A simple quick apple pie. Apple cinnamon pie - the perfect combination

03.08.2019 Healthy eating

It's hard to even doubt that every housewife has her own favorite delicious apple pie recipe. Despite the classic combination of apples and dough in cooking, there are a huge number of delicious apple pie recipes. But in this article, we will provide only the most delicious options.

The most delicious apple pie for each person is determined individually, through pleasant tests. To choose exactly the recipe that will appeal to every member of your family, you need to make sure that there is plenty to choose from.

The most delicious apple pie with kefir can be made according to this recipe. Of the ingredients for making a pie, you will need 200 grams of flour, a teaspoon of baking powder, two eggs, a little moth, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar, 150 grams of sugar, 85 ml of vegetable oil and kefir. To prepare the filling, take 3 large apples, 75 grams of brown sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Turn on the oven and start preparing the dough. To do this, mix flour with a pinch of salt and baking powder. Beat kefir with butter separately, add sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat until smooth, then add one egg at a time and beat again. Combine flour and kefir mixture, mix. Cut the apples into cubes, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, stir. Pour some butter into a baking dish and sprinkle with flour. Put half of the dough, then the apple filling, cover with the second half of the dough. Bake the cake for about an hour.

Lean apple pie doesn't have to be boring and mundane. I would like to offer this original recipe. To prepare the cake, take a glass of sugar, a glass of pumpkin (apple) juice, half a glass of vegetable oil, a glass of walnut kernels, half a teaspoon of soda, two glasses of flour, one apple and a little salt. Crush the nuts. Peel the apples and cut into large cubes. Pour juice into a bowl, add baking soda, sugar, a pinch of salt and vegetable oil. Beat well with a mixer. Add flour gradually, continuing to beat the dough with a mixer, add apples and nuts. Put the dough in a baking dish and put the pie in the oven for 50 minutes.

Usually, baked goods in a slow cooker are very tasty and tender, but a little pale. This cake will look like it should. The main thing is to strictly observe all stages of preparation. To make a pie, you need to take a glass of flour and a glass of sugar, three eggs, 800 grams of apples, 50 grams of butter and two tablespoons of brown sugar (can be replaced with the usual one). Peel and cut the apples. Turn the multicooker on to the heating mode and put a piece of butter. When it melts, grease the sides of the saucepan and add two tablespoons of sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Lay the first layer of apples nicely in the correct order. Because then, to get a ruddy cake, we just turn it upside down. Put the rest of the apples on the first layer, not very tightly, you can in a chaotic manner. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer, add flour and continue beating. The thickness of the dough should resemble sour cream. Pour the dough over the apple and bake for 40 minutes. When the pie is ready, turn it over onto a serving platter.

Another selection of recipes from our users:

They say that the most delicious apple pie was made at the beginning of the 20th century. We offer this version of the recipe, maybe it will suit your family's taste. This apple pie is made from shortcrust pastry. To prepare the dough, 250 grams of flour, half a glass of sour cream, 150 grams of melted butter, half a teaspoon of soda and a quarter teaspoon of salt are taken. For the filling, you need a kilogram of sour apples, one egg, a glass of sour cream and sugar, two tablespoons of flour. For the dough, mix all the ingredients. To pour, beat an egg, add sour cream, sugar and flour. Beat until smooth. Peel and seed apples, cut into thin plates. Place the apples in a baking dish and smooth out the dough with your hands. Then put the apples and pour over them with sour cream filling. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes. It may seem that the fill is not baked. But in the process of cooling the cake, it will still gradually solidify.

The most delicious pie with apples and cottage cheese can be obtained by adding apples to the filling, and cottage cheese to the dough itself. To prepare the dish, you need such ingredients as: 200 grams of cottage cheese, 150 grams of sugar, 250 grams of flour, 200 grams of butter, two eggs, two tablespoons of starch, one and a half teaspoons of baking powder, vanillin. For the filling, take four large sour apples and three tablespoons of sugar. Grind the flour and butter and add all the ingredients for the dough. Send the dough to the refrigerator for half an hour. Cut the apples into slices. Grease a baking dish with oil and divide the dough into two parts. Put the first part in a mold, put the prepared apples and sprinkle them with sugar. Roll out the second part of the dough and cover the filling. Bake the cake for 25-30 minutes. Sprinkle with icing sugar before serving.

And a few more apple pies from our readers:
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Traditional Austrian pastries that will be enjoyed by the Slavs too. This cake is made in the form of a roll. Can be made like a lean apple pie, because the dough and toppings do not contain eggs or dairy products. For the dough, you need 250 grams of flour and 150 grams of water, a little salt and a tablespoon of olive oil. For the filling, you need five apples, 100 grams of raisins, 60 grams of sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon, 50 grams of walnuts, zest and juice of one lemon. To prepare the dough, mix all the ingredients and simply knead. Cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for several hours. Soak the raisins in water. Chop the nuts and fry in a dry frying pan. Peel and cut the apples into quarters, then cut into thin strips. Add cinnamon and sugar, zest and lemon juice to the apples. Mix everything and leave for a while. Now dust a large dishcloth with flour and roll out the dough on it. Then pull the dough in a circle until it becomes transparent. Cut the edges of the dough, and grease the dough itself with olive oil and sprinkle with nuts. Add raisins to apples and spread the resulting filling on the dough in an even layer. Now roll up the roll. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 30-40 minutes. The roll should acquire a golden crust.

