How many kcal are in stewed potatoes. Calorie potatoes stew

28.04.2019 Grill menu

What the kitchen cannot be imagined without Slavic peoples, so it's no potatoes. Brought from Holland by Peter the Great at the end of the seventeenth century, it became one of the main products on the table, subsequently receiving the title of "second bread". Such a name was given to her by right: having taken root on Russian soil, nourishing, tasty, well combined with almost any other food groups, she really was able to replace flour product... Moreover, the benefits in it, perhaps, were and are even more than in the product of the bakery industry. But the calorie content of potatoes will clearly be less.

The question of how many calories are in potatoes, of course, will be of interest to everyone who adheres to food systems with strict restrictions on the amount and "weight" of food eaten. In addition, it is worth figuring out how to use the potatoes correctly to soften the blow to the figure, if any. And to find out what exactly the Russian emperor once brought, and why the majority liked it, will not be superfluous for everyone.

How many calories are in potatoes

Whatever the variety, the calorie content of a potato always remains the same: it is 77 kcal per hundred grams, which is approximately one medium potato. For an adult, two or three pieces are enough for complete saturation, and therefore, basically, for a portion of a pure root vegetable, the "weight" will show no more than 230 kcal. Moreover, it is worth considering the fact that during the heat treatment this value changes, because the product absorbs either water or vegetable fats, or, on the contrary, loses some of the moisture. Therefore, for example, boiled potatoes will have fewer calories than raw ones, but baked ones will have more. Just such a spread is achieved precisely due to the difference in the proportion of water in the root crop. But before disassembling each of the cooking methods, you need to find out exactly where the calories from the potatoes go, and what they give in addition to a possible weight gain.

So according to energy value, the lion's share of the calorie content of potatoes is due to carbohydrates: there are 85% of them here and they belong to the fast group. These are the carbohydrates that should be feared due to their active breakdown into glucose and the effect on the pancreas. She, not expecting such a surprise, reacts to guests with a sharp synthesis of insulin, which is obliged to bring down high blood sugar levels. And if once she can reactively work, the second and the third too, on the fourth she will hesitate a little, by the seventh she will not have time to work out enough insulin immediately, and on the twentieth day in a day, he won't even think about it: it will still not keep up. As a result, the sugar level will remain above the normal level, which will provoke the development of diabetes and, consequently, the appearance overweight, which, in contrast to the usual five to ten extra pounds, is much more difficult to cope with. Thus, it turns out that it is far from the calorie content in potatoes - stewed, fried or boiled - and other products that should scare, but the principle of their action in the process of splitting. Although, of course, the above scheme of influence fast carbohydrates on the figure does not require an instant and lifelong rejection of potatoes: it also has positive aspects.

First, of course, it is high saturation. And due to carbohydrate content, and due to 10% protein: the feeling of satiety when eating potatoes comes quickly enough and is felt for quite a long time, and therefore great option for an early lunch, especially if you then want to stretch up to four hours without food. However, potatoes leave behind some feeling of heaviness, especially well noticed by people with a weak digestive tract. But what is interesting is the fact that even despite such a "aftertaste" from the potato, it is also favorable to gastritis: the dietary fiber contained in the product does not irritate the already inflamed or injured esophagus, stomach and intestines. But for persons with a deficiency of potassium, it would be better to limit the content of potatoes in their diet: like rice, although not with such intensity, it flushes this trace element from the body, which leads to problems of cardio-vascular system... But, as if compensating for this shortcoming, potato starch works for the benefit of those who have high cholesterol, lowering it to the required level.

Secondly, even if potatoes do not compete with citrus fruits, the proportion of vitamin C in it is still sufficient to maintain immunity. True, there is one problem here: during storage, it greatly decreases, and therefore it is recommended, of course, to use young potatoes. In the fact that he lay the whole winter, even in the coldest cellar, the amount of ascorbic acid is already practically reduced to zero. And another snag when using potatoes that have been stored for a long time is that a toxic substance called "solanine" accumulates in the product. But this is not a call for the disposal of a root crop that has waited six months for its hour. To avoid getting it inside, just cut off a thick upper layer when cleaning, capturing not only the peel, but also the inside.

Potatoes in the diet of those who follow the figure

Regarding the influence of the cooking method on the calorie content of potatoes, by and large, everything is clear without further ado. A big and fatty, like itself, cross is put on a fried one, both from the point of view of the “weight” of the dish, and from the point of view of the effect on the pancreas. But there are still at least four options for heat treatment, including a double boiler, a multicooker, an oven and a saucepan.

