Apple juice for the winter at home. How to close apple juice at home

With the arrival of autumn, the question becomes more and more urgent: how to preserve Apple juice? After all the given time the year is always famous for the large harvest of this fruit. Of course, maximum benefit and taste fresh berries and fruits. But, unfortunately, you won't be able to enjoy the freshness for long. And what could be tastier than apple or other juice made by yourself? Juice can be canned either from one fruit or by combining several options. The process of preserving the juice itself is quite simple. It is enough to follow the recipe and all the recommendations. All subsequent times will already be worked out to automatism, and you will not have to peep at the preservation recipes.

Where to start conservation?

To make it tasty and healthy for the winter, you must follow all the stages of conservation. When preserving juices at home, it is worth going through the preparation of the juice itself, its heat treatment and preservation itself. So, juice preparation consists in squeezing or pressing it. To do this, you can use:

  • Juicer;
  • Meat grinder;
  • Wooden crush.

For apples, a juicer is the best option. These fruits are very hard and can be difficult to use with a meat grinder. In addition, the juicer saves a lot of time, because the push-up happens very quickly, without special efforts... To squeeze out all the juices from the fruits as much as possible, it is recommended to grind them a little and warm them up in a water bath. Very often, it is apple juice that turns out to be cloudy, with pulp. While Cherry juice has perfect transparency. If you don't like pulpy juice, just pass it several times through filter paper. In order for the pulp to settle, you can simply leave the juice in a cool place for a day.

Followed by heat treatment... So, you can use two methods: pasteurization, hot pouring. By following the latter option, you can save a lot of time. That is why hot-pouring juice preservation is very popular. So, you need to do the following:

  • Heat apple juice in a saucepan to 75 degrees;
  • Filter the juice;
  • Warm it up again;
  • Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes;
  • After the expiration of time, immediately pour into banks, roll up.

The pasteurization method involves pouring the juice into enamel pot, and heating to near boil. Next, the drink must be cooled and reheated. Still hot juice is poured into jars, and once again pasteurized for 15 minutes. The final stage of direct preservation of the drink is quite simple. Firstly, the juice is bottled only in pre-sterilized jars. It is important to know that the juice is poured to the very top of the dish so that it does not spoil.

Secondly, for maximum clogging of the jar, metal covers must also be sterilized. And finally, after the apple juice in the jars has cooled, they are turned upside down and put in a dark place for a week. If during a given period of time the juice does not become cloudy, does not ferment, you can safely put the cans with the drink in a normal position, in a cool place before winter arrives.

Popular recipes for canning apple juice

There are three main options for making this drink for the winter at home. To make the juice tasty, without harsh sour taste you only need to choose ripe fruits... If the fruit is slightly spoiled, the juice may ferment and not last until winter. This drink will have to be poured out. It should be noted that the apple drink always turns out to be concentrated, so many people dilute it in purified water or other types of juices.

The first option for preserving an apple blank

In the first version of conservation, it is necessary to pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan, heat it over a fire to 95 degrees. When heating, add sugar (1 tablespoon of sugar for every 0.5 liters of juice). If you do not have a kitchen thermometer, you can guess the temperature yourself. As soon as small bubbles begin to appear in the liquid, it means that the drink has reached the required temperature. You cannot boil the broth. It is very important to stir the juice constantly. The formed foam is removed with an ordinary slotted spoon. While still hot, the liquid is poured into the cans, which should be warm. After rolling up, the jars are wrapped in a warm blanket.

The second way to preserve apple juice

For the second option, you need to prepare a large and wide saucepan. Raw drink poured into sterilized jars. But, the jars must be cold, it is not worth preheating them. After the spill, the jars should be covered, but not rolled up. Now the dishes with juice are placed in the prepared wide saucepan. Water is poured here, which should not reach the neck of the cans by 1-1.5 cm. Cover the pot with the cans with a lid, put it on fire, and heat the water to 85 degrees.