This apple pie recipe requires ingredients such as one egg, 50 grams of sugar, 30 grams of fresh yeast, half a cup of milk, 70 grams of butter, two tablespoons of sunflower oil, and two cups of flour. For the filling, take five apples, a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon. To decorate the cake, you will need one egg (for brushing) and some powdered sugar. Knead the dough and leave in a warm place to rise. At this time, prepare the fillings. Wash the apples and cut into slices. Pour the apples into a saucepan, where a little water will be poured so that the filling is not watery, you only need a couple of tablespoons of water. Simmer the apples until soft, put the filling on a plate, trying to leave all the liquid in the pan. Add sugar and cinnamon, stir and let the filling cool. Yeast does not like heat (as well as cold), so you should not put hot or warm filling in the dough. Divide the finished dough into two parts. Roll the first, larger part into a circle or rectangle (depending on the baking dish). Put the dough into a mold, then lay out the filling. Wrap the edges of the dough with bumpers. Roll out the smaller part of the dough and cut into strips. Make spikelets of them, which are laid out on the cake in the form of a beautiful lattice. Place the pie in the oven and cook until the crust is dry. Brush the surface of the cake with a beaten egg until it is golden brown. Return the dish to the oven for another three minutes.

We also suggest you try it.

Charlotte with apples

Quick apple pie "Welcome the guests"

The guests are about to ring the doorbell, but have you completely forgotten about dessert? Everything is easy to fix. Look in your refrigerator for juicy apple pie products.
So, to make a quick pie, take the following products: apples (medium size) - 5 pieces, sugar (fine crystalline) - 1.5 cups, flour (wheat) - 1.5 cups, eggs - 5 pieces, soda (quenched with vinegar) - on the tip of a knife, vanillin for a delicate aroma, sunflower or butter to grease the mold.
To prepare an easy and quick pie, first, traditionally beat eggs with sugar. Continue stirring until a rich foam appears. The next step is to add yolks, vanillin, and then soda, which was previously extinguished in a tablespoon with vinegar. Introduce a little wheat flour. The flour must be enriched with oxygen, so sift it first. The dough will turn out to be about the same consistency as sour cream should be.
We set aside the finished dough, it's time to start filling. For the filling you need sweet and sour apples. We wash them thoroughly, cut off only the spoiled areas, you do not need to cut the skin. As we well know, it contains a lot of nutrients. Cut apple slices into thin slices. To prevent the cake from burning, put parchment on the bottom of the mold. Be sure to lightly grease it with any oil. First of all, put apples on the bottom, and pour the dough evenly on top. We send our modest masterpiece into a highly heated oven for at least 20-30 minutes.

The cake is really simple. And what is more important - it is prepared from affordable inexpensive products that every housewife has at hand. You can bake it in a silicone or metal shallow mold. I would recommend a silicone one as it doesn't need to be greased and the cake won't be too greasy. But the final choice is, of course, yours.

An important nuance: the apples for the pie must be very sweet. Choose soft, not very juicy varieties like Golden Delicious.

Ingredients: 5 large apples, 6 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 100 g butter, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 1 pinch of cinnamon, 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. baking powder.


Wash the apples thoroughly, remove the core. You can clear it if you like, but it's not necessary at all.
Cut the apples into small pieces. Sprinkle with sugar (leave a third of the sugar to add to the dough), add cinnamon. By the way, if you do not like this spice, you can do without it.
Beat the eggs until fluffy. Beat thoroughly, it depends on how soft and fluffy the cake will be. Pour the beaten eggs into a deep bowl to prepare the dough.
Melt the butter and cool slightly. Pour into the bowl where you will prepare the dough. Add the remaining sugar and stir.
Combine baking powder with flour and vanilla sugar, mix the loose ingredients with the liquid base and spoon to a sour cream-like smooth dough. If the dough is visibly thin, add more flour.
Put the apple pieces into the dough, mix thoroughly so that the pieces are distributed throughout the entire volume.
Heat the oven to 180 degrees.
Pour those dough into a mold (as I said, it is better to use a silicone one), place in the oven, reduce the temperature to 170 degrees and bake until tender. Usually this process takes about an hour, sometimes a little more if a small diameter mold is used and the cake is tall. The thicker the layer, the longer it takes to bake.
An even golden brown crust should form on the surface of the cake during baking. Also check how much it is baked inside - this can be done with a regular toothpick.
If the toothpick is dry and the crust is beautifully browned, it's time to get the pie!
To avoid troubles such as "the cake broke into pieces", let it cool right in the pan. And then remove, without turning over the form, transfer to a dish and serve. The easiest apple pie is ready!

Prepare many options so that your family, and you yourself, can choose the most delicious apple pie. We can guarantee that every recipe in this article is original and delicious. But, on which recipe to stop is up to you.

Ecology of consumption. Everybody loves apples. This healthy fruit is familiar to all adults and children. It is eaten fresh or baked. Delicious preserves, jams and even salads are prepared from apples. Apples are the best pie filling.

Everyone loves apples. This healthy fruit is familiar to all adults and children. It is eaten fresh or baked. Delicious preserves, jams and even salads are prepared from apples. Apples are the best pie filling.

The biscuit pie with apples "Charlotte" is incredibly popular among hostesses. Today, there are many recipes for how you can cook delicious apple pie. We offer you the best and most popular ones. And the legendary Tsvetaevsky apple pie recipe with photos and detailed instructions.

Pie according to Marina Tsvetaeva's recipe

Tsvetaevsky apple pie is an amazing pastry, both for everyday and festive tables.

The dough will need:

  • Butter - one hundred and fifty grams.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Sifted wheat flour - two hundred and fifty grams.
  • One hundred grams of sour cream 20 percent fat.

To fill:

  • One egg.
  • Chilled sour cream - two hundred and fifty grams.
  • Cinnamon - one teaspoon.
  • Flour - two tablespoons.

For the filling, you need five medium-sized sweet and sour apples. It will take one hour to make such a cake. The recipe is for six servings.

Melted butter, mix with sour cream until smooth. Gradually pour the flour sifted together with the baking powder into this mass. The dough should be soft. We roll it into a ball, wrap it in foil and put it in the cold, for example, in the refrigerator, for forty minutes. Peel the apples and cut into thin slices.

