Chicken breast kebab recipes. How much to fry chicken breast kebabs

19.04.2019 Bakery

And this time we'll cook it tasty dish from chicken. It is believed that classic kebab made from lamb or pork. But lately, chicken has become a more popular product. And it's not just about its lower cost. Poultry meat is much softer, and properly roasted, it is even tastier.

As for the choice of one or another part of the carcass, then, unlike pork meat, you can take whatever you like for chicken kebab. Prefer wings - please take them, drumsticks - take drumsticks or breasts.

It is best to take meat from young birds, especially from broiler chickens. It is advisable to marinate each part of the carcass in a special marinade.

Breasts, for example, are marinated with mayonnaise and spices or garlic and lemon. Legs and thighs - in vinegar or in a mixture of several types of pepper. Wings - infused in mayonnaise and ketchup marinade.

For chicken kebab only fresh food should be used.

Meat is chickens no older than 1 year old and weighing from 900 g to 2 kg. Poultry is best suited.

The carcass should not be frozen, but chilled.

How to marinate chicken skewers for juicy and tender meat

Before you start pickling, you need to decide on the dishes. It is best to marinate in glass, enamel or ceramic containers. Aluminum or wooden dishes it is desirable to exclude. It is also undesirable to use plastic dishes.

The chicken meat is cut into 3x3 cm pieces. Onions are cut into rings. A dressing according to the selected recipe is prepared separately. After that, a chicken with onion rings is placed in a deep bowl, everything is poured with marinade, mixed and put in the refrigerator for an hour to marinate. After that, you can start frying the kebab.

If you are using kebab wings, you can cook them whole or by cutting them in half. They are fried for 10-20 minutes until they acquire a dark shade.

The lower leg compared to the wings is more tough meat so the marinade should saturate them very well. A marinade with beer, soy sauce and onions works well for this.

First, the meat must be grated with salt, black pepper, as well as ground garlic and finely chopped basil and put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes so that the meat is soaked. The onions are peeled, minced and mixed with the rest of the ingredients for the marinade. After that ready marinade poured into the meat, everything is mixed and put in the refrigerator for two hours. Meat is fried for half an hour.

Chicken marinade recipes

There are a great many different recipes for marinades. However, there is a standard version of this sauce to which you can add whichever ingredient you like best.

chicken meat - 1 kg; fatty mayonnaise - 150 gr.; one onion; spices for chicken - 1 teaspoon; black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon; hot mustard - 1 tablespoon; salt to taste.

What can be used in a marinade?

Ingredients such as lemon juice, salt, or instead of it can be added to the above recipe soy sauce, onions, garlic and herbs. You can use kefir (yogurt) or ketchup ( tomato paste), or sour cream. You can also add white wine to the marinade.

All this can be used both individually and vary one product with another. And here is the recipe for marinade with beer:

1 kg chicken meat you will need 1 tsp. dry oregano, 0.5 l light beer, two onions, pepper and salt.

The meat is in this marinade for about 3 hours. Next recipe already non-alcoholic and includes kefir.

For 2 kg of chicken, you will need 0.5 liters of fatty kefir, 3 onions, 1 clove of garlic, spices.

After the meat is poured with such a marinade, it is covered with a plate and a load is placed on top. Two hours later, you can start to fry the kebab. If you stick with classic marinade with vinegar, you can do this:

For 1 kg of chicken, take 3 onions, 1 tablespoon wine vinegar, salt pepper.

In such a marinade, the meat is kept under the lid for about three hours. And this is a recipe for marinade using mineral water.

chicken meat - 1.5 kg; mineral water (highly carbonated) - 0.5 l.; one onion; vinegar - 1 tablespoon; spices for chicken, salt and pepper to taste.

Here is another interesting, so to speak experimental, recipe for marinade with grapefruit.

For 1 kg of meat we take 2 grapefruits, 3 heads onions, 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce, pepper, Bay leaf, seasoning for barbecue.

The process of cooking kebabs in such a marinade is as follows. Squeeze the juice from the grapefruit and pour it into a bowl with chicken. Cut the onion into thin rings and put in the same place. Add soy sauce and spices. Mix everything and leave in the refrigerator for four hours. The container with the kebab must be shaken periodically. After the marinating time, you can fry the kebab.

Chicken in the oven on skewers

If you suddenly wanted a kebab, then cooking it in the oven is quick and easy. It is best to use for this purpose chicken fillet... Marinade can be prepared any way you like. Here we use the following recipe.

