How caramels are made. How and from what can you make caramel yourself? Juicy apples in sweet caramel

15.03.2020 Grill menu

Caramel is loved not only by all sweet tooths, but also by those who regularly cook something tasty at home, as it is a great addition to any baked goods or. Therefore, we decided to talk in more detail about how to make caramel from sugar at home.

Sugar caramel recipe


  • sugar - 175 g;
  • warm water - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Before making caramel from sugar, you need to choose a suitable saucepan: it should be with a thick bottom and preferably colorless, so that it is easier to observe the color change of the caramel. Preheat a saucepan over low heat for a couple of minutes, pour sugar into it and leave it for a while so that it begins to melt.

When the sugar starts to run thin at the edges, shake the pot and put it back on the fire. When about a quarter of the sugar has melted, stir the mixture with a wooden spoon and let it simmer over medium heat until it turns a dark honey color. After that, remove the pan from the heat, add water, but be careful while doing this. The caramel will begin to sizzle and splatter. Stir the mixture thoroughly, if necessary, put it back on medium heat to melt the formed lumps. After that, the caramel is ready to eat.

Milk and sugar caramel

In the next recipe, we will share with you a way to make caramel from sugar and milk.


This article will tell you how to make delicious caramel at home.

Caramel is not only an addition to desserts, but also a complete delicacy. Caramel can be added to ice cream, cakes and pastries, curd masses, fruits, waffles, baked goods. You can make caramel with your own hands from simple products. If you want to prepare it for future use, you need to use citric acid as a preservative.

What you need:

  • Sugar -0.5 kg.
  • Purified water -370-380 ml.
  • Fresh lemon -1 PC. (small)
  • Vanilla -1 sachet (small)
  • Cinnamon -0.5 tsp (ground, powder)
  • Citric acid -9-10 g.

How to cook:

  • Use a heavy-bottomed pot to boil water (a small saucepan or stewpan).
  • Boil the water
  • Add sugar in small portions to boiling water (make the fire moderate) and dissolve it completely.
  • Add vanillin and cinnamon
  • Squeeze out the juice of one lemon completely
  • Cook such caramel constantly, stirring it with a spoon.
  • It is impossible to say exactly how long it will take, just cook it until it becomes thick.
  • Pour the hot mass into some culinary mold (silicone), and then take it out when it “grabs”.
  • Then the caramel can be cut in portions and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Salted homemade caramel recipe

Salted caramel is unique in that it combines sweetness and salty at the same time. It gives an explosion of taste in the mouth. Salted caramel will ideally complement ice cream, milkshake, curd mass, pancakes and pancakes.

What needs to be prepared:

  • Butter (75-83%) -1 pack (this is exactly 200 gr, choose oil without any admixtures of vegetable oil).
  • Sugar -200-220 gr. (white or brown)
  • Fatty cream -100-120 ml. (over 30%)
  • Salt -1 tsp (no more, so as not to spoil the taste)

How to cook:

  • Pick up a saucepan or small saucepan with a thick bottom and place it over moderate (not high) heat.
  • Pour the sugar in an even layer and let it melt on its own.
  • It is not necessary to stir the caramel, it will itself turn into a liquid and viscous mass of dark color.
  • In hot caramel, send butter (if not soft, cut into cubes).
  • Boil the butter until completely melted
  • After the butter (when it is completely dissolved), pour in the cream and keep on low heat for about 5 minutes.
  • After cooking, remove the caramel from the heat, add salt, stir and pour into a storage jar.

IMPORTANT: If you want a thicker caramel, boil it down longer.

Recipe for homemade clear sugar and water lollipop caramel

Caramel can be used to make homemade lollipops. Vinegar is added to the recipe in order to become a kind of preservative and give sourness to the candy. Choose fruit vinegar (apple cider or grape) so that the candy does not have "harshness".

What needs to be prepared:

  • Sugar -3 tbsp
  • Water -1 tbsp
  • Vinegar -0.5 tsp

How to cook:

  • Melt the sugar in a skillet or saucepan
  • Pour in water
  • Bring to a boil again
  • Turn off
  • Pour in the vinegar
  • Stir, pour into a mold
  • Insert stick (wooden toothpick)
  • Leave to freeze

Homemade soft caramel recipe with butter and vanilla

Butter-based caramel will turn out to be very tasty and fatty, with a rich taste. When solidifying, such caramel can be cut into pieces in portions, like toffee.

