Cherry wine with alcohol. Do-it-yourself delicious cherry wine

10.10.2019 Healthy eating

Cherry is a juicy berry with a bright and memorable taste. It has a very beautiful color, which makes any drinks more attractive and appetizing. It is added to juices and cocktails, jams and liqueurs are made from it. However, the most popular drink that is most appreciated from this berry is wine.

It is known that cherry juice is excellent for reducing blood pressure, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and copes well with colds and other diseases. Homemade alcoholic drinks from it retain all the beneficial properties of fresh berries. It is no coincidence that many winemakers will consider making wines and liqueurs from cherries.

How to make cherry wine from juice

Homemade cherry wines are quite thick and have a rich taste and aroma. Due to its excellent strong taste, cherries are ideally combined with stronger drinks - vodka and alcohol. It is this feature that makes it possible to make liqueurs and fortified wine from this berry, since the taste of alcohol is almost not felt in them. The drink is soft and easy to drink, but at the same time it is strong enough.

According to this recipe, cherry wine ripens for a long time - at least six months. Despite this, its taste justifies such a long wait. The process of preparing the drink itself is very simple and will take you very little time.

You don't need to wash sweet ripe cherries, just put them in a convenient dish and remove the seeds.

Mash the peeled berries well in a blender and squeeze the juice through a piece of cheesecloth.

Pour the finished juice into a convenient glass jar, add a little cold boiled water to it and mix well. Pour sugar and sourdough made from water and yeast or a few raisins into the cherry mixture and mix well again. When it dissolves at the bottom, put the drink in a warm place for fermentation.

Cherry juice ferments very actively, therefore, already on the 5-6th day, a yeast sediment forms at the bottom of the vessel.

The drink will need to be carefully poured into a clean jar without touching the sediment, pour alcohol into it and close the lid tightly.

After 6 months, the wine should be opened, let it rest a little, drain the sediment into clean bottles and chill in the refrigerator.

Homemade cherry wine can be poured into a beautiful decanter and invite guests.

How to make wine from cherries and cherries

Cherry wine at home will have a pleasant berry aroma if you add a little cherry to it. During the berry season, you can make a wide variety of great drinks.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cherry juice - 5l
  • Cherry juice - 5L
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg
  • Water - 3.5 l
  • Yeast starter culture - 300 ml

Most cherry wine recipes don't use berries, but fresh juice. Therefore, before preparing the wort, juice should be squeezed out of the berries. To do this, wash the cherries and cherries well, select the seeds and transfer the pulp to a blender, juicer, or scroll them in a meat grinder. Squeeze the resulting berry puree through several layers of gauze and pour the juice into a jar, where the drink will be prepared.

Leave the juice in a warm place for 1-2 hours, during this time prepare the starter. Mix the yeast with warm water and keep warm until the first signs of fermentation appear - the first bubbles should appear on the surface of the mixture.

Pour sugar into the juice and pour in the prepared starter culture, mix well and add water. Close the jar with the wort with a lid with a water seal and put in a warm place until fermentation is complete. Homemade cherry wine must be carefully drained from the lees, poured into a clean jar and tightly closed with a lid. Leave it in a cool place for another 3 months for the wine to mature.

The finished drink can be filtered again and poured into more convenient bottles. The drink will have a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

How to make homemade cherry and currant wine

The recipe for homemade cherry and black currant wine will appeal to all lovers of fruit and berry drinks with a bright and rich taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cherry juice - 10 l
  • Blackcurrant juice - 2.5 l
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg

Before making wine from cherries, you will need to prepare the berries and squeeze the juice out of them.

Remove seeds from cherries, mash the pulp and chop in a juicer or blender. Strain the mixture well, squeeze out the juice and pour into a large glass jar. You do not need to wash the black currants - put the berries in a blender bowl and chop well.

Squeeze the juice out of the currant puree and pour it into the jar to the cherry. Mix the resulting wort well, add sugar and place in a cool place for fermentation. Since fermentation will be quiet, replace the jar with a water-sealed lid or use a rubber glove. When fermentation stops, the drink will need to be drained from the sediment, poured into a clean dish and placed in a cool place for another 3 months.

