The recipe for a muffin in a multicooker oven. In a slow cooker, cupcakes

17.04.2019 Buffet table

Multicooker muffins, recipes for which are collected on this page, are the easiest and quick view homemade baked goods. Cupcake recipes are fast and easy to use. If there is a need to quickly bake something for tea (guests have come or simply "my soul is asking for something sweet") - simple and simple delicious recipes cupcakes from our website.

Even a novice housewife will prepare the dough for this baking: most often the ingredients are divided into "dry" and "wet" (wet). Each kind is mixed in separate dishes, and then, quickly mixing the first and second together, pour the dough into a mold and bake for about an hour.

There are a few rules to follow when baking homemade muffins.

  1. Always add baking soda to flour, not wet ingredients. Baking soda and other leavening agents begin to "work" as soon as they are mixed with liquids. Therefore, in order for the cake to rise well, try so that after combining the soda with liquid ingredients (kefir, milk, lemon juice, vinegar, etc.) minimal amount time. The shorter this time is, the more fluffy and porous the cake will turn out.
  2. Always grease a baking dish generously with butter. This is sufficient if your mold is made of silicone or Teflon. If not, use parchment paper, which also needs to be lubricated with oil. Cut a circle out of the paper and place it on the bottom of the mold. Cover the walls of the form with a strip of paper. If baking paper is not available, use plain white paper with a generous amount of oil. Do not use newspapers for baking pastry! Printing ink gives off poisons when heated! Remove the baking paper from the cake while it is still warm, so it comes off easily so you don't have to peel it off piece by piece.
  3. When preparing a dough for a cake on kefir, you can even use overstocked kefir, sour cream or milk residues. Moreover! From such leftovers, the dough will turn out better - fluffier, more porous. Paradox? No, it's just that fermentation takes place in the stagnant milk residues, which helps the dough rise.
  4. If you're baking a muffin with raisins, dried cherries, cranberries, or other dried fruits, sort them out, rinse, and soak in hot water for no more than 15-20 minutes. Pour water as little as possible - just to cover the berries, and do not keep dried fruits in water for longer than the prescribed time, otherwise they will release sweetness and acid into the water, and you will get beautiful, but tasteless berries for your baking. If you do not want the crumb of your cake, adjacent to the raisins, to remain unbaked, drain the water from the soaked berries, dry them on paper towel and stir with a tablespoon of flour before adding them to the dough.
  5. Never cut open a hot cake just out of the oven, even if someone is anxious to taste your product. Otherwise, the dough will settle, the crumb will stick together - in general, all efforts will go down the drain. It is best to let the baked goods cool down gradually: first - 5-10 minutes in the turned off oven, then - the same amount on the wire rack in the form, and only then remove the cake from the mold, remove the baking paper and let it cool on the wire rack or on a clean towel ( so that the bottom crust does not get damp) to room temperature. After that, the homemade muffin can be sliced ​​and served.
  6. And the last thing: a fluffy tall cupcake can serve as a base for a cake if you carefully cut it horizontally into 2 or 3 cakes and layer it with delicious homemade cream. Therefore, the ability to bake good cupcakes- good luck for any housewife. For this you only need your desire, and even more - good recipe delicious cupcake in a slow cooker. And how easy it is to decorate baby cake- look.

Servings: 6
Cooking time: 65 minutes

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  • 1 egg;
  • A glass of sour cream;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • A glass of flour;
  • 1 tsp slaked vinegar soda bed;
  • Dried apricots, candied fruits or raisins (optional);
  • Butter or margarine - 30 grams (for lubricating the multicooker);
  • Powdered sugar for decoration - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking process:

We start cooking by breaking an egg into a saucepan and pouring sugar. Beat it all well with a mixer.

Add sour cream and continue to beat.

Put the flour and mix so that there are no lumps (you can use a mixer).

We extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour it into the dough.

I had dried apricots in my fridge, so I decided to add them to the dough. You can use raisins or candied fruits instead. Mix the dough thoroughly for the last time.

Grease the multicooker with butter or margarine. To make a cupcake with a hole in the middle, I used a jar from under baby food, I also oiled it abundantly.

Next, pour out the dough and close the lid. We set the "Baking" mode for 65 minutes. The cupcake is very tender and may break when you try to remove it. I advise you to leave it to cool a little in a multicooker, and open the lid. From above, for decoration, ordinary powdered sugar is suitable. That's all, make tea!

