What can cream be made from? Cake cream - the best ideas for soaking or decorating a homemade dessert

Many people know how to make a cream for a cake. After all, most toppings for homemade desserts do not require the use of a lot of time and various components. But for those who still do not have this information, we decided to present several simple and affordable ways that will allow you to make a delicious and beautiful cake with your own hands.

Simple cream for biscuit cake

Biscuit is a very tender and soft cake, which makes the dessert especially tasty and satisfying. For such a product, a thick cream is ideal, which is only partially absorbed into the base. For this we need:

  • unsalted butter - about 175 g;
  • condensed milk - a standard jar;
  • nuts or other additional ingredients - use as desired.

Cooking process

Before you make cream for a cake from condensed milk, you must first remove the butter and defrost it as much as possible at room temperature. Next, it needs to be placed in a blender bowl and beat very strongly at high speed. As a result of such manipulations, you should get an airy and tender mass. Add a full jar of condensed milk to it and mix well.

If there is a desire, then to the resulting sweet mass, you can additionally lay out nuts, previously fried and crushed into large crumbs. To get a chocolate cream, you need to add about 3 large tablespoons of cocoa powder to the condensed mixture.

Preparing a cake with homemade filling is quite easy. To do this, you just need to grease the cakes with it and refrigerate for several hours. As a result, you should get a very tasty dessert with a clear aroma of condensed milk.

cream cheese cream

Before you make cream for the cake, you should decide what kind of dessert you want to get. After all, the choice of one or another filling should fully correspond to the cakes. For example, for the famous Tiramisu cake, it is best to use a liquid cream based on cream cheese.

So, we need:

  • powdered sugar - 2 large spoons;
  • large village eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cream cheese mascarpone - 250 g (standard packaging).

Cooking method

Homemade tiramisu cake cream is much better than what is sold in powder form. After all, to create a delicious and healthy dessert, you should use only natural ingredients, and not a set of flavors and flavor enhancers.

So, before you make a cream cheese cake, you should break large village eggs, and then separate the whites from the yolks. To the last ingredient, add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly with a fork. Next, to the yellow mass, lay out the mascarpone cream cheese and beat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained with a mixer. In this case, it is recommended to ensure that not a single lump remains in the cream.

After processing the yolks, it is necessary to start preparing the proteins. They should be cooled, and then beat with a blender until airy, but not very strong foam. Next, you need to lay it out to the creamy egg mass and mix well with a regular spoon. As a result, you should get a not very thick, but fragrant and tasty cream.

It should be noted that only fresh eggs are used to prepare the filling for Tiramisu. In this regard, it is better to buy them not in a store, but in the market from farmers.

Cooking a cake with sour cream

Sour cream is a versatile filling that is ideal for any cakes. With it, you can make a very tasty and delicate dessert for any holiday table. For the base we need:

  • village eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • medium-sized sugar - a full glass;
  • high-grade flour - a full glass;
  • soda and vinegar - half a spoon each.

Cooking cake

Before preparing the cream for the biscuit cake, you should carefully bake the cake. To do this, beat the egg whites strongly, and then combine them with a mixture of yolks and sugar. Next, in the same bowl, you need to extinguish the soda with vinegar and add light flour.

After kneading the base, it must be poured into a greased pan and baked in the oven (about an hour). When the cake is fully cooked, it should be removed from the mold and completely cooled. In conclusion, it is desirable to cut it in half lengthwise.

Cream preparation

Cake with sour cream is prepared very quickly, but it turns out incredibly tender and tasty. For the filling we need:

  • fresh sour cream with maximum fat content - 700 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup.

To prepare such a filling, beat the dairy product strongly in a blender, and then add powder to it and repeat the mixing procedure until you have a very fluffy and airy mass.

We form a dessert

After preparing the cream, they should generously grease the chilled biscuit cakes, and then fold them and pour over a little warm chocolate icing. It is recommended to serve such a dessert to the table after aging in the refrigerator for two hours.

