Strawberry wine: a recipe at home. How to make homemade strawberry wine from fermented strawberry jam, jam, compote, frozen and fresh strawberries, with vodka: the best recipes

19.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

We are all looking forward to summer to enjoy the taste and aroma of fresh strawberries. Experienced winemakers, as well as beginners, are waiting for the berry wine season to begin.

  1. For most fruit wines, it is strictly forbidden to wash the fruits so as not to wash off the wild yeast, but with strawberries everything is different. If you skip this stage, then the finished drink will have an unpleasant earthy taste.
  2. Natural yeast for strawberry wine can be substituted with raisins, or you can make your own sourdough yeast. Berries are not washed for her.
  3. You cannot make dry wine from strawberries. This ingredient is suitable for dessert and liqueur types of wine. Since without sugar and water, the berries will not be able to give the required amount of juice.
  4. For fermentation, it is not recommended to use a container in which milk was previously stored.
  5. Before starting cooking, it is advisable to rinse all containers with boiling water, and then wipe them dry with a clean towel.

Now you can safely go directly to the recipes and step-by-step instructions for making homemade wine.

Classic strawberry wine


  1. Strawberry - 3 kg
  2. Granulated sugar - 2 kg
  3. Water - 3 l
  4. High quality raisins - 100 g

Cooking method

  1. The strawberries must be washed very thoroughly, the stalks and spoiled berries must be removed. Then we crush each strawberry with our hands or using a wooden spatula.
  2. We heat the water to 30 degrees, add 1 kg of granulated sugar and mix well until the granules are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the prepared berries, unwashed raisins into a container with a wide neck (basin, bucket or enamel pan) and pour in syrup. All ingredients should not exceed 3/4 of the container volume, as the wort can overflow during fermentation.
  4. We cover our container with gauze and leave for 5-7 days in a dark place with a temperature of about 18-28 degrees. Do not forget to stir the contents of the container with a wooden spatula several times a day.
  5. As soon as the stage of active fermentation ends, the liquid must be filtered, squeezed out, and then filtered.
  6. We fill the glass container to 70-75% with the obtained strawberry juice, add 500 g of sugar, mix and install the water seal. Or, in the old fashioned way, we use a medical glove with a small hole on the finger. We leave for 1-2 months in a dark, warm place (18-28 degrees).
  7. After five days of quiet fermentation, add another 250 g of granulated sugar. To do this, drain 200 ml of liquid, dissolve sugar in it and then pour it back into a common container. We install the water seal and after five days we repeat this manipulation with the remaining granulated sugar.
  8. As soon as fermentation is completely over, the young wine must be drained from the sediment using a drip tube or in any other way convenient for you.
  9. Then we remove the sample and, if desired, you can add a sweetener or add strength with vodka or good alcohol.
  10. If you added sugar in the previous step, then it is better to reinstall the water seal and let it stand for another ten days.
  11. There should be no empty space in the storage container between the lid and the beverage.
  12. Homemade wine should be transferred to a room with a temperature of 5-16 degrees and left to stabilize the taste for 3 months. As the sediment falls, the drink must be carefully drained and poured into a clean container.
  13. As soon as the strawberry wine stops giving sediment, we bottle it and store it for no more than 2 years.

Homemade strawberry wine


  1. Strawberry - 8 kg
  2. Granulated sugar - at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of berries

Strawberries are a summer treat that is consumed not only raw, but also in the form of jams, liqueurs and wine. Making strawberry wine doesn't take a lot of time. The drink will appeal to gourmets who love sweet aromatic alcohol.

Useful properties of strawberries

Strawberries have a rejuvenating effect on the body. The berry, rich in fiber, is suitable for the treatment of eczema, constipation, hypertension, sclerosis. It speeds up the metabolism, is indicated for diseases of the heart and kidneys, anemia, problems with the digestive system.

Strawberries are advised to eat for inflammation of the thyroid gland, vitamin deficiency, cholelithiasis. It has a sugar-reducing and diuretic effect, removes excess water. The antioxidants present in berries improve mood and slow down aging. Strawberries are a powerful aphrodisiac and enhance sex drive. It has long been used for face and body skin care. Homemade berry elixir increases the body's resistance to diseases. It improves appetite and restores strength. How to make wine from fresh strawberries is a question that interests people who want to combine business with pleasure.