Strain the young wine through several layers of cheesecloth and bottle. Leave the drink to ripen in a cool place.

According to this recipe, homemade cherry wine will be ready in a month and a half.

Making homemade cherry pitted wine

If you make wine with pits and cherries, it will have a pleasant almond flavor, reminiscent of Amaretto liqueur.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cherry - 5 liters
  • Sugar - 1 kg

For this amount of ingredients, it will be enough to add 5-7 cherry pits, which will need to be crushed into several parts. The rest can be thrown away or left to prepare other drinks. The cherry wine recipe can also be used for a seedless drink, then the wine will have a more delicate soft taste of fresh berries.

Chop the cherries, squeeze out the juice and pour it into a glass jar.

Add a few cherry pits and sugar. Mix the mixture well and close the jar with a cotton-gauze swab. Place the wort for fermentation in a dark and warm place. Stir the cherry wort several times a day - do not use metal objects, it is best to stir the juice with an ordinary wooden stick.

When fermentation is complete, close the wort tightly and transfer to a cool place. According to this recipe, cherry wine will be ready in 2 months.

The drink must be carefully drained from the sediment, filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into bottles. Store wine in a refrigerator or other cool place.

Making wine from cherries with raspberries

The recipe for homemade cherry wine with raspberries will appeal to those winemakers who prefer to prepare drinks without adding yeast and sourdough. Since raspberries themselves perfectly activate the wort fermentation process, the drink will be completely natural.

Required Ingredients:

  • Raspberry juice - 2.5 l
  • Cherry juice - 2.5 l
  • Sugar - 3 cups

Before making wine from cherries and raspberries, the berries will need to be kneaded well.

Select the seeds from the cherry puree, then mix with the raspberry mixture. Put a piece of gauze in a colander, put the berry puree in it and squeeze the juice well. Pour the mixed raspberry and cherry juice into a convenient glass jar, add sugar and mix thoroughly.

Cover the jar with the wort with gauze and put it in a dark place - the temperature in the room should be at least 20 degrees. When fermentation stops, close the jars tightly with a lid or stopper and transfer the container to a cool place. Leave the juice mixture to ferment for another 3 months, after which the wine can be drained from the sediment, filtered and poured into clean bottles. The wine can be tasted right away, but it is best to let it mature in a cool place for at least a month.

Even a novice winemaker can make homemade cherry and raspberry wine. You just need to prepare the necessary ingredients and follow the recommendations.

How to make wine from cherries (with video)

Natural wine made from cherry berries will appeal to all lovers of classic alcoholic beverages. This wine has a pleasant soft taste and delicate aroma of fresh fruits. It is best prepared with fresh cherries, but you can also take frozen berries.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cherries - 5 kg
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Raisins - 50 g
  • Sugar syrup - 4 l

Before making wine from cherries, you should sort out the berries well, remove the seeds and prepare the juice. If you have a juicer, you can use it, but it's best to knead the berries by hand and squeeze the juice well through a few layers of cheesecloth. This process is quite laborious, but the quality of the finished wine will be much better. An exquisite drink is prepared only from natural ingredients, so try to use mechanical devices less often.

Put the resulting juice in a cool place for a day, then carefully drain from the formed sediment.

Make sugar syrup from water and sugar - you can add a little citric acid or fresh lemon juice to it.

Dissolve the yeast in warm water, pour it into the juice and add warm syrup - the sugar pouring temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees.

Pour the prepared wort into a glass jar, close the neck with gauze and put in a warm place. Try not to put the mixture in the sun - this will cause the wine to lose its beautiful color. After the end of vigorous fermentation, the gauze can be replaced with a lid with a water-seal plug or a rubber glove. Let the wort ferment for a while. Pour young wine from the lees into clean bottles and put in a cool place for a month.

The strength of the finished drink is 12-13 degrees, and you can taste it immediately, as soon as it is infused and you strain it.