As soon as you have received the required temperature, the fire decreases, and this temperature in the dishes is maintained. Time is such heat treatment depends on the volume of the cans. So, for cans up to 1 liter - 20 minutes, 2-3 liters - 30 minutes. After the required time has elapsed, each can is carefully taken out of their pan, and the same rolls up. After that, as in any other case, the cans are turned over and wrapped in a blanket.

The third option for preserving an apple drink for the winter

In this case, it means boiling the liquid for 5 minutes. At the same time, it should be noted that a fairly large part useful vitamins and micronutrients will be lost. But, pleasant taste and freshness will be preserved. This option is great when using overripe apples, when you doubt them. high quality... When boiling, you can eliminate the likelihood further fermentation drink.

So, the mass obtained by pressing is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil, and boiled for 5 minutes. Hot juice is poured into cans, hermetically closed with lids, and turned upside down. Be sure to wrap the container in a warm blanket. After cooling down, the dishes with the drink are turned over to their original position and placed in a cool, dark place until the onset of winter.

Blending apple juice

Very often, many housewives, when preserving apple drink they also add juices of other fruits or vegetables. The combination of several juices during conservation is called blending. It helps to improve a little taste qualities, bring a little more use from the drink. It is also known that apple juice is a very concentrated mass that can have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is better to dilute it with other juices. Delicious and useful options blending apples are as follows:

  • Grape;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Carrot;
  • Rowan;
  • Zucchini.

A blend of apple and pumpkin is very useful for the body. But, it is worth noting that this canned product has a specific taste. But in combination with an apple, you can get a pleasant taste. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the pumpkin, peel it of dense peel, seeds and fibers. To soften the pumpkin pieces, soften them with steam. Next, the pulp is wiped through a sieve or chopped in a blender. It is not necessary to pre-boil the vegetable. As a result, you will get liquid puree to be mixed with apple juice. This mixture is pasteurized, poured into containers, and rolled up. The ratio of these components is selected individually, taking into account your taste preferences.

There is a delicious recipe apple-pumpkin juice which prepares quickly enough. For this you will need:

  • 3 cups pumpkin puree
  • 5 large apples;
  • A pinch of cinnamon;
  • 1 glass of boiled water;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 50 grams lemon juice.

Such a juice for conservation will rather resemble a liquid puree, for a week, water. The apples must be removed from the peel and core, cut into slices or slices, and placed on the bottom of the pan. Apples are sprinkled with cinnamon, poured with lemon juice. After mixing the ingredients, water is added to the dishes. The mass is quickly brought to a boil. As soon as the mass boils, you need to muffle the heat, and cook the mixture for 45 minutes. At this time, preparing pumpkin puree... As soon as the apples in the saucepan are softened, pumpkin is added to them. To get a homogeneous mass, it is worth interrupting it in a blender. Already in the blender, vanilla is added for flavor. After mixing all the components, the mass is boiled for 5 minutes, and rolled up hot.

To prepare a blend with carrots, follow these steps:

  • The carrots are peeled, washed, cut into pieces.
  • These pieces are softened by steam bath are passed through a juicer or sieve.
  • Carrot and apple juice are mixed and pasteurized.
  • Juice is poured into cans hot, rolled up.

You can soften the taste of apple juice when preserving by blending with zucchini. In addition to the rather unusual pleasant taste, such canned juice will be maximally saturated with minerals, especially calcium. You can prepare such a mixture in any way that was mentioned above. Therefore, the drink is very simple, due to this it is popular.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Agree that it's time to stop buying juices in tetrapacks at the store. What do they put in them, what are they made of? Whether it's natural juice. They harvested apples in their favorite garden, made a sufficient amount of jam, jam and marmalade, prepared drying for the winter, it's time to close the apple juice. It will turn out tasty, healthy and pamper your body with vitamins. Apples contain enough a large number of iron, which will help ensure the correct level of hemoglobin in the blood. The process of harvesting apple juice for the winter is not difficult. The main thing is to have good juicer... So, let's harvest apple juice for the winter through a juicer.


- apples - 5 kg;
- sugar - 0.5 kg.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. Rinse apples well, remove damaged and sore spots, core with seeds.

