Contact the little facts about milk. In Brussels, on the occasion of International Milk Day, milk is being poured from the Manneken Pis fountain instead of the usual water

05.04.2019 Salads

Meat, fish, poultry, as well as all kinds of sweets - from these components you can come up with great amount dishes that every time, you see, are nice to eat. But such a product as milk is, on the one hand, a rather inconspicuous drink, and on the other, it can take the place of the very first and healthy food in our life. You yourself know that some people love milk, but others simply cannot bear it.

1. Human began to consume animal milk almost 10 millennia BC. It was during this period that man was able to tame domestic goats. When mankind learned to graze these animals, then it received this product in unlimited quantities in its diet.

2. Scientists say that people in the Neolithic period did not consume milk, because their bodies simply could not assimilate this product. In fact, the "indigestible" element turned out to be lactose. But as a result of genetic mutation, our ancestors acquired the ability to "digest" milk. By the way, in our time, adults can also lose the ability to assimilate milk.

3. One of Nero's wives named Poppaea Sabina, during long travels, took on the road more than five hundred livestock of donkeys. She was very fond of taking milk baths, which improved her skin and allowed her to maintain "eternal" youth.

4. Cow's milk is extremely nutritious. In addition, milk from this animal is the most consumed in the world. So, according to certain statistics, production cow's milk exceeds 400 million tons per year.

5. Does milk turn sour during a thunderstorm? This phenomenon has not yet been fully investigated. Some experts note that milk turns sour during a thunderstorm due to the "presence" in environment long-wave electromagnetic pulses.

6. Although cow's milk is very nutritious and widely consumed, there are other animals in the world that can boast high quality and the nutritional value of your milk. So, seal milk is more nutritious, because the fat content in it is more than 50%. Also, whale milk is very nutritious, which contains a little less fat. But the milk of the donkey and mare is the least nutritious.

7. Recently, it has become quite common soy milk... It is consumed according to the principle of cow's milk, and is very often added to culinary dishes... But it is worth remembering that from this type of milk the human body absorbs much less calcium than from cow's milk.

8. In nature there are plants that correspond to their composition to the milk of animals and humans. Let's say almonds ( more precisely the presence protein in the grains of this plant) is close to the composition of mother's milk. Therefore, almonds are very often added to infant formula. But donkey milk is also very similar in composition to human milk.

9. This drink contains phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, vitamins A and D, as well as vitamin B12. Daily use milk will keep you safe from colon cancer and high blood pressure... But many experts say that the benefits of milk have not yet been proven. Like, it can be fraught with danger.

Milk. Its taste is familiar from childhood. This product is in every home. Millions of people use it in their diet every day. Milk is most valuable productvery healthy. Everyone knows that. and how about little-known facts? In this article, I will explain interesting facts about milkthat some of us might not have known.

Interesting facts about milk. Vegetable milk exists


Progress does not stand still. British scientists have found a way to get milk from plants. For its production, seeds are used and cerealsrich in proteins and fats. Vegetable milk is now considered a fashionable drink, it gained the greatest popularity among fans. healthy way life. Indeed, in its vitamin and mineral composition it is in no way inferior to the animal. The product is a source of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, as well as vitamins A, B12 and D.

An indisputable plus vegetable milk is the absence of lactose in its composition. It is this difference that is important for those people who suffer from intolerance. this component... Such species as soybean, coconut, poppy, oat milk... They are used not only as a drink, but also for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Interesting facts about milk. How milk helps in everyday life


Milk porridge in the morning. A glass of kefir before bedtime. Dairy products have long been included in our diet. But experienced housewives milk is used not only in the kitchen. They find him more and more use for household purposes. For example, milk easily removes ink stains, enhances the shine of gold-plated and mirrored surfaces, and easily gives the original look of patent leather shoes. And if, when washing tulle curtains, add a little milk to the blue, then they will look like from a shop window.

Interesting facts about milk. How a thunderstorm affects milk


Our ancestors noticed long ago that milk sour faster in a thunderstorm. It would seem, what is the connection between a natural phenomenon and food product? Scientists find several reasons for this phenomenon. According to one version, long-wave electromagnetic pulses are to blame for everything. They can penetrate at a distance into any substance, including milk. Because of this, the process of curdling milk is noticeably accelerated. According to another version, the reason for souring is the reaction of calcium with proteins, which occurs only during a thunderstorm. But no matter what explanations people find, this fact is unproven to this day.

