Salting cowsheds for the winter. Valui: ways to cook tricky mushrooms

28.07.2019 Seafood dishes

Despite the fact that cowsheds (also called pigs) were transferred from the group of conditionally edible mushrooms to poisonous several years ago, housewives continue to use them for their culinary achievements. Knowing how to soak a component and how much to cook it can minimize and even eliminate the potential risk.

Mushrooms are soaked at least three times, in salt water, the holding time should be at least 5 hours. They are also boiled three times: in the first water for 5 minutes, in the second - 30 minutes, in the third - 40 minutes. It turns out that all heat treatment in time should be at least 1 hour and 15 minutes. In addition, before preparing the barns, it is worth collecting more information about them, which will reduce the hassle in the kitchen to a minimum.

Useful information about the barn mushroom

It is important not only to know how much and how to cook the barns until cooked. To make the mushrooms tasty and not harm your health, you must always remember the following things:

  • The finished components do not float on the surface of the water, but settle to the bottom of the container.
  • Boiled mushrooms do not have to be immediately used on various dishes. They perfectly tolerate freezing and in this form retain their taste for six months. If necessary, you just need to defrost them at room temperature and turn them into a short heat treatment.
  • It is better to select the youngest barns for boiling. They are lighter in color. At the same time, the age of the product does not in any way affect how much it should be boiled.

Tip: Pigs are thin and fat. Despite the difference in appearance, they practically do not differ in composition and taste. Despite this, it is better to eat thin specimens, because they boil better during heat treatment, while less harmful components accumulate during the growth period.

  • The processing of products must be carried out as quickly as possible, because slices of such mushrooms darken very quickly. This does not affect the quality of the component, but spoils the aesthetic appearance a little.
  • It is recommended to store fresh mushrooms in the refrigerator, no more than 3 days.

Unfortunately, even adherence to all of the listed rules cannot guarantee that there is no risk of toxic or food poisoning. To prepare ordinary barns, you need to have an impressive experience and knowledge that is inherent only in experienced mushroom pickers.

How to cook a poisonous mushroom properly so that it becomes edible?

Before boiling the collected mushrooms, they should be cleaned of all litter, rinsed several times in cold water and soaked. The barns are soaked three times, for 5 hours. Each time, clean, salted water is used, which is completely drained and replaced with fresh solution. The components prepared in this way are reclined in a colander to drain excess moisture.

  • Now we take mushrooms, salt and water. It is important to know how much to take of which component so that the product is not only safe, but also tasty. Experts believe that for 1 kg of barns you need to take 1 liter of water and a teaspoon of fine salt.
  • We place all the ingredients in a saucepan, which we put on high heat and bring to a boil. It is strictly forbidden to scald the components with boiling water! With this approach, it will be impossible to cook them with dignity.

  • After boiling, the mass must be cooked for 5 minutes over medium heat, preferably under a lid. Then we drain the broth, replace with fresh cold (!) Water and repeat the manipulation, keeping this time for half an hour. Drain the liquid again and replace it with clean water. Boil the mushrooms for the last time for 40 minutes. This time they have to get to full readiness.
  • We put the boiled components on a sieve or colander, wait until all the water drains, and the products themselves cool. Only then can they be used for their intended purpose or frozen.
  • The elements prepared in this way are allowed to be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days, but they must be filled with the last broth.

The pigs have a dense and pleasant texture, special taste, mild aroma and, at the same time, have a low calorie content, which makes it possible to use the component in diet salads or side dishes. If you learn how to properly boil an ingredient, it will help diversify your usual dishes. The main thing is to remember all the above rules and strictly follow the requirements of the recipes.

Many housewives prefer to close the pigs for the winter. In this case, it is worth considering that, no matter how much the barns are subjected to chemical treatment (salting, pickling), the danger of poisoning with such components still remains. Therefore, you should not use recipes that do not involve pre-boiling the mushrooms.

Often housewives prepare pickled barns for the winter, since this variety generally does not require long-term heat treatments. Therefore, the process of marinating valui in jars for the winter takes a minimum of time, and the taste in terms of the quality of the finished canning is in no way inferior to popular pickles.

