Melted lard. Processed pork fat - composition and calorie content

Everything about ordinary lard Ivan Dubrovin


If you want the bacon to stay with you as long as possible, we advise you to melt it. Ghee can be used not only for cooking various dishes, but also for medicinal purposes.

When storing bacon in this form, you must follow some rules.

1. It is better to store ghee in glass or earthenware.

2. Often, when stored for a long time, ghee acquires a bitter taste. To prevent this, it is necessary to store it under a tightly closed nylon lid or paraffin paper.

3. Ghee will retain its taste for a long time if you keep it in a cool place: cellar or refrigerator.

4. The shelf life of melted lard, depending on storage conditions, can be from one to three years. It is not recommended to eat baked lard after the specified period. But for a compress and rubbing, preparing various ointments, you can use lard, the shelf life of which has already expired.

Wash the bacon thoroughly in cold water, cut into small pieces so that it melts faster, and place in a high-edged frying pan or saucepan. It is better to melt lard over low heat. When you see fat separation, carefully scoop it out of the pan, strain it immediately through several layers of cheesecloth and place it in a glass jar or pottery. When the fat has cooled, close the dishes tightly and store in a cool place.

Onions, garlic, apples, mushrooms and various spices give the melted lard a pleasant smell and peculiar taste. Try melting lard with these foods.

Peel the onions, chop finely, mix with the chopped pieces of bacon and place in the pan. Strain the resulting fat together with the fried onions several times. The fat will acquire a beautiful golden color and aroma. Such lard can be used for preparing first courses and side dishes.

Peel the garlic, chop finely or crush it in a mortar. Rub a whole piece of bacon with the resulting garlic mass and leave for 1-2 hours in a warm place so that the bacon absorbs the garlic juice. Then cut into small pieces and melt over low heat. Strain the resulting fat and store in a cool place under a tightly closed lid.

Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly in cold water, boil in salted water until tender and pass through a meat grinder. Stir in chopped bacon and melt. You can put the resulting fat in a bowl, having previously filtered it, or use it directly along with fried mushrooms. You can use the fat for frying mushrooms and cooking vegetables.

Peel sour apples and grate on a coarse grater. Stir in chopped bacon and melt under a closed lid. Strain the resulting fat, add salt and cloves and drain into a bowl.

Finely chop fresh parsley and dill and mix with salt. Cut the bacon into small pieces, melt and strain. Add chopped greens to the resulting fat and place in a bowl. Store covered in a cool place.

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Pork lard Pork lard has been included in the human diet for many centuries. Even in ancient China, they knew how to cook lard correctly, and the idea of ​​inventing salted lard was born in Italy. Real natural lard is a skin with a subcutaneous layer of fat. The best lard

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Lard or lard (lat. Lardum) is fat melted over low heat from lard. For heating, pork fat is used - intramuscular fat (undercrown, brisket) or interior fat as the least suitable for other purposes. At the same time, interior fat is often processed separately due to its specific smell. They also make lard from duck and goose fat.

In cooking, lard is a traditional product of the village cuisine of many peoples. Lard has been known for several centuries in Europe and the countries of the former USSR. In Poland, it is called lard (smalec), in Germany, Schmalz, In Ukraine, lard. In all languages, the word means one thing - to drown, to melt.

How to cook lard

The first way

Before melting the lard, the raw material (lard, fat) is thoroughly cleaned of dirt, blood, meat residues by soaking it in salted water for 12 or more hours, changing the water several times. After soaking, the raw material cut into small pieces is melted with the extraction of the resulting greaves over low heat until the water is completely evaporated. Then the translucent fat is poured with great care through several layers of sterile gauze into glass jars or ceramic pots and closed.

Second way

Lard is obtained by boiling it in a cauldron in water, with little or no addition of milk. Raw materials are cut into pieces, poured with water and cooked in a sealed container for an hour or two over low heat, without removing the lid. Then the lard is cooled and cooled. The cooled lard is carefully collected from above with a spoon with holes, put into a jar, while making sure that no water is present on the pieces of lard. They store such lard in the refrigerator for several weeks, using it as needed.

