What Crimean wines are natural. Dessert and flavored

09.05.2019 Vegetable dishes

I really love red dry wine. I believe that dry wine is an "adult" drink. As a student, I preferred something stronger, or something sweeter, or something cheaper. Or all at once. For a long time, I thought this: if wine, then semi-sweet, and dry, if it came across (say, at a feast) - at best it seemed tasteless, at worst - boring sourness. In general, having absolutely no understanding of wine and being limited in finances for some time, most often I chose some foreign muck cheaper on the wine counter. As a result, I did not like wine, because the next morning my head ached from it ... This was until my future husband and I went to the Crimea, where we discovered excellent Crimean wines. It was dry ones that were best and easiest to drink after the heat of the day, and they tasted completely different from everything that I had tried before.

The wines of the Crimean plant "Inkerman", which is located in the town of the same name near Sevastopol, are most widely represented on the Moscow shelves. In my opinion, these are the most the best wines in the price-quality ratio: about 400 rubles is a bottle of vintage wine "Cabernet Kachinskoe". This is wine from the Kachinskaya Valley, where old vineyards have been preserved that were not cut down during Gorbachev's "dry law".

In addition, there are aged "Merlot Kachinskoye" and "Merlot-Cabernet" worth about 300 rubles. Vintage and aged dry Inkerman wines are marked with a diagonal stripe in the upper left corner of the label. “Merlot Kachinsky” seems to me the most delicious - the wine, even though it is dry, seems slightly sweet due to the rich fruity taste and aroma. However, the ordinary "Bastardo" worth about 260 rubles is also a very worthy wine with great taste. What I like most is that Inkerman wines taste practically free of tannins, which give the wine a sour astringent taste.

For the most part, Inkerman wines are not faked - their cost is too low. However, you can always verify their authenticity by turning the bottle upside down: it should always have an indented bottom, on which there is a three-dimensional inscription INKERMAN. The bottles are sealed with cork oak stoppers, the cork has the inscription "Inkerman" and the logo of the institute. And on the label on the back there should always be the date of bottling, printed in a dotted way.

Inkerman wines are presented in all large super- and hypermarkets in Moscow, as well as in other stores, for example, in Otdokhni wine stores, which, however, specialize in inexpensive imported wines from Spain, France, Chile, etc. ( By the way, we consider “Relax” to be a very good place in terms of price-quality ratio - approx. ed.)

As for Massandra, another famous Crimean winery, it is focused on the production of fortified sweet wines such as Madeira, port wine, sherry, etc. Of dry wines, Massandra produces only table wines, which are also very tasty, but unfortunately quite rare in Moscow stores.

In addition, sometimes delicious dry wines of the Crimean Institute of Grapes and Magarach wine and, even less often, Feodosia trademark"Oreanda" in very beautiful streamlined bottles. But, as practice shows, the wines of these producers are Russian market most often presented semi-sweet. And I don't drink semi-sweet anymore.

Maria Kuznetsova

Aligote "Golden Beam"
It is prepared from the Aligote grape variety grown in the region of Balaklava. Moderately warm semi-humid climate, proximity to the sea make this area one of the best for the production of vintage table wines.
The color of the wine is light golden. In the bouquet and taste, a subtle varietal shade, a slight spicy bitterness and a light caramel tone are noticeable. The taste is delicate, full, harmonious, with a pleasant freshness.
The exposure period is 1.5 years.

Aligote "Crimean"
It is prepared from the Aligote grape variety grown in the Sevastopol zone, as well as in the steppe and foothill regions of Crimea.
The color of the wine is from light straw to straw. The bouquet is delicate, delicate, with floral tones. Spicy bitterness with pleasant freshness on the palate.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 10 - 12 vol.%, acidity 6 - 8 g / l.

Riesling "Crimean"
It is prepared from the Rhine Riesling grape variety in the Sevastopol zone, as well as in the steppe and foothill regions of the Crimea.
The wine has a straw-greenish color. The bouquet is pronounced varietal, resinous. The taste is light, harmonious, fresh, but at the same time rather active and moderately full.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 10 - 12 vol.%, acidity 6 - 8 g / l.

Kokur "Nizhnegorsky"
It is prepared from the Kokur grape variety grown in the steppe Nizhnegorsk region.
The wine has an attractive color from light straw to golden and even dark golden hue. The bouquet is varietal, original, somewhat spicy, sometimes with a floral or honey tone. The taste is harmonious, with pleasant acidity, quite full.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 10 - 11 vol.%, acidity 6 - 7 g / l.

Sylvaner "Feodosia"
It is prepared from the Silvaner grape variety grown on the slopes of the hills in the Feodosiya region.
The color of the wine is light golden. Bouquet characteristic of the variety. The taste is quite full with pleasant freshness.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 10 - 12 vol.%, acidity 6 - 8 g / l.

Rkatsiteli "Inkermanskoe"
It is prepared from the Rkatsiteli grape variety grown in the Sevastopol zone.
The wine has a light golden color, is distinguished by freshness and a bouquet characteristic of the Rkatsiteli variety.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 10 - 13 vol.%, acidity 6 - 8 g / l.

