modern ways of serving dishes

Over time, not only new recipes for buffet meals become popular, but also the ways of serving them are improving.

Snacks in transparent glasses : a very trendy treat for even the most sophisticated buffets. You can put everything in a glass: from thick sauces (guacamole, sour cream with garlic and dill, eggplant pulp, mashed with herbs, garlic and cheese, to creamy soups).

In such glasses, you can dip skewers with lightly salted herring strung on them, boiled or baked meat, ham, croutons with vegetables.

Surprise guests with original presentation of simple products, prepare a snack "Chinese chopsticks". To prepare it, you will need a package of ordinary straws and 300 g of red slightly salted salmon. The fish is cut into the finest slices and overlapped onto each straw. If necessary, the base of the straw can be tied with a green onion feather.

In the same way, you can serve thinly sliced \u200b\u200bham and salami, and use cheese sticks instead of straws. These sticks are served by placing them in glasses.

Club sandwiches - unusual sandwiches from familiar products. They are prepared from toast bread and any ingredients (ham, meat, fresh cucumbers, processed cheese and others). It is noteworthy that such a sandwich is a "multi-storey", closed top with bread, and cut into several small triangles. Sometimes they use tiny buns for their preparation.

And, of course, rolls are an insanely popular appetizer that has become just a trend at modern buffets.

Table design options for a buffet table

To make your buffet table unforgettable, you need to come up with imagination not only to the preparation of dishes, but also to the design of the festive table. So, here are some tips to help you create an unusual, original holiday:

  • to save space on the festive table and in order to create the effect of abundance, use special multi-storey dishes, that is, put snacks in tiers so that it is easy to take them;

  • for a buffet table, white or light linen tablecloths decorated with lace or classic cotton tablecloths with or without delicate embroidery are relevant: it is easiest to choose dishes for such a tablecloth, moreover, it will suit any format of the celebration;
  • actively use glasses and glasses for table setting: not only for drinks, but also for snacks, in particular salads and desserts. Glasses can successfully replace plates and salad bowls, and it looks very impressive;

  • serve food in special ceramic spoons. This technique is used at the most sophisticated buffets; such spoons are usually used to serve "snacks" - beautifully decorated balls rolled from a variety of salads.

We invite you to consider more options for the original design of dishes on the buffet table:

For more details on how to decorate buffet dishes, see our video:

In certain situations, there is nothing better than a buffet table to celebrate significant events. Your guests will sort out food and drinks themselves, will serve themselves, and the host of the holiday will be free to accept congratulations and communicate with his friends in a relaxed and light atmosphere.

At Easter, it is customary not only to paint eggs: on their basis, you can prepare delicious snacks. Stuff, bake, add to pasta for sandwiches and salads - in short, create culinary wonders!

If you want to surprise your guests and have an amazing effect from your dish, then this original, delicious and simple recipe will not leave anyone indifferent! So, we simply and easily prepare our real festive table decoration.

Delicious and interesting recipe for a festive snack - Faberge eggs

Composition:egg - 10 pcs., gelatin - 20 g, chicken fillet - 200 g, canned corn - 100 g, sweet pepper - 1 pc., pomegranate seeds, salt.


Boil the fillet in salted water, strain the broth. Soak gelatin in 500 ml of chilled broth for 30 - 40 minutes, then heat over low heat (not bringing to a boil) until completely dissolved.

Wash eggs well with baking soda and dry. Make a small hole (2.5 cm) from the blunt end with a knife. Pour out the white and yolk and use for cooking other dishes, such as the "Tenderness" salad. Soak the empty shell in warm water with baking soda (for disinfection), then rinse well with running water and dry, put in an egg tray.

Note to the hostess

Instead of a shell, they use plastic coasters from children's chocolate Kinder surprise eggs. Eggshells, of course, are more original, but you can also prepare such aspic in disposable plastic glasses. The resulting pyramids are also very cute.

Cut fillet and pepper into cubes, mix with corn and pomegranate seeds. Fill the shells with the mixture: put the herbs and pomegranate seeds on the bottom, then add the meat, pepper and corn and pour the broth with gelatin.

Place the eggs in a cool place until they solidify. Before serving, peel and put on a beautiful dish, decorate with herbs, boiled carrots, green peas, fresh cucumber as desired, turn on your imagination.

It looks impressive on the table and it turns out to be prepared beautifully, unusually and inexpensively.

Enjoy your meal!

The original recipe for skewers "Shashlik"

Composition : quail eggs, cherry tomatoes, fresh herbs (onions, dill), wooden skewers.


Boil eggs, cool, peel. If the tomatoes are large, cut off the bottom on one side. Place tomatoes and eggs on a skewer in turn. Decorate the tomatoes with drops of mayonnaise.

To decorate the dish, place green onion feathers and dill sprigs on a plate. This dish is simple and inexpensive to prepare, but it looks original and elegant on a festive table. A miniature snack for children - mushrooms and for adults - a kebab!

Enjoy your meal!

Two simple and cute appetizer recipes - stuffed eggs "Chickens" and "Myshata"

Ingredients for 5 servings for "Chickens":5 eggs, 1 ripe avocado, yellow or red bell pepper, herbs to taste, "Home" mayonnaise, salt, cloves or peppercorns.

Composition for 6 servings for "Myshat": 3 eggs, 50 g of hard cheese, 1 - 2 cloves of garlic, green lettuce, Domashny mayonnaise, radish (carrot, cucumber), cloves or pepper (black and red) peas, sprigs of parsley and dill, tails from radish or beets ...


Cut boiled eggs into 2 parts, remove the yolk. Chop the yolks.

Peel the avocado, remove the pit, mash the pulp with a fork.

Finely chop the greens.

Mix yolks, avocado, herbs, salt a little. Add mayonnaise and stir. Stuff the halves of the eggs with the resulting mass. Then connect the halves.

Cut the scallop and beak from the red pepper with scissors or a knife. Cut the wings and tail out of the yellow pepper.

Insert a scallop, beak, wings (you can “stick” on a drop of mayonnaise) and a tail into the cuts. Make eyes from cloves or pepper.

Enjoy your meal!

For stuffing, you can use any minced meat.