We make cream for the "Custard" cake

Custard for a cake is a very high-calorie filling that is suitable not only for the dessert mentioned, but also for various cakes. To prepare it, we need:

  • high-grade flour - about 90 g;
  • sugar - about 400 g;
  • fat milk - about 700 ml;
  • village eggs -5 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - on the tip of a spoon;
  • unsalted butter - about 25 g;

Step by step cooking process

To make your own custard, you need to bring country milk to a boil. While it is heating on the stove, separate the proteins from the yolks and grind the last component with sugar. After that, it is necessary to put vanillin and high-grade flour into the resulting mass. After mixing the ingredients, they should be poured into hot milk. It takes about 10 minutes to cook the ingredients over low heat. In this case, in the process of boiling, it is required to regularly stir the cream with an ordinary spoon. Next, the finished mass should be cooled slightly, and then add whipped butter.

After all the steps described, you should get a fairly thick and persistent cream. It is recommended to place it in a pastry bag, and then use it for its intended purpose.

Making a delicious cream for dessert from proteins

There are quite a few ways on how to quickly and easily make protein cream cake at home. We present only the simplest. For him we need:

  • egg whites - from 4 eggs;
  • sugar is not very large - ½ cup;
  • fresh cream as fat as possible - 1 cup.

How to cook?

To make an airy and light cake cream, you need to put the egg whites in a blender and beat them strongly together with not very coarse sugar. After you have formed a rather lush and resistant mass, you should pour heavy cream in small portions into it and continue the mixing procedure. As a result of this, you should get a white and airy cream that will easily take any shape you give it.

It should be noted that such a filling can be used not only for lubricating cakes, but also, for example, for preparing eclairs, tubules, custard and sand cakes.

Decorate the cake with cream

Cream for decorating the cake can be easily purchased at the store. After all, with the help of whipped cream it is quite easy to prepare not only a tasty, but also a beautiful dessert. But if you do not want to purchase a balloon with filling, then you can make it yourself. For this we need:

  • unsalted butter - about 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - about 8 large spoons;
  • any dyes - apply to taste.

Cooking cream for decorating dessert

It should be noted that such a cream is very fatty and high-calorie. In this regard, it is recommended to use it only for decorating the cake. To do this, you must first remove the butter from the refrigerator and wait for it to completely soften. Next, beat it with a mixer or blender. After pouring powdered sugar, these steps must be repeated.

After the cream becomes airy and lush, it needs to be divided into portions, pour in certain dyes and mix well with a spoon. By the way, in order to give a creamy decoration a certain color, it is not necessary to purchase nutritional supplements. Instead, you can use beetroot, carrot juice, as well as cocoa powder, grated or melted chocolate, and so on. So your dessert will turn out to be more healthy and safe for health.

A hand-baked cake is recognized as the pinnacle of culinary art, a manifestation of special skill. And if everything is more or less clear with cake layers, then it is much more difficult to navigate in a variety of recipes for cake creams. In fact, everything is not so scary. It is not as difficult to prepare creams for cakes at home as it seems, it is worth mastering the basic recipes for cake cream - protein, custard, butter cream, cooking methods, and then experience and imagination will certainly connect.

Recipes for creams for decorating cakes

Protein cream for cake decoration

This airy, melting mass is usually covered with sand cakes. It is also spread over berries on biscuits. It is very good to layer the grated cake with whipped proteins - just lay them between the filling and the top grated layer of dough.

Protein Cream Cake Recipe

Proteins 7 eggs (very chilled), 1 cup powdered sugar, (you can use sand, but it will take more time to dissolve), 2 tsp. lemon juice.

Beat with a mixer until a stable white foam for about 10 minutes, gradually increasing the speed and adding a little lemon juice.

Separate the proteins as carefully as possible. One accidentally dropped drop of yolk can spoil the whole thing, preventing it from reaching the state of “fluffiness”.