What do you need:

  • Butter (75-83%) -1 pack
  • Sugar -220-250 gr.
  • Vanillin -1 sachet

How to cook:

  • Put sugar in a deep-bottomed saucepan or saucepan
  • Wait until the sugar is completely melted and darkened
  • 1 tbsp. add butter to the hot mass
  • After completely dissolving the oil, add a new portion
  • Pour in vanillin, stir one last time
  • Drain the caramel into a mold and wait until it hardens.

Homemade Liquid Caramel with Cream and Vanilla Recipe

It is desirable to use such caramel as a sauce for desserts or baked goods.

What needs to be prepared:

  • Sugar -250-300 gr.
  • Cream -120-150 ml.
  • Vanillin -1 sachet

How to cook:

  • Heat sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan
  • Wait until the sugar is completely melted and darkened.
  • Dissolve vanillin in caramel
  • Gradually add the cream to the mass and mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the finished caramel into a glass or ceramic jar for storage.
  • Store in the refrigerator

Homemade Cinnamon Cream Caramel Recipe

What needs to be prepared:

  • Sugar -450-500 gr.
  • Butter -1 pack (no vegetable impurities, good quality).
  • Vanillin -1 sachet
  • Cinnamon -0.5-1 tsp (optional and taste)

How to cook:

  • Heat sugar in a saucepan
  • Bring sugar to a boil and dark brown
  • Dissolve vanillin and cinnamon in caramel
  • Stir the sugar into the caramel in small portions and mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the finished caramel into a glass or ceramic jar for storage in the refrigerator.

Homemade Milk Caramel Recipe

Homemade or store-bought milk of any fat content is suitable for making delicious creamy caramel.

What you need to have:

  • Sugar -0.5 kg.
  • Milk -200-250 ml. (it is better to take high fat content)
  • Vanillin or vanilla sugar

How to cook:

  • Pour sugar into a saucepan evenly
  • Over low heat, let the sugar gradually melt, you do not need to stir it.
  • Let the sugar darken
  • Pour in milk (not all at once, but in small portions)
  • Boil down the caramel and bring it to the desired consistency.
  • Pour into curing molds

Recipe for homemade chocolate caramel from condensed milk and cocoa

This caramel is very good to add as a sauce to ice cream or cheesecakes.

What you need:

  • Sugar -200-250 gr.
  • Condensed milk ordinary -1 can (300-400 ml.)
  • Cocoa -several tablespoons

How to cook:

  • Melt the sugar in a skillet and bring it to brown.
  • Do not turn on high heat so that the caramel "does not burn"
  • Pour condensed milk into sugar in small portions and dissolve completely.
  • Add cocoa, mix everything thoroughly
  • Pour into storage dish and refrigerate

Homemade Fruit Juice Caramel Recipe

Such caramel can be used for making candies and dressing sauces for desserts.

What you need to have:

  • Grape juice -0.5 liters (or apple)
  • Sugar -350-400 gr.
  • Vanillin or cinnamon -a few pinches

How to cook:

  • Melt the sugar in a saucepan
  • Bring the sugar caramel to brown
  • Gradually pour in the juice and stir the mass
  • Boil caramel to desired thickness
  • Pour into molds and cool

Homemade orange caramel with vanilla and cinnamon recipe

What you need:

  • Orange juice -2 cups (400-500 ml)
  • Sugar -500-600 gr.
  • Vanillin -1 sachet

How to cook:

  • Melt the sugar and darken it
  • Add vanillin (can be cinnamon if desired)
  • Pour in orange juice in small portions and boil the caramel to the required thickness.

Homemade explosive caramel recipe

This caramel has a very unusual method of preparation, but you will definitely not find such a taste anywhere else!

What needs to be prepared:

  • Brown sugar -240-250 gr. (white is fine too, but brown caramel tastes better).
  • Maple syrup -130-140 gr.
  • Baking powder -0.5 sachet (or 0.5 tsp)
  • Water -300-350 ml.

How to cook:

  • Boil water and dissolve sugar in it
  • Pour in syrup and add baking powder
  • First, the mass will begin to seethe with dark bubbles, then turn into a light mass.
  • Transfer this mass to a baking dish.
  • Bake the caramel for up to 10 minutes in the oven over medium heat.

INTERESTING: The texture of the caramel is hard on the outside (crust) and porous on the inside.

Homemade Creamy Caramel Recipe

What to prepare:

  • Sugar -350-400 gr.
  • Vanillin -1 sachet
  • Butter (75-80%) -70-80 gr.
  • Fat cream (30%) -250-300 ml.
  • Corn syrup -40-50 ml.
  • Natural liquid honey -40-50 gr.
  • Water -40-50 ml.
  • Tea -2-3 tsp
  • A pinch of salt

How to cook:

  • Boil the cream and tea over low heat, then strain
  • In a saucepan, heat the sugar into a liquid mass
  • Add honey, corn syrup, and vanillin to the sugar
  • Add salt and butter and cook until smooth.
  • Pour in the cream and boil until the required thickness
  • Pour into a mold (preferably silicone) and cool, then cut.

