Real Crimean wines. Port white "Crimean"

03.05.2019 Soups

Crimean wines are drinks for sophisticated connoisseurs with developed taste. Due to the observance of long established traditions, these wines have been delighting consumers with their unique bouquet and excellent aroma for decades. Many wine lovers give their preference to exactly those specimens that were made in Crimea.

In the article:

Crimean wines

Thanks for such high-quality and popular products should be those of the craftsmen who are engaged in production at numerous factories located on the Crimean peninsula. The most famous of them:

  • Inkerman;
  • Gold amphora;
  • New World;
  • Massandra;
  • Golden beam;
  • Koktebel;
  • Sevastopol Sparkling Wine Factory.

An interesting fact - the Koktebel plant, in addition to producing wines, also produces cognac of amazing quality.

White wines of Crimea

White wines from Crimea deserve special attention among the variety of varieties. One has only to remember the same port "Cabernet" - a vintage white wine made using the special grape "Cabernet Sauvignon", which grows near the town of Alupka.

The taste will not be immediately clear to a common man in the street - the wine begins to play with shades of aromas with might and main and fully reveal flavor range when the aftertaste comes - only then can you feel how everything inside seems to be filled with a barely noticeable aroma of almonds and various tropical fruits. In general, the drink tasted rather soft, and at the same time slightly viscous.

"Yuzhnoberezhny" white port

If the story is about the white wines of Crimea, one cannot fail to mention the "Yuzhnoberezhny" white port. Still - the drink is rightfully recognized as the best in its class. The grape variety, which is used for the production of "South Coast" port, is not familiar to everyone and bears the exquisite name "Aligote", or its alternative - "Semillon" can be used. The color of the wine depends on which variety will be chosen for making wine. The drink has several color options, from bright white to dark with a hint of amber. This wine has a very unusual flavor, vaguely reminiscent of roasted peanuts.

And here are some more popular families of white wines that can be definitely recommended to any connoisseur:

  • Magarach;
  • Surozh;
  • Golden fortune of arhaderesse;
  • Crimean port.

Crimean red wines

This wine category has its own crowd of admirers. Their special attention is paid to "Cabernet" - one of the best natives of the Crimean red wines. Its taste matches the color - bright, catchy and memorable, and all thanks to the already mentioned grape "Sauvignon", which here also acts as the main ingredient.

Do not forget about Alushta wine - this specimen is able to give no less gustatory pleasure. To get your unrepeatable aroma, the manufacturer had to mix taste properties the finest grape varieties: "Morastel", "Sapevari", "Mourvèdre" and several other representatives, including even "Cabernet Sauvignon".

Alushta wine is that rare case when the amount of used ingredients really grew into quality: the aroma of the drink is very light, you literally dissolve in it, distracting yourself from the hustle and bustle.

Unique Crimean wines

Connoisseurs probably know that wine masters give their main masterpieces their own unique name - such drinks can be safely called the best creations of their authors. Of course, it is impossible not to mention them.

Crimean night

Here, for example, is a wine called "Crimean Night", produced under the authorship of Tsurkan Valery Andreevich - the chief foreman of the "Fruit" wines factory. Although the plant itself cannot boast of its huge size and numerous branches in various regions, not least thanks to the "Crimean Night", it was awarded four gold and three silver awards at various competitions around the world. And all thanks to those grape varieties that are used to give exquisite taste drink: "Pinot", "Aligote", "Chardonnay" and others.

Sherry, or the so-called “courageous” wine among the people, should be especially highlighted. It is special if only because the method of its production is different from others: the wine is infused in special barrels, but they are not completely filled, and a layer is applied on top wine yeast... So it is infused for four years, from time to time young and dessert wine is added to each mixing vessel. The drink turns out to be very strong, its consistency can be up to 20% alcohol content, but this is the beauty of sherry. "Courageous" wine is advised to wash down with hot dishes and snacks.