Homemade custard

It has a smooth, delicate texture and a truly royal taste, despite its simplicity. Without it, it is impossible to imagine your favorite "Napoleon" or sweets based on honey dough. It also pairs well with ready-made cookies in cold cakes (those that don't require baking).

Milk custard recipe

Yolks of 2 eggs, an incomplete cup of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 2 cups milk.

Grind the yolks with sugar until crystals are no longer felt, add flour, mix thoroughly. Bring milk to a boil. Continuing to stir, pour milk into the egg-flour mixture in a thin stream. Put the whole mass on a small fire, boil until thick sour cream.

The fire under the pan should be minimal, and the stirring frequency should be maximum. Otherwise, the delicate composition may burn, and lumps form.

Butter cream

A favorite of children and an enemy of girls on a diet, butter cream is dense, cool, very tasty and satiating. It goes well with biscuit and waffle cakes, as well as puff pastry. There are many housewives who prefer it to custard in the same "Napoleon". Ideal filler for eclairs, tubules and baskets.

Cream butter cake recipe

1 pack of softened butter, 80 ml of milk, an incomplete cup of sugar, 1 egg.

Grind the egg white with sugar. Put the milk to warm and at the moment of its boiling pour in the egg-sugar mixture, stirring quickly. Reduce heat, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool, beat with a mixer with butter.

Pour the cooled mixture to the oil while whipping should be in small portions. If you add a lot, there is a danger of stratifying the mass, disrupting its uniformity.

Variations of creams for butter cake

The most famous varieties of butter composition are with condensed milk (let us recall at least the popular waffle cake or the famous "Anthill") and with semolina porridge, unchanged for "Bird's Milk". The first is done quite simply: a pack of soft butter plus a can of condensed milk, boiled if desired, is gradually beaten with a mixer.

Semolina Butter Cream Recipe

You'll have to fiddle a bit with the mango. Fill 3 tbsp. l. cereals with two cups of cold milk, let it swell, then boil the porridge. Thoroughly rub a pack of melted butter with an incomplete glass of sugar, add the grated zest from half a lemon and, continuing to beat, put the cooled semolina into this mixture in small portions.

Sour Cream Cake

Snow-white, glossy, slightly springy, giving off a pleasant milky sourness, this cream has good impregnating properties and is therefore recognized as the best for puff honey cakes and sour cream or favorite Zebras, Ginger and Bears in the North. Its taste also goes well with berries, especially cherries and strawberries.

Recipe for sour cream cake

500 ml of chilled fat sour cream (not less than 30%), 5 tbsp. l. Sahara. Beat with a mixer in a lush foam for 10 minutes.

Try to buy sour cream on the market: as fresh as possible and only cooked in a separator way (hand-picked can be bitter). Then the “wow” effect of the finished product is guaranteed.

Lemon cream jelly for cake

This is, in fact, a very thick jelly, which, when solidified, takes the form of jelly. Spread it on cakes hot while it is liquid. Such a consistency is able to soak even simple unleavened dough, and even in shortbread cakes it has no equal.

lemon cream recipe

Boil 2 cups of water, 2 cups of sugar and the inside of 1 lemon for 5 minutes. Enter 2 tbsp. l. starch, 2 pounded yolks and keep on fire, stirring, until thickened.

You can take any fruits and berries instead of lemon to create a different taste each time. But when adding sugar, you need to take into account the own sweetness of the fruit so that the cream is not too sugary.

These are the main principles for preparing popular types of cream for homemade cakes. It's easy to master them. And every time you add an interesting flavoring ingredient - coffee, cocoa, nuts, spices, alcoholic beverages - you can pamper loved ones with new sweets at least every day.

Cream, prepared at home, is able to emphasize the taste of baking, whether it is a biscuit cake, shortbread or butter dough. Cake cream is a voluminous and airy mass, which is prepared on the basis of beaten egg whites, sugar, butter, condensed milk and sour cream. Other simple ingredients are also added - for density and structure - gelatin, flavors - to give taste, natural dyes - for an attractive and bright look.