Cut the boiled eggs into two parts as well as for "Chickens", remove the yolk. Chop the yolks.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Mix cheese and yolks, add garlic squeezed through a garlic and Homemade mayonnaise (see recipe below) and mix everything.

Stuff the eggs with the cheese mass. Turn the stuffed half of the egg over and place on a lettuce leaf.

Make the eyes out of the cloves. Make two cuts and insert thinly sliced \u200b\u200bradishes (carrots, cucumbers) into them. Make a nose out of red pepper and glue it on a drop of mayonnaise. Make antennae from twigs of greenery. Make a ponytail from a ponytail of radish or beets.

Place on a nice plate and serve on lettuce leaves.

Enjoy your meal!

And 3 more simple recipes for appetizers - ideas for stuffing eggs for a festive table.

The initial stage in preparing all these dishes is the same:

Cut the boiled eggs into two parts as for "Chickens" and "Myshat", remove the yolk. Next, let's dream up with the filling.

Stuffed eggs with mint and salmon


Nice freshness! Mix egg yolks with spinach leaves in a blender until smooth, adding two teaspoons of lemon juice and a few mint leaves. Fill the halved proteins with the resulting puree and garnish with lightly salted salmon rolls.

Enjoy your meal!

Stuffed eggs with spinach and avocado


Hearty and unusual! Fold the egg yolks, half a ripe avocado, and the leaves of spinach, lightly stewed in a pan with butter, in a blender, salt and pepper to taste. Mix in a thick, homogeneous puree - the delicious filling is ready!

Stuffed eggs with liver, cheese and nuts


Unexpected combinations! Combine hard cheese, walnuts, a couple of cloves of garlic, yolks and fried chicken liver in a blender, salt and pepper to taste. Mix in a homogeneous puree and stuff the halves of the eggs. A hearty and aromatic snack is ready!

Enjoy your meal!

Salmon tartlets - a delicious snack for any occasion

Ingredients: puff pastry tartlets - 20 pcs., Lightly salted salmon (slicing) - 300 g, butter - 50 g, soft cream cheese - 100 g, sour cream - 50 g, quail egg - 10 pcs., Parsley (herbs) for decoration.


Hard-boiled eggs. Put a thin piece of butter on the bottom of each tartlet, then pieces of salmon.

Mix cream cheese with sour cream until the consistency of thick mayonnaise.

Using a pastry syringe (or a bag with a cut-off corner), put a little creamy mass in the middle of the tartlets. Place the halves of the eggs on top. Decorate with parsley sprigs.

Enjoy your meal!

Pepper stuffed with cheese and eggs is an unusual and bright appetizer.

Looks impressive on the table. It is advisable to use multi-colored peppers.

Servings 6-8:3 bell peppers, 300 - 400 g of hard cheese, 3 boiled eggs, 2-3 cloves of garlic, "Home" mayonnaise (see the recipe below).


Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Add the garlic squeezed through the garlic and stir. Add some mayonnaise and stir.

Wash the pepper and remove the seeds. Stuff the peppers with the cheese mass, leaving space in the middle. Place an egg in the middle of the pepper, fill the rest of the place tightly with cheese. Put the peppers in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours.

Then cut into portions with a sharp knife.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for festive snacks and salads mayonnaise "Domashny"

Ingredients for 200 g of mayonnaise: 3 yolks, 150 ml grows. oil - optional olive, 1 tsp. mustard (paste), 5 tsp. lemon juice, 0.5 tsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt.


Note to the hostess

An important point for making mayonnaise, all products used must be at room temperature.

Only yolks are used in the recipe; you can make "Meringue" from proteins.

Beat the yolks with mustard, sugar and salt. Gently add grows over a teaspoon. butter, without stopping whipping.

When the mixture is smooth, add all the remaining butter and beat well. Then add lemon juice and beat again.

If the mayonnaise seems too thick, you can add some cold boiled water.

Store ready-made mayonnaise in the refrigerator, use within 5 - 7 days.

Enjoy your meal!

An original and simple appetizer - "Chickens" cheese balls

Ingredients: soft cream cheese - 200 g, hard cheese - 300 g, crab sticks - 50 g, square crackers - 25 pcs., Medium-sized carrots - 1 pc., Black olives - 8 - 10 pcs., Dill sprigs for decoration.


Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Grind the crab sticks and, together with half of the hard cheese, mix with the cream cheese to form balls.

Leave the second part of the cheese to roll around the balls.

Make beaks and legs from carrots, cut eyes from olives.

Put carrot legs on the cracker, on top - a cheese ball. Insert eyes and beak. Decorate the dish with dill.

Enjoy your meal!

Breaded eggs with white sauce - a quick snack

Ingredients: quail egg - 10 pcs., Dumpling crackers - 5-6 tbsp. l., vegetable oil for frying, chicken egg - 2 pcs.


Boil the quail eggs for 3 minutes. Break chicken eggs into a bowl and beat them with a fork. Peel the quail eggs and put them in the egg mass.

Roll in breadcrumbs and fry in well-heated vegetable oil until golden brown.

Serve hot with white sauce.

Sauce option: mix 100 g each mayonnaise and thick sour cream, 3 cloves of garlic (passed through a press), a few sprigs of dill and 1/2 tsp. Sahara. Salt if necessary.

Enjoy your meal!

I propose to diversify your festive table with meat cutlets with quail eggs and cheese - this is both hearty and looks original, and cooking them is as easy as ordinary cutlets.

Minced meat "nests".

Composition for 8 - 10 servings: minced meat - 500 g (pork and beef), quail egg - 8 - 10 pcs., Hard cheese - 200 g, onion - 1 pc., Green onion - 1 bunch, olive oil - 1 tbsp. ... l., vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l., salt, pepper.


Salt and pepper the minced meat. Grate cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the green onion. Onions - finely chop and fry in olive oil.

Combine minced meat, both onions and cheese. Stir well and form the dimpled patties. Fry in a preheated pan until golden brown, 5 minutes on each side.

Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil, put cutlets on it. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. When the cutlets are slightly browned, take out a baking sheet and place one quail egg in the center of each of them. Put the baking sheet in the oven again - it will take 5 minutes to bake the eggs.