Interesting facts about milk. How a frog helps keep milk fresh


Now, in the age of high technology, it is impossible to imagine that frogs replaced the refrigerator so that milk does not spoil. Our ancestors, during the absence of electricity, lowered them in containers with milk. So it stayed cool and fresh longer. It turns out that frogs can produce a special disinfectant that has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. For a frog, milk is an unusual environment, therefore, in order to protect itself, it secretes these substances. The method, of course, has not been studied. And it is unlikely that a modern person will dare to drink a glass of milk after a frog-cold.

Interesting facts about milk. Who is better for milk


More and more scientists recognize the fact that milk keeps a woman's youth. According to experts, the use of this product has beneficial effect on reproductive function the fair sex. Therefore, women who often drink milk are more sexually active and maintain their childbearing age longer than others.

There is good news for men too. Drinking milk has a positive effect on the level of potency. For stable work of both female and male body, it is necessary to maintain a balance of calcium and magnesium. If men are deficient in these minerals, then there is a risk of developing impotence.

This is where a truly unique product is: it helps in the household, improves health, and influences mood, and attracts heavenly forces. And we just have to drink and rejoice that once nature "gave" us milk.

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“Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy!” Was sung in the famous Soviet cartoon. And we drink. We dip into it oat cookies, fill in cornflakes in the morning and cook porridge on this product. Yes, of course, milk is firmly entrenched in life modern manwho uses it on a regular basis. Did you know that we drink our favorite milk for 10,000 years and that it can be used as invisible ink? That's the same.

The oldest known fossil remains of a domesticated cow date back to the 8th millennium BC. e. That is, we have been drinking cow's milk for over 10,000 years.

Since the share of the udder in a cow does not communicate with each other, the composition of milk obtained from different teats of the same animal may not coincide

The population of the Earth drinks 580 million liters of milk a year - 1.5 million a day. To ensure this volume, about 105,000 cows need to be milked daily

Cow's milk contains 300 times more casein (the main protein containing eight essential amino acids for humans) than human milk

To prevent milk from souring, frogs were put in it in ancient times: their skin secretions have antimicrobial properties and inhibit the growth of bacteria

In the 1960s, a continuous ultra-pasteurization process for milk was developed, as well as aseptic packaging systems (Tetra Pak), which allowed the shelf life to be extended to six months.

Careful processing preserves the beneficial properties of the product and at the same time eliminates bacteria that lead to sour milk. Institute food technology The United States in 1989 called this process "the greatest food technology achievement of the 20th century."

Milk can be used as invisible ink: written on paper appears when heated

This is how V.I. Lenin, imprisoned, handed over secret letters to the wild

Milk cannot be stored in a transparent container, since many useful substances are destroyed in the light

Multilayer sealed cardboard packaging (~ 75% cardboard, polyethylene, foil) protects against external factors that affect the shelf life of milk

Milk can turn sour during a thunderstorm - this is the fault of long-wave electromagnetic pulses that penetrate into any substance

Milk consists of almost 90% water and at the same time contains about 80 useful mineral elements. After the process of ultra-pasteurization of milk, calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamins remain unchanged in it.

In Brussels, on the occasion of International Milk Day, milk is being poured from the Manneken Pis fountain instead of the usual water

People who consume milk after strength training, rather than energy drinks, achieve better physical shape

It is milk that contributes to the growth muscle mass due to the balance of vitamins and microelements, and milk fat breaks down fat deposits in the body

"Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy!" - we know this from childhood. Milk was considered a panacea for many diseases in ancient times, although in the Neolithic times, adults could not drink it.

1. The cow gives milk to feed the calf. After calving, she gives milk for 10 months, then she is inseminated again, and the process is repeated.

2. Milk is a self-sufficient product. Contrary to popular belief, milk is not a drink, but food. People still say "eat milk".

3. In India, milk is rarely consumed in pure form... It is usually mixed with spices. For example, with turmeric.

4. Milk is a product of long-livers. When the Azerbaijani long-liver, Mejid Agayev, who has stepped over the hundred and forty-year mark, was asked what he eats, he named milk, feta cheese, yogurt and vegetables.

5. Less than 50% of adults can drink milk today. The rest have lactose intolerance of varying intensity. In ancient times, during the Neolithic period, adults, in principle, could not drink milk. They didn't have the gene for lactose uptake. It appeared over time due to a genetic mutation.