As for the price - it will depend on the specific variety. The range is from the most democratic to. However, the price will not seem so transcendental even to an inexperienced person, because it will pay off with the extraordinary aroma and charm of Crimean wines.

Crimea is famous not only for resorts and sanatoriums, but also for wines. Thanks to the good climate, many varieties of grapes grow here. Some Crimean wineries are over a hundred years old and are widely known outside of Russia. But which drinks are worth trying first and how do they differ from each other?

Local factories produce a lot of dessert wine. it large group, which includes cahors, port, sherry, nutmeg and several other types. Muscats began to be produced in the Crimea back in 1928. This group of wines with high content sugar is considered the most aromatic. The grapes are harvested at the end of October - at this time they already begin to wilt slightly, and the sugar level in the berries rises even more. Muscat produced by "Massandra" is highly valued: "Castel", "Livadia" (both white), black "Massandra" and dessert pink Muscat. Also good are the white and pink "Magarach" nutmeg produced at the plant of the same name.

In strong dessert wines ah (madeira, sherry, port) alcohol content starts from 20%. The raw material is heated for several years in equipped chambers or under the sun's rays. Among the ports stand out White Port from Cabernet grapes, red "South Coast", which also happens to be white, and red port "Livadia".

Sherry was originally produced only in Spain; this type of wine stands out for its special yeast formation. Among the Crimean sherries, "Massandra", "Crimean" and "Magarach" are highly valued. These sherries are famous for their rather complex bouquets and at the same time they are recognizable.

Madera - wine is quite strong, while it contains a small amount of sugar. Madeira "Krymskaya" with a maturation period of four years, "Massandra" (five years of aging) and "Alminskaya" (four years) are widely known. All of them have a bright, characteristic taste and are distinguished by a rich bouquet.

Cahors - church wine, as it is called. During the production process, the wort is heated to 65 degrees so that the taste of the wine is the fullest and most harmonious. The wine is kept in barrels for at least three years. The most famous Crimean-made Cahors plant is Yuzhnoberezhny produced by Massandra.

Common dessert wines include Golitsyn's Seventh Heaven, Sun Valley and Black Doctor. Their strength is about 16 vol.%. Wine "Black Doctor" got its name for a reason: it contains a lot of B vitamins, which allows us to talk about it. healing properties at moderate consumption... What up taste sensations, then "Black Doctor" notes of vanilla, pear and chocolate are noticeable. "The seventh heaven of Prince Golitsyn" stands out for its honey flavor, as well as aromas of quince and peach.

First of all, pay attention to the place where you buy the wine. Famous and expensive brands only sell their wines in large networks or company stores. This emphasizes the status of the brand, in addition, it is necessary to comply with all the conditions for storing products.

Then examine the bottle itself; for example, the “Magarach” bottles bear the embossed name of the brand. Finally, look at the glass underneath bright light: it should be transparent and dark, without streaks. The cork should have a logo, although its presence can only be found after purchasing the wine.

Today NPJSC "Massandra" is the largest wine collection in the world. More than 4000 hectares of vineyards located on the mountain slopes of the South Coast of Crimea from Foros to Sudak. The words "Massandra wines" have been synonymous with the highest quality for over a hundred years. There is no place in the world except Massandra, where such a huge range of wines would be produced, each of which is capable of receiving a laureate medal at an international wine competition. The foundations of the industrial winemaking of MASSANDRA were laid in 1830 by its owner, Count M.F. Vorontsov. It was he who was the first to note that South Crimea, due to its natural conditions, is best suited for the production of aged fortified wines. In 1889, Massandra became the property of the Appanage Department, becoming "real estate that serves as a source of support for members of the Russian Imperial House." And it was here that the genius of Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn, a man who played a truly historical role in the fate of Massandra, was revealed in full force. Prince Golitsyn made Massandra an exemplary farm. Without exaggeration, a genius winemaker, he did not copy foreign technologies, but used them as analogues, taking into account the corresponding natural conditions Southern Crimea. It is thanks to Prince Golitsyn that today Massandra produces practically only aged "vintage" wines highest quality... “To create a domestic winemaking that can not only compete with the French, but also replace it with its own special and inimitable” - L.S. Golitsyn.