Put on a nice plate, garnish with herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

Egg rolls - a quick snack option


We cut the filler in advance - ham, onion, bell peppers, olives, tomatoes - as you wish. Preheat the pan, grease it with oil. Beat the eggs (the amount is optional) and pour into the pan. The layer should turn out to be quite voluminous, about 2 cm in height. Fry the egg mixture on one side, then gently turn it over and immediately sprinkle everything with the prepared filling evenly. Twist the finished egg pancake into a roll and cut into portions. You can serve, garnish with herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

As a hearty, quick, healthy and very tasty snack for both daily and festive tables, I propose a simple option on how to make lavash rolls with salmon.

Lavash rolls with salmon - a recipe for a hearty and healthy snack.

Ingredients: 1 sheet of pita bread, 200 g of lightly salted salmon, 150 g of curd cheese, 0.5 paprika, lettuce, dill.


Spread a sheet of pita bread on the table and grease the entire surface with curd cheese.
Chop the dill and sprinkle it over the entire surface of the pita bread.
Place the filling on the near edge. The first layer is salmon, cut into thin slices, and then thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpeppers.
After that put the lettuce leaves and again a layer of salmon.
Then roll the stuffed pita bread into a large roll (or roll). Try to roll it up as tightly as possible so that after cutting the filling does not fall out, and the rolls with salmon from lavash remain dense and attractive.
After that, cut the roll into portioned pieces - rolls. Lavash can be replaced with any pancakes. Decorate with herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

Appetizing and elegant salad "Chicken" will decorate any festive table, especially Easter or New Year's.

Chicken salad is a great appetizer for your guests.

Ingredients: tomatoes - 3 - 4 pcs., Egg - 7 pcs., Processed cheese - 2 pcs., Hard cheese - 80 g, garlic - 5 - 6 cloves, boiled carrots - 1 pc., Mayonnaise - 250 g, salt taste, herbs for decoration.


Hard-boiled eggs. Grate the egg whites on a coarse grater and put on an oblong dish in the first layer (leave 1 pc for decoration). Salt, grease with mayonnaise.

Cut the tomatoes into small cubes and lay out in a second layer. Salt.

Pass the garlic through a press and put on a layer of tomatoes. Grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle with yolks grated on a fine grater (leave 1 pc for decoration).

Grate the frozen processed cheese curds on a coarse grater and lay out the next layer of salad. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Sprinkle the salad with grated hard cheese on a coarse grater on all sides. Draw mayonnaise on top of the chicken cheese and sprinkle with yolk on top. Place a pea of \u200b\u200bblack pepper in the place of the eyelet.
Cut the beak and wing out of boiled carrots. Decorate the salad with parsley leaves and carrot flowers. Chicken salad is ready. Serve it on the table and treat dear guests.

Enjoy your meal!

This salad gives a lot of room for culinary imagination. As its layers, you can use mushrooms, fried with onions and chilled, smoked or boiled chicken, pickled or fresh cucumbers.

One article cannot cover all the bright and delicious recipes for appetizers for a feast, so come to my blog more often and I will delight you with new original options for festive treats.

I hope that in my article you will take note of the appetizer recipe you like. Enjoy cooking! Serve snacks and treat to dear guests.

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I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday of Light Easter! I wish you well, love, peace, happiness and prosperity!

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Festive table snacks are an integral part of every celebration. Each hostess wants to surprise her guests, please with delicious dishes and, perhaps, share the recipe with her friend. After all, whatever food brings us a lot of pleasure, especially if it is healthy, light and satisfying.

The list of snacks is varied and, conveniently, many ingredients are stored in our refrigerator. It is advisable to prepare all products in advance, because each individual product is an integral part of any dish.

Snacks can be both cold and hot, which should be taken into account both when serving to the table and during preparation. Hot snacks will take a little longer.

Cooking snacks specifically for the festive table requires a lot of patience, because it is not enough to cook dishes, you need to be able to present them beautifully. Therefore, in order to produce not only a "taste" effect on the guests, but also an emotional one, one should be more careful with serving.

How to prepare snacks for the festive table - 17 varieties

Delicious and light dish that can decorate any table. Egg roll has an amazing ability - you can experiment with the filling as much as possible. In this recipe, we use processed cheese and garlic, which gives the dish a delicate and extravagant taste.


  • Base (omelet):
  • Eggs 6
  • Mayonnaise 150 g
  • Flour 1 tbsp. l.
  • Semi-hard cheese 150 g.
  • Ground black pepper
  • Vegetable oil (to grease the mold).


  • Processed cheese 3 pcs.
  • Garlic 3 pcs.
  • Dill
  • Mayonnaise 100 g.
  • Spices (salt, pepper)


We prepare the products that we need at the very beginning: eggs, garlic, cheese, mayonnaise, flour, butter and the spices listed in the list of ingredients.

Beat eggs in a separate bowl.

Add mayonnaise, flour, grated cheese, salt and ground pepper. In order to give the appetizer an unusual taste, as well as to decorate it, you can add sweet peppers, originally cut into small cubes.

We put parchment on a baking sheet, carefully coat it with oil. Pour the mixture we obtained on a baking sheet and bake in a hot oven for 5 to 7 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

While the base is baked, rub the melted cheese and chop the peeled garlic, add the chopped dill, mayonnaise and mix everything.

Mix cheese and garlic, add mayonnaise. At your discretion, you can add spices.

Separate the omelet prepared in the oven from the parchment with maximum accuracy. We do not bend anything, we leave it intact.

We coat with the prepared filling (steps 5-6) over the entire surface, and then gently roll up, pressing tightly. We leave our roll in the refrigerator for 25-40 minutes.

Cut the egg roll into small pieces.

Not only charming, but also delicious appetizer that will pleasantly surprise all guests. A small list of simple ingredients, a little effort, 30 minutes of time and you have an original appetizer for the holiday table! Get ready to ask your friends about the recipe for this dish.


  • Minced turkey 150 g (however, if turkey is missing, you can substitute another)
  • Green onions 1 bunch
  • Ground white pepper 1 pinch
  • Salt 2 pinches
  • Yeast-free puff pastry 275 g


Prepare puff pastry, minced meat and onions.