Let's start preparing the filling. Beat the egg with a fork or whisk. Mix sour cream, sugar and cinnamon and add a beaten egg to this mixture. Mix well and add flour in parts. To get a homogeneous mass, beat the filling with a mixer for three minutes, until foam forms. Roll out the cooled dough. We spread the layer in a mold, pre-oiled, forming sides. Apples cut into slices and spread over the entire surface of the dough. Then fill the cake with the prepared filling and send it to the oven for baking.

Pouring pie must be baked at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees and fifty minutes. See what an appetizing Tsvetaevsky pie with apples looks like, the recipe and photo of which are given above.

American Pie (not a movie, but a real pie)

Traditional American apple pie is very popular with hobby bakers. It is baked without eggs. For such baking you will need:

  • Flour - three hundred grams.
  • Eight Granny Smith apples.
  • Butter - two hundred grams.
  • Half a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Two teaspoons of starch.
  • Two hundred twenty grams of sugar.
  • Water is one teaspoon.
  • Salt and cinnamon taste.

The cooking time is two hours. This number of products is designed for six servings.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Heat the butter to room temperature and cut into small pieces. Sift flour and salt, add chopped butter and grind until crumbs are obtained. Then mix the water with lemon juice and pour it into the dry mixture in a thin stream. Knead the dough, roll it into a lump and put it in a cool place for half an hour.
  2. Peel the washed apples, cut into slices. Sprinkle them with lemon juice, add sugar and starch to them. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Divide the cooled dough by two-thirds. Roll out the larger piece and put it in a baking dish with a diameter of twenty-two centimeters. Pierce the surface of the dough with a fork. Then evenly spread the apple pieces and cover with the second rolled out layer of dough. Twist the edges of the cake, and make a hole in the middle. Lubricate the surface of the dough with a slightly beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar. It's not obligatory.
  4. We preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees and send the cake to bake - for exactly one hour.

These pastries should be served chilled so that the filling does not leak out.

Quick Polish Pie

Warsaw Apple Pie is a delicious dessert that will take only forty minutes to prepare. The recipe for such a cake is designed for six people and consists of the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - two hundred grams.
  • Semolina - two hundred grams.
  • Sugar - two hundred grams.
  • One lemon.
  • Seven apples.
  • Lemon zest and cinnamon to taste.

First, we prepare the filling. Rub the washed apples without peel on a coarse grater. To prevent the grated mass from darkening, pour it with lemon juice. Then add the cinnamon and orange zest. Place baking paper on the bottom of the baking dish. This cake is loose, so you can't do without paper. The option of lubricating the mold with just oil will not work in this case.

Mix semolina, flour, granulated sugar and baking powder. Pour a third of the flour mixture onto the bottom of the mold and level it well. Put a third of the grated apples on the surface, then pour the flour mixture again, alternating layers. Put the margarine or butter cut into pieces on the very top.

You need to bake a Warsaw pie in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees for forty-five minutes. If a crust appears on top, then the cake is already baked. It is transferred to a dish, cooled and served. Observing all the steps step by step, baking an amazingly delicious Warsaw pie will not be difficult even for a novice cook.

Tsar's pie with cognac

Lush royal apple pie is a real creation of culinary experts. This is a great dessert for a festive table.

To prepare it, you need the following ingredients:

  • One and a half glasses of flour for the dough, two and a half glasses for the topping and two tablespoons for the filling.
  • Butter - eighty-five grams for the dough, one hundred and fifteen grams for the topping and forty grams for the filling.
  • One chicken egg and one yolk for the dough and two eggs and one white for the filling.
  • One tablespoon of sour cream in the dough and half a glass in the filling.
  • Fifty grams of sugar for the dough, for the powder - two and a half glasses and the same amount for the filling.
  • Ten grams of baking powder for the dough and the same amount for the topping.
  • Two packets of vanilla sugar - one for the filling and one for the topping.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Brandy 50 ml.
  • Eight hundred grams of sweet and sour apples.

First, make the dough. In a bowl, mix dry ingredients - baking powder, flour, sugar and salt. Then add the ghee. We grind all this thoroughly and add eggs, sour cream. Knead the dough well, wrap it in plastic wrap and set it in the cold for thirty minutes. We mix all the ingredients for the sprinkling: first vanillin, baking powder, flour and sugar, then melted butter. We grind everything thoroughly and put in a cold place.

The last step will be to prepare the filling. Cut the peeled apples into slices. Add butter, vanillin and sugar. We simmer for five minutes, we influence the cognac. In a separate container, beat the sugar with eggs and flour, pour in the sour cream and beat well with a whisk. Combine stewed apples with whipped filling and set aside.

The cooled dough, roll out and put in a round baking dish. At the bottom of the container, you can put parchment or grease the mold with oil. The dough must be laid out so that there are sides around the edges. We spread the filling on its surface. We take out the crumb from the refrigerator, grind it again until it becomes fine and homogeneous. Then we distribute it evenly over the surface.

We send the cake to the oven for baking at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for fifty minutes. We take out the grated royal pie from the mold, let it cool. You can decorate such baked goods on top with powdered sugar.

Sour cream pie with apples

These are tender and delicious pastries that can be cooked in forty minutes.

For such a muffin you will need:

  • Flour - two glasses.
  • Egg - one piece.
  • One glass of 20% fat sour cream.
  • Soda ½ teaspoon.
  • One hundred twenty grams of butter.
  • One glass of sugar.
  • Five apples.
  • Cinnamon on the tip of a knife and a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Grind butter with one hundred grams of sugar, add half a glass of sour cream, soda. Then add flour and knead the dough. Wipe the mold with oil. We lay out the dough at the bottom, forming small sides. Peel the apples and cut into slices.

Making a fill: grind one egg with one hundred grams of sugar, add half a glass of sour cream and two tablespoons of flour. Stir well until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained. For a piquant taste, you can add a little cinnamon and vanilla sugar. We bake sour cream-apple pie in the oven at a temperature of one hundred seventy degrees and forty minutes. Cool the cake before serving.