For 1 kg of chicken meat, you will need 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, two cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, pepper and salt to taste

How to cook chicken skewers in the oven?

We start by soaking the skewers in water. While they are soaking, cut the chicken into pieces.

Cut the onion into rings. We prepare the marinade itself, mixing vegetable oil, soy sauce, squeezed garlic and other ingredients. Add the finished marinade to the meat, cover with foil and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

After two hours, we take out the meat and string it on skewers with an accordion.

After that, put the meat on skewers in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 20 minutes.

During frying, you need to monitor the process and, when one side is fried, turn the pieces over to the other side. There is another option to make the dish tastier. To do this, clean the potatoes, cut them into pieces, add seasonings and put them on a baking sheet. Put the chicken skewered on top and put everything in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Do not forget to turn the shashlik toasted on top. As soon as it forms from all sides golden brown, the kebab can be taken out.

Chicken kebab in a jar (it turns out tastier than on the grill)

In addition to the fact that chicken skewers can be simply fried on skewers in the oven, you can also do this in a jar. Usage three-liter cans even better than just frying meat. Spattering of fat throughout the oven is prevented and, at the same time, all this fat remains on the meat.

To prepare such a kebab, we use the following recipe.

For 1 kg of chicken meat, we need 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider vinegar, 400 ml. refined oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, one onion, three tomatoes, one bell pepper, salt and seasonings to taste and, of course, skewers.

We start by preparing the marinade. We cut all the ingredients for the marinade and mix with each other. You can use a blender to get a smooth paste. While stirring with a blender, gradually add vegetable oil.

After the marinade is ready, pour it into the meat, stir and set to marinate for 2 hours.

After the marinating period has expired, we take out the meat and string it on skewers. The meat can be alternated with tomatoes and onion rings.

Place the meat skewered on skewers in jars, which we put in cold oven... After that, turn on the oven and the frying process begins. In 20 minutes the kebab will be ready.

Marinade for chicken in soy sauce, honey and mustard

Marinating meat is intended not only to give a certain flavor to the meat, but also to soften it in order to shorten the frying time. But, when it comes to taste, then we start adding certain ingredients to the marinade. And if you still start experimenting with a combination of various additives, then the taste may turn out to be original. Let's try to make a soy sauce marinade with honey and mustard.

For 1 kg. Chicken we need one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of mustard, one tablespoon of soy sauce, three cloves of garlic, one tablespoon of vegetable oil, spices and salt to taste.

Pour vegetable oil and soy sauce into the container. Stir well and add honey and mustard. Mix everything well again. Now we take the meat and rub it with garlic, salt and add spices. Then put it in a marinating dish and fill it with marinade. Mix everything well, close the lid and put in the refrigerator for four hours. After that, we take out the meat, put it on skewers or skewers, if baked in the oven, and start frying.

Chicken kebab in kefir - recipe for 1 hour

Marinade on kefir is quite simple to prepare. It doesn't require any special products unless you want to experiment. In the standard form, we need the following ingredients.

For 2 kilograms of meat, we need half a liter of kefir, 4 medium-sized onions, 3-4 cloves of garlic, salt, spices to taste.

We start, as usual, by cutting the chicken into shashlik pieces and putting it in a bowl. Salt and pepper, add grated garlic and seasonings. Mix everything well, then fill it with kefir. Instead of kefir, you can use any other fermented milk product(curdled milk, yogurt). All this is marinated for half an hour, and then fried. Regardless of where you fry the kebab: on the grill or in the oven, do not forget to turn it over from time to time.

Marinade for chicken kebab with vinegar

it classic recipe marinade with vinegar. Most kebab lovers prefer to marinate meat in vinegar. Preparing such a marinade is quite simple. A vinegar solution is required at a 3% concentration.

Peel the onion and finely chop or grate. We mix vinegar with water. Rub the chicken with salt and pepper and put it in a bowl. We also add sugar, onions, vinegar solution and mix everything thoroughly. The meat is marinated for about 10 hours, after which you can start frying the kebab.

Chicken breast kebab marinade to keep the meat tender

Chicken breast can be marinated in any marinade. This is both classic vinegar and with various additives... Marinade with honey, in my opinion, is quite interesting option for chicken kebab.

For cooking honey marinade we need 4 tablespoons of honey, dry spicy herbs, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 5-6 tablespoons olive oil, pepper to taste.