Preparing ingredients for making wine

To obtain a satisfactory result, you need to take only ripe berries with an intense color. You can use both sour and sweet strawberries. There should be no defects and rot. Since strawberry juice is not easily squeezed out, you need to prepare wine from the pulp.

The berries must be washed thoroughly - they may have soil on them, which gives the wine an unpleasant aftertaste. After drying, the petioles are removed, the strawberries are kneaded in a puree, which is called pulp. At the same time, they do not use a blender: it crushes the bones, which bring a bitter taste to the drink and make it cloudy. Passing berries through a meat grinder is also undesirable: its metal parts have a bad effect on the taste of raw materials. You can use a rolling pin, a silicone pusher, or chop the strawberries with your hands.

When preparing the tank, you need to rinse it with hot water and wipe it until it squeaks with a dry cloth. Taking care of how to make delicious wine from strawberries, it is not recommended to take dishes that used to contain dairy products. A bucket, glass bowl, enamel saucepan with a wide mouth will do.

Nuances of sourdough preparation

Homemade wine made from ripe strawberries is prepared using sourdough culture. It is made before the wine is made. It is stored for no longer than 10 days. You need to take:

  • 2 cups berries;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • some unwashed raisins.

Strawberries, softened in mashed potatoes, are transferred to a tank, pour in liquid and other ingredients, shake. The vessel is sealed with a stopper to protect it from goose bumps, and placed in a room with a temperature of 22-24 degrees. In order to avoid the appearance of mold and souring, the contents must be stirred with a stick throughout the day in order to drown the floating layer of pulp. On the fourth day, bubbles, foam, mash aroma will appear. Then the pulp should be removed by separating the juice.

Strawberry Wine Recipes

The popular recipe for homemade strawberry wine is not particularly complicated. It is necessary to pour the juice obtained during the fermentation into a separate bottle, put half a kilogram of sugar. It is not completely filled, otherwise the contents will overflow. A plug is installed at the end: a plastic bottom, a valve with a gas outlet from the tube. The liquid is placed in a darkened place with a temperature of 19-27 degrees.

After five days, half of the juice must be separated, a glass of sugar dissolved in it, and the workpiece must be poured into a jar again. Make sure that there is room in the dish to add all the ingredients. The procedure is repeated a few days later. The stage of active fermentation will end after a month. The wort will become light, the cake will remain at the bottom. Then you can drain the resulting wine. This can be done through the dropper tube. It is required to remove a sample from the drink, if desired, make it sweeter or flavored with vodka in the amount of 3-14% of the volume. This will contribute to the preservation of the drink, but it will impair its taste.

In order for the drink to reach its condition, it is placed in a dark place with a temperature of 4-16 degrees. It should be in a glass sealed container. After two months, the wine will mature, its shade will become richer. If sediment forms, it is advised to drain the wine by pouring it into a clean tank. If no more sediment forms, the drink is considered ready. The resulting aromatic strawberry wine will have a strength of 10-12 degrees. The more sugar in the wine, the stronger it will be.

Important! It should be borne in mind that the natural sugar content in strawberries is quite high, so the main thing is not to overdo it with sugar. If there is a lot of it, the wine may stop fermenting.

Yeast free

There is a recipe for homemade strawberry wine without yeast. You need to take 2 liters of strawberry jam with berries, a couple of liters of water, 200 g of raisins. Jam is put in a sterilized jar, cold boiled water, raisins and sugar syrup are poured. The ingredients get in the way, tightly close the container with a lid. The contents are kept for 10 days at a temperature of 22-24 degrees.

At the end of the period, the bottle is uncorked, the pulp that appears from the top is removed, the juice is filtered through cheesecloth. The cake is thrown away. The wine is placed in a separate jar with a leaky glove at the top. The liquid is placed in a warm place for 35-40 days. You can understand that fermentation is over by an inflated glove, the appearance of sediment, and the clarification of the wine.

The drink is poured into separate containers, making sure that the liquid is not cloudy. Bottles are corked, left for at least three months. You need to store alcohol at a temperature of 10-15 degrees.


There is a simple recipe for making strawberry wine at home with vodka . It is required to sort out the strawberries, wash them, remove the leaves. Transfer to a deep bowl and crush until puree is formed. Add 1 kg of sugar, 500 ml of hot water. The ingredients are mixed in a bottle, it is closed with a stopper. The liquid is left for a week at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. After that, the wine is cleaned with gauze, removing the pulp.