Apple pie on kefir

It prepares very easily and quickly. These lush and aromatic pastries are a real treat for the whole family and guests.

Required Ingredients:

  • One egg.
  • Kefir - one glass.
  • Wheat flour - two glasses.
  • One and a half teaspoon baking powder.
  • Two-thirds of a glass of refined sunflower oil.
  • One big apple.
  • Powdered sugar for dusting.

Beat the egg with sugar, add kefir, beat again. Then add flour, baking powder and mix until smooth. Add vegetable oil to this and beat again. Remove the middle from the apple and cut it into pieces. Mix the batter with the chopped apples and pour into a baking dish. Preheat the oven to one hundred and ninety degrees and send the pie for baking. It takes forty-five minutes to bake the kefir-apple pie. You can check its readiness with a toothpick.

After the baked goods have cooled down, they can be removed from the container, lightly sprinkled with powder and served.

Apple pie with cottage cheese

This is a successful combination of sweet dough with fruit and delicate curd filling.


  • Wheat flour - one glass.
  • Butter - one hundred grams.
  • Granulated sugar - two hundred grams.
  • Baking dough - one teaspoon.
  • Chicken egg - two pcs.
  • Five medium apples.
  • Cottage cheese - three hundred grams.
  • Kefir - three tablespoons.

Chilled butter mode into pieces and grind with one hundred grams of sugar. Add one cup flour, ½ teaspoon baking powder, and an egg. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. If necessary, add flour. Cut off one third of the dough, wrap it in cling film and put it in the freezer, put the rest in the film in the refrigerator. Now you can start preparing the filling. Cut the washed apples in half and remove the core, cut into thin slices.

Next, we prepare the curd filling. Using a fork, knead the cottage cheese so that there are no lumps. Mix with kefir, egg and the remaining sugar. Add vanilla sugar and baking powder - half a teaspoon. Mix everything well and get a sweet homogeneous thick mass. We take out the dough chilled in the refrigerator, lay it out on a mold, making small sides.

We cover the bottom of the form with baking paper greased with sunflower oil. The dough layer should be very thin. Spread the sliced ​​apples evenly on its surface.
Sprinkle with grated dough from the freezer on top. We send the cake for baking in the oven with a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for one hour.

Classic yeast cake

The fuller and more beautiful of all is an apple pie with yeast dough. Ingredients for making the dough:

  • Wheat flour - three hundred and fifty grams.
  • Milk - one hundred and fifty grams.
  • Dry yeast - one teaspoon.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Granulated sugar - two tablespoons.
  • Chicken egg.
  • Margarine or butter - fifty grams.

For the filling, you need to take five medium-sized apples. It is advisable to use sour fruits. Sugar and cinnamon to taste, depending on the acidity of the fruit and one egg to grease the surface of the cake before baking. Pour yeast into a plate, fill with water. One teaspoon of dry yeast will require five teaspoons of water. Leave for fifteen minutes, then stir, add milk, flour, sugar. The result is a yeast chatterbox.

After the chatterbox has foamed, you can knead the dough. Mix salt and sugar, add the remaining sifted flour. Beat the egg separately, then pour it into the dry mixture, add softened butter and grind everything thoroughly. Pour the yeast mash into the resulting crumb, mix. Flour can be added if necessary.

The dough should be soft without spreading. We cover it with a lid for twenty minutes. Then we open and knead it again until smooth. After that, cover the dough and put it in a warm place until it doubles in volume, then mix it again and let it come up again.

Roll out the finished dough to the size of the mold. Lubricate the mold with oil and sprinkle with flour. We spread the layer of dough on the mold so that its edges are completely closed from the inside. We cut off the excess dough that goes beyond the sides. They can be used to decorate a cake before baking.

Cover such a blank with foil and leave for thirty minutes. Apple filling can be prepared in different ways. Cut the peeled apples into slices and spread them on the surface of the dough. Also apples can be fried in butter until half cooked, cooled and put on the dough. It is advisable to make the filling before the very laying in the pie, so that the apples do not darken. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar on top.

Grease the edges of the cake with a slightly beaten egg and place in a preheated oven. You need to bake such a yeast cake at a temperature of two hundred degrees for sixty minutes. Grease the baked pie while still hot with butter to soften the crust, and then sprinkle with powder. published

Apple Pie is a delicious and truly autumn baked product that usually appears on tables during the fresh apple harvest and on long winter days. Soft, airy and tender pie with rich apple filling and delicate aroma will appeal to everyone without exception and will become a favorite dessert.

The finished product can be decorated and various additives can be added, it all depends on taste preferences.

In a pie prepared according to the classic recipe, there are about 240 calories per 100 grams.

The easiest and fastest apple pie in the oven - a step by step photo recipe

There is nothing difficult in making apple pie. This dessert is prepared very quickly and a simple recipe should be in the arsenal of every housewife.

Cooking time: 1 hour 0 minutes

Quantity: 8 servings


  • Apples: 5 pcs.
  • Butter: 150 g
  • Sugar: 100 g
  • Wheat flour: 200 g
  • Eggs: 3
  • Baking powder: 1.5 tsp.
  • Vanillin: 1 tsp

Cooking instructions

Delicious and simple apple pie on kefir

Despite the fact that the delicacy is prepared in a few minutes, this does not make it worse than a cake prepared using the most complex technology. Delicate, moderately sweet with a velvety texture, the cake will bring a lot of pleasure, especially in combination with cold milk.

You will need a set of products:

  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vanillin - 1 g

Cooking steps:

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk until they are fluffy.
  2. Mix sugar and vanillin into the mass.
  3. In a water bath we heat the butter, add to the eggs.
  4. We extinguish soda in kefir, combine with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Sift the flour and add it to the main mass gradually, one glass at a time, mix well with a whisk.
  6. Grease the baking dish with butter, spread the dough.
  7. Peel the apples, cut into slices. We lay out beautifully on top.
  8. We send the form into an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40 minutes.