A cupcake was prepared in a Panasonic multicooker SR-TMH18LTW. Power 670 W.

Servings: 8
Cooking time: 2 hours

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  • 1 tbsp. yogurt or kefir.
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara.
  • 3 tbsp. flour.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 1 tbsp. sunflower oil(without smell).
  • 1 tsp baking powder.
  • 1 tsp lemon zest.
  • 150 g raisins.
  • Vanilla.

I used a multi-glass, but this is not necessary - you can use a yogurt glass, or any other glass that is convenient for you. The main thing is to observe the proportions.

Cooking process:

Place the yogurt in a bowl.

Add sugar and butter to the yogurt - mix everything.

Break eggs into a deep bowl.

Beat the eggs until the mass doubles. Oil mixture mix with eggs.

Add flour, baking powder ...

And mix until smooth, homogeneous.

And the final step will be the addition of the raisins, which we rinse ...

Sprinkle with flour and mix in the dough.

Into the lubricated butter pour out the dough into the multicooker bowl and turn on the multicooker in the "Baking" mode for 1 hour 30 minutes. Please pay attention to the fact that the baking process needs to be monitored - additional time may be required.

I have, every time, it takes different time for baking with the same dough composition. We check the readiness with a match or a toothpick.

So our raisin cake with yogurt is ready. Bon Appetit!

A cupcake is prepared in the Yummi YMC-505BX multicooker. Power 1000 watts.

Servings: 4
Cooking time: 50-60 minutes

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  • 1 glass of sugar (200 grams);
  • 125 grams of butter or margarine;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda or 1 teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa (with a slide);
  • Vegetable or butter to lubricate the multicooker bowl.

Cooking process:

In a bowl, grind butter (margarine) at room temperature with sugar.

We drive in, one by one, eggs, mixing well the contents of the bowl.

We introduce soda, mix. Pour in flour, cocoa and mix well again.

Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable or butter, pour out the dough and level. We close the lid of the multicooker, set the “Baking” mode for 50-60 minutes.

After the signal, turn off the assistant, open the multicooker lid and leave the cupcake for 15 minutes.

After the indicated time, the cake can be removed from the bowl. It is convenient to do this using a pallet or a steamer basket. Pour glaze over the finished cake, sprinkle with nuts or powdered sugar. You do not need to water or sprinkle anything - it already turns out to be delicious! Bon Appetit!

Prepared chocolate muffin in a multicooker Stadler Form. Power 800 watts.

Servings: 6
Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes

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  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Sugar - 1 glass with a slide (200 grams);
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Butter or margarine - 100 grams;
  • Kefir - 1 multi cup (180 grams);
  • Flour - 2 multi cups;
  • Strawberries - 1 multi cup
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon (extinguish with vinegar).

Cooking process:

Wash the lemon thoroughly with soap. Grate the peel (only the yellow layer) and squeeze the juice from the lemon itself.

Melt the oil in a water bath.

Beat eggs with sugar for 10 minutes and add melted butter.

Mix the beaten eggs with butter, lemon zest and juice, flour, kefir and soda (quenched with vinegar). The dough should be of medium thickness, like a pancake. If you add too much flour, the cake will be rubbery.

To make a real cupcake with a hole in the middle, put a jar in a multicooker. To prevent the dough from sticking, wrap it with parchment paper and grease it with oil. Don't forget to grease the bottom of the multicooker as well.

Pour out the dough and add the strawberries. I used frozen. We set the "Baking" mode for 120 minutes.

The simplest cupcakes always help out when guests unexpectedly come to you, and in the refrigerator they roll. It should be noted that today there are many different options how you can quickly and tasty make homemade cakes... Typically, simple muffins don't require many ingredients. For them, you should only purchase simple products that are sold in every store.

Cupcake "As easy as shelling pears": recipe for step-by-step preparation

This recipe is known to many. After all, our mothers and grandmothers also used it. As a rule, such a delicacy is baked in the oven using small embossed molds. But it will take a long time to make many small cupcakes. In this regard, we recommend making one large dessert, which can later be cut into pieces.

So what ingredients do you need to bake your own cake "As easy as shelling pears"? The recipe for this dessert names the following components:

Viscous dough kneading

To make a simple cupcake, with a photo of which you can see in this article, you will need to remove the margarine from freezer... After it melts, it must be rubbed into small crumb together with high-grade wheat flour, and then add to them vanilla sugar and medium-sized salt.