As for the calories in boiled potatoes, they will be lower than raw ones. As already mentioned, a moisture-absorbing product increases its own weight and lowers its calorie content. Potatoes are no exception. Of course, provided that no butter, mayonnaise, milk, and other fat-containing additives are added. Then the calorie indicator in boiled potatoes will freeze at the number 65 kcal for one hundred grams finished product... Jacket potatoes will be especially good: cooked in a peel, thus preserving all vitamins and microelements as much as possible. It can be salted, you can add greens to it, which helps the digestion of the dish, you can even add a little low-fat sour cream, which is perceived by the digestive tract more positively than mayonnaise or butter. In the case of a root vegetable prepared in this way, you can not be interested in how many calories there are in the potatoes, and calmly include the "uniform" version in your lunch.

Another, no less common type is stewed potatoes, the calorie content of which usually depends on what it is combined with, because no one torments her alone under the lid. You need at least a sauce, and in most cases, some additional ingredient... The minimum damage here is caused by mushrooms and light cream, with which the calorie content stewed potatoes will be approximately 151 kcal per hundred grams. Unlike meat, with which it is better not to combine potatoes, they will not add weight and will not double the blow to the pancreas. And if you cook without cream, in water and with a drop of vegetable oil for sautéing onions, and then add grated carrots, mushrooms and parsley for decoration, the calorie content of stewed potatoes will generally show about 67 kcal per hundred grams. Such a dish can become an excellent light, but nutritious and healthy lunch... For dinner, it is better not to eat this root vegetable, preferring protein in the evening, rather than carbohydrate food.

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It is difficult to find a person who would not like potatoes. But nutritionists are sounding the alarm: an excessive addiction to "second bread" can lead to obesity. It is believed that the culprit is the allegedly excessive calorie content of potatoes. Therefore, some supporters healthy way life completely exclude potatoes from their diet. Are they right? Let's figure it out.

The more starch in the tubers, the more high-calorie they are, so people who carefully monitor their weight are better off eating new potatoes or old non-starchy (mostly early) varieties. The method of preparation determines not only the calorie content of the dish, but also the benefits that it can bring to the body.

So, if you hold the cut tubers in cold water for a longer time, some of the starch will be washed out of it. However, up to 40% of useful substances contained in potatoes can dissolve in water without a trace. Tubers will lose another 20-40% of vitamins if they are cooked for too long. 10-20% of nutrients evaporate if you use tin or aluminum dishes for cooking.

Thus, the most useful potatoes will be if:

  • keep peeled tubers in cold water no more than 20 minutes after peeling;
  • for cooking, dip potatoes not in cold, but in boiling water;
  • cook tubers "in their uniforms" or steam.

Calorie content of boiled potatoes

The calorie content of potatoes depends on the variety, the age of the tubers and the cooking method. In 100 grams boiled potatoes(this is the weight of one medium tuber) contains:

  • in young tubers - 61–66 kcal;
  • in old tubers in a peel (in uniform) - 76–78 kcal.
  • in old peeled tubers - 78–80 kcal.

Of course, you won't be full of potatoes. The base for gravy is often creamy or vegetable oil, sour cream, lard.

Calorie content of 100 grams of boiled potatoes with various gravies:

  • with lard (cracklings) - 171 kcal;
  • old potatoes with butter - 136 kcal;
  • young potatoes with butter and dill - 84–90 kcal;
  • with garlic, crushed in vegetable oil - 120-124 kcal;
  • with mushrooms and onions fried in vegetable oil –102 kcal;
  • puree with milk without butter- 97 kcal;
  • puree in water with vegetable oil - 121 kcal;
  • puree in milk with butter - 133 kcal;
  • puree in water with vegetable oil and a raw egg - 128 kcal.

The human body cannot do without fat. To reduce them negative impact, it is recommended to eat a large amount of fresh vegetables and greens - dill, spinach, onions, cabbage. They contain a lot of silicon and accelerate the breakdown of fats in the body.

Calorie content of stewed and baked potatoes

The calorie content of 100 grams of potatoes baked with the peel in the oven or on charcoal is 80-90 kcal. This food is very rich in potassium.

