What the chewing gum orbits consists of ingredients. Chewing gum

16.04.2019 Meat Dishes

At the beginning of the 20th century, the ideal formula was derived:

  • 60% sugar or sweeteners;
  • 20% rubber;
  • 1% flavor;
  • 19% corn syrup.

If natural rubber was originally used, now synthetic polymers are more common in the composition. For example, polyisobutylene.

The basis of modern chewing gum there are 4 types of components: base, flavoring agents, dyes, sweeteners.

The composition of popular brands of gum

Love is ... Orbit Dirol
The foundation Polymer rubber base
Sweeteners Glucose syrup;
Maltit E965;
Sorbitol E420;
Beckons E421;
Aspartame E951;
Acesulfame-K E950.
Isomalt E953;
Sorbitol E420;
Beckons E421;
Maltite syrup;
Acesulfame-K E950;
Aspartame E951.
Flavors Depending on the taste, natural or identical natural flavors are used.
Dyes Mostly used natural dyes: E120 (green); E141 (red); E160a (yellow, orange). E171 - Titanium Dioxide. Dye imparting White color... Has strong whitening properties. E171;
E170 - calcium carbonate 4%. White dye.
Additives Emulsifier E322 - soy lecithin.
Antioxidant E321 is a synthetic analogue of vitamin E. It slows down the oxidation processes.
E330 - Citric Acid;
E296 - Malic acid
Sodium bicarbonate E500ii - baking powder and acidity regulator. Stabilizer E441 - hydrogenated rapeseed oil... It is used to keep the shape. Texturer E341iii.
Thickener E414 - acacia resin, emulsifier and defoamer.
Stabilizer E422 - glycerin.
Glazer E903 - carnauba wax. it natural product from palm leaves.

Various nutritional supplements


It is a rubber base.

Considered harmless, but extensive research has not been conducted.

To rubber long time remained elastic, glycerin, lecithin and other emulsifiers were added to it.


Use to improve taste and smell... Are natural: essential oils, extracts, products containing aromatic components of fruits, spices and so on.

Or flavors identical to natural. Such as vanillin, ethyl acetate, ethyl formate and others. Experiments on animals have shown the destructive effect of such flavorings on the body's metabolism. Especially dangerous for the child's body.

Flavors irritate the oral mucosa and contribute to the occurrence of wounds.

In addition, packages usually do not indicate which flavorings are used. It is impossible to check what enters the body.


Regardless of their origin, they are strong allergens. E120 is obtained from plants (part of Orbit), E141 from insects E160a - carotene. E171 - titanium white, which was previously not allowed in Food Industry... Some gums contain E131, a dye with pronounced carcinogenic properties.


As you can see from the table, pure sugar is rarely used. Its substitutes are more popular, as they retain longer sweet taste products.

Sugar with prolonged contact with tooth enamel, it provokes the growth of microbes, which contributes to the development of caries.

Aspartame Is an extremely popular sugar substitute. In the body, it is broken down into methanol and amino acids. Methanol is toxic acts on the vascular and nervous system person. May cause headache, nausea, weakness. Experiments on animals have shown that with prolonged use of aspartame, cancer develops. This is due to the fact that as the temperature rises, methanol transforms into formaldehyde. Safe dose it is considered not more than 3 g per day.

Beckons, maltitol, xylitol can cause stomach upset, in large doses have a laxative effect. This effect occurs when using a package (10 pieces) per day. Xylitol also contributes to the formation of kidney stones.

Sorbitol and isomalt also have a laxative effect when the dose is exceeded in 30-50 g. They cause flatulence.

Acesulfame-K refers to food sweeteners medium danger. It is considered a carcinogen. Although EU scientists deny the link between the supplement and the occurrence of tumors.

Additional components

Glycerol E422, when it enters the bloodstream, poisons the body, affecting the state of the blood.

Antioxidants increase blood cholesterol levels.