You do not need to add salt here, since it contains soy sauce, which will add a salty taste. We prepare the marinade as follows: melt the honey in a water bath. To do this, put a container with honey in a saucepan with water and heat it on gas, stirring continuously. Mix liquid honey with soy sauce, add olive oil and mix everything well. Add dry herbs and peppers. Pour all this into a container with meat and marinate for about an hour. After that, you can start frying the kebab.

Before you start making a delicious chicken kebab, here are a few tips.

- before marinating, the meat must be washed and dried

- only fresh carcass should be used for barbecue, and it is better if it is chilled, not frozen

- salt is put into chicken kebab a little more than during its usual preparation. But if you are using soy sauce, you can skip the salt.

- any crushed and roasted nuts will go well in the chicken marinade

- if for chicken marinade you are using garlic, then it must be chopped thoroughly. This can be done either with a garlic press, or passed through a meat grinder.

- it is advisable to add vegetable oil to the marinade. You can not only sunflower, but also olive. Then your kebab will acquire a beautiful golden crust and will not burn.

- the meat must be turned over the fire and the more often the better.

If you approach the process of preparing chicken kebab correctly and creatively, it will turn out delicious for you.

Good luck in your culinary business and bon appetit!

The most delicious and juicy kebab from chicken breast it turns out if you beat it off a little and marinate in mayonnaise. It is due to mayonnaise that it does not look like a dry sole. When you fry it on the grill, it remains soft and juicy inside, and is covered with a delicious crust on top.

How to pickle

Rinse the chicken breast fillet cold water, be sure to dry paper towel from excess moisture.

Next, the breast must be properly cut into thinner pieces if the fillet is thick. First of all, cut off the small fillet diagonally along with a small piece from the large fillet. Cut the thick part of the breast into a thinner fillet.

We spread the pieces on a board, cover with a bag or cling film and beat off a little.

There is no need to beat hard, this is chicken meat.

We peel a few cloves of garlic, rinse with water, cut it into thin slices. Mix salt with spices in a separate bowl, take it out of the refrigerator.

We start to marinate the kebab.

Rub each piece of chicken fillet with a mixture of salt and spices, sprinkle with pieces of garlic. Put not on the bottom of a deep bowl a large number of mayonnaise, spread it over the bottom of the bowl and lay out the first layer of chicken pieces.

Sprinkle more spices on it, if necessary, mayonnaise on top, spread it over all the pieces.

This is how we deal with all the fillet pieces, laying them in layers.

We put it in the refrigerator for at least one hour, the chicken is marinated very quickly.

Chicken fillet is very convenient for quick kebab while you collect it on the table, light up the grill, it has already been marinated.

How to cook juicy on the grill

Put the pickled breasts on the wire rack, cover them on top with another wire rack and snap the lock. As soon as the coals are ready, put the grill with the meat on and fry the meat, periodically turning it over and watching the fire so that it does not burn.

The baked mayonnaise seals the juices in the meat and the chicken breast remains juicy. Such a breast is prepared quite quickly.

As soon as the meat is ready, remove it from the grill and take it out of the grate.

Bon Appetit!


  • 1 - 1.5 kg - chicken breast fillets;
  • 5 - 6 pieces - garlic cloves;
  • 1 - 1.5 tsp - salt;
  • 1 tbsp - spices, a mixture of ground coriander, curry, ground black pepper;
  • 200 g - mayonnaise.

The barbecue season traditionally opens in spring. A typical weekend in nature - dripping pork or lamb on skewers, mayonnaise, garlic Sause, ketchup, beer for adults, coca-cola for children, packaged juices. Perfect selection the most harmful thing to eat at a picnic. It is harmful, fatty, high-calorie, but sometimes you want so much ... Is it possible to have a shish kebab on a pn? Yes! But only if it's cooked right diet kebab from chicken, the calorie content of which is as low as possible.

Is it possible to barbecue on the PP?

PP kebab is a great protein meal and after all proper nutrition is built precisely on protein foods with not big amount fat and with enough slow carbohydrates.

If you choose the lean part of the chicken - breast, thighs without skin - then the number of calories in the finished dish can be significantly reduced.

Having chosen the right marinade, it is easy to cook such meat on skewers or a wire rack, which will meet absolutely all the rules of paragraphs.

By the way, fat is melted from meat during charcoal cooking, which means that it is defatted even more.