Stewed potatoes can be either a versatile side dish or an independent dish... Calorie content of 100 grams of stewed potatoes:

  • with chicken and butter - 140 kcal;
  • with lean pork and vegetable oil - 133 kcal;
  • with sour cream - 117 kcal.

When choosing a stewing method, it should be borne in mind that potatoes cooked with vegetable oil are most useful. It is advisable to use first (cold) pressed oils: olive oil or oil from grape seed... Their boiling point is much higher than that of sunflower seeds. Therefore, in ready dish most of the nutrients contained in the oil are preserved: silicon, vitamins of groups B and E.

It is advisable to add carrots, onions and garlic to stewed potatoes. The spices are perfectly combined: black pepper, ginger, Bay leaf, basil, hop-suneli. They have a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism, and have a warming effect.

Calorie content of fried potatoes

Fried potatoes incredibly tasty, but how satisfying it is! In order to "neutralize" it, you will need at least an hour of physical exercise or at least a brisk walk. Calorie content of 100 grams of fried potatoes:

  • in vegetable oil - 203 kcal;
  • on lard(greaves) - 212 kcal;
  • on melted lard- 224 kcal;
  • French fries - 305 kcal (at McDonald's - up to 500 kcal, calorie content depends on the time the slices are in the deep fryer).

As you can see, 100 grams of fried potatoes in terms of calorie content can be compared with 200-300 grams of boiled or stewed ones.

Do I need to take into account the calorie content of foods

In the 30s of the XIX century, the Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm III decided to find out, to the nearest gram, how much food would be needed to feed the army. Determining calorie content various products, scientists burned them in a special oven.

but human body much harder than any ovens. The prevailing theory of calorie content is refuted by many facts. So, it is known that to maintain the vital functions of a healthy, physically active man 2200-2400 kcal per day is required. But Bedouins can roam the desert for weeks, eating three dates a day. Ballerinas, whose diet is limited to 1200 kcal per day, perform movements on average 4500 kcal per day. Perhaps you shouldn't walk around with a calculator and calculate the calorie content of potatoes?

Theorists separate power supply argue that the way food is consumed affects digestion much more than their calorie content. Simply put, potatoes with herbs are only welcome, but potatoes with meat, lard or bread should be excluded from the menu.

The fact is that completely different enzymes are responsible for the digestion of various food groups in the body. If we eat foods that are poorly combined with each other, then inevitably we create an additional load on the stomach and other organs, provoking disturbances in the digestive and metabolic processes.

The most interesting thing is that, applying two completely opposite theories, we come to the same conclusions: the most useful are potatoes, baked or boiled in a peel. In the product prepared in this way, most of the vitamins and microelements are preserved: vitamins of group B (responsible for the condition of the walls of blood vessels), C, folic acid (necessary for proper cell division), potassium, zinc and other substances. Boiled or baked potato recommended for gastritis, after suffering strokes and heart attacks.

Therefore, to completely abandon such valuable product it is impossible in any case: you just need to reduce its consumption to 200-300 grams several times a week. In such quantities, potatoes are useful and allowed even for people on a strict diet.

A tasty meal is not only a need, but also a pleasure, especially if the food is prepared with love and imagination. Even the most simple products you can truly cook the food of the gods! For example, combining meat with potatoes is associated with the daily diet. It is a win-win combination that saturates, energizes, all without sacrificing taste. But after all, the calorie content of stewed potatoes allows you to harmoniously fit this dish into dietary menu... And with a certain amount of imagination, you can serve the dish on festive table.

About the taste and benefits of potatoes

It is difficult to find an individual who is absolutely indifferent to potatoes. If there are any, then they are probably just unlucky enough to taste well-cooked potatoes. This is truly the second bread in terms of satiety and versatility in the human diet.

But for some reason, nutritionists are not happy about this, because an addiction to potatoes can cause obesity. The calorie content of a potato directly depends on the amount of starch in its tubers, therefore, the younger the potato, the more low-calorie it is.

Of course, this indicator varies depending on the cooking method. To make the dish "lighter"? you can hold the chopped tubers in cold water to rinse out some of the starch. Before heat treatment, washed potatoes must also be dried. paper towel... But with such preparation, you have to come to terms with the fact that the lion's share of nutrients is washed out with starch.

When cooking, another quarter of the vitamins are consumed. And 10% is lost if you cook potatoes in a tin or aluminum cookware... As a compromise, the potatoes should be rinsed for no more than 20 minutes in cold water, blotted with a paper towel and do not dipped in. cold water, but it is better to steam or simmer. But then a logical question arises, how many calories are in a stew? Are all people allowed such a dish?

