Cauliflower with chicken: the best recipes, cooking features and recommendations. Cauliflower with chicken

30.08.2019 Desserts and cakes
  • Second courses Many people prefer to eat the second dish for dinner, but children like to eat it instead of soup in order to quickly get to dessert or their favorite pastries. On the Tasty Food website, you will find a wide variety of recipes for second courses from simple steamed cutlets to a gourmet rabbit in white wine. Our recipes with step-by-step photos will help you to deliciously fry fish, bake vegetables, cook a variety of vegetable and meat casseroles and your favorite mashed potatoes for a side dish. Even beginners will cope with the preparation of any second course, be it French meat or turkey with vegetables, chicken schnitzels or pink salmon in sour cream, if they cook according to our recipes with step-by-step photos. The delicious food site will help you prepare the most delicious dinner for your loved ones. Choose a recipe and cook for health!
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  • desserts Desserts are a favorite recipe section for the whole family. After all, here is what children and adults adore - sweet and tender homemade ice cream, mousse, marmalade, casseroles and delicious sweets for tea. All recipes are simple and affordable. Step-by-step photos will help you prepare any dessert, even for a novice cook, without any problems! Choose a recipe and cook for health!
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  • We bake chicken breast with cauliflower - we get a low-calorie delight

    Hello, my dear readers!

    5 rules of proper nutrition from Olga Dekker

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    Is it important for you that food helps you get a good figure, become light and cheerful? And I just got a wonderful diet recipe! ;)

    The dish will turn out to be light, but very appetizing and tasty! Plus, baked cauliflower with chicken breast is easy to prepare.

    And also - useful and gentle - it is very suitable for children! And for some reason, in this form, babies even eat what they usually pick out and move away! ;)

    In general, you may be surprised, but today at the table no one will be capricious!

    Cauliflower, by the way, is generally an amazing vegetable. But more on that later. ;)

    Have you decided to bake a chicken with cauliflower? The family will eat everything! You won't save a single piece! ;)

    Even if you strictly monitor each calorie, you can safely prepare such a dish! Tempting aromas, golden brown crust and delicate taste - how can you resist? :)

    Now we will move on to the recipe with the photo, now, now ... Just let it sound first ...

    Music for inspiration

    For this role today I am suggesting the song "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis. To this beautiful melody, we will get down to business!

    But first, let's prepare all the ingredients we need. ;)


    If everything is at hand, then why pull? :)

    Let's start cooking!


    But are we not going to sit around all this time? Of course not! First of all, let's find out the calorie content!

    Valuable information :)

    100 grams of baked chicken with cabbage - 100.58 kcal!

    • Proteins - 11, 12 g;
    • Fat - 4, 28 g;
    • Carbohydrates - 4, 46 g;

    In my opinion, this is a great protein meal that is great for losing weight! Do you like it too? :)

    And how great it tastes! See for yourself soon!

    Just do not forget that on the dining table there should be foods that go well together.

    Useful company

    That is why I advise you to take vegetables with meat. And the slightly increased calorie content of one dish can be compensated for by the lightness of another.

    For example, cauliflower with chicken breast is worth trying with or with. And you can apply for the first.

    My recipe today is basic. That is, many other similar dishes can be made on its basis ...

    Culinary experiments

    Try to boil the cabbage not in water, but in cream. Or milk. In cow or even coconut! Just one detail, and the taste will immediately sparkle in a new way ;)

    You can change vegetables - for example, bake chicken fillet with zucchini, eggplant, and sweet pepper. There are options with béchamel sauce, with mayonnaise or with sour cream instead of an egg-milk mixture.

    As for kitchen appliances, then, of course, such a casserole will cook with the same success in a multicooker. In the "Extinguishing" mode, it will take 40-50 minutes.

    And now about what cauliflower can surprise. Remember I promised to tell you? :)

    About the benefits of familiar products

    This vegetable in Russia has become familiar and popular not so long ago. But he did, and that's great! :)

    • After all, cauliflower contains several times more vitamin C than white cabbage. It strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol, and has a good effect on the heart, liver, bones and stomach.
    • And it is absorbed better than other types of cabbage. Therefore, it is recommended for different diets and for baby food. You probably saw it yourself in the form of puree for the little ones? :)

    Do you like cauliflower or broccoli?

