How to make filo from dough. Do you like flour products? What to cook from filo dough

11.08.2019 Snacks

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I prepared for you a Greek stretched thin filo dough, making at home, and see the recipe with step-by-step photos just below. The name of this test is beautiful, but it itself is subtle and delicate. You can make puff pastries, pies, baklava and other puff products from this.

But first you need to knead it and here you need to know a few secrets of making filo dough, which I would like to tell you about. If you do not follow the basic rules, then the dough will not work out, and the baked goods will not be as tasty. So read and remember!

Stretch dough secrets

  1. In production, the filo dough is intensively kneaded by a machine, which knocks out and mixes in all directions for about 10 minutes. At home, it will take about 20 minutes to knead intensively with your hands. During this time, the mass will become elastic and viscous. It will be easy to work with this and the layers of the finished product will turn out to be translucent.
    If you have a bread maker in your kitchen, the Kneading Dough program can help you a lot. Just 10 minutes of this technique and everything will be ready. Note, no problems and no physical labor.
  2. Warm water is used to knead the dough. Not at room temperature, but warm water that will need to be heated. Otherwise, nothing will work (!).
  3. Ready filo should be sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour. Moreover, this should be the coldest place near the freezer. It will lie down for only 1 hour and you can work with it.
  4. Experience. It takes experience to stretch the dough to the thickness of tissue paper. Not everyone succeeds the first time, but it's worth trying, since filo dough baked goods are excellent.

For cooking, you need the simplest and most affordable products that are available in any kitchen.


  • 1 egg
  • 240 ml warm water
  • 6 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • about 3 glasses of flour
  • additional vegetable oil for stretching

How to make filo dough - recipe with photo step by step

  1. First you need to decide who will make the dough: you or the bread maker. I have this assistant in the kitchen, so I will entrust her with the most difficult work. If there is no bread maker, then knead well by hand, but twice as long as the machine does. We mix an egg, salt, warm water of 50 degrees and warm vegetable oil. We add wheat flour.
  2. Now we knead the dough using the "Kneading dough" program for 10 minutes, until we get a kolobok. If we work with pens, then you need to spend 20 minutes knocking the dough on the table and kneading it vigorously.
  3. We wrap the dough in a bag and send it to the refrigerator under the freezer. We leave it there for 1 hour to have a good rest.
  4. Next, we divide the bun into pieces and roll out one of them with a rolling pin.
  5. Then we grease a thin cake with vegetable oil and stretch it in our hands until the dough becomes very thin and transparent. If you can read a book through it, then you did everything right. The finished stretch dough can be frozen by rolling it up with a roll with baking paper, or you can immediately start cooking something from it. I like the second option.

Filo dough - video

The Mediterranean recipe for excellent filo dough can be made quickly at home, and the baked goods made from such a product are surprisingly tasty. Many of you have not prepared this. Filo dough is incomparable, the photo-instruction requires maximum adherence to technology, and we are used to messing around with you.

In this article, you will learn:

How to make Filo dough: a recipe with a photo

Filo dough is very popular in the Mediterranean and is believed to be a Greek recipe. The layers of dough are so delicate and thin that if you put a fragile sheet of filo on top of the newspaper, you can clearly make out what kind of article was published in the newspaper. Filo dough sheets can be bought in large supermarkets, most often they are sold in oblong packs of 10-12 sheets frozen.
How to make filo dough

Filo dough just loves freezing, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. Excellent baked goods are made from this thinnest dough: apple strudel, berry pie, jellied pie with mushrooms and cheese, hearty meat pie, and there’s just a lot of baklava.

Making such a dough at home is not so easy, you have to tinker so that the dough comes out as thin, elastic and plastic. Here is a universal recipe for filo dough, which will take you only 35-40 minutes to prepare. So let's get started.

Servings Per Container: 32 Filo Sheets.


  • - 400 gr. +180 gr. additionally,
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tsp
  • - 1 tsp.,
  • Hot water - 150 ml.