Why are potatoes on the menu?

Stewed potatoes cooked in the oven is not only very tasty, but also very healthy. After all, this is the source dietary fiber which, in turn, is the perfect blocker cardiovascular disease and cancer. In addition, potatoes are a source of vitamin B 6, potassium, copper, vitamin C, as well as manganese, phosphorus and niacin.

Also, potato dishes help to increase immunity, since this vegetable contains phytonutrients with antioxidant activity. And what can we say about the fact that potatoes contain carotenoids, flavonoids and caffeic acid.

Scientists have found that potato tubers can reduce blood pressure... Reasonable daily consumption of potatoes can reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent colon cancer, but there is a nuance - for the absolute usefulness of the product, it must be eaten with the peel.

Not everything is so perfect, potatoes should not be eaten by people suffering from obesity and diabetes, as this vegetable has a high glycemic index.

When comparing different qualities and reviews of culinary experts, stewed potatoes, cooked in the oven, turns out to be perfect dish, since it does not involve adding a large number fat, and therefore has few calories without any loss of taste.

To the question of calorie content

Before determining the calorie content of stewed potatoes, it is worth talking about the average values ​​for boiled potatoes. It all depends on the variety, the age of the tubers and the cooking method. For example, young tubers have about 64 calories per 100 grams. Old potatoes in the peel has 77 calories per 100 grams. If the tubers are peeled, then the calorie content rises to 80 calories.

Thus, boiled potatoes well suited for healthy and even dietary food, but you won't be full of them! That is why potatoes are boiled for soups and mashed potatoes, and she plays the solo part in the process of stewing. The company "second bread" is made up of various gravies, meat, poultry and fish. The base product is saturated with the smells and juices of other ingredients, and therefore the calorie content of stewed potatoes varies from a safe minimum to an exorbitant maximum.

The best partners

The taste of potatoes is often understated. This vegetable is delicious on its own, but only in the right frame. Butter, sour cream, young herbs, garlic reveal the taste of potatoes.

Potatoes "sound" very distinctive when stewed with mushrooms and onions, previously fried in vegetable oil. In this case, the calorie content of stewed potatoes will be about 102 calories per 100 grams, and the dish itself will turn out to be very satisfying and nutritious.

On every day

If you care about the nutrition of your loved ones, then add dishes with potatoes to the diet, but only choose the most healthy way heat treatment. Potatoes stewed in sour cream are good as a second course. This is a truly versatile side dish and an interesting stand-alone dish.

Is it logical to find out how many calories are in a stew? So, in the version with sour cream, there will be 117 calories per 100 grams. It turns out that without harm to your figure, you can afford a good portion of the dish. Just pay attention to the choice of sour cream. Low-calorie product is more liquid and due to this property it becomes an excellent base for gravy. Fatty sour cream gives a juicier and richer taste, but makes the dish “heavier” in terms of calorie content.

When choosing suitable recipe consider the fact that most useful option involves the use of vegetable oil, preferably the first pressing. You can also add olive or grape seed oil. With this choice, most of the useful elements- silicon and vitamins of groups B and E.

On a special occasion

If you are planning guests or a family holiday, then you don't need to reinvent the wheel by planning a festive table. Stewed potatoes with meat can open up in a special way. The calorie content of such a dish may vary depending on the choice of meat, the spices and gravies used.

It is advisable to add carrots, onions and garlic to stewed potatoes. This will decorate the dish and add juiciness to it. Of the seasonings, black pepper, ginger, bay leaf, basil and suneli hops harmoniously complement the taste of potatoes. They not only enrich the taste, but also have a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism.

True, adepts healthy eating a combination of potatoes and meat is not considered a great idea, but the taste of such a combination fully compensates possible risk for digestion.

V daily menu does not require the beauty of serving stewed potatoes with meat. Calorie content comes to the fore when the hostess is trying to provide good nutrition to her household.

For festive feast cut the potatoes into cubes. Rinse and dry. Meanwhile, in a cauldron, combine chopped carrots, onions, garlic and spices. Add vegetable oil and some water. For the dietary version of the dish, you can choose chicken or turkey fillet, but it will be delicious with any meat. For the holiday, you can pamper yourself with a piece of pork, which must be cut into thin slices.

