How to cook "Herring under a fur coat. The classic recipe for herring under a fur coat

If you ask any person what kind of salad must be on the New Year's table, then among the first they will call "Herring under a fur coat." And let them treat it from year to year, let it get a little fed up, let it be crowded by competitors - interesting emerging new items, but all the same, if our people love something, then this can often be love for life.

In addition, the cooking method itself, by which it has always been prepared, does not stand still. Every housewife from year to year strives to improve her favorite dish, making it more beautiful and more skillful.

And the rolls with the same name already appear on the menu, the most beautiful samples in the form of cakes drenched in gelatin, thematic pictures are set, and original images are created on their basis. The ingredients are laid out both in deep bowls and on flat plates, their shape is limited by detachable forms, culinary rings, bowls, glasses and tartlets.

And besides the beetroot, the herring has already got new clothes in the form of a fox and green fur coat. And somewhere she even managed to completely change her image, and changed the composition of the components.

Can you imagine what people's love leads to?! And after all, all these changes are only for the good. With each newly invented recipe, we get not only a new design, but also the same taste!

And the task of today's article is just to talk about the many different forms and incarnations of our favorite New Year's (and not only) dish called "Herring under a fur coat"!

First of all, let's take a look at classic cooking dishes. It is the most popular, and millions of people prepare it for the holidays in this version.

Only the sequence of layers can differ, there is no clear rule here. Although behind the scenes it is believed that the color should move from the lightest to the darkest. But now they are making varieties that the beets are laid out first of them, and the top one is covered with proteins, or carrots.

The main thing is that it does not spoil the taste. And all changes in the sequence are due only to the habits of the culinary specialist and the desire to decorate the finished masterpiece more beautifully!

Today we will also look at these options. And I will share my way, how I do it. I consider one of the main parameters delicious salad not so much the sequence of layers, but the exact ratio of all ingredients.

We will need:

  • herring - 2 fillets
  • beets - 1 - 2 pcs (about 300 gr)
  • carrots - 1 - 2 pieces (also about 300 gr)
  • potatoes - 2 - 3 pcs (300 gr)
  • eggs - 3 - 4 pcs
  • onion - 0.5 pcs
  • green onion for decoration - 2 - 3 stems
  • walnuts - 1 tbsp. spoon for decoration
  • mayonnaise - 300 - 350 gr
  • salt to taste

I will collect salad in detachable form 19 cm in diameter. If your form is larger or smaller, you may need a slightly different amount of ingredients.


1. First of all, you need to boil vegetables and eggs. It is advisable not to overcook vegetables, otherwise they will not be as tasty as they could be. And when they are rubbed, they will simply crumble in the hands, turning not into small neat chips, but into mashed potatoes.

The puree will lie in its place not with a loose layer, but with a heavy mass and we will not get the desired taste.

Vegetables can not even be boiled in water, but baked in the oven or microwave. So, beets, for example, I baked in the microwave, right in the bag. It turns out faster and more reliably, and beets in this case do not boil soft and give less juice.

2. It is also important to cool them well. So, for example, if you rub a warm potato, it will become like a slurry and will stick to everything that is touched to it - to hands, a spoon.

I even briefly put the cooled potatoes in the refrigerator, and then it rubs great. All its rubbed particles become like fluff.

By the way, another important fact - vegetables should be tasty, beets with carrots are sweet, juicy and have color !!! It is important! Where does the taste in the salad come from if the components are not of proper quality ?!

3. If you use onions in cooking, then it is better to remove bitterness from it so that it does not interrupt the main taste. To do this, it should be cut into small cubes and pour boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the water and squeeze the onion.

If it is not saved very well nice smell from it, and excites the nostrils, then the onion slices can be washed in chilled boiled water and squeezed again.

Transfer for the time being, for the time being, into a separate cup.

4. Peel the herring, removing the insides and all the bones. Can use her own homemade salting, but you can buy it in the store.

Lately I have been afraid to buy salted herring by weight in stores, they began to sell too much of it of poor quality. That's why I prefer fish. vacuum packed verified manufacturers. And if there is a herring fillet in the store, I buy it.

The fish should also be tasty. It should not have an old yellowed appearance and a "rusty" smell. Discard this immediately, it will spoil the whole taste of the dish.

5. Cut the fillet into small cubes and transfer to a bowl while waiting for your turn.

I know that there are housewives who, along with fish, cut milt here and lay out caviar. I do not recommend doing this. Especially if you cook for guests. Not everyone understands this, I know about it from people who told me about such incidents.

6. Also rub all other components into separate bowls. It is better to start with the lightest ones, for example, with protein.

Yes, we divided the eggs into whites and yolks. We will need the latter for decoration.

After the eggs, three potatoes, followed by carrots.

And lastly we rub the beets. Even if particles of carrots or potatoes get into it, they will turn into the desired burgundy color and become invisible.

7. Now that everything is ready, we begin to collect our salad into shape. To do this, its edges should be lubricated with oil, so that later you can separate the walls without damaging the finished dish.

In this case, we will not use the bottom. Therefore, we immediately put the rounded walls of the mold on a plate, in which we will subsequently serve the dish on the table.

8. Put the chopped herring mixed with onions as the first of the components.

They should lie on the bottom so that there are no gaps left.

If your mold is too big, then the fish will need to be cut and supplemented. Smooth over the entire surface in an even layer.

On top of it, put a thin mesh of mayonnaise and spread thinly enough over the entire surface.

If you have prepared your own in advance, then this will be a huge plus.

But whatever sauce you use, the golden mean is important here. It cannot be reported and cannot be shifted. In the first case, the salad will turn out dry, in the second - fatty. In addition, the taste of the sauce will kill the rest of the taste.

I am always guided by intuition and eye. I smeared mayonnaise on the surface with a thin addition and do not add any more, while leaving no dry islands.

9. Put potatoes on top of the onion. Try not to crush it, the more magnificent the layout is, the better all the layers will be saturated with the sauce and the tastier it will turn out.

Potatoes should be salted, and only after that grease with mayonnaise. Here you can give it a little more. This vegetable is rather dry, so fats and grease will not interfere with it.

10. The next layer will consist of proteins. It also needs to be salted and greased.

We do not use the yolks yet, leaving them for decoration. We do not have so many of them, so a full-fledged layer will not work.

11. Now carrots, if she started up the juice, then this is generally wonderful. The sweetish juice will saturate the lower ingredients, and they will turn out to be even tastier.

Carrots are also lightly added and greased with sauce.