Filo dough step by step

  • Measure the correct amount of flour according to the recipe and sift it. Transfer to a bowl.
  • Pour vinegar, oil and hot water into a bowl of flour. Stir everything and knead the dough. Experienced chefs advise to "beat off" the dough on the table so that it becomes softer and more tender. The finished dough should not be sticky and stick to your hands. Knead until the dough is firm and firm.
  • Transfer the dough to a bowl and cover with a towel to keep it warm and dry, about 1 hour.
  • You can also wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate, but it is best if the dough is allowed to sit at room temperature. If you do put the dough in the refrigerator, then do not forget to "warm" the dough, that is, before cutting, let it reach room temperature, since such a dough, thin, you cannot immediately roll out. The dough will shrink and bulge.

Place it on a floured countertop and divide into 32 equal balls.
Place one ball on a countertop, preferably on a round cutting board, and roll it out as thin as possible with a rolling pin. Roll in one direction, turning the dough and turning it over first on one side, then on the other, adding flour, roll until a thin and tender dough is obtained. In order for the dough to be the same size, you can put a large dish on the ready-made dough and cut off the excess. This will give you a round filo sheet, or you may not need to trim it off, since you will still have to trim or fold the excess while making the pie. One sheet of filo dough is ready.

  • Take a large deep dish, dust with flour and transfer the finished filo dough sheet to the bottom of the dish. On top, lightly dust with flour, but do not overdo it, dust lightly, no more. Put a towel on top of the dough, a damp towel. To prevent the dough from drying out.
  • Place the second ball of dough on a round cutting board and roll out the same way as the first. Transfer the finished sheet to the first sheet and dust it with flour again, cover with a damp towel to prevent drying out.
  • Do the same for the remaining 30 balls of dough.
    So, you have 32 layers of filo dough.

On a note!

When preparing pies with fillings, laying out each sheet of dough, do not forget to blot it with melted butter, but it will be better if you soak each sheet not with butter, but with olive oil. For baking, you need about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 C.
Store the layers of filo dough in the freezer, previously wrapped in plastic.

Video recipe: filo dough at home

Be sure to defrost before use, but keep in mind that if the dough is not completely thawed, then it is quite possible that the sheets will break, and the baking will not come out as beautiful as it should be.

Try, try. You will succeed!

Do you like flour products and have already tried a lot of recipes? If you have patience, strength and free time, then try filo dough. It should be said right away that this is not easy. But on the other hand, the result will exceed all your expectations!

What is this dough?

Filo dough is a drawn, unleavened, very thin dough that belongs to the national Greek cuisine and is usually used for cooking dishes such as tyropita, bureka, baklava, and so on. By the way, the name can be literally translated as "leaf". There is about the same recipe in Turkish cuisine, but there this dough is called "yufka".

Classic filo is usually made from flour, water, olive oil, and vinegar (most often wine). But every Greek housewife has her own tricks that she does not reveal to anyone. First, the dough is kneaded, then rolled out and stretched to a minimum thickness. In pastry shops, specialized machines are used for rolling, but at home you will have to try and make your own efforts.

How to cook?

How to make filo dough? To do this, you need:

  • 3 cups flour;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of quality wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (no slide).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to sift the flour and mix it with salt. Move it to a fairly deep and wide bowl, make a depression in the center.
  2. Pour warm water and oil into the hole, as well as vinegar.
  3. First, knead the dough with a spoon or fork, gradually combining the liquid components with the bulk ones. When the ball starts to form, continue kneading the filo with your hands.
  4. Knead the dough until smooth, which can take about 10 minutes. As a result, you should have an elastic, resilient, soft and plastic mass.
  5. Now cover the bowl with something (such as a towel) and let the dough stand at room temperature for about an hour to "stretch".
  6. Divide the total volume into about 15 parts (everything will depend on the number of sheets required to prepare the dish, as well as on their size).
  7. Take the first part and place it on a table sprinkled with flour (otherwise the filo will stick). Next, roll the dough into a thin layer, and periodically stretch it with your hands. The sheet should become very thin, almost transparent.
  8. Put the first sheet on parchment, cover with parchment on top.
  9. Roll out the layers, stack in a pile, alternating with sheets of parchment so that they do not dry out and do not stick together.
  10. When all the layers are ready, start cooking.

How to use the dough?