After the cake has cooled to a comfortable temperature, you can start drinking tea.

From the specified amount of ingredients, 12 servings are obtained. The total cooking time will not take more than 1 hour.


The delicacy prepared according to this recipe turns out to be juicy and crumbly at the same time.

Ingredients for 8 servings:

  • fruits - 4 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • refined oil - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g


  1. Beat eggs and granulated sugar with a mixer.
  2. After the mixture increases in volume and turns white, pour in the milk.
  3. Add oil. We mix.
  4. Sift the flour, mix it with baking powder and combine it with the main composition.
  5. We clean the apples, remove the core, cut into thin slices.
  6. Grease the form with butter (you can lightly sprinkle flour on top), pour out the dough, lay out the apple slices beautifully.
  7. We bake in an oven at 200 ° C for about an hour.

If you wish, you can sprinkle the product with ground cinnamon or powdered sugar.

On sour cream

A simple recipe for making jellied apple pie with sour cream. Even a novice cook can handle baking.

Products used:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 11 tbsp. l .;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • soda - 7 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 9 tbsp. l .;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

How we cook:

  1. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients except the apples.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Cover the baking dish with parchment paper, grease it with oil, spread ½ part of the dough.
  4. The next layer is peeled and chopped apples.
  5. Top with an even layer of the remaining dough.
  6. Preheat the oven to 175 ° C and put the mold on for 45 minutes.

The cooled cake goes well with tea or coffee.

A very simple yeast apple pie recipe

Lush yeast cakes always remain at the peak of popularity. Dessert according to this recipe is prepared quickly, it will help out the hostess in an unforeseen situation.


  • milk - 270 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 110 g;
  • yeast - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • margarine - 50 g;
  • apple - 200 g;
  • yolk - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1 pinch.


  1. We heat the milk, add salt, sugar, yeast, stir. Leave it warm until the mixture starts to foam.
  2. Combine the dough with flour, melted margarine and yolk.
  3. Knead the dough and leave it warm. After a couple of hours, it will increase in size.
  4. Once again, gently knead, roll out and put in a mold, make sides on the sides. Lubricate the surface with oil.
  5. Put the chopped fruit tightly on top (you can leave the peel).
  6. Form an elegant decoration from the remaining dough.
  7. We bake in the oven for 35 minutes at 190 ° C.

Delicious and simple apple pie on shortcrust pastry

Shortbread dough is much easier to prepare than puff or yeast dough, but it is not inferior to them in taste.


  • flour - 300 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • icing sugar - 170 g;
  • apples - 800 g;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

What do we do:

  1. Add powdered sugar and vanillin to the sifted flour.
  2. Gradually stir in the oil, it should be soft.
  3. Gently knead the mass so that more air gets into it.
  4. We form a ball and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. A properly prepared dough turns out to be soft and pliable.
  5. Remove the seeds from the apple and cut into slices.
  6. Roll out the dough, transfer to the mold. On the surface we make punctures with a fork. We send it to an oven preheated to 180 ° C for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Gently lay out the fruits, put them in the oven for another 40 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle the hot product with icing sugar.

From this dough you can bake not only pies, it is also suitable for cakes, cakes or cookies.

The recipe for the world's easiest apple pie in a slow cooker

An ideal recipe for lazy housewives. A set of products:

  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • eggs - 3-4 pcs.;
  • apples - 800 gr.


  1. Peel the fruit, remove the core, cut into slices.
  2. In the heating mode, let the butter melt and add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, mix.
  3. Put the chopped apples on the bottom.
  4. Beat eggs and granulated sugar using a mixer. Add flour without turning off the mixer.
  5. When the dough looks like sour cream, pour it over the apples.
  6. We turn on the "Baking" mode and cook for 40 minutes under a closed lid.

To make the pie look even more appetizing, serve it upside down. It is more ruddy underneath.

Here are some tips to help you make your dessert incredibly tasty:

  1. The biscuit will turn out to be more fluffy if you beat the whites separately from the yolks. Take cold eggs, use them last.
  2. Choose moderately sour apples, the "Antonovka" variety is best suited, it will add a special piquancy to the baked goods.
  3. Choose good quality fruit. After baking, the spoiled apple will show its unpleasant taste.
  4. Want to make the dough lighter? Substitute 1/3 of the flour with starch.
  5. You can add nuts to baked goods, they will enhance the taste. For this purpose, almonds dried on a baking sheet are ideal. Crush the nuts and sprinkle them over the product.

As you already understood, making apple pie is fun and easy. Choose a recipe that suits you and be sure to try making such a delicacy. Bon appetit and successful cooking experiments!

Check out our selection of the best oven-baked apple pie recipe - not with apples alone. With pears, plums, rhubarb, sour cream or kefir - there are no other options!

  • wheat flour - 450 g;
  • large chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • margarine - 200 g;
  • natural yogurt - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • apples - 2-3 pcs.;
  • prunes - 200 g;
  • walnuts (ground) - 1 tbsp.;
  • vanilla sugar.

Take the margarine out of the refrigerator in advance, for the dough we need it to be very soft. Sift flour together with baking powder, add 200 g of granulated sugar and mix everything with margarine.

Add half a glass of natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream. Separate the yolks from the whites and send them to the bowl with the dough, put the whites in the refrigerator, we will need them later. If you have large eggs, then 2 pieces will be enough, if small, then take 3 eggs.

Knead a soft dough. If necessary, you can add a little more flour.

Cover a wide baking sheet with baking paper and lightly grease it with vegetable oil. Divide the dough into two equal parts. Roll out one part and put on a baking sheet. The dough does not roll out well with a rolling pin, as it is very tender, it is easier to stretch it with your hands.

