How many kilocalories are in sushi. Is it possible to eat sushi on a diet

13.05.2019 Healthy eating

Sushi and rolls today have ceased to be a delicacy available to a narrow circle of Russians. These dishes are in demand by consumers, regardless of their income, both on weekdays and on holidays. Such a massive demand for food Japanese food contributed to the increase in the number of establishments offering to taste sushi... Literally at every step you can find shops selling ready-made rolls or sets for their preparation at home. You can order sushi at home by phone or via the Internet.

Sushi and rolls often replace other homemade food... Studies have shown that they have more than just pleasant taste, but also carry some benefit for the human body. However, many of the fair sex are forced to limit themselves in the use of Japanese cuisine due to the existing opinion about their high calorie content.

Does sushi really contribute to gaining extra pounds?

Before ordering sushi at home, let's figure out which ingredients that make up them are harmful to the figure. These are, first of all, high-calorie types of fish, cheese, eel, omelet and avocado. In general, the more food is used to make sushi than more calories they contain. Therefore, for people who care about their appearance, it is preferable to choose more simple rolls for example with rice and fish. Least of all calories in vegetable sushi and rolls.

Sushi prepared in compliance with all conditions and using low-calorie ingredients are classified as dishes with which you can get rid of extra pounds... In addition, roll and sushi portions are usually small.

Some sushi lovers have even come up with diet based exclusively on these Japanese cuisine. It is designed for three days. Meals consist of different types simple sushi... Wash them down green tea sugar-free or plain water... Rolls are quite nutritious and well digested. In addition, sushi and rolls optimize the activity of the human body.

What is the use of the Russians' favorite delicacy?

If we compare sushi with other commonly consumed foods, for example, with cookies, which have 78 calories, or a bar of chocolate, where there are 560 of them, then rolls should be recognized not only as less high-calorie, since one sushi contains 60 calories, but also more useful. Sushi contains proteins, phosphorus, carbohydrates, iron, iodine and other substances.

The advantage of sushi over most dishes classified as European cuisine, in their nutritional value and, at the same time, safety for the figure. Sushi with fish meat carries the necessary fatty acid... Today, there is a lot of evidence that people who eat food rich in omega-3 acids are less susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as diabetes. They also have no problem with blood pressure. Nori- an essential component of sushi, containing vitamins C, A, B and iodine. Therefore, if you decide to order sushi at home, do not hesitate.

Thus, the opinion about the dangers of Japanese cuisine and its high calorie content for a Russian person should be considered incorrect. Sushi lovers pampering themselves with dishes oriental cuisine, not only acquire good mood but also improve their health. Hurry up to order sushi at home after a hard day's work!

The popularity of dishes in our country is growing every year. asian food... You can try them in cafes and restaurants. Published on the Internet a large number of recipes from Japanese, Chinese, Indian and Thai cultures. Following them, it is easy to cook at home this or that interesting and tasty dish... Sushi and rolls are especially famous.

Products for cooking

The main ingredient of the rolls is rice. it useful product high in fiber. It promotes good digestion.

Rice is rolled into nori seaweed and a variety of fillings are added:

  • seafood (salmon, tuna, eel, shrimp, crab),
  • vegetables (cucumber, avocado, Chinese cabbage, bell pepper, tomato),
  • cheese (Philadelphia, Mozzarella),
  • flying fish roe,
  • sesame seeds,
  • various sauces,
  • smoked chicken,
  • greens,
  • mushrooms.

The rolled roll is cut into equal pieces. Some are deep-fried, baked. This dish is eaten with pickled ginger, soy sauce and wasabi.

The great value of this dish is provided by it low calorie content... At the same time, the rolls are very satisfying, contain a lot of proteins and complex carbohydrates. People who adhere to diets and watch their figure often choose this particular product for their menu. Many of the classic recipes have remained unchanged over the years.

At the same time, many chefs try to diversify the taste of this dish. an unusual combination new ingredients. It may be mayonnaise, which is familiar to us, which dramatically increases the calorie content of a 100-gram portion by 100 Kcal. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the components when choosing products for cooking this dish on your own or ordering it in a restaurant.

How many calories are in the rolls? Depending on the ingredients included, it is not always the same.

Calorie rolls "Philadelphia"

Part classic recipe includes:

  • rice with vinegar,
  • nori seaweed,
  • salmon or salmon,
  • Philadelphia cheese".

100 grams of this dish contains about 140 kcal. Average nutritional value of this product: carbohydrates - 10 g, proteins - 9 g, fats - 6 g. In restaurants, visitors are offered 200 gram portions.

Calorie rolls "California"

Twisting feature of this kind- the rice is on top and sprinkled with sesame seeds or caviar. Required Ingredients:

The calorie content of this species is estimated at 220 kcal per 100 grams. Knowing the weight of the dish, the visitor of the cafe can easily calculate the nutritional value of the offered portion.