Rkatsiteli "Vilino" (type of Kakheti)
It is prepared from the Rkatsiteli grape variety grown in the Bakhchisaray region.
The color of the wine is golden to amber. Floral bouquet with fruity tones. The taste is full, extractive, harmonious.
The exposure period is 1.5 years.
Fortress wine 10 - 12 vol.%, acidity 5 - 7 g / l.

Table red "Ruby Magarach"
Made from Ruby Magaracha grapes with the addition of up to 30% Cabernet Sauvignon and Saperavi grapes. Grapes for wine are grown in the Piedmont Experimental Farm of the Magarach Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking in the Crimea.
The color of the wine is ruby ​​to dark ruby.
The holding period is 3 years. Produced since 1968.
The strength of the wine is 12 vol.%, the sugar content is not more than 0.3%.

Muscat white "South coast"
For the preparation of this wine is the Muscat white grape variety grown on the southern coast of Crimea.
The wine is light amber in color with a golden hue. The bouquet has a characteristic muscat tone. The taste is fresh, harmonious, with sufficient fullness.
The holding period is 2 years.

Muscat white dessert [ ! ]
It is prepared from Muscat white grapes grown on the southern coast of Crimea.
The color of the wine changes from light to dark golden. The bouquet has a developed nutmeg aroma and floral-resinous tones. The taste is delicate, full, harmonious.
The holding period is 2 years.

Muscat white "Castel" [ ! ] [ To ]
The unique liqueur wine was made from the Muscat white grape variety grown on the mountain terraces around Mount Castel.
The finished wine resembles amber in color. The bouquet has a developed muscat aroma with a powerful bouquet of resinous tones. The taste is delicate, full, oily, harmonious. Wine delights with its quality and originality.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 13 vol.%, sugar 23%.

Muscat white "Livadia" [ ! ]
The unique liqueur wine is made from Muscat white grapes grown on the southern coast of Crimea at the Livadia state farm.
The finished wine resembles amber in color. The bouquet has subtle honey tones of alpine meadows. Oily taste and amazing harmony of wine bring a special pleasure.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress of wine 13 vol.%, sugar 27%.

Muscat White Red Stone [ ! ]
The pride of domestic winemaking is prepared from the Muscat white grape variety grown at the Gurzuf state farm; the label is decorated with the world's highest awards.
The color of the wine is light amber-gold. The bouquet has a pronounced nutmeg aroma with very noticeable citron tones. The original bouquet and special tenderness of taste make this wine unique.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 13 vol.%, sugar 23%.

White Muscat "Magarach" [ ! ]
It is prepared from Muscat white grapes grown on the southern coast of Crimea at the Magarach Institute.
The color of the wine is light amber with a golden hue. The wine is characterized by a strong and at the same time subtle Muscat aroma with citron tones. On the palate - a pronounced liqueur character, thick, extractive, oily.

Fortress wine 13 - 14 vol.%, sugar 25% and above.

Muscat white "Koktebel"
Prepared from the white Muscat grape variety grown in the eastern part of the Crimea at the Koktebel state farm.
Nice golden color of the wine. The bouquet has a pronounced varietal aroma. The taste is full, harmonious.
The holding period is 2 years.

Muscat pink "Massandra"
It is prepared from the Muscat pink grape variety grown on the state farms of the Massandra association.
Wine from light to dark pink color. A varietal bouquet with a delicate aroma of rose petals and spicy honey hues. The taste is harmonious, fresh and pleasant.
The holding period is 2 years.

Muscat pink "South coast"
It is prepared from the Muscat pink grape variety grown on the southern coast of Crimea.
The color of the wine is garnet-pink. The bouquet is clearly felt nutmeg aroma with tones of roses. The graceful structure of the bouquet gives this wine a special nobility. The taste is full, harmonious.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 20%.

Muscat pink dessert [ ! ]
Prepared from Muscat pink grape variety on the southern coast of Crimea.
The color of the wine is amber-pink. Muscat bouquet with the aroma of Kazanlak rose. The taste of wine is harmonious, full, extractive.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 13 vol.%, sugar 23%.

Muscat pink "Magarach" [ ! ]
Prepared from Muscat pink grape variety on the southern coast of Crimea at the Magarach Institute.
The color of the wine is from dark ruby ​​to amber-pink. A feature of the fragrance is the presence of Kazanlak or Gallic rose tones. Taste of liqueur character, full, oily, velvety.
The exposure period is from 3 to 5 years.

Muscat black "Massandra" [ ! ] [ To ]
A unique liqueur wine was made from the Muscat black (Kalyabsky) grape variety on the southern coast of Crimea at the Tavrida state farm.
The wine is dark ruby ​​in color with soft tints, like a precious crystal. The bouquet is complex, with piquant tones of nutmeg, prunes and a delicate scent of chamomile. The taste is bright and delicate, with light chocolate shade.
The holding period is 2 years.

Pinot Gris "South Coast"
It is prepared from the Pinot Gris grape variety grown on the state farms of the Massandra association.
The color of the wine is golden, dark apricot shade is allowed. Bouquet varietal, with tones of exposure. The taste is full, harmonious, oily, with tones of rye crust.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 20%.

Pinot Gris "Karadag"
It is prepared from the Pinot Gris grape variety grown in the eastern part of the Crimea at the Koktebel state farm.
The color of the wine is dark amber. In a bouquet light fragrance rye crust. The taste is quite full, harmonious.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 16%.