"Inkerman Vintage Wines Factory" was established on the land where the ancient Greeks grew grapes and made wine 25 centuries ago. The plant was founded in 1961 on the basis of underground adits in the vicinity of Sevastopol, in a small town called Inkerman. The mystery of the birth of wines with amazing, mild taste is in the nature itself grape berry, in the atmosphere of ancient deep cellars and the skill of winemakers. About 20 grape and wine farms of the Crimea supply the Inkerman enterprise with wine materials for aging. Most of the vineyards are located in the Southwest Crimea, which is considered extremely favorable for growing grapes. When creating wines "Inkerman" are used unique classic technologies and aging in oak barrels.

Sunny Valley- this is one of the sunniest places in the southeastern Crimea: the average number of clear days here is more than in Yalta or Sudak (about 300 per year). And thanks to the ring of mountains surrounding the valley, a constant climate remains here, in many ways reminiscent of a desert - dry hot summers with practically no precipitation (in total there are 200 mm of precipitation per year). All these factors create ideal conditions for growing grapes, from which excellent wine is subsequently produced under the brand name "Solnechnaya Dolina".

The Crimean peninsula has always been famous for its wine products. Climate and relief features allow winemakers to grow rare varieties grapes used for cooking different kind guilt. The history of Crimea goes back to the distant centuries, when the Greeks inhabited this wonderful peninsula. The ability to make amazing wines has been passed down from generation to generation. And after many centuries this noble drink is considered an integral part of the Crimean peninsula, its symbol. What production features does this drink conceal? Why are Crimean wines considered one of the best? What makes counterfeit wine different from real wine?

Special conditions for growing Crimean grapes

Unique beneficial features, and unforgettable taste are largely determined by the specifics of the region, namely the geographic location. On a relatively small area of ​​the peninsula, about 27 thousand square kilometers, there are many zones where growth is possible. different varieties grapes. Ripening in a mild climate under the influence of gentle southern rays, grapes are used in the manufacture of nutmeg, port wine, and sherry. The vine growing along the rivers Chernaya, Kacha, Alma, Belbek, becomes the basis for many table wines. Fruit soils of the peninsula's steppes are also used to make table wines. The steppe part is especially loved by industrial winemakers, since here the grapes ripen faster, and the harvest is famous for its abundance. In addition, the climate and features of the relief of the peninsula have a favorable effect on those varieties of grapes and vines that were brought to Crimea from other territories or artificially bred. Some of the varieties are very rare and grow only in the south of Crimea.

Crimean wine producers

Coming to rest in Crimea, any tourist begins acquaintance with local sights and cuisine. Good-natured Crimeans offer to try Home wine, go to chacha or buy a bottle of fragrant cognac. We advise you to refrain from such suggestions so as not to spend the rest of your vacation at the local hospital. There are several proven brands whose wine, cognac, champagne you can safely buy:

  • "Inkerman"
  • "Golden beam"
  • "Koktebel"
  • "Magarach"
  • "Massandra"
  • "New World"
  • "Sunny Valley"

All seven brands have been verified by special research. All wines are made only from natural grape juices, without adding chemical substances and powders. In addition, manufacturers carefully monitor the level of product quality, so the degree of protection is high. By giving preference to these producers, you will enjoy the taste of the best Crimean wines. All products of these trading companies can be bought in specialty stores or in the supermarket.