Emulsifier E322 enhances salivation, with prolonged chewing, work is disrupted gastrointestinal tract.

Lemon acid with prolonged use causes blood diseases. Promotes the onset of tumors.

Butyl and menthol cause a local allergic reaction - the skin around the mouth becomes inflamed.

This is not a complete list of ingredients. Many components build up in the body and can become a time bomb for your health.

The benefits and harms of chewing gum, its pros and cons

How does chewing this product affect the body?

Positive sides:

  1. To some extent cleans teeth from food debris. Part sticks to the gum, and part is washed out with saliva, which is released in greater volume during chewing.
  2. Chewing provokes increased secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, it is recommended to chew only after meals. it accelerates the process of food digestion.
  3. Helps to quickly eliminate bad breath.
  4. Chewing reduces nervous tension. In stressful situations, it helps to relax.

Negative sides:

  • A lot of saliva is discharged. Once in the stomach, it dilutes the gastric juice, lowering its acidity. As a result, additional acid is produced. If chews on an empty stomach, acid eats away at its walls. Frequent irritation causes stomach ailments;
  • dangerous for fillings, dentures. Provokes a violation of their integrity. The jaw is overstrained, dislocation may develop;
  • the components are far from harmless. Many are not fully understood. Can accumulate in the body and cause disease;
  • sugar with prolonged contact with enamel contributes to the development of caries;
  • a large number of pads consumed per day (15–20 pieces) causes a sharp loss of weight and upset bowel movements.

Chewing after a meal for 5-15 minutes will not harm your health. But it is more useful to brush your teeth or eat a hard vegetable or fruit (apple, carrot). It will also clean your teeth.

Can children chew gum?

Of course, parents decide whether or not to give a treat to the baby. But doctors do not recommend treating children under three years of age with this product... It is better to postpone acquaintance with this product until four years.

Dangers to the child's body:

  1. Tooth enamel of babies is much thinner than adult, prolonged chewing makes it thinner.
  2. Colors, flavors and other additives are bad for children's health... Dangerous doses of harmful substances for children are several times less than for adults. Therefore, if you use this product, then with minimum amount dangerous components.
  3. Safe use time is 5 minutes. But few adhere to it. The child should not be allowed to chew for more than 15 minutes. And only after eating.
  4. It is noted that children who are used to chewing gum are more likely to become addicted to bad habits in adulthood.
  5. Babies often swallow gum. This can provoke serious conditions. There have been cases when sticky gum blocked the intestines. There is a possibility of suffocation.
  6. The chewing process weakens attention. And in children it is already scattered. Frequent use of gum can provoke developmental delays.

Better introduce the child to this product as late as possible... Do not chew uncontrollably long time... Make sure that the baby does not play with chewing gum in his mouth, in order to avoid accidental swallowing or getting the gum in the respiratory tract.

So this is a product questionable benefit... More harm from it. You can use it only after meals and for a short time. Better not to get used to chewing gum. Children should be given it as little as possible. It is difficult for a child's body to cope with a large amount of harmful substances contained in it.

Can not use this product for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation in the oral cavity. He does not replace brushing your teeth.

At the end, we invite you to watch a video on this topic:

Are you chewing gum? Are you buying it for children? Have you read on the back of what the gum is made of or did not even think, believing the advertisement?

Composition of Orbit and Dirol.


Sorbitol E420, maltitol E965, rubber base, thickener E414, stabilizer E422, identical natural and artificial flavors, mannitol E421, soy lecithin E322, titanium dioxide E171, aspartame E951, acesulfame potassium E950, sodium bicarbonate E903, antioxidant

Isomalt, sorbitol E420, beckon E421, xylitol, maltitol syrup, aspartame E951, acesulfame Potassium E950, rubber base, calcium carbonate 4%, natural flavors: mint, menthol, identical natural vanillin, artificial refreshing, thickener E414, stabilizer E422, hydrogenated rapeseed oil, soy lecithin E322, dye E171, glaze E903, antioxidant E321, texturizer E341iii.

