What to do with sour cream. What to do from the old sour cream

26.11.2019 Beverages

Sour cream is an excellent basis for making many dishes. It turns out tasty sauces, pies, cupcakes and biscuits. However, it, like any other products, has a certain shelf life. But do not be upset, noticing that the sour cream bought. What can be cooked from it in this case, you will learn from today's article.

Even at the very responsible hostess, sometimes small troubles occur in the form of spoiled products. In such cases, the question arises quite logically on the feasibility of their further use. Sour cream from which a pronounced putrid smell is proceeds, you need to throw away without regrets. If its shelf life has expired only a couple of days ago and she did not have time to be covered with mold and acquire a bitter taste, then it can be added to various dishes.

Of course, the crushed sour cream (what to cook, photos and recipes will be considered slightly lower) is not suitable for refueling soups and salads. It must be undergoing preliminary heat treatment. From the product, overdue no more than two weeks, it may be quite worthy homemade baking. The dry sour cream is often added to the dough for pies, cupcakes and cakes.

Lush pancakes

According to this technology, it turns out a very air and delicious dessert. It is preparing very simple and quickly. Therefore, it can often be served to family breakfast. Such pancakes are perfectly combined or and their recipe will become a true find for those who do not know what to cook from the sour cream. To treat your native fragrant delicacy, you will need:

  • Salt teaspoon.
  • Sheltered sour sour cream.
  • 5 tablespoons of lean oil.
  • A pair of glass of wheat flour.
  • Sugar tablespoon.
  • Raw chicken egg.
  • Half teaspoon soda.

Having understood that you can cook from the sour cream, you need to understand how to do it. In one deep, the appendix join the egg, lean oil, salt, sugar and food soda. Everyone is well whipped to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Immediately after that, in the future, the dough is sent to the acidic sour cream and pre-sifted wheat flour. Everyone is intensely smeared, lay out a spoon on a hot frying pan, smeared by oil and roasted on both sides.


This option will surely interest those who have not yet decided that you can cook from the sour cream. Mannikov recipes differ from each other with a set of ingredients used. Therefore, before the start of the process, be sure to make sure that you have everything you need in the kitchen. This time you need:

  • A glass of sour cream.
  • Half pack of margarine.
  • Sugar glass.
  • A pair of chicken eggs.
  • Glass of mankey.

Realizing that it is important to prepare from the sour cream, it is important to deal with the intricacies of the technological process. Margarine is placed in a skeleton and melts it on slow fire. Then they add sour cream, eggs and sugar. All this is slightly whipped with a whisk. To the resulting homogeneous mass, the guncake and sifted high-grade flour are plundered. The finished dough is shifted in a heat-resistant shape, lubricated with vegetable fat, and remove into the oven. Baked mannik about thirty minutes at standard one hundred eighty degrees. Before feeding it, it is slightly sting and sprinkled with sugar powder.

Fish pie

Many young mistress is upset, finding that in their refrigerator processed sour cream. What to prepare from this tightened product, know the experienced cooks. One of these dishes is a fish filling cake. Such baking will not only allow you to dispose of not too fresh sour milk, but it will become an excellent addition to a family dinner. To treat your seven such home delicacy, you will need:

  • 250 milliliters sour cream.
  • 3 chicken eggs.
  • 100 grams of mayonnaise.
  • On a teaspoon of soda and salt.
  • Glass of white wheat flour.
  • Bank of fish canned.

As a rule, for these purposes, tuna, pinkish, sairo, salmon or sardines are used.

Deciding that it should be better to paint from the sour cream, you should look better, in which sequence you need to knead the dough for the cake. To do this, in one question combine raw chicken eggs, salt and mayonnaise. There is also a food soda and sour cream. And only after that, in the future, the dough begins to introduce a pre-sifted white flour into the future. The resulting mass is smeared, trying to achieve maximum homogeneity. At the bottom of the form lay out half of the finished dough. Top distribute fish filling. Then all this cover the remains of the dough and put in the oven. Pie bakes with two hundred degrees. As a rule, this process takes no less than half an hour.

Homemade cookies

This option is so simple that it will certainly cause interest in those who cannot decide what to cook from the sour cream. Home cookie recipes are very diverse. They are particularly popular with many busy hosts. To pamper your family like baking, check in advance whether you have at hand:

  • 200 milliliters sour cream.
  • 3 cups of white high-grade flour.
  • Half pack of cream oil.
  • About 1.5 glasses of sugar sand.
  • 3 raw chicken eggs.
  • Tea spoon of food soda.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Package Vanillina.


In one, the soda is combined and sour cream. Then there are sainted wheat flour, salt and vanillin. In a separate saucepan, the butter melts and dissolve sugar in it. The resulting mixture is cooled to room temperature, the eggs are driven into it and whipped well with a wedge.