Pinot Gris "Ai-Danil" [ ! ]
The unique dessert wine is made from the Pinot Gris grape variety grown in the Ai-Danil microdistrict of the Gurzuf state farm.
The marvelous color of the wine is dark amber with a pinkish-golden sheen. A peculiar bouquet with the aroma of a crust of freshly baked rye loaf and a subtle hint of fragrant quince. On the palate, a complete harmony of fullness and oiliness.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 13 vol.%, sugar 24%.

Pinot Gris "Magarach" [ ! ]
It is prepared from the Pinot Gris grape variety grown on the southern coast of Crimea at the Magarach Institute.
Distinctive feature in the color of the wine are dark golden, sparkling tones with a pink tint. The bouquet of wine is pleasant, strong, dessert character, with tones of freshly baked rye loaf crust. The taste is delicate, despite the high extractivity and sugar content.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress of wine 13 - 14 vol.%, sugar 20%.

Tokay "Ai-Danil" [ ! ] [ To ]
The unique dessert liqueur wine was made from the Gars Levelu and Furmint grape varieties grown on the southern coast of Crimea at the Gurzuf state farm.
The color of the wine is golden to dark amber. The bouquet is delicate, specific, stunning with complexity and refinement, a combination of tones quince jam with a barely perceptible smell of a crust of freshly baked bread, the finest tones of fragrant herbs. The taste of wine is distinguished by harmony, special oiliness, with a pleasant aftertaste.
The holding period is 4 years.
Fortress wine 13 vol.%, sugar 22-24%.

Tokay "Massandra"
High-quality dessert wine is made from Tokay grape varieties with the addition of Kokur and White Muscat, grown in the state farms of the Massandra association.
The color of the wine is golden to dark golden. The taste is full, soft, harmonious with a marvelous long pleasant aftertaste of quince and pear.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 20%.

"Ai-Serez" (like Cahors)
The wine is made from Bastardo Magarachsky and Saperavi grape varieties grown in the vineyards of the Morskoy state farm of the Massandra association.
The color of the wine is red to dark red. Bouquet developed, original, good composition. The taste is full, harmonious, with light tones of coffee, chocolate, cream.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 16%.

Bastardo "Magarach" [ ! ]
Prepared from the Bastardo Magarachsky grape variety on the southern coast of Crimea at the Magarach Institute.
The wine has a dark ruby ​​or dark garnet color with a lively sparkle that appears after aging. The bouquet is complex, with tones of milk cream, chocolate, prunes. The taste is full, soft, velvety.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress wine 13 - 14 vol.%, sugar 20% and above.

Aleatico "Ayu-Dag" [ ! ]
The wine is made from the Aleatico grape variety grown on the slopes of Mount Ayudag at the Gurzuf state farm.
The color of the wine is garnet-pink. Subtle, delicate, dessert flavor of the variety. The taste is full, harmonious.
The holding period is 2 years.

Kokur dessert "Surozh" [ ! ]
The valleys of Sudak are favorable for the growth of the local grape variety Kokur, from which wine is made at the Sudak state farm.
The color of the wine is golden to golden. Wine with a pleasant varietal bouquet, reminiscent of quince-honey tones. The taste is full and harmonious.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 16%.

Seventh Heaven Golitsyn
The wine has been prepared in Massandra since 1880 from the Kokur grape variety with the addition of white and pink Muscat.
The color of the wine is dark amber. The golden bouquet is bright, with honey, quince and peach tones. The taste is soft, harmonious, oily.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 18%.

"Old Nectar"
The wine is made from the Rkatsiteli grape variety grown in the steppe and foothills of the Crimea.
The color of the wine is dark gold. The bouquet has pronounced honey tones. The taste is full, harmonious.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 16%.

"Carnelian of Taurida"
The wine is made from the Rkatsiteli grape variety grown in the Bakhchisarai region in the vineyards of Vilino village of the Magarach institute.
The color of the wine is from light golden to golden. The bouquet clearly expressed floral-honey tones. The taste is harmonious, typical for a white dessert wine.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 16%.

Pedro "Crimean"
It is prepared from the Pedro Krymsky grape variety, grown in the steppe and foothill farms of the Crimea.
The color of the wine is golden to dark golden. The bouquet is complex, with a subtle honey tone. The taste is soft, full, harmonious.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 16%.

The wine is made from the Traminer grape variety grown in the Sevastopol zone and in the vineyards of the Koktebel state farm.
The color of the wine is from light amber to amber, with a pink tint. The bouquet has a pronounced aroma of roses. The taste is soft, delicate, harmonious.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 16%.

Anniversary "Magarach"
The wine is made from grape varieties Ruby Magarach, Bastardo Magarach, grown in the Bakhchisaray and Dzhankoy regions in the vineyards of the Magarach Institute.
The wine has a color from ruby ​​to dark ruby. The bouquet is complex, delicate, with characteristic tones of cream and prunes. The taste is full, harmonious.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 16%.