500 ml of vodka is added to the clear liquid. Better to use quality alcohol. Everything is shaken, the wine is left to infuse for 7 days. The final stage is filtering, getting rid of sediment. The finished product is bottled and stored in the cellar. You can drink it after a week.

The recipe for a delicious strawberry wine takes time to prepare. If you need to get a drink quickly, it's best to prepare a liqueur or liqueur.

Supplement options

The berry lacks astringent substances, therefore, to prepare a strong drink, tannic acid or fruits with a high content of astringents are put in the wort. These include raisins. The taste, color and aroma of strawberry wine with raisins will be more interesting.

For making wine with additives, it is better to take strawberry compote. You can take a spoiled or sour drink. Pour 2 liters of compote into a large bowl, leave to ferment for 2-3 days. After completing the process, add unwashed raisins - 150 g, a glass of sugar. On top of the container we attach a glove with a slot on the little finger. For ten days, the wine must settle. After - pour the contents into bottles, cork, place in the refrigerator for a couple of months. After the expiration of the period, you can remove the sample from the wine.

Strawberry wine with lemon leaves an unusual and original aftertaste. The yellow fruit will make the drink healthier for the body. You will need:

  • 100 g lemon;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 20 g yeast;
  • 3 kg of fruit.

Strawberries are peeled, dried, poured into a large container. After - add water, sprinkle the fruit with sugar, put yeast. The bottle is tightly corked with a lid, hidden for 3-6 days in a cool room. At the end of the period, mix in the remaining sugar and lemon, cut into half rings. Some winemakers add lemon zest. Shake the bottle, hide it to stand for 5 days. When the wine is fermented, it is removed from the sediment, filtered and distributed in containers. For a more pleasant taste, you can add 10 g of vanillin.

Is it possible to make wine from frozen berries or compote

Strawberry drinks are made from both fresh and frozen fruits. To make it light and clean, they need to be properly defrosted. Strawberries must thaw on their own in the refrigerator - you cannot defrost them in the microwave or by pouring them with water.

3 kg of strawberries are crushed, transferred to a glass container. Put a tablespoon of yeast, stir. A month later, the drink is poured into another bottle, 500 ml of vodka is added. They wait another 30 days, after which the drink is filtered, removing the cake, and distributed in containers.

Terms and rules for storing strawberry wine

Professionals advise to keep the harvesting before use for at least 65 days. When a 2-3 cm thick sediment appears in it, the liquid must be cleaned by pouring it into a separate tank. It is advised to do this several times. It is better not to make wine without sugar - it can become moldy. Better to put in at least a little sugar.

Wine should be served on the table in a decanter, but it cannot be stored there for a long time - the liquid will oxidize. It goes best with light sweet snacks. It can be used in desserts and cocktails. Strawberry wine is often added to other spirits to give them a sweet flavor. You should store the drink in the basement or refrigerator - then the shelf life will be a couple of years. Bottles can be labeled with labels indicating the strength (sugar content), date of manufacture, type of wine.

Contraindications to use

Since the strength of strawberry wine is relatively low, it is harmless when used in moderation. It is not advisable to drink it for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be harmful for kidney stones, gallbladder diseases. If you have food allergies, it is also better to refuse a berry drink. Wine should not be given to young children due to its strong allergenic properties.

Strawberry wine is a real delicacy that no connoisseur of delicious alcohol will refuse to try. It is not only pleasant to the taste, but also extremely healthy.

Strawberries made from large fragrant berries with a unique sweet and sour taste are available in almost any modern dacha.

Not only preserves and jams are made from it: some people prepare amazingly tasty strawberry wine at home, the recipe for which is simple to perform. We will learn how to make a strawberry wine drink on our own in the country and in an apartment in low-alcohol and fortified variations.

The following ingredients are required for a strawberry wine drink:

  • 6 kg of strawberry berries;
  • 4 kg of granulated sugar;

  • 6 liters of water;
  • 200 g unwashed raisins.

Unwashed raisins contain many wild yeasts that are essential for a good fermentation process.

The strawberries must be thoroughly washed: since these berries grow close to the soil, unwashed they will give the drink an earthy flavor.

