Harmful properties of yeast. Yeast harm: how serious is it? Is baker's yeast harmful, is there any benefit from it? What damage does thermophilic yeast do to the body? When and how to use brewer's yeast

Yeasts are living microorganisms that have been cultivated for thousands of years. This product was officially discovered by the microbiologist Pasteur in 1857. Since then, more than 1,500 varieties of these unicellular fungi have been bred, but the most widespread are bakery, dairy, beer, dry, fresh, pressed and food.

The benefits of yeast

Each of these types has a certain effect on the human body. Fresh yeast supplied in briquettes is indispensable in the manufacture of pastries. In combination with lecithin, they fight high cholesterol levels, pain and spasms, colitis, neuritis and burning in the intestines.

And a pinch more fresh yeast our ancestors used it internally for skin diseases, etc. Why is lactic yeast valuable? The benefits of this product are enormous. These colonies of microorganisms are used in the manufacture of fermented milk products, which have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen immunity and prolong life.

Nutritional yeast is over 50% protein, so it can be used as a substitute for meat and fish. Their characteristic "cheesy" taste allows them to be added to pizza, casseroles, sauces, omelettes, pasta and other dishes.

They also lower cholesterol levels, normalize pressure and intestinal motility, while improving its microflora, and also act as a prevention of pancreatic cancer. Dry yeast fights anemia, strengthens the immune system and eliminates dysbacteriosis. But of greatest interest are brewer's yeast, the benefits and positive properties of which are very diverse.

Yeast application

Brewer's yeast is not only rich in the same components as other types, but is also endowed with vitamins and nutrients that it has absorbed from other ingredients during the brewing process. They contain folic and nucleic acids, pyridoxine, thiamine, potassium, biotin, riboflavin, chromium, niacin, zinc, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, iron and numerous amino acids.

Where is brewer's yeast used? The use of this product in medicine has become possible due to the ability to improve metabolic processes, brain activity and general well-being, strengthen immunity and increase efficiency.

Brewer's yeast is incredibly useful for digestion, so they are used to treat the digestive tract - ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, etc. They increase appetite, activate the secretion of digestive juice, free the body from decay products, normalizing intestinal motility and restoring its microflora, slow down the processes cell aging.

Yeast is a Trojan horse. Once in the body, yeast causes unimaginable processes that are very harmful to your health. And we are not talking about natural yeast, which is used to prepare kvass and live beer. especially dangerous dry yeast, which are so fond of adding housewives to baking, these same substrates are used in production shop bread and beer.

Comfortable and tasty does not mean good for health! Yeast fungi that enter the body along with fresh pastries devour the beneficial microflora in the stomach and intestines. That is why many people feel heaviness in the stomach after eating a pie: flour products are already difficult to digest, and in combination with yeast they cause indigestion ...

The effect of yeast on the body

The fermentation process that occurs in the body after saturation with yeast has a whole range of negative consequences. Rapid fatigue of the brain and body, decreased immunity, sleep disturbance, low body resistance to infections - this is what is immediately noticeable in people who are addicted to yeast products.

German scientists believe that fermentation processes capable of influencing the appearance and growth cancer cells in the human body. This was proved by Hermann Wolff, a professor at the University of Cologne, who grew a malignant tumor in a test tube with a yeast solution for 37 months. The tumor became 3 times larger in just a week, but as soon as the yeast solution was removed, it disappeared!

yeast fermentation- a truly terrifying process. If this happens in the body, the diaphragm does not perform oscillatory movements, takes a forced position, the lower lobes of the lungs are compressed.

All digestive organs are clamped due to excessive gas formation, often the gallbladder leaves its bed, changing its shape. Fermentation is also the cause of congestion in the lower extremities, pelvis and head.

This leads to varicose veins, thrombosis, trophic ulcers and a further decrease in immunity. Scientists are inclined to believe that excess consumption yeast leads to tumors different types and serious malfunctions of the whole organism.

We just need to limit yeast consumption and you will feel better! Fermentation processes in the body do not make you healthier, stop being a plantation for the reproduction of yeast. A minimum of pastries, especially fresh ones, no cheap beer and wine - take this as a rule.

The existence of yeast was discovered in the 19th century by the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Since then, they have been popular all over the world. They are used to make all kinds of pastries and drinks. At the same time, few people think about the harm and benefits of yeast.

What is yeast and what types of yeast exist

They call it yeast unicellular fungi. In nature, there are more than 1500 varieties of such microorganisms. They have a high adaptability to adverse environmental conditions, for example, they feel great in the absence of oxygen.

Fungi are widely used in industry and medicine. This is largely due to their ability to reproduce rapidly. But not all types can be used. Some of them are considered pathogenic, as they cause various diseases in humans.

Four types of fungi are currently used for food production:

  1. Bakery. With their addition, a delicious fragrant bread, various buns and other pastries. They are the ones who betray finished product airiness, volume and special structure.
  2. Wine. They can be seen on bunches of ripe grapes. It is thanks to such fungi that the process of fruit fermentation occurs, which subsequently leads to the appearance of wine.
  3. Beer. They are used for making drinks, baking and medications.
  4. Dairy. With their help, the process of fermentation of milk and the preparation of fermented milk products is carried out.

All varieties of this product are different unique composition, therefore their use is necessary for a person.

Wine yeast is a natural whitish coating on bunch of grapes. Therefore, grapes should not be washed before making wine.

What is in yeast

Yeast is a low calorie food. They are 60% protein. The human body easily absorbs them. The nutritional value of such fungi is comparable to that of meat or fish.

Baker's yeast is especially rich in composition. They contain the following substances:

  • Vitamin B1. It is involved in metabolism, regulate the work nervous system.
  • Vitamin B2. This substance helps fight skin diseases and increase visual acuity.
  • Vitamin B3. It takes part in the construction of body cells, the work of endocrine glands and the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B6. Helps the body absorb nutrients faster, takes part in metabolism.
  • Vitamins RR. Experts have found that this substance can prevent the development of cancer. In addition, it fights the manifestations of an allergic reaction.
  • Vitamin D. Participates in the process of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
  • Biotin or vitamin H. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. They become thicker and more voluminous.
  • Minerals: iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, copper and others.
  • Lecithin. Participates in the construction of cell membranes, normalizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

This is far from full list valuable substances contained in baker's yeast. Dairy products have a similar composition, but they also include probiotics, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Useful qualities of baker's yeast

It is this type of fungus that we use every day. They have an impressive list of positive qualities. The benefits of yeast for the body are as follows:

  1. Helps strengthen the immune system. They contain beta-glucans, which are considered natural immune stimulants.
  2. Enrich intestinal microflora. This improves the process of digestion. They increase the production of gastric juice, which leads to the full and rapid digestion of food.
  3. They have an antioxidant effect. They neutralize the factors that lead to cell oxidation. This helps slow down the aging process.
  4. Reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  5. Help to deal with constipation.
  6. They have the ability to lower blood pressure.
  7. Some experts believe that yeast is beneficial for people with a predisposition to cancer. They are especially effective for the prevention of pancreatic cancer.
  8. After using yeast, the skin becomes smooth and clean, the hair acquires volume and becomes silky, the nail plates stop exfoliating.