The resulting mass is poured into a container with sour cream and a dense elastic dough is mixed. After that, it is rolled out not too subtle plast, cut off cookies and lay it on a baking sheet, smeared in advance with lean oil. Baked products with standard one hundred eighty degrees about a quarter of an hour.

Fried pies

This recipe will surely replenish the collection of hostesses who are trying to figure out what to cook from the sour cream. To knead the dough for home pies, check in advance whether there is at your disposal:

  • 300 grams of flour.
  • Tablespoon of lean oil.
  • Raw chicken egg.
  • 200 milliliters sour sour cream.
  • On a teaspoon of sugar sand and salt.
  • A pair of pinch of food soda.

As a filling for such pies, potato mashed potatoes, mixed with a fried onion. Lovers of sweet baking can fit them with a jam, dense jam or jam.

Process description

In one bowl join the egg with sour cream and whipped with a mixer, gradually adding soda, salt, sugar and lean oil. The resulting liquid is gradually being added to flour, pre-saturated with oxygen, and knead the elastic soft dough. Then it is wrapped in the food film and leave for a quarter of an hour.

Fifteen minutes later, the cured dough is separated into small pieces, rolled them with a rolling pin, start potato mashed potatoes and form patties. The resulting semi-finished products are sent to the hot frying pan and roasted on lean oil until a beautiful golden crust appears. Greed-overly patties lay out on paper towels, that they absorbed excess fat, and only after that serve to tea.

Motley Cupcake

With the preparation of this tasty and fragrant dessert, even the novice culinary will easily cope. To create it, you will need simple and easily accessible ingredients. In this situation, you should be in the kitchen:

  • 150 grams of butter.
  • 250 milliliters sour cream.
  • 3 fresh chicken eggs.
  • 3.5 cups of white high-grade flour.
  • Full tablespoon cocoa powder.
  • Whole lemon.
  • Teaspoon of outstanding soda.
  • Couple of sugar glasses.
  • Vanillin.

In one suitable bowl join the eggs with sugar and intensively rub them to homogeneity. In the resulting mass, eggs, sour cream, soda and sifted with high-grade flour are introduced. All this is well mixed. Ready to moderate steep dough shall be divided into two approximately the same parts. One of them add powder-like cocoa and vanillin, to another - citrus zest and a tablespoon of natural lemon juice. The dough alternately lay out into the lubricated heat-resistant shape and sent to the oven. Baked dessert at two hundred degrees no less than half an hour. This cupcake can only be done if there is no moldy in your refrigerator, but already processed sour cream.

What to cook: Recipe with photos

From the technology described below, you can relatively quickly bake delicious and fragrant yeast pieces. To prepare the test, you will need simple and budget ingredients, the purchase of which will not affect your wallet. In order not to stretch the process, take care in advance so that you have in the kitchen there is:

  • 205 milliliters sour cream.
  • 10 grams of high-speed dry yeast.
  • 2.75 cup of high-grade flour.
  • 155 grams of non-storm cheese.
  • A pair of egg yolks.
  • 250 grams of butter or dairy margarine.
  • A pinch of salt.

Margarine or oil laid out in a saucepan, send on a water bath and melt. Then it is cleaned with the plates and are connected to the sour cream. There are also dry yeast, in advance of sifted flour and grated cheese. Everything is well mixed to homogeneous consistency.

The resulting tight enough and at the same time the elastic dough is placed on a flat working surface, richly sprinkled with flour, and rolled off by a plate. The resulting cake is folded in half and restart on it to a rolling pin. Such a procedure is repeated a couple of times and leave the reservoir to approach. In about half an hour, it is repeatedly rolled so that the layer thickness is about two centimeters, and the circles cut out from it with a glass. The resulting billets are lubricated with a yolk, mixed with a small amount of pure water, and laid out on a baking sheet, covered with a sheet of parchment paper. Cophalted pyshki bake with two hundred degrees about twenty minutes.

Do not know how to cook racials with sour cream, just a sinner - in the season of fresh vegetables it is the most running salad. The recipe for radishes with sour cream you are certainly known, but just in case - I will give your own.

Weighs are a valuable dietary product having a low calorie content and containing many substances needed by the human body. One of the most nice dishes from these mushrooms - oysteries with sour cream.

Omelet with sour cream and cheese is a quick, tasty, nutritious and rich breakfast for all occasions. I share the recipe for cooking.

Jelly with sour cream - light dessert for excellent mood. The taste of jelly is cooled. In white jelly with sour cream perfectly, dried fruits (plums, for example), fresh strawberries or kiwi.

Potatoes with sour cream in pots are a wonderful very old one, but at the same time an incredibly delicious dish, and our great-grandmothers have been prepared for a long time, well, and we will prepare it in the oven.