12. We have beets left.

This is of course the brightest we have, which is why we left it for completion. By the way, I rubbed the beets on coarse grater for her to keep more juice within yourself.

Lubricate the beets with mayonnaise and while putting the salad to infuse and soak with juices and dressing.

It's better to leave room temperature two hours. You will need to decorate before serving. Therefore, if after a two-hour impregnation, the time to put it on the table has not yet come, then you will need to put it in the refrigerator.

13. Decorate ready meal it will be possible after you remove the ring from the split mold. Do this carefully, make sure that it does not pull the sides of the salad in different directions. If this is observed somewhere, help with a knife.

You can use any decoration you like.

I chose my option, as I usually do for holiday table. It is very simple, fast and effective. No fuss, and a 100% guarantee of beauty and sophistication.

Sprinkle the reserved yolks around the perimeter of the circle. Scatter some of them around the edge of the plate. And to make the transition from yellow to red more attractive, place chopped green onions next to the yolks. It will smooth out all the bumps, and also give a bright spot of light, which always looks very positive in green.

Sprinkle the rest of the onion along the edge of the plate.

And sprinkle the red center with chopped nuts. They will smooth out all the bumps and give additional zest and sophistication.

In this form, the salad can be served at the table and delight guests with its unsurpassed taste!

Recipe Herring under a fur coat in gelatin with a sequence of layers in order

How favorite dish, the more cooking options are invented for him. And the more refined the presentation is thought out.

When I first saw the familiar “fur coat” cooked in gelatin, I was simply speechless. It was such a magnificent sight that it was simply impossible to look away from it. And it seemed to me that it was simply impossible to repeat such a miracle.

Later I learned how to cook this dish myself. And also came up with a beautiful simple decoration for him. And since then I have been able to surprise all the guests who come to me not only with beauty, but also with renewed taste.

Yes, yes, do not be surprised ... the taste is also different from its standard performance.

We will need:

  • slightly salted herring - 200 gr
  • beets - 200 gr
  • carrots - 200 gr
  • potatoes - 250 gr
  • onion - 0.5 pcs
  • mayonnaise - 230 - 250 gr
  • salt to taste
  • gelatin - 14 - 15 gr
  • water for soaking gelatin 75 ml

For decoration:

  • boiled egg- 1 PC
  • red caviar - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • parsley - 1 sprig

In general, if there is a little more, or less than that or another ingredient, then nothing bad will happen. It is not necessary to measure everything down to the gram.


1. Prepare all the ingredients in advance: boil the vegetables, let them cool and cool completely. Clean the herring from skin and bones, and also remove the insides. If it is possible to use a fillet, then that will also be good.

Cut it into medium sized cubes.

2. Grate carrots and potatoes on fine grater. It is better to grate beets on a large grill. So she will give less juice, keeping it inside, and it will look more spectacular in the end.

After the beets stand for a while, they will give juice anyway, it needs to be squeezed out a little.

We do not combine all the components, but place each of them in a separate bowl. We also salt them to taste if necessary.

3. Onion cut into cubes and pour boiling water to eliminate bitterness. After 10 - 15 minutes, drain the water and rinse the onion in a cool boiled water, then press.

Mix it with herring cubes in one bowl.

4. Soak gelatin. How to do this is written on the packaging of each type.

I have sheet gelatin which is very easy to prepare. I soak it for 10 minutes in cold water. Simple gelatin should be soaked a little more, somewhere it takes 30, and somewhere 40 minutes.

5. Put the mayonnaise in a bowl. Now we have all the components that we will use in bowls. In the future, it will be necessary to act quickly, so we will not have time for additional actions.

6. It remains to prepare a bowl in which we will collect all this. The “changeling” will look very nice in this version, that is, the first layer that we will make in the bowl will be the first after turning it over.

Choose a deep bowl beautiful forms. I use the regular one with bevelled edges. It should be rinsed with cool water and lined with cling film crosswise, leaving long hanging edges with which we can later cover the contents.

Rinse with water is required in order to subsequently make it easier to remove the salad from a deep container. Oil can also be used for the same purpose.

7. When everything is ready, and we are preparing to do everything quickly and quickly. First of all, put the swollen gelatin in the microwave, leave it there for 10 seconds. During this time, all of it should mix with water into a single transparent mixture without lumps. If there is not enough time for this, then you can hold for another 5 seconds.

It is impossible for gelatin to boil, otherwise it will lose all its gelling properties.

8. Immediately, in a warm state, mix it with mayonnaise. You should get an even, slightly watery, homogeneous mixture.

9. Then we lay it out in all the bowls in equal proportions. First, put 4 tablespoons into each bowl, and if there is left, then divide it further and additionally.

Mayonnaise with gelatin should get into fish, carrots, beets and potatoes. AT last ingredient a little more, because we have the largest number of it.

10. Now lay out the layers, leveling each of them with a spoon. I'll write how to distribute them:

  • 1 beetroot

  • 2 half potatoes

  • 3 herring with onions

  • 4 second half potatoes
  • 5 carrots

If you do everything quickly, then nothing will freeze ahead of time. But if this suddenly happens, then the bowl with the contents can be put in hot water, How on water bath and stir the mixture quickly.

11. Cover the collected ingredients with the hanging free edges of the cling film and put the bowl in the refrigerator for at least 4-5 hours. And best of all at night, during this time it gels exactly as it should.

12. Before serving, extract our beauty and decorate it to your liking. Do not decorate before, so that the beets do not stain the components.

Prepare a large flat plate on which we will spread the resulting slide. Bend the edges of the cling film from the bowl and cover the top with a plate. Then just turn over. Pull the edges of the film and the salad will be on a plate, the water on the walls will allow it to jump out easily.

Remove the film and do the most interesting - decoration.

This is my way of decorating. I rub the eggs on a fine grater, separate the whites and yolks. And I sprinkle the squirrels along the perimeter of the upper edge, lowering them along the walls a little lower.

I spread red caviar in the center formed, which I decorate with small parsley leaves.

And along the edge of the plate I give a yellow accent in the form of a yolk scattered over it. The colors are varied and beautiful at the same time.

Our work itself looks great: the layers are clearly visible in it, while the beetroot has light and dark blotches. This is due to the fact that we rubbed it coarsely, and the mayonnaise did not have time to color all the particles.

I prepared this salad for the arrival of guests. And when I brought it to the table, the guests gasped at such beauty. And when I cut it and put it on plates, everyone looked at the contents for a long time, trying to guess what was inside. There was no limit to their surprise when they found out that this was their favorite "herring under a fur coat."

It also tastes great, fresh, rich and has nothing to do with the usual.