Let's go through some of the most "important" and harmful ingredients:

Sorbitol (sorbitol) E420 is an artificial sugar. Side effects: headaches, bloating, diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, dizziness, worsening symptoms of indigestion and asthma, abdominal pain, dry mouth, irregular urination, cramps. Sorbitol is the main ingredient in the gum.

Gum base is the gum substance and gum base made from chemicals. The gum base includes:

Butyl rubber is a type of rubber used to make basketballs and car tire liners.

Polyvinyl acetate (aka PVA glue) is a plastic that turns into rubber when you heat it up, it is used to make glue.

A wax similar to that used for candles.

Wood resin

These ingredients are mixed, reheated, and a gum base is obtained.

Mannitol - This can also be used as a vehicle to facilitate the transport of pharmaceuticals directly to the brain. From the Western Wikipedia article, I realized that the arteries in our brain are different from everyone else. In other words, it turned out that it is not so easy to penetrate into our brain, especially to introduce some kind of chemicals into it, and in order to do this, patients were injected with beckons. Maybe I misunderstood about beckoning and I would like to ask doctors who know anything about beckoning. I would like a little to believe that all the chemistry contained in the gum gets into the human brain.

Acesulfame potassium E950 (Acesulfame potassium). In the Russian vekipedia, the information is not complete, but in the western wikipedia this ingredient for chewing gum is described more extensively. What amazes me is the way Americans write. Perhaps it causes cancer, how is this possible to understand? That is, out of ten experimental rats, four were diagnosed with cancer from the drug, which means the consequences can be interpreted as possibly causing cancer, so what?)) It seems to me that it is not possible to cause cancer, but one hundred percent is caused by modern rubber band.

Aspartame is a dangerous sweetener side effects which are quite huge: multiple sclerosis, memory loss, hormonal problems, hearing loss, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, hypoglycemia, dementia, brain damage, neurodoctrinal disorders. All these diseases are caused by long-term use, drinks and foods containing aspartame. And mild side effects include: headaches, migraines, nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, sleep problems, vision problems, depression, asthma. All sugary sodas contain aspartame.

Aspartame can be safely called a biological weapon. Besides its sweet taste, aspartame is also a source of phenylalanine. In the human body, phenylalanine leads to hormonal imbalance, which is especially dangerous for children, pregnant women, overweight people, diabetics, and other patients with impaired metabolism. Phenylalanine can accumulate in the body for years and only then cause disease.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT or E321 antioxidant) is food supplement, is also used in jet fuel, rubber, in petroleum distillation products, as an oil for electrical transformers and as a freezing balm for corpses in morgues.

Soy lecithin E322 - GMO soy causes infertility.

If you carefully examine the composition of the gum, you will see that its main components are glycerin (stabilizer E-422), gum arabic (thickener E-414), butylhydrooxinazole (antioxidant E-320), lecithins and phosphatides (emulsifier E-322). Glycerin, in large quantities absorbed into the blood, it exhibits toxic properties, which can result in blood diseases such as hemolysis, hemoglobinuria and even methemoglobin infarction of the kidneys. The concentration of butylhydrooxinazole increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, and lecithin promotes strong salivation with subsequent disorders of the digestive system. The composition of saliva also undergoes serious changes with constant chewing of gum, which threatens the development of caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis, etc.

Those who are familiar with Pavlov's reflex laws understand that with prolonged chewing, the secretory apparatus of the digestive system begins to work, that is, the salivary glands begin to produce saliva when food enters the stomach, more gastric juice is secreted, bile is collected in the gallbladder, that is, the entire digestive the system is preparing to process food. And there is no food! At the same time, saliva cannot be neutralized anywhere, and neither can gastric juice. Such congestion leads to the formation of stones in the gallbladder, gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis and pathology of the salivary glands.