Sour cream and garlic sauce - my favorite sauce! It suits absolutely to everything - dumplings, chicken, meat, spaghetti, vegetables - everything becomes even tastier. Sauce for this and need to reject taste.

The recipe for champignons with sour cream is a classic genre. Absolutely nothing complicated, but at the exit - a cool vegetarian dish or a side dish to something more rebound.

Apple pie with sour cream - typically homely pie, which is not too spectacular and impressive, but is really tasty and satisfying.

This old Russian appetizer, which was once given to tribute and in taverns, and in the palaces, like vegetarians and meathers. I tell how to cook the groove salns with sour cream!

Tomatoes with sour cream at home Personally, I have a top place among salads. Judge for yourself - easily, fast, aromatic, and even the juice from it can be used as a sauce to the garniram!

Umbrellas with sour cream - tasty and rich snack. You can cook it without much difficulty in minutes 15-20. I use only umbrella hats. I cut them, fry, salt, pepper and silent sour cream.

Zucchini with sour cream and garlic is a simple, but very tasty and useful dish. It prepares for half an hour. Zucchini roasted with garlic and season sour cream. Be sure to try!

Love with sour cream is a wonderful dish, traditional for Russian cuisine. If you were lucky enough to dial fresh, be sure to prepare them in sour cream on this recipe, you will like it!

Tender and juicy chicken meat and tasty gravy with sour cream are combined with any garnish. Prepared easily and under the power of every mistress. Good luck in cooking!

Salad of radishes with sour cream is a salad that does not need in ideas. The combination of just a few simple ingredients will bring you a fantastic gastronomic pleasure.

This tasty gravy will improve the taste of any dish. Preparing simply, eats quickly. I give a recipe for gravy from mushrooms with sour cream - I hope you will like it!

This is a very simple and fast tomato salad with sour cream, which is needed immediately after cooking. One of the light dishes, to prepare which will not be difficult even novice culinary.

Each of us ate fried mushrooms, but fried whale - it's not just mushrooms! And if they add sour cream and greens to them, then from the usual dish it will turn out that exactly your taste receptors!

Fried Waves with sour cream - just sodium! I adore these mushrooms. I scold them, and then cheering with onions and carrots. Some mushrooms are fried immediately, but I always cook, I'm afraid.

I offer you a simple potato recipe with sour cream in the oven. Rich and tasty garnish to meat or fish in record rapid dates! The dish is the classic of cooking, which will cope with newcomers. Try!

Raints with sour cream and potatoes - just sodium! Collect white young raincoats that are like a slight curd cheese on a cut. But the yellowed raincoats in food are not suitable!

The magnificent mushroom assorted, baked in a pot, will be a great festive garnish and will delight you and your loved ones. A truly tasty and satisfying dish, which will undoubtedly decorate any desk.

Roasted mossics with sour cream are obtained by nothing worse than white mushrooms. True, it is black, but this can be avoided by adding a teaspoon of vinegar when cooking mushrooms. And frying Mochoviki - very simple.

Duboviki with sour cream prepare for an hour. Mushrooms need to boil, and then tomorrow in sour cream on slow fire. The dish comes fragrant and tasty. Served as sauce to potatoes, rice or macaronam.

If you have a jar of sour cream in the refrigerator, cheese, some mayonnaise and cauliflower, then I will tell you how from these products to prepare a cauliflower baked in the oven with sour cream.

The recipe for herring under a fur coat with sour cream - less the calorie version of this popular salad for those who do not suit the traditional mayonnaise refueling. It turns out no less tasty.

Sour cream is a silk-viscous consistency and a unique creamy taste. I adore goulash, especially with a lot of sauce. For a goulash, you need good meat, vegetables, necessarily paprika.

Recipe for cooking bread with banana and with sour cream. This is not just bread, but fiction. Sour cream makes bread so gentle that he melts in the mouth. Be sure to try!

The recipe for the preparation of Easter from sour cream will not require excessive time costs from you, and as a result, gentle, lush, fragrant Easter will appear on the holiday table - you have not tried this yet!

Potatoes in sour cream at home clearly know how to cook everything, and each mistress has its own recipe. I adore bake potatoes with sour cream in pots, so I share with you a simple recipe!

I suggest try the most, as it seems to me, a simple recipe for potatoes stew in sour cream. I always use it if you cook extremely quickly, and such an appetizing dish will appreciate everything without exception!

Useful and delicious carrots in sour cream with cottage cheese will be a great breakfast for children and adults. With refueling, you can experiment from salt with pepper to sugar or honey.

Frozen widespread in sour cream is a very interesting dish on an ambulance hand. If you have a way in the freezer disappear, be sure to prepare this dish, you will probably enjoy it.

What only dumplings are not. And with cottage cheese and with cherry and with cabbage. My family is very loved by dumplings with potatoes. When I have quite a little time, I make dumplings on an ambulance or lazy. Simply!