Friends, it is impossible to describe it, it is better to try to cook such a miracle.

Video on how to make a jelly coat for herring

Friends, past recipe turned out to be quite voluminous according to the description. But I know that some people are annoyed by a long description, although how could it be without it, when there are so many nuances !!!

By the way, we already have a lot of such videos on the YouTube channel. Therefore, if you are not with us yet, subscribe!!! I invite you!!!

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in cooking. And I tried to explain everything in the most understandable and accessible way. Therefore, boldly take up the preparation, and I am sure that you will succeed.

Herring with vegetables and crab sticks in a lavash coat

This recipe is relatively new to me, and I started cooking it not so long ago. I cook not so often, mainly when I want variety for receiving guests, or just to please my family with a delicious dish.

I must say that the dish deserves attention. It turns out such a multi-colored roll that can be eaten without bread. After all, all the vegetables and the herring itself are in a coat of pita bread. At the same time, the content does not connect with each other, and from this everything seems to come together, although separately.

The roll can be stored in the refrigerator for some time (a day for sure), it does not stain or spread.

We will need (for about 10 servings):

  • lavash - 2 pcs
  • herring - 1 - 2 fillets
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs
  • egg - 1 pc
  • mayonnaise to taste (about 200-250 grams)
  • salt to taste

I have two orphan crab sticks left from past salads, and I decided to add them to my composition. At the same time and try how it will taste. But this is an experiment, so adding them is not necessary.


1. Boil all vegetables and eggs in advance. Then refrigerate them. Peel the herring from bones, skin and entrails. You can immediately cut it into transverse pieces, as we usually cut slices for the table.

I only had one fish fillet, so I came up with the idea to supplement it with crab sticks.

2. Prepare pita bread. I will use two, although I need 4 layers. But if you cook from 4 pieces, then it will turn out to be too large. We can't eat this. So I just cut each half into two pieces. Let them not be completely even, we will later trim them.

Lavash choose soft, which is conveniently twisted and does not tear. Now there are those that are impossible to twist without breaking. But there are good, soft, fried plates that wrap up beautifully.

Choose exactly these, otherwise nothing will work!

3. Choose the first quarter of the plate without damage and breaks. It will be our basis, and it is clear that if it is flawed, then the whole roll will turn out the same. Especially check the integrity in the center. Imagine if there is a hole. And when you wrap the roll, it will probably spread even more.

4. Put the layer on the table and grate the potatoes directly above it. If this is not convenient, then you can first rub it over a plate, and then shift it. Grate all the ingredients on a coarse grater.

The layer will turn out loose and not dense, but it should be so. In this case, we do not need a very thick roll, otherwise it will tear from its density. Therefore, we only designate each of them. Look at the photo how it should be located.

Salt the potatoes and throw a net of mayonnaise. It is not necessary to mix it so as not to touch the delicate bread layers once again.

It is convenient to make a mesh if you cut off a thin tip from a mayonnaise bag, or place the product in a plastic bag and cut off a small tip there.

5. We impose the second plate, but not symmetrically, but with the round end on the contrary, turn it to a straight one. Grate the beetroot on top, also in weight, so that it does not release too much juice. Do not forget that we grind everything on a coarse grater.

We also lightly salt the beets and apply the same light mayonnaise mesh.

6. Next we will have eggs. Here everything is the same, asymmetrically put a layer of pita bread, first three of them on a coarse grater, and then apply mayonnaise sauce. Oh, and don't forget to add some salt.

7. And finally, the last element of our design - it will consist of several additives. The carrots will go first, we also three them on a coarse grater right above the layer of pita bread.

Slightly salt and apply mayonnaise.

Then, at intervals, we put slices of fish and, at the end, chopped crab sticks. If they are not, then only fish, but it is desirable then to have two fillets.

8. Starting from one of the sharp ends, wrap the stuffed pita bread diagonally into a roll. Try to make it tighter, however, accuracy is also needed here so as not to tear our foundation.

However, the roll is wrapped perfectly, without any special difficulties. After receiving desired shape cut off the empty ends, and cut the roll into two equal parts. It turned out to be very beautiful.

Put each half in a bag, or wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a while so that the pita bread becomes a little tougher. But in general, this is not a mandatory procedure, the roll can be cut immediately.

But I still give him the opportunity to lie down for at least half an hour.

9. To serve, cut the roll into pieces about 1.5 cm thick and arrange on a plate. Decorate to your liking. For decoration, I used chopped green onions, black sesame seeds and paprika.

To ensure that no red marks remain on the top of the pieces, each piece must be cut with a clean knife. In this case, the feed will be accurate.

Many say that herring under a fur coat in this design is much tastier than usual. It is difficult to argue with them, as well as with lovers of classic options. But one thing is for sure, this dish is delicious. And it is true! Try to cook and you will see for yourself.

Similarly, you can cook a snack with red fish. In this case, instead of herring, simply add your favorite fish, everything else remains unchanged.

By the way, she didn't say anything about crab sticks. The experiment was a success. Though barely noticeable, but flavor variety they contributed. And many noticed this, asking what was added there ?!

Snack salad of herring in the form of a roll

This method has recently become just mega-popular. It can be found in all popular culinary magazines, especially if they are specially published for such a holiday as the New Year.

And it's no coincidence appetizer salad in the form of a roll looks very impressive on the table. His portion serving also top notch. And of course it's very tasty.

However, I know that it doesn't work for everyone. And I can even guess why. There are several little secrets in cooking, without knowing which, he simply will not keep his shape and fall apart.

And today we will cook your favorite salad in the form of a roll and learn all the secrets.

We will need:

  • herring fillet - 4 pcs
  • beets - 3 pcs
  • carrots - 4 - 5 pieces (small)
  • potatoes - 3 - 4 pieces
  • onion - 1 pc (small head)
  • mayonnaise - 150 gr (or to taste)
  • salt to taste
  • parsley leaves for decoration


1. Boil all vegetables in advance and allow them to cool in vivo. without keeping them in cold water. Then peel and rub each of them through a fine grater into a separate bowl.

2. If the carrot is too juicy, squeeze it through cheesecloth.

3. It is imperative to squeeze the beets, as a rule there is always a lot of juice in it. And if you leave it, then our roll will not keep its shape and will simply spread.

This is the very first and main secret.

4. Cut the herring fillet into small cubes.

5. Cut the onion into smaller cubes. There are two options here: leave the onion right in this form, or pour boiling water over it for 10 minutes to remove excess bitterness and smell.