6. Mare's milk contains a lot of lactose and little protein and fat, due to which it is easier for the body to absorb than cow's. It also has more vitamins A and C. Mare's milk recommend to use for gastritis, peptic ulcer, dysbiosis and various female diseases.

7. Goat milk has more sweet taste than the cow, it has a higher content of vitamins, proteins and substances such as albumin and globulins. Goat milk is able to be absorbed without the participation of bile - this process occurs through the venous network, bypassing the lymphatic capillaries.

8. Sheep milk the content of proteins and fats is richer than cow. True, sheep are susceptible to such a disease as brucellosis, and therefore their milk must be boiled before use. Sheep's milk is effective for anemia, memory loss and poor appetite.

9. Buffalo milk is extremely thick and fatty, it contains a large number of minerals and proteins. The most useful buffalo milk for diseases of the respiratory system.

10. Camel milk the closest in composition to the cow. It is able to enhance male potency, improve vision, strengthen immunity.

11. Milk fights insomnia well - this is the result of the sedative effect of the product on nervous system... A glass of warm, even better fresh milk with honey an hour before bedtime - wonderful remedy from insomnia.

12. Milk has been used in cosmetology for a long time. It is especially famous for its anti-aging properties. It is known that Cleopatra washed herself with milk every morning and regularly took milk baths. The skin after such procedures becomes soft and silky. In cosmetology, cow, goat, coconut, as well as the milk of one humped camel are mainly used. It has already been proven that the amino acids contained in milk are able to remove the layer of dead cells - this rejuvenates the skin and prevents its premature aging. Milk lactoenzymes moisturize the skin well, give it more firmness and elasticity.

13. Beneficial features milk was discovered by scientists from the University of Adelaide. It turns out that milk protein affects plant fungal diseases no less than a chemical fungicide. In particular, we are talking about a disease such as mildew of grapes. Infection of grapes occurs from spores that overwintered in fallen leaves, vine clippings and berries. The fungus has negative impact on the quality of the wine. Fungicides are by no means harmless chemicals - they kill not only the fungus, but also beneficial insects, moreover, in the heat, the fungicide can burn the fruits and leaves of grapes. Therefore, a milk-based product is a great alternative to a chemical. His recipe is simple: 30 grams of milk or milk whey is diluted with 1 liter of water. 300 liters of this mixture is enough for 1 hectare of vineyard. It is necessary to spray once every half a month, and by the middle of summer the rate should be increased to 500 liters per hectare.

14. In the Jewish tradition, it is forbidden to eat dairy products with meat. Kashrut forbids "boiling a kid in his mother's milk." This is justified, since meat and milk are poorly absorbed.

15. Recent studies, in particular those of Dr. Campbell, author of the famous book The Chinese Study, show that milk does not protect against osteoporosis. Milk protein acidifies the blood, which contributes to the rapid leaching of calcium from the bones, and this makes them even more fragile. The body "attaches" excess calcium in the blood to the kidneys, lungs and brain in the form of rounded calcifications.

16. The fact that milk can turn sour during a thunderstorm is not a myth. Biochemists have found that long-wave electromagnetic pulses, which can penetrate into any substance, are to blame for the rapid souring of milk in a thunderstorm.

17. After milk, you must first wash the dishes in cold water, and then hot. If you immediately process the dishes hot water, then the milk protein becomes viscous, sticky and poorly washed off the walls of the dishes.

18. According to Ayuveda, milk is the product of the highest goodness. Many people in India eat only cow's milk once a day at 12 noon, at the time of the strongest "fire" of digestion.

19. Cow's milk proteins are able to bind toxins in the body. Therefore, until now, people working in hazardous industries receive free milk.

20. To get a kilogram of natural butter, you need 21 liters of milk. A kilogram of cheese is made from 10 liters of milk.

21. At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, milk was a source of TB infection in people. Helped to stop the spread of tuberculosis through milk and thereby contain the epidemic of tuberculosis, pasteurization of the product.

22. Lenin wrote letters to freedom in prison with milk. Milk, when dried, became invisible. It was possible to read the text by heating a letter sheet over a candle flame.

23. The fattest milk is found in seals (more than 50% fat) and whales (about 50% fat). The most "lean" is the milk of mares and donkeys. Cow's milk typically contains 85-95% water, with fats, proteins and carbohydrates making up the remainder.

24. Farmers could manually milk up to 6 cows per hour. The milking machine can handle up to 100 cows per hour.

25. Scientists believe that milk began to be consumed 10-11 thousand years ago, after sheep and goats were domesticated in the Middle East. And 9000 years ago, cows were grazed for the first time in Turkey.