KBZHU chicken kebab

Losing weight PP-shniki are especially concerned with the question, how many calories are in a chicken kebab? Remember:

  1. pn-chicken breast kebab has a calorie content per 100 grams of about 120 kcal;
  2. kebab from other parts of the chicken- calorie content from 133 kcal;
  3. has a calorie content of 185 kcal, and the reason for this high rate the fact that it is extremely difficult to remove the skin from the wings - and it is there that the main fat "hides".

Suddenly there was no chicken at hand, remember that a low-calorie kebab can be cooked on a turkey grill, having previously marinated it with lemon juice and ginger, which not only break down fats, but also soften dry turkey meat. Another pp kebab can be made from a rabbit. Its meat is tender, dietary and highly digestible.

It is also important to take into account proteins in a dietary chicken kebab of 18-25 g, depending on which part of the carcass is selected, fats - 12-18, carbohydrates - up to 1 g per 100 g of dish.

How to make chicken kebab

Cooking low-calorie chicken skewers on a wire rack or skewers is no more difficult than any other.

Choosing a part of the carcass

If you cook on skewers, then it is better to choose breast, fillet. They are very tender and bake quickly.

In addition, they make the most low-calorie meals... The wings and thighs are good on the grill.

The fillet should be cut across the fibers. It is enough to cut the fillet into three parts.

Marinate the bird for barbecue

Traditional options with vinegar and even more so with mayonnaise are completely unsuitable for our chicken. Perfect marinades there will be vegetable and fruit. You do not need to marinate the chicken for a long time, otherwise the meat will creep. The turkey, on the other hand, will benefit from an extra hour in the marinade.

Cooking kebab

Pitted meat is perfectly baked on skewers. It is better to cook meat on the bone on the wire rack. The thermal conductivity of the bone makes cooking faster. This process is easier to control on the grid.

Usually on well-heated coals, the chicken is ready in half an hour... If in doubt - pierce something in the "thickest" place - a reddish or pinkish juice is released, which means it's not ready yet.

Options for pp marinades for barbecue

It is not difficult to marinate a pn-shny kebab - I personally have a lot of marinades in my collection of ideas. Most favorite:

  • onion, but only onions are needed almost as much as meat. It should be cut into rings, slightly wrinkled with your hands and mixed with chicken pieces, left for 4-5 hours. It is delicious to fry everything together. Salt and pepper - to taste and at will;
  • from kiwi: for 1 kg of meat - 1-2 fruits... The fruits must be cut into thin circles, placed in a bowl, alternating layers. The bottom and top layers are kiwi. Marinate for no more than half an hour, otherwise fruit acids will disrupt the structure of muscle fibers. Kiwi can be supplemented with lemon, some spices, soy sauce;
  • from onions and tomatoes: for 1 kg of meat - half a kilo of onions and tomatoes, a couple of cloves of garlic, a pinch nutmeg... Turn vegetables in a blender in mashed potatoes and "drown" chicken pieces in it for 2-3 hours;
  • from fermented milk products: for 1 kg of meat - 1 liter kefir or ayran, tan, yogurt, whey or even ordinary. It is good to add a mixture of peppers, rosemary, sage, caraway seeds, oregano to the fermented milk product. We keep the meat for several hours;
  • from honey and garlic - a marinade for lovers of unusual mixes different tastes... For 1 kg of meat - 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 5-6 cloves of garlic, a piece of ginger - 1-2 cm, juice of 1 lemon. Make a sauce in a blender and coat the chicken pieces with it for 4-5 hours. This marinade is suitable for turkey, rabbit, veal.

Secrets of delicious pp-chicken kebab

Feel free to experiment with marinades. Delicious kebab it will turn out if there are 3 components in the marinade: aromatic, softening and flavoring. You can also try combining mustard + spices + herbs, soy sauce + chopped fresh vegetables + seasonings, etc.

No need to use unnatural ignition products- they impair the taste of fried foods.

Coal is convenient, but on the wood, especially from fruit trees, it turns out much tastier any kebab.

Serve chicken skewers delicious with thin pita bread and lots of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Although it is more correct to exclude lavash.

Some vegetables can be baked with meat, it will be both appetizing and healthy.

For example, tomatoes, onions, Bell pepper, eggplant, zucchini. The eggplants must first be soaked in cold water With salt.

Diet chicken breast skewers or turkey fillets will be juicier when dipped in sauce.

Commercial sauces are a mixture of all-natural substitutes plus calories.