Fungi can be used externally. With their help, it is possible to cope with acne, seborrhea, eczema, burns and dermatitis. On their basis, they prepare healing masks for the face and hair.

It is enough for a person to consume from five to seven grams of this product per day. In some cases, it is recommended to increase the dosage. Yeast is recommended for people with reduced immunity, experiencing constant stress, suffering from anemia, skin diseases, oncology, and digestive problems.

For medicinal purposes, fungi are consumed in the form of a drink. To do this, they are bred in a small amount of warm water. You can add some sugar, bran or other ingredients to improve taste characteristics. Vegetarians must drink such a drink to make up for protein deficiency and other useful substances.

Useful properties of yeast are lost when they are heated above 60 degrees. Therefore, baking such positive qualities does not possess.

Harmful qualities of baker's yeast

Yeast fungus also has harmful qualities for the body. Among them are:

The harm of yeast to the human body also lies in the fact that heavy metal salts and other toxic substances can be used in their modern production. Despite the fact that this product has a low calorie content, it is not recommended for people suffering from overweight to use it. The fact is that it has the ability to increase appetite, which can provoke overeating.


In some cases, the use of such a product can cause serious harm to health. It is better to refuse them in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Renal failure.
  • Gout.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Individual intolerance.

Yeast in a woman's body can provoke the development of candidiasis. Therefore, their use is possible only under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Dry yeast

Today it is very problematic to find live yeast on sale. The most popular dry product, which is sold in small bags. Dried mushrooms are small rounded granules. Their shelf life can be up to two years. At the same time, everything beneficial features are stored in them. In order for them to become active, it is enough to dilute them in warm water or milk.

Dry yeast is useful for anemia and as a means to strengthen the immune system. They contain a large amount of protein. They are not recommended for use in gout, dysbacteriosis, as well as acute diseases. gastrointestinal tract.

Features of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is used not only in the production of beer, but also for the manufacture of cosmetic and medical preparations. They have an excellent cleansing, rejuvenating and healing effect.

This type of fungus is often used to improve hair. It is believed that he is able to make the hairstyle lush and attractive. But most experts do not agree with this opinion. Their use can provoke an allergic reaction and cause severe dandruff.

Brewer's yeast is now available in tablet form. Manufacturers claim one hundred they are able to have the following effect on the body:

  • Contribute to the rapid set of muscle mass.
  • Increase efficiency and enhance brain activity.
  • Cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
  • Eliminate the effects of stress, as they have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Reduce the concentration of cholesterol.

Such drugs are indicated for people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, problems with the nervous system. Contraindications to their use are pregnancy, kidney disease, individual intolerance to the components, treatment with the use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, antidepressants or painkillers.

Features of lactic yeast

Unlike other varieties, lactic yeast is the most valuable product for the body. They contain enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the body. They have a positive effect on the work of the intestines, help strengthen the immune system.

Milk fungi are found in kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, yogurt and other fermented milk products. They can only become harmful if used in excess. But if you drink them in moderation, the benefits will be invaluable.

How to properly store yeast

Live yeast is a product that requires special conditions storage. The purchased briquette must be kept at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees. If you leave them at room temperature, then they will be usable for no more than a day. When stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is extended to four weeks.

You can extend the storage time of pressed yeast if you crush it and mix it with flour. Let the resulting mixture dry. To do this, lay it out on clean thick paper. Before use, check the suitability of the product.

Freezing is another way to store yeast. To do this, the briquette must be freed from the wrapper, cut into small pieces. Wrap each one in foil. Put all the bundles in one plastic bag and tie it tightly. Remove to freezer. The product will remain valid for up to six months.

Dry yeast does not require special storage conditions. In a closed package, they remain suitable for a year and a half. Keep them in a slightly cool place. Make sure that the pack is not exposed to direct sunlight. If the bag is already opened, then the shelf life of the product is reduced to two weeks. In this case, it is better to pour the yeast into a dry glass jar, seal tightly with a lid and refrigerate. In this state, they can remain usable for up to six months.


What harm can ordinary yeast cause to the human body

Who doesn't love warm, crispy bread? And those fresh vanilla buns? All this is somewhat reminiscent of our distant carefree years. But will the childhood of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren be just as joyful?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about yeast, the benefits and harms of which are being questioned. The society was divided into two large groups. The first believes that they are useful for the human body, others hold the opposite point of view.

Before you take the side of one or another opinion, you need to carefully understand the issue. Or maybe even experiment on yourself.

What is called yeast?

Under the concept of "yeast" united 15 hundreds of varieties of unicellular fungi. They freely exist in nature mainly on the surface of berries and fruits.

Yeasts are very adapted to the environment. They can live both in the presence and in the absence of oxygen.

characteristic feature unicellular fungi is a high rate of growth and reproduction. This has led to their widespread use in Food Industry.

To date, 4 types of yeast are known. These are wine, beer, dairy and bakery. The latter are divided, in turn, into 3 more types: dry, pressed, yeast starter cultures.

Dry yeast has found wide application in cooking. They are more convenient and their shelf life is much longer. One bag of product weighing 11 grams is equivalent to 50 grams of pressed.

But all these varieties of yeast, whether dry or otherwise, are not real. They were bred by scientists to optimize the bakery process.

Only our ancestors used natural yeast. The process of baking bread in those days was a whole ceremony. Made from high quality whole grain flour on pre-prepared sourdough: rye, wheat, malt, hop. Therefore, bread then had completely different taste qualities, and real yeast, no doubt, was beneficial to the human body.

As for the quality of the current flour products, it leaves much to be desired. Snow-white pure flour with various additives and artificial yeast do their job.

Does a person need yeast?

According to the official data of traditional medicine, the benefits of yeast for our body are great. They are considered to be a universal biologically active food supplement. They contain about 66% of proteins, various acids, vitamins, microelements, which are undoubtedly beneficial for humans.

Despite the fact that the yeast product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors still do not recommend using it under certain circumstances. For example, dry should not be used for dysbacteriosis and other acute diseases.

Speaking about the value of yeast, it should also be added that they can be useful for vegetarians. The yeast product perfectly compensates for the lack of protein and vitamin B in the human body.

Negative effects of eating yeast

Many (including doctors) believe that the harm of yeast is much greater than the benefits. This is especially true for bakeries.

Artificially derived products are assigned such a thing as "thermophilicity". This means that they are resistant to high temperatures and do not die during baking.

Yeast is popularly called killers. Penetrating inside whole and unharmed, they poison healthy and unprotected cells with toxic substances, which subsequently leads to their death.

In this case, it cannot be said that such products are useful for our body. On the contrary, the harm of baker's yeast can lead to irreversible consequences.