2. Cut the fruit into slices and pass them through the juicer. This will produce a large amount of foam. It's okay, just go ahead and delete it.

3. Pour the resulting juice better into aluminum pan or a basin, put on medium fire and bring to a temperature of 90 degrees. Watch carefully, the juice should not boil. Upon reaching the right temperature turn off heat and add sugar. Adjust the taste to your liking. If your apples are already sweet enough, then you can add less sugar, if the apples are sour, then increase the amount of sugar.

4. Prepare the jars or bottles into which the juice will be poured. To do this, rinse them thoroughly. Heat the oven to 100 degrees, put bottles in it and hold for ten minutes until all the water on the walls evaporates. Pour the juice into bottles, filtering it at the same time through cheesecloth, and seal with lids, previously scalded with boiling water.

5. Turn the jars over and let them stand upside down until they cool completely (this is done to better seal the lid with the jar). You can store such juice in pantries when room temperature, but it's better still in the cellar or basement.

This is how apple juice is simply harvested for the winter through a juicer, we advise you to write down the recipe with a photo so as not to forget the subtleties and secrets until next year.

- for harvesting juice for the winter, apples of more late varieties they are juicier;
- to measure the temperature of the juice, use a special thermometer for conservation;
- it will be even more beneficial if apple juice is combined with other juices in a 1: 1 ratio and drunk in the morning for breakfast (for example, carrot, beetroot, peach or pumpkin);
- apple juice is useful in the treatment and prevention of kidney disease, unfortunately a lot of juice cannot be drunk by those who suffer gastrointestinal diseases(especially gastritis and pancreatitis).

Apple juice is rightfully considered a storehouse of vitamins. Thanks to mineral elements, the product strengthens immune system, struggling with colds, increases vitality. For this reason, experienced housewives want to preserve the juice so that they can enjoy it in winter. We have collected for you gold collection the most delicious recipes that you can easily translate into reality yourself. Consider important aspects in order.

How to juice apples properly

For the preparation of juice, only sweet varieties of apples are used; in some cases, forcing from fruits with sourness is allowed. The second option involves adding granulated sugar which can cause heartburn.

Give preference to the following varieties: Simirenko, Antonovka, Anis, Grushovka, Golden. Recipes allow mixing apples different kind, it all depends on personal preference. The listed varieties are optimal for forcing, since they are moderately sweet, but at the same time they have a share of sourness.

After choosing the fruit, you need to sort it out. It is important to understand that only healthy apples without a wormhole are used for juice. Each fruit is thoroughly washed with a foam sponge. If store-bought products are used for pasture, the baking soda is used to remove wax and possible chemicals.

Next, the apples are laid out on a flat surface, wrapped in a towel. After that, they are placed on paper napkin until the moisture evaporates completely. When the fruits are dry, the core is cut out. Further, the cooking process goes according to the instructions for the juicer. The fruits are pre-crushed with a knife or sent to the device as a whole.

Apple juice preparation technology

  1. Place the apples in the sink, wash each fruit under warm water, if necessary, use baking soda... When all the dirt is removed, sort through the fruit, cut out the bruised and rotten areas, remove the leaves and tails.
  2. Only give preference to ripe fruit when not using wildfowl. Spread a cotton towel on the table, lay out the fruit to drain the water, dry at room temperature.
  3. Use a thin knife to remove the peel from the apples. Try to cut the skin so thin that only the hard, smooth part is removed. It is under it that the cluster is concentrated. useful elements to be saved.
  4. Cut out the core, remove the seeds and substrates, chop the fruits into cubes of equal size. The size of the pieces directly depends on the characteristics of the juicer. If the appliance is good at mashing large chunks, do not waste time on trifles, chop apples in half.
  5. When planning the amount of the final product, proceed from the following indicators: in most cases, when processing 11-12 kg. apples come out about 4-5 liters of juice. It is difficult to say the exact figure, because all varieties differ in ripeness and juiciness.
  6. Select a bottle with a neck diameter that is the same size as the spout of the juicer. Such a course will prevent possible contact of the final product with oxygen. If possible, choose ceramic or glass containers, not plastic. The latter option shortens the shelf life of the final product. Also, do not use metal utensils, as they tend to oxidize.
  7. Place the vessel of your choice under the neck, place the pieces of fruit in the cavity of the juicer, turn on the device. Depending on the manufacturer, the speed of juice dispensing varies considerably. Since apples are juicy enough, they grind faster than, say, carrots. As a rule, 5 minutes of operation of the device is enough to obtain 3.5-5 liters of the final product.
  8. In addition to squeezing, the juicer cleans the liquid from the pulp, as in the previous case, the result directly depends on the manufacturer. As practice shows, on top of the juice, you can see a relatively small amount of cake. You can either stir it for a pulp or strain it. In the case of the latter, use a sieve or make a filter from a gauze cloth folded in several layers.
  9. As for the cake from used apples, it is practically useless, throw it away or use it for your own purposes. At the end of all manipulations, disassemble the device, wash it thoroughly in the shower, dry it. Leave it assembled or disassembled until next time.

