Strawberries pureed with sugar for storage. Strawberries mashed with sugar

24.07.2019 Egg dishes

There are many ways to prepare strawberries for the winter. Today we will talk about an alternative to strawberry jam, i.e. about the method when the strawberries are not cooked, but grinded with sugar. Why is such conservation good? Of course, first of all, the fact that in the mashed strawberries more nutrients are retained than in the berry that has been boiled. But one must understand that without high-quality heat treatment, such a workpiece can only be stored in a refrigerator and a cold cellar, and then there is no guarantee that the jars will stand until the end of winter and nothing will happen to them. However, there are methods that extend the shelf life and we will also consider them today. And you, as always, will have a choice on which way to stop.

Strawberries for the winter with sugar without cooking

But we will start with the classic recipe, when there are only 2 traditional ingredients in the jar: strawberries and sugar. This is a plus for lovers of classics and a minus for storage. Although sugar is a preservative, store in a cool, dark place. If you, like me, do not have enough space in the refrigerator to store the workpieces there, then you can freeze the grated strawberries and freeze them.


  • strawberries - 1kg;
  • sugar - 2kg.

How to prepare strawberries for the winter without cooking

Grated strawberries under a sugar cork

Another way to preserve cold strawberry jam without boiling is to seal it under a sugar cork. The sugar is saturated with strawberry juice and forms a hard crust, which will close the access of air to the inside of the jar, and therefore stop the development of microorganisms. But this recipe involves the use of vodka, only half a tablespoon, nevertheless, pay attention to this.

What do we need for this:

  • strawberries - 500g;
  • sugar - 750g;
  • vodka - 0.5 tbsp.

How to save strawberries for the winter without cooking using a sugar crust

Grated strawberries with honey

Honey is not a preservative, it is just tasty and healthy. In the berry that has not gone through heat treatment, more vitamins and nutrients will be retained, and we will cook it with honey instead of sugar.

Ingredient List:

  • strawberries - 350g;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons

How to grind strawberries with honey

Strawberries grated with sugar for the winter recipe with cooking

And yet, at the end of today's topic, let's return to making jam. This recipe is a cross between cold and hot preservation methods. We will grind the strawberries and then boil them for 5 minutes, but not in several passes, as in "", but only once. This procedure significantly increases the shelf life and allows you to store the jam even in the cupboard. Moreover, quick and short cooking does not "kill" all the benefits of summer berries. And we use sugar not in a ratio of 2 to 1 (sugar / berry), but only 1.5 to 1.


  • strawberries - 300gr;
  • sugar - 450g.

How to make delicious and healthy grated strawberries

Cook, save all the benefits of summer sweet strawberries for the winter. Enjoy your meal!

Strawberries are a delicacy that is available in our country only for one to two summer months. Of course, in large supermarkets, berries are sold all year round, but they do not always have the taste that we are looking for. Ordinary jam will not replace it either. The best option is pureed strawberries with sugar. To stock such yummy for the winter is as easy as shelling pears.

Uncooked jam

The recipe for which we will definitely describe below (and not one), otherwise it is called raw jam. This method of harvesting, called cold canning, allows you to preserve the taste and aroma of fresh berries. And with such processing, there are much more vitamins than in classic jam.

Thus, all the advantages that strawberries mashed with sugar have are obvious. Without cooking, without wasting time, without a significant change in taste and aroma, you can get an excellent winter preparation. There are only two drawbacks: you can store sweetness only in the refrigerator, and its shelf life does not exceed six months.


Before cooking strawberries, mashed with sugar, you need to process them. Carefully sort out the berries, remove the stalks. Rinse the strawberries under running water using a colander, then let them dry slightly. If you grind wet berries, then the raw jam will quickly deteriorate.

The only additional ingredient is sugar or powdered sugar. If you wish, you can add other berries for a variety of tastes, for example, strawberries. It is also not forbidden to use vanillin and other aromatic spices.

Of the equipment, you only need jars, lids and containers in which the strawberries will be mixed with sugar. For grinding, each housewife can use any device convenient for her - a blender, a meat grinder or an ordinary pestle with a mortar, sieve or fork.

Mashed strawberries with sugar for the winter are prepared only from good berries. Set aside crumpled and damaged specimens and use in a different way, otherwise the workpiece will not live long in the refrigerator.


Usually sugar and berries are taken in a 1: 1 ratio, but this parameter can be varied depending on taste preferences. Those who like sweeter should take twice as much sugar as berries. If someone likes the natural taste, you can measure just a pound of sugar per kilogram of strawberries.

Recipe number 1: classic

Chop the strawberries, mix well the resulting puree, put in a saucepan and heat to 60-65 degrees. Add sugar to the warm mass, mix everything and heat another 70 degrees to dissolve the sweet sand.