The dangers of these products are as follows:

  • High content of heavy metals and chemical elements harmful to the human body. This is due to the technology of their production. And it is based on 56 types of main and auxiliary raw materials. And it's far from nutrients. See for yourself: building lime, technical potassium carbonate, detergent liquid and the like.
  • Yeast depletes the human body. Fungi, getting into the intestines, begin to multiply actively. Food for them are vitamins and trace elements that come to a person along with food. Thus, the body receives less useful elements, which leads to their deficiency and, against this background, to various diseases.
  • Violate the intestinal microflora. The high rate of reproduction of fungi leads to the emergence of putrefactive flora. As a result, beneficial bacteria die in the intestines. The consequence of this is a violation of the absorption of vitamins and trace elements, a weakening of the immune system.
  • Baker's yeast in a duet with flour can disrupt the acid-base balance. Excessive consumption of rolls can lead to the formation of an acidic environment, which is fraught with chronic constipation, gastritis, ulcers, and osteoporosis.
  • Reduce calcium levels. Doctors are sounding the alarm. Due to the presence of microbial and fungal flora, the composition of the blood changes over time. If earlier 12 units of calcium were considered quite normal in children, now three units are enough.
  • Fungi contribute to circulatory disorders, are the cause of thrombosis.
  • Stimulate the growth of malignant tumors. This judgment was proved by a scientific experiment conducted by the French scientist Etienne Wolf. He placed the cancerous tumor in a yeast solution. Within one week, it increased 3 times. After the tumor was removed from the solution, it died.
  • Yeast fungi cause diseases of the heart, lungs, liver.

Whether to include bread or other yeast-containing foods in your daily diet is up to everyone to decide. Take some time for yourself and observe how your body reacts to them. If you see failures, then try to give up for a while yeast bread.


Is yeast harmful to humans? Doctors' opinion

“Yeast inhibits healthy intestinal microflora”, “increases the risk of developing cancer”, “poisons the body with decay products” - Internet publications scare, as if it were not about food, but about nuclear weapons. With trembling hands, we compiled a list of horror stories and went with it to the experts - for the truth, confirmed by scientific knowledge.

Eating yeast is not dangerous

Julia Bastrigina, nutritionist, Nutrilite brand expert:

“To be afraid of yeast is rather strange - they are literally everywhere and surround a person from the first years of life. Plums and grapes, for example, are covered with microscopic bodies of yeast fungi (the same white coating on fruits), microorganisms can be found in flour, live on the skin. But the most that yeast can do is cause a little bloating. Intestinal microbiocenosis is perfectly adapted to fight potentially dangerous fungi and microbes (to which baker's yeast, of course, do not apply) and, as a rule, does an excellent job with this job.

Besides heat treatment during baking (+96…98 ºС) leads to cell death. Even if the temperature does not reach such values, you should know that protein organisms (I'm talking about yeast) denature at 60 ºС.

FACT: It is from yeast that B vitamins are obtained, which are necessary for the regulation of all types of metabolism, the functioning of the nervous system, and hematopoiesis. Plus, they contain 16 different amino acids. The perfect team for building and repairing muscles!

In their reception you need to know the measure

David Matevosov, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Yauza Clinical Hospital, member of the Russian and European Associations for the Study of the Liver; PhD:

"What modern medicine what about nutritional yeast? First, their moderate consumption in combination with lecithin can lower cholesterol levels and relieve pain from neuritis. Second, no matter what Internet experts claim, there is currently no scientific evidence that yeast causes or provokes the formation of tumor cells in humans.

Third: in medical practice, the medicinal qualities of yeast fungi are actively used. For example, one of the leading probiotic preparations for the treatment of intestinal microflora, Saccharomyces boulardii, is one of our heroes. This type of yeast, combined with anti-Helicobacter therapy together with an antibiotic, increases the effectiveness of the treatment of gastritis. The excess content of yeast fungi in products leads to the suppression of beneficial intestinal microflora, predisposing a person to excessive gas formation, the appearance of colic, and impaired stool. Therefore, the main recommendation when using yeast and products containing it is moderation. Then the living bacterial component will be beneficial and will not turn into an aggressor.”

FACT: Yeasts from the genus Candida, which are part of a healthy human microflora, can become pathogenic. This happens with their mass development against the background of weakened immunity, taking antibiotics, surgical intervention in the body.

Yeast can be helpful

Lyubov Zinovieva, dermatocosmetologist, member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine, Herbalife expert:

“Autolyzed brewer’s yeast is an extremely useful food supplement. During their transformation into tablets and powders, the living structure of microorganisms is destroyed, which eliminates the danger of fermentation. At the same time, all biologically valuable substances and useful properties are preserved.

In particular, brewer's yeast is rich in nucleic acids relevant to health, B vitamins, vitamin E. Thanks to this composition, supplements improve hair and nail growth, promote tissue regeneration and healing - this can be said with confidence. We cosmetologists recommend brewer's yeast to treat acne blemishes and acne: qualitative mineral composition drugs help to normalize sebum secretion.

FACT: For vegetarians, autolyzed brewer's yeast can be a good source of protein. 30 g of powder product contains 15 g of protein. + In America, nutritional yeast is used as the basis for the production of vegetarian pâtés.


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Yeast benefits and harms

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Yeast - harm and benefit, composition

Yeast is a living microorganism that people have "domesticated" for a long time. Unique properties and the benefits of yeast were discovered many millennia ago. It is known for certain that in ancient Egypt in 1200 BC. bakers baked not only unleavened, but also yeast bread. The Egyptians learned to brew beer with yeast even earlier, 6000 years BC. e. At the same time, yeast breeding began, which led to the creation of new, hitherto non-existent cultures of microorganisms.

The microbiologist Pasteur officially “discovered” yeast only in 1857. In 1881, the first pure yeast culture was isolated in Denmark. And already at the end of the 19th century, cultivated yeast began to be used for the production of beer and baking bread. In total, there are more than 1,500 varieties of these unicellular fungi in the world. But in nutrition we use only 4 of them: beer, baker's, dairy and wine yeast. Baker's yeast is widely used for baking sumptuous bread and bakery products. Brewer's yeast is found in "live" beer. But wine yeast can be found in nature in the form of a plaque on grape bunches, but they are not found in wine. Milk yeast, along with lactobacilli, can be found in all fermented milk products prepared with natural starters.

The chemical composition of yeast

All yeasts are good for human health and are great dietary product containing live cultures, microorganisms and bacteria. Yeast - protein product, the protein content in it reaches 66%. The proteins that make up the yeast are perfectly absorbed by the body and are not inferior in quality to the proteins of meat, milk or fish. More than 10% of the composition of yeast is occupied by amino acids. Yeast is a rich source of minerals, amino acids and vitamins. They contain potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, B vitamins, vitamins H, P, folic and paraaminobenzoic acids, as well as methionine and lecithin. Milk yeast, which is part of fermented milk products, are probiotics. Invaluable benefit yeast of this species lies in the ability to maintain the balance of the intestinal microflora.

