Gin and tonic cocktail. Recipe and correct proportions of gin and tonic

13.04.2019 Bakery

Gin and tonic appeared on the shelves of domestic supermarkets relatively recently - at the beginning of the 21st century. Unusual drink instantly gained popularity among young people quite affordable price and original taste... However, few people asked the question - is this really harmless weakly alcoholic cocktail and can everyone use it?

How did the gin and tonic cocktail come about?

Few people know that the tonic was originally created as a medicine - it was used in the 18th century, during the West Indian campaign, when British warriors began to become polls infected with malaria, and subsequently scurvy.

At that time, medicine was very poorly developed, and all treatment was reduced to taking quinine, from which a bitter infusion called a tonic was made. The liquid had so much disgusting taste that sick flatly refused take medicine. However, there was no way out, and the doctors went to the trick, starting to mix it with the tincture alcoholic gin is a very popular and quite tasty drink.

This treatment was to the taste of the soldiers, and they enjoyed drinking a cocktail, snacking on it with lemons. The scurvy and malaria problem was resolved. And after the military campaign ended, the invented medicine finally turned into weak alcoholic beverage and migrated from the battlefields to peaceful settlements.

Gin and tonic composition

The finished drink, which is sold in stores, has practically nothing to do with the classic healing cocktail. A traditional cocktail should contain only two basic components - gin and tonic (plus a few pieces of ice and a slice of lime / lemon for garnish). The composition of the factory cocktail looks somewhat different:

  • ethanol;
  • caffeine;
  • quinine;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • preservatives;
  • flavors, sweeteners and flavor enhancers;
  • chemical additives.

The last ingredient is the most dangerous for human body... Certain chemical additives that make up the canned beverage are carcinogens that are similar to a delayed-release mine. Carcinogenic additives destroy internal organs and incapacitate the body, causing many serious diseases (in particular, cancer), and sometimes death. By the way, certain components that domestic producers without a twinge of conscience add to drinks are officially banned in European countries.

The harm of gin and tonic

Passion for a factory drink can lead to serious consequences, mainly due to the fact that the cans, in which the manufacturer so loves pack cocktail, exacerbate the harm of low alcohol drinks. It is strictly forbidden to store alcohol-containing products in such a container!

First of all, from a canned cocktail suffer:

  • the liver, forced to process not only ethanol, but also sugar (which, according to the manufacturing technology, is necessarily present in the composition of the drink). At regular use cocktail body begins to malfunction, and sometimes completely refuses to work. Constant loads can lead to such a terrible disease as cirrhosis;
  • a stomach suffering from the ingestion of ethanol mixed with preservatives and carcinogens. At a minimum, this is fraught with regular gastrointestinal upset, and in severe cases - gastritis and ulcers;
  • heart, which is forced to sharply accelerate the rhythm due to an increase blood pressure after consuming ethanol. Ultimately, these processes lead to problems with blood pressure, tachycardia and premature heart wear.
  • a brain whose cells begin to die off en masse as a result excess consumption factory drink.

Besides, great amount preservatives can cause serious allergies, up to anaphylactic shock. It develops with lightning speed, and can cause tragedy if health care will not arrive in time.

Enumeration internal organs and systems suffering from the regular use of cocktails in cans can be dealt with indefinitely. However, even without this it is clear that the harm of such drinks is irrefutable. it concerns not only our cocktail, but also other similar canned cocktails - for example, Blazer.

Safe gin and tonic

There is only one way to taste the famous drink and not cause serious damage to the body - to make it yourself. True, this will require some effort from you, and the cost of the drink will be much higher - after all, it only needs quality ingredients.

The first thing to do is to find a real gin, obtained by distilling high-quality alcohol and tincture of juniper berries. Of course, you can take a low-grade drink - it will come out cheaper, but the taste will not be so rich.

Second, you need to choose correct tonic... This drink is not alcoholic, but it must be present in it. natural quinine, and there should be no flavors - they will ruin the whole picture, creating a repulsive aftertaste. Before making a cocktail, the component must be kept in the refrigerator.