26. Milk is also used as a cleaning agent. It can remove ink stains and wipe mirrors and gilded frames.

27. Three useful and widely used in vedic cooking product: melted butter (ghee), fresh cheese (paneer) and yogurt (dahi).

28. The digestibility of milk in the human body is 98%.

29. In the "Complete and General Home Clinic" by G. Bukhan, translated and published in Moscow in 1780, milk is described as the best remedy, along with vegetables, to treat scurvy.

30. Milk contains about 80 mineral elements necessary for normal growth and development of the body, such as: potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, copper, cobalt, chromium, zinc, magnesium, lithium, iodine, fluorine, silver and others ... Milk contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and water-soluble vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, H and others, as well as enzymes, hormones, and immune bodies.

At the moment, milk is an integral food product in the diet of every person. After all, it contains a lot nutrients, namely 5 vitamins, such as: B2, B6, B7, B9, C and 15 minerals, and to find out even more interesting things about milk, we suggest reading our article.

1. Some scientists believe that milk begins to turn sour during a thunderstorm. This is due to the fact that long-wave electromagnetic pulses appear in the outside world.
2. Milk can be used to clean gilded items, wash mirrors and get rid of ink stains.
3. Scientists, from their observations, made one interesting conclusion. If a girl is engaged in gym and drinks 1-3 glasses of milk a day, then she will achieve the desired result several times faster than the one who does not drink it.
4. Milk should be stored in a dark place as it begins to lose most of its nutrients when exposed to sunlight.

5. Milk yield of a cow per year can range from 5,000 to 9,000 thousand kg.

6. Glass warm milk with sugar or honey can help fight insomnia.

7. In the 18th and 19th centuries, pasteurization of milk helped to stop the infection of people with tuberculosis through milk.
8. Milk helps people who smoke a lot or work in industries with substances harmful to the body to bind toxins and remove them from the body.

9. To make 1 kg of cheese you need 10 liters of milk, and to make 1 kg of butter you need 21 liters.

10. Until the middle of the twentieth century, in order to keep milk longer, people dipped ordinary frogs into it, as their skin produces substances that have antifungal and antimicrobial properties.
11. Drinking a lot of milk is harmful. Milk protein oxidizes the blood and this leads to the rapid leaching of calcium from the bones.

12. Children in Africa, China and Southeast Asia drink milk only up to 3-5 years old. This is due to the fact that they do not have a gene that processes lactose and therefore they simply cannot carry it.

13. It is known that new milk it is not recommended for men to drink, as it contains the hormones estrogens.
14. According to scientists, it is not recommended to wash cutlery with hot water after milk.

15. In 1947, a drink was made from the milk Kumys, there is a legend that it gives youth to women, as well as energy for the whole day.
16. Milk reduces the risk of tooth decay and removes plaque and also reduces acidity, but it also damages the skin.

17. Scientists of the XXI century have made a discovery that the cow will give more milkif he listens to music. The music should be calm, balanced and not loud. Most scientists also advise turning on an audi recording with the sound of the sea.

18. Recently, auctions have begun in Europe where mothers are selling breast milk... Most moms create special sites where they pass their milk from hand to hand. Such sites do not guarantee that the milk is clean and not contaminated.
19. On average, a cow's udder can hold up to 23 liters of milk.

20. People began to use milk after they taught goats, they learned to graze these animals approximately 8-10 thousand years BC.
21. Milk contains about 85-90% water, and the rest is calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins B12 and vitamins A and D.
22. Cow's milk helps with hypertension, reduces the risk of colon diseases, cancer and has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa.

23. Whey helps to improve the properties of bread, it saturates it with calcium, phosphorus, proteins and amino acids.
24. Scientists suggest that milk, cheese, sour whey promotes longevity, as evidenced by Thomas Parr, who lived to 152 years and ate only dairy products.

25. It is known that 8 to 10 people in Ukraine do not tolerate cow's milk because of lactose, but they digest goat's milk well.

26. Milk product Varenets became famous in the world thanks to the Ukrainian people.

27. The famous queen Cleopatra took a milk bath to preserve her youthfulness and tenderness of her skin.
28. Camel milk is not curdled.

29. Few people know that white mice also produce milk and it is the most expensive in the world. 1 liter in cost reaches $ 20,000. In order to get 1 liter you need to milk about 4000 mice.
30. Seals have the fattest milk. Its fat content is 53%.