How to make strawberry wine at home

Strawberry wine made with raisins has a wonderful taste and aroma. It is important not to allow leaves and stalks to get into the juice, and thoroughly rinse the crop. Then we follow the following recipe:

  • We knead the berries by hand or in a blender - you need a homogeneous pulp without pieces.
  • Fill the raw materials with warm water (30 degrees), add 2 kg of granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. Add the raisins and pour the mixture into a clean container, filling it no more than three quarters: enamel or glass will do, the main thing is to be clean.
  • It is better to rinse the container with boiling water first and dry it. A container for milk is not suitable: lactic acid bacteria are not needed for wine.
  • We cover the neck with a cloth so that insects do not get into the wort, and we remove it for 6-7 days in a warm place devoid of light, where the temperature varies from 18 to 28 degrees.

To prevent the wort from souring and becoming moldy, stir it twice a day with your hand, washed with laundry soap, or with a clean piece of wood.

  • Filter the fermented wort through cheesecloth into a glass bottle, squeeze the pulp and discard. Stir the juice with sugar (1 kg), install a water seal or pull on a leaky glove.
  • We remove the container with the wort to the same place where it began to ferment for five days.
  • After pouring off 0.5 l of wort, mix with 0.5 kg of sugar, pour back and place under the gate in the same place. We repeat the addition of sugar after another five days and wait for the fermentation process to end (the glove will fall off, it will not gurgle in the shutter, a precipitate and a lighter shade will appear). This can take 1-2 months.

If strawberry wine ferments at home according to this recipe for more than fifty days, it is necessary to drain the wort from the sediment into a new container and leave it under the shutter to ferment until the end. This procedure avoids the bitter taste of the drink.

  • We drain the juice that has ceased to ferment from the sediment into a clean container using a straw, and taste it. Insufficiently sweet wine is sweetened with an additional portion of sugar and left under the gate for another ten days.
  • If the taste of the wine suits you, pour it into sterile bottles "to the eyeballs", close it well and put it in a cold place, where the temperature is kept within 5-16 degrees. Within 4 months the wine will ripen and acquire a refined pleasant taste.
  • As soon as a sediment forms on the bottoms (about the twentieth day), pour the wine using a tube into new bottles. When it stops appearing, homemade strawberry wine according to this recipe is considered ripe.

Pour it into clean bottles, filter it through cheesecloth, close it tightly and store it lying in the basement or refrigerator.

The strength of the drink will be about 12 percent, the shelf life is no longer than two years.

For a stronger version, you will need the following products:

  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 2 kg of strawberry berries;

  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • A liter of hot water.

Instead of vodka, you can use alcohol or home-brew without additives.

How to make strawberry wine at home

A stronger drink will appeal to both men and women. Its plus is not only in greater strength (20-25 percent), but also in a longer shelf life.

Let's make a strong drink according to this recipe:

  • We wash the berries, peeled from leaves and stalks, and mash them manually, using a blender or a crush.
  • Mix the strawberry puree with granulated sugar, put in an enamel or glass container.
  • Add hot water, stir it and put it away in a warm corner without access to light.
  • After 5 days, remove the film from the wort and filter it through multilayer gauze or paper filters, repeating the procedure twice.

We mix the drink with vodka, pour it into sterile bottles, seal it tightly and put it in the refrigerator for three days. Then we proceed to tasting aromatic strong wine!

So, you understood how to make strawberry wine at home, the recipe for which can have several variations. Prepare this drink yourself, and enjoy the smelling, delicious "nectar" all winter, reminiscent of a warm sunny summer!

Now any wine can be bought in the store. But the good is expensive, and the cheap contains many unnatural ingredients in the form of colors and flavors. Therefore, there is nothing better than homemade wine, prepared according to all the rules of winemaking.

This may seem strange to many, but wine is a healthy product. It contains the same substances that are rich in the initial raw materials. The only difference is that during fermentation, alcohol is formed in the wine, as well as glycerin, succinic and lactic acids.

Wine contains potassium, phosphorus, pectins, sugar. It also contains a small amount of vitamins B1, B6, B12, C, PP.

Wine has bactericidal properties. It has been proven that typhoid and cholera bacteria die in it in the first half hour.

Wine stimulates appetite, restores strength, increases the body's resistance to disease. But only if you use it in moderation.

At home, wine is made with a small amount of alcohol. To do this, use any fruits and berries: apples, currants, cherries, raspberries, gooseberries, pears, mountain ash, strawberries.