By the way, if “food” additive E171 is mentioned on the package, this is the so-called titanium whitewash used for coloring Orbit, Airways, Sportlife, and Deigum proteke chewing gum.

Alas, but gum with stickers, pictures turned out to be practically poison, they emit poisonous styrene. These are "Terminator", "Donald", "Rambo", "Spinning Wheel", "Wheel of Wonders", "Super", "Lemon", "Puppet Series".

Think about your health and the health of your children before buying gum.

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Modern chewing gum consists of the following ingredients:

  • · Chewing base (20-30%), represented by various resins and paraffin, which allow the gums to soften easily at the temperature of the oral cavity;
  • · Sweeteners (60%) - glucose or food sugar, or sweeteners;
  • · flavoring additives;
  • · Composition stabilizers (usually glycerin);
  • · Flavors;
  • · Emulsifiers;
  • Dyes

Chewing gum traditional composition possesses cleansing properties, has a refreshing and deodorizing effect. The composition of chewing gums began to include abrasives, for example, sodium and calcium phosphates, calcium carbonate, kaolin, etc. Chewing gums have been proposed that prevent the deposition of dental plaque.

According to the classification, simple, hygienic and preventive chewing gums are distinguished.

Simple chewing gums (sugar-containing) help cleanse teeth from plaque, stimulate salivation, and have a caries-provoking effect by lowering the pH of saliva.

Hygienic chewing gums contain simple sweeteners, help cleanse teeth from plaque, stimulate salivation, and are neutral in relation to organs and tissues of the oral cavity.

Prophylactic (modern) chewing gums have a more complex composition, which includes several sweeteners and crystals of the pro-Z type. These gums have cleansing properties, neutralize the acid in the mouth and restore the pH of the oral fluid.

Sugar-free prophylactic chewing gums are considered therapeutic and prophylactic oral hygiene products and must be certified as such. Mandatory certification of preventive chewing gums was introduced by the Ministry of Health and the State Standard of Russia and is carried out in order to block the path of low-quality products and help the consumer figure out which products will help improve his health and are guaranteed not to harm him. When certifying chewing gums, specialists conduct thorough studies of their properties, including laboratory and clinical ones. The central certification body for oral hygiene products in the Russian Federation is the Profident Center. Thus, in this center, the products of the leading chewing gum manufacturers were certified: Wrigley's companies - Wrigley`s Spearmint chewing gums, Wrigley`s Doublemint, Orbit Peppermint discs, Orbit Winterfresh dragee, Orbit for children "and others and the firm" Dandy "-" Dirol Effect with carbomide "," Stimorol without sugar ", etc.

According to the certification data, all chewing gums from these companies do not contain sugar.

What qualities can be identified as the most basic in terms of classifying this chewing gum as a therapeutic and prophylactic means of oral hygiene? This is, first of all, the absence of sugar and its replacement with sweeteners - xylitol and sorbitol, their combinations and derivatives.

The sweeteners in chewing gum can have an anti-carious effect.

Another property that allows chewing gum to be classified as therapeutic and prophylactic is the presence in it additional ingredients, enhancing their anti-carious effect. Examples of such ingredients are fluorides, calcium salts.

According to the Bulgarian academician Todor Dichev, most chewing gums, instead of protecting teeth and gums, contain components that themselves cause such diseases of the teeth, gums and oral cavity as caries, periodontal disease.

After analyzing the composition of the most popular chewing gums (Orbit, Dirol, Stimorol) and identifying the components they contain: sweeteners, rubber base, natural flavors, identical to natural and artificial, stabilizer E 422, thickener E 414, emulsifier E 322, dye E 171, glaze E 903, antioxidant E 320.