The benefits and harms of yeast

What are useful

Brewer's yeast and bread yeast are universal dietary supplements, they are recommended to be included in the diet in the form of drinks for anemia and low-calorie nutrition. Yeast is very useful for skin diseases- acne, furunculosis, dermatitis. They contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and burns, in general, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Yeast improves the secretion of the glands of the stomach and the absorption capacity of the intestines. Therefore, they are prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, decreased gastrointestinal tone and poor secretion of the digestive glands.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases, yeast must be mixed with water, sugar, bran and other additives, and taken in the form of drinks. When heated above 60 ° C, any yeast dies, and therefore “treat” and get some kind of healing effect from yeast bread baked at high temperatures, is unlikely to succeed. Dairy products with lactic yeast effectively strengthen the immune system and normalize bowel function. Yeast is also very useful for external use - they are used to prepare nourishing masks that make hair beautiful and lush.


Despite all the benefits of yeast, there are contraindications to their use. Do not take yeast with a tendency to allergies, kidney disease, gout, dysbacteriosis, endocrine disorders and individual intolerance to the product. The intake of yeast by women should be under the supervision of a gynecologist, as they can provoke the occurrence of thrush.

Video about the dangers of yeast


Baker's yeast - benefits and harms

Yeast in bakery products is used as a leavening agent. It is thanks to them that flour products are so airy and porous. Baker's yeast has a very bad reputation, which has completely overshadowed their few useful properties. Let's try to figure out the benefits and harms of baker's yeast.

Is yeast good for the body?

Baker's yeast is 66% protein and 10% amino acids. They contain a large amount of micro and macro elements, B vitamins, as well as essential fatty acids. They help normalize metabolism, restore the body after mental and physical stress, stress resistance, increase immunity and improve appetite. And that's not all that yeast is useful for the body. They help in hematopoiesis, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, improve the quality of hair, nails and skin.

Harm baker's yeast

The main harm of bread is associated with the use yeast dough for its preparation. When ingested, the yeast expands, causing bloating, constipation, and indigestion. From the digestive organs, they enter the blood, spreading throughout the body. Yeasts help increase cell permeability, making them more easily attacked by viruses and pathogens that overwhelm beneficial bacteria. Baker's yeast makes the gastric environment acidic, resulting in impaired absorption of calcium by the body. This product, together with starch, can be one of the causes of gastritis, stomach ulcers, gallstones and liver stones. Some scientists prove the relationship between yeast bread and the formation of cancer cells, but despite these studies, the technology for making baked goods remains unchanged.

Brewer's yeast - benefits and harms to the body

Many people know such a popular drink as beer. Excessive use of this foamy drink detrimental effect on the body. But we are talking about today's beer, when it is used in the production great amount poor quality and harmful products. In ancient times, beer was the most valuable drink, which gave health to a person, and even contributed to weight loss. Currently, the pharmacological industry is producing a biological food supplement - brewer's yeast, the benefits and harms of which have already been carefully studied and verified by numerous studies.

Brewer's yeast. What's this?

Brewer's yeast is a group of fungi that belong to the yeast variety. Thanks to these unicellular organisms, an active fermentation process occurs. A similar process is used in the manufacture of beer, because thanks to it the drink is filled with strength and excellent taste.

In modern times, the pharmacological industry has successfully begun the production of brewer's yeast, which are presented in the form of ordinary tablets, but in fact are a unique storehouse of vitamins and minerals.


About 40% of the total chemical composition in brewer's yeast is accounted for by the amount of amino acids and proteins. These components, indispensable for every organism, carry important role for the normal functioning of all internal organs.

People who prefer to live according to the rules of vegetarianism are advised to include in their daily menu brewer's yeast, as they make up for the lack of protein that could be obtained by eating animal products. When used correctly, brewer's yeast helps with weight gain.

For any organism, brewer's yeast is useful, the vitamins in their composition are in full composition. The product is especially rich in subgroup B vitamins, they take care of normal operation nervous system, contribute to the healing and nutrition of nails, hair and skin. Brewer's yeast contains vitamins P and D, these important substances stabilize the work of metabolism, cope with ailments in the digestive tract, normalize the external and internal condition of the skin.

As for minerals, their composition in brewer's yeast is especially high. For example, the fermentation product contains magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, selenium, sulfur, zinc and many other components.

Useful qualities

Brewer's yeast has the most valuable qualities, their regular use contributes to:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • prevention of diseases of the nervous system;
  • active attack against cold viruses and various infections;
  • increase the tone of life and mood.

In addition, brewer's yeast has a unique property that activates the production of pancreatic insulin.

A biological supplement based on brewer's yeast helps relieve fatigue, restore strength after hard physical or mental work. Regular consumption of the product increases a person's resistance to stress in relation to the negative factors of today's life.

There are a number of diseases where the use of brewer's yeast is simply necessary for successful healing:

  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • skin diseases: abscesses, boils, eczema and others;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diabetes;
  • colds;
  • complications after surgery or serious illness.

To bring the body the most positive effect, you need to know how to take brewer's yeast. Instructions for use will definitely help to identify possible harm when using a useful product.

Contraindications and harm

  • gout;
  • kidney failure;
  • individual intolerance to the chemical composition of brewer's yeast or some of its components.


Most often, brewer's yeast is indicated for internal use. They are included in the daily menu as a useful dietary supplement. But in modern times, brewer's yeast has found another use.

Brewer's yeast is used as the main base for making face masks. Brewer's yeast for skin bears great benefit: smooth wrinkles, stabilize the process of regeneration of skin cells, eliminate minor defects. The product is useful for massage procedures. If you rub your shoulders and neck with a mask of brewer's yeast and water, you can get healing effect: blood circulation will improve, pain and heaviness will be relieved.

When taking brewer's yeast inside, the human body is saturated with useful substances, and this contributes to healing and rejuvenation.

Nowadays, the pharmacological industry produces brewer's yeast with various additives. Most often, minerals are used as additives. Each product is unique in its own way, the benefits and harms of brewer's yeast depend on the additional component in their composition.

Brewer's yeast with sulfur

As part of brewer's yeast with sulfur are B vitamins, sulfur and auxiliary components.

Brewer's yeast with sulfur has the following beneficial qualities:

  • Sulfur promotes healing, regeneration and improvement of the external and internal structure of the skin.
  • Used brewer's yeast for acne.
  • The product supports the metabolism.
  • The fortified composition contributes to the normalization of the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and has a positive effect on the work of the endocrine system.
  • Brewer's yeast has beneficial effect on visual function, the work of metabolism.
  • The product improves metabolism, promotes the removal of harmful cholesterol from the body.
  • With the course use of dietary supplements, the normalization of the liver and gastrointestinal tract occurs.

Among the contraindications to the use of brewer's yeast with sulfur, only individual intolerance to the ingredients of the product was revealed.

Brewer's yeast with zinc

For supporting reproductive function brewer's yeast with zinc is often indicated for use. In addition, the bioadditive has a number of other useful qualities:

  • Improving the external condition of the skin.
  • This brewer's yeast is prescribed for acne.
  • Showing brewer's yeast from boils.
  • Brewer's yeast takes care of the condition of the hair, it improves their appearance, activates the natural processes of protection against adverse external factors.
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels.
  • Prevention and complex treatment infertility (both men and women).
  • Prevention and assistance in treatment varicose veins veins.