The acidic sour cream is not a reason for grieving, on the contrary, there has been a great reason to please close people with a new baking recipe. The old sour cream is no longer suitable for refueling soups and salads, but for the preparation of oldes, pies, cakes and cupcakes just right. An unpleasant source of sour cream is leveled by the addition of other ingredients and thermal processing.

Recipe for manna pie from the old sour cream

The cake will be lush and gentle, 8 servings will be released. You will spend about 40 minutes to prepare.

For manna pie Take these products:

  1. - 2 glasses of old sour cream;
  2. - 4 eggs;
  3. - 1.5 glasses of sugar;
  4. - Glass of Manka;
  5. - 130 g margarine;
  6. - 0.5 cup of flour;
  7. - 150 g of raspberry or lingonberry jam;
  8. - Full acknowledged walnuts.

Manual pie is easy to make sure all the processes are needed in its sequence:

  • 1. Fall eggs with sugar, pour sour cream, soft margarine, pour the semolina and flour.
  • 2. Carefully stir all the components. Cover the dishes with them with a food film and forget for 30 minutes to make the manka waving.
  • 3. Put the cooked dough into a shape, smeared, and bake 40 minutes at 180 degrees. When the cake cools, get out of the form.
  • 4. Prepare sour cream, but for it take fresh sour cream. Sugar Wake up with sour cream before the advent of magnificent mass.
  • 5. Manual cake cut into two parts. Nizhny korge spread with cream spray nuts. Place the jam on the upper root and blend slightly with the cream to get marbled.

Fish pie

Very simple cake recipe. The filling is made from any canned fish. It can be humpback, sarah, sardines, salmon, tuna, etc. In addition to the fish, the other filling is suitable, you are a favorite: cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes, rice with eggs, etc. For the preparation of 8 servings, you will need:

  • sour cream 250g;
  • eggs 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise 100g;
  • salt 1ch.l.;
  • flour 1st.;
  • soda. Ch.L. (extinguishing in sour cream);
  • fish filling (canned food bank - Sardines, Salmon, Sair, Gorbow, Tuna) or other favorite filling.

Preparation: Heat the oven to 200 ° C. Mix all ingredients for dough. To knead the dough, while it must be the consistency of sour cream. Grease oil with oil and pour half the dough. Share stuffing, pour the second half of the test. Bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Tartlets from Kabachkov

Delicious this dish is both hot and cold. For the preparation of 8 servings, you will need:

  • Sour cream 1 tbsp.
  • Ready puff pastry 200g.
  • Medium zucchini or zucchini 2 pcs.
  • Solid cheese. glasses.
  • Small-cutting greenery of dill or parsley. glasses.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Flipped onions. glasses.
  • Small-cutting mushrooms. glasses.
  • Salt. Ch.L.

Preparation: Heat the oven to 180s. Take a baking shape with a diameter of 26 cm. Roll out the dough to cover the base and the sides. The shape is lubricated with fat and shifting the dough, while it is good to press it to the form so that there is no air between the walls and the dough. Fully dough for a fork and put in the oven for 10 minutes. Zucchini cut into circles, cheese to lose and make a mixture of sour cream and cheese. Remove the shape with the test, reduce the temperature to 190 C. On the base from the dough, lay a layer of zucchini. Add Passionated onions and roasted slices of champignons. Lubricate the sour cream-cheese mixture and pour breadcrumbs. Put in the oven for 20-25min, so that the crisps are zucchini.

And what can be baked from sour cream to dessert? For example, cheesecake. It turns out not a very greasy version of this exquisite dessert.

Cheesecake from sour cream

For cooking 12 servings will need:

  • Shortbread 250g.
  • Very thick sour cream 4st.
  • Sugar 1st.
  • Eggs 4pcs.
  • Starch 1st.L.
  • Vanilla extract 1C.L.
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Cinnamon 1ch.l.

Preparation: The oven must warm up to 180 s. Cookies will be confused in a small crumb. Melt oil, pour to the liver. All mix and sprinkle with cinnamon. Take a detachable form, pointing the bottom of parchment paper and lay out a sandy crumb. Take it with a glass. Beat the sour cream with sugar, adding eggs one by one, stirring every time, but do not beat too much. Excess air is not needed, cheesecake can crack. Add vanilla, starch and lemon zest. On the prepared framework to pour sour cream. Put the shape in the oven. Bake 50 minutes, do not open the oven door. Turn off the ovens -cakes to leave inside to complete cooling. Put in the refrigerator for the night. Cheesecake will become more wet and dense.

Tsvetaevian apple pie.