From the reference book "Sanitary rules and norms SanPin" found out that:

  • - stabilizer E 422 is glycerin, when absorbed into the blood it has strong toxic properties, causing quite serious blood diseases, for example, such as hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, as well as kidney infarctions;
  • - emulsifier E 322 is lecithin, it is obtained, as a rule, from soy. This valuable substance is an important supplier of phosphorus for our body and helps to regulate fat metabolism. Lecithins accelerate salivation, which in turn can lead to a gradual disruption of the digestive tract;
  • - antioxidant E 320 is butylhydroxyanisole, with frequent use of products containing an antioxidant, the level of cholesterol in the blood rises;
  • - acid E 330 is citric acid, long and uncontrolled use citric acid can cause serious blood disorders;
  • - the thickener E 414 is gum arabic;
  • - glaze E 903 is a carnauba wax, gives gloss and shine to the product, the glaze shell does not allow the product to dry out, does not let fat from the inside and moisture from the outside;
  • - natural flavors, identical to natural and artificial, in order to make natural flavors, fruits, berries, leaves, flowers and other natural raw materials are used. Identical natural flavors are obtained when a small amount of chemically synthesized substances are added to a natural extract. Such flavors differ high quality and rich taste, while absolutely harmless to health.

These ingredients in certain proportions and concentrations do not pathologically affect the human body.

Chewing gum is a culinary product that consists of an inedible elastic base and various flavors and aromas.

In the process of use, the chewing gum practically does not decrease in volume, but all the fillers gradually dissolve, after which the base becomes tasteless and is usually thrown away. Many types of chewing gum can be blown into bubbles as entertainment, which in English-speaking countries gave it another name Bubble Gum (that is, something like "bubble rubber").


The prototypes of modern chewing gum can be found all over the world. It is known that even the ancient Greeks chewed the resin of the mastic tree to freshen breath and clean teeth from food debris. It also used beeswax... The Mayan tribes used the frozen juice of hevea - rubber - as a chewing gum. In the North of America, the Indians chewed the resin of conifers, which was evaporated at the stake. In Siberia, the so-called Siberian tar was used, which not only brushed the teeth, but also strengthened the gums, and also treated various diseases. In India and Southeast Asia, the prototype of modern chewing gum was a mixture of pepper betel leaves, areca palm seeds and lime (for more details, see article by Bethel). This composition not only disinfected the oral cavity, but was also considered an aphrodisiac. In some Asian countries, it is still chewed. In Europe, the first prerequisites for the use of chewing gum appeared in the 16th century, when mariners brought tobacco from India. Gradually, the habit spread further to the United States. This continued for three hundred years, as all attempts to replace chewing tobacco with wax, paraffin or other substances were unsuccessful. The world's first chewing gum factory was founded in Bangor, Maine, USA. Since then, the history of chewing gum has been developing at a rapid pace. Until that time, the production of chewing gum was not an independent industry, and the chewing gum itself was not a commercially distributed part of consumer goods. Thanks to the conveyor belt production, chewing gum became a commodity, and the fashion for chewing gum spread from America to all over the world.

First experiments.

1848 year. John Curtis starts the industrial production of chewing gum. There are only four boilers in his factory. In one of the coniferous resin, impurities were evaporated, in the rest, a mass was prepared for products with the addition of light flavors. The first chewing gums were named "White Mountain", "Cream with Sugar" and "Lulu Licorice"

1850s. Production is expanding. Curtis is now assisted by a brother. The chewing gum is cut into cubes. The first paper wrapper appears. Chewing gum is sold for a cent for two. Organized by the brothers, the Curtis Chewing Gum Company builds a new factory in Portland. More than 200 people are hired for the production. The range of products is expanding. Chewing gums "Four in the Hands", "American Flag", "Pine Trunk", "Yankee Pine" and others appeared. 1860s. The Curtis brothers never made it out of Maine. Ugly appearance and poor cleaning (chewing gum has even pine needles) scared off buyers. The outbreak of the Civil War forced production to be curtailed altogether. 1869 year. Famous New York photographer Thomas Adams buys a large batch of rubber from Mexican General Antonio de Santa Anna. After unsuccessful vulcanization experiments, in artisanal conditions, he produces chewing gum similar to the Mexican chicle. Chewing gum is wrapped in brightly colored candy wrappers and sold in several stores.