Among the contraindications to date, only individual intolerance to the components of the product has been identified.

Brewer's yeast with calcium

A product equipped with calcium is an excellent disease prevention skeletal system. Brewer's yeast with calcium is used for:

  • Strengthening of tooth enamel.
  • Hair restoration - brewer's yeast for hair helps to cure such troubles with curls as baldness, dandruff, split ends, dullness of color, loss of silkiness or shine. Brewer's yeast is also useful for hair growth.
  • Strengthening nails - brewer's yeast for nails helps to restore the structure of the nail layer and resist possible fungal diseases.
  • Restoration of muscle tone.
  • Normalization of the working capacity of the nervous system.

Brewer's yeast is indicated for use by the elderly, as the composition of the product resists active aging processes and takes care of the normal state of the musculoskeletal system and the skeletal system.

Brewer's yeast with selenium

The uniqueness of brewer's yeast with selenium lies in the following positive properties:

  • Brewer's yeast with selenium strengthens the immune system, resists the development of viral and infectious processes;
  • The product has a positive effect on the working capacity of the liver, the product is especially unique in the treatment of various acute or chronic diseases internal organ;
  • Brewer's yeast has a therapeutic effect in the presence of tumors of various origins.

Contraindication - individual intolerance.

Brewer's yeast with magnesium

Dietary supplement brewer's yeast with magnesium is indicated for use by people who are engaged in heavy physical labor. Magnesium contributes to the accumulation of energy capabilities in the body.

Brewer's yeast with iron

But brewer's yeast with iron takes care of the normal state of the circulatory system, such a biological supplement is an excellent preventive and remedy from anemia.

Brewer's yeast with succinic acid

Such brewer's yeast for weight loss is a real find, because their regular use helps to strengthen and elasticity of muscles. Brewer's yeast with succinic acid is recommended for athletes, as well as for people who are engaged in hard physical labor, the product helps to reduce the feeling of fatigue and activates the vitality of the body.

Contraindication is individual intolerance.

Brewer's yeast in tablets: benefits and harms, reviews of women and doctors

Having bought a beautiful colored box of brewer's yeast in a pharmacy, it is always a pleasure to discuss with friends the need for such an acquisition. However, you can not spend hard-earned money and at the same time at least once not doubt the benefits of the purchased product. In this regard, we decided to highlight a topic that is reverent for many ladies - "Beer yeast in tablets: benefits and harms."

Dedicated to beriberi, laziness and apathy

It’s already 7 in the morning and it’s time to get up for work, but you don’t have the strength? It also happens that there is not even a desire to perform elementary actions, such as taking a shower and preparing breakfast. And the usual small joys do not bring an enthusiastic feeling.

Laziness and apathy can be a signal that the body simply lacks vitamins. In this case, it makes sense not only to drink the vitamin complex, but also to strengthen the body from the inside, paying special attention to the B vitamins. Of course, all the necessary macro- and microelements can be obtained from food, but this is provided that you eat more than just fast foods and semi-finished products.

If there are not enough nutrients in your diet, the symptoms of their deficiency will periodically disturb. It is for such citizens “deprived” of vitamins that it would be useful to drink a course of brewer's yeast. In addition to vitamin doping, the use of yeast complexes will help get rid of a number of problems. For example, due to the active action of amino acids, calcium and phosphorus, which are part of brewer's yeast, following processes:

  • Bone and muscle tissue is strengthened, and especially in the thoracic spine. Due to this, the risk of developing serious heart and liver diseases is significantly reduced.
  • There is an active renewal of cells and rejuvenation of the body from the inside.
  • Along with the saturation of brain cells with vitamins, the psychological component also returns to normal. Nervousness decreases, the ability to withstand stress increases, mood improves. That is why brewer's yeast is recommended for women with pronounced premenstrual syndrome.
  • Chromium, found in the dietary supplement, normalizes the level of insulin in the blood and thus allows you to control the sugar content. This drug can be a discovery for diabetics.
  • Digestion improves, appetite and metabolism increase. Due to this, it is recommended to drink brewer's yeast in tablets for weight gain, while subcutaneous fat does not accumulate, and all the energy received goes into muscle mass.

It has been proven that, unlike baker's yeast, which is familiar to us, beer yeast is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and does not cause side effects in the form of bloating, diarrhea and other intestinal disorders.

In addition, yeast vitamin complexes are already for a long time successfully used in the treatment of low stomach acid. They act as an effective stimulant of the secretory function of the stomach, due to which gastric juice begins to be intensively produced, and even more than when eaten. rye bread, broths and milk.

What is good for one may be poison for another.

However, brewer's yeast in a tablet does not always have such positive reviews from the medical side. So, doctors recommend forever forgetting about the existence of such a drug for the following categories of people:

  • with individual intolerance to the components;
  • with an increased concentration in the blood, urine and mucous membrane of opportunistic fungi of the genus Candida;
  • with gout;
  • if there are stones and sand in the kidneys, as well as during the period of treatment for cholecystitis;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Consumer Opinion: Does it Matter?

Often, when choosing a particular nutritional supplement, many of us are guided by the advice and recommendations of friends and acquaintances. And doctors are always skeptical about such a choice, which in most cases is an absolutely correct reaction. You can't buy nose drops or cough medicine based on dubious opinions from other consumers. Perhaps the only exception to the rule are vitamin yeast supplements.

If you do not have the above abnormalities in the body, you do not expect the birth of a baby and do not breastfeed a newborn, it will be quite normal to listen to the opinions of other people when choosing a drug. So, if we draw a parallel between the various women's forums, we can see the following pattern:

  • Favorable reviews can be found about brewer's yeast with calcium and magnesium to strengthen hair and nails. Women claim that with regular use of dietary supplements, the hair becomes silky, the hair becomes less tangled, and the nails are significantly strengthened.
  • Brewer's yeast with sulfur, according to many reviews, will help with acne. Per monthly course the skin will be significantly cleansed, redness, peeling and itching will disappear.
  • In addition, many ladies believe that the yeast supplement slows down the aging process, reduces the visibility of fine wrinkles and has a kind of lifting effect.
  • Because the drug contains alimentary fiber, it is often used for problems with bowel movements. So, brewer's yeast began to be regularly consumed by people suffering from constipation and poor absorption of nutrients.

In conclusion, it remains only to sum up. What won in today's confrontation - benefit or harm? Undoubtedly, brewer's yeast is a biological additive. And like all drugs of this type, they cannot be used by everyone indiscriminately, so it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor before buying, and possibly undergo an examination. In general, brewer's yeast is extremely beneficial for the body, especially if you suffer from seasonal depression, loss of strength or reduced immunity.