Having prepared the first part of the base (free-flowing), you should go to the second. To do this, you need to beat the village eggs with a mixer, add medium-sized granulated sugar and thick kefir of high fat to them. After mixing the components, you must wait until the sweet free-flowing ingredient dissolves. After that liquid mass should be added to bulk ingredients. Having added a table product to them, stir with a spoon until a homogeneous dough is obtained. In this case, the base should not be too thick. Otherwise, the simplest cupcake will turn out stale and tasteless.

Processing of fillers (dried fruits)

To make the simplest cupcakes tasty and sweet, you should definitely add fillers to them. For this we decided to use raisins and dried apricots. They must be sorted out, cleaned of putrefactive elements, and then rinsed in a colander under hot water... After that, the dried fruits need to be poured with boiling water and left in a bowl for 30-40 minutes. This time is enough for the products to swell and lose all the adhering dirt. Finally, rinse the raisins and dried apricots again. In this case, the second component must be chopped finely.

After the dried fruits are processed, they must be deprived of liquid by drying on paper towels, and then pour into the base and mix well big spoon.

Product formation process

To bake the simplest cake, you need to use embossed aluminum or silicone mold... It must be lubricated with deodorized oil. If this is not done, then the product will completely adhere to the surface of the dishes, and it will be problematic to remove it in its entirety.

Thus, after lubricating the mold, all previously kneaded dough should be poured into it. Then you can safely start baking it.

Heat treatment in the oven

Simple muffins don't take very long to bake in the oven. Having placed the mold in a preheated kitchen device, the product should be cooked at a temperature of 210 degrees for 50-65 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, stick a toothpick into the cake. If nothing sticks to the wooden object, then the dough is completely baked.

Serving homemade cakes right at the table

As you can see, this product is very easy to bake. The raisin cake prepared in the oven should be removed from the mold by turning it over, and then placed on the cake pan and cooled slightly. Before serving for tea homemade dessert sprinkle with sugar powder or pour over self-prepared chocolate icing.

Making simple cupcakes in tins

If you want to make a lot of small cupcakes, then you need to stock up on special tins to prepare them. They can be either metal or silicone.

So, to make such a delicacy at home, we need:

  • high-grade wheat flour - about 2 glasses;
  • medium-sized granulated sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • natural butter - ½ pack or 90 g;
  • high fat mayonnaise - 4 large spoons;
  • low fat non-acidic cottage cheese - 80 g;
  • medium village eggs - about 6 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - a large spoon (for dusting);
  • table soda + Apple vinegar- a dessert spoon;

Preparation of the base

Such dough is kneaded quite simply. The cupcake from it turns out to be very and tasty. To make sure of this, we suggest making it yourself.

So, to knead the bases, you need to beat with a whisk, and then add fine granulated sugar to them and mix well. After sweet product dissolve a little, soft natural butter, high-calorie mayonnaise and non-acidic cottage cheese should be added to the mass. After mixing the ingredients, you should get a liquid base. To thicken it, you need to add high-grade wheat flour... Finally, slaked baking soda should be added to the dough.

At the exit, you should get a not very thick, but not liquid base either.

The process of forming products

Plain muffins in tins form very easily. To begin with, all cutouts should be thoroughly greased with deodorized oil using a cooking brush. Next, the molds must be filled 2/3 with the base. It should be borne in mind that during heat treatment products will definitely increase in volume.

Baking small cupcakes in the oven

After all the forms are filled with a viscous and aromatic base, they should be immediately placed in a preheated cabinet. Fast and plain cupcakes small sizes are baked in 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 205 degrees. At the same time, they become lush, ruddy and very tasty.

After the specified time has elapsed, the molds should be removed from the oven and tipped over with a sharp motion over cutting board... If the cupcakes do not come out of the dishes, then you can help them by prying them with a fork.

Serving delicious homemade cakes for tea the right way

Once the muffins are ready, place them in a large bowl and wait until they have completely cooled. Further, the products must be sprinkled with sugar powder and immediately presented to the household along with hot tea.

Cooking a delicious homemade dessert in a slow cooker

Simple bakes just as quickly and easily as in the oven. Moreover, with such a kitchen device, there is no need to make sure that your product does not burn. After all, it is prepared under a special mode, which must be set immediately after filling the bowl with dough.