Stir and fry the meat and vegetables until golden brown. Now you can add potatoes, mix everything, add water or broth to the top. The dish should be simmered for about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding broth. Serve the potatoes in a pretty tureen or place them directly on the plates. At serving in portions garnish the dish with dill and basil.

For diet

Calorie content ranges from 125 to 140 calories per 100 grams. The indicator may become less if you use the fillet of the bird, and when stewing, take not fat broth, but diluted tomato juice... In this case, the calorie content can be reduced to 115 calories per 100 grams. This indicator is comfortable for diet food but on condition that a reasonable dosage is observed.

Cooking variations

If you are making a brunch, then you can safely take pork as the basis of your dish and stew the potatoes not in a deep cauldron, but in a frying pan with a thick bottom. The calorie content of stewed pork potatoes will reach 133 calories per 100 grams, if you repeat the recipe exactly. You can use a grill pan and then the meat will be less greasy and, moreover, visually more appetizing due to the characteristic ribbed marks on it.

Fry the meat until half cooked to stop bleeding. Add to it the onion, cut into half rings, crushed garlic and chopped carrots. Use your hands to tear a few stalks of cilantro, parsley and basil. This gives them more flavor.

In a separate saucepan, cook a rich mushroom broth, which and pour the meat. Then send the chopped potatoes and spices there. In a skillet over medium heat, the potatoes will be ready in 35-40 minutes. In this recipe, the calorie content of stewed potatoes with pork reaches 130-135 calories per 100 grams.

Don't forget about serving

So, the real dish of the day is potato stew. The calorie content per 100 grams is low enough to limit yourself and fully enjoy the authentic taste and aroma of food. But don't forget about the visual side of cooking and indulge your eaters with an original presentation.

A dish where potatoes are mixed with meat and gravy will be juicy, but unpresentable. For special occasion Divide the area of ​​meat, vegetables and gravies on a plate, and place a slice on the edge of the plate for an effective note fresh cucumber or a tomato.


How many calories are in boiled potatoes?

Boiled potatoes are versatile food product... It can act as a main dish, serve as a side dish, be an ingredient for different salads, filling for baked goods or pies.

Boiling is one of the least difficult, fastest and cheapest ways to cook potatoes. Moreover, it is boiled potatoes that fully reveal their taste qualities... Extremely popular dish- boiled young potatoes with butter, herbs (or fried onions), with various meat and sausages... You can cook potatoes in their skins, or after peeling them. According to nutritionists (and this is confirmed by research), boiled potatoes "in their skins" are much healthier than peeled potatoes.

Well, how many calories are in boiled potatoes? And here's how much:

Boiled potatoes contain:

80-85 kcal, per 100 grams of product

By the way, quite a bit.

How many calories are in jacket baked potatoes?

Jacket potatoes baked in the oven are considered healthier than boiled ones. To prepare it, you need medium-sized potatoes, about the same - for even cooking the dish. Potatoes are washed well, wiped and allowed to dry. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. At this time, the dried potatoes are pierced with a toothpick in several places and rubbed with salt and olive or sunflower oil... Then it is laid out on a baking sheet lined with foil and baked until tender for about 50 minutes (the oven temperature is reduced to 160 ° C). They serve hot on the table.

Well, how many calories are in jacket baked potatoes? And here's how much:

Jacket baked potatoes contain:

80-90 kcal per 100 grams of product.

By the way, quite a bit.

How many calories are in fried potatoes?

Fried potatoes are an invariably popular and beloved dish by many. However, this dish can hardly be classified as dietary. This is especially true for people with overweight, for those who have problems with digestive system and metabolism. Fried potatoes can be compared in properties to a butter sandwich. Eating it is always associated with the likelihood of gaining extra pounds, since the oil in which it is fried can turn into fatty deposits in our body.

The greatest nutritional value v fresh potatoes has starch. But it is he who is recommended to remove their chopped raw slices by soaking potatoes before frying. The fact is that because of the starch, cooked potatoes become crumbly, and this is not suitable for frying.

Well, how many calories are in fried potatoes? And here's how much:

Fried potatoes contain:

180-190 kcal, per 100 grams of product

Which, you see, is quite a lot.

How many calories are in a jacket potato?