The ancient Egyptians knew about the existence of yeast, they baked bread and made beer. Their official discovery was made in the middle of the 19th century by the microbiologist Pasteur. The benefits and harms of yeast have been identified, and since then this product began to be widely used throughout the world. The modern food industry uses fresh pressed, baker's, dairy, food, dry, beer and other types of yeast.

Fresh yeast benefits and harms

They are grayish-brown briquettes, contain about 70% moisture. When cooking, such yeast is dissolved in warm water without adding salt. Store fresh yeast for about two weeks in the refrigerator or 2-3 months in the freezer.

Fresh yeast is used to make a dough that does not require repeated and lengthy proofing. They are suitable for baking cheesecakes and bread, croissants and Easter cakes.

The benefits of fresh yeast

Fresh yeast is a rich source of biologically active micro and macro elements. They contain many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic iron.

AT traditional medicine fresh yeast in combination with lecithin is used to lower cholesterol levels, reduce pain during spasms, neuritis, colitis, and burning in the intestines. But our grandmothers advised us to eat a pinch of fresh yeast when boils, boils appeared, and this remedy really helped.

Harm of fresh yeast

This product also has contraindications. For example, women should consult a gynecologist before starting to eat fresh yeast. This is due to the fact that this product, with uncontrolled use, can cause thrush. Fresh yeast is also harmful for dysbacteriosis, gout, endocrine disorders and kidney diseases.

Baker's yeast: harm or benefit

If we talk about the pros and cons of baker's yeast, then most likely the advantage will be in the negative direction. It's all about the technology of their preparation, which appeared several decades ago. Previously, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers baked bread on natural sourdough: from sprouted rye, oats or wheat, hops, malt, raisins. Such bread was really useful and could be used as a separate product.

Then they invented thermophilic yeast, which we know as bakers. Their production is simply frightening, because they are made from chemical starter cultures - saccharomycetes, artificially created by man. When using products based on thermophilic yeast, stones appear in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas. It also gets to the intestines, in which the processes of decay are growing.

Harm baker's yeast is extremely serious. Their use is fraught with a violation of metabolic processes, a change biochemical composition blood, violation of acid-base balance and other negative consequences. Therefore, if possible, refuse products made on the basis of baker's yeast.

Benefits of lactic yeast

But unlike baker's milk yeast is a valuable product. They contain healthy enzymes. Milk yeast is found in fermented milk products, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, and with constant use strengthens the immune system. Acting on our body from the inside, they significantly improve the condition of the body.

By the way, why are there many centenarians among the inhabitants of the Caucasus? The fact is that they are very fond of and drink drinks from lactic acid bacteria. So if you want to live longer, drink more yogurt.

nutritional yeast

They are famous for their high content of proteins and vitamins. They are sold in the form of powder, tablets or flakes. Vegetarians love them because nutritional yeast can also be used as a substitute for cheese, meat, and dairy products.

Thanks to their "cheesy taste" they are added to pizza, soups, casseroles, sauces, omelettes, sprinkled with spaghetti instead of parmesan.

Harm and benefit of nutritional yeast

Some of the health benefits of nutritional yeast include:

  • - lowering cholesterol levels;
  • - normalization of pressure;
  • - help with constipation;
  • - prevention of pancreatic cancer;
  • - improvement of intestinal microflora and others.

To harmful qualities include:

  • - individual intolerance;
  • - allergic reactions.

Dry yeast

They are sold in small portions in sachets. They are divided into active and fast-dissolving. Active dry yeast is spherical granules of different diameters. Their shelf life is quite long - up to two years, while all healing properties remain intact.

To activate such yeast, they are diluted with warm water, milk and wait 10-15 minutes, after which the yeast is introduced into the dough.

Instant Dry Yeast is a finely ground light brown powder. They are added directly to the dough without activation. The only condition is that the dough with such yeast needs proofing, but it will fit quickly enough.

The harm and benefits of dry yeast

They are not recommended for use in the following diseases:

  • - dysbacteriosis;
  • - gout;
  • - acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some of the health benefits of dry yeast include:

  • - high content of proteins;
  • - help with anemia;
  • - strengthening of immunity.

Brewer's yeast

Grown by fermentation of high quality beer wort from hops and malt. They are dry, liquid or pressed. Liquid yeast has a very short shelf life, but dry brewer's yeast can be used for quite a long time. Dry yeast has a strong yeasty smell. They are produced in the form of powders, tablets, dragees, capsules. Obtained by dehydration of liquid yeast.

The most useful yeast - beer

They are not reputed to be very useful for the figure. Although the reason here is not at all in the yeast, but in the preservatives that are contained in beer. Quality live beer is very healthy. After all, the composition of brewer's yeast, in addition to vitamins, proteins, amino acids, includes enzymes, peptides, fatty acid, sorbents, lipids. There are a lot of minerals in them - zinc, iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, calcium, copper, sodium and others.

Brewer's yeast and preparations based on it are widely used in medicine for therapeutic and preventive purposes. They improve metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system, increase efficiency, improve brain activity, and well-being. Brewer's yeast is recommended for the normal functioning of the digestive system. They improve the absorption of food, increase appetite, activate the secretion of digestive juice, increase intestinal motility and its microflora, and slow down the aging process of cells.

In addition, such yeast:

  • - increase the body's resistance to stress;
  • - remove toxins;
  • - strengthen the skeletal and nervous system;
  • - strengthen nails and hair;
  • - cleanse the skin;
  • - reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Especially effective brewer's yeast in the disease diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, anemia and anemia, radiation exposure, heart disease, skin diseases, intoxication (alcohol, smoking) They are recommended to be taken after viral diseases.

There are few contraindications for brewer's yeast. They are not consumed with individual intolerance to this product, with gout, renal failure.

There are persistent rumors that these microorganisms are capable of evil. They talk about it a lot, but there is still no clarity. We finally found out everything about the harm of yeast.

“Yeast inhibits healthy intestinal microflora”, “increases the risk of developing cancer”, “poisons the body with decay products” - Internet publications scare, as if it were not about food, but about nuclear weapons. With trembling hands, we compiled a list of horror stories and went with it to the experts - for the truth, confirmed by scientific knowledge.

Eating yeast is not dangerous

Yulia Bastrigina,
nutritionist, Nutrilite brand expert:

“To be afraid of yeast is rather strange - they are literally everywhere and surround a person from the first years of life. Plums and grapes, for example, are covered with microscopic bodies of yeast fungi (the same white coating on fruits), microorganisms can be found in flour, live on the skin. But the most that yeast can do is cause a little bloating. The gut's own microbiocenosis is well equipped to fight potentially dangerous fungi and microbes (which, of course, baker's yeast does not include) and, as a rule, does an excellent job of this job.

In addition, heat treatment during baking (+96...98 ºС) leads to cell death. Even if the temperature does not reach such values, you should know that protein organisms (I'm talking about yeast) denature at 60 ºС.

FACT: Exactly Yeast produces B vitamins, which are necessary for the regulation of all types of metabolism., work of the nervous system, hematopoiesis. Plus, they contain 16 different amino acids. The perfect team for building and repairing muscles!