Pour into sterilized jars. Sprinkle a little sugar on top to form a crust - this will keep the strawberries longer. You can close the container with a nylon lid, since sterilization is not needed.

Recipe # 2: freezer strawberries

Strawberries mashed with sugar, the recipe for which is given below, is an almost complete dessert.

The berries should be chopped so as to obtain a homogeneous mass, so it is more convenient to use a blender. Next, the strawberries are mixed with sugar, which you need to take half as much as berries.

The mass is poured into molds, plastic jars or bowls. The container must be closed. All this beauty is placed in the freezer and stored there in the future. Instead of containers, you can use bags with a lock - it's even more practical.

Another option is to pour the sweetness into ice cube trays. After freezing, fold the resulting cubes into a bag and store in the freezer. If necessary, you can always get the right amount of cubes and add them to a milkshake, tea, champagne, yogurt or porridge.

Strawberries, mashed with sugar, live longer in the freezer than in the refrigerator, and will lie there quietly until the next harvest.

Recipe number 3: delicious jam

For this recipe, the optimal ratio of sugar and berries is 1: 1.

We wash and dry the berries, then carefully transfer them to some container (saucepan, bowl) and sprinkle with sugar. After that, grind the berries with a pusher or blender.

Then the tasty mixture is transferred to the stove, warmed up and, with constant stirring, languishes for about 3-5 minutes. Then it is poured into sterilized jars, closed and, after cooling, put into the refrigerator.

Recipe number 4: strawberries in their own juice

How to cook strawberries mashed with sugar without heating on the stove? Indeed, during heat treatment, a certain amount of valuable substances is still lost, albeit in a smaller volume than when making jam. Well, you can do almost the same thing, just without heating.

We prepare the strawberries, fill them with sugar and let them stand for a while so that the berries let the juice flow. A few hours is enough, but you can leave it overnight.

Recipe number 5: portioned

It will turn out even tastier and better if sugar is added gradually during the grinding process.

We take a small batch of washed and dried berries, put them in a container and knead with a crush, gradually adding sugar. Then add the next batch of berries to this mixture and mash again, adding sand. And so on until all the ingredients are entered.

Future jam is infused for about fifteen minutes, and then laid out in storage containers.

How to sterilize jars

Since mashed strawberries with sugar for the winter are harvested virtually without heat treatment, the optimal storage capacity is a sterilized glass jar.

Sterilization can be carried out by placing the jars in an oven preheated to 140 degrees for ten minutes. Caps should not be sent there, so as not to melt the sealing rubber. Just boil them for five minutes.

If you take small jars, you can pour some water into them (literally up to the level of 1-2 centimeters) and send them to the microwave for 3-5 minutes.

Is this strawberry good for you?

Mashed strawberries with sugar for the winter are harvested not only as a dessert, but also so that the menu in the cold period is more fortified.

Each spoon of raw jam contains vitamins A, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, B 9, C, E, H, PP. Among the trace elements - calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine. In addition, the sweetness contains many beneficial acids and amino acids, glucose and fructose.

The calorie content of the delicacy is 220 kcal per 100 grams, provided that an equal amount of sugar and berries is used.

This is how easily and quickly grated strawberries with sugar are prepared. For the winter, you can store it by placing it in the refrigerator or freezer, depending on which container is more convenient for you to use and in which dishes you plan to add berries.

The best way to preserve the beneficial properties of berries is to close the strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking. This is both a delicious delicacy and a healthy preservation with an impressive set of vitamins. You can make a raw workpiece in several ways, which an inept cook can also handle.

How to prepare strawberries with sugar for the winter?

Strawberries in sugar, harvesting without heat treatment, retains the maximum amount of valuable elements. They make hot drinks from it in winter, add it to baked goods or eat it just like that with a slice of bread, or with pancakes.

  1. Strawberries with sugar, not boiled for the winter, are prepared in several ways. It can be scrolled through a meat grinder, punched with a blender, rubbed through a sieve and mixed with sugar.
  2. A whole berry or cut into pieces is poured directly into the jar in layers. During storage, it lets out juice.
  3. It is important to seal such a piece before the sugar begins to melt. So the conservation will last longer.
  4. Store raw strawberries in the refrigerator for no more than one year.
  5. Strawberries with sugar are frozen for the winter only after complete drying; paper towels can be used. In winter, compotes are made from it, they are filled with pastries or dumplings, and various desserts are decorated with whole berries.

Strawberries grated with sugar are not prepared quickly, sometimes even tiring. The result is a delicious treat with a smooth, pitted consistency and excellent natural flavor. The blank can be used as a natural topping for ice cream, pancakes or pancakes.