    Hope you enjoy this recipe! Share your impressions of today's dish! And, if you also know how to cook something like that, be sure to tell :)

    When I cooked this dish for the first time, to be honest, I did not even count on such a result, but the desire to cook an interesting dinner took over - vegetables and dietary meat - what you need - cauliflower with chicken, baked in the oven - incredibly tasty and very satisfying, the result is simply incomparable! In addition to the two main ingredients, we will use a spicy breading with sesame seeds, garlic and whole grain flour. If you wish, you can make your own breading with spices or your favorite spices. The dish itself turns out to be very tasty, the only thing we offer to the table is to serve it along with fresh vegetables. Take a look.

    - chicken fillet - 1 pc .;
    - cauliflower - 1 pc. (small);
    - spicy breading - 2 tablespoons;
    - salt, pepper - to taste;
    - mayonnaise / sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
    - vegetable oil - 50 ml.

    Recipe with photo step by step:

    So, take a small cauliflower, rinse under cool water. Simultaneously boil clean water, dip the cabbage into it and leave to boil for a couple of minutes. After the forks, remove from the boiling water very carefully so as not to burn your hands. Cool the cabbage a little.

    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, rinse and dry chicken fillet, cut into medium pieces. Transfer the fillet to the pan, fry for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    Oil a baking dish and sprinkle with spicy breading. Cabbage by this time will have cooled already, disassemble it into inflorescences. Fold the cabbage into a mold. Our breading already contains spices and salt, so we don't add them. If you will be using simple bread crumbs, add a number of spices as you like. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

    Lay semi-cooked chicken on top of the cabbage. Sprinkle with breading again.

    Pour mayonnaise or sour cream over the chicken and cabbage. Bake in the oven for about 10-15 minutes, until the top grasps with a crust. After that, you can serve the dish to the table - it is very tasty, both hot and cold. I am sure you will like it and

    Any housewife tries to feed her family not only tasty, but also healthy dishes. One of these is cauliflower from its preparation, you will learn from today's article.


    To create this unusual and extremely healthy treat that even an inexperienced cook can handle, you will need:

    • 800 grams of cauliflower.
    • A pound of chicken fillet.
    • Two tablespoons of low-fat sour cream.
    • 400 milliliters of baked milk.
    • Two eggs.
    • 150 grams of hard cheese.

    In addition, to get a truly delicious chicken with cauliflower in the oven, you need to supplement the above list with one onion, a clove of garlic, salt, black pepper, dill, vegetable and butter. The amount of these ingredients depends on your taste.

    First you need to tackle the cabbage. It is divided into inflorescences and straightened into a saucepan filled with boiling, slightly salted water. After three minutes, the cooked vegetable is discarded in a colander. While the excess liquid is draining, you can chop the onion and send it to a hot frying pan greased with a mixture of sunflower and butter. While it is browning, you can cut the chicken fillet into cubes and send it to the same skillet. Sour cream is added to it and stewed over low heat for half an hour. After this time, cabbage, salt are sent to the onions and chicken and left on the stove for another three minutes. While vegetables and meat are stewing, you can mix in one bowl a little salt, pepper, two eggs, and garlic passed through a press.

    The contents of the frying pan are transferred to a baking dish, poured with freshly prepared sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese and finely chopped herbs and put into the oven. Twenty-five minutes later, they take out the finished dish from there and leave it to infuse. Delicious and healthy chicken served in portions.

    Cutlets: a set of ingredients

    We bring to your attention one more This time with chicken will be served in the form of cutlets. The basis of minced meat will be vegetables, so it will turn out to be unusually juicy, tender and light. To prepare this dietary treat, you will need:

    • 600 grams of cauliflower.
    • Two eggs.
    • 300 grams of chicken fillet.

    In addition, you need to take care in advance that in your kitchen cabinets there is a small amount of vegetable oil, wheat flour, salt, pepper, dill and parsley.

    Cooking sequence

    The cabbage, previously disassembled into inflorescences, is boiled in boiling, slightly salted water for five minutes. Chicken pulp is ground into minced meat using a meat grinder or food processor. The same is done with boiled cabbage and thrown in a colander.