You can watch a video of cherry wine - it will help you prepare this great drink, even if this is your first winemaking experience.

Making homemade wine from fermented cherries

Making homemade cherry wine with spices is suitable for all lovers of unusual drinks. When finished, the wine will have a pleasant sweet cinnamon aroma, so that added alcohol will not be felt in it. Fortified wine is suitable for any festive feast, and for a cozy evening with the family.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fermented cherry - 2.5 l
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Vodka - 500 ml
  • Cinnamon - 2-3 g

Fermented cherry wine is a great way to recycle failed homemade wine. If you rolled cherries, but they immediately fermented, prepare fortified wine from them, which will be appreciated by lovers of sweet drinks.

The berries, together with the filling, are well chopped with a blender or with a meat grinder. Put the resulting gruel on cheesecloth and squeeze the juice well. Pour the juice into a large glass jar or wooden keg and add sugar to it. Stir the mixture well and leave for a few hours to completely dissolve the sugar.

Pour vodka into the sweetened juice, put a piece of gauze with ground cinnamon wrapped in it in a jar and transfer the wort to a cool place. After about 7 days, the wine will need to be bottled, tightly closed and left in a cool place for 2-3 months.

The preparation of wine from cherries at this stage can be considered complete - you just have to wait for the drink to ripen.

How to make homemade cherry jam wine

Homemade wine made from cherry jam turns out to be incredibly tasty and does not differ much from the one that is made from fresh berries. It tastes a bit like liqueur, so lovers of more tart sweet drinks will like it.

Required Ingredients:

  • Jam - 1 liter
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Sugar to taste

Open a liter jar of jam, transfer its contents to a convenient saucepan or large glass jar and pour hot boiled water over it. Stir the mixture well so that the jam dissolves well. Add unwashed raisins to the berry mixture, mix well again and put it in a warm place for several hours. When the first bubbles begin to appear on the surface, pour the liquid into a glass jar and close the lid with a water seal. Place the cherry jam wine must for fermentation.

When the mixture is well fermented, it will need to be drained and filtered. Pour the clarified liquid into glass jars and put in a cool place for another 5-6 days. Remove the finished drink from the sediment and strain.

The cherry jam wine is ready. It remains to pour it into bottles or a decanter and you can invite guests.

Frozen cherry wine turns out to be very soft and tasty. With its rich aroma of fresh berries, your friends will never guess that you were preparing a drink from a frozen convenience food.

Required Ingredients:

  • Frozen cherries - 3 kg
  • Water - 8 l
  • Sugar - 500 ml
  • Vodka - 100 g

Before making cherry wine, defrosting the berries is not necessary - just put them in a jar and add sugar.

Leave the berries warm for several hours so that the juice comes out of them and the sugar is well absorbed. Pour in water, mix well and close the resulting wort with a lid with a water seal. Leave the drink to ferment for 3 weeks at room temperature, then drain from the sediment, strain and pour into bottles. You can fix the drink with vodka - this will help keep the wine from souring.

Put the fortified wine in the refrigerator for 1-2 days, after which you can safely try a delicious drink.

This homemade cherry wine recipe can be used all year round, especially when there are few frozen berries left among your blanks.

How to make wine from cherry compote

Wine made from cherry compote is prepared for those cases when fresh berries are not available.

Required Ingredients:

  • Granulated sugar - 400 g
  • Cherry compote - 6 liters
  • Raisins or dried grapes - 50 g

Wine made from cherry compote turns out to be tasty, sweet and has a rich berry flavor.

Put the compote in a warm place for 2-3 days. If the compote is fermented or old enough, you do not need to put it for fermentation. Mix well the fermented drink with raisins and granulated sugar. You need to put on a lid with a water seal on the jar. You can use a rubber glove.

Leave the wort warm until fermentation stops. Filter the young wine and pour it into small glass bottles. The finished drink must be kept for at least 4 months in a cool place.