There are a number of ways you can make apple juice for winter storage.

First you need to take care of the container into which the product will be poured. Wash it thoroughly with warm water, treat the cavity and outer walls with baking soda, pour over boiling water.

You can also sterilize the jars by placing them in a pot of water and then boil them thoroughly (about 10-15 minutes). After preparing the dishes, choose the appropriate preservation method and proceed with the procedure.

Option number 1. Warming up
The cooking technology is as follows: the juice is poured into a wide pan with an enamel coating, after which it is placed on the stove and evenly warmed up to 88-98 degrees.

If you do not have a thermometer, you can find out about the right stage. visual inspection... Small bubbles will begin to appear on the surface of the liquid, in no case bring the composition to a mass boil.

Apple juice can be carried to the place for long-term storage only after it has been infused at room temperature for about 12-14 hours.

Option number 2. Light boil
The technique is designed for those cases when, when squeezing apple juice, there are doubts about the quality of the fruits used. For example, you are not sure that you have completely removed the spoiled areas or peeled the fruit properly.

Experienced juices do not recommend boiling the juice for a long time, but heat treatment over high heat for 5 minutes is acceptable. Of course, with this method of pasteurization, most of the useful elements will lose their properties, but the taste and overall impression of the product will remain unchanged.

Pour the juice into thick-walled pan, bring to a boil and time. After the specified period (5-7 minutes), pour the product into clean (sterile) jars, seal it, turn it over the neck, wrap it with a warm cloth.

The cooling time at room temperature is about 12 hours, after this time, the jar must be turned over and placed in a dark place (cellar, basement, cabinet, etc.).

Option number 3. Closed pasteurization
This method is good in that the juice is boiled after it is transferred to the jar without preheating. To carry out the procedure correctly, prepare a wide saucepan with high sides, pour the juice into glass containers, close the lid, but do not roll it up.

Put the jar in the pot, top up warm water, turn on the stove. Simmer over medium heat until the first bubbles begin to appear. Make sure the level poured water reached only the shoulders of the container, otherwise it may burst. Next, cover the pan with a lid, bring the juice to a temperature of 85 degrees, no more.

After this period, reduce the heat to the minimum mark, boil the jar of juice for 20-30 minutes, depending on its size. As soon as the pasteurization process comes to an end, carefully remove the container with mittens, immediately roll it up and wrap it in a blanket. Let the juice cool to room temperature (about 12-15 hours), then take it to a dark room for long-term storage.

Important! After juicing and pasteurization, sign each can. V mandatory indicate the date of harvest so as not to violate the storage conditions. The duration of exposure, during which the product can be consumed, ranges from 22-24 months.

As for adding sugar to a drink, this is a purely individual matter. You can stir in the free-flowing composition during the heating phase, or be content with the natural taste of apple juice.