"Sunny Valley" [ ! ]
Prepared from local grape varieties Sary Pandas, Kok Sart, Sary Kabakh, Tashly, Kokur, grown at the Solnechnaya Dolina state farm in the Sudak region.
The color of the wine is from golden to dark amber with a pleasant soft glow of pure gold. The bouquet is very complex. It smells of peach, which is replaced by a peculiar fruity aroma with a hint of medlar. The taste is peculiar - delicate with a touch exotic fruits.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 16%.

"Black Doctor" [ ! ]
The popular wine is made from local grape varieties Ekim Kara, Lapa Kara, Kefessia grown at the Solnechnaya Dolina state farm.
The wine is dark garnet color. The bouquet is complex, with a range of harmoniously combined shades: cocoa chocolate, prunes and vanilla. The taste is massive, velvety.
The holding period is 2 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 16%.

"Golden Field"
The wine is made from the Alicant grape variety grown at the Golden Field state farm in the Kirov region.
The color of the wine is ruby ​​to dark ruby. During a three-year exposure, the wine acquires an original bouquet with light chocolate tones. The taste is pleasant, velvety.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress wine 16 vol.%, sugar 18%.

Madeira "Crimean"
Prepared from grape varieties Shabash, Sersial, Verdelho, grown in the vineyards of the association "Massandra".
The color of the wine is dark amber. Madeira tones are pronounced in the bouquet and taste.
The holding period is 4 years.
Fortress wine 19 vol.%, sugar 4%.

Sersial (type of Madeira)
It is prepared from the Sersial variety with an admixture of Albillo and Verdelho on the southern coast of Crimea at the Magarach Institute.
The color of the wine is golden to amber. Bouquet with pronounced tones of maderism and aging. The taste is delicate, harmonious, with a pleasant hint of red-hot nuts, somewhat burning.
The holding period is 4 years.
Fortress wine 19.5 vol.%, sugar 3 - 4%.

Madeira "Alminskaya"
Prepared from the Rkatsiteli variety grown in the vineyards of the Bakhchisarai region.
The color of the wine is from light golden to amber. The bouquet is complex, with clearly expressed tones of maderism, red-hot nuts. The taste is full, harmonious, with pleasant hints of red-hot nuts.
The holding period is 4 years.
Fortress wine 19.5 vol.%, sugar 5 - 6%.

Sherry "Crimean"
Prepared from grape varieties Rkatsiteli, Kokur, Aligote, Riesling, grown in the vineyards of the Crimea.
The color of the wine is golden. The bouquet of the wine is complex, characteristic of the type of wine. Specific taste with a nutty tone.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress wine 19 vol.%, sugar 3%.

Sherry "Magarach" [ ! ]
Prepared from grape varieties Sauvignon, Aligote and Rkatsiteli in Bakhchisaray and Dzhankoy regions.
The color of the wine is straw to golden. The type of wine is clearly expressed in the bouquet. The taste is full, harmonious, with a specific aftertaste of roasted nuts.
The holding period is 4 years.
Fortress wine 19.5 vol.%, sugar 2.5%.

Sherry strong dry
Prepared from Tokay grape varieties Pedro, Rkatsiteli, Kokur, Silvaner, grown in the vineyards of the Crimea.
The color of the wine is light golden. The bouquet expresses the type of sherry. The taste corresponds to the type with spicy bitterness.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress wine 19 vol.%, sugar 0.2%.

Sherry strong sweet
Prepared from grape varieties Pedro, Rkatsiteli, Kokur, grown in the vineyards of the Crimea.
Wine from golden to dark golden color. The bouquet has a pronounced type of sherry. The taste is full, harmonious, good composition.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress of wine 19 vol.%, sugar 9%.

Port white "Surozh"
It is prepared from the Kokur variety and a mixture of European varieties growing in the Sudak region.
The color of the wine is golden to dark amber-gold. The wine has a stable bouquet, varietal aroma of Kokura, Tokay shade combined with fruit tones, full, harmonious taste.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress wine 17.5 vol.%, sugar 9.5%.

Port white "South coast" [ ! ]
The best representative among vintage white ports. Prepared from grape varieties Aligote, Semillon, Pedro Jimenez and others grown on plantations of southern coastal state farms.
The color changes from light to dark amber and shimmers with life-giving warmth. The wine has a developed bouquet, dominated by fruit tones with a slight hint of almonds or roasted nuts. The soft taste is in harmony with the bouquet and leaves a strong and pleasant aftertaste.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress of wine 18 vol.%, sugar 10%.

Port white from Cabernet [ ! ] [ To ]
Unique strong vintage white wine. It was prepared from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes cultivated in vineyards around the villages of Simeiz Massandra, Ai-Danil and the city of Alupka.
Honey amber in color, it has a uniquely complex bouquet with tones of subtropical fruit and a hint of bitter almond. The taste is soft, oily, harmonious, with a long pleasant aftertaste.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress of wine 18 vol.%, sugar 8%.

Port white "Golden Fortune Archaderesse"
It is prepared from grape varieties Kokur white, Rkatsiteli, native varieties of Sary Pandas, Kok Pandas, Soldaya, Solnechnodolinsky, Kapselsky white and others grown at the Solnechnaya Dolina state farm.
The color of the wine is from light golden to dark golden. The bouquet is full, soft, harmonious, spicy-honey with a slight astringency. Pronounced spicy-honey tones are combined with the smell bread crust and tones of cocoa. Aboriginal varieties give the wine shades of oriental exotic fruits, while European varieties emphasize elegance and harmony. The taste is full, harmonious, soft, with a persistent aftertaste.
The holding period is 3 years.