Since the minced meat is ready, it remains for us to add finely chopped onions, as well as salt and pepper to taste. Carefully move the resulting mass.

Lay out the dough and cut into small squares. The ideal option is 9x7 cm.

Put the minced meat in small quantities in the middle of the square.

When the minced meat is laid out, we collect the edges of the dough to the center, a small bag is obtained.

Before you send our wonderful bags to the oven, just in case, you can tie them with a culinary thread. Usually the dough is held tightly enough, but if there is little time left before the start of the celebration, in order to avoid such an incident, you can use this advice.

Lubricate the bags with an egg and put them in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for half an hour.

Original, simple and tasteful. The recipe for this appetizer will bring a good mood not only to your stomach, but to all guests. It is enough to try a little and an amazing hot appetizer is already decorating your holiday table!

Ingredients for 10 servings:

  • Sandwich bun 10 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet 500 g
  • Bulb onion 1 pc.
  • Refined sunflower oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Butter 35 g (1.5 tbsp. L)
  • Nutmeg 0.25 tsp
  • Wheat flour 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ground black pepper 2 pinch
  • Milk 300 ml.
  • Salt 0.75 tsp
  • Hard cheese 300 g
  • Fresh champignons 500 g


Let's prepare buns for work. To make it convenient, cut off the top and cut out the pulp from the inside. Put the prepared buns in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10-15 minutes. (At the end of the time, leave aside to cool)

While the buns are browning in the oven, prepare the filling. Peel the onion and cut into cubes, then fry in a skillet previously greased with sunflower oil.

Cut the fillet into small pieces. When the meadow is slightly golden, add the meat, salt and mix. While the fillet is fried, chop the mushrooms, finely.

When the meat is almost ready, we add the mushrooms. Fry for a few minutes until the mushrooms are fried and shrink. After - add butter and flour, mix everything well.

Add nuts, fill with milk and mix. Be sure to salt. When the filling thickens, sprinkle with cheese, grated in advance.

When the cheese is slightly melted, carefully fold the prepared filling into buns. Sprinkle cheese on top again.

Cook in an oven preheated to 180 ° C until the cheese melts (about 4-5 minutes).

The holiday should be surprising! Salad in tartlets originally replaces ordinary sandwiches. An incredibly simple appetizer that will not only decorate the table, but also delight all guests.


  • Sand tartlets 10-12 pcs
  • Red caviar 6 tsp
  • Crab sticks 100 gr.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Canned corn 4 tbsp l.
  • Confectionery poppy 1 tsp
  • Mayonnaise 3 tablespoons
  • Green salad


Defrost the crab sticks in advance, boil the eggs hard-boiled and cool.

Cut the eggs and crab sticks into cubes and put them in a separate bowl. Add corn, poppy seeds, salt and pepper to taste and season with mayonnaise. Let's mix.

To decorate our appetizer, put 3-4 green salad leaves on the bottom of the tartlets, and after that we will begin to evenly distribute the salad over the tartlets with a teaspoon.

We finish our appetizer with the final touch - decomposition of red caviar into tartlets.

Tasty, appetizing, beautiful, and most importantly - simple!

Whoever eats a salad with bread has simply not tried a salad sandwich! Original? Not that word! And how pleasantly the guests will be surprised by trying this appetizer! Run for more ...

Products (for 4 servings):

  • Loaf 200 g
  • Crab sticks 100 g
  • Fresh cucumber 1 pc.
  • Processed cheese 90 g
  • Fresh dill 2 sprigs
  • Butter 10 g
  • Mayonnaise 3 tbsp spoons
  • Salt to taste


Cut the cucumber into small cubes (you can leave the peel). We also cut the crab sticks into cubes. Mix the two ingredients.

We rub the processed cheese (for the best result, it is advisable to let the cheese brew in the freezer for 15-20 minutes in advance).

Chop the dill and add to a bowl. Salt to taste and fill the whole filling with mayonnaise.

Cut the loaf into slices and lightly dry on each side in a preheated frying pan greased with butter.

Gently spread the filling over the toasted bread slices. You can decorate with dill.

One of the simplest and most traditional appetizers for the festive table. While your guests climb the stairs and take off their shoes in the hallway ... you can already prepare a hearty and tasty snack for the table.


  • Ham 300 g
  • Cheese 200 g
  • Mayonnaise 3 tbsp l.
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves


Rub the cheese and put it in a separate bowl. Cut the ham into thin slices.

Chop the garlic very finely and add it to the cheese. We fill everything with mayonnaise and mix.

With a teaspoon on each piece of ham, carefully put our cheese-garlic filling. We twist the roll and secure it with a canapé skewer or a toothpick.

Leave the snack in the refrigerator for half an hour so that it is thoroughly soaked and infused.

Lavash is a very optimal option for any table. One of the simpler options is crab sticks and cheese. Both the hostess and the guests will be satisfied after trying this miracle.

Ingredients for two rolls:

  • Lavash 2 sheets
  • Processed cheese 175 g.
  • Crab sticks 240 g.
  • Eggs 4 pcs.
  • Cucumbers 2 pcs. (pickled cucumber can be used)
  • Bunch of greenery


Boil eggs, cool, peel and rub on a fine grater. Finely chop the crab sticks like the greens. Peel the cucumbers and cut into thin strips.

We lay out one sheet of pita bread on the table. Thoroughly coat its entire surface with processed cheese.

Sprinkle the surface with the previously cut crab sticks, eggs, cucumbers and herbs.

Gently roll the pita bread into a roll and send it to the refrigerator for one hour so that it is thoroughly soaked. This will make it easier to cut the roll before serving.

Well, what could be more interesting and wonderful than a snack on skewers? Ideal for a holiday! It is enough just to prepare the necessary ingredients, find cute skewers and decorate the table with a miracle snack!


  • Chicken fillet 1 pc.
  • Pineapple 3-4 rings
  • Orange 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Ground black pepper (to taste)
  • Spices for meat (to taste)
  • Dry mint 3 sprigs
  • Vegetable oil (for frying)


We also clean the chicken fillet, add seasonings to taste: salt, pepper, seasoning for meat.

Preheat the pan, pour in the vegetable oil and put the mint and garlic.

Put the chicken fillet in the pan and fry with the garlic and mint until golden brown.

