Pizza calorie with different fillings. Pizza Calorie with Different Pizza Fillins with Seafood Calorie by 100 grams

31.10.2019 Soups

Pizza is a dish of Italian cuisine. Due to the taste and variety of cooking methods, it became known in other countries. What is the caloric content of the pizza and its components, in which the benefits and harm, how to make this dish more dietary, consider below.

Calorie Test for Fundamentals

For different types of dishes use various types of dough. In addition, the base is thick and thin. It affects how many grams of the test will be in one piece.

A more dough containing a large amount of fat and sugar has a greater calorie. The table shows the average values \u200b\u200bfor different types of dough used for cooking.

Calorie and BJW Different types of dough per 100 g

Test type Proteins, G. Fats, G. Carbohydrates, G. Calorie, kcal
Yeast 6,5 5,3 49,0 270,0
Yeast fresh 7,5 2,0 42,0 216,0
Yeast of industrial production (base for pizza) 8,7 6,8 55,8 320,0
Yeast puff 7,7 20,9 41,0 383,0
At kefir 8,0 1,1 42,1 210, 0
Fresh 8,7 2,6 41,2 223,0
Fresh moolery 5,5 21,9 39,5 377,0
Curd 10,2 18,9 26,1 315,0
Thin dough 6,6 3,3 36,7 203,0

The amount of calories is reduced by the absence of oil, sugar, yeast, the use of coarse flour, as well as cooking pizza on a fine-based instead of thick. Low-calorie dough - fresh, as well as fresh on kefir. The greatest calorie in the yeast puff.

To prepare a dietary pizza instead of wheat flour, you can use rye or oatmeal, ground buckwheat, oatmeal. Bake better in the oven, frying pan, microwave no oil. This significantly reduces the amount of calories contained in the finished product.

Low calorie pizza fillings

For the preparation of a dish with a low energy value should be reduced the weight of the test and increase the number of fillings prepared from low-calorie products. Store mayonnaise is better replaced by homemade sauce or tomato paste. For the meat component to use low-fat meat varieties. Number of vegetables increase.

At the same time, they should be in fresh or fresh frozen form - canned contains a lot of salt, delaying fluid in the body and, accordingly, increasing weight.

The following products will be suitable for low-caloric filling:

  • broccoli;
  • salad;
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • spinach;
  • corn;
  • green pea;
  • olives;
  • tomatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • chicken breast;
  • non-fat beef, veal;
  • turkey;
  • non-fat fish;
  • seafood.

The composition of the filling directly affects the energy value of the dish. Thus, vegetarian types of pizza, for example, Margarita, which include only cheese and tomatoes, have calorie content of 160-210 kcal per 100 g of product.

High Calorie Pizza Fillings

So that cheese melted well, its fatty varieties are used with a high calorie content. In restaurants, vegetables for filling can pre-fry in a grain. Also increase calorie fatty meat and fish.

High-calorie products used for cooking:

  • high fat cheese;
  • sausages;
  • fatty varieties of fish;
  • fatty grade meat;
  • vegetables in the batter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • mustard;
  • ketchup.

Calorie of different types of pizza

Calorie food is calculated per 100 g of product. But for pizza, this indicator is also expressed on 1 portion (or 1 piece). On average, 1 piece weighs 80-150 g.

Calorie and buding pizza per 100 grams

Pizza Proteins, G. Fats, G. Carbohydrates, G. Calorie, kcal
4 seasons 11.6 9,4 22,9 219,0
4 cheese 12,2 28,2 17,4 320,0
Vegetarian 8,5 5,6 20,0 164,0
Hawaiian 10,5 3,4 35,9 216,0
Mushroom 8,5 8,2 22,4 192,0
Rustic with chicken 14,5 22,4 45,8 443,0
Diablo 9,2 12,6 25,1 240,0
Carbonara 11,0 8,0 37,0 264,0
Margarita 7,5 10,4 20,3 210,0
Marine 8,4 5,5 25,7 181,0
Neapolitano 11,0 5,0 24,0 228,0
Pepperoni. 13,0 14,0 40,0 340,0
With Mozarella 9,7 13,8 24,4 260,6
With salami 9,0 9,0 33,0 249,0

Calorie homemade pizza

To reduce energy value, pizza can be prepared at home. For the base and filling, high-calorie ingredients are replaced with low-calorie. Baking without oil will also reduce calorie content.

For the test it is suitable whole grain, oatmeal or buckwheat flour, riming oatmeal or finished thin pita. It is possible to replace the flour base for cottage cheese with an egg, powder on grater potatoes. If there is oil in the recipe, it is advisable to use olive cold spinning ..

