Fresh birch sap what to do. Birch sap: recipes for a valuable drink (photo)

23.06.2020 Restaurant notes

In the period from the beginning of the first thaws of spring until mid-April, birch sap is extracted. The drink, which has a sweetish-sour taste, is aromatic and unique. True, at home it has to be preserved or frozen in order to preserve its beneficial properties. After all, the shelf life of birch sap is short - no more than 2 days.

It was customary in Russia to make kvass, wine, lemonade and moonshine from the sap of a birch tree. They also drank the drink in its pure form, it is still popular today. In addition, such a woody liquid is used in cosmetology and folk medicine. The juice of birches is effective in treating high blood pressure, overweight, increased fatigue and low immunity, poor skin condition.

Methods for making moonshine from birch sap

A strong alcoholic drink prepared on the basis of birch sap is distinguished by its mild taste, its smell is much more pleasant in comparison with what was made on water. The juice has a sugar content (up to 2%), which reduces the consumption of granulated sugar. In some recipes for birch sap mash sugar and yeast are not required at allbecause the gift of trees itself is quite good at wandering around. True, the juice consumption is then quite large: from 10 liters of birch liquid, usually no more than 1 liter of moonshine comes out.

But for beginners it is better to pay attention to more the traditional method of making moonshine from birch sapwhich uses yeast and sugar. The fact is that the wild yeast contained in the birch liquid can die without ensuring the fermentation of the juice. Therefore, it is best to keep baker's or spirit yeast ready so that the sugar is most likely processed into alcohol.

The resulting strong is diluted only with clean water (for example, spring water). When birch sap is added in order to reduce the strength of the distillate, you can get a cloudy moonshine, on the surface of which a slimy film will float. It is advisable to distill the resulting moonshine twice to get a clean drink without an unpleasant fusel smell.

How to get birch sap?

Usually they start collecting birch sap early - in the first days of March. It is best to carry out extraction during daylight hours, since it is then that the juice is extracted especially actively. In order not to harm nature, you must choose a tree with a diameter of at least 30 cm or more. You should collect no more than 2 liters of juice per day from a tree, in extreme cases (if the tree is strong and mature) - 5 liters. It is advisable to take juice from those trees that grow far from major tracks.

Having chosen a tree, a small hole (only a couple of centimeters deep) should be drilled or cut through its bark from the north side. Insert a groove or a narrow tube into the resulting hole in the wood, and substitute the dishes to collect the juice. If the tree is young and its trunk diameter does not exceed 30 cm, one hole will be enough. No more than 4-5 holes are made in a powerful tree. When the birch gives up the required volume of liquid (2-3 liters), it is necessary to cover the hole with garden varnish, plasticine or wax. Otherwise, the tree will get sick.

Birch sap moonshine with sugar and yeast


  • Birch sap - 5 liters;
  • Sugar - 1500 g;
  • Yeast - 100 g pressed or 20 g dry;
  • Milk - 1 spoon or a piece of ordinary dry biscuits, croutons;
  • A little lukewarm water (to activate the yeast).

Cooking process

Birch moonshine without sugar and yeast

As mentioned above, it is better to insure yourself and still get fresh yeast. Suddenly fermentation will be weak, then the introduction of yeast diluted in warm water will help. Sugar is not involved in this recipe, since it is assumed that the glucose present in the birch sap will ferment.


  • Birch sap - 30 l;
  • Milk - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

Cooking process

  1. Prepare a natural starter culture: separate 3 liters of birch sap, in which wild yeast will live without heating;
  2. Heat the remaining liquid (27 liters) until it boils, simmer over low heat until the volume of juice is reduced to 10 liters. Cool birch sap to 25 degrees;
  3. Combine liquids (cooled juice and previously cast). Pour them into a fermentation container along with a spoonful of milk. Install a water seal and transfer the birch mash to a dark and warm place. If after 2-3 days the signs of fermentation do not show themselves (there will be no hiss, abundant foam, a characteristic sour smell), you will have to add yeast (300 g pressed or 60 g dry);
  4. When fermentation is over, remove the mash from the sediment. Distill the drink (preferably twice) as described in the previous case.
If desired, clean the moonshine with charcoal or any other available method before the second distillation. For example, moonshine is cleaned with milk at the rate of 200 ml of milk per 1 liter of moonshine. The combined liquids are left for a day or two, and then filtered. Another option is cleaning by freezing the product. Ready moonshine is poured into a can (made of stainless steel), placed in a freezer and waited until harmful impurities freeze to the walls of the vessel. The purified moonshine remains liquid.