    Then all products, including pepper, salt, flour, chopped herbs, eggs, chicken and minced vegetables, are combined in one bowl and kneaded well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then, small cutlets are formed from the resulting mixture and fried on both sides in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

    The finished dish, which includes cauliflower with chicken, can be served with sour cream sauce with fresh herbs. It will be a great addition to almost any side dish.

    First course recipe

    To make a very healthy, light and delicious chicken, you will need:

    • A pound of potatoes.
    • One medium carrot.
    • A pound of cauliflower.
    • 500 grams of chicken fillet.
    • Pair of medium onions.
    • One sweet bell pepper.

    In addition, this list of ingredients must be supplemented with fresh herbs, salt, a mixture of peppers, water, bay leaves, and butter.

    To make a truly delicious cauliflower soup with chicken, you need to boil the pre-washed and chopped meat. To do this, place it in a saucepan filled with two liters of salted water, put it on the stove and wait for the liquid to boil. After that, the fillet should be cooked for twenty minutes. Bay leaves and allspice peas are also sent there.

    To quickly prepare a soup, which contains cauliflower with chicken, you need to waste no time doing vegetables. Pre-washed, peeled and chopped onions, carrots and bell peppers are fried in a pan with a little butter. While the vegetables are saucing, you can cut the potatoes.

    The meat cooked and extracted from the broth is disassembled into fibers. Put the potato cubes in the pan in which it was cooked and leave to boil for ten minutes. After this time, frying, chicken pieces and cabbage inflorescences are added to the broth. After five minutes from the moment of boiling, the pan is removed from the heat and seasoned with fresh chopped herbs.

    Chicken baked with cauliflower: a list of products

    This recipe will be a real discovery for those who love poultry and vegetables. To prepare this dish you will need:

    • A kilogram of cauliflower.
    • Eight medium potatoes.
    • Six chicken drumsticks.
    • Three tablespoons of mayonnaise.

    In addition, you should definitely have olive oil, soy sauce, paprika, a mixture of peppers, curries, salt and leafy celery in your kitchen. If desired, the latter can be replaced with parsley or dill.

    Cooking technology

    In order for you to get a really tasty and healthy casserole, which includes cauliflower with chicken, you need to strictly follow the process outlined below. First of all, you need to do the preparation of the shins. They need to be rinsed and dried. If desired, the skin is removed from them, but this is a matter of taste. The meat prepared in this way is marinated in a mixture of spices. Salt, paprika and curry are best for these purposes. Rubbing the legs with them, soy sauce, mayonnaise and chopped greens are straightened there. Mix everything well and leave for half an hour.

    In the meantime, you can do some vegetables. The washed potatoes are cut into four parts, and the cabbage is sorted into inflorescences. A baking dish is lined with foil and greased with a little olive oil. Lay out a layer of potatoes on top, not forgetting to salt and pepper it. Then they also do with cabbage. Marinated drumsticks are placed on top, covered very tightly with foil and sent to the oven. First, the dish is baked at two hundred degrees. After forty-five minutes, the temperature is reduced. Then cook for another quarter of an hour at one hundred and eighty degrees. As a result, you will end up with an unusually tasty dish with vegetables melting in your mouth.

    Chicken with cauliflower in the oven is a delicious casserole that is cooked in the oven. To prepare this dish, you will need a small amount of ingredients and some free time.

    For cooking cauliflower baked with chicken, as a rule, sour cream filling is used, as in many other casserole recipes. It is thanks to her that the chicken pieces are connected to each other.

    In addition to chicken and cauliflower, you can add zucchini to the casserole, in particular zucchini, green peas, boiled or canned corn, champignons, green beans, fresh herbs, onions, carrots. In addition to such casseroles, there are also recipes for baked chicken legs with cauliflower, but that's another story.

    And now I propose to see how it is being prepared chicken baked with cauliflower in the oven step by step with a photo.


    • Chicken fillet - 500 gr.,
    • Cauliflower - 500 gr.,
    • Sour cream 20% fat - 1 glass,
    • Spices for meat - a pinch,
    • Salt to taste
    • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.,
    • Hard cheese - 100 gr.

    Chicken with cauliflower in the oven - recipe

    The first step is to cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. As a rule, this cauliflower casserole is used to prepare, but if you do not have one, then you can cut the meat from the legs, as I did.

    Chicken with cauliflower in the oven. Photo