The best wines of the Crimean Peninsula

Today the Crimean market is replete with a variety of wine products. Therefore, everyone can find the wine they like. Despite this, there are a number of wines that are especially appreciated and awarded with many awards. For example, the famous Crimean wine of Lev Golitsyn. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the prince owned the Novy Svet winery. In 1900, Golitsyn won the main prize at a wine exhibition in France. Since then, Novosvetskoe Champagne has become the pride of the famous prince. But, to the great regret of local winemakers, the vine from which the champagne was made has been removed. And the modern "Soviet" champagne, which at one time became a real discovery of Russian winemakers, differs in composition from the champagne of the famous prince.

Despite this, wine "The Seventh Heaven of Prince Golitsyn", produced under the brand name "Massandra"... There is a legend that the prince once tasted the contents from a barrel, into which material not suitable for winemaking was poured. Golitsyn liked the taste of this content so much that he devoted 15 years to the restoration of the bright, unique taste... Having tried combinations of many ingredients, the prince achieved the desired result, thanks to which we can enjoy the honey taste of this wine.

If you want to cook, you can add some red wine to the meat.

If you are making macaroni and cheese, the best addition the dish will be accompanied by white wine. You can read the recipe.

Having prepared the dessert " Fruit salad with yogurt "- - you can serve strong white wine to the table.

Another masterpiece Crimean winemaking wine is considered "Black Doctor"... It is no coincidence that this red wine is called that way. First, it contains many vitamins, including vitamin B, which tones the body, improves heart function and blood circulation. Secondly, according to legend, the grapes for this wine were bred by a doctor who once lived in the Crimea. This doctor was not only a real connoisseur of good wine products, but also a professional winemaker. Thirdly, the wine has a dark, rich color, for which it received the name "Black". The taste of the wine is also unusual. True lovers can also taste the taste of pear and mulberry, cream and vanilla.

Wine for tourists

The wines that we talked about earlier are elite, so the price is justifiably high. Tourists who come to visit Crimea are interested in cheaper and more affordable wines. At the same time, we note that cheap types of wines from producers are of high quality and have a memorable deep taste.

Many tourists prefer to buy Massandra's products. A pleasant strong taste is considered hallmark wines of this brand. "Massandra" specializes in the production of dessert wines, both sweet and strong. Especially popular with Crimeans and tourists different kinds port wine, sherry, madeira.

Another popular trademark Crimea "Magarach" in the department of the Institute of Winemaking. This manufacturer makes not only expensive elite wines, but also dessert and table wines available to tourists. In addition, Magarach specializes in the production of sparkling wines, cognac, taste qualities which are appreciated all over the world. Dry and sweet wines produced by the brand leave pleasant memories of the sunny peninsula in the memory of tourists, and therefore are considered the most popular.

If you are going to Crimea or want to find real Crimean wine on the shelves of Russian stores, read these detailed and understandable tips from a wine expert. For me, this material revealed a lot of unknowns, although I live in the Crimea.

Guide to Crimean wines: what to buy, how to choose, where to taste

Guilt Crimean peninsula is not only a local specialty, but also a legend inextricably linked with the history of the region. It can be difficult even for a resident of the peninsula to understand the choice of wines. Moreover, tourists face a difficult choice.
About what you can drink and what is not recommended, where and how to choose the main Crimean souvenir, said the wine expert, director of the scientific and methodological center "Wine Laboratory" of the Sevastopol branch of Moscow State University Dmitry Kovalev.

Wine Globe of Crimea

In a shop and restaurant, tourists sometimes just need to see that the drink is produced in Crimea - and they are already in a hurry to make a choice. But this is still not a sufficient reason to acquire. It should, as in a good foreign cinema, clarify what kind of grape it is made from and where exactly it is grown.
It is not at all difficult to understand the intricacies of the Crimean winemaking. In fact, each wine-making region of Crimea has its own wine specialization. If you like dessert and fortified wines, then you should pay attention to products from the South Coast. The legendary Crimean muscats are grown here, from which wines with a specific taste and delicate aroma... "A lot of Muscat grape varieties are grown in Italy, Southern France, Spain, Portugal. But Crimean Muscat is a special" trick. " on the soil of Porto, the Douro Valley in Portugal - the birthplace of port. Therefore, fortified and sweet wines, including Madeira, sherry, port wines are one of the symbols of Big Yalta, "said Kovalev.