Therefore, choose the option yourself. In the second case, after being in boiling water, rinse the onion in cool water and squeeze.

6. Cook cling film and lay it out on the table in a few turns. If there is a rectangular placemat for plates, made of bamboo, or other material, then you can put it down. It will even make it better if you are preparing such an appetizer for the first time. With its help, it will be easier and easier to form the roll itself.

7. First of all, put the squeezed beets on the film. Give it a rectangle shape. The layer will turn out to be thin, but you need to try to distribute it more evenly at a given place.

Sprinkle lightly with salt and brush with mayonnaise.

Everyone loves salads different fat content, so adjust its layout yourself, you can do it a little more, or you can even smear it as thin as possible.

8. The next layer will be carrot. It will also be thin and besides it needs to be done smaller than the previous one.

We do not report two centimeters from each of the edges.

Carrots also need to be lightly salted. If desired, you can apply a thin mesh of mayonnaise on it, but I do not do this. For us, this will already be too much fat for one dish, so we will alternate mayonnaise layers.

But to keep them all well, they can be lightly tamped. To do this, put a bag over the carrots and lightly press on it with your palms.

This is the second secret.

9. Lay out the potatoes. This layer should be even smaller than the carrot layer. On each side, leave a couple more centimeters.

It is also pressed down with the help of an auxiliary bag. We again leave the mayonnaise on the sidelines (although, if you want, you can give a thin mesh here too).

10. Now it's the turn of the bow. This rectangle will be even smaller than the previous one. But we will not regret mayonnaise for him and we will not grease him very thickly.

11. And we still have herring left, it should be laid out with a long sausage in the very center. But you should not skimp, it should turn out impressive.

12. And now we are faced with the most difficult and responsible task. We need to form a roll. To do this, we take the film from one of the edges and slightly lift it up.

This is where a bamboo napkin can help, which will act as a mat for making rolls.

In the meantime, we also pick up the opposite edge, connect both ends of our workpiece in the center. At the same time, we stretch the opposite ends of the film as tight as possible and thereby fasten the beet edge to each other.

There we left free edges, so they need to be superimposed on each other. At the same time, pressing from two edges on the sides of the roll through the film, we form the desired shape.

13. When you get an even tight roll, gently press the edges, as if pushing them towards each other and making the sausage not so long.

Now you can put it on a dish, carefully remove the film and, already in place, trim the shape with your hands. As a rule, the very tips always turn out to be not quite even, and since we still didn’t report the ingredients there when we reduced the sizes of subsequent layers, they turned out to be half empty there.

This is where we need to cut them.

14. The roll can be covered with a bag and removed for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.

Then take out and decorate as you like. Usually the decoration is quite simple. A thin mesh of mayonnaise is applied to the upper surface, and additionally decorated with parsley leaves.

But in general, this is of course to the taste of everyone. You can decorate however you like.

If we did not try too hard to soak all the components with the sauce, then here we will refrain from it. And decorate very modestly, although no less impressive.

And cut edges can be sprinkled with chopped green onion so as not to immediately show all the beauty!

Incredibly tender "fur coat" with an apple for a delicious herring

If you want to add to a friend and habitual taste new note, then add to traditional composition apple ingredients. Just one component will refresh your perception and give your favorite salad even more tenderness and sophistication.

This recipe will be very short, since the whole cooking process comes down to classical way. The only difference is that another extra layer is added.

We will need:

  • herring fillet - 1 - 2 pieces
  • beets - 2 pcs
  • apple - 1 pc
  • potatoes - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt to taste
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. the spoon


1. Boil and cool all vegetables and eggs in advance. Prepare everything you need so that it is at hand and do not forget anything. And also prepare a dish on which we will collect all the components.

The form can be determined in advance. It can be a transparent deep bowl, or just a flat plate. You can collect content from culinary ring or detachable form of a larger size.

2. Clean herring, or use already finished fillet. Cut it into small cubes.

3. Grate vegetables, eggs, or cut into small cubes. Peel the apple and also grate or cut. Also sprinkle it with lemon juice. so that it doesn't darken.

It is better to choose a sweet and sour variety.

4. Lay out the prepared ingredients in the following order:

  • potato
  • herring
  • apple (lightly squeeze out the juice)
  • carrot
  • beet

Lightly salt each of the layers, except for herring and apple. Mayonnaise can be covered, both each of them, and through one. It depends on your taste and love for this product. But it is important not to shift it, otherwise the salad will spread right on the plate.

And of course, if you put it a little, then it will turn out to be dryish in taste, which is also not desirable.

5. You can decorate to your liking. Someone does not decorate it at all, but simply sprinkles green onions on top. And you can leave the egg in the end, and then the top decoration will not be red, as in classical performance, but so more elegant and attractive.

If you have never cooked this dish with an apple, then be sure to try it. After the test, be sure to include it in the category of permanent and favorite!!!

Original diner Strawberry from herring in a beetroot coat

This is one of my favorite options. I cooked it once for a test, and this recipe was registered in my notebook. Now I often cook on it both on weekdays and on holidays. And on the blog this recipe has already appeared in the selection

The main convenience of this dish is, of course, serving. A small "strawberry" is eaten in two bites. This is especially appreciated when the table is simply bursting with an abundance of food. And I want to try everything, and already there are no forces. And here is such a convenient treat! If you make it exactly according to the number of guests, then the appetizer never remains on the table.

But still, do not forget to make a few things for a reserve. Suddenly someone wants extras.

We will need:

  • herring fillet - 2 pcs
  • beets - 1 large or 2 small
  • potatoes - 3 - 4 pieces
  • onion - 1 pc (preferably Crimean, red)
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt to taste
  • parsley, a few sprigs
  • white sesame seeds - 1 teaspoon
  • oil for lubrication


Since the snack we get is quite small, the number of products and layers for it is very limited. Otherwise, such mutant berries are obtained, which will already have a rather dubious resemblance to the original berry.

1. Boil beets and potatoes, or bake in the oven (microwave) until tender. Let cool and grate on a fine grater. The juice from the beets should be lightly squeezed so that you can later form the desired shape from it.

2. Mix both components in one bowl until a homogeneous, even and plastic mass is obtained.

3. Cut the herring fillet into small cubes and mix them with cubes of chopped onion. Use red for this. Crimean variety, it is sweetish in taste and not as strong as white.

To eliminate the strength and bitterness, white onion cubes can be poured over with boiling water and then washed. As we have already done in previous recipes.

4. Season the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwith a small amount of mayonnaise.

I do not know how many blanks you will form. I got 10 - 11 pieces, and there was a little herring left. She was, of course, instantly eaten, but I must say so.