Peel and cut the apples, spread them evenly on the dough.

Cut the dried prunes into pieces and scatter them over the apples.

Roll out the remaining piece of dough and cover the fruit with it, press the edges of the pie with your fingers. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the workpiece in it. All the irregularities of your product will be hidden during heat treatment. The cake rises well in the oven and becomes porous and airy.

As soon as you put the pie in the oven, immediately start eating proteins. Beat them with sugar until hard peaks. We take about 100 g of sugar, but you can add sweets to your liking. Also add a bag of vanilla sugar to the proteins.

Grind the walnut kernels in a blender and pour into the whipped protein.

Stir the nuts into the whites gently. The mass should be homogeneous and smooth.

All this you should have time to do in 15-20 minutes, after which you need to remove the cake from the oven and cover it with a protein-nut mass. We send the pie back to the oven and reduce the heat to 160 degrees. We bake for another 20-30 minutes, depending on your oven.

Take out the finished fragrant apple pie according to our recipe with step-by-step photos from the oven, give it time to cool down, and then make tea and call your family to the table so that everyone can enjoy delicious homemade cakes together.

Bon appetit, everyone!

Recipe 2: a simple apple pie in the oven (step by step)

The sweetness of an airy biscuit, diluted with the sourness of apples - what could be tastier. Therefore, this cake is a frequent and welcome guest in every kitchen. The dish is easy to prepare, and the food is sure to be found in the refrigerator.

  • Flour - one glass;
  • Sugar - one glass;
  • Three eggs;
  • Two - three apples;
  • 1 tbsp butter or margarine;
  • Vanillin, cinnamon - not for everybody.

You can bake in silicone and in a split form, in a deep frying pan.

Prepare the pan as follows: cover the entire surface with parchment, if there is no parchment, then grease with sunflower oil and sprinkle with flour.

The size of the pan for this amount of ingredients should not be too large. The detachable form can be prepared in the same way.

The silicone mold does not need preparation. Immediately turn on the oven, let it heat up, 180 degrees are needed.

If necessary, prepare a form, a frying pan.

Drive eggs into a convenient bowl. Add sugar and, if desired, vanillin.

Beat well with a mixer (blender, food processor). We increase the speed to the maximum gradually, over the first five minutes. You need to beat for ten minutes, at least, or even fifteen. During this time, the sugar will completely dissolve, the mass will increase in volume three times.

Gradually, with gentle and continuous stirring with a spatula or hand, add flour to the egg mass. The movements are one-sided and from top to bottom. The mixture must be homogeneous, without lumps of flour.

While the dough has a little rest, let's take care of the apples. Peel, core, cut into thin slices. Mix, if desired, with cinnamon.

Put apples on the bottom of the mold, scatter small pieces of butter or margarine over them.

Fill the top with dough, evenly level.

We bake for forty-five minutes. Time may vary slightly, because everyone's ovens are different. It is very important (!) Not to open the oven for the first twenty-five minutes - the cake may settle.

Time passes quickly, and the aroma is already felt. You can open the oven and see - the top should be browned. To be sure, we will pierce it with a toothpick, it must be dry and clean.

Charlotte with apples is baked! Lush, with a ruddy crust - just one sight is breathtaking. Lovers of very sweet things can also sprinkle with icing sugar. Help yourself!

Recipe 3: how to make fluffy apple pie

  • 2 apples
  • 3 raw eggs
  • 1 cup flour (6 rounded tablespoons flour)
  • ¾ Art. sugar (6 tablespoons flat sugar or 150 g)
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 0.5 tbsp vinegar
  • Vanilla
  • Butter for greasing the mold (1-2 tablespoons)

Peel the apples and cut into thin slices.

Already START HEATING THE OVEN, it should be well warmed up (heat it up for 20-30 minutes at 180C before baking).

Separate the egg whites from the yolks.

Combine the yolks with sugar. Add vanillin (on the tip of a knife) or vanilla sugar (bag) here.

Grind with a spoon or whisk until the mixture is whitened.

Beat the whites into a stable foam. Add a few drops of vinegar to the whites, then they beat better.

In a large bowl, combine the whites with the yolks, continue whisking.

Add flour in parts (one or two tablespoons at a time), continuing to beat the dough. It should turn out to be fluid, watch out for the consistency - due to the differences in flour, it may need 1 spoon less.

We extinguish the soda. To do this, pour 0.5 tsp into a tablespoon. soda and pour vinegar (1 tablespoon spoon), the mixture will fizzle and spill. Pour the contents of a spoon into the dough.

Mix everything gently, trying not to break the bubbles too much inside the tender dough.

Place the apples in a greased dish.

IMPORTANT: The form should not be large, about 22x22cm. One portion of the dough will not be enough to cover the apples in a large mold and the cake will not be fluffy due to the dough layer being too thin.

Pour the dough over the apple wedges. Bake for 35 minutes in a well-preheated oven, first at 180C, then at 160-150.
IMPORTANT: THE OVEN MUST BE WELL HEATED (preheat it before baking for 20-30 minutes at 180C).

When baking, the pie increases by half the height, this is about 1.5 times, resembling a biscuit.

Take the cake out of the mold when it gets cold. The cooled cake can be sprinkled with powder. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 4, step by step: apple pie with sour cream

Fragrant, delicate, fluffy and delicious. Any culinary specialist can handle it, try it and you won't regret it.

  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 250 g
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Flour - 1.5 cups
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • Apple - 2 pcs.

So let's get down to making apple pie with sour cream. Put sour cream (15% fat) in a bowl.

Add eggs. If small, then you need three pieces.

Then add sugar and vanilla sugar.

We add a teaspoon of baking soda without a slide (you can not extinguish with vinegar) and melted butter.

At the end, put the sifted flour.

We mix all the ingredients. The dough is ready for the cake.