Third way

Lard is prepared by the heating method, but with the addition of various ingredients to give it a pleasant taste and aroma. Use lard as butter on bread. Lard is melted in a frying pan until dry cracklings, then diced sour (green) apple, onion, dried marjoram, pepper and salt are added to taste. Everything is mixed and in this form is cooled to 45 degrees. Then the lard is filtered through several layers of gauze, poured into a jar, tightly corked and put into the refrigerator.

To make good and high-quality lard, you need to choose the right lard. Lard and interior fat are sold in meat stalls in the markets. The lard should be white and smell good. You should not take expensive lard for the lard, intended for salting, the most important thing is that the lard does not get caught from the breeding boar, the lard can be hopelessly spoiled. Checking the fat is not difficult. You can ask the seller to light it with a burning match. Lard should smell like fried meat.

Salt and pepper will be an excellent addition to lard - this is obvious. But try adding marjoram, which improves digestion, sweet or hot paprika, or ground chili for a spicier taste. A little caraway won't hurt, especially if apple is added to the lard. lard goes well with fresh thyme and parsley. In addition to spices, you can add about 200 g of ground brisket and the same amount of chopped poultry fat or skin to the lard. Some also add ground beef shoulder and finely chopped sausage at the very end of cooking.

To make the lard acquire a beautiful white color, add half a glass of boiled milk to the cooling melted fat and stir. For the best taste, you should also add a glass of alcohol or pure vodka. Improves the taste of lard and a small amount of juniper vodka. When the greaves in the lard have melted nicely, add the chopped onion, chopped garlic and 2-3 grated apples. Remove the lard from heat. Apples and onions will soften but will not brown. You can also add sliced ​​garlic.

Lard in folk medicine

Lard sometimes works much more efficiently than special ointments. Sore joints are lubricated with lard, or applied in the form of a compress for 10-12 hours, wrapped in an additional woolen scarf or scarf.
Lard mixed with honey 1: 1 is used as a healing agent. Small wounds and abrasions are lubricated with a fat mixture until healed once or twice a day.
Lard is used to treat bronchitis and severe cough. To do this, dissolve a dessert spoon of lard in hot milk, and cool slightly. Milk is drunk in small sips, it softens the throat and bronchi, promotes a speedy recovery.
Lard for bronchitis is rubbed on the chest and back at night, tying a large woolen scarf around the chest. The lard acts as a warming agent and the cough quickly subside.

Lard in cooking

Lard is used as an appetizer, for example, by mixing it to taste with garlic, salt, various spices and spreading it on bread in a thin layer. Lard is added to the dough for baking salty yeast buns, breads, muffins instead of butter.
Any vegetable oil is substituted with lard. It is used for cooking various dishes on it, for example, fried potatoes, pancakes and pancakes, eggs, omelet, etc. Lard can be mixed with vegetable oil to reduce the calorie content of the dish. Lard can be used to fill various dishes, for example, porridge - pearl barley, buckwheat, barley, wheat.
Store lard in the refrigerator. The properties of lard remain unchanged over time.

Lard with garlic


  • fresh pork (homemade lard) 250 g
  • fine salt on the tip of a knife
  • 5 cloves garlic

Cooking method:
Cut the bacon into slices, fold into a small cauldron or a thick-walled pan. Put the dishes on the stove, the fire is minimal, cover with a lid. Simmer lard for about an hour. You don't need to interfere. As it melts, dry cracklings will remain, throw them away or, if you wish, you can sprinkle with salt and eat. Pour the lard over a knife into the jar very carefully, because the fat is hot. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, put it in the lard, add salt. Cool the lard, close the jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator, stir well before serving. From this amount of bacon, approximately 200 gram jar is obtained. Lard is good for borscht, it should be applied in a thin layer on bread, it is very tasty with rye.