In turn, the East of Crimea is known for its dry and sparkling wines. In particular, the producers of the eastern region (Sudak, Koktebel, Solnechnaya Dolina) have worked for many years to produce good dry wines there from autochthonous grape varieties such as Kokur, Kefesia and others. "In the Crimean dry wine, these varieties are often blended or separately. This is written on the label. Such a wine will be very good souvenir... A tourist who has been here will bring not just Crimean wine, but wine from a local grape variety, "Kovalev is convinced.

Wines from the New World are widely known. But grapes for sparkling wine don't grow there - it's too hot. Therefore, since the time of Lev Golitsyn, he has been transported from the "Crimean Champagne" - the vicinity of Sevastopol. The main thing that makes the region related to Champagne is the white calcareous soils. Only in our area is it much hotter: Reims lies at the latitude of Belgorod and Kiev, and Crimea is Provence, the latitude of Marseille. Hence the wine is much richer.

The western wine-making region of Crimea, primarily Sevastopol, is famous for its sparkling wines. They are produced by the reservoir method when secondary fermentation wine takes place in special closed containers. This is a cheaper way of producing sparkling wine, allowing you to achieve a good level of quality at an affordable price. "The sparkling wines produced in Sevastopol are bright and aromatic. Muscat is often used in their production, which adds special notes of taste to them: aromas of peach, fig, acacia," the wine expert emphasizes.

But Western Crimea and Sevastopol are famous not only for "wine with bubbles". The village of Rodnoe in the Balaklava region is a "Crimean Burgundy"; here you will find interesting pinot noir, chardonnay and other varieties, for example, from Piedmont. "But our Bordeaux is the North side of Sevastopol, the Belbek valley with gravel soils, dry winds. It is even more like the coast of Tuscany, Maremma. Koktebel is similar to Spain, Andalusia. While both dry and fortified wines are made here, and a little sparkling. Experiments with Spanish varieties can bear fruit, especially since Portuguese ones grow here - from Madeira. In the meantime, the Spaniard Tempranillo was prescribed in the West, in Vilino and Peschaniy. High acidity is present in Western Crimean and Sevastopol dry red wines. This is the general balance that the French call "elegance." There is no such thing in the wines of the Kuban. This Crimean wine can surprise foreign guests, since they will feel the closeness of these wines with the same wines of Bordeaux, "Kovalev explains.

As for the wines produced in the northern, steppe regions of the peninsula, the expert calls on them to be treated with caution. Viticulture in the steppe regions is an entirely Soviet project. It became possible only with the construction of the Crimean Canal with the Dnieper water, the breeding of winter-hardy hybrid varieties. Today there are very few vineyards. Most are still located in the coastal 20-kilometer strip, where the vines do not need to be covered for the winter. Even in those years, most of the steppe vineyards were cultivated for cognac production. So, no wines from Dzhankoy - and even with Simferopol wines, you have to keep your ear on it! "- Dmitry Kovalev believes.

To quickly navigate the variety of varieties, you need to master the simple wine geography of Crimea: cabernet sauvignon "lives" in the Bakhchisarai region and on the northern side of Sevastopol, although there are few in Koktebel and Sudak, sauvignon blanc - in Sevastopol and Sudak, chardonnay - in the Bakhchisarai region, Sevastopol and Balaklava, in Koktebel, bastardo Magarach - in the South Coast, in the Bakhchisarai region. Rkatsiteli, saperavi - these are mainly varieties of Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai region. Saperavi is found in landings on the South Coast for fortified wines. Pinot noir - Sevastopol, Balaklava region and North side, as well as Bakhchisaray region, Koktebel. Kokur, kefessia, sary pandas and other autochthons are mainly the vicinity of Sudak.