The taste and aroma of wine depends on the quality of the raw materials that were used for it, as well as on how accurately all the rules for its production were followed.

Strawberry wine: the subtleties of preparation

  • Strawberries are not a very good raw material for making wines. Wines made from it are poorly stored and often turn sour. Strawberry juice is difficult to squeeze out and is poorly clarified.
  • This berry is not suitable for making dry wine. But it makes a good delicate wine of the liqueur type.
  • Only intensely colored berries should be used.
  • The strength of the wine is influenced by the amount of sugar. The more it is, the stronger the drink will be. But you need to take into account the natural sugar that is in the berries. To obtain a product with a strength of 11 °, you need to take about 200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice, and for a wine strength of 14-16 ° per 1 liter of juice, you need 240-290 g of sugar.
  • In order for the wine to ferment, it must contain about 7 g of acid per 1 liter of juice. There are about 12 g of acid in a liter of strawberry juice. This means that to get one liter of wine, you need to take 0.5 liters of juice and add the same amount of water to it.
  • It is not recommended to wash the raw materials, as “wild yeast” is present on the surface of any berries, which are responsible for fermentation. But this does not apply to strawberries, since they come into contact with the ground, there can be a lot of dirt on them, which, once it gets into the wine, will deteriorate its quality.
  • Natural yeast for strawberry wine can be substituted with raisins, or you can make your own sourdough yeast. Berries are not washed for her.

Sourdough preparation

The sourdough is stored for no more than 10 days, so start making it shortly before making the wine.


  • strawberries - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.


  • Gather ripe berries that are not contaminated with soil.
  • Crush the unwashed strawberries thoroughly in a bowl. Pour the resulting puree into a bottle.
  • Add water and sugar.
  • Shake the mixture. Close the bottle with a cotton stopper.
  • Place in a dark place at an air temperature of 22-24 °.
  • After 4 days, the juice will ferment. It will need to be filtered through cheesecloth.

The leaven is ready. A 3% sourdough culture is required to make dessert wine. That is, for 10 liters of wine, you need to take 200-300 ml of starter culture.

Strawberry wine: recipe one


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 0.4 kg;
  • raisins - 30 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare a glass bottle and stopper with a bypass tube in advance. To make more wine, it is enough to proportionally increase the amount of ingredients.
  • Sort out the strawberries. Remove dirty berries, leaves, stalks. Wash in clean water. Let it drain.
  • In an enamel saucepan or plastic bowl, mash the berries until puree. You cannot use a meat grinder, as its metal parts negatively affect the quality of raw materials.
  • Dissolve sugar in warm water. Combine with pulp (strawberry puree).
  • Pour into a bottle. Add raisins. Instead of raisins, you can use a pre-prepared sourdough, calculating the proportions. Fill the container 2/3 full so that there is enough room for fermentation. Shake everything well.
  • At a temperature of 22-24 °, fermentation of the pulp actively lasts 3-5 days.
  • Pour the liquid carefully into a clean bottle. Squeeze the pulp with cheesecloth or put on a sieve. Pour the juice into a bottle.
  • Close the container with a stopper with a special tube, the end of which is dipped into a jar of water. Carbon dioxide will leave the bottle through it, and oxygen will not get inside. If you do not make a branch pipe, the wine can turn into vinegar.
  • During further fermentation, the temperature in the bottle will rise. To prevent the yeast from peroxidizing, take the container to a cool, dark place and leave until the end of the cycle. After about 20-40 days, carbon dioxide ceases to be released, and the yeast settles to the bottom.
  • Pour the wine gently into a clean bottle using a siphon or soft thin tube. Fill the container to the top so that the cork displaces the wine.
  • Place the bottled wine in the cellar and leave for 4 weeks to clarify. During this time, a precipitate will again fall out.
  • Pour the wine back into a clean bottle, and after a month, pour the finished product into bottles.

Strawberry wine: recipe two


  • strawberries - 8 kg;
  • sugar - 100-150 g per 1 kg of berries.

Cooking method

  • Sort out the strawberries. Rinse in clean water. Remove the sepals.
  • Transfer the berries to a basin. Remember with your hands to the state of gruel.
  • Transfer the pulp to a ten-liter glass bottle.
  • Add sugar.
  • Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and place in a warm place for three days. During this time, the pulp will rise to the surface, and the juice will remain in the bottom of the container. Drain the juice into a clean bottle. Close with a stopper or a drain tube dipped in a jar of water. Keep the juice in the bottle until fermentation stops.
  • Transfer the can to a cool room and leave for 30-50 days until the juice clears. Then drain the juice with a thin hose into another glass container and let stand for a few more days.
  • Pour the settled wine into bottles, seal and store in a cool place.