Pretty popular cake. At the heart - a sand dough, filling - finely sliced \u200b\u200bacidic apples and fill sour cream. Best of all this cake is when it will completely cool. You can sprinkle it with cinnamon. For the preparation of 8 servings, you will need:

  • Flour 2st or 250g.
  • Sour cream 0.5 tbsp.
  • Melted butter 150g.
  • Soda 1 / 2h.l.
  • Salt 1 / 4h.l.

Preparation: Preheat oven to 180 C. Mix flour, sour cream, melted oil, soda and salt. Knead the dough. Clear apples from the peel and seeds and cut into a vegetable cutter on thin plates. For the fill, beat: egg, sugar, flour and sour cream. Loose in the form of dough. Share the apple fill. Pour fill. Bake 50 minutes.

Babushkin Mannik.

When waving, I want to think about something good and bright from my life. And, I remember Babushkin Baking on sour cream.

For the preparation of 10 servings, you will need: sour cream - 1st. Margarine - 1/2 Puffs, sugar - 1 cup, eggs - 2 pcs. Semal cereals - 1 cup.

  • Heat the oven to 180 s.
  • Melt margarine.
  • Add sugar, eggs, sour cream.
  • Mix everything.
  • To the mixture add a semolina cereal, flour.
  • Knead the dough.
  • Pour it into a shape, lubricated with fat.
  • Put in the oven.
  • Bake for 30 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with powdered.

Curly cookie with colored icing

Cookies are ideal for a children's holiday. It is decorated with icing and colored sprinkles.

For the preparation of 60 servings, you will need: butter - 200g; Sugar - 300g; Eggs - 2pcs. Vanilla - 1h.l, sour cream - 1st. flour - 5st. Basin - 2h.l. Salt - 1 / 2h.l, nutmeg. Ch.L.

  • In a big bowl, beat sugar and butter.
  • Add, whipping, eggs, sour cream and vanilla.
  • Mix baking powder, flour, nutmeg and salt.
  • Add to oil mixture and slightly mix.
  • The dough must be sticky and easy.
  • Wrap and put the dough on the fridge at night.
  • Heat the oven to 180 s.
  • Dough roll 3mm thick.
  • Cut figures using molds.
  • Share cookies on dry nails. The distance between them is 2-3 cm.
  • Bake 8-10min.
  • Remove cookies with the opposite and leave cool on the lattices.
  • Decorate with icing and sprinkle.

Puff pastry with sour cream

Universal recipe. Suitable for pies, cookies and pies. For cookies you need to roll very thin, 3mm. Pre-dough cool well so that it does not stick to hand.

For cooking 500g test, it will take: butter or margarine, flour - 1.5 tbsp. sour cream - 0.5 tbsp. a pinch of salt.

  • Chilled oil quickly cut into cubes.
  • Chick with flour and pinch salt to the crumb. You can use a blender.
  • Add sour cream.
  • To interfere with the fork until the ball is formed.
  • Wrap the ball into the film and put the refrigerator overnight. If urgently is 1 hour in the freezer.
  • Roll, if necessary, add flour.
  • Shape products.
  • Bake at 200 C. No need to lubricate the baking sheet.

Well, we found out that we bake from sour cream. Prepare and delight your delicious delicious dishes!

Sour cream for a long time is used in cooking. Baking from sour cream is very gentle and absolutely not dry. Sour cream is added not only in the dough, but also in filling, in the glaze, sweets and cream. This article features unusual baking from sour cream, recipes not only sweet dishes, but also salty.

Below you will meet a step-by-step video recipe, on the topic that you can bake from the old sour cream.

We hope you like our recipes and you share your opinion about this in the comments \u003d)

See and other recipes:

Let's talk about the usual sour cream. Everyone knows how it is useful to add it to a salad and make a mask from it. But it's not all! Dishes from sour cream are affected by their diversity and are a real decoration of any table. Baking on sour cream is much more useful than confectionery products containing culinary fat, and it usually does not contain yeast.

What can be cooked from sour cream to dessert?

There is a huge amount of baking options containing sour cream, it is cookies, and cakes with a variety of fillings, and cakes. And if you have already thought about to bake from sour cream, then to begin with, we start with something simple, but spectacular, for example, bake cookies.

Cookies on sour cream

This recipe for cookies is very simple and contains the minimum number of products, so even the hostess of school age will cope with the task. We will need three hundred grams of sour cream and margarine, about six cups of flour, jam and sugar powder (to taste). Sour cream must be pre-cool, and margarine freeze. In the deep container we sift the flour and in it three on the grater of margarine, mix, get a crumb. We add to the mixture sour cream and, mixing everything with a spoon, shift our dough on the table and mix well, if necessary, slugging flour. We put the dough into the package and send to the refrigerator for half an hour. After driving the dough, we divide it for eight parts, each rolling into a round pancake fine, like on dumplings. Each circle is cut to eight parts so that approximately the same triangles. At the base of each triangle, we put the filling and turn the cookie in the form of a tube. I spread it on a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 180 - 200 degrees, until it is wrapped. We take out of the oven, sprinkle with sugar powder, let me cool and try not to eat everything at once!