Human cells are made up of all kinds of fats, so animal fats must be present in the diet of people. Animal fat is necessary in the human body for the normal course of all processes. Pork fat is especially important, it helps with the structure of the hair and the skin needs it.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating pork fat, as it contains cholesterol, which has a detrimental effect on the human body. However, most doctors do not agree with the opinion of nutritionists, since with moderate consumption of pork fat, useful substances and a little harmful ones enter the body.

Pork fat- this is a box with vitamins, it contains a rare arachidonic acid, which is responsible for the activity of female and male hormones, helps in the processing of cholesterol, promotes the functioning of the liver and brain. Also, this fat contains linoleic, oleic and many other types of acids, which are so necessary for the normal development of internal organs and systems.

The lard contains carotene, which is able to affect human vision, it contains a large amount of active substances. Fat is rich in vitamins A, K, E and many others, as well as iron, copper and iodine for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Pork fat has a very high calorie content, because of this, it is not recommended to use it in large doses for overweight people.

In the food industry, several varieties of pork fat are used: extra subspecies, premium, first and second grade fat. When melted, extra fat acquires a transparent color, its smell will be practically imperceptible and fragrant, and the color before melting is pure white.

The highest quality fat is similar to the extra variety, only the smell is more pronounced and has not very pleasant notes. The first and second grades are taken from the inner layers of bacon, therefore, the color of such fat will be with a yellow tint, a little unclear, the consistency is relatively dense and not porous. When melted, this type of fat gives off a not very pleasant smell and smells like cracklings.

The highest grade and extra are more suitable for cooking, as they have a pleasant smell and do not spoil the taste of the prepared products.

Where is pork fat used?

Many gourmets will never give up fried potatoes with lard and will do it right. As has been proven by scientists, those foods that have been fried in pork fat are much better absorbed by the body than those fried in any type of oil. In cooking, it is worth using natural fat, then the food will not only be tasty, but also healthy.

By its properties pork fat similar to human body fat. For the beauty of the skin, many cosmetologists advise to prepare ointments based on pork fat. Such an ointment will nourish the skin without weighing it down and underneath the skin will be able to breathe. It is suitable for sensitive skin and rinses off well under running water.

Creams and masks with pork fat are very easy to prepare, they can be easily mixed with any acids, glycerin, alcohols and other liquids, fat interacts well with medicines.

The medicinal properties of pork fat

In folk medicine, it is widely used pork fat, it helps with both internal and external diseases. Many have experienced pork fat treatment in childhood, especially for colds. To lower the temperature, you need to grease your feet with a piece of bacon, put on plastic bags and warm socks on top. This procedure was complemented by drinking herbal, brewed in milk with the addition of melted fat and a pinch of ginger or pepper. This "swill" does not taste very pleasant, but the effect is one hundred percent. After the procedure, a person wakes up healthy and full of energy in the morning.

For diseases of the throat or bronchi, an ointment is prepared with the addition of pork fat. We take about 50 grams of fat, drown it with a water bath, add a couple of tablespoons of vodka and five drops of fir oil to the resulting mass. With the help of such an ointment, a warming compress is made and the chest is rubbed.

To strengthen the immune system, you can use rosehip tincture with bacon and bee honey. It is done in a thermos, first pour boiling water over the rosehip overnight, and add half a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of fat to the finished broth.

In the last stage of lung disease, a pork fat-based drink will help. To prepare the drink, you will need to melt the bacon over a low fire and, when melted, consume two tablespoons up to five times a day. This medicine does not have a very pleasant taste, so it is recommended to seize it with honey. You can also mix the melted fat with butter and honey and take it according to the previous scheme, you can drink it with warm milk.

For pain in the joints, melted fat with honey is applied to sore spots and wrapped in a warm handkerchief, it is better to do everything at night. You can also mix fat with salt and rub into the affected area.