With the help of cream, you can not only decorate a homemade cake, but also layer the cakes so that they are soaked and become soft and tender. As a rule, it is applied to the cake with a wide-bladed knife, but it is more convenient to use a silicone spatula for this purpose.

Using a pastry bag and a variety of nozzles for it, you can apply cream decorations on the top layer of the cake, make beautiful patterns. If you don't have a piping bag, you can make one out of baking paper or a clean plastic bag. A cone is rolled up from paper (a tube in the form of a cone) and carefully fill the cream into it. Cut off the tip of the envelope (with a straight or angular cut, with a clove) and squeeze it onto the confectionery product, obtaining the necessary patterns.

Cream for cakes is a perishable product, and after it has been prepared, it must be stored only in a refrigerator, no more than 38 hours.

Sour cream - to prepare a cream based on sour cream, you need a product with a high fat content of up to 30%, always only fresh. The product must be cooled, and when sour cream and heavy cream are mixed, the cream will have a more stable consistency. The addition of gelatin will make its consistency stable, but the tenderness and airiness of the mass will be lost.

Protein cream - for its preparation, egg whites are used, whipped with sugar (ideally, powdered sugar is used). The delicate texture is great for decorating the top layer of cakes and pastries, for filling tartlets and tubes, but it is not recommended to use such a cream for layering.

Custard - for their preparation you will need chicken eggs and fresh milk. There are other ingredients in the cream - sugar, flour or starch, flavorings and natural dyes. In the process of cooking, it must be constantly stirred, otherwise the mass may curl up and burn. The cream is used chilled, and is stored for no more than 5 hours in the refrigerator. Custard is used to impregnate inner cakes, decorate the top layer of homemade cakes, and to fill baskets and straws.

Butter cream - obtained by whipping milk or vegetable cream with powdered sugar, has a pleasant creamy taste, light and delicate in texture, high nutritional value and light taste. Excellent for soaking and decorating biscuit dough, but does not combine with puff and shortcrust pastry. Shelf life in the refrigerator is up to 32 hours.

Butter cream - quite widely used for impregnation and decoration of homemade confectionery. The cream does not spread due to its dense and stable consistency, it is perfect for filling baskets, tubes, puff pastry products. This cream, as a rule, decorates the top layer of the cake, using a pastry bag with a variety of nozzles. Store no more than 28 hours in the refrigerator.

Preparation of cream for decorating and impregnating homemade cakes:

Based on the classic cake cream, you can experiment by adding additional ingredients to the mass to get a denser or vice versa light texture, or to give the mass a new savory taste. Original and interesting cream recipes for making homemade cakes.

Light and tasty, with a pleasant aroma of vanilla. It will take about 5 minutes to cook and the food should be at room temperature.


  • Butter packaging;
  • A sachet of vanilla powder;
  • 100 ml. milk or light cream;
  • 3 art. spoons of powdered sugar.

Butter cream preparation:

  1. Bring milk to a boil and cool slightly, dissolving powdered sugar and vanillin in it.
  2. Cut the butter into small pieces, add to the liquid ingredients and beat thoroughly with a mixer until the mass thickens.

    Instead of vanilla powder, you can use liquid extract, or three packets of vanilla sugar.

Making cream for a cake based on this recipe can be done not only for soaking biscuit dough cakes, you will also like it as an independent dessert. The cream will be ideally combined with a cake made with fresh or canned fruits and berries, chocolate chips.


  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Vanillin sachet;
  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.;
  • A little fat cream - 100 ml .;
  • Butter - 200g.