More dietary will make pizza lack of mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard. It is better to use tomato paste, fresh tomatoes. It is not necessary to bake the dish with a cheese crust - you can use low-calorie cheese, for example, degreased mozzarella.

Filling from fresh vegetables, mushrooms, seafood, low-fat fish, meat will enrich the dish protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals. Also fresh herbs are also useful - they will add nutrients and improve taste.

In the cooked house, a dietary dish contains 90-180 kcal per 100 g. But in pizza with sausage, cheese and mayonnaise calories are much larger - 334 g per 100 g of product.

The benefits and harm of pizza

Useful and harmful properties of pizza fully depend on its composition. At the same time, it is possible to increase positive qualities and reduce negative by replacing some products in the receptor by others.

Pizza Use:

  1. Solid graded cheese contains a large amount of calcium required for bones, teeth, nails, hair.
  2. The use of coarse grinding flour test enriches the dish antioxidants from the endosperma. It also helps the body to clean the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and harmful substances.
  3. Fresh tomatoes contain lipoline, which is used as a prophylactic agent against diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncology.
  4. Seafood, meat and fish products enrich protein dish, useful substances.
  5. Vegetables contain fiber, which is beneficial affecting the opening of the intestine.

Harm pizza:

  1. Yeast dough for pizza causes meteorism, bloating.
  2. High calorie filling increases the energy value of the dish.
  3. Excessive use of this dish leads to a weight gain and deterioration of the gastrointestinal work.

How to eat pizza not to recover

  • Thin base instead of thick.
  • Low-calorie pizza (vegetarian, with mushrooms or seafood).
  • Cooking pizza at home, because the composition and the number of ingredients can be selected on their own.
  • A large number of vegetables in filling.
  • The lack of at the heart and yeast.
  • Replacement of mayonnaise on tomato sauce, sausages - on white poultry meat.
  • Eating dishes in the morning and no more than 1 time per week.

Perhaps among all the "harm" type of fast food pizza takes the most honorable position, using popularity not only in Italy and America, but also all over the world. It would seem that there is nothing special in it: a thin flat layer of the dough, assorted vegetables, meat or seafood, filled with cheese. But how delicious, quickly and simple! Pizza has long entered the usual diet of the Russian, becoming both satisfying snack, snack for a large company at an informal celebration and breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is preparing from frozen semi-finished products, and perfectly on various types of test. If there are a huge selection of recipes, limited only by the creator's fantasy, the possibility of permanent experiments appeared. And it means that such a dish never get bored, because it can be made in it to infinity something new.

That's just the whole picture spoil supporters of proper nutrition, promoting the rejection of such products. But if you look at the composition of the pizza, it becomes unclear where the legs grow from protests: vegetables are useful, meat, mushrooms and cheese, too, in the dough natural ingredients, except that mayonnaise confidence does not inspire, but it is required, nothing. As a result, it's strange somehow. And because everyone interested in harm and benefit of this product, it is necessary to find out not only the question of how many calories in Pizza, but what makes it a banned dish in the eyes of nutritionists, how can you get around this "taboo" and is there any such opportunity?

How many calories in pizza

Start a detailed analysis of the caloric content of pizza - with sausage, meat, seafood, mushrooms, or different types of cheese - will have to be from the very basis: from the dough. And even here there are several ways. Classical Italian, to baking which use a special oven, is prepared on a sugar dough, salt, flour, warm water, olive oil and dry yeast. Since the dough is dough yeast, it is definitely not rising, but it remains quite subtle and easy, especially since its proportions differ from the usual yeast for pies and cheesecakers. For the American version, on the contrary, characterized by a duzhevy dough, more magnificent and soft, as a result of which the base is obtained above and thicker, reminding the patty with not covered with stuffing. The caloric content of pizza in this case turns out to be the highest, because it is yeasting that is the most dangerous for the figure: the "weight" of the foundation reaches 250 kcal. The expression "spread both on yeast" did not appear on scratch. Also popular cooking pizza on a pylon, soda and kefir test: the latter is the most optimal in terms of minimizing damage caused by a similar dish.