Making wine from cherries does not take much time and is not at all difficult, so even novice winemakers can make a wonderful alcoholic drink from ordinary homemade preparations.

Cherry wine (option 1)

Ingredients: 3 kg of cherries, 3 kg of sugar, 3 liters of water.
Cooking method. My cherries, remove the seeds. Pour the fruits into a glass bottle. Boil the syrup from water and sugar, cool it to room temperature and pour in the cherries. We tie the neck of the bottle with a cloth and let it stand for about 2 months.

We filter the finished wine, filter and bottle it.

Cherry wine (option 2)

Ingredients: ripe cherries, sugar (150 g per 1 liter of juice).
Cooking method. Remove the seeds from the cherries, knead the pulp into a gruel. We place the resulting mass in an earthen pot and put it in a warm place for fermentation for 12 hours. We squeeze the juice out of the mass, pour it into a glass container and leave it in a warm place for 3 days.

Add sugar, stir, close tightly with a waterlock lid and leave to ferment.

We filter the finished drink and bottle it.

Ingredients: 4 liters of cherry juice, 500 g of sugar, 4 g of tartar, 1 liter of water.
Cooking method. Pour the cherry juice into a bottle, add water, sugar, crushed tartar. Close the container tightly with a lid with a water seal and leave it to ferment.

The wort must be shaken periodically. When the fermentation process is completed, the wine is drained from the sediment, filtered and bottled.

Winemaker's advice: When preparing raw materials for making wine, never take spoiled berries and fruits - just one rotten or moldy fruit can ruin all your efforts and spoil the wine, making it unusable.

Cherry-raspberry wine with currant juice

Ingredients: 8 liters of cherry juice, 1 liter of blackcurrant juice, 1 liter of raspberry juice, 1.7 kg of sugar.
Cooking method. We combine cherry juice with currant and raspberry juice, add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into a glass container, close the lid with a water seal and leave to ferment.

When the process is complete, drain the wine, filter and bottle it.

Cherry-currant wine

Ingredients: 1 liter of cherry juice, 1 liter of white or red currant juice, 500 g of sugar, 1 liter of water.
Cooking method. Combine cherry juice with currant. Add water and sugar. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass or enamel container, close the lid, leave to ferment for several days, stirring occasionally.

Then close the container with a waterlock lid and let it ferment. At the end of fermentation, remove the wine from the sediment, filter and bottle.

Cherry-currant wine with orange juice

Ingredients: 4 kg of cherries, 3 kg of red currants, 300 ml of orange juice, 3 kg of sugar.
Cooking method. We wash the berries, sort out, remove the seeds from the cherries. Pour the berries into a glass container, add orange juice, sugar and put in a warm place for 3-5 days.

Then shake the container, close it with a water seal and leave to ferment at room temperature. When the fermentation process is over, we filter the drink, filter it, pour it into bottles.

Ingredients: 5 kg of cherries, 3.5 kg of sugar, 40 g of lemon zest.
Cooking method. Pour the washed pitted cherries, finely chopped lemon zest and sugar into a glass container in layers. Leave in a warm place for 2-3 days, then close the container with a water seal and keep it at room temperature for about 45 days.

We filter the finished drink, sweeten it to taste, filter and bottle it.

Ingredients: 3 kg of cherries, 200 g of bitter almonds, 2 cloves, 1 kg of sugar, 300 ml of vodka.
Cooking method. We wash the cherries, remove the seeds, pour into a glass container, tie the neck with gauze and put in a warm, bright place.

After 3 days, add dried crushed almonds, cloves, sugar to the container, pour in vodka, seal with a water seal and leave to ferment.

When the fermentation process is over, the drink is filtered, filtered, bottled and kept in a cool room for another 30 days.

Ingredients: 2 kg cherries, 800 g sugar, 6 g citric acid, 8 g cinnamon.
Cooking method. We clean the cherries from the stalks, rinse in cold water, remove the seeds, pour into a bottle, pouring sugar over the layers of berries.