Cream preparation:

  1. Before you start cooking, the cottage cheese must be rubbed using a fine sieve for this, then the consistency of the cream will turn out to be incredibly tender and airy.
  2. Pour sugar and vanilla powder into a blender, add chilled butter cut into pieces. Add cottage cheese and beat until smooth.
  3. You can adjust the density and lightness of the cream by adding cream.
  4. To prepare a dessert, the cream must first be whipped, and do not mix it in a blender with cottage cheese, but gently mix it with a silicone spatula into the mass.

The taste of the cream is reminiscent of lemon wait or jam, ideal for soaking biscuit dough, as well as for filling baskets.


  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • 3 lemons or 5 limes;
  • Sugar sand - 150 gr.;
  • Butter - 100g.

Cream preparation:

  1. Remove the zest from citrus fruits using a regular grater with a fine fraction. Only colored skins are used; if the white part gets in, the cream will be very bitter.
  2. Transfer the zest from a small saucepan, add sugar and mix the mass.
  3. Squeeze the juice from citrus fruits and add to the zest, put the saucepan on the fire and heat. To make the sugar dissolve faster, you can add 2 tablespoons of water.
  4. As soon as the mass warms up and the sugar begins to dissolve, add a little beaten chicken eggs and softened butter.
  5. Boil the cream over low heat until thickened for 3-5 minutes. Cool and can be used for decoration.

In this article, I have collected all my favorite recipes for sponge cake creams. Let my piggy bank be here, into which I will look more than once if I forget something. I hope it will be useful for you too! Use on health!

1. Buttercream Charlotte

Delicious and delicate, with a light structure, Charlotte cream is suitable not only for the layer of the cake, but also for decoration. The cream is prepared by whipping butter with egg-milk syrup. Take the best oil, without impurities and additives, with a fat content of 82.5%

Ingredients per 250 g of cream:

  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 90 g
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 65 g
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.

Remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance (1-2 hours before cooking). To warm it up faster, you can divide it with a knife into pieces 1-2 cm long. The more surface of the oil comes into contact with air, the faster it will reach the desired temperature.

First prepare the syrup. Mix milk and yolk, strain through a sieve, add sugar and put on the stove to heat up. Boil the syrup over low heat with constant stirring for 7-8 minutes, from the moment of boiling, cook for 1-2 minutes. In appearance, the syrup should resemble condensed milk.

Pour the finished syrup into another bowl, cover with a film so that the top does not wind, and cool.

Place the butter in a large bowl and beat on high speed until fluffy and light. During the process, stop several times and collect the cream with a silicone spatula, which is smeared on the sides of the bowl. In small portions, add the cooled milk syrup to the butter (these ingredients should be at the same temperature). The finished cream has the following structure: airy, white, thick, easily falls off the shoulder blade when tapped on the edge of the bowl.

Cream Charlotte is most often flavored with strong liquor, cognac, vanilla sugar. You can combine vanilla sugar with regular sugar and add it to the egg syrup during its preparation, or you can grind it into powder and add it to the cream at the very end of whipping.

This cream is not as tasty as Charlotte, but it is prepared so simply that it will help out in difficult times. It does not contain eggs, which means it keeps well.

  • Butter with a fat content of 82% - 150 g
  • Powdered sugar - 70 g
  • Condensed milk - 60 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (grind into powder) Can be replaced with 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • Cognac (or any other strong alcohol) - 1 tsp.
  • Cocoa powder - 15 g

Take all foods out of the fridge ahead of time to keep warm. Add sifted icing sugar, vanilla sugar, cocoa powder to soft butter and beat vigorously with a mixer for 5-6 minutes (at maximum speed).

Add the condensed milk little by little, stirring thoroughly each time. Add cognac or liquor to the finished cream. The finished cream looks like a shiny homogeneous mass. Prepare it just before use.

3. Cream with mascarpone

Favorite cream that I often use. It is suitable for both sponge cakes and cupcakes. Eclairs with mascarpone - delicious pastries for tea.

In this recipe, you can change the fruit component, while getting new shades of taste and color each time. But even without extraneous ingredients, mascarpone cream is very good.