Line the baking dish with baking paper. Pour out most of the dough.

Wash apples, peel and cut into plates. We spread it on the dough.

Put the rest of the dough on the apples.

We bake the cake in the oven at 175 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

We take the cake out of the mold and cool.

Recipe 5: homemade apple pie with plums (with photo)

A pie with apples and plums prepared according to this recipe is just perfect for celebrating a celebration, as well as for ordinary gatherings over a cup of tea. Such a treat will help you create a sense of coziness and warmth.

  • chicken egg - 4 pcs
  • milk - 250 ml
  • butter - 250 gr
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • wheat flour - 2 cups
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp
  • plum - 6 pcs
  • apple - 5 pcs

First you need to prepare the fruit. Choose only ripe plums and sweet apples. If the fruit is unripe, it can affect the taste of the cake.

Rinse the fruit well in cold water. Cut the plums in half and remove the pit, and cut the apples into medium-sized slices.

Now pour the milk into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil. After that, pour one glass of sugar into it and stir until it is completely dissolved. If you don't like cakes that are too sweet, you can add a little less sugar.

Add eggs to the mixture and continue beating until all ingredients are well mixed.

Add flour, cinnamon and baking powder at the end. Stir all the ingredients again. Try to make sure that there are no lumps left.

As a result, the dough should come out smooth and creamy. If it turns out to be too thin, you can add a little more flour and beat again.

Now prepare a baking dish, grease it with butter or cover it with parchment. Then place the dough into a mold.

Place sliced ​​fruits on top in random order. You can lay out any shape or randomly arrange it throughout the dough - it all depends on your imagination and desire. Apples and plums should be pressed down a little so that they press into the dough.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees, and then put a mold with dough and fruits in it. The baking time usually does not exceed 45 minutes, but this depends on the consistency of the dough and the power of your oven. Use a toothpick or match to check the readiness of the dish.

When the pie has reached its condition, remove it from the oven, cool slightly - and you can safely serve it to the table.

Recipe 6: puff pastry apple pie in the oven

  • apples 3 pcs
  • sugar 100 g
  • puff pastry from the store 1 pc

At the first stage, we cut the apples into slices, if you take a sour variety, keep in mind that you will need more sugar than usual.

So, having cut the apples, we will sugar them.

Press the edges of the roll, this so that the apple slices do not fall out during the cooking process).

I have two layers of dough, we do the same with the second).

We spread them on a baking sheet, carefully so as not to break anything. We also press the edges of the second roll.

Then grease with an egg, egg yolk. This is to give a crust with color. And put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

And now, literally in a few minutes, the pie is ready! It's very easy and fast! Can be served on the table. If one roll is divided into two parts, it turns out that we have prepared four servings. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 7: apple yeast pie in the oven

There are many recipes for apple pies, but perhaps the favorites are sweet yeast pastry pies.

  • a glass of milk
  • 100 g butter (high fat)
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 20 g fresh yeast (cube, not dry)
  • about 0.5 kg of flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • apples and a little sugar (for the filling)

Cooking dough. In milk, which we warmed to room temperature, put yeast and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Stir until the yeast dissolves. Add a pinch of salt, add a glass of flour. Stir the milk and flour, add another half a glass of flour.

The dough should turn out without lumps, and have a consistency like a dough for pancakes. We cover the dishes with dough, put it in a warm place for at least an hour. If the yeast is good, then after an hour the dough will rise and increase by 2-3 times. A sign of the readiness of the dough will be large and small bubbles that appear on its surface.

Cooking the dough. Pour the dough into a spacious bowl in which we will knead the dough.

Add the remaining sugar, melted butter and eggs. Stir, add all the flour and start kneading the dough.

It will be sticky at first, but as it is kneaded, it will become soft, pliable and pleasant to the touch. Transfer to a saucepan and warm to rise.

After an hour, when the dough is good, wrinkle it.

Divide into 2 parts. Put each in a mold, align with your palms along the bottom and walls. You do not need to roll out the dough. Cut off all excess dough - it will go to decorate the cake.

Preparing the filling for the pie. Cut the apples into cubes. Simmer in a skillet with the addition of butter and sugar. You can season with cinnamon. The apples should be soft, but not mushy.

Put the cooled filling on the dough. We make flagella, spikelets from the remnants of the dough and make out the cake. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the cake for 30-40 minutes until browning.

We take out the cake from the oven, take it out of the mold. Lubricate the top with oil, cover the cake with a towel and let cool slightly. Then we cut into pieces and enjoy delicious homemade cakes.

Recipe 8: delicious rhubarb and apple pie

  • Water 30 ml
  • Dry yeast 15 g
  • Butter 3 tbsp. l.
  • Milk 90 ml
  • Wheat flour 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Chicken eggs 1 pc.
  • Ground cinnamon 1 tsp
  • Corn starch 3 tbsp. l.
  • Rhubarb 500 g
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Apple 3 pcs.

Pies with apples attract housewives with their simplicity and speed in preparation, availability of ingredients, usefulness, as well as their taste and aesthetic qualities.

Apple pies have several dozen cooking options: a pie with apples in the oven, slow cooker and even in a pan, with puff, yeast, biscuit dough.

Apple charlotte pie

This is perhaps the most famous and simplest apple pie recipe. It takes no more than an hour to cook it, and baking products are almost always at hand.


  • Eggs (4 pcs.);
  • Flour (1 glass);
  • Sugar (1 glass);
  • Apples (2 pcs.);
  • Lemon;
  • Butter for greasing the mold.