The most useful is called jacket potatoes. I must say that the benefits of this dish comes from the fact that the peel allows you to preserve a number of useful substances, for example, vitamins. So, for example, magnesium, potassium and most of the vitamins in potatoes are found in the peel. When we peel off even a thin layer of tubers, we throw away a third of the vitamins and minerals in the trash. And removing the peel from boiled potatoes, we throw away up to 15% of nutrients.

This dish is 5 times richer in fiber than bananas. In addition, the benefits of jacket potatoes are due to the richest content of vitamin C, which helps to absorb iron, is important for blood vessels, protects us from various infections and so on. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and prevents premature aging of the body.

Well, how many calories are in a jacket potato? And here's how much:

Jacket potatoes contain:

76-78 kcal, per 100 grams of product

That, you see, a little.

How many calories are in a potato stew?

A great alternative to the classic fried or boiled potatoes - stewed potatoes(best with vegetables). The vegetables will simmer in the sauce, which gives them an excellent mild taste.

Well, how many calories are in stewed potatoes? And here's how much:

Stewed Potatoes Contains:

100-102 kcal, per 100 grams of product

Which, in general, is not much.

How many calories are in French fries?

French fries are not that bad healthy dish... It accounts for 30 to 40% trans fat per serving. And an excess of trans fats causes the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, which in turn is the cause of atherosclerosis. Trans fats are also bad for our immune system.

Fans of french fries from eateries should also remember that public catering is not too interested in the quality of the oil in which the potatoes are fried. And repeated heating of the oil turns it into a carcinogen. In fact, eating french fries in public catering increases the risk of cancer. Overheated oil carries with it aldehydes, which lead to problems in old age, for example, provoking the development of Alzheimer's disease.

So how many calories are in french fries? And here's how much:

French fries contain:

340-360 kcal, per 100 grams of product

Not useful product, in every way.

How many calories are in potatoes with mushrooms?

Fried potatoes with mushrooms will probably never lose their popularity among the Slavic peoples. And all over the world there are many fans of this wonderful dish.

Mushrooms can be used in cooking all year round... If you are cooking dry mushrooms, they must be pre-soaked and washed from the sand. Fried potatoes with mushrooms are made up of two main ingredients - fried potatoes with onions and boiled or fried mushrooms.

Well, how many calories are in a potato with mushrooms? And here's how much:

Potatoes with mushrooms contain:

120-140 kcal, per 100 grams of product

This is the figure for fried potatoes.

In a young potato?

The benefits of young potatoes are that they contain a lot of vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, iron, phosphorus. By eating 500 g of potatoes, we introduce into the body daily rate vitamin C and potassium. Potassium is important for the heart, it removes excess fluid from the body (and this is exactly what is needed for losing weight). Young potatoes normalize functions gastrointestinal tract, the brain, is useful for metabolism.

It is best to eat young potatoes with the skins. If you really want to peel it, then scrape off the peel, and do not cut it off, since it is under it that the most useful substances are located. Also save useful material in potatoes, the method of its preparation helps: for example, when baking or boiling in a uniform, they are practically not lost. Least useful fried potatoes(and most high-calorie).

Well, how many calories are in young potatoes? And here's how much:

Young potatoes contain:

60-68 kcal, per 100 grams of product

That, you see, a little.

How many calories are in mashed potatoes?

Mashed potatoes, when cooked according to the rules, are a wonderful side dish. Each kitchen has its own secrets of its preparation. In addition to usual milk, oils or fried onions, sour cream, cream are often added to mashed potatoes, a raw egg, mayonnaise, kefir, chopped dill, ground pepper... These ingredients give the dish its own special taste and aroma.

So how many calories are in mashed potatoes? And here's how much:

Mashed potatoes contain:

80-100 kcal, per 100 grams of product

Depending on the cooking method. Which, as you can see, is not much.

Are potatoes good for weight loss?

Is it possible to eat potatoes and lose weight at the same time? The answer is unequivocal: yes. But there is one condition - you need to choose only young potatoes. This vegetable is not only easy to prepare, but also delicious. Plus, it's low in calories.

There are even diets for weight loss on potatoes. Here is the most common, designed for 5-7 days:

breakfast - a glass of milk;

for lunch, puree with milk is allowed, but without butter. Add greens if desired;

for dinner, eat potatoes without fat, one egg, a cucumber.

This diet allows you to lose about 4 kg.

The potato diet for weight loss can be calculated for 15 days. The menu needs to be changed every three days. Observing all the rules, you can lose up to 4 kg.