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Wash the strawberries, sort out, remove the tails.
  2. Rub through a sieve.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar, transfer to sterilized jars, seal tightly.
  4. Strawberries are stored with sugar for the winter, not boiled in the refrigerator.

Simple and quick preparation of strawberries with sugar in a blender. This method will not get rid of small bones, but the result will be excellent. The amount of sugar can only be reduced if a decision is made to store the workpiece in the freezer. And if you need to keep fresh berries, sugar will act as a natural preservative and will prevent the workpiece from fermenting in a cool place.


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Wash the strawberries, peel off the tails, pour into a bowl.
  2. Punch with a hand blender.
  3. Cover with sugar, stir and immediately distribute in a sterile container.
  4. Seal tightly, store in the refrigerator.

For the winter, it is prepared immediately after picking the berries. You can cover it whole or by cutting it into slices or halves. The strawberry juice will be let out during storage, and the taste will remain fresh and natural. Canning is an ideal addition to homemade baked goods and a good filling for dumplings. The workpiece remains fresh throughout the cold season.


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Wash the strawberries, clean them of tails and dirt.
  2. Place the berries in jars, sprinkle the layers with sugar.
  3. The final thick layer should be sugar.
  4. Seal and refrigerate.

Scrolled - something between a mashed and whipped berry. The workpiece can be frozen, but pouring layers of sweetener into the jar will preserve the natural taste of strawberries. By adding lemon or orange to the composition, you can significantly transform the final taste of the workpiece and increase the valuable properties of the delicacy. Do not twist the zest to avoid a bitter taste. Store the workpiece in the refrigerator for one year.


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Wash the strawberries, peel the stalks.
  2. Peel the lemon and peel it, use only the pulp, pitted.
  3. Scroll the berries with lemon slices through a meat grinder.
  4. Put sugar and mashed potatoes in sterilized jars, finishing with a thick layer of sweetener.
  5. Cork hermetically, store in the refrigerator on the lower shelf.

Delicious and juicy strawberries in pieces with sugar for the winter will become an indispensable ingredient in homemade baking. It is successfully used as a filling for all kinds of pies, dumplings, or complements desserts with sweet slices and syrup that is formed during storage. Strawberries are stored for one year on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.


  • large strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.


  1. Wash the strawberries, remove the tails and dry with paper towels.
  2. Cut into halves, large berries into quarters.
  3. Place in sterilized jars, sprinkle with sugar, the last thick layer should be sugar.
  4. Cork, store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Preparing for the winter is a little more troublesome than home cooking. Considering that this berry is denser, not so juicy and sometimes very small, you will need to spend more time on harvesting. Before you grind it through a sieve, it is better to crush it with a crush, add a little sugar and wait until the berries are juiced.


  • forest strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.


  1. Wash the strawberries, remove the tails, add 500 g of sugar and crush a little with a crush.
  2. Leave on for 3 hours.
  3. Rub through a sieve, cover with the remaining sugar.
  4. Transfer the sweet puree to sterilized jars, seal hermetically, store in the refrigerator for no more than six months.

Strawberries mashed with sugar and frozen are very well stored. It is better to pour such a blank into silicone molds and, after complete freezing, transfer it to an airtight bag. Such a blank takes up little space in the freezer, it can be used in the preparation of all kinds of baked goods, to fill with homemade ice cream or other desserts.


  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Wash the berries, remove the stalks.
  2. Punch with a blender, cover with sugar.
  3. Distribute the puree into the tins, freeze completely.
  4. Transfer to an airtight container, store for no more than six months.

With sugar for the winter, a convenient and quick way to preserve whole berries. In winter, you can decorate desserts with such strawberries, fill baked goods, and even cook compote from it. Considering that frozen strawberries with sugar are harvested for the winter without cooking, all valuable properties are preserved as much as possible. The amount of sweetener can be greatly reduced by reducing the calorie content of the workpiece.


  • whole strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 500-700 g.


  1. Wash, peel, dry the strawberries so that no wet drops remain.
  2. Freeze the berries for 1 hour.
  3. Sprinkle the strawberries with sugar, shake them so that the crystals are evenly distributed, but the berries are not damaged.
  4. Freeze strawberries completely, transfer to an airtight container, store for no more than six months.

A harvest that can confidently be called a "vitamin bomb" - honeysuckle and strawberries grated with sugar. If you do not take into account the valuable properties of this preservation, you can enjoy the incomparable, slightly tart taste of the delicacy, which is complemented by all kinds of homemade desserts. Berries can be prepared by sprinkling with sweetener and stored in the refrigerator, but it is more useful and safer to freeze healthy puree.