Filo can be used to prepare a wide variety of flour dishes. Below are the most popular and successful recipes.

Recipe number 1

Make a delicious strudel. You will need:

  • 12 sheets of rolled filo dough;
  • 2 apples;
  • 50 grams of walnuts;
  • 50 grams of raisins;
  • 5-6 tablespoons of sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 50 grams of butter.


  1. Make the filling first. To do this, peel and finely chop the apples. Chop the nuts, and pour boiling water over the raisins for literally ten minutes so that it becomes soft. Mix all this, add sugar.
  2. Take one sheet of filo, spread it and brush with butter (after melting it). Put the second layer on top, lubricate it too. In this way, lay 4 sheets, greasing each with oil.
  3. Place the filling on the edge of the four-layer layer, slightly bend the edges along the width so that juice does not leak out during cooking. Roll the filled dough into a roll.
  4. Also shape the rest of the strudels (3 in total) and bake them at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Recipe number 2

You can make baklava. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of ready-made filo dough;
  • 100 grams of peanuts;
  • 100 grams of walnuts;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon.

For syrup:

  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 50 grams of honey;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice.


  1. Start by making the filling. Chop the nuts (peanuts can be lightly fried in a dry frying pan). Mix the nuts with the sugar.
  2. Now make the syrup. To do this, in a saucepan with a thick bottom, mix water, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and honey. Bring this mixture to a boil and cook, reducing heat, until thickened.
  3. The butter needs to be melted to grease the dough.
  4. Now you can start forming baklava. To do this, take a rectangular baking dish that matches the size of the dough sheets, grease its bottom and sides with oil.
  5. Next, put three layers of filo, grease with oil, put a layer of nuts on them, then put three sheets of dough again. Stack the layers with the filo last. Grease the surface with butter, cut the baklava into rectangles and bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.
  6. Pour the syrup over the finished baklava.

Here are some useful tips to make the cooking process as easy as possible and also to improve the taste of the finished dough:

  • Be sure to sift the flour, otherwise the dough will be tough.
  • If you have any cooked homemade filo left, do not rush to throw it away, it is perfectly stored in the freezer for up to three months. Just wrap it in plastic and roll it up.
  • If you are using previously frozen dough, then defrost it to the end before cooking, and only at room temperature! Cold and not fully defrosted dough is very brittle, it is almost impossible to work with it.
  • It is advisable to warm up the water and oil before cooking, then the dough will be more elastic and soft.
  • If the dough breaks (this often happens with beginners), then add one or two egg whites to it (and some, on the contrary, use yolks), they will make the filo more viscous and combine all the ingredients.
  • If desired, you can replace vinegar with citric acid, it has the same properties and performs the same functions in the dough.
  • Do not freeze the dough twice, it will lose its properties, the most important of which is elasticity.
  • The dough may tear the first few times. But over time, you will adjust and learn to literally feel the filo and control the stretch. Everything will come with experience.

If you master this dough, you can prepare a lot of interesting dishes for the whole family or guests.

More recently, a new flour delicacy has appeared on the shelves of supermarkets - a dough called Filo. What is such a basis for? What filling can be wrapped in dough and how to cook it in your kitchen? The instructions will help you understand these issues.

Filo dough - what is it

Unleavened, very thinly rolled dough, popular in Mediterranean countries, was first prepared in Greece. Phyllon means leaf in Greek. Indeed, Greek dough is so transparent that you can easily read a newspaper or browse the pages of a fashion magazine through it. In Russiafilo dough is exhaust. It is much thinner than the usual puff pastry and is often found in the store frozen in a pack of 10 layers.


To make a real filo at home, you have to try. There is an opinion that in Greece every housewife has her own secrets of its preparation and a special secret ingredient. Still, experienced chefs advise using basic instructions and choosing a classicfilo dough composition... So, for home cooking, you may need:

  • premium wheat flour;
  • olive or vegetable oil (odorless);
  • eggs or yolks from them;
  • water;
  • a few grams of salt;
  • apple or wine vinegar.