  • Cold fat cream (33-36%) - 375 g
  • Mascarpone - 360 g
  • Sugar - 75 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1.5 tsp
  • Fruit puree (from raspberries, bananas, strawberries, etc.) - 100 g

Cool the cream: place it in a bowl and put it in the freezer. Cold cream will whip much faster. Then combine sugar, mascarpone, vanilla extract and beat at low speed, and then go to maximum. Achieve sustained peaks.

At the end of cooking, add the fruit puree and carefully fold it into the cream with a spatula. Store in refrigerator until cake is assembled.

4. Protein cream

Usually nothing is layered with such a cream, since it is very gentle, but it is very suitable for coating and finishing. In order for protein decorations to hold their shape firmly, it is customary to tint them: bake in the oven for a couple of minutes at a high temperature, while the cream is covered with a delicious golden brown crust.

  • Protein of one egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1/2 sachet

Beat egg whites until stiff, add sugar and vanilla sugar and beat vigorously again until a thick, white, shiny mass is formed. Such a cream must be used immediately, otherwise it will settle.

5. Curd cream

This cream is made from cottage cheese and ordinary cream and is very similar to the filling in curd rings from choux pastry.

  • Curd - 185 g
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g
  • Condensed milk - 15 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1/2 sachet (to be ground into powder)
  • Cognac (or other aromatic strong alcohol) - 1 tbsp. l.

Beat butter with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until light, add condensed milk and beat again. At the end of the process, add cognac.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to make it fluffy. Combine with cream.

6. Cream "Plombir"

7. Custard sour cream for sponge cake

I will not write about the usual version of the cream (where sour cream is mixed with sugar), it is too simple and known to everyone. I'll tell you about a new method of sour cream, in which flour, egg, sour cream are brewed in a water bath.

  • Sour cream 20% - 300 g
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Butter - 250 ml

Mix the egg, sour cream, vanilla, sugar and flour, place in a water bath and cook until thick, cool completely. Beat room temperature butter and, with constant stirring, add to the cooled cream.

The cream is great for layering cakes, as it is quite “wet” and additional impregnation with biscuit syrup is not required.

8. Cream cheese

Great for as well as other cakes and pastries. It keeps its shape well, therefore it is used not only in the layer, but also for decorating cakes and pastries.

  • Curd cheese - 340 g
  • Butter - 115 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Vanilla extract - 2 tsp

Preparing the cream is very simple, no special skills are needed. First, beat the butter (115 g) with the powdered sugar (100 g) on ​​high speed, then add the cream cheese and beat again with a mixer.

The butter should be at room temperature, softened and well whipped. Cream cheese, on the other hand, should be very cold, fresh from the refrigerator.

9. Chocolate ganache

The cream is a mixture of butter and cream in various proportions, you can also add a little fruit puree for flavor and taste.

  • Dark chocolate (70%) - 100 gr.
  • Cream (33%) - 50 ml.
  • Oil - 10-15 gr.

The butter in this cream is added more for shine than texture, so it's in a small amount.

The cream is prepared very simply: add chocolate, broken into small pieces, into hot cream, mix. At the end of cooking, put a piece of butter.

It is important to remember the following proportions for milk, white and dark chocolate:

White ganache: 2 parts chocolate, 1 part cream (33%), 10% butter

Dark ganache: 1 part chocolate, 1 part cream (33%), 10% butter

Milk ganache: 3 parts chocolate, 2 parts cream (33%), 10% butter.

Knowing these proportions, you can always prepare a delicious cream for the cake, as well as filling for, and, of course, macaroons.

10. Cream of condensed milk and butter

  • Soft butter - 200 g
  • Good quality condensed milk (in cans) - 200 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp (optional). You can use strong aromatic alcohol

The important point is to warm the butter to the desired temperature, its ideal consistency will be at 20 ° C. It feels a little cooler than room temperature.