So what foods are needed in order to bake delicious cupcakes in a slow cooker? Simple recipes require the use of the following components:

  • high-grade wheat flour - about 2.5 cups;
  • medium-sized granulated sugar - a full glass;
  • natural butter or good margarine- about ½ pack or 90 g;
  • dark raisins - 1/3 cup;
  • small lemon - 1/2 pc.;
  • yogurt, that is, sour milk - a full glass;
  • medium village eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • table soda (you do not need to extinguish beforehand) - ½ a small spoon;
  • deodorized oil - use to lubricate the mold.

Making the foundation

Before baking, simple ones involve the use of the most inexpensive ingredients), you should thoroughly mix the aromatic base. To do this, pour the sour milk into a metal container and heat it up a little over low heat. After removing the drink from the stove, add baking soda to it and carefully extinguish, stirring strongly with a large spoon. After that, it is required to break into the same dish chicken eggs, add medium-sized granulated sugar, pour in melted and slightly chilled cooking oil, and also add zest from half a lemon and squeeze out all of its juice.

After mixing the food, you should get a fairly liquid mass. To slightly thicken it, add light high-grade flour to the container. As a result, you should get a viscous dough with the consistency of pancakes.

If you want to make a simple multicooker cupcake that is different special taste and aroma, then you should definitely add dark raisins... It must be poured with boiling water for 30 minutes, and then rinsed and shaken thoroughly, removing excess moisture. At the end, you need to pour dried fruits into the dough and mix everything well.

We bake in a multicooker

Before placing the kneaded dough in the multicooker, the bowl should be well greased with deodorized oil. Next, it is necessary to place the entire base in the container, close it tightly and set the baking program. Cooking time of this product is about one hour. If during this time the cake is not completely baked, then the timer should be set for another 15 minutes.

Serving a delicious homemade cupcake to the table

After the multicooker completes the baking program, it should be kept on heating for another quarter of an hour. Further ready product must be laid out on a cake dish. This can be done with a plastic spatula or by abruptly tipping the bowl of the device over a flat dish.

After letting the baked sweet product cool down a bit, you should start cutting it. Finally, the triangular pieces of delicious homemade cupcake needs to be distributed on saucers and presented to friends or family members along with freshly brewed black tea. If desired, such a delicacy can be served and hot chocolate(cocoa). Bon Appetit!

This recipe was originally designed for the oven. But like most recipes for muffins and biscuits, it worked great for a multicooker too. To bake a cake in a slow cooker, we prepare the dough, as we usually do for a cake, but remember that the baking time is lengthened by about one and a half times. And if you want to get golden crust on all sides, then you will need to turn the cake about 20 minutes before the end of baking. Don't worry, it won't fall off. After all, there is a baking powder in the dough. Here is how to do similar manipulations with simple biscuits that do not use loosening additives, I would not risk it.


  • 2 eggs,
  • 100 g butter
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1 and 1/3 cups flour
  • 2 bags of vanilla sugar
  • 2/3 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, or 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder for dough,
  • two handfuls of raisins.

Cooking a muffin in a slow cooker

It is so easy to bake a cake in a multicooker that one paragraph is enough to describe it :) Melt the butter and cool to room temperature. Beat the eggs with a mixer or a broom until foamy. Mix with butter, sugar, vanilla. Add flour, soda quenched with lemon juice (make sure all the soda foams) or one and a half teaspoons of baking powder. Beat well again. We fall asleep raisins. You can add other dried fruits, nuts or candied fruits. This time I added a little dried cherries... mix with a spoon, put in a multicooker bowl. Bake on the "Baking" mode for 50 minutes. Then we open the lid. We take out the bowl, turn the cake over and bake for another 10 minutes. In this case, the muffin will have an even crispy crust on all sides.

Want to pamper yourself and your household with something sweet? If you have in your arsenal kitchen appliances If you have a multi-cook, you can consider yourself very lucky! After all, you can cook a huge variety of desserts in it, including a muffin in a slow cooker.

Curd cake in a slow cooker

Curd cake in a slow cooker is one of classic options cooking this sweet. It will not take much of your time, but at the same time it will delight you with its taste.