Store moonshine from birch sap in glass containers (cylinders, cans or bottles). Another suitable container is stainless steel containers. But it is better to refuse plastic bottles. It is important that the container is sealed, otherwise the alcohol will evaporate. The strength of the drink will be reduced. Store the drink in a dark place where the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees, for example, in a basement or cellar. The shelf life of homemade birch moonshine is at least 3 years.

The benefits and harms of birch sap were well known to our ancestors. More precisely, they knew more about its beneficial, medicinal properties. They also knew when and how to collect this medicine, how to properly prepare it in order to preserve the healing substances as much as possible. There are few contraindications for this forest drink, but still they are, and they were established by traditional medicine after a series of observations of patients suffering from urolithiasis and stomach ulcers.

For the representatives of the present generation, birch sap is a kind of antiquity, a true story, a natural product from the times of the USSR, which has gone into the past along with the realities of life. There is some truth in this, because the value of this drink, the methods of collecting and preparing it are gradually forgotten. And the volume of its industrial procurement has significantly decreased. However, there are keepers of traditions, there are many recipes in folk herbalists and many confirmations that this drink is not just a symbol of Russia. It is also a valuable medicine that can be prepared at home.

Features of medicinal raw materials

Birch sap is pleasant, sweetish, with a specific delicate aroma. For what diagnoses is it recommended? Does he have any contraindications? When to start collecting, what are the ways to harvest the juice yourself?

Harvesting birch sap

Industrial harvesting and canning of birch sap is carried out mostly in Belarus, less in Russia and Ukraine. This drink was especially popular during the Soviet era. The older generation perfectly remembers how, in the era of shortages, three-liter cans of this drink filled empty shelves. It can also be seen on modern counters (in three-liter, 1.5-liter cans and tetrapacks), but its production has noticeably decreased.

  • When to collect? Collect in early spring, when the juices begin to rise from the root up the trunk of the tree. During a thaw, sap flow may begin earlier - in February. The sap is collected until the buds have blossomed on the birch, which also depends on weather and climatic conditions. It is also better to collect the liquid during daylight hours, because at night the trees "sleep" and the movement of the sap stops.
  • How to collect birch sap correctly? There are several rules to follow: do not use young trees; after collection, cover the hole or slot with wax, laundry soap or a special garden varnish, which prevents wood from rotting from various lesions. In extreme cases, the hole is tightly closed with moss or a twig is stuck into it, it is saturated with liquid, swells and does not allow it to flow out. This forest food resource (and this is how it is called in the legislation) can be obtained in different ways. The first is to make an incision (notch) on the bark, substitute a groove and fix it, hang a container where the juice will drain. The second is to drill a hole in the barrel to a depth of 5 cm, insert a plastic tip from the dropper system into it, and lower its other end into a container. Third - young branches are cut off, wrapped in a plastic bag, where the liquid flows. Sometimes the juice is collected from the stumps after the sanitary felling of a forest area.
  • Some "tricks" of the collection... You need to start collecting in the southern parts of the grove, and as the snow melts and warms, move deeper into the forest. They try to make incisions on the northern side of the trunk - there is more juice here. A slot or hole is made approximately 50 cm from the ground. Do not make a deep hole. First, it is life-threatening for the tree. Secondly, the sap moves between bark and wood, it is enough just to pass through the bark layer.
  • How to store birch sap at home? Raw birch is best collected and stored in glass containers. If it is collected in plastic bottles, then after filling it must be immediately poured into glassware. Raw meat can stand in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. It is desirable to drink it by this time, then it becomes cloudy, bubbles appear in it, and fermentation processes begin. Further, you can already make kvass or wine from it. For long-term storage, fresh juice is canned and frozen in small portions.

One large tree can give up to 7 liters of valuable liquid per day, a small one - up to 3 liters. On a tree with a diameter of up to 20 cm, only one hole is allowed, with a diameter of up to 25 cm - you can make two holes, up to 35 cm - three, and over 40 cm - no more than four. Despite the fact that birch roots go deep into the ground and take nutrients from clean soil, it is better to choose birch trees in groves, rather than in plantings along roads. Wood also has the ability to absorb harmful substances from the air.