Patented chewing gum

1870s. Thomas Adams builds a chewing gum factory. Sales rise to 100,000 units a year. The first licorice-flavored chewing gum is introduced, which has its own name - Black Jack.

1871 year. Thomas Adams receives the first patent for a machine for industrial production chewing gum. Adams' New York Bubble Gum sells for 5 cents a piece (dollar a box). To many pharmacists, Adams gives out the first batches free of charge, provided they display the samples in their display cases. 1880s. William J. White, also known as P.T. Barnum (from English barn - granary), creates the Yucatan gum by mixing rubber with corn syrup and adding peppermint. John Colgan adds flavors and sugar for the first time before combining it with rubber mass. This allows the finished chewing gum to retain its flavor and aroma for much longer. The patent for this invention was subsequently purchased by William Wrigley, founder of Wrigley. By popularizing chewing gum among girls, entrepreneur Jonathan Primley creates Kiss me! 1888 At the Adams factory, the fruit-flavored chewing gum Tutti-Frutti is invented, which is gaining extraordinary popularity in America.

1871 year. Pharmacist John Colgan of Louisville, USA, received in error 1,500 lbs (680.39 kg) of rubber instead of the 100 lbs (45.36 kg) he ordered. He founded Colgan's Taffy Tolu Chewing Gum company.

1888 The first gum vending machines appeared. They belonged to the Adams Tutti-Frutti company and were located at train stations in New York.

A woman buys chewing gum on a Tokyo street.

1891 year. A new player enters the market - Wrigley, which succeeds in a short time crowd out the Adams factory. William Wrigley, a soap maker, notes that Americans prefer not its main product, but the Lotta and Vassar chewing gums, which were offered "in the appendix". The resourceful entrepreneur is rapidly reorienting production.

1893 year. At the Wrigley factory

start to release mint

chewing gum

Spearmint and fruity

1899 year. New York City Pharmacy Manager, Franklin W. Canning, is introducing a chewing gum for the first time that, according to the advertisement, "prevents tooth decay and freshens breath." She gets the name Dentynе. Her distinctive feature is a unique pink color

The merger of the companies Adams Gum (T. Adams Jr.), Yucatan Gum (W. White), Beeman's Gum (E. Beeman), Kiss-Me Gum (J. Primpi) and ST Britten (S. Britten) appears the American company Chicle. Modern chewing gum

1914 year. The emergence of the Wrigley Doublemint brand

1919 year. William Wrigley Jr. achieved astronomical growth of his business in a non-standard way - he sent a piece of gum to all the inhabitants of America, whose addresses were in the phone book.

Sign on the International Casino Building, Manhattan's Times Square Times Square, New York.

The Wrigley Building in Chicago.

Two girls look at the signs at the Piccadilly Circus that include an advertisement for Wrigley chewing gum.

The year is 1928. Walter Deamer, a twenty-three-year-old accountant

brought out perfect formula chewing gum that is still in use today: 20% rubber, 60% sugar (or sugar substitutes), 19% corn syrup, and 1% flavor. Much more elasticity has become a feature of this chewing gum. Deamer named his chewing gum Dubble Bubble because it could be used to blow bubbles. The chewing gum changed color to pink, which was especially attractive for the children.

From an interview with Walter Deamer in 1996: It happened by accident. I was doing something incomprehensible, but ended up doing something incomprehensible with bubbles ... In the same year, the Thomas Brothers Candy Company was founded, a feature of which was an unusual location: in an old poison factory in Memphis (Tennessee). 1930s. William Wrigley comes up with a new marketing ploy. Baseball and comic book inserts that used to be sold with cigarettes are now sold with chewing gum. Pictures were produced in limited editions, so they became collectible.