In their reception you need to know the measure

David Matevosov,
Head of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Yauza Clinical Hospital, member of the Russian and European Associations for the Study of the Liver; PhD:

“What can modern medicine say about nutritional yeast? First, their moderate consumption in combination with lecithin can lower cholesterol levels and relieve pain from neuritis. Second, no matter what Internet experts claim, there is currently no scientific evidence that yeast causes or provokes the formation of tumor cells in humans.

Third: in medical practice, the medicinal qualities of yeast fungi are actively used. For example, one of the leading probiotic preparations for the treatment of intestinal microflora, Saccharomyces boulardii, is one of our heroes. This type of yeast, combined with anti-Helicobacter therapy together with an antibiotic, increases the effectiveness of the treatment of gastritis. Excess content of yeast fungi in products leads to the suppression of beneficial intestinal microflora, predisposing a person to excessive gas formation, the appearance of colic, impaired stool. Therefore, the main recommendation when using yeast and products containing it is moderation. Then the living bacterial component will be beneficial and will not turn into an aggressor.”

FACT: Yeasts from the genus Candida, which are part of a healthy human microflora, can become pathogenic. This happens with their mass development against the background of weakened immunity, taking antibiotics, surgical intervention in the body.

Yeast can be helpful

Lyubov Zinoviev,
dermatocosmetologist, member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine, Herbalife expert:

“Autolyzed brewer's yeast is an extremely useful nutritional supplement. During their transformation into tablets and powders, the living structure of microorganisms is destroyed, which eliminates the danger of fermentation. At the same time, all biologically valuable substances and useful properties are preserved.

In particular, brewer's yeast is rich in nucleic acids relevant to health, B vitamins, vitamin E. Thanks to this composition, supplements improve hair and nail growth, promote tissue regeneration and healing - this can be said with confidence. We estheticians recommend brewer's yeast for acne blemishes and acne.: the high-quality mineral composition of the preparations helps to normalize sebum secretion.

FACT: For vegetarians, autolyzed brewer's yeast can be a good source of protein. 30 g of powder product contains 15 g of protein. + In America, nutritional yeast is used as the basis for the production of vegetarian pâtés.

Source http://whealth.ru/zdorovye/14384/

Yeast is a microorganism or fungus that modern world people use in many areas: both in the food industry and in medicine. Even a thousand years before our era, the ancient Egyptians brewed beer and baked bread using yeast sourdough. Today, more than 1,500 species of these bacteria are known, and only four are used by humans: brewer's yeast, baker's, wine and sour milk.


Dry yeast contains 325 kcal (100 g), 100 g of pressed yeast contains 109 kcal, 100 g of brewer's yeast contains 452 kcal. The conclusion is obvious - yeast is a very high-calorie product.

What is the benefit of yeast?

Surely many people have heard the expression: "Growing by leaps and bounds." And after all, this aphorism was invented for a reason. The amazing property of the same baker's yeast to multiply in a favorable environment and increase the volume of the dough several times allows you to make pastries more magnificent and tasty, but is it not harmful to the body? Do yeast, in addition to their miraculous properties, also have benefits?

Yeast is a very valuable product that contains a large amount of necessary for the body useful substances:

  • protein;
  • organic iron;
  • B vitamins;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • folic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • cellulose.

Precisely because of a large number protein (35%) and amino acids (10%) in the composition, the extensive use of yeast is also used in vegan cuisine. It must be said separately that nutritional yeast (in particular, beer yeast) has remarkable properties that affect general state health:

  1. in combination with lecithin, yeast lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  2. improve the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  3. increase appetite;
  4. improve the formation of new blood cells;
  5. the condition of the skin, hair and nails becomes much better;
  6. improve brain function;
  7. positively affect the functions of the circulatory system;
  8. relieve pain in neuritis.

For many patients, in order to recover from long-term illnesses, doctors prescribe brewer's yeast; athletes also often resort to this time-tested remedy in their practice. And for those people who follow their figure or are forced to follow a diet for health reasons, brewer's yeast is perfect as a valuable source of vitamins and other useful elements.

The most useful yeast

Of course, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that brewer's yeast is the most beneficial for humans. However, there is another type - it is sour-milk yeast. They are found in kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk and play an indispensable role in maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora. And if it is normal, then the human immunity is not weakened - accordingly, the risk of various kinds of diseases is reduced.

Can yeast be harmful?

Unfortunately, there is still harm to yeast. In particular, this applies to baker's yeast. The thing is that the shelf life of this product is very short, so eating stale baked goods can result in food poisoning. Some scientists do not get tired of repeating that bread yeast has an extremely Negative influence on human health. This is due to the fact that, getting into the intestines with flour products, yeast actively multiply there and absorb vitamins and trace elements contained in food. Over time, yeast displaces the natural microflora in the intestines, which is fraught with the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, various diseases, and even cancerous tumors. This can also be the cause of frequent thrush in women.

Yeast can cause noticeable harm to people who are allergic to this product. Well, if we take into account industrially produced yeast, then their composition (even according to GOST) leaves much to be desired.

In what cases and how should brewer's yeast be used?

Brewer's yeast is used in medicine as dietary supplements and its use is indicated for the following diseases and conditions:

  • Diabetes;
  • The recovery period after serious illnesses, surgical interventions, with various deficient conditions of the body;
  • Prevention of hypovitaminosis;
  • Overweight or anorexia;
  • In conjunction with therapeutic diets;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Acne, blackheads;
  • Dermatoses of a neurological nature;
  • Anemia;
  • Various diseases of the skin, nails and hair;
  • Excessive mental and physical stress;
  • Prevention of diseases of the circulatory system.

Depending on the purpose of the intake, brewer's yeast should be drunk in a course of 1-2 months with a break of 2-3 months. Noticeable trends towards improvement are observed after a month of regular intake of dietary supplements. As a rule, instructions for use are attached to any package of brewer's yeast. Adults and children from 12 years of age usually take brewer's yeast 1 tablet 3 times a day one hour after meals.

Do not forget about precautions, therefore, it is necessary to take into account possible allergic reactions and the likelihood of exacerbation of existing fungal diseases (for example, thrush or stomatitis). The intake of brewer's yeast is contraindicated for the elderly due to the content of nucleic acids. It is also worth refraining from taking dietary supplements for pregnant and lactating women.

Brewer's yeast, the benefits and harms of which were discussed above, should be consumed only after consulting a doctor.

Source http://pitanieinfo.ru/poleznye-produkty/drozhzhi

Who doesn't love warm, crispy bread? And those fresh vanilla buns? All this is somewhat reminiscent of our distant carefree years. But will the childhood of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren be just as joyful?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about yeast, the benefits and harms of which are being questioned. The society was divided into two large groups. The first believes that they are useful for the human body, others hold the opposite point of view.

Before you take the side of one or another opinion, you need to carefully understand the issue. Or maybe even experiment on yourself.

What is called yeast?

Under the concept of "yeast" united 15 hundreds of varieties of unicellular fungi. They freely exist in nature mainly on the surface of berries and fruits.