Remove the garlic and mint when a golden crust appears on the fillet.

We transfer the fillets to the oven and cook the meat for 20 minutes at 180 ° C.

Peel the orange, cut into slices and cut into cubes. We also slice the pineapple.

We also cut the cooled chicken fillet into cubes.

The final touch: take the skewers (or toothpicks), chop slices of sliced \u200b\u200bpineapple, then orange, a slice of chicken, add pineapple again and finish off with a slice of chicken.

Appetizing and extraordinarily tasty canapes with pineapple, chicken and oranges are ready.

An original cold appetizer that will decorate your festive table. Delicious filling goes well with chips. Let's crunch?


  • Tomato 1 pc.
  • Garlic 3 tooth.
  • Hard cheese 100 g
  • Dill greens 100 g
  • Mayonnaise 100 g
  • Olives 50 g
  • Chips (large, of the same shape) 10 pcs.


Cut the tomato into small cubes, then chop the dill and put it in one bowl. Add grated garlic and cheese. Season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

Gently spread the filling onto the chips with a teaspoon.

Put the filling on the chips only before serving, otherwise the chips will get soaked and the whole dish will lose its “crispy flavor”.

Decorate the finished snack with olives.

Juicy, bright and tasty sandwiches with sprats will become the most popular of all snacks on your holiday table! A combination of crispy bread, delicate filling and, of course, the expressive taste of fish. What could be more beautiful than this highly traditional dish?


  • Loaf, sliced \u200b\u200b15-18 slices
  • Sprats 190 g
  • Boiled eggs 3 pcs.
  • Fresh cucumber 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes 5-7 pcs. + for decoration (optional)
  • Mayonnaise 150 g
  • Green onion 1 small bunch
  • Fresh parsley 1 small bunch
  • Fresh dill 1 small bunch
  • Leaf salad (optional) - for decoration


Dry the pre-cut slices of the loaf on a dry baking sheet in the oven at 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes. You can also do this in a skillet, grease it with butter and fry until golden brown. However, the best option is to use a toaster.

Finely chop the greens: onion, dill and parsley.

Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool, peel and crush in a separate bowl with a fork until finely crumbled. Stir together with chopped herbs.

Spread the resulting filling on slices of toasted bread, with a layer of about 1 cm.

Let's proceed directly to the sandwiches. On each slice of bread we spread 1 circle of cucumber and tomatoes, 2 fish. For beauty, add a sprig of dill on top.

Royal salad with croutons

A quick, juicy and original salad will become a real decoration on your festive table. Croutons will give a special taste and ... crunch. It is prepared as quickly as possible and consists of the minimum number of products.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Chicken eggs 4 pcs.
  • Crab sticks 240 g
  • Hard cheese 300 g
  • Croutons 100 g
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Tomato 1 pc
  • Lemon (juice) 0.5 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise (to taste)
  • Black pepper


Boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut into cubes with crab sticks and tomato. We put everything in a bowl.

Rub the cheese on a coarse grater, and the garlic on a fine grater. We add everything to the bowl.

Sprinkle pepper over all the chopped and stacked ingredients in a bowl. Squeeze out the lemon juice. Add a spoonful of mayonnaise, as you wish, and mix everything thoroughly.

The croutons should be added to the salad just before serving, otherwise they will get soaked and not felt.

Each of us has tried this appetizer, because it is considered truly traditional on any festive table! An exquisite filling of cheese and eggs on a tomato wedge ... an irreplaceable taste of an amazing and simple dish.


  • Tomatoes 1-2 pcs.
  • Processed cheese 90 g
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 wedge
  • Fresh dill 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise 1 tbsp l.
  • Salt (to taste)


Boil eggs hard-boiled, cool, peel and grate along with melted cheese. (For the cheese to rub better, you need to put it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes).

Add the grated garlic and finely chopped dill. Season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

Wash the tomatoes, cut into rings and place on a separate plate.

Gently place the cheese filling on top of the tomatoes.

Don't know how to surprise your guests? The spicy filling on crackers will definitely drive you crazy (of course, in a good way) with its simplicity and taste. You will have to run for a supplement more than once ...


  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Crab sticks 100 g.
  • Processed cheese 90 g
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Dill 1 bunch
  • Ground black pepper
  • Mayonnaise 2 tbsp l.
  • Cracker cookies (not sweet) 100 g


Finely chop the crab sticks and melted cheese (for more convenience, it is advisable to hold it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes). Cut the tomatoes into small cubes. We mix everything.

Add finely chopped dill and grated garlic to the filling. Sprinkle with pepper. Fill with mayonnaise and stir.

Gently distribute the resulting appetizer with crab sticks, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise on crackers, up to 1 tablespoon per 1 cracker.

Decorate the festive snack with a sprig of dill.

Not a single festive table is complete without potatoes, but the guarantee of a real hostess is to present an ordinary dish in an original and tasty way! In our case, potatoes will serve as the main ingredient for making pancakes. Decorating this dish with sour cream and salmon, we will get an exquisite, hearty and very cute dish!


  • Potatoes 500 g.
  • Onion 1 head
  • Red onion 1 head
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Flour 3 tablespoons
  • Sour cream 200 g.
  • Smoked salmon 200 g.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt, pepper (to taste)


My potatoes, peel and grate. Squeeze thoroughly, mix and squeeze again. Finely chop the onions and add to the potatoes. Beat the egg and add to the potatoes along with the flour. Salt and pepper to taste and stir.

Grease the preheated pan with vegetable oil. We spread our potato dough in small portions in a frying pan like pancakes. Fry for a few minutes on each side, until golden brown.

Immediately after our pancakes are cooked, you can put them on a paper napkin so that all excess oil is soaked, and then put them on a separate plate.

Put the finished pancakes on a plate, coat with sour cream. Then add some red onion, cut into half rings and a slice of fish.

Lavash is ideal for preparing a wide variety of snacks. You can use many products as a filling - they will all go well in pita bread. In our case, we will use cheese and herbs. A surprisingly simple and delicious dish!

Ingredients for 5-6 servings:

  • Lavash 3 pcs.
  • Processed cheese 250 g
  • Green onions 1 bunch
  • Dill 1 bunch
  • Lemon 0.5 pcs.