5. Grease your hands with oil, preferably olive oil. It will not only make it easier to form the desired figure, but also add additional flavor. Put a spoonful of beet and potato mixed puree on the palm of your hand and form a cake.

Put a teaspoon of herring filling in the middle. And form a blank, similar in shape to a strawberry. Put it on the prepared plate.

6. Form all blanks in the same way. Insert a couple of sprigs of parsley from the thick edge and sprinkle the “berries” with white sesame seeds.

7. Put in the refrigerator for about an hour, after which you can serve our positive dish to the table.

Anyone who sees such a presentation for the first time is simply delighted! It looks so impressive and bright. And needless to say, the appetizer is very tasty. Be sure to try cooking it. After all, the New Year is coming soon!

By the way, you probably noticed that it is prepared quite easily and simply!

Favorite and tasty herring under a fox coat

And now I bring to your attention a very unusual recipe. Here, one of the main components contains mushrooms. Moreover, with all this, the coat of the herring is not red, but orange.

And we do not use beets here at all. Why does all the herring show off in the same fur coat ?! In this she is also a miracle, how good!

We will need:

  • herring fillet - 200 gr
  • champignons - 300 gr
  • onion - 1 pc (medium head)
  • carrots - 250 gr
  • potatoes - 250 gr
  • sour cream or mayonnaise to taste - 150 - 200 gr
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • greenery for decoration
  • vegetable oil for frying


1. Boil potatoes and beets in advance. Then cool them and rub on a medium grater.

2. Mushrooms cut into small slices and fry in vegetable oil with chopped onions. Before the end of frying, about 5 minutes, salt to taste.

Mushrooms should become darker, and onions should become soft. Having tasted the finished dish, it will be possible to understand that it is enough to fry the mushrooms. And approximately for this action we may need 10-12 minutes.

3. We will form the salad in a detachable form. Salt and pepper each layer to taste, and also grease with mayonnaise or sour cream. Adjust the amount of sauce to add according to your taste and preferences. You can not even coat all the components with it.

And so we get the following sequence of layers:

  • potato

  • herring

  • mushrooms with onions

  • carrot

Although there are not so many components, everything here is combined and everything is delicious!

4. After the end of their formation, the form with the contents can be put in the refrigerator for an hour. Then take it out and decorate the salad to your liking.

Then carefully remove the mold and serve the most beautiful dish on the table. As you can see, it turned out very beautiful. And be sure to try it out. This is the only way to know how delicious it is.

Video on how to cook herring under a green fur coat

In the preface, I wrote that our herring can change coats. And that's exactly what we're going to talk about in this section. And here it's not just a fur coat, even the image has changed here.

Instead of the usual ingredients, completely different ones are used - such as cucumber, cheese, and fresh herbs! And I must say that this option is very good! First, it is incredibly fresh and delicious. Secondly, it is light and easy to prepare.

What else is needed for modern hostess and experienced guests in various delicacies?!

Friends, I highly recommend cooking such a yummy. The new image and new clothes of our heroine will not leave you indifferent. And you will certainly want to put a bold tick in front of this recipe and start cooking according to it quickly.

Lazy herring in a beetroot coat - a recipe with a step by step description

If there is absolutely no time for cooking, but you want to eat something tasty, then such a “lazy” way of cooking will come to the rescue.

But if you are smart and turn on your imagination, then such a creation can even be served for the festive table. Let's see how this can be done.

We will need:

  • herring fillet - 250 gr
  • boiled beets - 250 gr
  • onion - 100 gr
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - 80 gr
  • salt to taste and desire

For cooking dietary option instead of sour cream and mayonnaise, you can take natural yogurt.


1. Cut the herring fillet into small cubes. Put the cut into a deep bowl.

2. Also cut the onion into cubes. If it is too bitter, then you can first pour the chopped cubes with boiling water. Hold in boiling water for 5 - 10 minutes, then drain the hot water and rinse in boiled cool.

Send the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto the bowl with the fish. Mix.

3. Rub the beets on a coarse grater. Or it can also be cut into small cubes. You can choose the method that you like best. Move the beets to the total mass and mix.

4. Taste the mass. If you want a more salty taste, then lightly salt the mixture and, after stirring, season with mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt.

A couple of tablespoons of dressing is enough to make the contents more attractive and tasty.

5. Transfer to a clean bowl. You can decorate to your liking: either sprinkle with fresh green onions or grated egg, or use the yolks alone. It turns out beautiful and tasty if the top is sprinkled with nut crumbs.

Whatever you like best, or what is at hand, then use it!

And for a festive table, you can place the contents in halves of eggs without an egg. If you put another piece of fish on top, then it will look more impressive.

You can also fill tartlets with the mixture. Or lay out layers in them and in classical sequence. Then you get such nice-looking mini-fur coats.

In general, there can be many fantasies on this topic, and all of them, of course, can be embodied in diligent and sensitive hands.

For example, the following video also gives food for thought.

Red fish on a coat of vegetables and eggs

Instead of herring, you can use red fish of any variety in your favorite recipe. Moreover, it can be placed in one of the layers, cut into cubes. And you can make such cute roses and place them not under a fur coat, but on a fur coat.

And really, why hide such beauty under clothes.

This one is truly festive. Moreover, he "screams" about this with his design, and taste, and the composition of the components. Red fish is more expensive than herring, and therefore, as a rule, we buy it only for the holidays.

There are also options where red caviar is added to this refinement. At the same time, only one spoon can be used in decoration. But from this addition, certainly no one will say that the salad is ordinary. On the contrary, it receives such names as "royal", "royal", "imperial".

Well, in general, if we talk about today's selection, then all of its options are simply great. It is impossible to single out from the entire list what is more tasty, what is less.

Each recipe is unique and original. And it's wonderful that there is such diversity. If you love the salad, then you can cook it every time in different variations. And you can be 100% sure that he will not get bored and will not get bored.

While I was preparing the article, I was preparing many options for “herring under a fur coat”, filming recipes for photos and videos. And of course, all this beauty was tasted and eaten by my relatives. And what pleased me was that no one ever said that they were tired, that's enough ... On the contrary, everyone ate and every time they did nothing but smack their lips with pleasure.

Therefore, friends, I advise you too - cook your favorite dishes more often, each time decorating them and filling them with new content!

May your salads always be balanced and tasty.

Bon appetit!