  1. To prepare a drink, it is important to observe correct proportions. Experienced housewives it is advised to mix 2 parts of apple juice with 1 part of carrot juice, while you can add granulated sugar at the rate of 10 grams. per 100 ml. the final product.
  2. Wash the carrots, peel them, dry them paper towels... Chop on small pieces, put in a deep container, pour over with boiling water. Wait about 20 minutes.
  3. Wash and peel the apples and peel them off with a thin-bladed knife. Remove the core, chop the fruit into equal sized pieces.
  4. Mix the apple with carrots, squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer, remove the cake by passing the composition through a sieve. Pasteurize using one of the methods described above ("Light boil", "Heating", "Closed pasteurization").
  5. At the stage of heat treatment, add granulated sugar to the juice, wait until the crystals dissolve. After that, pour into jars, cork, cool, put in a dark place.

Apple-pumpkin juice

  1. Peel the pumpkin from the tough skin, exclude the fibrous-seed structure from the cavity. Wash the fruit, cut into small pieces, steam for 10 minutes.
  2. Wash the apples, peel off with a thin knife, and remove the core. Cut the fruit into pieces of equal size, scald with boiling water.
  3. Dry the fruits well, send them to a blender or juicer, then exclude the cake with a gauze filter, add to the juice ground cinnamon, vanillin and filtered water in a small amount to slightly dilute the composition.
  4. Optionally, you can add a little lemon juice to the resulting mixture to give the drink citrus note... As soon as the juice is obtained, pasteurize it using the "Light boil" method, the only thing is that the cooking time must be increased to half an hour.
  5. At the end of the manipulations, pour the composition into sterile jars, cork, let cool in a wrapped blanket. Move the container to a place for long-term storage.

It's easy to make apple juice at home if you have an idea of ​​the basic processing technologies. Always wash and dry the fruit, separate the cake from the liquid, boil the jars. Consider making apple-pumpkin and apple-carrot juice.

Video: apple juice without a juicer

Any homework has advantages over store products... They are healthier, tastier, and contain only natural ingredients. The same applies to homemade apple juice, which is prepared for the winter. Such a drink will delight summer people in cold weather, fresh taste and fill the body with vitamins. But in order for it to be well kept and contain more useful components, you must choose suitable recipe and stick to the proposed algorithm.

While apple juice is often made at home, it is usually a drink intended to be consumed directly. As for preparing it for the winter, here it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • the most interesting taste can be achieved by using apples with other vegetables and fruits, or by adding spices;
  • the foam formed during the cooking process must be removed - this will make the liquid lighter and reduce the amount of sediment;
  • homework will not be as transparent as store juice, but you can still lighten it with citruses.

What varieties of apples are best to choose?

Fruit of the following varieties are suitable for making juice:

  • Anise;
  • Antonovka;
  • Grushovka;
  • Semerenko;
  • Strey fling.

Mixing several varieties is encouraged, this allows you to achieve an interesting, blended taste and aroma of the drink. For winter preparations fruits of autumn varieties are more suitable.

Preparation of the main ingredient

There is nothing difficult in preparing apples. It is enough to sort out the fruits, removing completely spoiled ones. They should be rinsed under running water, cut off rotten areas. And then - cut into pieces, removing the core.

Homemade apple juice recipes

There are many recipes used to make apple juice. Some take time and skill, while others are suitable even for inexperienced housewives.

A simple recipe for the winter

Make apple juice for the winter, keeping the maximum nutrients, you can by this recipe... It will require fruits and granulated sugar, which is added to taste.

Cooking method:

  • squeeze the juice with any in a suitable way- using a juicer or by hand, straining or leaving the pulp;
  • add sugar to the liquid and send it to low heat until boiling;
  • when the juice boils, it should be removed from the stove and poured into pre-sterilized jars;
  • it is necessary to sterilize cans of juice for 20 minutes over low heat by placing them in a saucepan covered with a cloth;
  • cans should be rolled up, turned upside down and left for a day.

You can preserve the drink without sterilization, but then it should be boiled for 5 minutes.