We tie the neck of the bottle with a cloth and leave to ferment in a sunny place. Shake the bottle periodically. When the juice covers the berries, add citric acid and cinnamon to the bottle, close with a water seal.

Filter the finished wine, add sugar to taste, filter and bottle. We insist for at least 2 more months before use.

Cherry wine has long taken root among the favorite drinks of many winemakers. And surely each of them already has its own signature recipe. But if you are just starting your journey in the world of winemaking, then you will definitely be interested in different variations of this drink.

Cherry wine classic recipe


  1. Ripe cherries - 3 kg
  2. Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
  3. Water - 4 l

Cooking method

  1. You do not need to wash the berries. It is necessary to sort it out, remove the rotten fruits and remove all the bones. It is very important to preserve all the juice to the maximum.
  2. We heat the water to 25 degrees, mix with 500 g of sugar and pour the pulp of the cherry with such a light syrup.
  3. Cover the neck of the container with gauze and transfer it for 3-4 days to a dark, warm place.
  4. In a day, the first signs of fermentation should already appear. And now we mix the wort several times every day.
  5. After the completion of the stage of active fermentation, we filter the liquid through a fine strainer or gauze.
  6. Mix the resulting juice with 500 g of sugar and pour into a clean fermentation container. The container must be filled to a maximum of 75%.
  7. We install a water seal or a medical glove and transfer the vessel to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25 degrees. The fermentation process can take 25-60 days.
  8. After 4–5 days, add 250 g of sugar to the wort. After another 5 days, we repeat this procedure.
  9. After the end of fermentation, young wine must be drained from the sediment through a straw.
  10. At this stage, you can take a sample and additionally sweeten the drink or add alcohol / vodka in the amount of 2-15% of the total volume of wine.
  11. We pour the cherry wine into a clean container and transfer it to a room with a temperature of 6-16 degrees. As the sediment falls, the drink must be poured through a straw into a clean container.
  12. As soon as the sediment stops forming, we bottle the wine and seal it well.
  13. The finished product should be stored for no more than 5–6 years in a cool place. The strength of the drink is 11-13%.

Cherry wine without water


  1. Cherries - 10 kg
  2. Granulated sugar - 5 kg

Cooking method

  1. Unwashed, but selected cherries, together with the seeds, are transferred into a container of a suitable volume, sprinkling each layer with sugar.
  2. We close the container with a lid and transfer it to a cool place. This stage may take from 1.5 to 2 months.
  3. Stir the contents of the container from time to time so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. After the end of fermentation, the wort must be filtered, and the pulp must be squeezed out with gauze.
  5. We bottle young wine and send it to a cool place for a couple of months. Then you can start tasting.

Simple cherry wine


  1. Unwashed cherries - 1 kg
  2. Water - 1 l
  3. Granulated sugar - 700 g

Cooking method

  1. First, you need to sort out the cherries, remove the spoiled berries, excess debris and remove the seeds.
  2. In a container with a wide neck, mix all the ingredients, cover with gauze and leave warm for 2-3 days. Stir its contents daily with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  3. When the amount of bubbles and foam becomes less, leave the mixture for another 3-5 days and do not stir it any more.
  4. During this time, all the pulp will rise up, it must be collected with a slotted spoon and then squeezed through cheesecloth.
  5. Pour the resulting liquid into a clean glass container and install a water seal.
  6. After a week, a precipitate will appear. Wine should be carefully drained and bottled. Then leave it for 15 days under the same conditions.
  7. Now we transfer the young wine to a cool place and leave it for 1.5–2 months to stabilize the taste.

Cherry compote wine


  1. Cherry compote - 6 l
  2. Sugar - 400 g
  3. Raisins - a small handful

Cooking method

  1. If you have only boiled compote, then it should be placed in a warm place for 2-3 days so that it begins to ferment. If you use conservation, then skip this stage.
  2. Mix the drink with unwashed raisins and granulated sugar, install a water seal and leave in a warm place until fermentation is complete.
  3. Young wine must be filtered and poured into glass bottles.
  4. Before tasting, it must be kept in a cellar or refrigerator for at least 4–5 months.