Fortified strawberry wine


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 500 ml;
  • water - 500 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the strawberries, remove the leaves and sepals. Rinse with clean water.
  • Transfer to a wide bowl and mash with your hands or a pestle until puree.
  • Add sugar and hot water.
  • Pour into a bottle. Close with a stopper with a bleed tube. Leave in a warm, dark place for 5-7 days.
  • Strain the pulp, squeeze with gauze. Transfer to a clean bottle.
  • Pour in vodka. To make the wine tasty, use high quality alcoholic products. Shake well. Insist for another week. Strain.
  • Bottle, cork. Store in a cool place. You can take a sample in a week.

Note to the hostess

To get a sweeter wine, before bottling it, add syrup with a little water to it: 800 g of sugar is taken for 200 g of water. In order not to resume fermentation, the wine is pasteurized.

  • To do this, so much wine is poured into the bottles so that there is a free space of 2 cm.
  • Seal with a cork, secure it with twine.
  • Warm up for 20 minutes in water at 65 °.
  • The cork is untied. Outside, the neck of the bottle is covered with sealing wax or tar.

Wine bottles are stored in a recumbent position so that the cork does not dry out and remains damp all the time. This prevents air from entering the bottle.

The optimum storage temperature for wine is + 8 °.

Before use, the bottle of wine is kept in the same position in which it was stored. Then, slowly and carefully, the contents are poured into a decanter. As soon as even a slight turbidity appears, the bottle is raised. Wine is poured from a decanter into glasses. It cannot be stored in a decanter, as it quickly oxidizes.

Strawberry wine is a fabulous alcoholic scarlet nectar with a bright taste of summer berries, a rich strawberry aroma and a sweet, delicate aftertaste.

History... Europeans appreciated the taste of strawberries in the 15th century. A little later, an incomparable strawberry wine appeared. His first recipe dates back to 1745. But the British, who created such a wonderful drink, did not appreciate its taste at all. It then consisted of berry juice (5 parts), brown sugar (1 part) and white rum (2 parts). In general - a tasty treat, but undeservedly offended by the inhabitants of foggy Albion.

With every century, the popularity of strawberry alcohol only grows. But meeting him at the store is a rare success. In the best case, you will find liquor, and this is a slightly different drink. And homemade wines are not comparable to shop wines.


There are some points in the preparation of strawberry wine that must be taken into account.

  • Berries, unlike other fruit and berry wine recipes, need to be washed, and cleanly, otherwise you will be guaranteed an earthy taste. Wild yeast from berries will completely replace unwashed (but clean) raisins or all kinds of sourdoughs (for example, on rice or the same raisins).
  • When kneading berries, do not use a blender or meat grinder - crushing the seeds will add bitterness and turbidity to the alcohol. Therefore, it is best to knead the berries with your hands, or, in extreme cases, with a silicone crush.
  • All utensils used in the preparation and storage of the drink must be sterilized, or at least scalded with boiling water and dried. It is good if these are glass or enameled containers.
  • If mold begins to form on the wort during fermentation, try pasteurizing it (processing at 65 ° C for 10-15 minutes). In order for fermentation to continue after this, you will need to additionally add wine yeast to the wort (according to the instructions).
  • Wine is not prepared quickly, so if you are in a hurry, then it is better to prepare liqueur or liqueur from berries.
  • It is better not to make homemade strawberry wine completely dry (completely sugar-free) - it will most likely just get moldy with you, but with a small amount of sugar it is quite possible.
  • Ready wine is served by pouring it from a bottle into a decanter, but then it is not stored in the decanter - you need to drink everything. They drink it from glasses or shot glasses, snacks are either not served at all, or light, including desserts.
  • Made at home, this wine can be used in the preparation of desserts or cocktails.
  • If you wish, you can combine strawberries with other berries and make "Assorted" wine. In this case, the first recipe is used as a sample of the cooking technology.

Home-style strawberry wine

According to this recipe, you can make wine from strawberries and without water, but in this case, increase the number of berries used by 3 times (to get more juice).