How to make a real gin and tonic

So, for a cocktail you will need:

  • 200-300 ml tonic;
  • 100 ml of quality gin;
  • a slice of lemon or lime;

Take a tall glass and pour the gin into it, then add a few pieces of ice. Pour the tonic into the container, decorate the glass with a slice of citrus and stick a cocktail tube into it. The drink is ready - you can serve it.

There is another way to make a cocktail. Take a glass with thick walls and a bottom and cool it in advance. Pieces of ice are thrown at the bottom of the container, gin and tonic are poured (1: 1), a teaspoon of chilled lemon juice , equip the drink with a cocktail tube and serve to the table. You cannot shake the cocktail, otherwise it will lose all its sophistication.

Even if you made real drink using high quality ingredients, remember that the cocktail is alcoholic and should not be overused. Moreover, it is forbidden to taste for pregnant women, minors and people suffering from chronic pathologies.

Attention, only TODAY!

The gin and tonic drink appeared on the shelves of our stores relatively recently - in 2000. An unusual low-alcohol cocktail immediately attracted the attention of young people and instantly gained popularity for its pleasant mint flavor and puffing gas.

But few of the lovers of cute tin cans wondered if Gin Tonic is so harmless and can everyone use it? What effect does this popular low-alcohol cocktail have on the body?

Factory Gin Tonic Poses Health Risks

This drink was originally created to combat malaria and scurvy among British soldiers in the 18th century. During the military West Indies campaign, the British military leaders faced a large-scale problem. The soldiers began a global malaria infection, and soon scurvy joined the organisms weakened by the infection.

In those dark times, there was only one way to defeat an unpleasant disease - to use quinine. Doctors made a tincture from quinine, which was given the name "Tonic". The bitter and repulsive liquid did not suit the taste of the soldiers, and they all refused to accept it.

The history of the creation of Gin and Tonic began during the West Indian campaign.

Shrewd healers came up with a way to make people drink a bitter, but necessary medicine - they began to mix the most popular gin in those days into the tonic. This alcoholic innovation was to the liking, and the problem with malaria and scurvy was resolved. The soldiers picked up the best snack for a new medicine, they began to eat it with lemons and limes.

After the end of the military campaign, the invented medicine remained a favorite drink, migrating from the battlefields to peaceful cities. Soon it began to be perceived as an independent cocktail, and not as a medicinal liquid.

Modern alcoholic drink gin tonic

Although you can find a low-alcohol drink under the same name in stores, it can only be classified as a traditional healing cocktail. If a classic drink contains gin + tonic (one part) and lemon / lime + ice (one or three parts), then the composition of the factory cocktail includes the following ingredients:

  • quinine;
  • caffeine;
  • preservatives;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • sweeteners;
  • ethanol;
  • flavors;
  • flavor enhancers;
  • aroma stimulants;
  • chemical additives.

If we ask modern physicians what a gin and tonic is, we will get an unambiguous answer - this is a slow death. Some of the chemical additives in the popular canned cocktail are dangerous carcinogens that gradually destroy internal organs and disable all body parameters.

The composition of the factory Gin-Tonic is far from true recipe cocktail

One can of Gin and Tonic drunk is equivalent to 4-5 cups the strongest coffee, a few lumps of sugar and 50-60 gr. vodka of average quality.

Some of the additives that make up the modern quinine cocktail are banned in some European countries. Studies have shown that they often cause the growth of malignant cells and lead to cancer.

Why is a factory cocktail dangerous?

Passion for the popular drink, which glitters temptingly on the shelves of the markets, leads to dire consequences. Let's start with the fact that the favorite cocktail release in tin cans aggravates Negative influence carcinogenic components on the body.

This material is not intended for storage of alcohol-containing products! Plus, according to the technology, sugar is also included in the drink. The mixture of sugar and alcohol becomes truly hellish in its own way negative impact ... What is suffering?