Cherry juice wine

This recipe assumes the addition of sourdough. To make a raisin sourdough, you can use the recipe that we previously published in the topic: "Raisin Wine".


  1. Cherry juice - 3 l
  2. Sourdough - 500 g
  3. Granulated sugar - 500 g
  4. Alcohol to taste

Cooking method

  1. In a glass container, mix the cherry juice, sugar and sourdough. We leave in a warm place for one week.
  2. On the 7th day of fermentation, drain the liquid from the sediment and pour in alcohol according to your taste preferences.
  3. The resulting drink is bottled and kept in a cool place for at least six months.
  4. The cherry wine is ready! You can serve it to the table.

Alternative recipe for cherry wine


  1. Cherries - 4.5 kg
  2. Unrefined sugar - 400 g

Cooking method

  1. Sort the cherries, peel off the stalks, wash thoroughly, dry.
  2. Remove the bones and set aside. Mash the berries. Transfer the resulting mass to a barrel or similar wooden container.
  3. Weigh the seeds, take a sixth, finely grind, mix with sugar and add to the cherry.
  4. For safety, bury the barrel in the sand at two-thirds of its height. It is necessary to ensure that the keg is always full and topped up with cherry juice if necessary.
  5. When the wine stops fermenting, seal the barrel tightly. Store in a cellar for 2 months.
  6. Carefully pour the fermented wine into another container using a thin hose, trying not to disturb the sediment, and pour it into bottles.
  7. Cork the bottles, store in a cool place, in a horizontal position.

Cherry Pulp Wine


  1. Cherry pulp - 5 kg
  2. Sugar syrup - 4 l
  3. Water - 3 liters of water

Cooking method

  1. Put the cherry pulp in a 10-liter bottle and fill it with warm 35% sugar syrup (350 g of sugar per 1 liter of water).
  2. Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and put in a warm place.
  3. On day 4-6, when the pulp in the bottle floats up, remove the gauze from the neck, install a water seal and seal.
  4. Fermentation time, depending on the room temperature, ranges from 30 to 50 days. After this period, carefully drain the juice into a clean bottle, and squeeze the pulp.
  5. Filter the juice obtained from it, pour it into a bottle, reinstall the water seal, seal it and keep it for another 20-30 days under a water seal. Then carefully drain the wine from the sediment and pour into clean dry bottles, cork and take out to a cold, dark storage room.

Strong cherry wine


  1. Cherry juice - 10 l
  2. Sugar - 3.5 kg
  3. Water - 2.5 l
  4. Alcohol - 0.5 l

Cooking method

  1. Wash ripe cherries, chop, removing most of the seeds (70-80%), squeeze the juice.
  2. Make wort from juice, water and 2.5 kg of sugar, add yeast starter, ferment.
  3. After 10 days, remove the wine from the sediment, add alcohol, 1 kg of sugar, mix and stand for 7-10 days.
  4. Filter, bottle and seal carefully.

Cherry and white currant wine


  1. Sour cherry juice - 1 l
  2. Water - 1 l
  3. White (red) currant juice - 1 l
  4. Sugar - 500 g

Cooking method

  1. Crush ripe sour cherries. Cover the resulting mass and let it rest for 24 hours.
  2. Then press or squeeze out the juice and add water, currant juice and sugar to it.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a small barrel, cover it and stir occasionally for several days, and then let it ferment.
  4. After the end of fermentation, top up the barrel to the very top with boiled water and after a few days filter the wine and pour it into bottles.

Cherry wine: benefits and harms

Before talking about any properties of cherry wine, it should be remembered that an alcoholic drink can be beneficial only if you drink it in moderation.

But even a small dose is not always beneficial. Especially cherry wine is contraindicated for people:

  1. With high acidity and diseases that are associated with it. For example, hyperacid gastritis.
  2. Diabetes mellitus.
  3. Stomach ulcer.

It should also be remembered that a large amount of cherry drink can destroy tooth enamel. Therefore, it is better to drink it a little at a time, then you will have an appetite, your mood will improve, and “harmful” cholesterol will be released from the blood.