Port white "Magarach"
It is prepared from grape varieties Rkatsiteli, Aligote and a mixture of European varieties growing in the Bakhchisaray and Dzhankoy regions.
The color of the wine is from light golden to amber. Bouquet typical of white port with fruity notes. The taste is full, harmonious, with a pleasant aftertaste.
The holding period is 3 years.

Port wine red "Crimean"
Prepared from red European grape varieties grown in the Crimea.
The color of the wine is garnet-ruby. Fruit tones are well expressed in the bouquet. Full, harmonious taste characteristic of red wines.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress wine 17.5 vol.%, sugar 10%.

Port wine red "Massandra" [ ! ]
It is prepared from the Mourvedre grape variety with the addition of high-quality red varieties Cabernet and Malbec cultivated on the southern coast of Crimea.
The color of the wine is ruby ​​to garnet. In the bouquet, the specific tones of the Mourvedre variety are pronounced. The taste is masculine, full, harmonious.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress wine 18.5 vol.%, sugar 6%.

Port wine red "South coast" [ ! ]
Prepared from grape varieties Morastel, Saperavi, Cabernet, cultivated on the southern coast of Crimea.
The color of the wine is ruby ​​with garnet hues. Bouquet of good build with spicy and fruity tones. On the palate fullness and velvety, so characteristic of classic ports.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress of wine 18 vol.%, sugar 11%.

Port wine red "Black Colonel"
Prepared from native grape varieties: Javat Kara, Ekim Kara, Kefessia, grown at the Solnechnaya Dolina state farm. The name of the wine comes from the variety Javat Kara, which in translation from the Turkic dialect means black colonel.
The wine is painted in an elegant ruby ​​​​color. It has a complex bouquet with a delicate aroma of cream and chocolate. The taste is harmonious and velvety.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress 17.5 vol.%, sugar 11%.

Port wine red "Livadia" [ ! ]
This unique wine is made from Cabernet Sauvignon grown on the southern coast of Crimea.
The wine captivates with a lively, dark garnet color. In a bouquet delicate fragrance cherry pits and a pronounced morocco tone. On the palate, amazing fullness and silky tenderness.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress wine 18.5 vol.%, sugar 8%.

Port wine red "Magarach" [ ! ]
It is prepared from grape varieties Bastardo, Ruby Magarach, Merlot, Mourvedr grown in the vineyards of Bakhchisaray and Dzhankoy.
The color of the wine is dark red with garnet hues. The bouquet has pronounced fruit tones with a cherry tint. The taste is full, harmonious.
The holding period is 3 years.
Fortress wine 17 vol.%, sugar 6%.

Crimea is known not only for resorts and sanatoriums, but also for wines. Due to the good climate, many varieties of grapes grow here. Some Crimean wineries are over a hundred years old and are widely known outside of Russia. But which drinks should you try first and how do they differ from each other?

Local factories produce a lot of dessert wine. This large group, which includes cahors, port, sherry, nutmeg and several other types. Muscats began to be produced in the Crimea back in 1928. This group of wines with a high sugar content is considered the most aromatic. Grapes are harvested at the end of October - at this time they are already beginning to wither slightly, and the sugar level in the berries rises even more. Muscats produced by Massandra are highly valued: Castel, Livadia (both white), black Massandra and dessert pink Muscat. Also good white and pink muscats "Magarach", produced at the factory of the same name.

In strong dessert wines (Madeira, sherry, port), the alcohol content starts from 20%. Raw materials are heated for several years in equipped chambers or under the rays of the sun. Among the ports, white port wine from Cabernet grapes, red South Coast wine, which is also white, and red Livadia port wine are distinguished.

Sherry was originally produced only in Spain; this type of wine is distinguished by the special formation of yeast. Among Crimean sherries Massandra, Krymsky and Magarach are highly valued. These sherries are famous for their rather complex bouquets and at the same time they are recognizable.

Madera is a strong wine, but it contains a small amount of sugar. Madeira "Crimean" with an aging period of four years, "Massandra" (five years of exposure) and "Alminskaya" (four years) are widely known. All of them have a bright, characteristic taste and are distinguished by a rich bouquet.

Cahors - church, as it is called, wine. During the production process, the must is heated to 65 degrees, so that the taste of the wine is the most complete and harmonious. The wine is aged in barrels for at least three years. The most famous Crimean-made Cahors is Yuzhnoberezhny, produced by Massandra.

Among the usual dessert wines, it is worth mentioning "The Seventh Heaven of Golitsyn", "Solnechnaya Valley" and "Black Doctor". Their strength is about 16 vol.%. Wine "Black Doctor" got its name for a reason: it contains a lot of B vitamins, which allows us to talk about its healing properties in case of moderate consumption. What's up taste sensations, then the "Black Doctor" notices notes of vanilla, pear and chocolate. "The Seventh Heaven of Prince Golitsyn" stands out for its honey flavor, as well as the aromas of quince and peach.