Pork fat ointment will help relieve pain from sciatica, curvature of the spine and many diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. To prepare such a product, you will need to melt the fat in a water bath, then pour homemade milk into it and add ground pepper. Allow this mixture to cool and, after cooling, rub it into sore spots.

To treat gout, it is worth rubbing the following ointment composition: mix fat about thirty grams with half a glass of milk, add camphor alcohol, turpentine about fifty grams and ammonia about twenty grams. Add milk and all other ingredients to the melted fat, the ointment is ready.

Also, fat is able to fight warts, you need to mix melted fat with finely chopped garlic. This mixture is prepared in proportions of 2: 1 and applied to the build-up, after which it is sealed with a plaster. The ointment should be applied until the build-up dries up and disappears.

For skin problems, you need to mix melted fat with a decoction of coltsfoot herb, medicinal chamomile and calendula. Such an ointment is rubbed into the damaged skin for three days, if required, the course of treatment can be extended.

When treating burns, melted fat is mixed with sea buckthorn oil, after processing with such a mixture, a sterile bandage is applied to the burn.

Pork fat is readily available and the benefits are enormous. Fat allows a person to get rid of many diseases, including chronic ones.

Harmful properties of pork fat

As everyone knows, the pig is not a model of cleanliness, therefore, all its organs are susceptible to infection with many diseases. When eating pork fat, there is a risk of contracting all kinds of helminths.

Animal fat is very poorly perceived by the human body, it does not undergo hydrolysis. To digest pork fat, the human body uses a large amount of glucose, therefore, a person, eating fat, feels hungry. That is, when absorbing high-calorie foods with fat, the human body will not be saturated and soon a constant desire to eat will lead to obesity.

Very often, unscrupulous sellers put up fat with an expired shelf life for sale. Such a product may contain mycotoxins, these microorganisms can cause mutation of internal organs, reduce the protective functions of the immune system and poison the entire body.

When a pig is slaughtered, due to the fear of the animal, ochratoxin is formed in the fatty tissues - this is a harmful substance that is very dangerous for human life.

With a rare use of pork fat, a person may not feel its negative properties. However, if you use this product daily, then obesity may occur, which will lead to malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and blockage of blood vessels.

Not recommended to consume pork fat people with high cholesterol levels and cholesterol plaques, hepatitis of any form, pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis, and diseases associated with memory loss.

How is melted pig fat prepared?

In order to melt the lard, you need a small saucepan, cut the frozen fat into medium cubes and heat it over low heat. After the fat is heated, pour it into another pan, add salt and onion, chopped into small cubes. Cook the fat until the onion turns yellow. After cooking, we pass the fat through compacted cheesecloth and leave to cool on the table. After cooling down, move the pan to a cold place.

You can cook the fat using the second method, cut the inner lard of the pig and melt in a bowl, sometimes stirring over low heat. We filter the resulting mass and put it in a warm place for the greaves to settle. After insisting for several hours, filter the mass again. After the second filtering, put the greaves on the bottom of the can, and put the fat on top. The fat can be stored in a jar for a long time and anyone can prepare a delicious dish with the addition of pork fat.

This fat is more beneficial for external use than internal use. However, if you do not abuse this product, you can get a lot of nutrients and trace elements from it. On the basis of this fat in the autumn-winter period, you can rub for your four-legged friends. Such rubbing will allow the pet to not get sick in the cold winter cold and you will not have to spend money on expensive things for animals.

Pork fat is a product of natural origin that supplies energy to the human body and the vitamins it needs. But in everyday life there are different points of view regarding its useful properties and contraindications for use.

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Some admire its cosmetological and therapeutic effect, others are categorically sure that the product only does harm to our body.

Pork fat is a homogeneous mass of white or creamy color with no peculiar smell. It is obtained if it is melted or from internal and subcutaneous fat, including from scraps. Interior fat has a characteristic odor, which is why it is processed separately from other types.