Finely chop the onion and dill. Add grated processed cheese and mix thoroughly.

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a bowl with cheese and herbs, mix well again.

We spread a sheet of pita bread and spread it over the resulting mixture with a thin layer.

We twist the pita bread, wrap it in foil and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour to soak.

Appetizing, interesting and very sophisticated appetizer. Ideal for a festive table if your goal is not only delicious food, but also surprise your guests! Tartlets with a wide variety of fillings are the leader among appetizers.

Ingredients for 10 servings:

  • Shrimps 250 g
  • Eggs 4 pcs.
  • Mozzarella cheese 150 g
  • Bulgarian pepper 0.5 pcs.
  • Garlic 1 pc.
  • Tartlets 10 pcs.
  • Red caviar 100 g
  • Mayonnaise (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste)


Boil, add salt water and add shrimp, cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Then peel gently. Boil the eggs hard-boiled, cool and peel.

Cut eggs and peppers into cubes, add shrimp and grated cheese, as well as chopped garlic to them. Pour everything with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

We fill the tartlets with filling and serve!

Rafaello snack

Tell me at least one person who doesn't like Rafaello. But when the dessert is far away, you can surprise guests with amazingly tasty and original cheese balls in crab shavings! A dish that should please the eye absolutely on every festive table, because it is not only beautiful and tasty, but also incredibly simple!


  • Crab sticks 200 g
  • Cheese 200 g
  • Eggs 4 pcs.
  • Garlic 5 Cloves
  • Mayonnaise 3 tbsp l


Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool, peel and rub on a small grater. Then rub the cheese and garlic into a separate bowl.

Mix eggs, cheese and garlic in a separate bowl. Add mayonnaise.

We grate the crab sticks, put them in a separate bowl.

Take a tablespoon of a mixture of eggs, cheese and garlic and dump everything into small balls.

Dip our balls in crab shavings and send them to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Cut the bacon slices in half, wrap the shrimp in them and secure with skewers. Then sprinkle the shrimp with cayenne pepper.

Place them on a baking sheet lined with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 230 ° C for 10-15 minutes.



  • 8 slices of uncooked smoked bacon;
  • 8 teaspoons soft goat cheese
  • salt to taste;
  • 1 bunch of arugula
  • 8 small gherkins.


Place a teaspoon of goat cheese on the edge of each bacon slice. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Place the arugula on top of the cheese so that the leaves extend over the edges of the bacon on both sides. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into four pieces and place them on top of the arugula.

Wrap the rolls tightly, cut each roll in the middle and place on a serving dish, cut side down.



  • 180 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 900 g pork sausages;
  • 450 g grated cheddar cheese;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 stalks of celery.


Combine flour, baking powder, salt and butter. Add chopped sausages, grated cheese, chopped onions, garlic and celery to the resulting mixture. Stir well and form the minced meat into 1-inch balls.

Place them a little apart on a foil-lined baking sheet. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 15 minutes, until the balls are browned. Pierce them with skewers before serving.



  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 18 shrimp;
  • ½ teaspoon chili powder;
  • ¾ a glass of guacamole sauce;
  • 18 crispy chips with natural flavor or salt;
  • a few sprigs of cilantro.


Place a skillet over high heat and heat the oil in it. Put there, add ground chili and fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. The shrimp should turn pink and cloudy.

Place 1–2 teaspoons of guacamole on the chips and one shrimp on top. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro leaves before serving.



  • 220 g cream cheese;
  • 170 g crab meat or crab sticks;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan;
  • 60 g grated cheddar;
  • a few feathers of green onions;
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 20 tartlets;
  • 1 pinch of paprika.


Combine cream cheese, minced crab meat, mayonnaise, grated cheese, chopped onion, and soy sauce. Spread the mixture over the tartlets, sprinkle with paprika and place in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 5-7 minutes. Serve warm.

6. Cucumber baskets with smoked salmon



  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 120 g smoked salmon;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped onions;
  • 1 tablespoon of capers
  • a few sprigs of parsley;
  • ½ teaspoon of Dijon mustard;
  • ⅛ teaspoon ground black pepper.


Peel the cucumbers, cut in half lengthways and remove the seeds. Chop the fish and mix with the rest of the ingredients.

Fill the cucumber halves with the fish mixture. Wrap them in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3-4 hours. Before serving, cut the cucumbers into baskets about 1.5 cm wide.



  • 900 g cream cheese;
  • 450 g grated cheddar;
  • 200 g chopped pecans or walnuts;
  • 60 ml of concentrated or baked milk;
  • 120 g olives;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ bunch of parsley;
  • a few tablespoons of paprika.


Combine cream cheese and cheddar. Add 150 g of nuts, milk, chopped olives, chopped garlic and salt. Mix well, divide into three parts and form a ball out of each part.

Gently roll one ball in chopped parsley, another in the remaining nuts, pressing lightly so that they are fixed in the cheese, and the third in paprika. Put the balls in the refrigerator.

You need to get them 15 minutes before serving. This appetizer pairs perfectly with crackers.



  • 8 slices of bacon;
  • 1 ½ teaspoon brown sugar
  • ¼ a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • ¾ glasses of chopped ready-made;
  • ¼ cups of chopped dried pears;
  • 2 teaspoons of butter;
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt;
  • ¼ a teaspoon of ground black pepper;
  • 80 ml of pear juice;
  • 30 tartlets;
  • 60 g blue cheese (preferably gorgonzola).


Fry the bacon slices until crisp on both sides. Combine sugar and cinnamon, sprinkle with bacon and cook for another minute. Then transfer it to a paper towel.

While the bacon is cooling, put the chicken, pieces of dried pear, jam, butter, salt and pepper in a clean skillet, pour over the pear juice. Bring to a boil and cook for another 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens.

Place about one teaspoon each of the filling into the tartlets, sprinkle with chopped bacon and small pieces of cheese. Place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 5-7 minutes. Serve warm.



  • 12 quail eggs;
  • 300 g minced pork;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 2 sprigs of thyme;
  • 1 large chicken egg;
  • 100 g bread crumbs;
  • vegetable oil for deep fat.