First of all, pay attention to the place where you buy wine. Famous and expensive brands sell their wines only in large networks or company stores. This emphasizes the status of the brand, in addition, it is necessary to comply with all storage conditions for products.

Then examine the bottle itself; for example, bottles of "Magarach" have a convex name of the brand. Finally, look at the glass under bright light: it should be transparent and dark, without streaks. The cork must have a logo, although you can only find out about its presence after buying the wine.

Crimean wines are drinks with a very special smell and rich taste prepared according to certain traditions. They are famous all over the world. Millions of connoisseurs of quality wine know that truly excellent drinks are made in Crimea.


First of all, I would like to say that there are several factories manufacturing “Zolotaya Balka”, “Golden Amphora”, “Inkerman”, “ New World”, “Massandra”, “Koktebel” and the Sevastopol factory of sparkling wines. By the way, the penultimate of those listed still produces excellent cognac. The most famous is “Massandra”, this factory has existed since 1894 and has been producing high-quality wines for more than 120 years. It is safe to say that the drinks of its production are masterpieces of classical winemaking. The best Crimean wines are not just collected here - there is great amount real works of winemaking art. The plant has 225 (!) awards that were received by its drinks at various tastings and international exhibitions. And, in the end, “Massandra” is exactly the manufacturer that has the most large collection wines all over the world. Over a million bottles of the most variety of drinks kept in its cellars. There is even a wine called “Jerez de la Frontera”, the harvest of which dates back to the distant 1775! Each drink produced by this plant is unique and special in its own way.

White port wine: a variety of aromas and tastes

Crimean white wines deserve special attention. Take for example, at least port wine from Cabernet. A completely unique vintage white wine, for the manufacture of which grapes were used. These berries grow near the small town of Alupka and the village of Simeiz. It is difficult to immediately understand the taste after tasting Cabernet port wine. A complex bouquet is revealed in the aftertaste, and only then you can feel a light almond flavor, tinted with the aroma of subtropical fruits. Somewhat oily, but despite this, soft taste which leaves a viscous and pleasant feeling. It is also worth noting the attention of "South Coast" white port, which is rightfully considered the best representative of its class of drinks. It is made from Aligote or Semillon grapes. Its color can be very light or dark amber - it all depends on the variety of berries. After tasting this drink, you can feel the unobtrusive taste of roasted nuts. In addition, there is still a huge number of ports - “Golden Fortune Archaderesse”, “Surozh”, “Crimean”, “Magarach” and many others.

Red table wines

They are especially popular. Take, for example, the Crimean red wine Cabernet, which is made from Sauvignon grapes grown near Sevastopol. This drink has a rich ruby ​​​​hue and a pronounced tart taste. Alushta wine is also in demand. It is prepared from different varieties, it is "mourvedre", "morastel", "saperavi" or the notorious "cabernet sauvignon". By mixing all of the listed berries, a varied interesting taste is obtained. But, despite such a number of varieties, the drink does not have a sharp aroma - everything is very harmonious and unobtrusive.

"Festive" drink of the Crimean production

Champagne is an indispensable attribute for almost any holiday. On the peninsula, you can try absolutely any drink belonging to this class. Crimean sparkling wines are also diverse. Hereby elite alcohol can rightfully be considered champagne with interesting name"Prince Lev Golitsyn", which is aged for at least three years. It is manufactured using classical technologies, that is, by secondary fermentation. The drink has a refreshing and harmonious taste and contains about 12.5% ​​alcohol. “Sevastopol” champagne is also popular. Based on the name, you can understand where it is made. This noble drink excellent quality, not too cloying taste and light grape aroma. Champagne "New World" is also in demand. This wine drink has a rich aroma. fresh grapes and absolutely unique taste. Its originality is due to the fact that sugar and nothing else are added to the drink. Absolutely pure taste.

dessert drinks

Crimean wines, related to dessert, are distinguished by increased strength and a richer taste. They are also called "muscats". One of the most unique Crimean dessert wines is the white Livadia. A drink of a delicate amber hue with an oily warm taste. This wine is very popular among real connoisseurs of alcohol. Also noteworthy is the wine with the long name “White Muscat of the Red Stone”. It can rightfully be considered the pride of domestic winemaking. It is this Muscat that has been awarded the highest world-class awards that can only be given to wine. Its light golden color with an amber tint cannot be confused with anything, and its nutmeg taste with light citrus notes makes you fall in love with this drink from the first sip.

Author's wines of the Crimean masters

Many winemakers make their own signature drinks. They should also be honored. Take, for example, “Crimean Night” (Crimean wine, semi-sweet red). The chief master working at the Plodovoye factory (which produces this drink) and creating author's wines is Valery Andreevich Tsurkan. "Crimean Night" is very different original taste, because it is made from valuable grape varieties - Chardonnay, Pinot, Aligote and many others. This small factory, thanks to the efforts of its founders, received three silver and four gold medals at international cognac and wine competitions.