Healing properties and pharmacological action

The chemical composition of birch sap includes:

  • invert sugar (with equal proportions of glucose and sucrose);
  • organic acids;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • essential oil;
  • phytohormones;
  • phenols;
  • derivatives of urea;
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • group of B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • rich composition of trace elements (copper, potassium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, iron, silicon).

Pharmachologic effect:

  • diuretic;
  • secretory;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • fortifying;
  • blood-purifying;
  • antioxidant.

Increasingly, they talk about the antitumor properties of raw birch, although there is no scientific evidence for this. He can be prescribed for rehabilitation, recovery of the body after difficult procedures in oncology.

What diseases is indicated

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Relieves spasms, stomach and intestinal colic, treats diseases of the stomach, liver, gallbladder, acts as a mild pain reliever, anti-inflammatory drug. Restores microflora, appetite, digestion.
  • urinary system... One of the most effective folk remedies for urolithiasis. It is advisable to drink it fresh, 6 glasses a day. The juice helps to break up kidney stones and remove them. The course of treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, painful conditions are likely.
  • Rheumatic diseases... An effective remedy for gout, articular arthritis, atherosclerosis. Is taken internally and externally.
  • Respiratory system . As a fortifying agent with an expectorant effect, it is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs, including tuberculosis.
  • Metabolic disorders... With diabetes mellitus, blended birch sap is useful in complex treatment and with a strict diet. On its basis, a medicinal drink is prepared, it contains 35% of raspberry, currant, blackberry, blueberry, elderberry juice. It is also taken with decoctions of wild rose, lingonberry leaves, buckthorn, nettle and other medicinal herbs. We emphasize that herbal medicine for diabetes mellitus gives a positive therapeutic effect, but only under the supervision of a doctor, with a number of laboratory studies. Depending on the type of diabetes, the dosage and course of treatment are prescribed. Since the juice is low in calories and stimulates all metabolic processes in the body, it is drunk for weight loss.
  • Anemia. With anemia, it is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of juice a day before meals.
  • Avitaminosis. Birch sap contains half of the periodic table. It is prescribed for spring vitamin deficiencies, weakened immunity, after severe illnesses, for the prevention of ARVI, influenza.
  • Intoxication. The drink helps well in case of poisoning (gives energy and reserves of lost fluid), cleanses the body of toxins, restores the water-salt balance, helps to reduce the temperature and acts as a diaphoretic in combination with rosehip decoction and lemon juice. The drink also helps with a hangover, relieving stomach discomfort.
  • External use... The remedy can be used to gargle, rinse the nose, drink to disinfect the oral cavity with stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease. Also, they rub the skin with scabies, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, ulcers. It helps well with non-healing wounds.

This medicinal drink has few contraindications: individual intolerance and allergic reaction. It is important to remember that with an exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as in the acute form of urolithiasis, self-treatment with juice can lead to an even greater exacerbation. That is why medical supervision and observation is so important. Due to its high glucose content, birch sap can be harmful to the body if it is not properly dosed and diluted.

Features of the preparation and use of birch sap

Despite all the harmlessness and undoubted usefulness of this forest drink, it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking it. If any side effects appear (primarily from the digestive system - diarrhea), you should cancel the treatment and consult a doctor.

How to use

How much juice can you drink per day?

  • A glass 3 times a day is a "universal" dosage.
  • Some herbalists recommend drinking the juice diluted, especially if there are exacerbations and diabetes.
  • As a preventive measure, you can drink for a long time, but little by little.
  • The treatment course may be shorter, but with a higher dosage, in this case, a break in therapy is required.

Cooking recipes

Recipes for harvesting birch sap are impressive in their variety. You can harvest pure raw, or you can prepare soothing infusions from it with the addition of mint, fortified ones with black currant and rose hips. Also, delicious kvass, wine, low-alcohol drinks, syrup are obtained from raw birch.

  • Kvass. Birch sap has high fermentation properties. Therefore, kvass from birch sap is prepared without yeast. But there are also recipes for its preparation with yeast.
  • Syrup. It is curious that today there are no more than two dozen producers of this delicacy in the world. Birch syrup is prepared according to the same principle as the famous maple syrup. To get 1 liter of product, you need to evaporate 100 liters of juice! The syrup is similar to honey in consistency and taste, but there is a woody bitterness in it. In Russia there is a community of lovers and connoisseurs of this product, which also produces natural birch sap, sauce, kvass, chaga. Here you can buy frozen raw.
  • Wine. In the USSR, the production of birch wines was established, but now this is a great rarity. Raw birch produced high-quality sparkling (carbonated) wine. It can also be prepared at home according to old Russian recipes.