Liver... The unfortunate body has to deal with the processing of not only ethanol, but also sugar, which makes its work harder. With the regular use of the factory Gin-Tonic, the liver does not withstand the load and fails. The consequences are sad and tragic, up to the failure of the organ and the development of cirrhosis.

Included in factory cocktails chemical ingredients cause irreparable damage to all internal organs

Stomach... It is also extremely negatively affected by the ingress of ethanol mixed with various carcinogenic additives and preservatives. There is constant irritation of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Not far off are gastritis, ulcers and numerous disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heart... Another organ that is intolerant of alcohol, especially when mixed with sugar and chemical additives... Immediately after drinking a factory cocktail, a person's pulse rises sharply, a significant increase in blood pressure occurs. The rhythm of contractions of the heart organ accelerates, which leads to tachycardia and rapid wear of this vital organ.

Brain... The cells of the brain also suffer. Due to a persistent violation of blood flow, the brain activity of a person decreases. If you drink too much of the factory Gin-Tonic at once, the brain cells begin to die off in a person.

Allergy... The abundance of preservatives often leads to the development of allergic reactions. The lover of the factory Gin-Tonic often has the following symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • itchy skin;
  • peeling;
  • redness of the skin.

In especially severe cases, the development of anaphylactic shock is even noted. This is the strongest allergic reaction the organism to the received allergens in large quantities. Such a reaction develops within 10-12 minutes. It can be fatal.

Artificial flavors added to canned Gin Tonic are often highly allergic

You can endlessly list the internal organs and systems of the body, which will be guaranteed to suffer from constant use purchased Gin and Tonic. The harm of such a cocktail has long been proven and irrefutable. But there is a way that allows you to enjoy it. famous drink- cook it yourself.

Safe Gin Tonic

If you really want to taste the famous healing potion, ignore the attractive cocktail cans and try to make it yourself. As you already know, a real quinine drink is made from the following components:

  1. Alcoholic gin.
  2. Healing quinine tonic.

Choosing a gin

Classic gin is obtained by distillation of juniper berries and pure alcohol... Connoisseurs also call gin "juniper vodka". To make a good natural Gin Tonic, you need to find a high quality gin.

When cooking homemade cocktail choose high quality gin

When using a low-grade gin in a quinine drink, the Gin Tonic will taste less intense.

Choosing a tonic for a drink

Gin tonic plays an almost central role in the preparation of the classic drink. The famous bitter taste and aroma of the cocktail depend on his competent choice. When choosing such a responsible ingredient, note that a suitable tonic must contain natural quinine.

Use only a tonic containing natural quinine.

But tonics, where there are flavors identical to natural ones, should be discarded - they will create an unpleasant and repulsive taste. Immediately before making the tonic, it is necessary to hold it in the refrigerator for some time. You cannot add it when warm - it will ruin the entire cocktail kitchen.

Cooking Natural Gin Tonic

To make a drink, you will need the following amount of ingredients:

  1. Jin: 100 ml.
  2. Tonic: 200-300 ml.
  3. Pieces of lime or lemon and ice.

We select a suitable glass (preferably a tall one) and pour in the gin. The tonic is poured last. Traditionally, the glass is decorated with a slice of lemon or lime. Choose citrus fruits with thick skin and light rind.

Can be made classic drink and according to another recipe. Chill the cocktail glasses in advance. In this case, it is necessary to select containers with a thickened bottom and walls. Pieces of ice are placed on the bottom, then chilled gin and tonic are poured (in equal quantities). Finally, add cool lemon juice (5-10 ml) and immediately serve.

Professional bartenders have one trick. To make the Gin Tonic especially delicious, professionals squeeze a little lemon juice into a glass, and then rub the inner walls with a piece of citrus. This adds more flavor to the cocktail.

Traditionally, the classic Gin and Tonic is drunk cold using cocktail tubes. You should not shake the drink - it will lose its wonderful tonic bubbles.

But, even having made the famous Gin and Tonic using safe ingredients, do not forget that this drink is alcoholic. And it is absolutely impossible to abuse it. And especially to women in position, adolescents and weakened people suffering from any chronic diseases. Be careful and take care of yourself!