Turbo Gum Refills

1930s. William Wrigley comes up with a new marketing ploy. Baseball and comic book inserts that used to be sold with cigarettes are now sold with chewing gum. Pictures were released in limited editions, so they became the subject


Chewing gum pictures are starting to catch on. The most famous series of the late 30s - early 40s: G-Men, Horror "s of War, Mickey Mouse, Wild We>

Columbia University Professor Hollingworth publishes scientific work The Psychodynamics of Chewing, in which he proves that chewing has an effect on reducing muscle tension and helps to relax by relieving stress. Chewing gum is included in the soldier's ration (one piece of chewing gum is included in the daily diet).

1933 year. Gum inserts are available on heavy cardboard.

An unusual "charcoal gum" appears on sale, which is advertised on the packaging of Mounds and other sweets of the Peter Paul company.

The year is 1939. Chewing gum is included in the classification of food products by a decision of the Commission on Nutrition, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics. Manufacturers were relieved of the need to sign all ingredients on the packaging. Wrigley opens a factory in New Zealand.

1944 year. Wrigley's Orbit brand enters the market. Chewing gum is made specifically for American soldiers. Dubble Bubble launches chewing gum with two new flavors - grape and apple

and over time even with this:]

1954 year. Dubble Bubble is organizing the first televised bubble gum competition.

1956 year. Bowman merges with Topps Chewing Gum. murol Confections Company launches sugar-free Blammo soft chewing gum. The Coolmint Gum with a penguin on the packaging from the Lotte Company enters the market. Kent Gida launches chewing gum. The presidential campaign uses chewing gum for advertising and political purposes. It comes in the form of a cigar and encourages voters to vote for specific candidates. 1962 year. The Guinness Book of Records has named the oldest "chewing gum" in the world. She was Mary Francis Stubs, who at that time was 106 years old. 1964 year. The Tijuana Brass orchestra is recording music for the Teaberry Gum advertising campaign. The composition makes the orchestra famous. The first Freedent bubble gum from Wrigley hits the market.

1962 year. The Guinness Book of Records has named the oldest "chewing gum chewer" in the world. She was Mary Francis Stubs, who at that time was 106 years old.

1964 year. The Tijuana Brass orchestra is recording music for the Teaberry Gum advertising campaign. The composition makes the orchestra famous.

The first Freedent bubble gum from Wrigley hits the market.

Modern chewing gum consists primarily of a gum base (predominantly synthetic polymers), to which components derived from the sap of the Sapodilla tree or from the sap of conifers are sometimes added.

Experts recommend using chewing gum only immediately after meals and no more than five minutes a day. Otherwise, it promotes the secretion of gastric juice into an empty stomach, which can contribute to the development of stomach ulcers and gastritis. However, after eating, in people with heartburn, chewing gum can help relieve symptoms. Excreted saliva, which has an alkaline reaction, is swallowed. The acidic content of the lower third of the esophagus is neutralized. At the same time, a constant flow of saliva ensures the clearance of the lower third of the esophagus.

Some of the soluble components of chewing gum are harmful to the body if they enter it in large quantities. For example,

sorbitol, a widely used sugar substitute in

chewing gum, has a laxative

the action that the manufacturers warn about on the packaging

With weakness of the dental ligament, with periodontal disease

gum can contribute to tooth loss.

Another chewing gum myth is that chewing gum can cause the filling to fall out. Correctly placed seals will not fall out from the chewing gum. If the filling has fallen out, this indicates either a poorly installed filling or ongoing caries

or tooth decay. However, there is a danger to the jaw joints.

Interesting Facts

The largest bubble from chewing gum was

recorded in July 1994 at the ABC television studio in New York. It was inflated by Susan Mantgomery from the USA, the diameter of the bladder was 58.5 centimeters (this is more than the size in the shoulders of an adult male of average build).