Natural sauces are made from vegetables and berries. Tomato juice boil with onions, garlic, fresh herbs and beat in a blender. Berry sauces prepared from gooseberries, red currants, lingonberries with the addition of a drop of honey. The berries are mashed and brought to a boil. My favorite for today is a diet chicken kefir shashlik with a sauce of olive oil, garlic, fresh herbs and ground paprika cooked in a blender.

Video recipe for chicken kebab on kefir

Here is my favorite, simple option for making a diet pn-kebab. Breast with kefir, herbs and garlic - perfect combination! A short video instruction:

Chicken breast kebabs are always tender and tasty. They are very quick and easy to prepare, take note of these recipes.

Chicken breast is one of the most important dietary dishes.

However, this does not mean at all that it can be cooked only with the help of boring cooking.

An excellent recipe - marinated breast kebab, cooked directly in the oven or grill.

This kebab is great alternative fatty lamb or pork.

Whichever method of pickling is used, the breast will retain its beneficial dietary characteristics as much as possible.

Such a dish can be eaten by children, those who are losing weight, and people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Generally, this versatile dish, and it can be made for every taste. Shish kebab is equally good as on open fire, and in the oven or in a pan.

And so many methods of pickling do not exist, perhaps, for any other type of fried dishes.

Secrets of charcoal frying technology

Now about the technology of frying on an open fire or grill.

The breast is very tender, it does not require a long cooking process, otherwise it will dry out and lose its juiciness.

However, the coals still need to be heated very well.

On such coals, the pieces will not have time to dry out.

It takes 2-3 minutes to warm up properly, after which you can start turning it over from time to time. The marinade allows the juice to remain inside the meat cubes, making the composition more appetizing.

Frying duration - 10-12 minutes, no more. You can bake potatoes in hot coals as a side dish: it will turn out both quickly and tasty.

Chicken kebabs in honey-mustard marinade

One of the most popular recipes today: shashlik in honey-mustard marinade.

Cooking will not take more than 45-50 minutes.

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken breast;
  • kefir exclusively 3.2% fat;
  • ketchup without additives;
  • granular mustard;

Cooking procedure:

  1. We wash the breast, remove the skin from it and cut it into large enough identical pieces.
  2. In a separate container in equal proportions mix melted honey and mustard.
  3. Add ketchup in the proportion: for 1 spoon of ketchup, 5 tablespoons of a mixture of honey and mustard.
  4. Pour in kefir so that the entire composition resembles liquid sour cream in consistency.
  5. Add the meat pieces and leave to marinate for 2-3 hours. Little trick: if you cover the container cling film, then the composition will be saturated even better, ready meal it will be softer.
  6. After marinating, put the pieces on wooden skewers (if cooking in the oven) or on a skewer (if cooking over a fire).
  7. Preheat the oven to 180 ᵒС, bake for 40 minutes, fry over the fire until tender.

It is best to serve such a yummy with fresh vegetables or baked potatoes.

With soy sauce, lemon and mayonnaise

An equally interesting option is marinating in soy sauce, mayonnaise with lemon.

The cooking technology is very similar to the previous one:

  1. We mix all the ingredients of the marinade, put coarsely chopped breasts in it and leave it under the foil for 2-3 hours.
  2. Then we string the ingredients in this order: breast, fresh tomato cherry, breast, etc. The tomato will add freshness and juiciness to the dish.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 ᵒС and leave the meat cubes there on skewers for 30 minutes, fry for 15 minutes over an open fire.

Do not overdo it! If you started to stand out white juice, which means that everything is ready and can be taken out of the oven or removed from the heat.

Shish kebab with vegetables

A very unusual "country" or "summer" option - with vegetables.

For this recipe we need:

  • sour cream 35% fat;
  • tomato sauce;
  • chicken breasts;
  • greens;
  • onion;
  • tomatoes;
  • Sweet pepper.

We make a marinade: mix sour cream, tomato sauce, herbs, add salt, pepper and other spices to taste. Cut enough breasts in large pieces and leave in the marinade for 2-3 hours. At this time, cut the tomatoes, onions and peppers.

When the meat is marinated, we put the ingredients on the skewer in next order: tomato, meat, onion, meat, pepper, meat, etc.

Be sure to pour the remaining sauce over the meat and vegetables. The result is a dish with delicious vegetables grilled and incredible aroma.

For a more complete picture, you can add rustic potatoes.