Gin and tonic- an alcoholic cocktail, which contains two main ingredients (gin and tonic), as well as lime and ice (see photo). The ratio of the main ingredients differs depending on the recipe, but mostly it is 1: 1 or 1: 3.

The history of the emergence of this alcoholic drink is associated with British soldiers who were in India. In the 19th century, quinine tonic was very popular among them; it was given to soldiers so that they did not contract malaria. This drink tasted very bitter. To make it more enjoyable, the tonic began to be mixed with gin, which was also popular at the time. The lime, which the soldiers used to eat the drink, saved them from scurvy.

This cocktail was so liked by the British soldiers, and then by civilians, that the phrase "gin and tonic" began to be perceived not as a cocktail, but as a full-fledged independent drink.

Today they also produce alcoholic product under the name "gin and tonic", although it has nothing to do with the traditional cocktail.

The factory drink is drinking alcohol flavored with lemon and juniper. Such a product does not have any useful properties and negatively affects the liver.

Much less quinine is added to the modern tonic, and sweeteners are also added. "Gin and tonic" is no longer a medicine, but simply delicious cocktail... He has a refreshing and tonic effect, it is recommended to drink it during the hot season.

Gin and tonic composition

This cocktail, as already mentioned, consists of an alcoholic drink of gin and a medicinal quinine tonic.

Gin is a strong drink that is obtained by distilling alcohol with an infusion of juniper berries. Sometimes gin is also called "juniper vodka". For making a cocktail you only need to buy good gin, since a low-quality one will not have such a pronounced aroma that it will be displayed on taste original product.

The tonic also plays an important role: the aroma and flavor of the cocktail depend on it. When choosing a tonic, you need to pay attention to its composition, in which natural quinine must be present... There are tonics that contain a flavoring agent that gives the drink an unpleasant aftertaste.

Before preparing a cocktail, the tonic must be placed in the refrigerator, as it will spoil the taste of gin and tonic when warm.

Traditionally, a glass with a cocktail is decorated with a slice of lime or lemon, citrus fruits with a light zest and a pleasant smell are chosen.

How to do it at home?

To prepare a classic gin and tonic, you will need 100 ml of gin, 200 ml of tonic, lemon or lime, ice. First, ice is placed in a tall glass, gin is poured, then the specified amount of tonic is added, if desired, its amount can be increased to 300 ml. The glass is decorated with a lime wedge.

You can also make a gin and tonic using a different recipe. Unlike the previous one, in this case the cocktail glasses are pre-chilled... Tall glasses with thick bottoms are used. Then ice is placed on the bottom of the glass, 1 part of chilled gin, 1 part of tonic is poured, a little lime or lemon juice is added. Drink the cocktail immediately after preparation, while it is cold.

In order for the drink to turn out especially harmonious, you can use the cunning of the bartenders. First, they squeeze a little lime or lemon juice into the glass, and then rub the inner walls of the glass with the same slice: this way the drink becomes more aromatic.

How to drink?

The cocktail is drunk from tall chilled glasses. It is recommended to take a glass with thick walls so that the drink retains the desired temperature longer.

Gin and tonic are served chilled, it is an excellent thirst quencher.

Gin and tonic is drunk in small sips through a straw.

Gin and tonic harm and contraindications

The drink can harm the body with individual intolerance to its components, as well as with overuse... It is not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women, people with chronic diseases.

Factory gin and tonic are very dangerous product for the body. Regular use of it causes alcoholism, as well as liver damage.

Probably, it is impossible to find a single person who has never heard of the existence of such a cocktail as Gin and Tonic at least once in his life. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was sold everywhere in almost every store, and it was in great demand.

But it is not at all necessary to purchase a cocktail with dubious safety in already finished form, because you can easily do it yourself at home.

The name of this low-alcohol cocktail speaks for itself. Its main ingredients are gin and non-alcoholic tonic. To improve the taste ready-made drink often more ice and lemon or fresh lime are added. The combination of all these ingredients results in a refreshing and invigorating cocktail with a slight sourness and a small strength.