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • drain. oil - 150 g;
  • eggs of category C1 - 4 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • loosened. - 2 tsp;
  • powdered sugar.

Sift the cottage cheese through a sieve. We soften the butter and beat it, mixing with sugar. Add cottage cheese and beat again until smooth. light weight... Later, we begin to drive in an egg one by one. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

Baking powder and a pinch of salt are placed in the flour. Pour this part into the curd mass. Stir well again. No need to whip! Lubricate the multicooker bowl with a piece of butter. We spread the dough there and level it over the surface. Cooking the cake using the "Baking" program for one and a half hours. The time may vary depending on the capacity of your device. Sprinkle the finished sweetness with powdered sugar on top.

On kefir

Kefir cupcake is more dietary option dessert than cottage cheese.

You will need:

  • kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 50 g;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • loosened. - 2 tsp.

The softened butter is ground into a homogeneous mass together with sugar. Drive in the eggs one at a time and mix with a mixer at low speed. Next, add baking powder, vanillin and mix. Then pour half of the kefir there and gradually add flour to the mixture. The dough should be thick.

Lubricate the bowl evenly with oil and, if desired, sprinkle it with a small amount of bread crumbs. We distribute our dough evenly over the surface. The dessert is cooked in the "Baking" mode for an hour, and after that it must be left to cook for another 10-15 minutes in the turned off multicooker.

Banana cupcake - step by step recipe

Looking for something exotic? Try a banana muffin!

  • flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • table egg - 1 pc .;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • loosened. - 1 tsp;
  • rast. oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.

For cooking, it is better to give preference to ripe and soft bananas. Peel them and knead them into gruel with a fork. An egg is broken into sugar, and the mixture is beaten with a mixer until the crystals completely melt. We combine both parts of the dough, add flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar and salt there, after which we begin to knead.

We make sure that the dough does not become gluten-like, so you need to beat it at a low mixer speed or by hand, which is more preferable. The multicooker bowl is oiled and sprinkled bread crumbs... We spread the dough into it and set the “Baking” mode for an hour. After the indicated time, turn the dessert over to the other side and cook for another 15-20 minutes.

With the addition of raisins

You will need:

  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 180 g;
  • raisins - 80 g;
  • loosened. - 2 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.

Soak the raisins in hot water for 10 minutes. Then we take it out and leave it to dry on a paper towel or napkin. Eggs are beaten with a mixer together with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved and an airy white foam appears. A little later, flour, baking powder and vanillin are added to the mixture.

Without looking up from the whipping process, pour the melted butter. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker bowl with a piece and spread the raisins there evenly. Gently fill it with the resulting dough. Cooking a cupcake with raisins for an hour in the "Baking" mode with the lid closed.

Zebra cupcake in a slow cooker

Zebra cupcake not only delicious dessert, but also beautiful, thanks to its unusual appearance.

You will need:

  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • table eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • loosened. - 2 tsp;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin - 1 pinch.

The softened butter is ground together with sugar. This is done with a mixer at the lowest speed. We drive in eggs one by one and continue to mix. Add flour, baking powder and sour cream. Mix thoroughly again. You should get a fluffy homogeneous mass. Knead the dough and divide it into a pair of equal parts.

Add cocoa to one half so that it gets Brown color... Put 2 tablespoons of unpainted dough in a greased multicooker bowl and a dark composition in the middle. This is done until it is completely over. Cooking the cake in the "Baking" mode for an hour.

Chocolate treat

You will need:

  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • drain. oil - 200 g;
  • milk - ½ tbsp.;
  • eggs - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • loosened. - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa powder - ½ tbsp.

We turn on the device and set the “Baking” program for 20 minutes. We will cook a chocolate cake in a slow cooker right in it so as not to stain excess dishes. Melt the butter, stirring constantly, then add sugar, cocoa and milk. We continue to stir and at the same time make sure that the mixture does not start to burn.

After boiling, turn off the multicooker, cool the dough and beat in one egg at a time. The last in line are flour and baking powder. Gently whisk the mixture with a whisk so as not to scratch the bottom of the bowl. We turn on the program again for 45 minutes, and prepare the dessert. If necessary, you can additionally put on heating.

Lemon cupcake

You will need:

  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • drain. oil - 150 g;
  • lemon juice;
  • lemon peel;
  • loosened. - 1 tsp;
  • table eggs - 4 pcs.