Strawberry jam recipes for the winter

In order not to resort to heat treatment of strawberries for the winter, in which aroma and vitamins are lost, try an easy recipe for strawberries with sugar without cooking!

10 min

230 kcal

5/5 (1)

Winter strawberry preparations are pleasant to the taste, easy to prepare, well stored, and, of course, retain a significant part of the taste, aroma and vitamins from whole berries. Nevertheless, heat treatment cannot but leave its mark on the quality of the finished product. Is it possible to do without it, and if so, how?

In fact, everything is very easy, much easier than you imagined. You can wither, freeze or dry our scarlet berries in the form of a marshmallow, or you can rub them with sugar. This is what I do most often.

There is no risk of spoilage of the product, as in the methods listed above, the finished product is not so closely dependent on the humidity in the room or the temperature in the freezer, and this option is also the simplest and even the most skilled chef will be able to do it. How to sugar strawberries for the winter without cooking?


First of all, we need the actual strawberry: it can be overripe and softened, but in no case should not be bat, fermented or rotten... This will badly affect the taste of the finished product and lead to its rapid deterioration, so be careful!

  1. After washing the berries, removing the stalks and sepals from them and slightly drying them on a towel, we take fine granulated sugar or powdered sugar at a rate of one to one- that is, a kilogram of strawberries will need to be rubbed with a kilogram of sugar.
  2. After that, it's time to get down to the crush: unlike the jams and jams that we heat-treat, you don't need to insist strawberries with sugar until the juice appears. We just take and crush it, turning the berries into a homogeneous soft gruel.
  3. When the strawberry has turned into a strawberry mass without a single dense piece - pour our sugar into it and knead it thoroughly... It turns out a kind of berry paste, fragrant and very sweet. Try not to eat it right away, the temptation to do so will be very great!

How to store sugar-grated strawberries

We sterilize the jars. Since the treat itself is not sterilized, it is important to take this stage responsibly - although sugar is a natural preservative, it does not provide complete protection of the product from spoilage! For the same reason, you should take small jars, no more than half a liter, so that the opened strawberries with sugar do not have time to ferment or mold before they are eaten.

Having packaged berry paste in jars, twist it and put it in the refrigerator on the lower shelf or in a cold basement - she needs coolness for storage and darkness. Let her wait in the wings until the fresh strawberries run out and the memories of her cool down ...

Blanks made from fresh berries ground with sugar are always tastier and healthier than preserves, compotes and jams, because they allow you to preserve not only the maximum aroma, but also all the benefits and taste of fresh berries. Using this technology, currants and raspberries are most often harvested, but with no less success it can be applied to strawberries.

Of course, such a "vitamin" (grated strawberries with sugar) requires careful preparation, as well as compliance with certain conditions during harvesting and storage, because in fact these are all the same fresh berries without any heat treatment.

In this recipe, I will tell you about a few simple rules for preparing strawberries, ground with sugar for the winter, and storing them, observing which you can not only preserve all the colors and tastes of summer, but also save the benefits of fresh berries for long time... Let's get started ?!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list, we will also need sterile containers and utensils for cooking and storing strawberries, grated with sugar.

For harvesting, use strong, dense, whole berries without signs of spoilage and damage. Rinse the strawberries, sort, peel and dry.

Chop the berries. This can be done by hand using a wooden pestle, or by grinding the berries in a blender. The main rule for such blanks is to try to ensure that all containers and objects that are in contact with the berries (mortar, pestle, spoons, blender knives) are as clean and even sterile as possible. If possible and without fanaticism, of course. For example, I boil, steam or simply heat such items in the microwave.

Add sugar to the strawberry puree and mix thoroughly.

Spread the mixture over sterilized jars so that it reaches the neck of the jar.

Place a layer of sugar on top of the puree. This layer is also called "sugar cork" and protects the strawberry mixture from contact with air.

I also add a piece of baking parchment dipped in vodka or alcohol on top. It is not necessary to do this, but I saw that my grandmother was doing this, and I also began to do so.

Close the jars with sterilized iron or plastic lids. The amount of sugar you need to add to the berries depends on which lids you plan to use. If the lids are polyethylene, the recommended proportion is 1 to 1.5, that is, for every kilogram of berries - one and a half kilograms of sugar. If the lids are made of iron, the proportion can be 1 to 1 and even slightly less, if you do not plan to store Vitaminka for a long time.

Strawberries, grated with sugar, are ready for the winter. This technology can also be used to harvest currants and raspberries. You need to store such a workpiece cool, in a refrigerator or cellar. I store such blanks in the refrigerator only during the peak of the summer heat, and then on the balcony.

Subject to the conditions of the preparation and the temperature regime, such a "vitamin" can be stored for up to 1 year, longer storage is not recommended, because over time, the mixture gradually loses its useful properties.