Bakery products

All ingredients must be combined into a homogeneous elastic mass, and then rolled and stretched using a special technology. The sheets should be as thin and transparent as possible. Almost everything that the soul desires is prepared from the drawn dough, but the desserts are the tastiest.Filo pastry varied - these are Austrian strudels, Turkish baklava, Egyptian Gullesh, Russian bags with various fillings, pies, casseroles.


Since these layers are very thin, delicate and fragile, then the choice of filling should be approached responsibly. Such pastries are prepared very quickly, therefore, raw meat or vegetables are never wrapped in pies, pies, rolls.Filo dough filling must be prepared in advance, contain a minimum of moisture and fat, because escaping vapors can damage the structure of the dough. Ideal for filling: nuts, all types of cheese, spinach, fried minced meat, chicken, lean fish. You can add cream or custard, apples, cottage cheese to sweet pastries.

Filo dough - recipe at home

It is believed that it is impossible to cook filo on your own - it is very capricious, constantly torn and sticks to your hands. There is some truth in this, but in practice everything does not look so critical, especially if you take the correct one.homemade filo dough recipe and be patient. Can't roll the sheets correctly the first time? Do not despair and give up, over time the hand will become more confident.


  • Servings: 30
  • Calorie content: 219 kcal.
  • Purpose: baking.
  • Cuisine: European.

If the complexity of cooking did not scare you, and interest prevailed, then try to master this step by step recipe first.stretch dough... Its main feature is that you need to roll out several sheets at once, and so that they do not stick together, sprinkle each with starch. This method of rolling allows you to achieve the best result, and at the exit to get about 30 large-diameter workpieces.


  • flour - 500 g;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc .;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • starch - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all products, with the exception of starch, into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Beat off the mass on the table for 2-3 minutes, and then wrap in plastic and put in the cold.
  3. After half an hour, take out the workpiece, separate 3 equal parts.
  4. Roll each part into a small circle, about 5 cm in diameter, sprinkle with starch and fold.
  5. Roll all three pieces at the same time into a thin layer, constantly sprinkling with starch.
  6. Then cover the mass with a clean towel, let it rest at room temperature and start pulling the sheet in different directions.
  7. The finished product should be up to 2 mm thick.

From Julia Vysotskaya

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 12 Sheets.
  • Calorie content: 198 kcal.
  • Purpose: baking.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: difficult.

Filo dough from Julia Vysotskayais prepared according to a different recipe technology, but it turns out to be no less delicate and delicate. Towel rolling is a good cooking technique for beginners. This way the mass will not stick to the table, it will be easier to roll it and then pull it out. Do not be afraid to stretch the dough with your hands, as it is very soft and pliable. The main thing is not to give the dough a minute of rest until you achieve the desired result.


  • flour - 185 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp l .;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • egg - 1 pc .;
  • water - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Knead soft and tender dough with your hands or using the kitchen machine.
  2. Form a ball out of the dough, place in a clean dish, cover with plastic foil and set aside in the cold.
  3. After half an hour, take out the workpiece and divide it into 2 parts.
  4. Spread a clean linen towel on the table, lightly dust with flour.
  5. Place the dough on top and start rolling with a rolling pin as far as possible.
  6. Then, grasp the edges of the dough with both hands and begin to stretch it in different directions.
  7. You need to pull out the sheet until the towel pattern is visible through it.

Filo dough recipes

Ultra-thin sheets can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Mostfilo dough recipescame to us from Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Austria and Germany, one Russian housewives also do not get lost and open all new approaches to baking. Which ones: classic or original dishes are tastier? It is difficult to answer unequivocally, because some value traditions, while others, on the contrary, like experiments. In any case, you will definitely like the cooking process itself and the ones suggested belowfilo dough recipes.


  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Calorie content: 230 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Greek.

This filo dough piewith cheese filling is prepared in Greece, and it has an intricate name - Tiropita. As a rule, several types of cheese are included in the composition: soft and hard, but sometimes yogurt, sour cream, eggs and spinach are added to the filling. The finished dish is cut into squares and served with warm milk or tea. The pie will be delicious cold, and warm, it will be an excellent snack.