Caramel stuffed with fried bananas, almonds, nuts, peanuts, fruits, apples, pears, pineapples: recipe

To make this filled treat, you first need to prepare the caramel itself (choose the recipe you like best: lemon, creamy, chewy or milk caramel).

After that, you can add the filling to the hot mass:

  • Crushed walnut
  • Candied fruit
  • Chopped dried fruits
  • Dried bananas
  • A crumb of chocolate
  • Sea salt
  • Puffed rice

How to make figurines, a rose from caramel for decorating desserts, cakes, sweet dishes on the festive table: ideas, photos

To make beautiful caramel sweets from homemade mass, you should prepare the molds in advance for its solidification. Packages from chocolates (from boxes), silicone molds for muffins and ice are suitable. In addition, from soft and semi-hardened caramel, you can manually sculpt figures, as if from plasticine.

Caramel figurines:

Video: "Homemade creamy caramel: recipe"

I love it when in my kitchen there is a jar of homemade caramel, condensed milk (boiled and regular), berry syrups and cream, which can be quickly whipped and used "in business." It helps so much in the preparation of pastries and desserts!

Judge for yourself: pancakes and pancakes simply cannot taste bad if sprinkled with caramel or berry syrup! And even the most ordinary buns will sparkle with a new taste if you sprinkle them with pumpkin seeds.

All these little things determine the taste of the dessert, enrich and complement it. Today I will tell you how easy it is to make homemade caramel. The recipe will be with step-by-step photos, so it will not be difficult for you to repeat everything at home.

Thick caramel or liquid caramel sauce is delicious. Be sure to try!


  • Granulated sugar - 225 g.
  • Water - 65 g.
  • Heavy cream - 85-250 g (depending on whether you want to get a liquid sauce or thick caramel)
  • Butter - 70 g.

How to cook:

In a saucepan or deep-bottomed saucepan, combine water (65 g) and sugar (225 g)

We put on the stove (on medium heat) and wait until all the granulated sugar has dissolved.

After the sugar has melted, bring the heat to high and cook the caramel until brown. It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise the caramel will taste very bitter.

I usually do not wait for the amber color, I remove it immediately when I see the color appear. I remove from the fire and carry out all other actions on the table. Pour in heavy cream (85 g). The cream should be warm (preheat it to room temperature). If you want a liquid caramel sauce for ice cream and desserts, you need to add more cream (250 g). When adding cream to boiling caramel, you need to be extremely careful: the mixture will boil, shoot and foam. Children should not be around!

After 1.5-2 minutes, the foam will settle down a little and you can stir the mixture with a spatula.

Look at the caramel in a saucepan: there are practically no large bubbles.

At the last stage of cooking, add butter (70 g) and mix again.

When the butter has melted, you can stir again to smooth the sauce.

You can pour the sauce into a jar and store for 2 weeks. Adjust the thickness of the caramel using the refrigerator: if you want a liquid sauce, heat it at room temperature. If you need it thicker, cool it down.

The first time you try, you may not get the perfect sauce thickness you planned. Continue experimenting by reducing or increasing the amount of cream in your recipe, and you'll eventually find your ideal formula.

If you want salted caramel, add large flakes of sea salt at the very end of cooking (while the sauce is still hot) and stir to dissolve.
I suggest you watch the salted caramel video recipe on our You Tube channel, I wish you a pleasant viewing:

You can coat the cake with thick caramel or use it in a layer instead of cream. In addition, caramel is poured over cupcakes, put in the filling and used for a variety of delicious purposes!

Our family loves salted caramel, the taste is unusual and multifaceted.
Which caramel do you like best, sweet or salty? I would be glad to receive your responses to the recipe! Share photos (can be attached to the comments), your reviews and cooking secrets!
I'd like to see what delicious treats you have prepared with homemade caramel. If you will post photos on Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo. This way I can find them on the net. I will be very pleased! Thank.

Caramel is melted and toasted sugar. It takes practice to learn how to make caramel, but don't worry - sugar is inexpensive. Liquid caramel is made from sugar and water and is used as a sauce. Dry caramel is harder and is made only from sugar. It is often used to make pralines, nut candies, and berry and fruit pies. As soon as you decide on the purpose of cooking, you can start!