Herring under a fur coat is considered the most popular dish in Russia, all the people make it for any celebration. But it is considered the most important snack for everyone on the long-awaited new year. Everyone knows perfectly well that the salad is stored for a long time, anyway, they eat it first from the table. There are several other salads that compete with it. In the most popular holidays this and . Of course, not counting meat snacks.

Where did this salad come from? It was invented in the first half of the 19th century and it was called "herring salad". Only it is still not known why it was called "herring under a fur coat" and who came up with this name. It is decorated in different ways, some with greens, and some with fruits. It all depends on your imagination, but it is made out very rarely.

Classic recipe for herring under a fur coat in layers

Soon the new year and everyone knows how to cook herring under a fur coat. But this recipe is different for everyone. I want to offer you my recipe. The process itself is very simple, the main thing is to stick to the sequence of layers.

And the guys do not need to take the already cut fillet, it is better to take a dense elastic herring, with which the fur coat will be much tastier.


  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Beets - 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - 150 gr.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Herring - 1 pc.

1. Boil potatoes, carrots, beets until tender. Then cool and peel off the skin.

2. On a coarse grater, rub the vegetables into separate bowls.

3. Finely chop the onion.

4. We make fillets from herring, take out all the bones, chop into small cubes and put in a salad bowl.

1 layer - fish.

2 layer: onion.

Layer 3: Mayonnaise, and potatoes on top.

4 layer. Mayonnaise on top of potatoes, then carrots.

5 layer. Again, coat with mayonnaise and put the beets.

6 layer. Final. Spread mayonnaise and start decorating. You can sprinkle greens on the tanks, and put slices of lemon on top.

We put the salad in the refrigerator and let it soak.

Correct layer sequence

To make the salad very tasty, you need to put all the ingredients in order in a plate. correct sequence. People wonder: so what is the first layer? I can definitely answer that someone puts potatoes at the bottom of a salad bowl, then fish, and then the main ingredients. The potatoes are soaked with fish and the salad is very tasty.

But there are cooks who put fish pieces first, then onions, and a little vegetable oil on the onions, and only then vegetables. So all the same, how to do it, and how it tastes better and better for you, so you cook, there is no difference. Delicious in both ways.


  • Salted herring - 1 pc.;
  • Beets - 3 pcs.;
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • Potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - 150 - 200 gr.;
  • Salt - to taste.

1. First, boil potatoes, beets, carrots, when the water boils, add a little salt and let it simmer over low heat. Then drain the water, peel and grate them on a grater.

2. We will cook the eggs in a steep one. Cook when water boils, 8-10 minutes.

3. Salted herring remove the bones and cut into small cubes.

4. We begin to collect our salad, in layers.

1 layer. First, put the herring in a salad bowl and mix it with mayonnaise.

2 layer. Onions, potatoes and also pour mayonnaise, but do not mix, just spread.

After putting the onion on the fish, before filling the potatoes, drop a little vegetable oil on it, so the dish will become tastier.

3 layer. We put the carrots and also grease the mayonnaise on top.

4 layer. We will use grated eggs and, of course, mayonnaise.

5 layer. And the final layer will be beets, again, smeared with mayonnaise.

Next, put the salad in the refrigerator so that it is well soaked, and as you serve it on the table, you can decorate it. By the way, if you want, you can conduct an experiment: add mackerel instead of herring, it turns out very tasty too.

These salads can be prepared at any time. they are easy to prepare, but cleaning the fish is still considered the most troublesome. And you almost all agree with me. But the result is worth it. And now I say goodbye to you, see you soon!

Not everyone undertakes to cook this salad due to the fact that they consider it difficult to prepare. But this is absolutely not true. Now we will tell you how to cook a salad under a fur coat according to the classic recipe.


  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Vinegar - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - to taste


  1. Boil vegetables. Wash beets, potatoes, carrots. Note: Vegetables must be cooked in their skins, so do not peel them. Boil potatoes and carrots separately from beets. Put potatoes and carrots in a pot of water, put on fire. Boil for 20-30 minutes. Set the beets to boil separately. Beets cook a little longer - 60 - 90 minutes (cooking time depends on size). Once the vegetables are cooked, drain the water and let them cool. Tip: To check the readiness of vegetables, pierce them with a knife; if the knife comes out easily, the vegetables are cooked. To keep the beets juicy after cooking, drain the water and pour over the beets cold water, hold for 1-2 minutes in cold water, drain the water again.
  2. Boil the eggs along with the vegetables. Put the eggs in a pot of cold water, salt a little so that the eggs do not burst. Boil 8-11 minutes. Drain the water. Recommendation: To make eggs easier to shell, fill them with cold water and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Prepare the bow. Clean the onion. Cut into thin rings. Put in a bowl and pour over a little vinegar.
  4. Prepare the herring while the vegetables cook. Cut the herring, removing all the bones if possible. If there is not much time to prepare the salad, then you can take the herring fillet, which is pre-peeled. Cut the herring into small pieces.
  5. While the beets are cooking, peel the potatoes and carrots.
  6. Take the dish, start laying out the salad in layers.
  7. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, put on a dish, brush with mayonnaise on top.
  8. Grate potatoes on a coarse grater, put on top of a layer of carrots, grease again with mayonnaise.
  9. Lay out the pieces of herring.
  10. Arrange pickled onions on top of the herring, after draining the vinegar. Spread a layer with mayonnaise.
  11. Peel the eggs, grate them on a fine grater, put the next layer, grease with mayonnaise.
  12. Peel the beets, grate on a coarse grater and lay out the top layer. Cover beets with mayonnaise.
  13. Set the salad aside for 50-60 minutes. This is necessary so that all layers are saturated with mayonnaise.
  14. Before serving, you can decorate the salad with a sprig of parsley or dill.

Tip: don't feel sorry for the mayonnaise! If there is not enough mayonnaise, then the salad will turn out dry. But be careful not to overdo it so that the mayonnaise does not interrupt the taste of the ingredients.

Salad "herring under a fur coat" is ready! Put it in the center of the table and note the time. You will see, after 10 minutes from the start of the feast, there will be nothing left of the salad! Bon appetit and good luck in the New Year!

A classic salad from Soviet times, the recipe for which was born in an era of scarcity, but miraculously took root in our culinary culture. For many Russians, this appetizer has become a symbol of the New Year, like Olivier. The recipe for the dish is not difficult, and all products are affordable and inexpensive. However, if you know some tricks, the salad will turn out much more interesting and tastier.