Chicken Julien

As you, probably, already guess, dishes from sour cream are not only sweet, and the proof of this serves Julien. This is a simple, but an amazingly delicious dish can even prepare a child. So let's get back! We will need, of course, one chicken fillet, there are ten maslinacles, a few feathers of green onions, forty grams of solid cheese, salt and spices. For the fill, we need five tablespoons of sour cream, three teaspoons of mustard and one - two tablespoons of flour. At first, fillets sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin strips sprinkle with pepper and salt and leave marinated. In the meantime, we connect sour cream with mustard and flour and mix well. We divide the fill into two parts. One half lay out a smooth layer in the utensils for baking. On top evenly decompress the chicken, put on her halves of olives and three cheeses. Now laying out the remaining part of the fill, align it and we ship it in the oven at a temperature of 180 s, until it is shoved. Bon Appetit.

Salad refueling

Previous dishes from sour cream we baked in the oven, but there are also such recipes where the sour cream is not subjected to any heat treatment and retains all useful bifidobacteria. Such are salads, refueling to which are made not only from the oil, but also from sour cream. For the simplest refueling, we take half liters sour cream, a teaspoon of chopped dill, juice of half lemon, salt and sugar to taste. We mix all the components and refuel fresh vegetable salad. Tasty and healthy! Now that you have been strained, you can safely take for any dishes from sour cream and consider yourself professional cooks!

Tender, wet and air, crumbly and crispy, sweet and savory - such can be baking on sour cream. In addition to the large variability of baked products on sour cream test, there is another significant in the conditions of a dynamic life of a modern mistress plus - pies, cakes, waffles and bagels based on this fermented product are prepared very quickly.

List of ingredients:

  • up to 200 ml sour cream;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 4 g soda;
  • 250 - 350 g of flour.

Baking by steps:

  1. A rapid mixture of flour and soda sink through a sieve. Acositol ingredient directly from the refrigerator to beat with sugar to dissolving all grains. Connect both masses before getting thick, but not a steep dough.
  2. Roll out the missed dough in a cake, the thickness of which will be 5 mm, and squeeze out of it a glass of torn to 6 cm in diameter.
  3. Folded their column two in height. The obtained billets hold 10 - 13 minutes at 210 ° C.

Apple pie on sour cream

Proportions used for baking products:

  • 210 ml sour cream;
  • 1 egg;
  • 180 g of sugar;
  • 6 g soda;
  • 160 g of flour;
  • 400 - 500 g of apples with a dense pulp and sour-sweet taste.


  1. The oven to heat up to 180 degrees. Clear apples from the peel, cut the core and cut the flesh with slices.
  2. Sycot connect with sour cream to make the neutralization reaction.
  3. An egg melange to bold with sugar, introduce sour cream and flour into it, so that thick, but the testicular dough.
  4. On the bottom of the lubricated form, put half of apple polek, to pour ½ share of the dough from above, again - apples, and the final layer - the remaining half of the sour cream base.
  5. Stove bulk puff apple pie will be 35 - 40 minutes. The decoration of this baking can be a fudgment with a candied nuts, nuts or confectionery sprinkle.

Cottage cheese and sour cream

Cake composition:

  • 220 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml of sour cream (fatty 15%);
  • 180 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 g of vanilina;
  • 30 ml of melted butter;
  • 5 g of baking powder;
  • 160 g of flour.


  1. Cottage cheese through fine sieve, mix with oil. Pour into it a pre-whipped mixture of sugar, sour cream and eggs, mix. Then add vanilla, baking powder and flour into the dough.
  2. A stirred before eliminating all lumps to move the dough into a lubricated oil shape for cakes (metal or silicone) and bake half an hour or a little more at 180 - 200 degrees. Optionally, the cupcake can add raisins, citades or citrus zest.

Waffles on sour cream in electrovapulnice

The dough from sour cream is suitable not only for soft baking, but also for crispy waffles.

What do you need for cooking:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 195 g of sugar;
  • 240 g of butter or margarine for baking;
  • 120 ml sour cream;
  • 4 g soda;
  • 3 g salts;
  • 250 g of flour.

The order of technological processes:

  1. Eggs along with a pinch of salts and sugar to beat into a light cream mass. Then to interoperate melted oil and sour cream, sink soda with flour to obtain a sour cream-like thick mixture.
  2. To the heated electro-telephone pouring the test on one tablespoon and the oven approximately 3 to 4 minutes. Hot waffles can be coated in a tube or horn and fill with any cream.