  • Prep time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Total time: 40 minutes


Liquid caramel

  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar (white sugar can also be used)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream (optional)
  • 1 ½ tablespoons unsalted butter

Dry caramel

  • 1 cup granulated sugar (white sugar can also be used)


Liquid caramel

    Prepare the pot. Although no special equipment is required to make caramel, the pot or pan used must be completely clean. Choose a heavy, sturdy and light-colored saucepan so you can follow the caramelization process. If you plan to add cream to the caramel, keep in mind that the amount of caramel will increase.

    Take precautions. Hot sugar can splash and cause severe burns. Wear long sleeves, an apron, and gloves. If you have glasses, put them on as well.

    • Keep a deep bowl of cold water nearby to dip your hands in if any caramel spills on them.
  1. Mix sugar and water. Place a thin layer of sugar on the bottom of a saucepan or skillet. Pour water over the sugar slowly and evenly to completely cover it. Do not leave dry areas.

    • Use only granulated sugar. There are too many impurities in brown sugar and powdered sugar - it will not make caramel. Raw sugar is also not recommended.
  2. Heat the sugar. Cook sugar and water over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Watch the process carefully and wiggle the pan if you notice clots forming. Most of the clots will melt when heated.

    • To prevent recrystallization, you can cover the pot with a lid until the sugar has completely melted. Any sugar crystals on the sides of the pot will fall to the bottom due to the condensation created.
    • Another way to prevent recrystallization is to add a small amount (two drops) of lemon juice or tartar to the water / sugar mixture as it begins to dissolve. These recrystallization agents prevent the formation of large clumps by coating small crystals.
    • Some people also use a cooking brush dipped in water to destroy crystals on the sides of the pot. This is effective, but the bristles can come off the brush and remain in the caramel.
  3. Fry the sugar. Watch the sugar browning process. When it almost reaches its burning point and begins to foam and smoke slightly, remove it from the heat immediately.

    Refrigerate. Add cream and butter to the caramel to stop cooking and cool the pan. Whisk over low heat. You can remove any remaining clots. Refrigerate caramel and store in an airtight container.

    • To make the salty caramel sauce, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt once the caramel has cooled to room temperature.
    • To make vanilla caramel sauce, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract after removing the caramel from heat.
  4. Clean up. Cleaning a sticky pot may seem daunting, but it's pretty straightforward. Soak a pot in warm water or fill it with water and bring to a boil. During the boil, all the caramel will dissolve.

    Dry caramel

    1. Place sugar in a saucepan. Place a thin layer of sugar on the bottom of a saucepan or skillet. The saucepan should be large enough as the volume of caramel will be greater than the volume of sugar.

      Heat the sugar. Cook sugar over medium heat. You will notice that the sugar will begin to cook and brown at the edges first. Using a clean ovenproof oven, transfer the liquid sugar to the center of the pot.

      Fry the sugar. The process will start to speed up, so do not leave the pan unattended. Watch as the sugar develops a deeper amber color. If the recipe requires you to add liquid, such as cream, add it now to cool the pan and slow down the cooking process.

      Refrigerate. If you did not add liquid to the caramel, then you can cool the mixture and stop the cooking process by placing the bottom of the pan in a large bowl of cold water. Clean the pan by soaking or boiling water until all the remaining caramel is dissolved.

      You now have your caramel sauce! Enjoy;)

    • When the caramel has cooled, place it in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator. Use the caramel within two weeks.
    • If you are making liquid caramel, it is better to tilt the pan rather than stir the contents, otherwise there is a high chance of recrystallization.
    • Color and flavor are important criteria for a properly prepared caramel. The caramel should be amber brown, like an old coin. You need to cook caramel until it has a light burnt, but still sweet aroma (this is a fine line, but you will definitely learn with practice).
    • If you didn’t have time to clean the pan in time and the caramel residues froze on it, soak it in warm water for 30 minutes, and then clean it.
    • If you need to chill the caramel quickly, always keep a pot of cold water handy.
    • If you don't want to make caramel from scratch, you can melt the caramel candies and use them as directed. At the same time, the sweets should be soft.


    • At high temperatures, the non-stick coating can be damaged and mix with the caramel.
    • The pewter finish may melt during caramel preparation.
    • Caramel splashes can damage glass cooking surfaces. Be careful not to place stirring spoons, etc. on such surfaces.
    • When making caramel, be sure to take precautions - if it comes into contact with the skin, hot sugar can cause burns.

Making caramel at home is a very exciting experience. You can make decorations for cakes from caramel, sculpt a variety of shapes - great for the holidays, and as a gift - original and tasty. The caramel recipe is quite simple, but there are some subtleties.

A saucepan is needed with a thick bottom - otherwise it will burn out.