Step by step cooking herring under a fur coat

The sequence of cooking herring under a fur coat is known to all housewives. First, potatoes, carrots and beets are boiled in their uniforms, and while they are cooling, the herring is cleaned of bones, skin and entrails. It is best not to complicate your life, but to buy a ready-made fillet right away and cut it into cubes. The vegetables are chopped on a grater or finely chopped, and the onion is chopped very finely and thinly. Products are placed on big platter layers, spreading each layer with mayonnaise - first a layer of potatoes, then fish, onions, carrots and beets. Lettuce should stand in the cold for a while and soak. Exist different ways cooking herring under a fur coat. The basis of the salad can be varied additional ingredients- apple, eggs, herbs, garlic, nuts, spices and cheese. The sequence of layers can be easily changed, it is not necessary to add potatoes, but instead of mayonnaise, it is permissible to take sour cream or homemade yogurt. There is an option vegetarian herring under a fur coat, in which instead of herring is used sea ​​kale or algae. Sometimes raw onion replaced with fried, and fish - boiled meat, but this is definitely not a herring under a fur coat, although such recipes have the right to exist. Salad is sometimes even served as a roll, which is cut into pieces, or as aspic in miniature molds. Herring under a fur coat can become a filling for French baguette and pancakes, it is made out in the form of a sandwich mass, appetizing balls or beautiful flowers.

Secrets of cooking delicious herring under a fur coat

Secret 1. If you pre-pickle the onion, it will get spicy. sweet and sour taste and a pleasant crunch, and the salad will turn out to be more tasty and refined. At the same time, sharp onion taste will soften. For pickling, chopped onions are poured with a small amount of water with one tablespoon of vinegar for 15 minutes.

Secret 2. If the vegetables are grated on a fine grater, and not cut into cubes, the salad will turn out to be very soft and well soaked. Apples, on the contrary, are better to grind without a grater, otherwise they will give too much juice.

Secret 3. For piquancy, apples can be replaced with pickled cucumbers, letting the juice drain, add canned green pea, corn or avocado. Fragrant sauerkraut will give the salad original taste, like fried mushrooms especially mushrooms. Usual boiled carrots you can replace Korean - it turns out very tasty. In general, culinary experiments are welcome!

Secret 4. Use only quality products, do not save on herring and do not skimp on mayonnaise. For juiciness, some housewives mix fish and onions with vegetable oil and only then lay out the layers of snacks. In this case, the salad will turn out more tender and rich.

Secret 5. Try instead to take slightly salted salmon and you will be surprised by the new taste of the dish. The technology for preparing herring under a fur coat remains the same. Very tasty in salad smoked herring, red caviar and shrimps.

Recipe: herring under a summer tomato coat

In winter, sometimes you want to return to the hot months and dress up the usual bright juicy tomatoes. Boil two potatoes, chop them finely and lay them out on a serving platter. Half the onion, chopped into thin half rings and washed with cold water, put on the potatoes. Also chop the fillet of two herrings into cubes and decorate the third layer, and then make a mesh of mayonnaise on the fish. Two fresh tomatoes, diced, lay on the herring, brush with mayonnaise and pepper. Decorate upper layer green onions, grated yolks and fresh herbs. Interestingly, the absence of beets and carrots in this salad is completely unnoticed.

Herring under a fur coat is false and lazy, lean and meat, under a cheese or mushroom cap, with horseradish and mustard. There are many recipes for a dish that you can add your own zest to. If you serve a herring under a fur coat on New Year's table, your family will be happy, because this appetizer is appetizing and good in any form. Happy holidays to you!

Good afternoon, dear readers. is coming New Year more and more worries. Any hostess is already starting to make new year menu, comes up with something new. Today we’ll talk about another traditional salad: herring salad under a fur coat. How could it be without him.

We have already taken apart traditional salads, such as and , and were able to understand that if classic recipe already tired, boring, then you can change the composition and get a classic recipe, but in a new way, with new tastes.

It's hard to say, but I think it's clear. Let's see how you can cook herring under a fur coat in a new way, not like you did before. After all, every housewife has her own cooking secrets. this dish. And so let's get started.

Features of herring salad under a fur coat.

Herring under a fur coat

Before describing the recipes, I want to focus a little on the history of the origin of the salad and its benefits. The basis of this salad is, of course, herring. Once this fish was the lot of only poor people and monks. All because it smelled strongly and was not very tasty. From here and the cheapness of fish.

But everything changed when one fisherman realized that the gills were the cause of the bad taste and smell. If you remove them, then the taste changes. In addition, this fish has a lot useful elements, and what to say, fish is always very useful for the body. Moreover, there are a lot of such fish in the waters, at least it used to be so.

According to legend, for the first time a salad ball was served in the network of canteens and taverns of the Moscow merchant Anastas Bogomilov. The main visitors to his establishments were not the most luxurious audience - workers and peasants. It was not a quiet time in the yard then - 1918.

In connection with that time, the components of the salad looked like this: herring (the favorite food of the proletarians), carrots, onions and potatoes (represented the peasants), beets (similar in color to the Bolshevik banner), and served as a dressing french sauce provence. The success of the new dish, called "SH.U.B.A" ("Chauvinism and Decadence Fight and Anathema"), was simply deafening.

Thanks to the composition rich in vegetables, herring salad under a fur coat enriches the body with many vitamins and amino acids, improves intestinal motility, promotes the removal of toxins and increases the amount of hemoglobin. And the calorie content of the classic version of "Fur Coat" is 193 kcal per 100 g (in many ways, the calorie content of the salad depends on mayonnaise).

Important features of preparation.

Herring under a Fur Coat

For salad boiled potatoes, beets and carrots. According to tradition, they are boiled "in uniform". And not with a simple, so they better keep their beneficial features. To save time, beets can be prepared in any convenient way. Beet "does not boil" is unique vegetable. Well, now many have multicookers, which significantly save time and energy.

Today, vegetables are rubbed and cut into cubes, as it suits you. But the original recipe insists on grating vegetables on a coarse grater.

It is better to grate vegetables directly on weight, over a salad bowl. So the fur coat turns out to be more airy.

Herring salad under a fur coat consists of several layers: potatoes, herring, onions, carrots and beets. But the sequence differs among the hostesses in two ways. In the first case, herring is placed on the bottom, and then potatoes and other layers.

In the second version, half the potatoes are placed on the bottom, and then the herring and the rest of the layers. This option is better in my opinion. Through trial and error, it turned out that this way the potato is better saturated with the taste of the herring, and it is already under a fur coat from all sides.

There are some more tricky way to achieve the splendor of the salad. To do this, the layers are repeated 2-3 times. It turns out that at first I lay out everything in order, but with a thin layer, then repeat the order 2 more times, approximately. So the salad looks very festive in the context. Write in the comments how you lay out the layers of this salad?