Beat warm butter with a mixer until light and fluffy. Then add the condensed milk in small portions, beating each time. Cool the finished cream in the refrigerator.

In Pirogeevo there is a variant of this cream

Every housewife should always have cream recipes on hand so that at any time you can quickly and easily bake delicious cakes or desserts.


500ml milk
200gr. Sahara
1 hour a spoonful of vanilla sugar
50gr. flour
4 egg yolks

How to cook:

We grind the egg yolks with sugar, vanilla and flour until smooth. We bring our milk to a boil. Pour hot milk into the egg mass, stir. Put the resulting mass on fire and cook until thick. Ready!


Butter pack - 200 gr
4 chicken eggs
Sand sugar 1 cup
Powdered sugar 100 grams
A pinch of vanilla, if desired, you can without it.

How to cook:

First, take a pot with the thickest bottom. It must be dry. Break four eggs into it. Mix them with sugar. Turn on the fire and start heating. Stir constantly, do not move away from the stove. You will get a thick mass. Remove from the fire and put on the table. stir the mass, wait for it to cool down. Whip the butter in a bowl with the powder. Add egg mixture to butter. A little vanilla for taste. The cream is ready, store in the refrigerator, spread only on cooled cakes.


Softened butter 200 gr.
Condensed milk 100 gr.
Eggs (yolks) 2 pcs.
Vanillin or liqueur

How to cook:

Beat softened butter with condensed milk.
While continuing to beat, gradually add the egg yolks.
For flavoring, add vanillin or another spice, or 30-50 gr. liquor.


1 can of condensed milk
1 pack of butter

How to cook:

Beat butter and condensed milk until smooth. The oil should be at room temperature. Refrigerate the cream.


1/2 cup milk
1 st. l. semolina
1 tsp Sahara
1/2 tsp butter
1 yolk
1 tsp vanilla sugar

How to cook:

Boil milk with vanilla sugar. Mix semolina with a little water, pour the resulting mixture into hot milk and bring to a boil over low heat. Thoroughly grind the egg yolk with sugar and butter until a fluffy homogeneous mass. Add semolina porridge to it in small portions, constantly whisking it with a whisk so that the cream is lush and light.

6. Cream cheese "Mascarpone"

Try it! Cooking is very easy, fast, inexpensive.


Cottage cheese (in a pack 18%) - 200 g
Cream (33%) - 200 ml

How to cook:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve (preferably twice).
Pour in cold cream.
Beat the mass at low speed until creamy.
Mascarpone cream cheese is ready to use!

7. Custard


2 eggs
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1.5 cups milk
2 tsp melted butter
2 tsp flour

How to cook:

1. Mix flour and eggs in a saucepan so that lumps disappear.
2. Boil milk and sugar in another saucepan, do not forget to stir them.
3. Pour milk with sugar into the flour mixture in a thin stream, stir vigorously with a spatula.
4. Put the resulting cream on a small fire, stirring constantly, bring to desolation. Do not bring the cream to a boil!!!
5. After that, remove the eclair cream from the heat, adding vanilla sugar and butter to it. Mix well and then quickly chill by placing in ice or cold water.

Custard can be used for eclairs or other pastries, cakes, Easter cakes.

8. Butter cream "Five minutes"

The cream is made so simply and quickly, but it turns out so delicious!


Butter - 250 g (room temperature)
Powdered sugar - 200 g
Milk - 100 ml
Vanillin - 1 sachet.

How to cook:

Boil milk and cool to room temperature.
Connect all components.
Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous, pearly in color. Approximately 3-5 minutes. (Sometimes only after 5 minutes the cream starts to whip, so beat as much until it whips, and it’s better at the lowest speed. Neither in combines nor with a blender, as experience has shown, the cream does not whip, so if there is no mixer, then beat it manually with a whisk or whatever suits you)
The cream turns out to be lush, delicate, with a light vanilla aroma.
You can coat cakes and pies (rolls).

Bon appetit!