The next moment determining the fact of how many calories in pizza will eventually be released, these are additives. And here the most interesting begins, because it is impossible to mention everything. And therefore will have to disassemble the most familiar and often used, noting their caloric content. Pizza with cheese, for example, is the most common variation. Moreover, it can contain both up to four types of a given dairy product and simply its presence as a sprinkle. In any case, the cheese is always present on it. As for its caloric content, the number here floats in the borders from 250 kcal to 350 kcal per hundred grams depending on the variety and the percentage of fatty. But there is one small "but": after thermal processing, the calorie content of cheese increases, and, consequently, the caloric content of pizza with cheese. This is especially true with a semi-finished product. If it is indicated, let's say, a value of 260 kcal per hundred grams, this does not mean that after bringing to the final readiness by means of an oven or microwave furnace, the caloric content of the pizza will be all the same. And if for the one that only sprinkled with a small amount - one hundredth of grams - a given dairy product, the figure will increase not so much, then where it is the basis, the caloric content of pizza with cheese after cooking will be much larger enough, rather than it seemed in the preliminary connection of products . For example, for the most famous pizza "4 cheese", where Parmesan, Emmental, Mozarella and Gorgonzola are used, barely arrested by greens and seasonings, "weight" will eventually show 293 kcal per hundred grams.

A little less often in this dish used sausages of various kinds - from ham to salami. And here the caloric content of pizza with sausage also does not have a single figure. First, the "weight" of such an additive ranges from 300 kcal to 600 kcal per hundred grams, depending on the type: boiled, boiled-smoked or ferocked, as well as from the percentage of fatty. Secondly, with heat treatment, the last indicator grows, which leads to an increase in the caloric content of sausages and pizza with it. There is nothing to say about the load on the pancreas and nothing: the pepperoni microwave or microwave oven can not be considered any point of view. Useful, unfortunately, too, because it loses all the hints on valuables, which, without that cat, has been cut, after another heat treatment. The caloric content of pizza with sausage on the barous dough with the addition of greenery and tomato can reach 240 kcal per hundred grams, and on yeast, especially twisted, and all 255 kcal. But the most dangerous puff: only the base will weigh 455 kcal per hundred grams.

Pizza with mushrooms calorieness, perhaps, one of the lowest, at least for the reason that such an additive does not matter much by baking, even be under cheese. Champignons themselves, which are most often part of the filling, can be considered a product with negative calorieness, since "weighing" less than 30 kcal per hundred grams, but are a source of vegetable protein, and therefore the body is quite well saturated. In combination with greens, tomatoes, olive oil and parmesan cheese, they can be called a relatively useful mixture, if compared with other fillings. The caloric content of pizza with mushrooms as a result is able to show only 177 kcal, which makes it possible to consider it relative to the dietary option. It will not be possible to lose weight on it, but there is no chance to recover from one piece more than from sausage and pure cheese variations.

Pizza in the diet of those who watch their figure

Of course, no matter how low the caloric content of pizza, it is impossible to eat every day at least from the point of view of the load on the pancreas. It is overly active, its work that does not differ in stability leads to an increase in blood sugar levels and, as a result, to overweight. Nevertheless, occasionally afford a piece in the first half of the day is not reborn. Ideally prepare this dish at home, and not to acquire semi-finished products, so that it is possible to personally control all the components and make sure that if the caloric content of pizza is with mushrooms, seafood or meat - not too much, then at least it will be possible to bring it to it Maximum benefits and justify the calorie contained in Pizza.

In the queue Popular Pizza Dodo.

Not each of us may forever refuse the temptation to eat something forbidden. Yes, perhaps, do not need. Extra limitations are extra stress. The main thing is not to overeat. And so that you can correctly count the strength, we have prepared this table for you.

Pizza: Calorie by 100 grams and bud

Pizza Kcal, 100 Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates
Supermisual 279 11 15 24
Pizza 4 cheese 199 8 7 24
Double pepperononi 257 10 12 26
Pepperoni. 250 10 10 26
Pizza Dodo. 203 8 8 22
Mushrooms and ham 189 9 6 23
Don Bacon. 277 9 15 24
Ranch pizza 214 9 8 24
Four seasons 189 5 8 25
Hawaiian 216 12 7 25
Meat 237 11 9 26
Pizza Margarita 182 7 5 25
Cheese 223 9 8 27
Pizza Pie (Sweet) 144 2 2 29
BBQ chicken 251 9 12 24
Marine 176 8 5 25
Italian 220 8 8 27
Mexican 164 7 4 23
Cheese chick 196 9 6 23
Cheeseburger Pizza 208 7 9 22
Vegetables and mushrooms 173 6 5 23

Using this table, you will learn not only the caloric content of the dodo pizza, but also another, including homemade. The exact data, of course, differ, but can be focused on them.