  1. Rinse the apples thoroughly, cut them into 4 pieces. We remove the core from the apples. If the skin on the apple is too tough, you can cut it off as well.
  2. Cut the apples into thin slices and put them in a bowl. Sprinkle with lemon juice so that the apple does not darken, and mix.
  3. Break the eggs into a separate bowl and beat them into a fluffy foam (it is better to do this with a mixer).
  4. While beating in a thin stream, gradually pour sugar into the eggs, and continue beating until a fluffy egg mass is obtained (this will take about 10 minutes).
  5. Pour flour on the surface of the whipped mass and gently mix the dough. Stir not in a circular motion, but from the bottom up, until the dough absorbs flour.
  6. Carefully grease the baking dish with butter and spread half of the resulting dough on the bottom.
  7. Put a layer of sliced ​​apples on top and cover them with the remaining dough.
  8. The resulting charlotte is baked for about 35-40 minutes (in a preheated oven) at 180 degrees.
  9. Under no circumstances should the oven be opened when baking so that the cake does not fall off.
  10. Charlotte is ready when a light brown crust appears on top, and when pierced with a toothpick, no traces of raw dough appear.

This simple apple pie recipe can be varied by adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, which perfectly set off the taste of apples.

Puff pastry with apples

You can use commercial puff pastry to make this apple pie, but it's best to make your own.


  • Flour (500 g);
  • Water (1/2 cup);
  • Apples (0.5 kg);
  • Salt (1/4 teaspoon);
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Margarine (200-250 g).


  1. Sift flour and mix with salt.
  2. Gradually pour cold water into the flour, kneading the dough so that it gathers into a lump.
  3. Knead the dough until soft and elastic, adding flour if necessary. Then cover the dough so it doesn't dry out and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  4. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and knead again, adding flour. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands.
  5. Roll out the dough in the form of a rectangle, not in a thin layer.
  6. Rub the margarine on top on a coarse grater and distribute it evenly over the surface.
  7. Fold the dough 3 times, turning the edges to the center: first one edge, then the other. Put in the refrigerator for about 15-20 minutes.
  8. Gently roll out the dough lengthwise away from you so that the butter does not spill out.
  9. Fold the dough in three again and put it in the refrigerator for another 20 minutes.
  10. Repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.
  11. Roll out the finished dough from ourselves, giving the shape of a rectangle, and cut it into 2 equal parts.
  12. Wash the apples, cut into pieces and remove the core (you can thinly cut the peel). We rub apples on a coarse grater.
  13. We spread the filling on half of each of the parts, while leaving indents at the edges of at least 1 cm.
  14. Sprinkle apples with sugar or powdered sugar.
  15. Cover the filling with the free part of the dough, folding each part in half. We carefully seal the edges.
  16. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and put the pies on it.
  17. We cut the cakes into several equal parts (without cutting to the bottom - only the upper part) so that the finished cake does not crumble or break.
  18. We bake a puff pie with apples in a hot oven (preheated to 180 degrees) until golden brown, depending on the oven, for 15-20 minutes.

You can add raisins, nuts, or dried fruit to this apple pie recipe by mixing them with the filling.

Sand apple pie

Sand pie with apples turns out to be very tender and literally melts in your mouth. The most important thing in making shortbread dough is not to knead it for a long time, and not to let it overheat in the oven.


  • Margarine (150 g);
  • Flour (250 g);
  • Lemon (1 pc.);
  • Powdered sugar (100 g);
  • Apples (1 kg);
  • Chicken egg (1 pc.);
  • Walnuts (100-150 g);
  • Vanilla sugar (1 sachet).


  1. Sift flour into a bowl and mix with powdered sugar.
  2. Add the egg and softened margarine pieces.
  3. We quickly connect all the components, preventing them from heating up from the warmth of our hands. If the dough seems to be harsh, you can add a little milk or cold water.
  4. Wrap the finished dough in foil, put it in a bag. Then we send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  5. Peel the apples, cut into 8 pieces and remove the cores. Put the resulting slices in a bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  6. Grind the kernels and add finely grated lemon zest and vanilla sugar to them.
  7. We take out the dough for the shortbread cake from the refrigerator and roll it out in the form in which it will be baked. This is done quickly so that the dough does not have time to heat up.
  8. Evenly prick the entire surface of the dough with a fork. Then sprinkle with nuts with vanilla sugar and zest.
  9. We put a layer of apples and sprinkle nuts on top again.
  10. Put a shortcrust cake with apples in a preheated oven (up to 200 degrees) and bake for 25-35 minutes.

The resulting cake can be coated with heated apricot jam, marmalade or confiture, preheated to room temperature.

Sponge apple pie

A sponge cake with apples, in fact, is the same charlotte that can be prepared using a somewhat unusual recipe.


  • Apples (2-3 pcs.);
  • Butter (150 g);
  • Sugar (2 cups);
  • Rum or cognac (2 tablespoons);
  • Egg (4 tablespoons);
  • Flour (1.5 cups);
  • Lemon zest (1 tablespoon).


  1. Break eggs (room temperature) into a high bowl and beat until light foam, gradually adding 1 glass of sugar. The mass should approximately double - after which we continue to beat for another 1-2 minutes.
  2. Sift the flour into the egg mass, and with careful movements from top to bottom, mix the flour into the dough until it becomes homogeneous and the flour dissolves into the egg mass.
  3. We wash the apples and free them from the core, cut into slices.
  4. Melt the butter in a frying pan and lightly fry the apples over low heat. Add 0.5 cups of sugar and fry for about a minute. Pour in 0.5 cups of sugar again and keep in the pan for another minute.
  5. Add rum to the apples and set it on fire: the apples will be covered with a fragrant crust and you will get a more piquant charlotte.
  6. Grease the baking dish with butter. Put apples on the bottom and pour dough on top.
  7. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees and bake a delicious apple pie for about 20 minutes.

Sponge cake with apples can be prepared by mixing the dough with the prepared filling - this greatly simplifies the process, but does not spoil the overall positive result.

The recipe for any apple pie is easy to prepare and with a minimum set of products, available even to a novice housewife who can pamper her homemakers with delicious and healthy pastries.