Dip the quail eggs in boiling water for 2 minutes. Then transfer them to cold water and gently brush when cool.

Combine the minced meat with salt, pepper and thyme leaves. Divide the mixture into 12 equal parts and cover the eggs with it, forming even balls. Dip the balls in a beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs.

Pour 5 cm of vegetable oil into a deep saucepan and heat it up. Place the balls in butter in portions and cook for 1-2 minutes, until lightly browned.

Then, using a slotted spoon, transfer them to a paper towel to drain the excess oil. Place the Scotch eggs in a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 5 minutes.



  • 18 large olives;
  • 250 g cream cheese;
  • 18 small olives;
  • 1 carrot.


In each large olive, make a longitudinal cut and fill it. Slice the carrots into 0.5 cm wide slices and cut a small triangle at each circle to form the legs of the penguins. Insert the cut pieces of carrots into small olives.

Place the cheese-stuffed olives on the carrot slices. Place the "heads" - small olives - on top and secure with skewers.

  • 120 g flour;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 large egg;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 1 small piece of butter;
  • 50 ml sour cream;
  • 150 g smoked salmon;
  • a few sprigs of dill.


Combine flour and salt. Make a small depression in the middle, pour in the egg and olive oil and stir. Without stopping stirring, slowly pour in the milk. Give the dough a uniform consistency.

Melt the butter in a skillet and fry the pancakes on it for a minute on each side. They should take on a golden hue.

Place some sour cream, a few small salmon slices on each pancake and garnish with dill.

12. Chelsea bun Christmas tree



For buns:

  • 800 g flour;
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 15 g of fast-acting yeast;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 2 eggs.

For filling:

  • 400 g of a mixture of chopped dried fruits, nuts and sugar;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 pear;
  • 75 g chopped pistachios;
  • 100 g of candied fruits;
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 25 g butter.

For glaze:

  • 3 tablespoons of apricot jam;
  • 200 g icing sugar;
  • grated zest of one orange;
  • 40 g candied fruits;
  • 25 g chopped pistachios.


Pour salt and yeast into the flour. Place the butter in the milk and heat the mixture. When the butter is melted, pour the mixture into the flour. Add eggs and stir.

Place the mixture on a floured surface and knead for about five minutes, until the dough is elastic. Transfer it to a greased bowl with vegetable oil, cover with a towel and let it rise for an hour.

Meanwhile, combine the mixture of dried fruit, nuts and sugar, peeled and chopped apple and pear, orange zest, pistachio, candied fruit and cinnamon.

Then, on a floured surface, roll out the dough into a 50 × 45 cm layer. Brush with melted butter. Then spread the sweet filling over the dough, leaving 2 cm around the edges.

Roll gently and cut off the edges. Use a sharp knife to cut the roll into 15 pieces. Place the buns on a parchment-lined baking sheet to create a Christmas tree. There should be space between the buns, but very little so that, when they rise, they touch each other. Form the trunk of a tree from the remains of the dough.

Cover the tree with a clean towel and let sit for another 30–45 minutes. Then remove the towel and place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 20-25 minutes, until the buns are browned. If you notice that they turn brown too quickly during baking, cover them with foil.

In a saucepan, melt the apricot jam with a little water. Grease slightly cooled buns with it and leave to cool completely.

Combine the icing sugar, orange peel and 2 tablespoons of water until smooth. Transfer to a plastic bag, cut off the tip and glaze the garlands on the tree. Sprinkle with candied fruits and pistachios.

Definitely, the festive table is unlikely to do without snacks, and the greater their variety and the more sophisticated they are, the better. But sometimes it is very difficult to remember the original recipes in the pre-holiday bustle, so we offer you our selection of "Snacks for March 8". Among the recipes in our selection there are also the simplest ones, for example, familiar to everyone from childhood "Fly agaric", only here instead of the usual egg, a salad mixture is used, and light salads, laid out in portions on chips, pineapple slices, and real delicious masterpieces of squid, caviar, etc. other exotic products.

1. "Fly agaric" snack


For 30 original fly agarics:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • ham - 120 gr.;
  • cheese - 100 gr.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 15 pcs.;
  • cucumber - 1-2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 1-2 tbsp. l .;
  • greens - for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate boiled eggs and cheese on a fine grater. Cut the ham into small cubes, about 5 by 5 millimeters in size.
  2. In a deep cup, mix eggs, cheese, ham and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Cut the cucumber into rings half a centimeter thick. All components of the appetizer are ready, it remains to assemble them into an original composition.
  3. Put chopped greens on a flat dish, which will serve as a clearing for fly agarics. Absolutely any greens that will be at your fingertips are suitable: onions, dill, parsley, etc.
  4. On top of the greens, lay out pieces of cucumbers, which will be the basis for the mushrooms. Form small balls from a mixture of eggs, cheese and ham. If you flatten such a ball at the top and bottom, you get a barrel that will serve as a mushroom leg. We sit the resulting legs on the cucumbers. On top we put on red hats from halves of cherry tomatoes. To give an already beautiful appetizer a finished look, it remains only to draw white dots from mayonnaise on the red hats. It is most convenient to do this with an ordinary toothpick.

It should only be borne in mind that it is advisable to prepare this appetizer immediately before the arrival of guests (maximum an hour), since cucumbers and tomatoes can give juice.

Enjoy your meal!

2. Cake for a snack


  • Bake pancakes-5 pcs.
  • An egg + a tablespoon of milk + a pinch of salt is 1 pancake.
  • chicken fillet-2 pcs. (boil)
  • carrots (fried)
  • onions (fried)
  • pickle,
  • garlic,
  • mayonnaise, hammerhead.

Cooking method:

  • Grind everything with a blender (a mixture similar to thick sour cream).
  • Grease each pancake with a paste, shift with a leaf of lettuce, etc.
  • It will infuse a little and you can eat!

Enjoy your meal!

3. Snack "Bells"


  • 100 g boiled sausage ("Doctor's"),
  • 50 gr. cheese (you can use salted fat cottage cheese instead of cheese),
  • 1-2 carrots,
  • a clove of garlic
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the sausage into thin slices. Roll a little bell from each plate and stab it with a skewer (I used toothpicks)
  2. Now we are preparing the salad for the bell. Grate raw carrots, cheese and garlic on a fine grater.
  3. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise.
  4. Fill bells with this salad and put on a dish, garnish with herbs. In the middle of the bell, if you wish, you can put a slice of olive or a drop of ketchup, whichever you prefer.