Through a juicer

With the help of this device, you can get large volumes of juice without bothering much. The drink will require fruits and sugar to taste. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • peeled fruits should be passed through the device;
  • freshly squeezed juice can be filtered by filtering through several layers of gauze or cotton fabric;
  • the liquid is sent to slow fire and heats up to 80-85 degrees, it is important that it does not boil;
  • the drink can be poured into prepared containers and sent for 20 minutes for sterilization.

Thus, preservation can also be prepared from juice with pulp, for this the liquid is not decanted or passed through 1-2 layers of gauze.

With pulp

You can make such a drink from any apples, but it is better to use sweet, juicy ones. Give it spicy taste you can use cinnamon, which is added based on your own preferences.

Cooking method:

  • pieces of fruit should be grated, without removing the peel;
  • the resulting gruel is placed on multilayer gauze and wrung out;
  • the liquid is placed in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour, but without boiling;
  • spice is added to the juice, and it is poured into sterilized jars;
  • the containers can be rolled up and placed under a warm blanket for 10 hours.

In a juicer

This kitchen appliance allows you to brew excellent juice, which requires only apples. True, if the fruit is sour, then it is recommended to add sugar.

The drink is prepared as follows:

  • the most juicy and ripe fruits are selected, they should be peeled from the core and roots;
  • water is poured into the juicer, and after it boils, the fruits are placed on the upper tier;
  • softened fruits need to be covered with granulated sugar, its amount depends on the sweetness of the fruit and taste preferences cooking;
  • the hose of the device should be lowered into a sterilized jar in which it will be stored;
  • as they fill, containers should be replaced, and when they are all filled with a drink, they must be closed with a seaming key.

In a multicooker

This device will not help you make juice from fruit, but it allows you to brew it in 5 minutes. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • the apples are cut into pieces, the core is removed;
  • juice is squeezed out of the fruit - you can rub them on a grater and squeeze, or use a juicer;
  • the liquid should be poured into a bowl and set to the "Soup" mode;
  • the drink is brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes and poured into cans;
  • containers with cooled juice should be closed.


According to classical technology, the fruit drink is prepared without additional sweeteners. However, for this, fruits of sweet varieties should be used.

Cooking method:

  • containers and lids are being prepared - they must be sterilized;
  • apples are cleaned - from rot, cores, petioles, cut into 4 parts;
  • juice is extracted from fruits - any in an accessible way, and filtered through cheesecloth folded in several layers;
  • the container with the liquid is sent to the stove and heats up to 90-95 degrees;
  • the hot drink is filtered through cheesecloth; if it is too sour, add sugar and put it back on the stove;
  • it must be heated to 80-85 degrees, poured hot into sterilized jars and immediately rolled up;
  • containers are placed upside down and wrapped in a blanket.

With cherry

Apple juice is good on its own, but it also tastes delicious with the addition of cherries. It requires:

  • cherry - 1.2 kilograms;
  • apple juice - 2 liters.

Prepare as follows:

  • the cherries should be washed and pitted;
  • the raw material is passed through a meat grinder, the juice should be squeezed out and filtered through cheesecloth;
  • two drinks are mixed in a saucepan and sent to the stove before boiling;
  • in order to preserve the maximum of nutrients, taste and aroma, it is not recommended to boil the liquid;
  • the drink should be poured into containers, rolled up, turned over and covered with a blanket until it cools, this will preserve the workpiece in the winter.

With pumpkin

Apple-pumpkin juice - drink with rich taste, natural sweetness and big amount vitamins. To prepare it at home, you will need:

  • apples - 1 kilogram;
  • pumpkin - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 0.4 kilograms;
  • water;
  • citric acid - 20 grams.

Cooking method:

  • pieces of peeled pumpkin should be grated and then boiled with water for 3-5 minutes until softened;
  • it is rubbed through a sieve, sugar and lemon are added to the gruel;
  • peeled apples also need to be grated and squeezed;
  • both juices are combined and boiled for 5 minutes;
  • the drink is poured hot into cans and rolled up.

With pear

From pears and apples you can cook delicious drink, for him, these components are taken in any proportion.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • fruits are peeled, poured with water and boiled over low heat;
  • sugar is added only if needed;
  • the workpiece should be cooled, passed through a sieve and squeezed out the liquid;
  • the juice is boiled for a quarter of an hour and poured into containers.