The first three days are allowed to eat one and a half kilograms of potatoes per day. It needs to be baked in the oven to form golden crust... Divide into portions and eat at regular intervals. Do not add oil, salt, pepper and spices. You need to drink at least two liters of water per day. All other products are prohibited.

The next three days of the diet are based on jacket potatoes. You can eat one and a half kilograms per day. Two servings should be free of salt and oil, and the rest should be seasoned olive oil or lemon juice.

For the next three days, the potatoes should be steamed or baked. You can add a small piece of butter, herbs or garlic to the puree.

The daily allowance is 1200 kilocalories. This diet cleanses the intestines and does not drain the body. Another advantage is that there is no feeling of hunger and discomfort, so it is easily tolerated.

Calorie content of potatoes: 160 kcal *
* average value per 100 g, depending on the variety and preparation method

Potato dishes are different rich taste and nutritional value. When dieting, it is important to choose the least high-calorie ones. Depending on the method of cooking the vegetable, the energy value also changes.

Nutritional value of potatoes

Potato tubers are a source of not only complex carbohydrates, but also various trace elements, as well as dietary fiber... Due to the fiber content, the vegetable is useful for disorders of the digestive tract. Potassium contributes to the rapid elimination of excess fluid and normalization of the heart.

High calorie content raw potatoes(1 piece contains ~ 70 kcal, and 100 g - ~ 76 kcal) is due to the significant content of carbohydrates, mainly starch.

In their quantity, the vegetable exceeds all others, for example, beets and carrots. Look. The share of starch, the concentration of which is highest in the tubers of the autumn harvest, accounts for over 20% of the total weight of the root crop. That is why young vegetable not like that high rate energy value - about 60 kcal. At heat treatment calorie content increases markedly.

Calorie content of mashed potatoes

Calorie content mashed potatoes may be low if milk with 0% fat or water is added in the process. One 100 gram serving contains about 85 kcal. When choosing more fatty milk, the indicator can increase to 35 units. Any oil significantly increases the nutritional value of the dish.

Puree will have a calorie content of 130 kcal, if you add just one teaspoon of butter (the numbers change depending on its fat content).

You can reduce the energy value if you cook favorite dish in ceramic, marble or Teflon coated dishes. In addition, it is important to ensure that no more than 10 g of a fat-containing product is consumed per 500 g of root crops. Read about in our article.

How many calories are in boiled, fried, baked potatoes

TO dietary option cooking vegetables include boiling it (about 85 kcal). In terms of energy value, boiled potatoes are inferior to pasta, wheat bread, bananas and buckwheat. Read about the calorie content of buckwheat. However, this only applies to cases where mayonnaise is not added, cream sauce or oil.

When boiled in a peel, the value hardly changes (78 kcal). Nutritionists recommend to cook the vegetable "in uniform", since most of the useful elements are stored in the root vegetable.

The calorie content of baked potatoes is identical to that of boiled ones, however, any addition increases these numbers. You can reduce the starch content by leaving the vegetable in cool water for several hours. Fried potatoes contain 3 times more calories (up to 200 kcal).

The type of oil has little effect on the energy value: when cooking with olive, sunflower or butter, the numbers will be approximately the same. More details can be found in our publication. French fries contain about 310 calories, and restaurants fast food a portion of a deep-fried vegetable will cost almost 280 kcal.

Potato calorie table per 100 grams

You can get acquainted with the energy value indicator of a popular vegetable using the calorie table per 100 g.

Calorie content of potato dishes

Most dishes with a popular root vegetable can hardly be called dietary, so people who want to get rid of extra pounds, you should refrain from using them.

Options for first, second courses and pastries with potatoes:

  • noodle soup - 69 kcal;
  • soup on chicken broth- 50 kcal;
  • dumplings - 220 kcal;
  • chicken stew - 150 kcal;
  • village potatoes - 130 kcal;
  • fried pies - 200 kcal;
  • pancakes - 220 kcal;
  • casserole with mushrooms - 170 kcal;
  • homemade chips - 500 kcal;
  • stewed potatoes with cabbage and onions - 95 kcal.

To meet the body's need for such important substances and elements such as phosphorus, potassium, carbohydrates, you need to eat about 300 g of vegetables per day. Large quantity will increase the waist by several centimeters.

When choosing the least high-calorie meals you don't have to worry about gaining extra pounds. A starchy vegetable, consumed in moderation, will only benefit the body.