Carbonated drink recipe

  1. Pour raw birch into a three-liter jar and keep warm for 2 days.
  2. Put 6 tsp in the jar. Sahara.
  3. Add some raisins and lemon zest.
  4. Close the lid and hold for 2 days.

It turns out a pleasant carbonated drink with sourness (in fact, kvass). If the fermentation process is active, you need to open the lid or use a lid with a hole. To reduce fermentation processes, the drink is stored in the refrigerator.

Yeast Birch Kvass Recipe

  1. Heat raw birch to 35 ° C.
  2. Add 15 g yeast (per 1 liter of juice), a little raisins, lemon zest.
  3. Close with a tight lid.
  4. Incubate for 7 days.

Kvass perfectly quenches thirst, normalizes digestion.

Recipe for birch kvass without yeast

  1. Pour raw birch into a three liter jar.
  2. Put pieces of dried rye bread in it.
  3. For flavor, add currant and cherry leaves.
  4. Cover the jar with gauze and stand for 14 days.

Malt kvass recipe

  1. Pour 5 liters of raw birch into a large bottle.
  2. Incubate for 2 days.
  3. Add 30 g of barley malt.
  4. Soak for at least 10 days.

Earlier in Russia, kvass was prepared in large barrels. It was one of the most popular drinks at festive feasts. To keep kvass for a long time, honey and oak bark were placed in barrels. Herbs were also added - thyme, cumin, linden, chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort. Blended low-alcohol drinks were made with the addition of rowan, rosehip, cherry, blueberry, and apple juice.

Canned Birch Sap Recipe

  1. Take 3 liters of fresh juice.
  2. Add 100 g sugar and 1 medium lemon, cut into wedges.
  3. Boil over low heat in an enamel bowl for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour into a sterilized jar, roll up.

You can use orange instead of lemon. A sprig of mint or lemon balm will give the juice a pleasant taste. Previously, it was believed that industrial birch sap was diluted with citric acid and water. Painfully a lot of it was produced in the USSR. In fact, you can add a little lemon as a preservative to a recipe drink.

Birch sap for women and children

  • Pregnancy. There is no information that juice can harm the body during pregnancy. However, a doctor's consultation should be mandatory, especially if a woman has chronic stomach and kidney diseases. This low-calorie drink quenches thirst well, normalizes metabolic processes, blood pressure, reduces attacks of nausea and vomiting in case of toxicosis.
  • Lactation. It is believed that birch sap is useful for breastfeeding, stimulates lactation. There is no scientific evidence for this. However, it can be beneficial for a nursing mother with its rich composition. It should be taken in reasonable portions. To begin with, it is recommended to drink 100 g of juice and observe the baby's reaction.
  • Childhood . The question arises: can children drink birch sap? Pediatricians do not recommend giving it to babies under 1 year old in any form. After a year, you can offer canned juice, but in small portions, first in a diluted form. Later, you can try to introduce raw materials into the diet, also in small doses. Juice is valuable for children with glucose, phytoncides, organic acids, unique compositions of micro- and macroelements, vitamins. Needless to say, children should only be given a high-quality, proven product, without additives.


Birch sap is widely used in cosmetology due to its tonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. How is it used?

  • As lotion and hair mask... It strengthens the roots well, eliminates dandruff, increased fat content. The pure juice is rubbed into the scalp and hair. Also, masks are made from it with the addition of castor oil and honey.
  • For skin problems... Undiluted juice wipe the skin in the morning and evening with furunculosis, acne, age spots, lichen.
  • Ingestion. For skin diseases, it is used not only externally, but also internally. Birch sap acts as a blood purifier, helps with furunculosis, acne, acne, eliminates the cause of the disease "from the inside".
  • Cosmetic ice... In addition to lotions and masks, cosmetic ice made from birch sap is used. To do this, it is poured into small molds, frozen, daily wiped on the skin with pieces of ice.

What are the main medicinal properties of birch sap? First of all, it is a mild diuretic and choleretic agent. Also, the drink has tonic, blood-purifying, tonic, antiseptic properties. It is used to treat skin diseases, metabolic disorders, anemia, vitamin deficiency, intoxication, and is actively used in cosmetology.