Quick Pie with the addition of mayonnaise

For fast cooking, you need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 75 ml sour cream;
  • 75 ml of mayonnaise;
  • 120 g of flour;
  • 45 g starch;
  • 3.5 g of salts;
  • 4 g soda.

Additionally, for filling, boiled chicken eggs, green onions and spices will be required.

How to cook:

  1. Wentchik mix raw eggs, sour cream and mayonnaise. Then in this mixture to sift the bulk components so that it turned out sufficiently thick dough.
  2. For filling, grate on the grater of eggs, mix them with a small green bow and spices.
  3. We divide the dough into two halves. The first pour in the prepared form, in it we distribute the filling and pour a different part of the test. Baking this cake will take about 25 to 30 minutes, the preparation temperature is 180 degrees.

Baking with chicken on sour cream


  • 1 egg;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 3 g salts;
  • 7 g of baking powder;
  • 160 g of flour;
  • 300 g of boiled chicken meat;
  • 100 g of tomatoes;
  • 200 g of solid cheese;
  • spicy herbs and spices to taste.

Baking method:

  1. From eggs, sour cream, flour and baking powder to knead the bulk dough.
  2. Chicken meat, tomatoes and cheese cut into small cubes, salute, mix and add to the seasoning.
  3. Waving a baking shape with a parchment, form a cake: ½ part of the test, filling, ½ of the total number of test. Bake to appetizing ruddy crust.

Cabbage Pie Sking Hand

Capping filling cake on sour cream:

  • 500 g of white cabbage;
  • 100 g of melted butter;
  • 50 g of fresh greenery;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 120 g of flour;
  • 5 g of baking powder;
  • 5 g of sugar;
  • 5 g salts.

Separation of cooking processes:

  1. Cabbage to seal the shallow straw, sprinkle salt and stretch with hands, add finely chopped greens and pour the creamy oil. Start diligently mix.
  2. Eggs beat with sugar and a pinch of salt, add sour cream and a mixture of flour and baking powder. There should be quite thick, but bulk dough.
  3. Still put on the bottom of the cake form, and on top of pouring the entire portion of the test. This follows 30 to 40 minutes to put the cake in the oven, the temperature in which is already set at 180 ° C.

Delicious Biscuit

For the biscuit dough on sour cream should be prepared:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 20 g of melted butter;
  • 3 g soda;
  • 260 g of flour.

Work algorithm:

  1. Yolks whip with sugar to a bright lush state. Enter sour cream and melted oil to them, and then sifted with soda flour.
  2. Proteins in a separate appearance to beat to strong peaks and three to four receptions to interfere with them in the dough.
  3. Prepare for the Biscuit "French Shirt", lubricate the shape for baking with oil and swim flour. Pour the dough into it and bake a biscuit cake at a standard temperature (180 ° C) 40 to 45 minutes.

Sayer Flashing Pie

The ratio of ingredients for filling and test:

  • 250 ml of sour cream;
  • 250 ml of mayonnaise;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 4 g salts;
  • 4 g soda;
  • 180 g of flour;
  • 1 Bank Sairi in oil;
  • 100 g of the onion bows;
  • 200 g of raw potatoes.

Stages of baking:

  1. In the tank for kneading the test, send eggs, mayonnaise, salt, soda and sour cream. Beat all the mixer to homogeneity. Then sift the flour and mix the spoon. It turns out the dough as liquid sour cream.
  2. For a filling of Sayra to smoke for a fork, the onions are chopped with small cubes, and grate the potatoes on a large grater. If a lot of juice is highlighted during grinding potatoes, it should be squeezed.
  3. In the lubricant oil and sprinkled with a purple shape pouring the test of the dough, to dissolve it with a spoon. Further on it layers distribute grated potatoes, chopped onions and canned fish. Pour the stuffing to the remaining dough.
  4. At 170 - 180 ° C, the pie will be ready after 30 - 40 minutes, which golden crust will evidence eloquently.

Fragrant and lush donuts with icing

Baking on sour cream and kefir allows you to achieve the creation of cream taste and reduce the calorie content of finished products. An example of this is the donut recipe below.

List of ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 50 ml of kefir;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 4 g soda;
  • 350 g of flour;
  • sugar powder and milk for glaze;
  • fryer vegetable oil.

Preparation instructions:

  1. Eggs beat with sugar. For fragrance, it is possible to replace it with vanilla. Add kefir and sour cream, and then lead flour with soda. Mix so that it does not have a tight, but enough elastic dough.
  2. Promotion with a napkin, so as not tolerant, give the test to rest. Then roll it into a pellet with a thickness of 10 mm and cut donuts with a hole in the middle or without it.
  3. On the heated vegetable oil, fry the blanks on both sides to a golden color, then remove them on a paper towel in order to remove excess fat.
  4. Sugar powder mix with milk to the required consistency and dip in it on one side warm donuts. If desired, the sweet can be painted beet juice or food dye, and the donuts covered with it well sprinkle with crushed nuts or confectionery sprinkle.