This recipe is perfect for pickling Valui mushrooms - this is the second name for barns that have just been harvested in the forest. The process takes about half an hour, but at the same time a rich, fairly concentrated marinade is obtained. This recipe is for 1 kg of value.

Preparatory stages:

  1. It is worth picking only intact, and most importantly, small mushrooms.
  2. Mushrooms are preliminarily cleaned of dirt and sand.
  3. Valui should be soaked in cold water for a day to cleanse the pores.
  4. Mushrooms need to be processed for half an hour in a special solution, characterized by the following proportions: for a volume of 1 liter of water, the seasoning is dissolved in the amount indicated above.


  • 1 kg. mushrooms;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 dessert spoons of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 3-5 blooms from dill;
  • 8-10 raspberry leaves;
  • 8-10 cherry leaves;
  • 9-10 peas of black pepper;
  • 3 parts bay leaf;
  • 10 grams or 3 tbsp. spoons of 70% vinegar essence.

We marinate cowsheds for the winter:

  1. The brine is prepared in advance. It should be infused for several hours, about 2-3.
  2. The marinade is made as follows: salt is diluted in the liquid, then all the other ingredients are added. The resulting mixture should be boiled slightly. To use the marinade, refrigerate it slightly.
  3. It is necessary to put the mushrooms in the jar correctly - they should occupy almost 80% of the total volume of the container. In this case, you should adhere to the following scheme: the marinade is poured onto the bottom of the dish two fingers from the bottom. Then the mushrooms are laid, but not too tightly. Then the rest of the marinade is poured. The jar is closed with a lid, after which the container must be removed to a dark, warm place. For insulation, conservation can be covered with an old jacket or fur coat.
  4. The banks should stay here for about two weeks. When aged for one month, the marinade will become more intense, which will improve the taste of the mushrooms themselves.
  5. This method of pickling is quite mild, so such mushrooms can be used even by those who have stomach problems, but in small quantities. The cowsheds can be filled with estimated or sunflower oil - this will enhance the taste perception. Sometimes chopped onions and black peppercorns are added.

How to marinate barns with garlic for the winter

This recipe is perfect for gourmets who love spicy food. In this case, the marinade has a more intense and spicy taste, which has a positive effect on the taste of the mushrooms themselves. This recipe is calculated for 1 kilogram of mushrooms.


  • 1 kilogram of value;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • Garlic.
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • Vinegar;
  • Dill with an umbrella;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Peppercorns or allspice.

How to marinate barns recipe:

  1. The plant must be well washed from the sand, it is advisable to carry out the processing with a toothbrush. In order for the sand to be completely washed, it is necessary for the mushrooms to settle.
  2. After that, the barns are boiled twice for 15 minutes, each time you need to drain the waste water. In this case, the pan must be rinsed. You can do the same with barns, but then the taste threshold may decrease.
  3. After heat treatment, the product is placed in a colander, where it must completely drain from the water. The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes.
  4. At this time, the marinade is being prepared: the specified tablespoons of the seasoning will dissolve in 2 liters of water. In order for the substance to completely dissolve without sediment, you need to take a warm liquid.
  5. When the valuei are completely drained, but they are still hot, they are mixed with garlic. In this case, the more spicy root vegetable, the better - it all depends on the taste of the hostess.
  6. When the mixture has completely cooled down, you can put them in jars. Better to take liter or half liter containers. The mushrooms should fill the jar up to the shoulders as much as possible.
  7. The remaining space of the container is filled with dill, bay leaves, and pepper is also placed here. The amount of spices is variable.
  8. If the barns should turn out to be spicy, then you should put in each jar: 3 bay leaves; 1-2 umbrellas of dill; 5-6 peppercorns, can be combined.
  9. The contents are filled with brine and sealed on top with a nylon lid. If air gets into the jar, the contents begin to ferment. You cannot use it.
  10. You can store such pickled valui at any temperature and in any room. Even if the liquid in the jar freezes, the product can still be consumed - the thermal effect will not in any way affect the original taste of the dish.

How to marinate barn mushrooms in boiling marinade

Barns marinated in boiling broth are very soft, but the caps and legs remain firm and complete. This pickling option is very interesting and unique for cooking.


  • 1 kg. mushrooms;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 dill inflorescence;
  • 3-5 peas of pepper;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1000 grams of water;
  • 1-2 aspirin tablets.

How to marinate barns for the winter:

  1. Cowsheds should be thoroughly cleaned of sand and dirt.
  2. The washed product is immersed in as hot as possible, but not boiling water.
  3. When the liquid boils, the heat treatment process should continue for 40 minutes.
  4. While the values ​​are boiled, the brine is being prepared. The specified amount of salt is dissolved in one liter of water. It is better to take a large-crystalline one. Often, common table salt is partially replaced with sea salt. The resulting consistency is brought to a boil.
  5. While the brine gradually heats up, the mushrooms are decanted and poured into a colander, where they are washed with running cold water.
  6. Subsequently, the mushrooms are placed in a boiling solution.
  7. The contents of the pot should boil. Heat treatment time - 30 minutes.
  8. 10 minutes before the end, you need to put a bay leaf in a container.
  9. While the product is being boiled, the seaming jars should already be sterilized. If seaming is performed, then the same should be done with the covers. You can also use the nylon version.
  10. Before putting mushrooms in a jar, peeled garlic, dill, black peppercorns and aspirin tablets are placed in the jar.
  11. The last stage is filling the cans with brine. We close or roll up containers.
  12. Such a recipe for pickled valuevs for the winter is not used so often, but it is interesting in its taste characteristics. Aspirin gives mushrooms and brine a slightly carbonated flavor.

How to pickle barn mushrooms for the winter

In this case, cowsheds acquire a sweetish-sourish taste, where there is a slight bitterness.

Products for making:

  • mushrooms;
  • 60 grams of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 20 grams of a spoonful of salt;
  • 2-4 bay leaves;
  • 120 grams of 9% vinegar;
  • 2-3 inflorescences of dill;
  • 3 part head of garlic.

Pickled barn mushrooms recipe:

  1. The product is cleaned and washed from dirt. The mushrooms must be settled for 3 hours.
  2. Boiling the mushrooms takes 45 minutes. It is necessary to remove the foam and stir the values.
  3. The mushrooms are decanted and cooled naturally.
  4. Prepare the brine: bring the water to a boil, in which all the components fit. The boiling process takes 5-8 minutes.
  5. Mushrooms in jars are poured with hot marinade, and garlic is placed on top. The contents of the brine can not be used, but for a more aesthetic appearance it is transferred to a container.
  6. Banks are covered with a nylon lid. It is necessary to do this so that air gets through it, so botulism and the formation of viruses under the lid are avoided.
  7. Store pickled barns in the refrigerator. If you leave them in a warm place, then the product will not be consumed.

How to pickle value mushrooms

This method of pickling barn mushrooms is different from the others, but this method of processing significantly reduces the risk of poisoning. Assumes both hermetic marinating and the use of a plastic lid.

Required products:

  • 1 kilogram of barns;
  • 120 grams of water;
  • 120 grams of 5% vinegar;
  • 20 grams of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 dried carnations;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 6 balls of black pepper.

How to pickle valui for the winter:

  1. Put peeled, washed mushrooms in a saucepan with brine and bring the product to a boil, which lasts at least 30 minutes. It is better not to cut the product, but use small examples.
  2. Foam that forms on the surface should be removed as much as possible. This means that during the cooking process, you need to monitor the cooking all the time.
  3. As a result, the boiled mushrooms will go down, and the liquid will become transparent and rise up.
  4. Distribute the values ​​in containers, while filling 75% of the container space, and sterilize at a temperature of at least 85 degrees Celsius.
  5. If the cans are closed with a plastic lid, then the surface is pre-filled with sunflower oil.
  6. The storage method depends on the way the containers are closed. If it is sterilization, then preservation can be stored anywhere at any temperature. The plastic cover requires special storage conditions - refrigerator.

Valui are mushrooms that can be pickled in several ways. Moreover, each of them has its own distinctive feature, which affects the taste. Also, the difference is manifested in the method of preparing the brine and placing the mushrooms in the container. This significantly affects the storage conditions and the use of salted food.

I had to urgently look for recipes for mushroom preparations. Collected a lot of pigs, they are also popularly called cowsheds. They won't stand for a long time, so I decided to give preference to mushroom caviar from the barns for the winter.

The fact that pigs are conditionally edible mushrooms never scared me. You need to cook them correctly, and then there will be no harm to health. You cannot dry and cook soup from cowsheds. I learned this as a child. I have in stock recipes for black mushrooms, also conditionally edible mushrooms.

Processing mushrooms after harvest

Mushrooms brought from the forest are covered with forest debris: needles, leaves, earth. The primary processing of forest gifts is time-consuming. To make the garbage easier to clean up, we pour our wealth into a large basin, fill the basin with cold water.

You can forget about them for a day. The water should be changed once or twice during this time. After a day, drain all the water, pour a new one and start washing the mushrooms. Treat black milk mushrooms in a similar way. We boil the washed and debris-free pigs in a large volume of water, which can literally be slightly salted.

For a rich taste, put spices in a gauze bag: cloves, allspice peas. Dip the bag into the water. Boil the conditionally edible mushrooms for 1 hour. The resulting raw materials can be used for blanks. Here are the recipes that have taken root in our family.

Delicious pig caviar

After processing one bucket of mushrooms, I got about a bowl of raw materials. For this volume, I prepare a marinade from 1 glass of sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon of 70% vinegar. For aroma, I put cloves (things 2) and 5 allspice peas.

Prepared mushrooms must be rinsed in cold water, squeezed, chopped with a blender. To make the taste of mushroom caviar more interesting, we will use onions. Let's take heads that are not small, but rather large ones. 3 pieces will be enough. The onions need to be peeled, cut into cubes, and fried in oil until golden brown.

Combine the mushroom mass, fried onions, marinade in a deep saucepan, mix. Simmer for 15 minutes. The mass can burn, so you should not relax. We'll have to arm ourselves with a wooden spoon and stir the brew for 15 minutes. Pour the mushroom preparation hot into jars. Tighten the banks.

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Mushroom caviar with carrots and garlic

Recipes for one type of mushroom can be used equally well for another type. So for one year I cooked champignons in the same way as in cowsheds, only I did not soak them for a day.

You can cook from not only fresh pigs, but also frozen ones. Due to lack of time, I often freeze pre-boiled mushrooms, and then prepare snacks from them. The snacks are delicious, because I take my time and make a small amount.

We will make this appetizer with garlic. For a kilogram of boiled mushrooms, it will take almost a head, if the teeth are small, I take 6 large slices. The workpiece has a pleasant garlic taste without overdoing it.

Onions and carrots need the same amount - 250 g. I indicate the weight of peeled vegetables. I cut the turnip as for a soup dressing, grated root vegetables. Carcass chopped vegetables in vegetable oil until tender.

Vegetables need to be cooled a little and passed through a meat grinder once. This moment is important. It is thanks to the vegetables passed through the meat grinder that the caviar from the mushrooms acquires the desired consistency.

If you are too lazy to mess around with a meat grinder, you can use a submersible blender, this will not affect the taste in any way.

We put chopped vegetables, chopped mushrooms in a saucepan, add spices. There may be variations at this stage. Everyone has their own taste preferences. I use a tablespoon for this volume of salt, 1/3 of a teaspoon of vinegar, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 2 pieces of lavrushka, I sprinkle ground pepper on my eye, I drop four pieces of sweet peas.

All this yummy needs to be mixed and put to stew. When almost all the liquid has evaporated, add the crushed garlic. At this point, it is a good idea to take a sample - if there is not enough salt or pepper, correct the situation. Caviar, while it is hot, arrange in jars. You can pour calcined vegetable oil on top. Close the jars tightly and remove the mushrooms to storage.

Fried black milk mushrooms for the winter

I prefer to use simple recipes when we collect too many milk mushrooms for the winter. The simplicity of preparation does not in any way affect the taste of the winter preparation. Now I'll tell you how to quickly make a universal, fried appetizer from black milk mushrooms.

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In winter, we take out jars of fried milk mushrooms every week. Eat them with crushed potatoes or season them with lightly pickled onions and eat them as a salad. Taste is difficult to convey in words. Better try to cook it yourself. The cooking process couldn't be easier.

Boil the mushrooms in the way indicated above. Take out a larger pan, put the washed milk mushrooms in the pan to evaporate the liquid.

The pan must be completely dry. We heat and stir the mushrooms until all the liquid has evaporated.

When you have achieved the desired dryness of the mushroom preparation, pour oil into the pan. We use an odorless vegetable and pour a lot of it, the mushrooms should almost float in it. Salt the mushroom mass to your liking, simmer for 25 minutes, lay out in clean jars. There should be a 2 - 3 mm layer of oil on top, heat it additionally if there is not enough of it in the pan. It is better to store jars of mushrooms on a shelf in the cellar.

Recipe for caviar with tomato juice from pigs with sterilization

Some housewives prefer sterilized mushroom preparations. It is for them that this appetizer is suitable. I did it several times and always the preparation turned out to be successful, despite the unusual combination of mushrooms and tomato juice. In addition, it is prepared with garlic. I take a head for 2 kg of pigs and 400 g of tomato juice.

I usually include carrots in the recipe - with it the taste is more interesting and the consistency is more original. I rub the root vegetables on a grater, let it sit in a pan until completely soft. I grind the boiled cowsheds on a blender, mix them with carrots, send them to a saucepan, and pour tomato juice there.

Carcass all 30 minutes. I fill the mushroom blank with oil and spices to taste. I take the spices that are at hand - salt, pepper. Before the end of cooking, put finely chopped garlic in a saucepan. I spread the mushroom snack in one-liter jars, sterilize each one for 30 minutes, roll it up hermetically and, after cooling down under a fur coat, bring it to the cellar.

When it gets warmer outside, many people gather to pick mushrooms. Barns (pigs) are one of the first mushrooms of the season. They are very popular, although they are conditionally edible, and even poisonous in some classifications. There is some evidence that regular consumption of this product is a health hazard. But this does not stop lovers of tasty things, so they enjoy them with pleasure. They know how to cook barn mushrooms! We will find out today too!

A few words about barns

Cowsheds (or pigs) grow in clearings, illuminated by the sun. It is not recommended to take a mushroom that has grown near the roadway, as it will contain many harmful substances, which increases the risk of poisoning. You need to cook barns right away, as they are not stored for a long time (they turn black, moldy, and so on).

Before cooking, the mushrooms are soaked for a while in water, then heat treated. It should be noted that barn mushrooms, the recipes for which we will consider below, are not recommended to be dried and added to soups, they are usually salted and pickled. To do this, choose wooden barrels or containers made of glass, ceramics.

Salting of cowsheds

Before starting salting, the mushrooms are soaked in cool water, washed and boiled. Then they are washed again and laid out in a container in layers, sprinkled with salt and adding horseradish, cherry and currant leaves. You can also use chives, allspice, and dill. Next, gauze is laid on top, oppression is put on and the container is removed in a cold place for forty days. The barns are kept at a temperature not lower than five degrees, otherwise the mushrooms may freeze. It is periodically necessary to top up with cold water, as the brine can evaporate over time.

Pickled barns

Ingredients: half a cup of vinegar, two tablespoons of salt, ten cloves of garlic, five stalks of dill, two bay leaves, as well as five black peppercorns, two tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon.

Before cooking barn mushrooms, you need to soak, wash and boil them. Cook in salted water for about twenty-five minutes, periodically removing the foam that appears. After that, the mushrooms are removed from the heat and cooled. Pigs are placed in pre-prepared jars, poured with cooled marinade, two tablespoons of sunflower oil are added and rolled up.

Omelet with cowsheds

Ingredients: one glass of boiled mushrooms, one onion, four eggs, two tablespoons of butter, one fourth of sweet pepper, herbs, salt and spices to taste.

The onions are chopped and fried until they become transparent. Then pre-boiled and chopped mushrooms are added to it and fried for ten minutes over low heat, salt and pepper. As a result, you will have very appetizing barns (photo). Combine the mushrooms with beaten eggs and fry for another 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle everything on top with chopped bell peppers and chopped herbs. The dish is ready!

Fried cowsheds with sour cream

Ingredients: five hundred grams of young mushrooms, half a glass of sour cream, as well as hard cheese, garlic, onions, parsley and basil, apples, salt and spices to taste, vegetable oil or pork fat.

Before cooking barn mushrooms, they should be peeled and boiled. Then they are washed and cut into pieces. The cowsheds are laid out in a preheated frying pan in fat or vegetable oil and fried for fifteen minutes, avoiding overdrying. Then add onions and seasonings, but do it in moderation to preserve the mushroom flavor and aroma. Mushrooms should be salted at the end of frying, but before that, sour cream is added to them. Then the dish is stewed until fully cooked. If more sauce is required, sour cream is diluted with milk or mushroom broth. The dish can be served both hot and cold.

Fried cowsheds with potatoes

Ingredients: eight mushrooms, eight potatoes, one onion, half a spoonful of black pepper, thirty grams of vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Before cooking barn mushrooms, boil them twice in salt water. To do this, the mushrooms are peeled, washed and cut into medium-sized pieces, poured with water and boiled for twenty-five minutes. Then the cowsheds are thrown into a colander and thoroughly washed with cold water, again set to cook for twenty-five minutes. Then the mushrooms are washed and dried, laid out in a pan, where vegetable oil is poured in advance, and heated until the excess liquid boils away. Then add the chopped onion and fry for ten minutes, then add the chopped potatoes. Everything is fried until the potatoes are ready, until golden brown, stirring occasionally.


Despite the fact that barns are considered conditionally edible mushrooms, they are very often used to prepare various dishes. I must say that they are salted, fried, marinated, cooked in a multicooker, but it is not recommended to dry them and cook first courses from them. And, of course, everything is good in moderation! Bon Appetit!

The cowshed (veselka, pig) is a medicinal mushroom. It got its name from its unpleasant smell. But, despite this feature, it is widely used in folk and traditional medicine. From the barn, preparations are made for the treatment and prevention of cancer, staphylococcal infections, to strengthen the immune system. This mushroom is also used in cooking. When properly processed, the pungent odor disappears and dishes from the barn have a pleasant taste. From this article, readers can learn how to cook The dishes described here are sure to please you and your family members, and these recipes will live in your notebook for a long time.

Pickled cowsheds - a delicious savory snack

To prepare this dish, you will need the following products:

  • mushrooms (barns and waves) - half a kilogram each;
  • granulated sugar - 1 large spoon;
  • - 2 large spoons;
  • vinegar essence (70%) - 2 tablespoons;
  • dill - 5 umbrellas;
  • cherry and raspberry leaves - 10 pieces each;
  • bay leaf, peppercorns - 5 pieces each.

How to marinate barn mushrooms?

Before proceeding directly to the execution of the snack, you need to prepare the main ingredient. Clean the mushrooms from debris and soil and soak in cold water. Leave them like this overnight. Next, rinse the barns under the tap and discard in a colander. But now you can give them to heat treatment.

How to cook mushroom barns next? Cook them for 20 minutes in a brine consisting of a liter of water and 1 large spoonful of salt. Prepare the marinade in a separate bowl. To do this, boil water (1 liter), add sugar, salt (1 spoon), spices to it. Boil all these ingredients for a quarter of an hour. Then turn off the fire, and pour the boiled mushrooms into a saucepan in clean sterile jars and fill with marinade. Cover, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool. Store the workpiece in a cool place. It is recommended to eat mushrooms no earlier than 15-20 days later.

How to cook barns Learning the recipe

This dish can only be prepared with veselki. But it turns out to be especially tasty when it is prepared from assorted mushrooms (cowsheds, mushrooms, chanterelles, russula). This "fried" is very nutritious, aromatic and tasty. It will work well for a complete meal, but it can be served with potatoes or meat.

Soak the mushrooms for 12 hours and rinse under running water. Next, grind them into pieces. Chop the onions finely and pour into the pan with the mushrooms. Add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and salt there. Keep in mind that by the end of cooking, the contents of the pan will be halved. This must be taken into account when you add salt and spices to the dish. Put the bowl of food on the fire and fry the barn mushrooms. How long does it take to cook? This process is not fast, since the liquid will evaporate first, and only then the mushrooms will begin to fry. Everything will take about half an hour. When the mushrooms and onions are golden brown, remove the pan from the heat. Add spices to taste: ground pepper, herbs. That's it, the mushroom dish is ready.

If you meet pigs in the forest, do not pass them. Collect them in a basket and take them home. And you already know how to cook barns (mushrooms) and you can do it without any problems. Enjoy your meal!