Roll with cucumber

Its calorie content is extremely low. Only 100 kcal per 100 grams. Such a simple combination of products can be chosen by someone who does not like fish. The only filling is cucumber. Sometimes with the addition of a small amount sesame seeds... it perfect option for those who want to lose weight.

Calorie roll with salmon

Another simple variation of this product is stuffed with fish. It is quite simple to prepare: chilled rice is laid out on a nori sheet, and salmon pieces are evenly distributed over it. Then you need to wrap all the ingredients tightly and cut into equal pieces with a sharp knife. Average calorie content A 100 gram serving equals 120 kcal. In restaurants, such small portions are not offered to visitors. Standard weight finished product is 180 grams.

Calorie content of shrimp roll

This product is distributed by the McDonald's restaurant chain. Its main ingredient is shrimp. big size... It is breaded in a special way and fried in batter, combined with fresh herbs and wrapped in pita bread. Restaurants fast food sell food for hearty snack... Therefore, the calorie content of such a dish is high. A small serving contains over 300 calories.

Calorie table of rolls

Is it good or bad?

Nori seaweed is low in calories and contains a lot nutrients: iron, calcium and iodine. These minerals are essential for circulatory system and bone strengthening. The product helps in the fight against atherosclerosis and cancer. One nori sheet contains 9.5 kcal.

Avocado helps rejuvenate the body, lose weight and break down cholesterol in the blood. Soy sauce helps to strengthen blood vessels and nervous system... Wasabi is a good antiseptic and has antibacterial properties. Ginger has an immunostimulating effect.

Due to such beneficial properties of the constituent ingredients, rolls - wonderful product for weight loss, prevention oncological diseases and strengthening the activity of the whole organism.

The Dangers of Japanese Food

For achievement maximum benefit when using rolls, you should pay attention to the following tips:

It is better to order rolls in trusted places. You can easily prepare them at home. Everything necessary ingredients sold in specialized stores. Homemade dish proven to be safe and healthy when consumed in small portions.


Useful properties of Philadelphia rolls:

Calorie content of Philadelphia rolls - is it great? “What are“ rolls ”anyway? - the reader may ask. Let's talk about everything in order.

Recently, such a dish as rolls has begun to gain more and more popularity among consumers. This product is not to everyone's taste. You need to feel and understand its peculiar taste.

Rolls are a type of sushi rolled into sausages. Filling - rice with pressed seaweed, then cut into slices. These slices are called rolls.

A bamboo mat, or makisu, is used in the preparation of the dish.

For many of us, rolls are still a mystery dish. Someone does not like the ingredients that they include, someone - the form of their preparation. Someone just doesn't like seafood... But, in any case, this dish is becoming more and more popular.

So, it is no secret that many dishes of Chinese (and generally oriental) cuisine are very healthy and low-calorie. True, the homeland of this dish is the USA, but it comes from oriental dishes- sushi. Rolls Philadelphia, got their name from the cheese of the same name, which is part of this product. And what else such rolls consist of, you can learn from the recipe for preparing this dish, at the end of the article.

One portion of rolls - 6 pieces. And this is enough for many to feel full. Nutritional value this dish owes in no small part to the rice, which is added during their preparation.

If you eat 3-4 rolls a day, this will not affect your body weight. If you consume more without reducing the amount of flour and fatty foods in the diet, your body weight may increase.

The calorie content of this dish can be considered average. Due to the small amount of protein in it, this dish will not help more intensive growth. muscle mass... Approximately 2-3 rolls a day (no more) can be consumed by those who follow a diet for weight loss.

Rolls Philadelphia will be useful for those who suffer from a lack of animal fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals in their food. They will be good with reduced nutrition. Cheese is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus, therefore this product recommended for people with osteoporosis, fractures, and children with rickets. Rice contains a number of useful minerals, especially potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. It is also rich in vitamins - B2 and PP.

However, one should not forget that the beneficial properties and relatively low calorie content of this dish do not deprive this product of some contraindications. So, for example, it is not recommended for people with diabetes mellitus, with atherosclerosis, with renal and hepatic ailments and with diseases of the pancreas, stomach and bile ducts.

This dish contains fat-soluble vitamins, chemical elements, cholesterol, vegetable and animal fats, proteins, carbohydrates. It is recommended for children from 5 years old (but in limited quantities).

How many calories are in Philadelphia rolls?