Enjoy your meal!

4. Stuffed squid


  • 4 squid carcasses, pre-peeled
  • 6 medium eggs
  • 300 g champignons
  • a small bunch of dill
  • 150 g semi-hard cheese
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the mushrooms into slices, finely chop the dill, three cheese on a grater.
    Heat 2 tablespoons in a skillet over medium heat. vegetable oil. Put the mushrooms and fry, stirring occasionally, until soft, about 5 minutes.
  2. Break eggs into a pan with mushrooms, add salt and pepper. Fry, stirring the eggs with a spatula, until the mixture sets, about 3 minutes. Add chopped herbs and cheese, mix.
  3. We stuff the squid carcasses with an egg-mushroom mixture. We pinch with toothpicks, grease the squid with vegetable oil, put it in a mold and send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees. We bake for about 20 minutes.
  4. Serve hot or chilled, cut into slices and serve as a snack.

Enjoy your meal!

5. Pancake rolls with cheese and red fish


  • 60 gr. cream cheese type Philadelphia (room temperature)
  • 3 tbsp cream 10-15% (milk can be used)
  • 1 tablespoon dill (finely chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon green onion (chives if available), finely chopped
  • salt, including pepper to taste
  • 200 gr. lightly salted (smoked) salmon (thin slicing)
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 3 tbsp. milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp R. oils
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with a whisk (lightly), add warm milk, salt, add sugar, vegetable oil and gradually add flour. Stir with a whisk until the flour is completely dissolved without lumps, so that the mass is homogeneous. Let stand for 10 minutes. Preheat a frying pan, before the first pancake, grease it with a brush dipped in oil, fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.
  2. Mix cream cheese and cream in the robot until smooth in the form of a cream, add spices if desired (salt, pepper - very lightly). Then, with a silicone spatula, add herbs to the cream, stirring well.
  3. Apply the cream to the finished pancakes with a spatula, over the entire surface. And put the salmon fillet. We fold tightly into a tube. Cut the tubes to the desired size and place in a dish. * If it is a snack, you can chill for 30 minutes before serving.
    * If you want to serve as a warm breakfast, the cream can be diluted more thinly and served by pouring the cream over the hot pancake, putting the salmon inside.
    The appetizer is very tender with a pleasant taste of slightly salted fish and herbs, with a combination of creamy pancakes, I recommend!

Enjoy your meal!

6. Snack on pineapple rings


  • Canned pineapple - 1 jar
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs
  • Crab sticks or shrimps - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salad.

Cooking method:

We take out the canned pineapple rings from the jar, put them on a dish or a large plate. Tear off round pieces from the lettuce leaves and put them on top of the pineapple. Boil the eggs and cut them into medium cubes, also cut hard cheese and crab sticks. Mix the boiled eggs, hard cheese and crab sticks cut into large cubes. You can fill all this with mayonnaise. Spread the filling over the pineapples.

Enjoy your meal!

7. "Kisses" salmon snack


  • lightly salted salmon (sliced)
  • crab sticks
  • cream cheese "Philadelphia" with herbs
  • fresh dill
  • cling film
  • lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the eggs and cut into slices in an egg cutter.
  2. Chop the dill, add to Philadelphia, mix to get a homogeneous mass.
  3. In order to make such "Kisses" you will need several molds, you can use glasses, cupcake molds, cups for tea.
  4. Cover the cups tightly with cling film, leaving so much film on the edges so that you can then close the cups on top.
  5. Line the pan with the salmon slices. Shape it in shape.
  6. Fill the form halfway with the filling, add the pieces of crab sticks, and refill with the filling.
  7. Put a testicle circle on top.
  8. Close up with a slice of salmon.
  9. Wrap the edges of the foil, press firmly and tamp lightly.
  10. Refrigerate for a couple of hours.
  11. Cut the lemon into slices.
  12. After a couple of hours, get the "Kisses" out of the refrigerator, open the film and turn the cup onto a circle of lemon, onto a plate.
  13. Decorate as desired, red caviar looks very beautiful on top.

Enjoy your meal!

8. Quick snack "Ships"


  • jar of red caviar
  • a few eggs
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • lettuce leaves or a sprig of parsley for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs, peel them, rinse, cut in half into "boats" and let cool completely. In the meantime, use a thin slicer to cut the cheese slices equal to the number of boats.
  2. When the eggs are completely cool, coat each half with mayonnaise. Spoon the caviar over the mayonnaise and stick in the "sail" made from a slice of cheese and a toothpick. That's it - the dish is almost ready!
  3. You can decorate the boats with herbs that you have - parsley, lettuce, dill. You can also use green olives or grapes, rucola, mushrooms, etc. in the composition.

Enjoy your meal!

9. Cheese snack on chips


  • Red tomatoes - 300 g
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Garlic - 30 g
  • Dill - 20 g
  • Mayonnaise - 200 ml.

Cooking method:

Step 1:
Finely chop the tomatoes.
If the tomatoes are very juicy, drain the juice.

Step 2:
Finely chop the greens.
Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
Mix cheese, tomatoes, herbs.
Add garlic squeezed through a garlic press.

Step 3:
Add mayonnaise, mix.

Step 4:
Put the resulting mass on the chips (just before serving).

Enjoy your meal!

10. Crab balls

A light and beautiful appetizer is always a decoration of any table.

True, an appetizer for an amateur, because some are fundamentally not friends with olives.


  • 200 gr. Dutch cheese
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 100 g crab sticks
  • 1 egg
  • 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • stuffed with olives (lemon).

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the cheese, egg and garlic on a fine grater, add so much mayonnaise to make a viscous mass, from which it is convenient to sculpt balls.
  2. Separately rub the crab sticks on a fine grater.
  3. Moisten your hands with water, take a little cheese mass, form a "cake", put an olive in the middle.
  4. Roll up a ball, roll in crab sticks.
  5. Put the finished balls in the refrigerator to freeze a little.