Chicken breast kebab in a pan

Most quick recipe- kebab in a frying pan.

We use the ingredients similar to the previous recipe, but change the sour cream and tomato sauce to vinegar and add olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. We pay special attention to the onion in this recipe: we need it to be crispy. To do this, cut it coarsely, pour 100 ml of water and 50 ml of vinegar and leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes, add salt, pepper, spices to taste and olive oil.
  3. Coarsely chop the remaining vegetables.
  4. We string all the ingredients on skewers in the following order: onion, chicken breast, pepper, breast, tomato.
  5. Preheat a dry frying pan (a grill pan is ideal), put skewers on it and fry on all sides.

We check the readiness as standard: if white juice starts to stand out, the meat is ready. It is best to serve these kebabs with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Chicken breast kebabs with honey

If you have a sweet tooth, then the following marinade is guaranteed to enjoy.


  • chicken breasts;
  • soy sauce;
  • vegetable oil;
  • garlic;
  • tomato paste or ketchup;
  • spices, salt, pepper to taste.

The preparation is very simple: mix honey, soy sauce, finely chopped garlic and ketchup, or tomato paste, add salt, pepper and other spices.

Cut the breasts into large square pieces, lower them into the marinade composition. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

After this time, we string the pieces on skewers and send them to an oven preheated to 200 ᵒC for 40 minutes.

Kebabs are obtained with an appetizing ruddy and crispy crust.

A little secret: so that the pieces do not dry out, for a start, you can cover the baking container with foil, and 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, open it so that the pieces are browned.

What to serve with chicken kebab?

To this type of shish kebab the best side dish there will be rice. When serving, top with the remaining sauce. Surely, you will simply fall in love with this culinary masterpiece.

As you can see, chicken breast kebab is not necessary diet dish... This is a huge variety of cooking options.

No recipe will take more than 40 minutes to cook, except, of course, the pickling process. Any of these recipes will please every family member.

The main rule that you need to adhere to is to make sure that the kebab does not dry out.

It turns out to be very tasty, juicy and healthy. After all, white poultry meat is particularly nutritious and high in protein. It is worth noting that for such a charcoal dish, it is recommended to use not only chicken fillet, but also other ingredients that will add a barbecue special taste and aroma.

Chicken breast kebab recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • thick 35% sour cream - 210 g;
  • chilled fresh breasts - 4 kg;
  • greens - a couple of bunches;
  • large onions - 4 pcs.;
  • hot tomato sauce - 3 large spoons;
  • iodized salt - 2 dessert spoons;
  • allspice peas - 12-16 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 45 ml.

Meat processing process

Before making a kebab from chicken breast, it must be thoroughly washed, freed from bones, cartilage and skin, and then cut into long and not very thin pieces. After that, it is advisable to leave the meat aside and immediately start cooking aromatic sauce, in which the fillet should be marinated for about 3-4 hours.

Chicken breast kebab: marinade and its preparation

To create the sauce, you need to mix thick 35% sour cream, chopped herbs, spicy tomato paste, cut into rings in one bowl onions peas and the laid out ingredients must be mixed big spoon, and then proceed to marinate the meat. To do this, pieces of chicken breasts must be placed in enameled dishes, add the previously prepared sauce to them, stir by hand, close the lid and leave aside for 3-4 hours. During this time, tender and soft white poultry meat will absorb the aromas of seasonings, become more tasty and juicy.

Skewering the breasts

The breasts should be roasted over birch or oak charcoal. After they give the first heat, you must immediately start skewing the meat. In this case, pieces of fillet must be put on along, so that the ends do not hang down and do not burn. Onion rings can also be used for charcoal processing. However, it is not recommended to wear them with meat, as they will burn out before they become soft fillet... It is better to place the bulbs on a hotel skewer and cook them on the grill for no more than 5-9 minutes.

Heat treatment of the dish

Chicken breast skewers become soft and crispy after 20-30 minutes after being placed over hot coals. To determine if the dish is really ready, you should cut a piece of meat with a knife and observe whether the blood is oozing or not. If only fragrant transparent juice comes out of the breasts, then the kebab can be safely removed from the grill and served to guests.

Correct presentation

Charcoal grilled chicken breasts are recommended to be served hot along with fresh vegetables and herbs. It is also worth noting that such a not very heavy dish can be accompanied by hearty side dish in the form of boiled or mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat, pasta, etc. white meat poultry must be served or ketchup.