Yeasts are very adapted to the environment. They can live both in the presence and in the absence of oxygen.

A characteristic feature of unicellular fungi is a high rate of growth and reproduction. This led to their widespread use in the food industry.

To date, 4 types of yeast are known. These are wine, beer, dairy and bakery. The latter are divided, in turn, into 3 more types: dry, pressed, yeast starter cultures.

Dry yeast has found wide application in cooking. They are more convenient and their shelf life is much longer. One bag of product weighing 11 grams is equivalent to 50 grams of pressed.

But all these varieties of yeast, whether dry or otherwise, are not real. They were bred by scientists to optimize the bakery process.

Only our ancestors used natural yeast. The process of baking bread in those days was a whole ceremony. It was prepared from high-quality whole grain flour on pre-prepared sourdough: rye, wheat, malt, hop. Therefore, bread then had completely different taste qualities, and real yeast, no doubt, was useful for the human body.

As for the quality of current flour products, it leaves much to be desired. Snow-white pure flour with various additives and artificial yeast do their job.

Does a person need yeast?

According to the official data of traditional medicine, the benefits of yeast for our body are great. They are considered to be a universal biologically active food supplement. They contain about 66% of proteins, various acids, vitamins, microelements, which are undoubtedly beneficial for humans.

  • gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • weak immunity;
  • anemia;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • Yeast is also good for the skin.

Despite the fact that the yeast product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors still do not recommend using it under certain circumstances. For example, dry should not be used for dysbacteriosis and other acute diseases.

Speaking about the value of yeast, it should also be added that they can be useful for vegetarians. The yeast product perfectly compensates for the lack of protein and vitamin B in the human body.

Negative effects of eating yeast

Many (including doctors) believe that the harm of yeast is much greater than the benefits. This is especially true for bakeries.

Artificially derived products are assigned such a thing as "thermophilicity". This means that they are resistant to high temperatures and do not die during baking.

Yeast is popularly called killers. Penetrating inside whole and unharmed, they poison healthy and unprotected cells with toxic substances, which subsequently leads to their death.

In this case, it cannot be said that such products are useful for our body. On the contrary, the harm of baker's yeast can lead to irreversible consequences.

The dangers of these products are as follows:

  • High content of heavy metals and chemical elements harmful to the human body. This is due to the technology of their production. And it is based on 56 types of main and auxiliary raw materials. And it's far from food. See for yourself: building lime, technical potassium carbonate, detergent liquid and the like.
  • Yeast depletes the human body. Fungi, getting into the intestines, begin to multiply actively. Food for them are vitamins and trace elements that come to a person along with food. Thus, the body receives less useful elements, which leads to their deficiency and, against this background, to various diseases.
  • Violate the intestinal microflora. The high rate of reproduction of fungi leads to the emergence of putrefactive flora. As a result, beneficial bacteria die in the intestines. The consequence of this is a violation of the absorption of vitamins and trace elements, a weakening of the immune system.
  • Baker's yeast in a duet with flour can disrupt the acid-base balance. Excessive consumption of rolls can lead to the formation of an acidic environment, which is fraught with chronic constipation, gastritis, ulcers, and osteoporosis.
  • Reduce calcium levels. Doctors are sounding the alarm. Due to the presence of microbial and fungal flora, the composition of the blood changes over time. If earlier 12 units of calcium were considered quite normal in children, now three units are enough.
  • Fungi contribute to circulatory disorders, are the cause of thrombosis.
  • Stimulate the growth of malignant tumors. This judgment was proved by a scientific experiment conducted by the French scientist Etienne Wolf. He placed the cancerous tumor in a yeast solution. Within one week, it increased 3 times. After the tumor was removed from the solution, it died.
  • Yeast fungi cause diseases of the heart, lungs, liver.

Whether to include bread or other yeast-containing foods in your daily diet is up to everyone to decide. Take some time for yourself and observe how your body reacts to them. If you see failures, then try to give up yeast bread for a while.

Source http://legkopolezno.ru/zozh/pitanie/vred-drozhzhej/

Yeast is a living microorganism that people have "domesticated" for a long time. The unique properties and benefits of yeast have been discovered many thousands of years ago. It is known for certain that in ancient Egypt in 1200 BC. bakers baked not only unleavened, but also yeast bread. The Egyptians learned to brew beer with yeast even earlier, 6000 years BC. e. At the same time, yeast breeding began, which led to the creation of new, hitherto non-existent cultures of microorganisms.

The microbiologist Pasteur officially “discovered” yeast only in 1857. In 1881, the first pure yeast culture was isolated in Denmark. And already at the end of the 19th century, cultivated yeast began to be used for the production of beer and baking bread. In total, there are more than 1,500 varieties of these unicellular fungi in the world. But in nutrition we use only 4 of them: beer, baker's, dairy and wine yeast. Baker's yeast is actively used for baking lush bread and bakery products. Brewer's yeast is found in "live" beer. But wine yeast can be found in nature in the form of a plaque on grape bunches, but they are not found in wine. Milk yeast, along with lactobacilli, can be found in all fermented milk products prepared with natural starters.

The chemical composition of yeast

All yeasts are beneficial to human health and are an excellent dietary product containing live cultures, microorganisms and bacteria. Yeast is a protein product, the protein content in it reaches 66%. The proteins that make up the yeast are perfectly absorbed by the body and are not inferior in quality to the proteins of meat, milk or fish. More than 10% of the composition of yeast is occupied by amino acids. Yeast is a rich source of minerals, amino acids and vitamins. They contain potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, B vitamins, vitamins H, P, folic and paraaminobenzoic acids, as well as methionine and lecithin. Milk yeast, which is part of fermented milk products, are probiotics. The invaluable benefit of this type of yeast lies in the ability to maintain the balance of the intestinal microflora.

The benefits and harms of yeast

What are useful

Brewer's yeast and bread yeast are universal dietary supplements, they are recommended to be included in the diet in the form of drinks for anemia and low-calorie nutrition. Yeast is very useful for skin diseases - acne, furunculosis, dermatitis. They contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and burns, in general, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Yeast improves the secretion of the glands of the stomach and the absorption capacity of the intestines. Therefore, they are prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, decreased gastrointestinal tone and poor secretion of the digestive glands.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases, yeast must be mixed with water, sugar, bran and other additives, and taken in the form of drinks. When heated above 60 ° C, any yeast dies, and therefore it is unlikely that it will be possible to “treat” and get any healing effect from yeast bread baked at high temperatures. Fermented milk products with lactic yeast effectively strengthen the immune system and normalize bowel function. Yeast is also very useful for external use - nourishing masks are prepared from them that make hair beautiful and lush.


Despite all the benefits of yeast, there are contraindications to their use. Do not take yeast with a tendency to allergies, kidney disease, gout, dysbacteriosis, endocrine disorders and individual intolerance to the product. The intake of yeast by women should be under the supervision of a gynecologist, as they can provoke the occurrence of thrush.