With grapes

There are many recipes, but the most interesting taste the drink is obtained by combining apples with two grape varieties at once. For 4 kilograms of juicy apples, 5 kilograms of pink grapes and 1 kilogram of blue grapes are taken.

Cooking method:

  • all components should be washed, apples are cut into several parts; and branches are removed from the berries;
  • fruit is passed through a juicer, the liquid is boiled for 5-7 minutes in a thick-walled container, avoiding boiling;
  • juice is poured into jars and rolled up.

Storage features

During the first 2 weeks after preparation, it is necessary to observe the condition of the blanks. At the first sign of fermentation, the jars are opened and the contents are boiled. Such a product will no longer be stored, so it is better to use it for preparing other dishes - jelly, marmalades, compotes.

If the juice looks good, it can be stored in a cool, dark place after a couple of weeks.

How to cook apple juice for the winter at home, how to close correctly banks as well how to do we will tell you a blended drink mixed with the juice of other fruits, berries and vegetables in our article.

The apple drink prepared for the winter is rich in vitamins, and is also very useful and aromatic, in terms of taste it is not inferior to the analogue from the store. In 100 grams of juice home production Total:

  • 42 kcal,
  • proteins - 0.4 g,
  • fat - 0.4 g,
  • carbohydrates - 9.8 gr.

Homemade apple juice for the winterclassic recipe cooking

Most juicy apples- only taken from a tree, these fruits should be used for harvesting juice for the winter. It is recommended to give preference to varieties:

  • Antonovka,
  • "Semerenko"
  • "Strey fling",
  • "Anise",
  • other varieties can also be used.

To get a blended drink that has unusual taste and aroma, it is necessary to mix fruits of different varieties.

Classical, step by step recipe making juice at home:

At room temperature in this state, the juice should be stored for 10-12 days. After that, it is recommended to transfer the cans to a cool place for long-term storage, but this should be done only on condition that the drink has not become cloudy, fermented and mold has not appeared on its surface.

The juice is stored for a very long time, so the whole family can enjoy it great taste any time of the year until a new crop appears.

Advice! A drink that foamed in the first weeks can be used to make jelly, fruit drinks, it should be boiled for 5-7 minutes or wine beforehand.

Reheating is necessary in order to remove sediment that appears on the bottom of the container during storage; this procedure is not necessary. Fully clarified juice at home it is impossible to get it, but it will not spoil the taste of the drink.

Advice! It is best to use enamel cookware to heat the juice.

Apple juice recipe for the winter through a juicer


  • apples;
  • vegetables, fruits or berries - optional;
  • granulated sugar - if necessary (100 g per 1 liter of juice).


This recipe is widely used to prepare healthy, fruit and berry drink... To preserve the juice for the winter, you can use the pasteurization method described in the first recipe, or the second method - sterilization, this method will be described in this recipe.

  1. We pass apples to juice in a convenient way for you with a juicer, a meat grinder. If you used a meat grinder, the juice should be filtered through cheesecloth and poured into pre-prepared jars. If the drink is sour, then sugar can be added to it.
  1. Jars should be tightly closed with boiled lids.
  2. To the bottom large casserole lay gauze or a circle of wood and fill with water. Put the container on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Juice cans should be carefully placed in a saucepan, while boiling water should reach their neck and leave to sterilize for 15 minutes, if they are liter containers, 30 minutes - for three-liter containers. The foam is periodically removed.
  4. After the procedure, remove the container, roll it up, leave to cool wrapped up, turned upside down.

Watch the video! Apple juice from a juicer for the winter

Apple and pear juice

This drink is prepared for the winter by many housewives, since it has excellent taste and aroma. For cooking you will need:

  • apples;
  • pears.

The number of components should be selected based on your own taste preferences.