  • filo - 300 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • feta cheese - 300 g;
  • adyghe cheese - 150 g;
  • semolina - 150 g;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • olive oil - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion into small cubes, sauté in a skillet in oil.
  2. For the filling, mash the feta with a fork, and grate the Adyghe cheese.
  3. Stir both types of cheese, add semolina to them.
  4. Pour the cooled onion into a bowl, mix all the ingredients until smooth.
  5. To pour, beat eggs with milk, add a pinch of salt to them.
  6. Place the dough on the bottom of the mold, smearing each layer with oil.
  7. Spread a third of the filling evenly over the top.
  8. Cover with filo sheet, coat with oil.
  9. Using the same principle, make several layers of the cake, at the very end tucking the edges of the dough into the mold.
  10. Pour the egg-milk mixture over the workpiece, put it in the oven.
  11. Bake Greek tyropite at 190 degrees for 30 minutes.


  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 287 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Filo dough strudel Germans, Austrians and Hungarians love to cook, the dish has become no less popular in Russia. These pastries are shaped into a roll and baked in the oven until they are very crispy. You can add a teaspoon of vanilla sugar to the filling of a traditional apple strudel, and be sure to add cinnamon. The breadcrumbs in the recipe are used to seal the juice inside the apples so the roll is never wet.


  • filo - 3 pcs.;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • cinnamon - 30 g;
  • walnuts - 200 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • bread crumbs - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour some water into a bowl, squeeze the lemon juice into it.
  2. Cut apples, peeled from seeds and core, into medium-sized cubes.
  3. To prevent the fruit from darkening while slicing, place the finished pieces in a bowl of water and lemon.
  4. Then drain and add breadcrumbs to the apples.
  5. Grind the walnuts with a blender. They can be lightly fried if desired.
  6. Along with sugar and cinnamon, add them to apples.
  7. Add a few tablespoons of fresh raisins, stir.
  8. Lay the defrosted dough in layers, coat each layer with melted butter.
  9. At the edge of the third sheet, lay out the filling in an even heap, wrap the edges and roll the roll.
  10. To make the edge of the dough stick tightly, brush it with butter.
  11. Transfer the strudel to a baking sheet, cover with the rest of the oil and place in the oven.
  12. Cook the roll at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, sprinkle the finished dessert with powdered sugar.


  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 310 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: walnut.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Still pondering what to cook from filo dough? Then try to make baklava, but not quite ordinary. In the East, it is customary to pour baklava with honey, but in this recipe, sugar-lemon syrup. This option will really appeal to those who do not like sugary desserts. You can also vary the number of walnut layers to your liking, but, as a rule, only one layer is made.


  • filo - 12 sheets;
  • walnuts - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 tbsp.;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • butter - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the nuts with a sharp knife or crush them with a rolling pin.
  2. Melt the butter in a water bath or microwave oven.
  3. Place parchment on the bottom of a high-rimmed dish, be sure to oil the baking paper well.
  4. Put a sheet of dough on top, grease liberally with butter. Use the same principle to make 5 layers.
  5. Pour the nuts onto the sixth layer. Repeat the procedure again.
  6. Using a sharp long knife, cut the baklava into equal triangles, put half a nut in the center of each and pour over the rest of the butter.
  7. Bake filo dough baklava should be at 180 ° C for exactly 35 minutes.
  8. Make a thick syrup with sugar and water. Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to it and boil for 5-7 minutes.
  9. Pour the finished oriental sweetness with sugar and lemon syrup.

Filo dough dishes - cooking secrets

There may be a lot of similar recipes, but in order tofilo dough dishes caused an appetite from one glance at them, it is worth remembering a few simple tips:

  • The dough must be completely defrosted. Even a slightly frozen mass will break in the hands.
  • Stretch dough can dry quickly, therefore, when working with one sheet, it is better to cover the others with a damp towel.
  • You need to roll the layer in one direction, and pull it in different directions. It is more convenient to stretch the sheets, holding one edge on the table, and pull the one that will hang down.
  • Finished sheets can be trimmed with scissors to any shape or baking sheet size.
  • If you plan to knead the flour mass on your own, take the trouble to prepare all the necessary products in advance, because you need to knead everything very quickly: sift the flour, measure out a glass of water and take the eggs out of the refrigerator. Only then can you start working.