In addition, adjusting the taste of the wine at the last stage, along with additional sugar, you can add vanillin (from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon) and lemon zest (30-50 grams, followed by filtration after 5-7 days). The addition of other spices is not particularly recommended, so as not to drown out the pristine strawberry taste and aroma.


  • strawberries - 3 kilos
  • granulated sugar - 2 kilos
  • water (bottled) - 3 liters

You need to cook like this:

  1. Heat the water to 30 ° C (or cool if you took boiling water), dissolve half of the sugar (1 kilogram) in it.
  2. Transfer the strawberry puree to a bowl where the wine will ferment. It can be a 10 liter bottle or can. Pour sweet water here and add raisins. Make sure that the volume of strawberry mass in the bottle does not exceed ¾.
  3. Tie the neck of the bottle with a piece of gauze and leave the wort in a dark and warm room for about a week (maybe five days). The wort needs to be stirred several times a day. The first signs of fermentation should appear at the latest - in a day.
  4. After the allotted time, we filter the liquid, squeeze the pulp.
  5. We pour the future wine into a new bottle and dissolve another 0.5 kg of granulated sugar in it. Next, a water seal is installed on the neck of the bottle or a pharmacy glove is put on with a puncture in one of its fingers. Send the bottle to the same place where the previous one was.
  6. After 5 days, pour a glass of wort from the bottle, dissolve 250 g in it. granulated sugar and pour back into the bottle. Return the odor trap to its original place. After another 5 days, repeat the action with adding sugar again.
  7. Now you need to wait for the end of fermentation. This usually happens after 1 to 2 months. If after two months the wine ferments, pour it into a clean bottle, leaving the sediment at the bottom of the former fermentation tank intact, and let the fermentation complete.
  8. Pour the finished strawberry wine into a new bowl, adjust the sweetness, adding more sugar if desired. To prevent new fermentation and extend the shelf life of the drink, pasteurization of wine at 65 ° C for 20 minutes (usually bottles with a drink are kept in hot water without heating it above the specified temperature), or strong alcohol - vodka, rum or diluted alcohol. Its percentage in wine should not exceed 2-15% (not to be confused with the strength of the wine). If you do not want to add alcohol, but you did add sugar, then you will have to hold the drink for another 10 days under a water seal.
  9. Pour the "corrected" wine into sterile large jars to the very top, seal and keep cool. Further, strawberry wine should ripen for 2-3 months, this will improve its taste. Moreover, every month it must be filtered with sterile gauze, separating it from the sediment.
  10. You can try the drink when there is no more sediment at all. Now it can be poured into wine bottles and corked. It is stored for about 2 years.

Strawberry wine "Semi-sweet"

This is a very risky recipe due to the likelihood of poor fermentation (in the absence of sugar) and microbial contamination (in the case of using non-sterile items and dishes), but its result is usually striking in its taste, freshness and lightness.


  • strawberries - 6 kilos
  • granulated sugar - 100 grams (for each liter of juice)
  • raisins (not washed, dark) - 100 grams

You need to cook like this:

  1. Sort out the berries, sort the bad ones (even partially) separately, wash and turn into a puree mass.
  2. Transfer the strawberry puree to a bowl where the wine will ferment. Pour raisins here. Make sure that the volume of strawberry mass in the bottle does not exceed ¾.
  3. Tie the neck of the bottle with a piece of gauze and leave the wort in a dark and warm room for about 2 weeks. Stir the wort no more than 1-2 times.
  4. After 14 days, drain the juice, collect the pulp and squeeze, mix the resulting juices and pour them into a container with a water seal.
  5. After 10 days, we filter the juice again, and put the wort under a water seal for quiet fermentation. This period takes from a month to three, and every 10 days we repeat the wort filtration procedure. We now add a sweetening procedure to the “stripping” procedure. That is, every 10 days, in addition to pouring wine into new dishes, we add granulated sugar to it. You need to add all the sugar in 3 doses.
  6. After a month, the wine will slightly change color, acquiring first red, and later - the color of cognac. Removing it from the sediment in the second month, you can pour it in a trickle from a certain height. This will "ventilate" the drink.
  7. After 2-3 months, the wine will be completely clear and ready. If you wish, you can slightly sweeten it or “fix” it with strong alcohol (2-15% of the volume of the entire drink).

After bottling, try to age the wine for another six months or at least a quarter, then it will become simply luxurious.