The product contains 99.6% fats, as well as vitamins A, E, D, K. It is especially saturated with carotene and minerals (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, to a lesser extent, iodine and copper). The caloric nutritional value of the product is quite high: per 100 g - 896 kcal. Pork fat combines several triglycerides of fatty acids that are essential for strengthening the immune system, such as:

  • Linoleic;
  • Stearic acid;
  • Palmitic;
  • Oleic.

Its advantage is the predominance of arachidonic acid in its composition. The acid promotes the natural metabolic process in the body.


The benefits of pork fat are assessed by its constituents - animal fats, which a person needs for normal functioning and beautiful skin.

Nutritionists have proven that foods fried in ghee can be absorbed by the stomach much better and faster than those cooked on. It does not lose its biological value during heat treatment.

The benefits of pork fat can be used to improve health and beauty. Masks and face creams made on the basis of this product are quickly absorbed by the skin. When mixed with other medicinal components, all substances are freely split, getting inside the body. The product does not interfere with the breathing of the skin, does not irritate them, but is simply washed off with warm water and soap.


Most nutritionists claim that the harm of pork fat lies in the large amount of cholesterol accumulated in the product... Cholesterol abuse can provoke vascular atherosclerosis. Therefore, it should be excluded from food.

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The second drawback proving the harm from the use of this fat is the saturation of fat with toxic substances, since during the digestive process of a pig they are not passed through the liver, but accumulate in the final product.

The harm from eating pork fat is characterized by metabolic failure. This is explained by the continuous hunger state, since in order to assimilate this product, the body uses glucose, which should be aimed at stimulating brain activity. In other words, a person wants to eat all the time, despite the impressive fat reserves.

Mycotoxins arising in the product as a result of the life cycle and decomposition of fungi carry significant harm to our body. These elements cause human poisoning and have a depressing effect on immunity. But the main danger from eating pork fat is a fungal poison known as ochratoxin. The poison is produced in the organs of the pig during slaughter.

Application methods

There are many popular tips for the internal and external use of pork fat. Despite the well-established point of view about the harmfulness of pork, one can find diets in which it is considered an important ingredient in the diet. The most famous among them is.

Reception of it in food contributes to the assimilation of fat-soluble (B1, B3, B6, B12). All dietary options that include pork fat are short term.

Everyone knows that a person gets better not from pork itself or its offal, but from the amount of food consumed. Therefore, it even takes into account the permissible daily intake of pork fat, which is 10 g per day. The share in the daily diet should be 30% or 60–80 g per day, of which only one third are vegetable. The ratio of polyunsaturated, saturated and monounsaturated acids required by our body is present precisely in lard.

For those who suffer from dystrophy and dream of a few extra pounds, doctors advise taking lard inside every day.

Pork fat is popular in both the culinary and cosmetic industries. For those wishing to rejuvenate the skin of the face and get rid of wrinkles, masks will help, where as additional components are used: oak bark, linden flower stalks and dill seeds. Dry skin problems will disappear by applying a mixture with sage or parsley juice.

It is important to use fresh product of proven quality. Getting it at home is not difficult at all. Despite all the arguments of opponents of the use of this product, its benefits far outweigh the harmful properties.

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The recently flared up fashion for everything natural dictates its own rules. And often, under her influence, we have to not only invent new things, but also turn to the sources. Take, for example, baked lard - an indispensable product in the household, which was known to our ancestors many centuries ago.

Today, briquetted lard can be bought in any supermarket. Or you can prepare it yourself - you can personally verify the quality of raw materials, and monitor compliance with the technology from and to, and even save money. And in order for the result to reward the efforts, first we will study the materiel. So, let's figure out all the intricacies: what is the name of ghee, how is it prepared and what is it eaten with? And besides, we will find out how it can be used on the farm.

What is ghee

The melted fat is widely used in the household. It is very easy to prepare it yourself, besides, it keeps well for quite a long time. When heated, pork fat completely changes its structure, passing from solid to liquid form. Later, when it cools down, it thickens again. Moreover, this process does not even need too low temperatures - room temperature is enough.