We make caramel according to the recipe: sugar 1 cup + 1/4 cup of water (enough so that the sugar is only slightly moistened) + 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar. What exactly does vinegar do here - I can't say for sure, but they add it there (according to old recipes). Most likely - to avoid sugar crystallization.

Then we boil everything over low heat until the test for a "hard ball" (we drip the syrup into the water, it is necessary that it becomes like chewing gum - it does not disintegrate, but limes and stretches). It is better not to cook it than to digest it, otherwise you will get burnt sugar - it is not for everyone, not everyone likes it.

If you are going to sculpt from caramel, then after cooking we put the dishes in which everything was cooked in a saucepan with hot water so that the caramel solidifies more slowly, and you have time to make something out of it.

We take the required portion of caramel with a spoon and dilute it in different directions several times, then it will become "pearlescent", well, after that we sculpt it like from mastic. If some part has frozen ahead of time, then it can be heated over the fire - it will soften, and then you can sculpt again.

If you need liquid caramel, then add a little butter and water to the resulting mass (when the sugar has melted and boiled for 10 minutes), and if you need thick caramel, pour it into greased molds and let cool. You can also make caramel with citric acid, nuts, cocoa, or chocolate.

There are special tools for sculpting caramel. It is difficult to find these on sale in Russia, but abroad there are.

When heated, granulated sugar (brown sugar can also be used) melts and at 170 ° C becomes golden and then dark brown in color. The darker the color, the more intense the aroma. Some recipes recommend adding water to make caramel, but this is not necessary - sugar can be heated without water at all.

For caramel, put sugar in a saucepan and place over medium heat. Do not stir until most of the sugar has melted. When the sugar has melted, stir it until it has the desired color (this is quick, just 1-4 minutes). Watch out for sugar - caramel darkens quickly and may burn .

Caramelized sugar can be used to coat caramel tins, make caramelized nuts, and to flavor mousses or ice cream. Well, as already mentioned, sculpt various decorations from caramel.

How to avoid crystallization

Heat sugar over low heat, without stirringuntil it is completely dissolved. Bring the syrup to a boil only when the sugar has already dissolved, and do not stir after boiling.

You can squeeze out some lemon juice. Or - as mentioned above - you can probably add a little vinegar for this, better than homemade apple, of course.

Dip a pastry brush in hot water and brush the crystals off the sides of the pan to dissolve in the syrup.

Be careful not to touch hot caramel - it can cause severe burns.

Caramel - melt sugar WITHOUT WATER

This is already our recipe, according to which we have been preparing recently, we no longer use any other recipes:

Making caramel without water.

Pour 2 cups of sugar into the ladle (WITHOUT WATER), interfere without interruption (we heat on an electric stove, on a three-ruble note from 4 positions of the stove, because on a fairly high heat). When it starts to become liquid, we lower it to a kopeck piece, without ceasing to interfere (in no case we do not stop interfering, otherwise it will immediately burn). When it is completely melted, we lower it to one, stir until it is completely dissolved. Carefully, so as not to go smoke, so as not to burn. You can even take it off and keep stirring so as not to overheat.

When everything is melted, pour it into a silicone mold. Beware, VERY hot!

It hardens to hardness, becomes like glass, not sticky at all, but completely hard. Then we break it into pieces and eat it like candy. DELICIOUS! You can dissolve in water, make a syrup, it will taste a little like Pepsi-Cola. This syrup can be made thick (dissolve a lot of burnt sugar in a little water), great for coffee, gingerbread, etc.

Before pouring into a silicone mold, you can add spices to caramel, stir, and only then pour into a mold and allow to harden.

Delicious caramel-based sweetness

Slowly heat one glass of sugar until it becomes liquid, add half a liter of milk, and cook for 10 minutes, stirring, then add 2 tablespoons of honey, 100 g of butter, 2 tablespoons of vanilla sugar, and cook over low heat, stirring, as much time for the mass to thicken.

Put the mass on oiled parchment paper and wait a little to cool, then cut it into squares or diamonds with a knife.

Ready caramel

For those who do not really like to experiment: you can find good caramel on sale. For instance:

Monin syrups produces the French brand of the same name, which is known as the leading manufacturer of alcoholic and non-alcoholic syrups in the world. They have there is also caramel syrup.

Kotanyi has excellent caramel with different flavors in the mills: vanilla , orange , and many other varieties. Perfect with muffins, coffee, tea, porridge, almost anything.

Lollipop caramel Malvik "Mini-M" is a delicious and natural delicacy that you can enjoy almost endlessly. For those who want to try everything at once, this assortment was specially created, in which everyone will find their favorite taste.