Well, how many, specifically, calories in rolls? And here's how much:

Calorie content of Philadelphia rolls is:

110 - 170 kcal per hundred grams of product

And the calorie content of this dish, prepared in various ways, is as follows:

Calorie table of rolls, per 100 grams of product:

And its nutritional value is like this:

Nutritional value table of rolls (BZHU) prepared in various ways:

One standard roll holds 46 kcal. Therefore, the entire serving contains approximately 280 kcal. Therefore, this dish is not only a healthy food product, but also low calorie food for those who follow a diet and care about their health. This is a great way to stay fit without denying yourself delicious food.

Are rolls useful for losing weight?

Today we have heard a lot about a roll diet or sushi. It is called safe and useful way throw off excess weight... According to reviews, this diet allows you to quickly part with big amount extra pounds, improve our skin, hair and nails. But with the diet itself, not everything is clear. The calorie content of the diet also raises questions. Depending on the type, the calorie content of this Japanese dish ranges from 70 to 300 kcal per 100 g of product, which makes a big difference.

As a product on your menu, this dish is definitely healthy food(when you are confident in its ingredients). However, there is no reason to believe that the diet on rolls will more use than from following the usual principles of healthy eating.

If you want, you can arrange fasting days for any low-calorie types of this dish. You can even try a short-term diet based on this Japanese dish, not forgetting to simple principles healthy eating.

Can this dish be prepared at home? Can! Here's the recipe for you:


  • naturally Philadelphia cheese
  • cucumber or avocado
  • slightly salted salmon, smoked
  • seaweed called nori
  • vinegar, special, rice
  • rice, best sushi rice

To prepare this dish, you need a bamboo mat, or a sheet of thick paper. By the way, if you want to calculate the number of servings, then it takes about half a glass of rice to cook two. So:

Cut the algae in half. We take a bamboo mat or a sheet of thick paper, so what you have. Place the algae on the mat, rough surface up. It is a good idea to cover it with a mat or paper. cling film... Wet algae rice vinegar... We boil the rice, of course, and distribute it in an even layer over the surface of the algae. Turn the bucket elevators over so as to fold the sheet in half, with rice inward.

Then, exactly in the center, lay out an even layer of cheese, "path". Chop the salmon. Remove the peel from the cucumber and cut into small thin strips. Place the salmon and cucumber on the seaweed, near the cheese, along, from different sides.

Now, the fun part. Take one edge of the mat and roll all of our roll components into a roll. Do not push too hard! That's all! It remains to cut the roll into portions, put the rolls on a plate and decorate with pieces of fish. Eat to your health.

Recently, Japanese cuisine has gained more and more admirers all over the world. And not without reason, because it surprisingly combines enough simple ingredients that miraculously give birth to truly unforgettable flavor combinations... Perhaps the most famous dish of this oriental cuisine are well known to everyone modern man sushi. It should be noted that there can be a lot of sushi options, and one of them is rolls. Let's try to figure out how many calories are in rolls and whether they can be attributed to dietary foods.

How many calories are in rolls?

First of all, it should be noted that rolls are very useful, rich in iodine, iron and vitamins of various food groups, which also has an excellent balanced composition. The combination of seafood and rice in one dish is classic example separate power supply, since it is in this combination that these products are best absorbed and digested in the stomach. If we talk about how many calories are in the rolls, then here you need to take into account what kind of filling was used to prepare them. The main ingredients of sushi are rice and nori seaweed sheets, if desired, added to the dish various seafood, vegetables and cheese.

The calorie content of rolls and sushi can range from 70 to 200 calories per 100 grams. So, vegetable sushi, as well as those made from crab meat, are rightfully considered the most dietary ones. The most harmful for the figure are eel rolls and the popular Philadelphia sushi. In many ways, whether the rolls are high in calories is determined by the presence or absence of cream cheese in their composition.

Rolls and diet

So this Japanese dish can really be incorporated into diet food... The relatively low calorie content of the rolls is provided by the rice included in their composition, the use of which often helps women lose a couple of extra pounds. At the same time, it cannot be said that large energy value the filling for this type of sushi also has, because the same chicken contains much more fat and carbohydrates than salmon or shrimp. At the same time, it is quite possible to cook rolls at home - the calorie content of such a dish will be much lower than that of purchased product, because you can not add bold cream cheese.

Japanese food must be eaten with chopsticks. It's not even about giving the meal some kind of oriental flavor, it's just that the dishes are absorbed much more slowly, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive processes. In addition, a more measured consumption of food helps to feel full on time, which, as you know, does not occur immediately after a meal, but after a certain time. Due to the low calorie content of rolls, one serving of them can contain about 6 - 7. This amount of sushi will allow you not only to enjoy exquisite taste product, but it may well satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Answering the negative question of whether rolls are high in calories, many nutritionists advise using this type of Japanese cuisine as a staple product for fasting days... Such effective method weight loss has been adopted by many domestic and Western stars. During fasting days, you should eat no more than 20 rolls per day, breaking their use into several receptions. A clear advantage such a diet is its safety, because sushi is also a very healthy and balanced food.