Selection of raw materials and preparation for heating

Pork carcass has several large layers of fat. In structure, they are softer than fat, they are easier to cut into pieces and even crumble with your hands. Most of these layers are located in the abdomen and chest of the animal, under the skin and inside the cavities. When cutting, they are simply cut off in layers. Suitable for harvesting and ordinary fat, especially thin and soft, from the belly. It is desirable that it does not contain meat layers.

Another part of the carcass suitable for heating is the mesentery - a fatty mesh that supports the internal organs of the animal. It is suitable not only for kindling, but also for preparing various dishes. It is stuffed with liver, blood, minced meat or other filling and then baked in the oven. But if for some reason this is impossible (for example, the mesh is damaged during cutting), then wonderful lard can be made from it. The recipe for cooking melted fat from the mesentery and fat layers is almost identical.

When buying raw materials for homemade lard, we observe the same safety measures that are true for the selection of any meat and offal: healthy appearance, pleasant smell, visual integrity. It is very good if there is a trusted supplier that you trust.

Method for preparing lard

To prepare homemade melted pork fat, thoroughly rinse the layers, let them dry a little, and, if possible, remove excess water with paper towels.

Ghee lard is convenient to cook in a wide cast-iron pan. We warm it up well and load our workpiece. The heating process is controlled without distraction in order to prevent burning and splattering of fat. Stir with a wooden spatula, evenly distributing the pieces over the pan so that they are heated equally.

There is more and more boiling transparent fat, and the pieces have darkened and decreased in volume? Great, so everything is going as it should. We proceed to the next stage.

Place the cleanly washed and dried glass jars on the table. We attach cheesecloth folded in 3-4 layers to the neck of the dishes. This can be done with a rubber band. Pour hot homemade lard with a ladle or a large spoon. The fabric will filter out unmelted pieces, preventing them from getting into the jar. Let cool at room temperature, covered with pieces of clean cloth. When it cools down, cover it with ordinary ones, and if necessary, cans of hot lard can be immediately rolled up with metal lids.

Home storage

Melted lard poured into jars is perfectly stored in the refrigerator or in the cellar. Moreover, it is itself a preservative. For example, many housewives know the method of preparing pork liver, when the entrails boiled until cooked are twisted in a meat grinder or finely chopped, put in clean jars, poured with hot lard and rolled up. You can store such blanks for several months.

Ghee lard can also be frozen in the freezer. Of course, if space permits. There is no special need for this, it is perfectly stored even at above-zero temperatures.

Use in the preparation of various dishes

There are many ways to use lard in cooking. The most common of these is to replace vegetable oil or butter with pork fat when frying. prepare frying for the first courses, fried cabbage rolls, cutlets, meatballs on it.

Lard is often included in baked goods. Replacing part of the butter with melted pork fat makes the dough smooth and soft. This dough sticks well and keeps its shape. For the preparation of fish and liver pate, homemade lard can also be used. The recipe is almost the same as the classic one (with butter). Unless it wins significantly in terms of cost.

Tourists also respect this product very much. Melt lard at home, add chopped herbs, salt, spices to hot fat, squeeze out a few cloves of garlic. Take such a blank with you on a hike, and it will become a real lifesaver! It is worth adding a couple of spoons to the cauldron of porridge - and the magic aroma will spread throughout the forest. And not only in porridge. Fragrant homemade lard will brighten up any camping recipe, be it kulesh, ukha or ordinary instant noodle soup.

outside the kitchen

Who said that lard can only be used in the kitchen? It has many more uses.

Everyone who has been in the army knows that you can lubricate your shoes. The skin wears out faster, does not allow moisture to pass through, and shines dullly. Lard is also widely used in folk medicine and home cosmetology as a basis for ointments, rubbing and creams. It is also suitable for lubricating creaking door hinges.

In general, try making homemade lard yourself, and this recipe will definitely take its rightful place in your culinary piggy bank.