Muffins on sour cream and kefir

Required for cooking components of the test:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 100 ml kefir;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 80 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of raisin;
  • 100 g of walnuts;
  • 3 g salts;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 2 g of vanilla powder;
  • 350 g of flour.

How to bake delicious muffins:

  1. Rail nuts with a knife, but raisins to break up, the bay of it is 10 minutes with steep boiling water. All the ingredients of the test (except for flour) are sent to one capacity of suitable litter and mix into a homogeneous mixture with a wedge or mixer.
  2. Next, sift to the liquid components of flour and mix the dough with a spoon. The latter to the total mass leave nuts and the dry-sized raisins.
  3. Snump dough into silicone or paper molds for muffins. Bake at 180 degrees to the golden color of "hats".

Satraznik on Smell Hand

In order to drink tea with a delicious home crook on sour cream within 40 to 50 minutes, it will take:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 180 g of sugar;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 5 g of vanilla sugar;
  • 250 ml of sour cream;
  • 240 g of flour.

To make cream cream from sour cream you need to take:

  • 350 g sour cream;
  • 200 g sugar.

For sour cream test, the product is suitable for absolutely any fat, but for the cream it is better to choose a home or retainer sour cream. To cook it, you need to hang overnight in a bag of several layers of gauze shop sour cream.


  1. Eggs beat with sugar until all grains dissolve. Next, interfere with sour cream and flour, rubbed with soda. From the resulting test, bake a high biscuit korzh.
  2. Chilled sour cream beaten with sugar. If cream is too rare, you can use the thickener.
  3. Sour cream frown to dissolve into several thinner layers, generously rented with their cream. Decorate the dessert of the crumb of cookies, chocolate chips or fresh fruit - as prompts fantasy.

Pyshki in the oven

The composition of the pyshek includes the following products and in such quantity:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 - 120 g of sugar;
  • 250 ml of sour cream;
  • 5 salts;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 400 - 450 g of flour;
  • 1 yolk for lubrication pyshek.


  1. We consistently connect all the components of the test by graduating from interfering of flour. Endless to flour, but also not sticking to the hand, dough. Give it to be searched for 20 minutes at room temperature under a towel.
  2. Roll out the dough to 5 mm thick and form paint from them. It can be round or rectangles, twisted on one side through a cut in the center.
  3. Put the billets on the stuck with parchment bars and lubricate the yolk. In the oven, the product must be carried out up to 20 minutes at 190 degrees to the docked surface.

Simple horns for tea

To bake the bagels with a filling of thick jumped or boiled condensed milk, you should put in the dough:

  • 250 ml of sour cream;
  • 150 g margarine;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g of sugar powder;
  • 350 - 390 g of flour.

The recipe of Rogaliks is stepdown:

  1. Margarine will cut into the crumb with flour, then add sour cream, sugar powder and egg. Easy not very cool dough.
  2. Slices of dough roll in layers with a thickness of 5 mm and cut into pointed triangles. On the narrow side to put the filling and minimize the horns.
  3. Bake the workpiece 20 - 25 minutes at 200 degrees. Hot baking to sprinkle with sugar powder.

Zebra in a slow cooker

For marble cake baked with a modern gadget, you will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 200 ml sour cream of any fatness;
  • 250 g of white crystalline sugar;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 10 g of the baking powder;
  • 300 g of flour;
  • 40 g cocoa powder.

Stages of work:

  1. We beat eggs well at least five minutes on the middle speed of the mixer. Next interfer oil and sour cream, and after - in several techniques mixed with a bundle of flour.
  2. The dough should be pore in two different tanks. One portion is painted in chocolate color with cocoa.
  3. In the center of the lubricated multicooker bowl alternately pour luminous and dark dough. At the end of the center, to hold the edges to the edges with a toothpick for a more vertical pattern.
  4. Prepare "Zebra" in the "Baking" mode, approximately 60 minutes. But perhaps, baking time will have to adjust in accordance with the power of the device and the manufacturer's recommendations.
  5. Required baking products:

  • 160 g semolina;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 180 g of sugar;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 130 g of flour;
  • vanillin to taste.

We are preparing a gunnik as follows:

  1. Grocery with a fermented milk product and leave for time from half an hour to several hours. The longer the manka will swell, the tastier the cake will turn out.
  2. Eggs to puff beat with sugar, add wake-up semolina, vanillin and flour with soda. In addition to the dough, you can enter various fillers (zucats, raisins or nuts).
  3. The dough in a lubricated and touched by breadcrumbs to send a form for 20 to 30 minutes to the oven, which should be warm up to 180 - 200 degrees Celsius.