Herring salad under a fur coat is prepared quite simply, although it takes a lot of time. In order for your Shuba salad to be a success, we have prepared some tips from experienced housewives.

Classic salad recipe.

Fur coat herring - classic

Well, according to tradition, first of all we will describe classic version recipe herring salad under a fur coat. I'll try to keep as much as possible original recipe. If something is written wrong, write about it in the comments.


  1. Herring - 1 pc;
  2. Beets - 2 pcs;
  3. Potatoes - 4 pcs;
  4. Onion - 1 pc;
  5. Carrots - 1 pc;
  6. Lemon juice or 9% vinegar - 1/2 teaspoon;
  7. Mayonnaise "Provencal" - 150 ml;
  8. Salt to taste;
  9. Chicken egg - 1 pc (optional).

Step 1.

Boil vegetables, preferably in a "uniform". Boil until cooked, cool and clean. If using an egg, then hard boil it.

We cook vegetables in uniform, then clean

Step 2

Herring is better to use barrel, it is tastier than from a can. We wash the fish and clean it from the insides and bones.

Step 3

Now we begin to collect the lettuce in layers. The first layer will be potatoes. We take half the potatoes, peel and grate (I have 2 tubers). Rub right over the salad bowl.

By the way, you need to immediately form the shape of the salad. Someone makes an elongated oval (in the form of a fish), someone makes a square or a circle. It doesn't matter what your heart desires, just do it.

Step 4

Now pour plenty of mayonnaise and a spoon on top, gently smear evenly. But just do not press down so that the salad turns out to be airy.

We rub potatoes, mayonnaise on top, spread evenly without pressing

Step 5

Now we cut the herring into medium-sized cubes. You do not need to cut finely to feel the taste of herring. We spread the herring on top of the potatoes, and pour over the mayonnaise. But we don't smear it. You can pour the mayonnaise with a net, you can just do whatever you like.

Cut the herring into cubes, not very finely
Step 6

Now cut into cubes onion, lay it out in the third layer. Then we spray lemon juice or vinegar. Top with a little mayonnaise and spread with a thin layer.

Onions and some mayonnaise on top

If the onion is bitter, then it can be scalded with boiling water and squeeze out excess moisture.

Step 7

Put the fourth layer of carrots. On a coarse grater, rub it directly on the salad. Top with mayonnaise and spread without pressing.

Carrots and Mayonnaise

Step 8

Put the remaining potatoes in the next layer. Also rubbing on a coarse grater right on top. Salt to taste (about 2 pinches). Pour with mayonnaise and spread without pressing.

Put the rest of the potatoes

Step 9.

Well, we put the beets with the last layer, rubbing on a coarse grater. Top with mayonnaise and spread with a spoon without pressing.

Beets and mayonnaise

Step 10

Now you need to decorate the salad on top. We have a boiled egg. It can be grated on top.

In general, at this stage, you need to turn on the fantasy. Salad herring salad under a fur coat can be decorated as you like: with a mayonnaise net, bell pepper, figurines of vegetables, sprinkle with herbs .... Duck whatever, the main thing is to look festive.

Step 11

So that the layers are properly saturated with sauce. You need to put the salad in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After that, you can put on a festive (traditionally New Year's) table.

Herring salad under a fur coat with olives and garnished with pomegranate.

Herring under a fur coat with pomegranate

We will need:

  1. Herring - 1 pc;
  2. Potato - 4 pcs;
  3. Eggs - 4 pcs;
  4. Carrots - 3 pcs;
  5. Beets - 1 pc large;
  6. Apple - 1 pc;
  7. Pitted olives - 100 gr;
  8. Peeled pomegranate - 1/2 medium;
  9. Green onions - 1 bunch;
  10. Mayonnaise.

Step 1.

We will not describe in much detail, everything is the same as in the classic recipe. We start with vegetables, boil them. Eggs are also boiled immediately. When ready, take out, cool and peel.

Step 2

We prepare the ingredients. We clean the herring, leave only the boneless fillet, cut the middle slices into pieces.

Step 3

Finely chop the onion. Cut the olives into slices. We clean the apple and rub it on a coarse grater. We also rub the vegetables on a coarse grater. From eggs we need only the yolk. It can be grated on a fine grater or mashed with a fork.

Step 4

Laying out the layers. First, half the potatoes - mayonnaise - a little onion - herring - mayonnaise - carrots - the rest of the potatoes - mayonnaise - olives - apple - egg - beets - mayonnaise - richly decorate with pomegranate.

Step 5

Put in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. After you can serve.

Roll herring under a fur coat.

herring under a fur coat

From one more interesting option how to serve herring salad under a fur coat in small portions. This will especially appeal to those who love rolls very much. The recipe itself does not change much, the form and method of serving change significantly.


  1. Herring - 1 pc;
  2. Potatoes - 1-2 pieces (depending on size);
  3. Carrots - 1-2 pieces (depending on size);
  4. Beets - 1-2 pieces (depending on size);
  5. Onion - 1 pc;
  6. Noria algae - 2 sheets;
  7. Hard cheese - 1 tablespoon;
  8. Vinegar, preferably balsamic;
  9. Mayonnaise.

Step 1.

We start as usual: boil vegetables. When ready, cool and clean. We rub the vegetables on a coarse grater.

Step 2

Cleaning herring. We leave the fillet without bones. Cut into lengthwise strips. By the way, you can buy a ready-made fillet.

cut herring

Step 3.

We cut the onion in half rings. Then pour boiling water over, drain the water and pour it with vinegar.

Step 4

Now it is desirable to use a bamboo mat. We put a noria sheet on it. Rough side up. We put grated beets on it, then carrots and grease with mayonnaise.

spread the beets and grease with mayonnaise

Step 5

Now add cheese and potatoes. We tamp and grease with mayonnaise. Squeeze the onion and lay it on the potatoes.

Step 6

Approximately in the middle of the sheet we put a strip of herring. Now carefully roll up the roll. It should be dense, so it is better to use a bamboo mat. You can also use cling film.

lay out the herring and twist tightly

Step 7

Now we send the salad in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. The noria sheet will soften, but it will keep its shape perfectly.

Cut into rolls before serving. They are served cold.

For today I have everything. A fairly simple recipe, and most importantly very useful. In addition to all this, with such a salad, you can come up with a lot of options for layers, decorations for serving salad on the table, and so on. The main thing is to leave the base: herring, vegetables. The rest is a complete flight of fancy.

Updated: September 26, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel