Harvesting lingonberries for the winter without sugar. Lingonberries soaked for the winter: recipes for berries with sugar and without cooking

Lingonberry in own juice - great way prepare the most useful for the winter. In addition, you can make it without sugar - if you don't like sweets or just want to use the berry for cooking fruit drinks and jelly. Of course, it will be delicious with granulated sugar. Also, lingonberries are harvested for the winter in other ways (we will tell you how to make a simple supply from berries without cooking in order to save maximum amount vitamins). How to save the berry as efficiently as possible until winter cold, read further in our article.

Lingonberries in their own juice without sugar

The preparation is made incredibly simple: wash and sort the berries, put them in jars to the top and fill with boiling water. Cool slightly, cover and sterilize: for large three-liter cans it takes 20 minutes, for smaller containers - 10-15 minutes.

Lingonberries in their own juice with granulated sugar

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of lingonberries (respectively, if you have more berries, increase the proportions);
  • 200 g granulated sugar.

Rinse the berries, put them in a saucepan and send them to the oven to simmer - the lingonberries should give juice, drain it. Then boil the liquid with sugar for 10 minutes. Arrange the berries in jars, pour the resulting juice, close the lids and sterilize. So the lingonberry will be perfectly stored until spring.

Lingonberries in their own juice: an unusual recipe with apples

For 1 kilogram of fresh, washed and sorted berries, you will need:

  • a pound of fresh apples;
  • 300 g granulated sugar;
  • 400-500 g (2 glasses) of clean drinking water.

Put the berries in a saucepan, fill with the indicated amount of water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Then pour through a colander into another saucepan, and leave the berries themselves in a sieve. Now fragrant, juicy apples wash, peel, cut into slices or cubes. Bring the drained lingonberry broth to a boil, place the fruit there, add the sugar and cook for 5-10 minutes. After the specified time, put the lingonberries there and cook for another 5 minutes. Done - turn off the gas, cool a little and put the resulting compote in the jars.

Lingonberries with sugar: we make supplies without cooking

Another way to preserve the berry until the long winter is to prepare a supply from it. Moreover, for it, you can use not only lingonberries, but also add citrus fruits to it - lemon or orange, other berries, for example, cranberries, or spices for aroma. And the workpiece itself is done as follows. Take:

  • 1 kilogram of lingonberry;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar.

Mix the berries with sugar. Someone lets it stand for a couple of hours, and someone starts cooking right away. After that, grind the lingonberry mass with an immersion blender or using a meat grinder, put in sterilized jars and send to storage. You can also add a couple of sweet oranges, pre-seeded and chopped in a blender, or half a lemon for taste. It will be very tasty if you put a little cinnamon in the supply, ground cloves or any other aromatic spice. To keep your health strong and in winter time years, stir a tablespoon of the workpiece in a glass warm water and have a drink. So you will provide the body as well as a lot of others nutrients that will support your immune system and prevent you from catching colds.

Hello dear blog subscribers and guests! Today I would like to remind you that the most valuable and useful means it is not necessary to buy at the pharmacy. Continuing the rubric on the beneficial properties of berries, I would like to help you stock up on vitamins for the whole winter with my advice. The heroine of the plot will be soaked lingonberry.

A berry that has incredible taste and at the same time is a valuable source of many useful components... She's just in huge amount contains organic acids, B vitamins, as well as many trace elements.

Lingonberry soaking is a very useful and, most importantly, beneficial procedure. After all, she gives real mistress the following benefits:

  1. The ability to pamper yourself vitamin drink all winter.
  2. Treat the whole family for a wide variety of ailments. Inquire about medicinal properties berries and how to use it you can.
  3. Make an awesome meat sauce.
  4. Add to a wide variety of pickles. For example, combining lingonberries with apples will help create a dish that your family and friends will not be able to tear themselves away from.
  5. Berries are an excellent base for fruit drinks and jelly.

Well, the most important advantage, of course, is the ease of preparation. The blanks do not require any special preparation and take very little time. Now let's move on to the most interesting part. Get ready to take notes, because the suggested recipes are sure to please you.

Properly harvested berries will provide you all year round a charge of vitamins, antioxidants, and will also help the body resist viruses and bacteria during the flu and cold season. I devoted a whole article. I think after reading it, you will definitely want to have several jars of such a useful potion in your arsenal.

  1. Do not rush to buy berries from the first harvest in August. At this time, they were not yet fully ripe. Ideally September.
  2. A deep crimson color is a sign of maturity. Such berries are the most the best option for blanks.
  3. Only use whole fruits. Eat the damaged ones right away and add to baked goods and treat your family to a healthy treat.
  4. Choose the right container. It is very important. The most suitable option is enameled or stainless pans... But you can also use containers made of food grade plastic, as well as familiar glass jars... If there is a large number of berries, then boldly soak in plastic bags.
  5. Don't be overly scrupulous. A small amount of leaves trapped in the blanks will only benefit your dish.

Important! Lingonberries contain benzoic acid in abundance, a powerful preservative. It is this component that allows the berry to retain its qualities for a long time and not deteriorate.

Remember these 5 simple rules... It is not difficult to follow them, and the result will definitely not disappoint you.

Soaked lingonberry: fast, simple, incredibly tasty

This recipe was very popular with our ancestors. It is as easy as shelling pears to cook with, and the taste is unsurpassed. I would even call it a recipe for the lazy, but very fond of treating themselves and their family with healthy goodies.

Pickled berries without boiling

  1. Cooking lingonberries. To do this, I advise you to put it in a sieve. Rinse thoroughly and give excess water drain.
  2. In the meantime, you need to prepare the container. You can take, of course, and classic jar in 3 liters. But I would suggest finding a larger container. You will find out why a little later. Rinse the dishes thoroughly and rinse with boiling water.
  3. Now we put the berries in a container. The most optimal amount is a third of the total. But, if you have an abundance of lingonberries, feel free to pour more. The taste will be more intense.
  4. Fill the rest of the volume cold water... Filter the water or collect the spring water. Boil and cool.
  5. Close the jar with a lid and bandage on top parchment paper... Remember to punch holes in the paper or lid.

Now choose a place. You need to insist in a cool dark place. Already after 7 days of this procedure, the lingonberry will give up all its useful properties and give the water a unique taste.

By the way, this drink will be enough for the whole winter and even for large family... To stretch the pleasure, simply pour a little bit every time from different cans and do not forget to replace the poured volume with cold water. For example, if you poured a glass of water from one jar, add a glass of pure water.

After the drink is over, do not rush to throw away the berries. Knead favorite dough and make flavorful pies.

Fragrant, spicy lingonberry: pamper your family with an unusual jam

My friends love this recipe for its light and pleasant spice. It is much better than plain sweet sugar jam. The cooking time is much longer than in the previous recipe, but for the sake of such pleasure it is worth the wait.

  1. Cooking berries. We take them in the amount of half of the total.
  2. As a dish we will use a large enamel pot... Rinse it and rinse with boiling water.
  3. Pour lingonberries into a saucepan. Be sure to put oppression on top. It will help the berry to fully open up and give its taste and aroma.
  4. Now let's prepare the pouring syrup. Mix water with sugar, spices. Sugar should be 2 times less than the berries themselves. Sweet lovers can increase the sugar concentration up to 2.5. Of the spices, cloves are best. allspice and cinnamon. Don't add a lot of spices, or they will clog the flavor of the main ingredient.

Important! I advise people who are afraid for their figure to cook this dish without sugar. Instead, you can put honey in the amount of 150 g per 1 liter of water.

  1. Fill the berries with syrup and cover the pan with a lid.

Insist in the cellar for 30 days. Then feel free to start using this amazing dish.

Folk recipe

Now I want to tell you how to cook lingonberries in order to create real culinary masterpieces with them.

What you need:

  • lingonberry berries - 1 kg;
  • Antonov apple - 1 pc .;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • clean water - 1 liter.

Cook berries and jars as described above. Then boil the syrup by mixing sugar, salt and water. Cool it down.

Advice! When cooking, always let the pouring cool down, otherwise the berries will lose their shape.

Fill the jars with lingonberries, leaving some space. Cut the apple into slices and add on top of the berries. Pour in syrup and cover with cheesecloth. Store in the refrigerator. Soaked lingonberries with apples can be used as a pie filling or simply eaten with tea.

Gourmet recipe

The male half of your family will love this simple sauce recipe from soaked lingonberry... It cooks quickly, and the bitter taste will be an ideal companion to meat dishes.


  • a glass of lingonberries;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • orange peel;
  • a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. You can take the usual purchased one.

Cooking is very simple. Mix berries, juice, sugar. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 40–45 minutes. Then add the zest and cook for another 10 minutes. Now you can turn off the fire. Serve the cooled sauce with meat.

In the photo, presented unusual way serving meat. But I think you will like it so much that you will have to serve the sauce in much larger quantities.

Children's immunization without vaccinations: useful jelly from soaked lingonberries

Just in time for the onset of cold weather, your lingonberry blanks can already be consumed. Therefore, save yourself this easy way to make jelly, from which your child will be delighted.

How to make jelly:

  1. 1.5–2 cups of soaked berries should be chopped in a blender or simply rubbed through a sieve.
  2. Add 700-800 ml of water.
  3. Add 5 tbsp. l. sugar and stir.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. 2 tbsp. l. Dissolve starch in a little water and gradually add to the liquid over the fire. Remember to stir vigorously to avoid clumping.
  6. Stir well again and turn off the heat.

The dish is ready.

A way out of any situation: a mental tincture

Even if for some reason your workpiece fermented, this is not a reason to be upset. Prepare the tincture:

  1. Take 0.5 kg of berries.
  2. 1 liter of vodka. Alcohol is possible, but it is better to dilute it in half with water.

Cooking is extremely simple. Pour the berries into a container and add vodka or alcohol. Insist in a cool dark place. After 2 weeks you can taste it.

Important! If lingonberries are fermented without sugar, then add 50 g of sugar per liter of vodka.

I propose to see interesting video how to make lingonberry tincture with honey:

Lingonberry-cranberry juice


  • cranberries and lingonberries, 250 g each;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • water 3 l.

Grind the berries through a sieve or chop in a blender. Cover with water, add sugar and put on fire. After the dish boils, turn off the gas immediately. Cool to a comfortable temperature and drink to your health.

And finally, I would like to remind once again that lingonberry can cause not only benefits, but also harm to the body. Do not overuse berries if you have gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, as well as low blood pressure.

That's all for today. Try it, experiment and don't forget to add your reviews.

Lingonberry is a tasty, healthy and aromatic berry. In temperate latitudes, finding it in a coniferous or deciduous forest is not at all a problem. It is not for nothing that the people say that the sleigh has been prepared since the summer. So you need to stock up on lingonberries for future use so that our body does not experience a vitamin deficiency in winter. Today we will tell you how to prepare lingonberries with sugar for the winter without cooking.

Lingonberry berry attracted us to itself

How nice it is to walk through the forest and spend time with benefit, for example, collecting lingonberries. If you do not have the opportunity to pick berries for harvesting yourself, you can buy them at the supermarket. True, in the store these berries are most often sold frozen.

Lingonberry is a real vitamin storehouse. You will not regret if you make a blank out of it. In winter, you can enjoy the taste and aroma lingonberry jam or jam. Many housewives have simplified their task and have become interested in preserving lingonberries for the winter. Recipes without cooking are an excellent confirmation of this.

Lingonberry berries contain enough benzoic acid. It is this component that prevents the development of decay and fermentation processes, therefore, without heat treatment, the berries will retain their original taste and benefits.

Let's first find out some of the features of this culinary process:

  • berries must be ripe, whole, firm and clean;
  • for preservation we use only sterilized containers;
  • you need to store lingonberries without cooking in a cool place, refrigerator or cellar;
  • lingonberries are chopped with a mixer, blender, electric meat grinder or the old-fashioned mortar;
  • lingonberries can be preserved without granulated sugar: just pour the berries with chilled and pre-boiled water;
  • 500 ml of water is taken for 1 kg of lingonberry berries;
  • the ratio of granulated sugar to berries is 1.5: 1, although you can reduce the amount of sweetener.

Making the elixir of immortality

In the old days, lingonberry berries were called "the fruits of immortality." All because of their healing properties... You can talk about the benefits of lingonberries for hours. First, let's take note of the simplest recipe for canning lingonberries. Just remember that such a delicacy must be kept in the refrigerator, since we will not expose it to heat treatment... Despite the high content of benzoic acid, we will not carry out experiments.



  • The exact proportions of granulated sugar and berries are not specified. We take a 1: 1 ratio as a basis. If you have a sweet tooth, add a little more granulated sugar. Here, as the people say, you can't spoil porridge with butter.
  • We carefully sort out the lingonberry berries, throw away the spoiled ones.
  • We wash the lingonberries, dry them.

  • To get rid of excess moisture, just put the berries in a colander.
  • Now, using a kitchen gadget or a mortar, grind the lingonberry fruits.

  • We spread the fragrant berry puree in a deep enamel bowl.
  • Add granulated sugar immediately.

  • Mix everything thoroughly. An important condition: The sugar crystals must completely dissolve.
  • Once the granulated sugar has dissolved in the lingonberry puree, put it in sterilized containers and seal the lids.

  • We store such a delicacy in the refrigerator.

Cooking a delicious medicine

Lingonberries in syrup for the winter without boiling are an excellent way of preserving these berries. It is even absolutely necessary to eat lingonberries systematically. healthy people... Strengthening your immunity with an extra portion of vitamins never hurts.


  • 1 kg of lingonberry berries;
  • 0.3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. purified water;
  • 1 lemon.


  1. As in the previous recipe, we start by preparing the lingonberry berries. They need to be carefully sorted out, rinsed and dried.
  2. We sterilize the jars and dry them well too.
  3. Processed berries can be immediately laid out in containers for preservation.
  4. V thick-walled pan pour in purified water and add granulated sugar.
  5. We put the syrup on fire and stir. Cook over low heat.
  6. From the lemon, we only need the zest. We will get it using a regular grater.
  7. Add citrus zest into syrup.
  8. After boiling, boil aromatic syrup exactly 10 minutes.
  9. Cool the syrup to the mark room temperature and fill it with lingonberry berries.
  10. We close the containers with lids and put in a cool place for storage.

Soaked lingonberries according to the recipe of our ancestors

Lingonberries soaked with sugar for the winter without cooking are very tasty. You will not have any difficulties in the cooking process. The main thing is to carefully sort out the berries and take only purified water. The rest is a matter of technology.


  • 7 kg of lingonberry berries;
  • 4 liters of purified water;
  • 0.5 kg of granulated sugar.


  • We sit down more comfortably and begin to sort out the lingonberry berries. We throw away spoiled and damaged fruits.
  • Now, under running water, rinse the lingonberries, and then dry them. Although this action is not necessary, we will still water the berries.

  • Put the lingonberries in a large container and sprinkle with granulated sugar.
  • Fill everything with water. It is better to boil and cool it first.

  • Now we cover the container with a lid and set the oppression.

  • We put the lingonberries in a secluded place and leave them in this form for 7 days.
  • After this time, you can strain the lingonberry juice.
  • Or we put soaked lingonberries in jars and roll them up with lids.

Lingonberry and orange - the perfect flavor duo

Many housewives prepare lingonberries with the addition of orange. Citrus notes will give the berries an extraordinary taste and aroma. And a portion of ascorbic acid will not hurt us.


  • 1 kg of lingonberry fruits;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1 kg of oranges.


  1. Let's not break the tradition and first sort out the lingonberry berries.
  2. Rinse them thoroughly, and then pour boiling water over them. The most convenient way to do this is to put the berries in a colander.
  3. Leave the lingonberries in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  4. Oranges can be peeled, but it is better to chop them together with the peel.
  5. A little trick: so that the citrus peel does not taste bitter, literally put the oranges in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.
  6. Now let's cut the oranges into slices.
  7. Grind oranges and lingonberries using any kitchen gadget. Our goal is lingonberry-orange puree. The play of colors, aroma and taste is simply mesmerizing.
  8. Now you can add granulated sugar.
  9. Mix everything thoroughly so that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  10. Preservation jars and lids are pre-sterilized.
  11. Put the cooked puree in sterilized containers.
  12. It is better to store this sweetness in a cool place, since berries and fruits have not been heat-treated.

Lingonberry with honey - the best cure for ailment

You can prepare lingonberries for the winter without cooking and adding granulated sugar. Honey will play the role of a sweetener. The beneficial properties and effectiveness of such food in the fight against ailments immediately increases several times.


  • 1.5 kg of lingonberry fruits;
  • 1.5 kg of liquid honey.


  1. We will not repeat how to prepare lingonberry fruits.
  2. It is better to dry washed lingonberries on a linen or paper towel.
  3. We need to grind the dried berries to a puree consistency. A blender or food processor will help us to cope with this task.
  4. Add honey to the lingonberry puree and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. We insist lingonberries for about two hours.
  6. In the meantime, we sterilize the preservation containers and lids.
  7. In a couple of hours, the honey should completely dissolve in the berry syrup.
  8. Mix the lingonberries thoroughly again and put them in the jars.
  9. We store berries exclusively in a cool place, out of direct sunlight.

What to do with lingonberries? This question is asked by many lovers of the mentioned berry. It should be noted that using such a product, you can cook completely different dishes, including jams, fruit drinks, sauces, pies, and more.

In this article, we'll walk you through the details of what to do with lingonberries. This berry is not only delicious, but also surprisingly healthy. Thanks to benzoic acid, it is stored for a very long fresh, therefore, chefs often use it for cooking different dishes and drinks.

What to do with lingonberries: cooking recipes

Delicious and healthy lingonberry juice with honey they are prepared from both fresh and from Moreover, a drink made on the basis of such a berry can be consumed both cold and hot.

So what to do with lingonberries? Of course delicious fruit drink... For this we need:

  • drinking water (from the tap) - about 8-10 glasses;
  • frozen or fresh lingonberries - about 250-300 g;
  • fresh floral or linden honey - about 50 g;
  • fine beet sugar - add to your liking.

Drink preparation method

Before I tell you about how and what you can make from lingonberries, you should tell how this berry is processed. It is sorted out of garbage, and then put in a colander or sieve and washed thoroughly.

As soon as all excess moisture drains from the lingonberries, they are laid out in a large bowl and covered with granulated sugar. Do not add too much sweet spice, as we will additionally use fresh honey.

After carefully mixing the components, they are placed on the stove and turn on a very low heat. When the granulated sugar begins to dissolve, pour about 8-10 glasses of drinking water into the bowl.

Bringing the drink to a boil, it is boiled for 2 minutes and then removed from the heat. After that, the fruit drink is allowed to cool completely. And only after that fresh honey is added to it.

After mixing the food, filter the drink through cheesecloth or sieve directly into a decanter or bottle. Having cooled it, the fruit drink is served to the table along with a sprig of mint and crushed ice... By the way, there are those housewives who prefer to use the lingonberry drink warm.

Delicious for meat

We will tell you about what to do with lingonberries for the winter a little further. Now I want to introduce you step by step recipe cooking sauce for meat. Thanks to the delicious and fragrant berry, such a dressing turns out to be unusual and moderately sweet.

What to do with fresh lingonberries and how to implement the presented recipe? For this we need the following products:

Lingonberry sauce preparation process

What to do with lingonberries? Recipes using this berry can be very different. If you want to cook an unusual meat lunch, then we propose to separately make a fragrant sauce for it.

First you need to process the berry. It is sorted out and thoroughly washed in a sieve. Having strongly shaken off the lingonberries, they are laid out in a saucepan and all the spices are added one by one ( beet sugar, ground cinnamon, chopped ginger, table salt and ground pepper Chile).

Slightly chopping the berries with a crush, they are left in this form for half an hour (to let the juice out). After that, add to the saucepan butter and immediately put on low heat. Bringing the components to a boil, they are poured into and stewed without a lid for about 10 minutes (stirring regularly).

It is very popular among modern chefs... This dessert turns out to be incredibly tasty and healthy. It keeps well in glass jars, which are placed either in the cellar or in refrigerator compartment.

So what to do with lingonberries? Recipes for the winter may require the use of completely different products... We decided to make jam not only from berries, but also with the addition of sweet apples. This combination of products will allow you to get the most delicious and healthy dessert.

So, to implement the recipe, we need:

  • fresh lingonberry - about 3 kg;
  • fine beet sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • large sweet apples - 5 pcs.;
  • drinking water from the tap - 1 glass.

Step cooking method

What to do with lingonberries for the winter? Of course, tasty and healthy jam... First you need to process all the components.

Apples are washed thoroughly, peeled from the seed box and peel, and then cut into cubes. Fresh berries are also washed separately.

After the described actions, the chopped fruits are laid out in a deep bowl, poured with water and brought to a boil. Further, granulated sugar is gradually poured into them and, thoroughly stirring, wait for its complete dissolution. By this time, the apples should be completely soft.

After adding fresh lingonberries to the fruit, bring the ingredients to a boil again and cook for about 5 minutes more. As time passes ready dessert laid out in sterilized jars, which are subsequently rolled up with lids and turned upside down. Covering the blanks with a thick blanket, they are left in this state until the jam has completely cooled down.

At the end of the day lingonberry dessert put away in a refrigerator or cellar.

It is advisable to use such a delicacy with a cup of hot tea, as well as with toasted toast or cookies.

How to make soaked lingonberries for the winter?

Soaked lingonberry is old dish Russian cuisine. Such a product has long been considered a delicacy and could decorate absolutely any dinner.

Correctly made lingonberries in syrup have a shelf life of about 1 year or more. Such a blank is ideally combined with fish and meat dishes as well as game and poultry. In addition, it is often added to salads and vinaigrette.

So how do you make lingonberries in syrup? To do this, we may need the following ingredients:

Step by step cooking

In fact, there is nothing difficult in preparing soaked lingonberries. Ripe berries are carefully sorted out, washed and dried. After that, glass jars are separately sterilized (over steam). Lingonberries are spread in them and left aside while the syrup is being prepared.

Pour 2 cups of water into a small saucepan, and add lemon zest. After putting the dishes on the fire, the contents are allowed to boil for about 10 minutes. After that, the zest is taken out, and granulated sugar is added to the fragrant liquid.

After mixing the components, they wait until all the sweet spice is completely dissolved. After boiling the ingredients for about three minutes, they are removed from the heat and cooled.

Pour fresh lingonberries with cold syrup only. After filling sterilized jars, they are immediately rolled up. In this form, delicious and useful workpiece put away in a refrigerator or cellar. It is advisable to open it only after one month. During this time, the berry will be saturated with syrup, it will become more tasty and sweeter.

How and with what to present to the table?

You can serve soaked lingonberries to the table different ways... Someone uses it as a dessert (along with toast, cookies, etc.), someone adds to various pies, and someone uses it as a sauce for meat, poultry, fish, etc.

It should also be noted that some cooks use this product for decorating all kinds of pastries, cakes and other festive delicacies.

Let's summarize

Now you know what you can do with lingonberries for the winter. There is nothing difficult in creating such blanks. You just need to purchase a berry, carefully process it and add spices. It should also be noted that most culinary specialists do not subject lingonberries to heat treatment, since in the process they lose a significant amount useful elements... If you cannot do without cooking, then it is better to do it for a small amount of time (no longer than 3-5 minutes).

To keep the favor medicinal berries, you need to know how to properly prepare lingonberries for the winter without cooking. There are recipes, and I will introduce you to them. There are several ways to preserve lingonberries: you can freeze the berries, grind them with sugar, and make soaked lingonberries. Lingonberries are in bulk this year, so it's time to take a basket and go to the forest.

Lingonberries for the winter - recipes without cooking

The fact that it is imperative to prepare lingonberries for the winter is not even discussed. There is so much in the berry that you can provide yourself with medical support for the full cold season. Especially if the lingonberry was not cooked and stored without boiling. By the way, the berry has nice feature: it contains benzoic acid, it then allows the lingonberry to keep freshness for a long time without processing.

Frozen lingonberries - recipe for the winter

Go through, wash and dry the lingonberries. The berry must be absolutely dry - this is the main condition. The right way freezing - put the lingonberries on a tray and send them to the freezer in the mode quick freeze... Then take it out, put it in bags, and again in the freezer. But if you are in a hurry, just put the dry berry in bags and send it to the freezer. Berry at deep freeze will retain all valuable useful properties.

Lingonberries with sugar without cooking

Most the best option harvesting lingonberries without cooking, the so-called cold - grind the berry with sugar. It's so easy it doesn't take long. I will introduce two recipes.

The simplest, lightest and quick recipe... The berries remain intact and can be used to decorate pies and other baked goods throughout the winter. And you can just eat! What is most valuable, lingonberries, harvested for the winter in this way, will retain their value, and their use will save you from many diseases.

You will need:

  • Lingonberry berries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook lingonberries with sugar:

  1. Sort out the berries and rinse thoroughly under running water. Throw the lingonberries in a colander, let the water drain and so that the berry becomes completely dry (this is important in this recipe), spread on a towel or newspaper.
  2. Sterilize the jars. Then fill the jars as follows: put a few tablespoons of lingonberries, a few tablespoons of sugar on top. And so, in layers, fill the jar to the top. Most upper layer- sugar, pay attention.
  3. Shake the jar periodically to ensure that the lingonberries are well laid down and tamped down.
  4. Close the container with a simple nylon cap and store. The berry will remain usable throughout the year, until the next harvest, you will be provided with lingonberries. Store in the refrigerator.

Lingonberry, grated with sugar

A somewhat time consuming option winter harvesting lingonberries without cooking compared to the first recipe. But this is the most common option.

You will need:

  • Lingonberry berry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 or 2 kg. (why an inaccurate amount, I will explain in the description of the recipe).

We procure:

  1. Sort out the berries, rinse thoroughly (preferably in running water), throw in a colander, let the water drain. Excess moisture must be removed from the berries, so put it on a newspaper, towel and wait for the berry to dry properly.
  2. Place the lingonberries in a large bowl and top with the sugar. There is small nuance... How much sugar to put in, you decide for yourself. There is a slight bitterness in the berry, not everyone likes it, so determine the amount of sugar based on taste. Usually, I put more sugar and I don't regret it. Do not be afraid, lingonberries will be stored well and with a little sugar (1 kg.).
  3. It is convenient to grind the berries with a blender - quickly and without extra effort... Well, if there is no blender, use a crush, any other available device. Do not try to chop the berries too much, they will remain intact, do not grieve. Personally, I like to find such berries in a jar in winter.
  4. Stir lingonberries, grated with sugar, and leave for a while to dissolve completely. By the way, it is better to use a wooden spoon, metal can destroy some vitamins. Lingonberries harvested for the winter without cooking in this way will preserve useful vitamins... This rule applies to all berries.
  5. When the sugar is completely dissolved, put the lingonberries in pre-sterilized jars.
  6. You can store lingonberries under the usual, nylon cover, choose a place that is cool and preferably dark.

Soaked lingonberries for the winter - recipe

In addition to lingonberries, harvested with sugar, housewives use other recipes for preserving berries for the winter without cooking. For example, the well-known soaked lingonberry. Perfect for everyone who has a basement and a cellar in their arsenal.

The option is good in that you do not need to fiddle with banks, and you do not need to carry out other troublesome manipulations.

Prepare jelly, fruit drinks from soaked lingonberries, eat berries, use, adding sugar, as a filling for baking pies. Syrup from soaked berries can be drunk, it has a rather pleasant taste, sweet and sour, with a slight bitterness.

Recipe number 1. According to this recipe, lingonberries were soaked in villages in the past.

You will need:

  • For a liter of water, take half a glass of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.

How to cook soaked lingonberries:

  1. Sort the berries, and after washing, put them in any suitable container. Glass, wood, and enamel dishes will do.
  2. Make a fill: throw sugar and salt into boiled water. There is a desire - add cinnamon, allspice and cloves - when soaking lingonberries, additives are often used. Cool the fill to room temperature.
  3. Pour the berries, put oppression on top and cover with gauze.
  4. The soaked berry can be put away for storage after a couple of days by closing it with lids. The berries contain a lot of bactericidal substances, so the berries will not grow moldy.

Recipe number 2. WITH hot filling and spices.


  • Lingonberry - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - 2 tsp.
  • Cinnamon sticks, vanillin, allspice, cloves.

We procure:

  1. Sort out the berry, wash, dry a little. Put in a jar, another container.
  2. While you are working on the lingonberries, make a drench fill. Boil the water with the rest of the ingredients. Any of them can be excluded if you wish. Cool the filling.
  3. Pour in the lingonberries and leave for a couple of days, covered with gauze. Then close the cans regular lids and send for storage.

The longer the berry is soaked, the tastier it becomes. The syrup is very beautiful, red in color, aromatic and tasty - you can drink it instead of fruit drink.

There is an option to preserve lingonberries without cooking - drying. But I dismissed it at once - long, troublesome, tedious. I dragged here and there with the rose hips, you can talk about drying.

All recipes for harvesting lingonberries for the winter without cooking win over other options in that they allow you to keep the berry almost fresh, with vitamins and others useful properties... That will make these blanks much more useful than canned ones. Cheers, my dears, eat tasty preparations and visit me more often. With love and respect ... Galina Nekrasova.