The caloric content of pizza with sausage, hunting sausages, bacon - higher than calorie of margarita pizza or pizza with vegetables, mushrooms, seafood (fat in the latter is also the least). It also depends on the sauce that the cook used.

Pizza slice: calorie and weight

Knowing the nutritional value of 100 grams of pizza, it is easy to calculate the calorie content of 1 piece.

Take the overall weight (find out from the operator when ordering or on the site) and divide the number of pieces. A large pizza (35 cm) is usually cut on 10, middle - on 8, small on 6 pieces.

  • Example: Little Pizza "4 Cheese" Weighs 450 grams and cuts into 6 pieces. So, the weight of one piece is 75 grams, calorie pizza with cheese - 199 kcal per 100 gr. Consequently, the caloric content of 1 piece of pizza "4 cheese" - 150 kcal.

How not to overeat?

  • Stop to eat, experiencing a feeling of easy hunger, do not eat before the dump.
  • Try to order smoothly so much to eat immediately. Remember how many pizza need for two, on four or a large company.
  • Prefer the pizza with cheese and tomatoes - the calorie content below. Here we will take: mushrooms, low-fat ham, salmon, squid, shrimp. But dishes with mayonnaise, bacon, sausage is better to eat as much as possible. The calorie content of fine pizza is also usually lower.
  • Optimum option: with tea or coffee. If, singing pizza, you will use alcohol, get ready for me to eat more. Sweet soda is also in the garbage!

Eat in pleasure and do not lose health!

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Pizza with seafoodit is rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin B12 - 58.8%, vitamin K - 12.9%, vitamin PP - 13.6%, calcium - 15.1%, phosphorus - 21%, chlorine - 14.5% , iodine - 31.9%, cobalt - 174.5%, manganese - 14.2%, cops - 36.5%, molybdenum - 13.3%, selenium - 12.3%, zinc - 11%

What is useful to pizza with seafood

  • Vitamin B12. Plays an important role in metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and Vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins, participate in blood formation. The lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary flange failure, as well as anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin K. Adjusts blood intake. The lack of vitamin K leads to an increase in blood coagulation time, reduced prolromine in the blood.
  • Vitamin RR Participates in oxidative reactionary reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient consumption of vitamin is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system.
  • Calcium It is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, is involved in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to the demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus Takes part in many physiological processes, including energy exchange, regulates acid-alkaline balance, is included in phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. The deficit leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Chlorine We are necessary for the formation and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body.
  • Iodine Participates in the functioning of the thyroid gland, ensuring the formation of hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). It is necessary for the growth and differentiation of cells of all tissues of the human body, mitochondrial respiration, the regulation of sodium transmembrane transport and hormones. Insufficient receipt leads to endemic goiter with hypothyroidism and slowdown in metabolism, arterial hypotension, growth in growth and mental development in children.
  • Cobalt Included in vitamin B12. Activates the enzymes of fatty acid exchanging and folic acid metabolism.
  • Manganese Participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of the enzymes comprising in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; We are needed for cholesterol and nucleotide synthesis. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by a slowdown in growth, disorders in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, impaired carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper It is part of the enzymes with the redox activity and the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the process of ensuring the tissues of the human body with oxygen. The deficit is manifested by violations of the formation of a cardiovascular system and a skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Molybdenum It is a cofactor of many enzymes that ensure the metabolism of sessing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Selenium - the essential element of the antioxidant system of protecting the human body, has an immunomodulatory action, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. The deficiency leads to a disease of Kashin-Bek (osteoarthritis with multiple deformation of the joints, spine and limbs), diseases of Keshan (endemic myocardiopathy), hereditary thrombaster.
  • Zinc More than 300 enzymes are included in the processes of synthesis and decay of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in regulation of expression of a number of genes. Insufficient consumption leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, the presence of malformations of the fetus. Recent studies revealed the ability of high doses of zinc to break the absorption of copper and the contribution to the development of anemia.
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Today we will consider the caloric content of the pizza, depending on the types of the filling and learn how much such baking can be (and whether it is possible to eat losing weight. At the same time, we find out if there is something useful in this dish or this is the usual fast food that does not bear anything but a short-term sense of saturation and extra centimeters on the waist.

Fatty and satisfying?

In principle, today any cake covered with the residues of yesterday's dinner and raised with cheese, and then baked in the oven may be called pizza. In every home, the restaurant and cafe baked their pizza. Caloriciness per 100 grams will depend on the energy value of the test and the species (as well as quantity) of the filling.