With the arrival of spring, an active season for harvesting birch sap begins. If the "hunting season" is a success and the stocks exceed the needs, I advise you to process this valuable product in a non-standard way - to use it for moonshine. There are two homemade mash recipes used by experienced moonshiners. The result is a great drink.

It is better to collect birch sap for moonshine as high as possible from the ground, where it is sweeter and cleaner. It's all about glucose, which the tree stores by the fall. The longer the distance travels the sap along the birch trunk, rising from the roots, the more glucose it absorbs, becoming sweet. Birch sap contains enough trace elements necessary for the normal development of yeast. Thanks to this, problems with fermentation occur extremely rarely, and the mash itself does not need feeding.

Sugar mash on birch sap

The resulting moonshine is called "Princely". Replacing regular water with juice makes the drink softer in taste. The rest of the cooking technology does not change.


  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • pressed baker's yeast - 200 grams (or 40 grams dry);
  • birch sap - 12 liters;
  • kefir (milk) - 1 tablespoon.

1. Heat birch sap to 25-30 ° C (no more), add sugar, stir.

2. Dissolve yeast in warm water according to the instructions on the label.

3. Pour the syrup into a fermentation vessel, add the dissolved yeast. One third of the container must remain empty. Free space is needed for carbon dioxide, which will appear during fermentation.

4. Add a spoonful of kefir (milk, starter culture) to reduce foaming.

5. Transfer the container to a dark, warm place (18-28 ° C) and place the birch wash under the water seal.

Braga under a water seal

The output is 3-3.5 liters of birch sap moonshine with a strength of 40-45 degrees. To improve the quality, the drink can be refined with charcoal or distilled again.

Moonshine with birch juice with sugar

Pure mash from birch sap

It is made without yeast and sugar by breaking down and naturally fermenting the natural glucose found in birch sap. The process is laborious, but the moonshine is very tasty. Very few moonshiners can boast of such a drink.

Theory. One liter of birch sap contains 0.5-2.3% sugar. At home, 1 kg of sugar leaves 1.1-1.2 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees. If these values \u200b\u200bare averaged, then for 0.5 liters of finished moonshine, at least 30 liters of birch sap are required.

  • birch sap - 30 liters.
  • milk (kefir) - 1 tablespoon.


1. The optimal proportion of water and sugar in the mash is 4: 1, but we have much more water (birch sap) than is required. You need to evaporate the excess liquid.

First, pour 3 liters of juice into a separate container, it will be a natural ferment containing wild yeast. Pour the rest of the juice into a large saucepan and heat on the stove until it boils. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook until 3-4 liters remain. Then cool the contents of the pan to 20-25 ° C.

2. Mix the digested juice with the previously cast one. Pour the resulting liquid into a fermentation container, add milk or kefir. Place the hydro-auto on the bottle and transfer to a warm place (18-28 ° C).

Attention! Natural yeast may not work for various reasons. If, 2 days after laying the mash, there are no signs of fermentation (foam, hissing, sour smell), then in order not to spoil the juice and your work, I advise you to add 300 grams of pressed or 60 grams of dry yeast.

3. After 9-16 days, when fermentation is over, drain the mash from the sediment and distill.

It turns out about 0.5 liters of forty-degree moonshine from birch sap. For additional cleaning, the drink can be passed through charcoal, naturally birch.

Sugar & Yeast Free

Important! Ready-made moonshine made according to the first and second recipes cannot be diluted with birch sap, only water. Otherwise, after mixing, the drink will first become cloudy, and then a substance resembling jelly will appear on the surface.

Re-distillation of moonshine from birch sap

Improves quality significantly. Technology:

one). After the first distillation, measure the strength of the drink. Determine the amount of pure alcohol. For example, 3 liters of 55% contains 1.65 liters of pure alcohol (3 * 0.55 \u003d 1.65).

2). Dilute birch moonshine with water to 15-20%. Clean with charcoal or any other method if desired.

3). Re-distill. Collect the first 10-12% of the yield from the amount of pure alcohol (while the unpleasant odor persists) and use it only for technical needs. This harmful fraction is called "heads", drinking it is dangerous to health.

four). Take off the main product until the ABV drops below 40%. Then the "tails" begin - a fraction that gives turbidity and spoils the taste.

five). Dilute the resulting moonshine with water to 40-45%, pour into bottles, close tightly and leave for 2-3 days before use to stabilize the taste.