The most Crimean

Now let's figure out how to recognize among the wines truly Crimean, that is, made from local grapes, without using imported wine materials. The most Crimean wines are autochthonous. In recent years, the term "autochthon" has become very fashionable, but what it means on the label is not clear to everyone. By its meaning, the word is close to "aboriginal". That is, we are talking about grape varieties that were bred and grow in a specific territory, which means that they are especially successful in absorbing all the best that this particular land can give. The most common autochthons of Crimea are, first of all, kokur and kefessia. They go back at least to Byzantine, Genoese times, their very names are Greek.

The name of the Sabbath variety is very interesting - it is Crimean Tatar, this variety was used to finish harvesting. Traditionally, he went to Madeira Koktebel. "There are many autochthonous varieties in the collection of SRI Magarach, but today there are no more than five in production. There are enthusiasts for their revival. In the aroma and taste of Crimean autochthonous varieties, do not look for the usual European tones - all these fresh fruits, berries. Compare them with the varieties of Georgia, Hungary, Don, Armenia. This is the aroma of dry herbs, dried fruits in white, and in red - dogwood, mulberry and similar southern berries. By the way, in Crimea there is also one "semi-autochthonous" variety. In the USSR, they crossed the Portuguese bastardo, aka French trousseau, with saperavi. The result is a ripe and juicy bastardo Magarach - one of the symbols of the Crimea. Perhaps in order to give it weight and closeness to the great Bordeaux, the Crimeans mistakenly call it bastardO, with an emphasis on the last syllable, "says the expert.

As for the wines that are widespread in the mass sale, it is difficult for a layperson to determine whether a winemaker uses imported raw materials, or honestly produces a drink from exclusively Crimean grapes... And the high price is not always the guarantor of "cleanliness". At the same time, word of mouth is multiplying stories about how, in the pursuit of profit, producers add "powder" to wine, as well as cheap wine materials from other countries.

“We are looking forward to the completion of the reform, according to which all producers working with Crimean grapes will receive licenses and special excise stamps for wines protected by geographical indication - PGI. the words "in pre-revolutionary Russia. And the current state of affairs teaches us to know the basics of arithmetic. So, knowing the exact number of hectares of a producer and the number of grape bushes per hectare, you can easily calculate how many bottles he actually produced. After all, even for super-productive vineyards of countries From Novy Svet, three bottles from a bush is a sensational yield ", - Dmitry Kovalev shares his secrets.

At the same time, there are wines that, for economic reasons, it is quite possible to produce without breaking technology, using imported materials. For example, you can trust pinot noir from the Balaklava region - the area of ​​cultivation of this particular variety is expanding there, which means that there is no point in additives. The same wine is highly valued by the sommelier for its southern berry aroma - more "fat" than in Burgundy and Germany. "Another Crimean horse is the Riesling. Lev Golitsyn praised the very density, the bright aroma of the Black Sea Riesling. By the way, there is a theory according to which this variety reveals its signature notes on the sunny, dry slopes of Alsace or the Rhine Valley. In cool Germany there are such places a little, with us - in abundance. High-quality Riesling you will find, first of all, in the west of Crimea in the Bakhchisarai region and in Sevastopol. This variety shows itself well in premium sparkling wines made from Sevastopol grapes near Sudak. Riesling in champagne blend is a certain "feature" of Russian sparkling wine, which Lev Golitsyn borrowed from the same Alsace. And last year many recognized 100% sparkling Riesling by the classic champagne method as the best sparkling wine in Russia, "the expert says.