The softened butter is beaten with sugar using a mixer at the lowest speed. Drive eggs into the mixture one by one and continue to beat. We rub the lemon on a grater directly with the peel, peeling off the zest from it. It is she who we need to make a lemon muffin in a slow cooker. Pour the shavings into the dough.

Squeeze lemon juice in any way. The main thing is that no bones get into it. Add liquid to the dough, mix and add flour and baking powder. Mix the mass again with a spoon without using a mixer. Align the dough on the surface of the greased bowl and cook in the "Baking" mode for an hour.

Carrot cake

You will need:

  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • table eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • drain. oil - 100 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • loosened. - 2 tsp.

Melt the butter. At the same time, rub the carrots on a medium grater, and beat the eggs and sugar. The last action should be given special attention, since the taste of the cake will largely depend on it.

We begin to knead the dough: mix eggs, carrots, butter, flour and baking powder. After that, a pinch of salt and cinnamon are added. Stir until the dough is homogeneous without any lumps. We put it in a bowl and cook carrot cake hour in the "Baking" mode. It is not necessary to lubricate the walls with oil, because we have already added it to the dough itself.

Baking method with condensed milk

You will need:

  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • table eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • lim. juice;
  • lim. zest;
  • loosened. - 1 tsp.

Beat the eggs with a mixer until they turn into a homogeneous mass. Add condensed milk, lemon juice and zest there to give the dessert a beautiful yellow hue. Stir and add flour, baking powder and salt. We begin to make the batch.

We spread the dough in a greased multicooker bowl. We level it evenly over the surface. We expose the program "Baking" for an hour. You can check readiness from time to time with a toothpick. If it comes out of the dough dry, it's time to get dessert.

Marble cake

You will need:

  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • table eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • loosened. - 1 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • drain. oil - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Eggs are beaten with a mixer with sugar. Add sour cream, flour and baking powder. Mix thoroughly and put half of the dough in a greased multicooker bowl. Pour cocoa powder into the remaining part and stir thoroughly so that the ingredient is distributed throughout the mass.

Pour the dark part into a slow cooker and make several patterns resembling marble using a silicone or wooden spatula. This is where the name of the cupcake comes from. Dessert is prepared for an hour in the "Baking" mode.

Step-by-step recipes for a fluffy curd cake in a slow cooker with vanilla, chocolate, bananas, lemon, raisins, candied fruits and cocoa powder

2018-06-14 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams ready meal

8 gr.

17 gr.


39 gr.

342 kcal.

Option 1: The Classic Multicooker Cupcake Recipe

Although making cupcakes is very simple, there are many recipes for making them. We'll stop at one by experimenting with additional ingredients... So, let's sort things out in order, having cooked first classic cupcake in a slow cooker.


  • 295 grams of wheat flour;
  • 150 grams of room temperature oil;
  • one and a half glasses of white sugar;
  • four eggs;
  • 300 grams of homemade cottage cheese;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • bowl oil;
  • powdered sugar for dusting.

Step-by-step recipe for a cupcake in a slow cooker

Leave two-thirds of the packet of butter at room temperature for thawing. Wipe after an hour homemade cottage cheese through a sieve.

Place pieces of soft butter inside. Add sugar (preferably fine) and mix well with a spatula until the structure is as homogeneous as possible.

Now drive everything fresh eggs and with the whisk of a mixer, beat the flowing, slightly liquid mixture right in a bowl.

At the end, sift the flour and add baking powder with it. Mix very viscous curd dough.

Grease the bowl (bottom and sides) with vegetable oil or the remaining butter. Transfer the dough to the inside immediately. Align with a spatula over the entire surface.

Latch the car. Set the "Baking" mode. Bake curd cake in a multicooker for two programs (1 hour 20 minutes).

After checking complete baking with a toothpick, leave to cool for a short time. After forty minutes, take out the cake and put it on flat dish... Cover with powdered sugar if desired.

Since we are doing pretty big cupcake, one time, as a rule, will not be enough. Therefore, after the signal about the end of the program, turn on the mode again. However, you still need to keep an eye on the state of the baking. Perhaps, at the second stage, it will "mature" a little faster.

Option 2: A quick slow cooker cupcake recipe

Reduce baking time tender cupcake impossible. Therefore, to speed up the process, we suggest making a quick dough.


  • two packs of cottage cheese;
  • two glasses of sugar;
  • two glasses of flour;
  • half a pack of butter;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • oil in a bowl;
  • four eggs (chicken).

How to quickly cook a muffin in a slow cooker

Disassemble the cottage cheese with your hands in a bowl. Add softened butter. Mix the ingredients in a food processor or mixer for a minute.

Then add sugar and break the eggs. Continue kneading until the mixture is smooth and fluffy.

Only now pour the flour, not forgetting to introduce the baking powder. Quick dough ready. Pour the mixture into an oiled bowl. Install in the car. Snap.

In the "Baking" mode, cook the cake in a multicooker for 1-1.2 hours. After the last signal, turn off the machine and cool the cake.

When serving, decorate the cake with powdered sugar or grease the surface with sour cream. It is also permissible to serve pastries with tea and berry jam.

Option 3: Chocolate muffin in a slow cooker

Want to make your pastries even tastier? Let's cook a chocolate muffin in a slow cooker using a few tablespoons of cocoa powder.


  • three spoons of cocoa;
  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • three eggs;
  • one and a half glasses of sugar;
  • 305 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 145 grams of butter;
  • baking powder;
  • butter for the cake in the bowl.

How to cook

Home or store-bought fat cottage cheese grind. Add softened (room temperature) butter immediately. Beat with a spatula.

Now measure out the planned amount of sugar and add it inside. Continuing the simple process, break fresh medium eggs.

After bringing the mixture to a viscous homogeneous state, add baking powder, cocoa and wheat flour.

Knead the dough well and pour out a ceramic or metal bowl. It is desirable to grease its surface with refined oil.

Switch on the required Baking mode. Place the bowl with the chocolate curd dough. Align and close.

Cook the chocolate cake in a slow cooker for an hour. Then check the baking. If necessary, extend the process for another 15-20 minutes.

As soon as the machine is disconnected from the mains, open the lid and cool the cake. After a while, take out the cake, cover it with powdered sugar and cut in portions.

The addition of cocoa will provide baked goods with both a beautiful dark color and a characteristic taste. However, this ingredient can be replaced with a chocolate bar. To do this, it must be heated in a water bath and poured warm before driving in the eggs.

Option 4: Cupcake on kefir in a slow cooker

We will prepare the next version of the cake using kefir. This ingredient will give baking light lactic acidity.


  • a glass of medium-fat kefir;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • two packs of purchased cottage cheese;
  • 295 grams of sugar;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • two and a half glasses of flour;
  • oil for the surface of the bowl.

Step by step recipe

Grind the purchased cottage cheese using a sieve. Then gently pour in medium-fat kefir. Stir vigorously.

In the next step, add baking powder. Also, sift into curd mass wheat flour. Make a viscous dough.

Lubricate the bowl with oil as usual. Transfer carefully from the bowl to the inside. Straighten and send the container to the machine.

Snap in and start cooking with the "Bake" setting. A cupcake on kefir in a slow cooker will be ready in an hour. If this time is not enough, prolong the regime for another 15-18 minutes.

Gently remove the fabulous pastry from the bowl after it has cooled down partially. But for decoration it is better to take berry or fruit jam that matches the bright milky shades of our cupcake perfectly.

Option 5: Vanilla raisin muffin in a slow cooker

Raisins are one of the most common ingredients included in cake recipes. Therefore, we could not ignore these dried fruits.


  • vanilla (on the knife);
  • 185 grams of sugar;
  • half a glass of raisins;
  • 299 grams of sifted flour;
  • four eggs;
  • two thirds of a pack of oil;
  • 310 grams of homemade cottage cheese;
  • baking powder in the dough;
  • oil for the surface of the bowl.

How to cook

Measure out the raisins and place them in a bowl. Pour in boiling water. Set aside, and then grind the cottage cheese into a dry container.

Then add very soft butter. Stir with a spatula, add sugar and vanilla. Beat in very fresh and cold eggs.

Continue interrupting (with the help of a mixer) and after a couple of minutes sift the flour. Also add baking powder.

At the very end, pour in the raisins, from under which you want to drain the hot cloudy liquid. Mix the dough with gentle movements. Send to a bowl, the surface of which is greased with oil.

Put the future cupcake with raisins in a slow cooker, where and cook in the "Baking" mode for one hour. The process may need to be extended if the dough is not completely baked.

Probably not worth reminding that it is important to use seedless raisins. But in addition to this type of dried fruit, it is permissible to include dried apricots or dried sweet dates in the dough.

Option 6: Multicooker Easter Cupcake

Although sweet Easter cakes are prepared for Easter, no one forbids making other baked goods. For example, a festive curd cake baked in a modern multicooker.


  • five chicken yolks;
  • 149 grams of butter (soft) butter;
  • a glass of powdered sugar;
  • 305 grams of cottage cheese;
  • two to three glasses of sifted flour;
  • 17 grams of baking powder;
  • half a glass of heavy cream;
  • half a glass of chopped candied fruits.

Step by step recipe

Break cold eggs in half and separate the yolk. No protein is required for this cake. Grate homemade cottage cheese into another container (with a spatula or through a sieve).

Begin whisking by adding all the yolks. Then pour the cream and add all icing sugar... Also add very soft warm butter.

Beat the semi-finished dough at high speed until tender and smooth. Only then sift the flour by mixing it with baking powder.

Having received a fluffy viscous dough, throw in the washed and finely chopped candied fruits. Pour gently into a bowl. As always, smear it with oil from the inside to prevent burning.

Bake easter cupcake in a slow cooker a little more than an hour in the desired mode "Baking". Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, open the machine and pierce the pie with a long skewer.

If the bamboo stick remains dry, turn off the multicooker and leave the cake to cool for forty-five minutes.

Remove the cooled pastry from the bowl. Decorate with sweet protein glaze and complement the surface with colorful holiday powder.

Although raisins are usually used for Easter cakes, we decided to add candied fruits to the cake. Moreover, you can also include any candied fruits and berries (melon, peaches, apricots, cherries and pears) in the baked goods.

Option 7: Curd cake with banana and chocolate pieces in a slow cooker

Real chocolate and fresh bananas go well with each other. It is for this reason that we suggest adding them to our cottage cheese muffins.


  • 405 grams of cottage cheese;
  • two bananas;
  • milk chocolate bar;
  • two and a half glasses of flour;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • baking powder in curd dough;
  • four eggs;
  • 151 grams of butter;
  • refined oil in the bowl.

How to cook

Combine grated cottage cheese with very soft butter(creamy). Stir vigorously with a spatula or whisk in your hand.

Then add fresh cold eggs and half a glass of sugar. Also stir the flowable mixture by hand until it is relatively homogeneous.

Pour sweet curd dough into a bowl. Only now, remove the peel from the bananas and cut the fruit into slices. Also, break the milk chocolate bar into small pieces.

Place both ingredients in the dough (as evenly as possible). Place the container in the machine and click it immediately.

On the last stage turn on the "Baking" mode and set the temperature to 140 degrees. Cook the muffin in a Redmond multicooker for 50 minutes.

After unplugging the machine from the network, cool the cake. Pull it out with the utmost care, first prying it with a wide silicone spatula from all sides. A the best addition for baking, there will be berry syrup or homogeneous fruit jam.

Option 8: Lemon cottage cheese cake in a slow cooker

V last recipe cupcake we will use fresh lemon(juice and zest). You will get baked goods with an amazing aroma and light pleasant sourness.


  • medium lemon;
  • 2.5 cups flour;
  • 195 grams of sugar;
  • 399 grams of fat cottage cheese;
  • four cold chicken eggs;
  • 145 grams of butter (soft, creamy);
  • baking powder in the dough;
  • vanilla to taste in the dough.

Step by step recipe

Combine cottage cheese grated through a rare sieve and knead with soft butter. Add sugar.

Whisk the ingredients in the cake and beat in the chilled fresh eggs. Then squeeze the juice from one medium lemon inside, removing any seeds.

Now remove the yellow zest from the rest of the fruit (without the white pulp!). Along with vanilla, sifted flour and baking powder, add to the mass.

Use a spatula to create a fragrant, viscous curd dough. Pour into a bowl, which you place in the machine.

Click to turn on the "Baking" mode. The slow cooker lemon curd cake will be ready in one hour.

After checking even baking, cool the cake and remove it on a platter. Decorate with powder or sour cream to taste.

Since we are using citrus fruits, it is perfectly acceptable to use oranges and grapefruits with lemon. Namely, juice from them, since the zest of the first will be enough. However, you may need to slightly increase the amount of flour.