Homemade wine is made from berries and fruits, but the most popular are cherry wine recipes. You can prepare a drink from fresh berries, fermented compote and cherry leaves. For wine, take only good berries.

Cherry wine with pits

This wine tastes like almonds and is slightly bitter.

If the wine is aged properly and more sugar is added, harmful substances are neutralized. Do not wash the berries to keep the wild yeast on the skin.


  • 3 kilograms of berries;
  • sugar - 1 kg.;
  • water - 3 liters.


  1. Gently mash the cherries with your hands, put the mass in a container, add sugar - 400 g, pour in water.
  2. Stir well, cover with gauze and leave for 4 days in a dark place at room temperature.
  3. After a day, the cherry will begin to ferment, it is important to stir the mass every 12 hours and lower the floating pulp and skin to the bottom.
  4. Strain the juice through a gauze cloth, squeeze the cake.
  5. ¼ put part of all the seeds in the juice, add sugar - 200 g, stir until dissolved.
  6. Pour the liquid and leave 25% of the container volume free, leave in a dark room.
  7. Pour in another 200 g of sugar after 5 days: drain a little juice, dilute with sugar and pour back into a common container.
  8. Strain the liquid after 6 days, remove the seeds, add the rest of the sugar and stir, put in a water seal.
  9. Fermentation lasts from 22 to 55 days, when gas ceases to evolve, drain the wine through a tube, if necessary add more sugar or alcohol - 3-15% of the volume.
  10. Fill containers with wine and close. Place in a dark and cool place for 8-12 months.
  11. Filter the young wine through a straw to remove the sediment. Pour into containers.

The shelf life of homemade cherry wine is 5 years, the strength is 10-12%.

Cherry leaf wine

You can make a good wine not only from cherry berries, but also from its leaves.


  • 7 p. water;
  • 2.5 kg. leaves;
  • several branches of cherries;
  • 1/2 stack. raisins;
  • 700 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 ml. ammonia alcohol.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the leaves in running water, break the twigs into pieces and add to the leaves.
  2. Pour the water into a 10 liter container, when it boils, place the leaves and press with a rolling pin.
  3. When the leaves are at the bottom, remove from the stove and leave in a warm place for three days.
  4. Squeeze the leaves, strain the liquid through cheesecloth, add unwashed raisins with sugar and alcohol.
  5. Stir the wort and let it ferment for 12 days.
  6. Taste the wort regularly during fermentation to avoid making sour wine vinegar. The taste on the third day should be like a sweet compote.
  7. Pour the wine into a glass container and cover. When the sediment descends to the bottom, the liquid brightens, pour through a tube into plastic containers. During the maturation of the wine, it is necessary to drain it from the sediment 3 times.
  8. When the containers become solid, open them to release the gas, pour the finished wine into bottles.

Take only whole and beautiful fresh leaves for wine without damage.

Frozen cherry wine

Even frozen cherries are good for wine.


  • 2.5 kg. cherries;
  • 800 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. raisins;
  • 2.5 l. boiled water.


  1. Defrost cherries and remove seeds, turn berries into puree using a mixer.
  2. Add unwashed raisins to the mass, put everything in a three liter jar and leave for 48 hours in a warm place.
  3. Pour warm boiled water into the berries two days later and stir, drain the liquid through three layers of gauze, squeeze the cake.
  4. Pour sugar into the liquid, stir and install the water seal. Place the wine in a warm and dark place to mature for 20-40 days.
  5. Pour the drink through a straw, pour it into containers and leave to infuse in the cellar.

Store frozen cherry wine in your cellar or refrigerator.

Cherry compote wine

Fermented cherry compote can be turned into wine, so do not rush to throw it away. When the compote begins to exude a light wine aroma, start making wine.

It has been proven more than once by various studies that wine has many useful properties - bactericidal, tonic, soothing. A small amount of red wine reduces the risk of heart disease, excellent prevention of colds, it is recommended as a sedative - of course, if consumed in small and reasonable amounts.