  1. The fruit should be washed and cut into quarters.
  2. Pass through a juicer.
  3. The mass must be poured into an enamel pan and put on fire.
  4. As the liquid heats up, foam begins to appear on its surface, which should be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon.
  5. Sugar is added as needed if the drink is not very sweet.
  6. After boiling, the pan is removed from the heat and filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze.
  7. Hot juice should be poured into pre-prepared containers and rolled up, after which the cans should be turned upside down and covered with a blanket.
  8. After 1-1.5 weeks, if the juice does not deteriorate, it can be stored in a cool place.

Watch the video! Pear and apple juice for the winter

Homemade apple juice: recipe without juicer with pulp

Required components:

  • 3 kg of apples;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • Sugar syrup (made from 4 glasses of water and 4 glasses of sugar).


  1. The fruits should be sorted out, rotten places and seeds should be removed, and peeled.
  2. The apples are cut into slices 1-2 cm wide and placed in an enamel container.
  3. Pour the pieces with water.
  4. After that, the pan should be put on fire and wait for the liquid to boil, cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the saucepan from the stove and puree the contents. To do this, the pulp is passed through a meat grinder or blender twice.
  6. The mass is mixed with syrup and again put on fire.
  7. After 5 minutes, remove from heat and cool slightly.
  8. Rub everything through a fine sieve.
  9. Put on the stove and bring to a boil, then pour the juice into glass containers and roll up the lids, leave to cool upside down.

Apple juice prepared in this way contains a lot dietary fiber which are so good for the intestines. For those on a diet this drink best eaten without sugar.

Classic cooking recipe suitable for those, who wants to prepare clarified juice, but does not have a juicer on the farm. To do this, you need to skip apple pulp through a meat grinder or grate it, and then squeeze the mass through cheesecloth several times. Next, you should continue to prepare the drink, adhering to the recommendations from the very first recipe.

Watch the video! Apple juice without a juicer

How to make apple juice in a juicer

  • Before sending apples to the juicer, they should be well washed and cut.
  • Removing the seeds and core is very important as the fruits will be cooked. From them, the drink can acquire a bitter taste. The seeds can become clogged in the openings in the top compartment of the juicer and prevent the liquid from draining.
  • Damage and rot must be cut off.
  • You do not need to chop the fruit finely. Medium-sized fruits can be cut into 4 pieces, larger ones into 6-8 pieces.

The juicer consists of three parts:

  • upper tank - sieve / hopper;
  • middle - juice collector;
  • bottom - pots for water.


  • Apples are placed in a hopper with holes, and water is poured into a saucepan. Boiling water can be used to shorten the heating time.
  • The water must be poured to the marked level. When there is no mark, you should carefully study the instructions, usually 2 liters of water is enough.
  • You can put the juicer on the stove only when the drain valve of the juice collector is closed. In some devices, a rubber tube with a clip is used as it.

How to cook juice in an apple juicer for the winter? Making apple juice in a juicer - traditional way preparation of a drink for the winter.

A hot and sterile drink flows out of the tap, which does not need to be boiled further.

A delicious drink can be obtained using only ripe and juicy fruits.

  • It is recommended to add sugar in order to increase the secretion of juice.

Required Ingredients:

  • apples;
  • sugar (no more than 100 g per 1 liter of juice).

Step by step cooking:

  1. The fruits should be washed, cut and put into a juicer pot. Apples need to be packed tightly to fit as much volume as possible.
  2. From above, the slices must be sprinkled with sugar, you can also sprinkle each layer of fruit with them. You don't need to add too much granulated sugar as it can make the drink sugary.
  3. Pour water into the last compartment and place the juicer on the stove, cover the apples with a lid.
  4. The juicer must be left on the stove with the tap closed for an hour.
  5. Then, the slices should be mixed with a spatula, pressing movements. If the pulp has not yet become damp, then cover the juicer again with a lid and leave it on the stove for another 30 minutes.
  6. Wash and sterilize the jars in advance, pour boiling water over the lids.
  7. The jar should be brought to the tap, opened and filled with juice. After that, close the container with a lid and roll up.
  8. Jars or bottles should be refilled until the juice runs out.

Watch the video! Apple juice in a juicer

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