"Courageous" wine

This name was given in the common people to sherry. The drink as such was born in Spain. As a matter of fact, for the first time outside this country, sherry began to be made on the peninsula. This wine has certain differences from the rest. One of the most pronounced is that this drink kept in containers not completely filled, and under a thin layer of special wine yeast. It is this component that saturates sherry with such special taste. Periodically, a small part of the contents is changed to After that, they add it to the wort and then let it wander in cold cellars for some more time. Sherry is infused for four years, at the end of this period an aperitif with a pronounced taste and aroma is obtained. This strong wine(may contain about 20% alcohol), it warms, in moderate doses improves blood pressure and awakens the appetite. It is served, as a rule, with meat, vegetable, mushroom and fish dishes.

"Black Colonel"

Speaking about Crimean wines, I would like to note this drink with special attention. It is produced exclusively in the Sun Valley, because only there they grow a unique variety of grapes - "ekim kara" and "dzhevat kara". This brand was approved not so long ago - only in 1995, but has already managed to win the recognition of connoisseurs wine drinks and win nine gold medals at various international competitions. "Black Colonel" has a unique bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on various pathogenic microorganisms, improves immune system and has a beneficial effect on digestion. This unique vintage wine is often used as an aperitif and served with fatty meals such as shish kebab, fried meat, pilaf and barbecue. "Black Colonel" - this is exactly the wine, treating which you can show a high tone.

original drinks

Crimean wines themselves are unique and original in their own way, but there is such a classification, and certain drinks belong to it. For example, bastardo "Massandra". The wine is made from Magarach grapes, due to which it acquires an original dark red color. Having tried this pretty sweet drink, you can feel the taste of dark chocolate, tinted with prunes. is 16%, often it is even compared with liquor. TO original drinks also refers to aleatico called “Ayu-Dag”. Is very gentle fine taste and the same color - light pink, with a garnet tint. You can also note the dessert kokur “Surozh”. It has a pronounced golden hue and an original varietal bouquet, in which you can feel the taste of honey and quince. And, finally, “The Seventh Heaven of Golitsyn” is a wine that fully justifies its name. It has been prepared in Massandra for more than 135 years. This drink combines the taste of peach fruits, honey and quince and has a dark amber color.

When we go on vacation, we always want the best. This also applies to the choice of the place where we are going and the hotel where we will stay, the events and sights that we plan to visit, but especially the ways of relaxation. Close attention should be paid to drinks. In the south, you simply have to afford a couple of glasses of red or white. They will help you relax and forget about problems. Indeed, in the Crimea, alcohol is created according to recipes that pass from generation to generation. Many people wonder how to choose quality wine from the huge variety found at every step. Let's figure it out. In this article you will find a rating of the best Crimean wines with names and photos.

While on the peninsula, try to limit your purchases of wine "under the counter" on the way to the beach and at the local market. Very often it ends with poisoning and spoiled rest. Choose vintage wines. You can find quality products at the famous factories of the Crimean peninsula:

  • "Sevastopol plant of sparkling wines" produces unique wines "Sevastopol Sparkling", "Muscat Sparkling", which have no analogues. The products of this brand are highly valued all over the world and have received many international awards.
  • "Massandra" - produces fortified sweet wines. With their aftertaste, they will not leave anyone indifferent. Of the dry "Massandra" produces only canteens. You can go on an excursion, where you will be taken to the collection wine aging workshop, to the cellar with royal collection and a tasting room where you can taste the best Crimean brands "Sherry", "Kokur", "Pink Muscat Massandra", "Bastardo", "Aligote".
  • "Magarach" - a collection was created at this plant unique wines since 1936. Currently, it stores 22 thousand bottles of more than 100 items, the most delicious of which are Ruby Magarach, Bastardo, Pinot Gris Magarach.
  • Novy Svet produces the best wines - Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Aligote, Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • Koktebel is considered the country of cognacs, but is also famous for its strong and dessert wines, the most popular of which are Pinot Gris and Old Nectar. The winery is highly noted at the most prestigious world exhibitions, the plant is considered a national treasure. It is located in the village of Shebetovka in the southeast of the peninsula. Sightseeing tours of the plant are conducted.

  • "Zolotaya Balka" in the Balaklava region is famous for its vineyards and the value of the land on which they are located. That is why it is called "gold". This is the only largest winery in Crimea, which produces products under the brand of the same name from its own grapes.
  • "Wine House Fotisal" is a modern factory in the southern region. Here you can buy delicious Crimean wines called "Agora", "Tavridia", "Crimean Cellar". The winery is famous for its quality, as it buys grapes from the best foreign vineyards, is equipped with high-tech equipment with Internet technologies and trains its specialists in winemaking skills in Europe.

According to the results of a special check, it was revealed that these producers make wine from real grape juice, without the addition of dyes, flavors and other harmful chemical substances. They release quality products and guarantee a high degree of protection against counterfeiting. But if you want to control the quality of the drink you drink yourself, then there are some tips in identifying real wine.

To distinguish real Crimean wine from a fake, you need:

  • water- dip a spoon with a small amount of wine into a glass of water: if it is real, then two liquids should not mix due to different densities. If the drink stains the water, then you have a fake;
  • glycerol- add a drop to the wine and see how it manifests itself in the sediment. If the drink is real, then the color of the substance will not change, if it is fake, it will have a bright yellow-red color;
  • soda- Pour a teaspoon of red wine on a hill of soda. For a fake, the color will not change, for a real one it will become dark with a blue tint.