Another hit of the Crimea is sauvignon blanc. In our area, it turns out harder, more alcoholic than in the Loire Valley or New Zealand, but in recent years, very clean sauvignons have been made in Sudak, in the Bakhchisarai region and in Sevastopol. Old vineyards of Saperavi and Rkatsiteli varieties are also preserved in Sevastopol - these are Soviet wine classics that can also be trusted. Wine connoisseurs with a history can also be advised to bring a couple of bottles of sherry and cahors from Crimea. "Once wine for the needs of the church was brought by Peter the Great. After 150 years it began to be made here. Russian winemakers have preserved the style of 16-degree Cahors, which is French city Kaor, called Rogomme. There he almost never occurs. Therefore, for Western experts, Cahors is a fortified national Russian wine... The same applies to the "old regime" sherry from the pedro chimeres variety, and the presence of Tokay and Don Cossack varieties on the South Coast of Crimea. The hour is not far off when people will travel to Crimea as to the reserve of world winemaking. Many styles and varieties of 19th century Europe have survived here, "says Kovalev.

In recent years, habitually European varieties have also become quite Crimean. For example, you can safely trust a Traminer or Gewurztraminer. Several farms have successfully "settled" an old Austrian variety on the peninsula and produce aromatic, bright wine from local raw materials. "Mediterranean Provence looks like Crimea just perfect. Climate, nature, attitude, if you like. And there wine is made from such varieties as Syrah, Mourvèdre, Grenache, almost unknown in our dry wines. Although Mourvèdre was widely used in the time of Golitsyn. And today we are watching how syrah and malbec from the Bakhchisarai region are actively coming out on the shelves, and rose from the syrah variety has also appeared - and this is a purely Provencal style, most of the wines there are pink! Crimeans also experiment with such varieties as petit verdot - in Bordeaux he is in the last roles, we have purebred ones from the villages of Dolinnoye and Sudak. And in the Saki region you will find, for example, a rare hybrid of arinernoa, an Italian barber, "says the expert.

Attention - to the label

How to choose the "right" Crimean wine? First of all, experts advise against buying so-called "house wine" of dubious production and bottling in local markets. Not the best way also - the purchase of wine in supermarkets. Here, in the overwhelming majority of cases, storage conditions are violated. The wine must always be in a horizontal position at a temperature of plus 12-14 degrees, humidity about 85%. Such conditions are provided mainly only in specialized stores. A proven feature quality wine According to Dmitry Kovalev, there is an inscription on the labels "wine with a protected geographical indication - PGI". So far, not all winemakers have received licenses for such wines, but already from the 2017 harvest, we should expect their mass release. "Such an inscription confirms that the wine is made from Crimean grapes, with a full production cycle. The producer is monitored by the state represented by Rosalkogolregulirovanie and other services, as well as the association of winegrowers and winemakers itself. . This principle of mutual responsibility is valid not only in our country, but also in Europe, "the expert notes.

Experts also highlight a number of other factors that should be paid attention to when choosing. So, experts advise to carefully study the label, which should indicate the year of the grape harvest, the name and proportions of the varieties from which the wine is produced, as well as in large print - the full name and address of the manufacturing plant. If there is no clear information on any of the above points on the label, with a high degree of probability it can be argued that this is a fake. Information about the manufacturer and the name of the wine indicated on excise stamp, must correspond. You should also make sure that the cork sits in the neck of the bottle at the level of its walls. A bulging or sagging cork indicates that not everything is in order with the wine.

"And also beware of flashy labels, especially those where the word" Crimea "and the names of popular local resorts are repeatedly inclined. Alas, these wines are often made for careless tourists. Every year new lines appear, where, in best case, there will be at least Chilean or Spanish wine material. It's like in Chianti, where there is an unspoken rule that wine in braided fiasco bottles is a cheap swill for tourists. It's like vodka in matryoshka bottles, like "Armenian brandy" in dagger bottles, "Kovalev assures. And, of course, an important factor is the cost of the product. According to experts, the price of good Crimean wine starts on average from 500-600 rubles. per bottle in mainland Russia, and from 250 rubles - in the Crimea.