Birch sap is undoubtedly a valuable liquid useful for our entire body. It contains many vitamins and nutrients. Moreover, this product has a pleasant aroma and sweet taste. In order to always have a delicious drink in the house, you need to know how to prepare birch sap for future use for the whole year.

Freshly picked cool juice is a pleasure to drink in the spring! And the preparation will help maintain this taste until the next season for collecting the magic liquid.

When and how to get birch sap

In the period of snow melting, when young leaves have not yet blossomed on the trees, the time begins, which is called "crying of birches". Usually this season falls in mid-March - April. It is then that you need to go to collect the valuable liquid with a sweet taste.

Collect birch sap only in clean forests, far from the road and cities, otherwise the liquid may not be beneficial, but harm to health.

Collecting birch sap is a seemingly simple matter, but it has several rules:

  1. The birch should be neither young nor old.
  2. From one tree, you can collect no more than 1 liter of juice in 2-3 days.
  3. The incision is made small so as not to harm the birch.
  4. After the procedure, it is necessary to seal the cut with plasticine, wax, garden varnish.

In order to collect the juice, you need to make a small cut in the bark of the tree (at a distance of 25-30 cm from the ground) and clean it. Insert a metal or plastic groove into the hole, through which the liquid will flow. Install a jar, plastic or glass bottle, in general, any convenient container from below. It is important to carefully monitor the flowing juice, and after filling the jar, close up the cut in the trunk with wax, garden varnish.

It should be noted that in sunny weather the birch “cries” faster than in cloudy weather.

Beneficial features

Birch sap, and especially collected in places remote from people and roads, has many useful properties. Doctors recommend consuming at least one glass of valuable liquid a day in the spring. It helps to cope with spring weakness, depression, distraction and fatigue.

"Birch Tears" can also boast of the ability to heal diseases of the stomach and liver, relieve headaches and charitably influence the state of the body as a whole. In addition, cosmetologists assure that washing with birch sap has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin, fights against age spots and acne. To do this, you need not only to use the elixir, but also to wash with it.

Making birch sap

Making birch sap at home is not difficult and even interesting. Most often, the magic sweet liquid is canned, but many also freeze "birch tears". Thanks to the second method of storing birch sap, it does not lose its useful properties, as it happens during heat treatment, but we will consider both methods of harvesting.


The first recipe for making birch sap is based on heat treatment. Unfortunately, with this method of preparing a tasty liquid, all vitamins and nutrients are lost, but the drink continues to be tasty.

To make birch sap at home, we need:

  • 7 liters of birch sap;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 orange;
  • a sprig of dry mint (added to taste, however, with this ingredient, the drink will acquire a more interesting aroma as a result);
  • 1 cup granulated sugar.

Pour juice into a large saucepan, add sugar. We put the drink on medium heat. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, collect all the foam from the juice with a spoon and remove it. If this is not done, a sediment will form in the rolled up can with a delicious drink. After boiling, add half a lemon, half an orange (it is better to cut lemon and orange into slices) and a dry twig, after which we reduce the heat to a minimum and leave for 10-12 minutes.

Before preparing the coveted juice, it is worth sterilizing the cans. It is important to do this especially carefully so that the drink does not spoil. We wash the jar under hot water with soda with a clean sponge, then sterilize the glass containers in any way convenient for you. Bottles, if you decide to store birch sap in them, just rinse with hot water and soda.

As soon as the appointed time has come, the "birch tears" are prepared, we carefully filter them.

At the bottom of the prepared jars, lay out the remaining half of the lemon and orange (cut them into circles). Pour homemade birch sap into a container, roll it up with a metal lid and set it upside down in a cold place.

If you store juice in bottles, then you can prepare lemon and orange for subsequent placement on the bottom of the dish using cubes, sticks or any other method of medium-sized cutting.


Another way to prepare and store birch sap is to freeze it. It is simple and practical. Thus, the drink will not lose valuable substances and vitamins useful for the body.

For this method, you only need birch sap in its pure form and bags, or plastic bottles.

Fresh birch sap is poured into bottles and tightly sealed, placed in the freezer.

If you are using packages, then they should be clean, new. It is better to pour the liquid into them in small portions, 2 glasses of drink per bag. Be sure to release all the air, close the bag tightly and send it to the freezer.