Red and white wine from the Crimea cannot but please its connoisseurs. It was created by gourmet recipes Crimean winemakers and aged in the best cellars built from centennial southern trees. The quality combined with the incredible beauty of the bottle will make even the most sophisticated sommelier tremble with delight. A wonderful elixir can be enjoyed both at home in a cozy atmosphere with loved ones, and at a business lunch with work colleagues. You can choose your own taste of wine for any meal. If you are meat connoisseurs, then choose strong table wines made from red grapes; for lovers of sweets, light dessert wines, and for romantic evenings and long-awaited holidays - bright sparkling champagne.

If, when choosing wine, you are guided by the opinion of the best sommeliers, then they will point you to connoisseurs recognized by generations. elite varieties wines These include the famous masterpiece of Prince Lev Golitsyn - "New World Champagne", which was produced by the Novy Svet winery. At the beginning of the 20th century, it became the best at the world exhibition in Paris. Thereafter a sparkling wine could be found on the shelves of stores called "Soviet". It is worth noting that the modern recipe for champagne with the same name has nothing to do with Golitsyn. Unfortunately, the vine from which it was made was lost forever. Currently, from the Novy Svet brand, the most popular is Crimean Champagne. Then comes red brut, and in third place is a semi-sweet red sparkling wine.

Also in the lead, of course, are the rich and high-quality sparkling drinks of the Inkerman Plant, the most delicious of which is Inkerman Rose, if you like pink semi-sweet, but in any case, from the whole variety of the collection of this winery you will find a taste to your liking. Speaking of newcomers to the market alcoholic products, then it is worth noting Agora wine, the basis of which taste is delicious Saperavi.

From the princely collection, you can try another masterpiece - "The Seventh Heaven of Prince Golitsyn". An excellent dessert wine with a honey-spicy aftertaste is ideal to complete any meal. Another unique instance of the Massandra winery is Cahors South Coast. This is the best drink of its kind not only in the Crimea, but throughout the CIS. Also, among the dessert wines, “White Red Stone Muscat” is very much appreciated, which is named after a rock located in Gurzuf, where wine is produced at a large factory of the same name.

If you prefer strong red wine, then you just need to get acquainted with the popular Crimean creation - Black Doctor, which is a brand of the Solnechnaya Dolina trademark. A drink with its own legend, which says that for this drink special grade native grape Kefesia and Ekim Kara was bred by a doctor living in the Sun Valley. He was a real healer and an excellent winemaker, so the wine turned out to be excellent. And indeed, it has not only a rich harmonious taste, but also has useful components which positively affect the work of the heart and improve blood circulation. For this, the elixir was called "Doctor", and it became "Black" because of its rich dark garnet color. This is the rarest brand of dessert wine awarded 5 gold and one silver medal. Exposure - 2 years.

A popular high-quality red wine is also considered a vintage strong - "Black Colonel". The only producer is the Solnechnaya Dolina winery in the Crimea.
The best vintage strong white wine is “White Surozh Port wine”, which has been produced since 1936 in the “Massandra” association (Sudak state farm-plant), until that time it was known as “Sy-Dag Port Wine”, because “Surozh” is Old Russian name of the city of Sudak. The wine is made from the native grape variety Kokur white.

A number of the most famous table wines of the Crimea are named after the varieties that make up one basis of the drink or a whole blend. Of the white varieties and the alcohol made from them, Chardonnay, Aligote, Rkatsiteli and Sauvignon are famous. Experienced sommeliers also note the taste of Kokura and Riesling. The best red wines are also rich in different kinds Cabernet, Saperavi and Merlot. You can list for a long time, but these four brands are the most worthy of their kind:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon - red wine with a touch of chocolate, has the aroma of young oak bark, cranberries and plums. Often called the "king of wines", as it is the most popular.
  • Chardonnay - white table wine. In the classic Crimean aftertaste there are notes of lemon and apple, and in the aroma there is a fruity sweet bouquet.
  • Merlot is a noble red dry. Too tart drink for an amateur, but is famous for its interesting taste with an admixture of vanilla, blueberries and black pepper.
  • Shiraz is the most popular drink among men due to its high strength.

Table wines can be drunk daily. Red for meat, white for vegetable dishes, fish and seafood. Also below you can see a small reminder about the combination of wine and food.

Please check the price list before buying wine. In this article you will find some prices for the most delicious wine Crimea.

The most expensive are strong red wines, so the price for one bottle of "Black Colonel" you will give 1500 rubles, for the famous "Black Doctor" - 1000-1300 rubles.

Then comes the Massandra “White Red Stone Muscat”, its cost is about 800-900 rubles. But this is an exception, since the price of other dessert wines does not exceed 200 rubles. White port Sudak plant will cost 100 rubles.

Table wines cost between 200-300 rubles. Wines on tap, sold in branded stores, are slightly cheaper, but also worse in quality. Therefore, it is better not to spare money and enjoy quality drink than save money and spoil the long-awaited vacation.

The Crimean land has long been famous for its winemaking. Here every year for thousands of years delicious varieties grapes create wine - the creation of the human spirit, the mystery of nature itself. The use of Crimean wine with a rich history and a huge baggage of world awards should not become a bad habit, but should emphasize the high culture of the one who uses them. For this, the wine must be natural. Do not use low-grade fake - buy the best quality wine from the Crimea.