Initially, pizza was called a pellet, lubricated tomato sauce and baked in the oven. It is clear that such a dish has a different calorieness than the mixture of tomatoes, sausages and molten cheese.

Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the exact numbers in each case separately. But there is averaged indicator. It fluctuates within 200-400 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

Homemade pizza is usually nutritious than restaurant.

Thick and thin

Crash - the core base for pizza is the main source of calories. A popular recipe involves the use of flour from solid varieties of wheat, yeast, salt and olive oil.

You can try to reduce the amount of calories as you like to reduce the amount of calories, picking up a filling of vegetables and fruits. But it is useless if the filler is laid out on a thick layer of yeast or puff pastry.

The thinner the crude, the smaller the energy value. If a fresh dough is used on a kefir or a different milk product, then the caloric content of the pizza decreases even more. Finally, you can use the flour of coarse grinding.

On average, the feederness of the yeast dough is 250 kcal, and the puff is 450 kcal per 100 grams.

It is possible to reduce the number of calories, if you prepare a "lazy" diet pizza, for which a chicken breast is used as a test, 1 egg, salt, pepper and greens. The ingredients are grinding in a blender, then the mixture is distributed on baking paper, and the filling is laid from above. It is clear that the latter should also be super light. Such a recipe allows you to hold the amount of calories within 110 kcal per 100 grams.

Wrong fillings

The classic Italian pizza is a thin root and a simple filling of several ingredients. The filler may consist of simply from the usual tomato sauce or several types of cheese. A wide variety of components are not expected, although there is a stereotype that pizza is an outdoor cake with a filling from "all that was found in the refrigerator".

Therefore, the classic pizza is almost harmless to the figure, although it is not necessary to overdo it. But the composition familiar to us have a fairly high energy value.

The caloric content of pizza with cheese is always higher than without it. But he has already become a kind of visiting card of this dish. There is even a pizza, the filling of which consists only of cheese, which is called - "Four Cheese" (Mozarrell, Parmesan, Emmental, Gorgonzola). It has 275 kcal.

Pizza with sausage, meat, chicken

Sausage products are one of the most common ingredients for filling. It can be hunting sausages, sausages, doctoral sausages, salami or several species at once. The caloric content of pizza with sausage is an average of 280 kcal per 100 grams.

Minimize the energy value of this type of cake can be used only by only one grade sausage, cheese and tomato sauce. That is, without literally asking for Maslin dish, salt cucumbers, mushrooms, tomatoes.

If meat is used as a filler, then the figure will increase to 360 kcal. Pizza with seafood is not only the most exotic for our country, but also one of the most nutritious - from 250 (with shrimps) to 450 (with salmon) kcal.

Significantly lower calorie for pizza with chicken - from 200 kcal per 100 grams.

Pizza with vegetables and fruits

This option will enjoy losing weight. The classical neapolitan pizza, the filling of which consists of tomatoes, basilica and mozzarella, has an energy value of 157 kcal per 100 grams.

A sufficiently low-calorie product is mushrooms, especially given the fact that they are added to the pizza in small quantities. In champignons, for example, only 20 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, a classic pizza (pellet, lubricated tomato sauce, remember?), In which mushrooms added, is a very dietary dish. But it is rarely found.

You can schit and get the usual and tasty, but not very nutritious pie. So, provided that it is used without damned dough, the caloric content of pizza with sausages, champignons and bell pepper will be only 190 kcal.

Sweet fruit pizza contain approximately 220-300 kcal.

How many calories in a piece of pizza

Energy value is always indicated for 100 grams of the product, which is not very convenient. After all, it is more interesting to know how many of them contains one piece of pizza.

Calorie, of course, will depend on its weight. On average, one piece weighs 100-150 grams. It is impossible to say more precisely, since the indicator is determined by the size of pizza, the thickness of the dough, the amount and composition of the filling. A piece of small pizza can weigh and less than 100 grams.

In cafes and restaurants, the weight of the dishes is listed in the menu. Homemade pizza will have to weigh independently.

Benefit and harm

Many ingredients of this delicious cake contain useful substances. In tomatoes there are antioxidants who serve as good prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Cheese is a source of calcium.

But we should not forget that the pie - he and Africa cake, as not to be called. If there is constantly a dietary pizza, then it will not bring much pleasure. More delicious options have increased calorie. So you need to observe the measure, as well as choose the type of product, to which you do not have contraindications to the ingredients.

Now you know how to calorie pizza with different fillings, and how to reduce the energy value of this beloved dishes. Bon Appetit!