There is nothing on the topic


About rolls:

Rolls are most popular dish Japanese cuisine, and many loyal fans around the world they have found because of their originality, variety of types, true gourmet taste, and health benefits.

In roll recipes, two components always remain unchanged - they are rice and nori soaked in vinegar, and they are accompanied by fresh, smoked or salty fish(eel, salmon, tuna), shrimp and other seafood, crabs. Often, for taste, avocado, cream cheese, masago caviar, cucumber and much more are added to the rolls. All the ingredients are laid out on a bamboo makisu mat, the rolls are shaped and sliced ​​in portions.

To understand whether rolls are useful for a person, you need to look at what they are made of. These are rice, seaweed, fish or seafood, avocado, cucumber and cheese used to prepare some types of food. All of these ingredients themselves have mass useful properties and each of them contains a wide variety of different vitamins, trace elements and substances necessary for the human body.

So, rice helps a person maintain natural beauty and replenishes the body with energy. Fish is a supplier of potassium and phosphorus, vital elements for the body. This product has at all times been recognized as "food for the brain" and protector against atherosclerosis. Nori algae contain a large amount of iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Soy sauce, ginger and wasabi, which are used as condiments, help the stomach to function.

There is no need to talk about the benefits of avocados and vegetables at all. It contains great amount minerals and useful vitamins... Based on the foregoing, we can make an unambiguous conclusion - rolls are useful for a person, but on one condition. They should only be prepared with fresh ingredients.

It is because of the great popularity of Asian dishes, in particular - rolls, that many of us are worried about the question - how many calories are in rolls? Can this dish damage our figure? We will try to answer these questions.

The calorie content of the rolls can vary from 70 to 200 kcal per 100 g. product. But it must be taken into account that different kinds rolls have different calories... It depends on the technology of their preparation and on the filling used. Today, there are over a hundred types of rolls with different recipes: with mushrooms, with salmon, with chicken, with vegetables, etc.

Nutritionists say that rolls are the most acceptable type. food products for people on a diet. The combination of rice and seafood makes this food very easy to digest. In addition, the rolls contain all the components necessary for our body, and this makes it possible to refuse a number of other, heavier food products.

Many women who watch their figure are puzzled: do they get fat from rolls? If for their preparation was used standard set ingredients, then such rolls are considered dietary product low in calories. But when the rolls are cooked with smoked fish or with cream cheese, their calorie content is significantly increased. Such a dish is no longer a dietary one.

In addition, the benefits of rolls for watching their weight depend on the amount eaten. A couple of diet rolls will not affect your figure in any way. But if you eat a whole serving, then the body will receive an excess of calories. You need to eat in moderation, without overeating or loading digestive system... Any dish, if consumed excessively, will lead to weight gain. Therefore, the statement that it is from the rolls that they get fat is groundless.

How many calories are in Philadelphia rolls:

Philadelphia rolls are a type of rolls turned rice outside. This means that in Philadelphia rolls (unlike traditional rolls), only the key ingredients will be inside the nori leaf, while the rice remains outside. In addition, the Philadelphia roll is wrapped with thinly sliced ​​salmon or salmon fillets, and sometimes sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Calorie content of Philadelphia rolls - 142 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories are in California rolls:

California rolls are another version of rolls turned rice outside (that is, they are not wrapped in nori, as in traditional rolls). They are considered the second most popular after Philadelphia rolls.

The calorie content of California rolls is 130 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in one California roll:

What is the calorie content of one roll? We often hear this question, because in everyday life we ​​are used to measuring the amount eaten by "pieces". So, if you take California rolls for example:

The calorie content of one California roll is about 59 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in cucumber rolls:

The calorie content of rolls with cucumber is 100 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories are in salmon rolls:

In this type of rolls, fish is taken for the filling, namely, salmon.

The calorie content of rolls with salmon is 115 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in eel rolls:

Preparing such a dish is as easy as any other type of rolls. Distinctive feature of this recipe in that its filling includes fish, in this case - eel.

The calorie content of eel rolls is 110 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in shrimp rolls:

Shrimp rolls are real business card Japanese cuisine. This dish has long been recognized and appreciated by fans of oriental cuisine. As the name suggests, shrimp is present as an ingredient in the dish.

The calorie content of shrimp rolls is 102 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in tuna rolls:

The Japanese name for tuna rolls is "tekka maki". This recipe includes another fish that is very willingly included in sushi - tuna.

The calorie content of tuna rolls is 130 kcal per 100 g. product

How many calories are in avocado rolls:

A fruit such as avocado is very popular as a filling for rolls. Avocado rolls are different mild taste... This dish goes well with red fish and cream cheese.

The calorie content of avocado rolls is 112 kcal per 100 g. product