"How to make birch sap at home?" - at all times this issue has been relevant. There are a huge number of ways and recipes for creating a delicious drink now, and all of them are unique and interesting in their own way. Of course, it would be great to try birch sap in all versions, but it's worth starting with a simple and at the same time delicious recipe.

It is healthy and pleasant to consume, because the drink is not only rich in substances valuable for health, but also has a thirst-quenching effect and excellent taste.

Making lemonade from birch sap - video

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Surely, many of you have met this plant, at least as a component of some cosmetic or food products. It is "disguised" under different names: "ziziphus", "unabi", "jujuba", "Chinese date", but all this is one and the same plant. This is the name of a culture that has long been cultivated in China, moreover, it was grown as a healing one. From China, it was brought to the Mediterranean countries, and from there ziziphus began to slowly spread throughout the world.

The troubles in May in the ornamental garden are always associated with the need to use every free minute as productively as possible. This month, flower seedlings are planted and seasonal decoration begins. But you should not forget about shrubs, vines, or trees. Due to the imbalance in the lunar calendar this month, it is better to work with ornamental plants in early and mid-May. But the weather does not always allow you to follow the recommendations.

Why do people move out of town and buy summer cottages? For a variety of reasons, of course, including practical and material ones. But the main idea is still to be closer to nature. The long-awaited summer cottage season has already begun, we will have a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden. With this material we want to remind you and ourselves - in order for work to be a joy, you must not forget to rest. And what could be better than outdoor recreation? Only rest in a well-equipped corner of your own garden.

May brings not only the long-awaited warmth, but also no less long-awaited opportunities to plant even heat-loving plants in the beds. In this month, seedlings begin to be transferred to the soil, and crops reach their peak. For planting and new crops, it is important not to forget about other important chores. Indeed, not only the beds need enhanced care, but also the plants in greenhouses, and the seedlings, which this month are being actively hardened. It is important to form plants on time.

Easter Pie is a homemade recipe for a simple sponge cake stuffed with nuts, candied fruits, figs, raisins and other goodies. The white icing that decorates the cake is made from white chocolate and butter, it won't crack, but tastes like chocolate cream! If you don't have the time or skill to tinker with yeast dough, then you can make these simple holiday baked goods for the Easter table. Such a simple recipe, I think, will be mastered by any novice home confectioner.

Thyme or thyme? Or maybe thyme or Bogorodskaya grass? How is it correct? And rightly so in every way, because under these names one and the same plant, more precisely, one genus of plants from the Lamiaceae family, "passes". There are many other popular names associated with the amazing property of this shrub to emit a large amount of aromatic substances. Growing thyme and using it in garden design and cooking will be discussed in this article.

Favorite Saintpaulias have not only a special appearance, but also a very specific character. The cultivation of this plant bears little resemblance to the classic care of indoor crops. And even relatives of the Uzambar violets from among the Gesnerievs require a slightly different approach. Irrigation is often referred to as the “weirdest” point of care for violets, which prefer non-standard watering to the classic method. But the approach will also have to be changed in fertilizing with fertilizers.

Savoy cabbage gratin is a vegetarian recipe for a delicious and healthy meat-free dish that can be cooked during fasting as it does not use animal products. Savoy cabbage is a close relative of white cabbage, but it surpasses its "relative" in taste, so dishes with this vegetable always turn out to be successful. If for some reason you do not like soy milk, then replace it with plain water.

At present, thanks to breeders, more than 2000 varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries have been created. The very one that we habitually call "strawberries". Garden strawberries are a result of hybridization of Chilean and Virginia strawberries. Every year, breeders do not get tired of surprising us with new varieties of this berry. The selection is aimed at obtaining not only high-yielding varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests, but also those with high taste and transportability.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow marigolds are irreplaceable. These summers have long since moved from city flower beds and classical flower beds to original compositions, adorned the beds and potted gardens. Marigolds with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas are today able to pleasantly surprise with their diversity. Firstly, there are both tall and miniature plants among marigolds.

The system of protection of fruit and berry plantations is based on the use of mainly pesticides. However, if pesticides can be used in the protection of seed orchards during almost the entire growing season, taking into account the waiting period for each drug, then in the protection of berry crops they can be used only before the beginning of flowering and after harvest. In this regard, the question arises which drugs should be used during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.