The choice of ingredients should be approached with special care, because the final taste of the resulting drink will directly depend on their quality and composition.

  1. It is better to take ice not crushed, but in cubes... It will dissolve more slowly in the glass and will allow you to preserve for a long time low temperature the cocktail itself. Special connoisseurs of Gin and Tonic when making ice, additionally put thin leaves of mint in the cells. Such an additive allows not only to decorate the finished cocktail, but also to give it an even more refreshing aroma. Crushed ice will melt in a glass too quickly and will dilute it. rich taste and aroma, as well as reduce the strength.
  2. Gin is the main ingredient, it not only gives strength to the whole drink, but also sets its taste. Therefore, it is very important to select high-quality alcohol that has a rich juniper aroma and does not have a strongly pronounced alcoholic smell. It is best to opt for brands such as Beefeater and Bombay Sapphire. It is not worth saving on this ingredient.
  3. Lime or lemon... These ingredients not only decorate the finished cocktail, but also add flavor and flavor to it. You should choose ripe and undamaged fruits with a pronounced characteristic aroma.
  4. Tonic... It is almost impossible to find an original cinchona drink in Russia. Therefore, before buying, you should carefully study the composition of the purchased tonic; it should contain as fewer various preservatives and artificial additives. They will negatively affect the taste and aroma of the finished cocktail.

If we talk about proportions, then Gin and Tonic is perhaps one of the few alcoholic beverages that does not have them in the generally accepted sense. When preparing it, all ingredients should be added to your liking.

Attention! Professional bartenders recommend choosing proportions depending on the desired strength of the finished cocktail.

For those people who prefer low alcohol drinks It is best to dilute one part of gin with two or even three parts of tonic. Fans of stronger cocktails with a strong juniper flavor and aroma should use these ingredients in equal proportions.

Classic recipe

There are many different variations making this cocktail. But you should start getting to know him with a drink prepared according to a traditional recipe.

To prepare a classic gin and tonic, you will need:

  • a couple of slices fresh lemon or lime;
  • 100 g ice cubes;
  • one part gin (50 g);
  • two parts of tonic (100 g).

Such a drink is prepared immediately in a glass, in which it will be served. A highball glass is best.


  1. Highball is filled with ice, its volume should take up about one third of the entire glass.
  2. Pour all the gin on top in a thin stream.
  3. As soon as the ice starts to crackle, after about 25 seconds, add the tonic.
  4. From above, the juice from one lime wedge is survived and mixed.
  5. The second slice is used to decorate the edge of the highball, and the drink is served along with a straw.

The finished drink should be drunk slowly, enjoying every sip. The ice melting in the glass will not only cool the cocktail itself, but will also very slowly reduce its strength.

Video: how to do it at home

Watch the video that explains classic recipe making a gin and tonic cocktail at home:

With cucumber

A more advanced gin and tonic, thanks to the addition of fresh cucumber into the composition, the finished alcoholic drink turns out to be very refreshing and invigorating.

The difference between this recipe and the previous one is that the amount of ice is doubled, and another fresh young cucumber weighing about 150 g is added.

  1. Young green vegetable must be very thinly cut into circles.
  2. Ice, together with a cucumber, are put into the highball in layers, filling it to the top.
  3. Gin is poured into the glass.
  4. Thirty minutes later, the highball is filled to the brim with tonic, and a little lime juice is squeezed out on top.
  5. The resulting cucumber gin-tonic is gently mixed and served with a straw.

Important! Before drinking this refreshing cocktail, bartenders recommend that you do not mix its ingredients with each other, but only slightly shake the highball itself in your hand. This will be enough for mixing flavors, and appearance the drink itself will not be affected.

Big fans of sour alcoholic cocktails can replace the cucumber in this recipe with half a small lime or lemon. the taste of such an alcoholic drink will be very invigorating and citrusy.