Now in stores you can choose wine for every taste and budget, but do you have confidence that it will be of high quality and useful? If the spirit of a winemaker has awakened in you or you just love real homemade wines, then you should try to make wine from cherries at home.

Why cherry? The climatic conditions of our country do not allow growing, as in other countries, a large number of grapes. And cherries are found on almost every estate, in the undergrowth, even along the roads, and after grapes, they are the best option for making wine.

It makes an excellent, tasty, dark, slightly tart wine with a wonderful aroma and rich taste. In addition, homemade cherry wine ferments easily and also easily clarifies.

It should be noted that different types of cherries grow in different regions of Russia. Since the author lives in the Far East, his favorite wine is from felt cherries - small and sweet and sour cherries.

Most residents of the country can afford wine made from steppe cherry - it grows in central Russia, in the Volga region, in Western Siberia, in the North Caucasus and the Urals. Cherries of this type are distinguished by their sweet and sour taste, while they are the easiest to process - thanks to their taste, any recipe will suit. But in the bulk, wine is made from ordinary cherries (and its varieties - sour cherries).

Cherries are best used real - sweet and sour, dark in color, fully ripe. Wine made from overripe or very sweet cherries will turn out to be non-aromatic and not tasty. But you cannot use a very immature one either - you will get one sour meat.

If you decide to make your own wine from cherries at home, it is worth considering one nuance - it has a lot of acid and little sugar, and so that the wine does not turn out sour or weak, winemakers use one little trick - they must add water to the juice and increase the amount of sugar ...

The main algorithm for making cherry wine

  1. Store the harvested fruits in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
  2. Soak the cherries in water, remove the seeds (wine made from cherries with seeds will have a slight hint of bitter almonds - if you like this unusual taste, then you can leave a few seeds).
  3. Pour the cherry pomace with water for one day. This is necessary due to the fact that cherries are quite dense and it is very difficult to squeeze the wort out of them without water treatment.
  4. Squeeze out the wort. Consider the amount of water that you squeezed out - it will need to be added back.
  5. If the purest cherry wine does not suit you, you can add other berries. Cherries go well with currants (especially black), plums and raspberries.

Homemade Cherry Wine Recipes

All recipes below are designed to produce approximately 20 liters of wine.

Fortified cherry wine

We will need:

  • 1 bucket of cherries (10 liters);
  • 2 kg. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 0.5 liters of alcohol;
  • wine yeast.

Follow the cooking algorithm. After wringing the wort, add wine yeast and leave the composition for 10 days to ferment. Remove sediment, add alcohol and sugar. Stand for another 10 days, filter and bottle.

Light cherry table wine

The ingredients are as follows:

  • 1 bucket of cherries (10 liters);
  • 1.5-2 kg. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 3 gr. tartaric acid (or a sachet of citric acid).

Follow the algorithm, mix all the ingredients, let it ferment for 10-15 days, filter and bottle.

Dry cherry wine (cherry)

For the cherry, we need:

  • 1 bucket of cherries (10 liters);
  • 4 kg. Sahara.

Cover the cherry with sugar, put it in the sun for fermentation for 1-1.5 months, tie the neck of the bottle with gauze. Strain the composition. Rub the remaining berries through a colander or sieve, or squeeze, add to the composition and leave in the sun for another three days. Strain the wine well and leave to ferment for one to two weeks. If the wine is too dry and strong, add 1-1.5 liters of water.

Classic recipe

The easiest way to make cherry wine at home (a recipe from the days of the USSR, used in the Far East, works well for felt cherries, as well as small and sour cherries):

  • 1 bucket of cherries (10 liters)
  • 1 bucket of water
  • 3 kg. Sahara.

We act according to the algorithm, put all the components in a large bottle, put on a surgical glove. As soon as it stops swelling and begins to fall off - after 3-4 weeks - the wine is ready. If your cherry wine requires long-term storage, add 0.5 liters of alcohol or quality vodka.