Cocktails with Schweppes tonic

In general, this alcoholic drink itself is quite refreshing, tasty and invigorating, but adding new ingredients to it can create different kinds cocktails that can pleasantly surprise you with their rich aroma and unusual taste.



  • raspberry gin - 25 ml;
  • tonic - 100 ml.


Preparing such an alcoholic cocktail with a low strength is quite simple. All that is necessary to fill the highball with ice a third, add 25 ml of regular and raspberry gin to the glass, and pour 100 ml of tonic on top. Stir lightly with a cocktail spoon before serving. The taste of such a raspberry gin and tonic turns out to be sweetish with pleasant aroma and a raspberry aftertaste.



  • a couple of slices of fresh orange;
  • 100 g ice cubes;
  • one part gin (50 g);
  • two parts of tonic (100 g).


It is prepared by analogy with classic cocktail... But here a slice of lemon changes to a slice of orange, and the gin must necessarily have an orange color, it is better to buy alcohol from the Saffron Infused brand. The taste of such a cocktail is very close to the classic, but has a pleasant citrus scent and unusual color.



  • gin;
  • tonic;
  • lime.


Prepared from equal parts gin and tonic, while the most ardent lovers spirits here they can take twice as much gin as a non-alcoholic ingredient. It is served in the same way as the classic Gin and Tonic, together with a straw, it is prepared directly in a highball.

First, ice is put in it, then gin and tonic are poured, a couple of drops of lime juice and everything is mixed. Such a drink is drunk quite easily, but it also intoxicates very quickly. Therefore, it is more suitable for men.

Gin and tonic is an easy-to-prepare, but very tasty, low-alcohol cocktail. it can be easily prepared by any person at home. The main thing is to choose for cooking this mixed drink really high quality ingredients and strictly follow the recipe.

Gin and tonic was created in British India in the 18th century. To avoid contracting malaria and scurvy, the soldiers as medicinal product drank a tonic - a mixture of water, a bitter alkaloid quinine and lime.

The bitterness was removed by adding juniper vodka to the tonic. Over time, this cocktail has become more popular than each of the drinks separately.

What is gin and tonic

This is a low alcohol cocktail consisting of strong grain alcohol with spicy herbs, tonic - bitter-sour invigorating soda, citrus - lemon or lime, and ice.

Initially, drinking gin and tonic was invented as a medicine for malaria. Quinine makes the drink extremely bitter, so gin was added to soften this bitterness. The composition of the medical tonic included and still includes carbonated water and a large amount of quinine. In addition to them, sweeteners are added to the drinking option: sugar, corn syrup or synthetic sweeteners.

In mass production at distilleries, rectified ethyl alcohol with juniper and is added to the cocktail. In such cocktails, against the background of the tonic, the alcoholic aftertaste is not so strongly felt, and the drink itself is inexpensive. But it is much more interesting to make a cocktail at home.

Composition and proportions

To make a good cocktail, you need to select quality ingredients in advance for mixing. Most important components drink is gin and tonic, for a cocktail it is extremely important right choice and alcohol base, and soda. The best choice there will be British Beefeater, and if it is not there - Hendrick's (Scottish version with Bulgarian rose and cucumber extracts), Plymouth Gin (cardamom, orange) or Bombay Sapphire (almonds, coriander, violet and angelica roots).

Alcohol of the Gordon’s brand does not work well with quinine in the tonic: when mixed, you will clearly feel an alcoholic taste, and the bitterness will only become stronger.

But if you are not a sophisticated connoisseur of the shades of alcoholic aroma, any kind of such alcohol will do for a start. As an experiment, you can take the Dutch jenever - this is one of the recognized types of gin. Non-classical, but original and pleasant option.

Tonic is an extremely important drink for a cocktail. Imported European Schweppes (best British) or American Evervess and. Drinks of the same name Russian production it is better not to use: they have too strong and harsh synthetic taste.

There are no uniform requirements for the cocktail recipe, the components are mixed depending on the client's taste in several ratios: the proportions are most often 1: 2 (1 part gin, 2 parts tonic). In less strong cocktails a ratio of 1: 3 is recommended, and in stronger ones - 1: 1 or 2: 3.

How to do it at home

The classic recipe for the Gin and Tonic cocktail includes the following ingredients:

  • 100 ml tonic;
  • 50 ml gin;
  • 2 thin slices of lemon or lime;
  • 100 g ice.

The tonic is prepared in tall, thick-bottomed cocktail glasses (highballs). Take such a glass and fill it a third with ice. Then slowly pour in the gin. After half a minute, the ice will crackle, which means it's time to add the tonic. Pour it in, then squeeze the juice of the lime wedge into a glass, and put the second on the edge of the vessel for decoration.

For stronger lovers, there is another way to make a gin and tonic: at home, you need to take 150 ml of one and the other drink for it, as well as 2 lime wedges.

It is prepared in the same way as the classic one, but without ice. In this case, the drink turns out to be strong and bitter. To soften its taste, shake the toner bottle several times and let the gas escape. Due to its high strength, this cocktail option should not be consumed too often.

For those who are used to drinking the drink in one gulp, you can prepare a shot:

  • 20 ml gin;
  • 40 ml tonic;
  • a few drops of lemon or lime juice.

You need to mix such a short cocktail in a small glass for.

The original Hendrick's Scottish gin with cucumber extract can also be mixed according to a special recipe:

  • 50 ml of Hendrick's gin;
  • 100 ml tonic;
  • ice cubes;
  • cucumber.

Cut the cucumber into thin slices, fill the glass evenly with cucumber and ice cubes to the top. Then pour in the gin and almost to the brim with the tonic. Shake the glass slightly before drinking.

How to drink neat and diluted

There are more than just tonic cocktails that mix on standard recipe... You can drink gin in 3 more ways:

  1. V pure form... In this case, gin chilled to + 4 ... + 6 ° C is served before meals. In its pure form, gin produces a cold, metallic sensation on the tongue. It awakens appetite well and cheers up. Citrus fruits, olives and even pickled onions can be used as a snack.
  2. Dilute soft drinks... To do this, it must be mixed with other drinks: juices and nectars (preferably orange, lemon, you can take grapefruit juice), plain soda water, soda or cola. Exact proportions when diluted, there is no drink, so the drinker adjusts the strength of the drink at his own discretion.
  3. Dilute with alcohol. This option is closer to cocktails. Gin goes well with other types of alcohol: both weak - or liqueur, and with small portions of vodka. It's best to mix them in equal shares, and in the case of strong alcohol- add a little more gin.

Harm and contraindications

Any alcohol causes harm to the body, regardless of the proportions, strength and volume of alcohol consumed. The main factor affecting the degree of harm is age: a less robust teenager's body reacts to alcohol much faster and takes longer to recover, even if the external symptoms of intoxication have already passed. Moreover, they even cause addiction, and the volume of cocktails drunk will be higher due to the low degree.

Factory-made ready-made cocktails, which can be bought in the supermarket, hit the body systems much harder. In their composition, they contain not only the listed ingredients, but also chemical enhancers of taste and aroma, sweeteners, dyes and preservatives. The combination of sugar and alcohol increases the harm: alcohol increases the concentration of sugar, and sugar facilitates the absorption of alcohol into the blood.

Of the internal organs, the liver, kidneys and stomach are the most affected. The liver has to process ethanol, its decay products and all chemical substances that are part of the drink. A large number of ethanol at frequent use gin and tonic does not have time to be processed in the liver and accumulates in it, which leads to cirrhosis. The same thing happens with the kidneys.

From alcohol, especially if you drink it on an empty stomach, the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenal ulcer suffers. Frequent drinking is fraught with gastritis and can lead to ulcers, the advanced stages of which can only be treated with surgery.

How better quality alcohol and natural ingredients, the less harmful effect on human health. Therefore, a drink made at home with the right gin tonic is relatively safe. However, you always need to remember about a sense of proportion and take care of your own health.