The harm caused by chewing gum to street exteriors when it hits sidewalks, house walls, benches, etc. is called gumfitti. Scientists around the world have been struggling for many years to create chemicals that would dissolve chewing gum without harming the environment. For harmless disposal, they come up with very unusual methods. So, in the city of San Luis Obispo (California) for forty years there has been a wall on which anyone can stick their chewing gum. This is a local landmark. The wall is sealed with an elastic band in several layers. In German Boscholt, tree branches are used for the same purposes.

I will also add

Gum made from resin and pine needles

The origin of chewing gum has long history... Even the ancient Greeks and Mayans chewed the resin and sticky sap of trees to tune in to meditation. Later, settlers from Europe adopted this tradition from the Indians, and began to chew pine resin and beeswax, including for the prevention of throat diseases.

The first attempt at industrial production of a prototype of modern pine resin chewing gum can be considered a small business of John B. Curtis of Maine. It was organized in 1848. Resin chewing gum was not very popular because it was difficult to remove unnecessary impurities from pine resin at that time, and besides, not many people knew about the existence of a new product.

Resin gum was not very popular because removing unnecessary impurities from pine resin was difficult at the time.

The birthday of modern chewing gum is considered to be December 28, 1869. William F. Sample, Ohio State Dentist, received a patent for a chewing gum. The patent was vaguely written about the creation of "a certain combination of rubber with other substances, in different proportions suitable for making chewing gum ”.

Sample didn't make chewing gum for sale. He was more interested in the process of invention and improvement. Probably, he did not believe in the possibility of the success of his invention on the market - the bad experience of his predecessors did not inspire.

Chewing gum instead of bicycle tires

In the same 1869, the inventor and photographer from New York - Thomas Adams - purchased from the former President and General of Mexico Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna a ton of Mexican rubber for the production of rubber.

He was going to make toys, bicycle tires and shoes, but noticed that some Mexicans were chewing the raw material for rubber - chicle. Adams decided to brew a small batch of rubber gum in his kitchen. The resulting substance was completely chewable.

Two similar inventions of two different people... The first thought up and forgotten, the second decided to try his luck.

Thomas Adams put up a trial batch of the new product in several local stores. Customers appreciated the product, and soon Thomas Adams' business took off. In 1871, Adams designed and patented a machine for the automatic production of chewing gum. In addition, he added licorice extract to the base to improve taste and smell and, as a result, increase sales.

The world's first flavored chewing gum was named "Black Jack" by Thomas Adams. It had the shape of an even oblong stick. Adams' New York Bubble Gum sold for 5 cents a piece (dollar a box). To many pharmacists, Adams handed out the first batches free of charge, provided they display the samples in their display cases.

In 1888, Adams' Tutti-Frutti chewing gum machines appeared in the United States. They were installed at electric train stations in crowded New York.

A soap maker produces chewing gum

For a time, Adams was a monopoly in the production of chewing gum. But progress does not stand still, and a successful product that is in demand is difficult to keep in the same hands. Already at the beginning of the twentieth century, a fairly large number of chewing gum manufacturers entered the market and began to compete for the attention of consumers. Among the manufacturing companies, a special place was taken by the Wrigley's firm, known to this day.

This multinational corporation was founded in 1891 under very unexpected circumstances. Successful soap salesman William Wrigley once noticed that customers come to his store not only for the soap, but also for the two Lotta and Vassar gum that came with a purchase.

Wrigley realized that this circumstance could be used to expand the scope of business. So he changed from a soap seller to a chewing gum manufacturer, Wrigley.

Chewing gum for free and let no one leave offended

In 1893, the factory began production of Spearmint mint chewing gum and Juicy Fruit. William Wrigley became a real innovator in the chewing gum market. He changed the traditional shape by dividing the usual sticks into five separate plates. The plates were wrapped in wax paper so that they would not stick to each other.

Advertising of Wrigley products began to appear on the sides of trams and omnibuses. Girls (prototypes of modern promoters) handed out chewing gum for free on the streets of megalopolises to attract the attention of buyers and taste the new product.

A piece of chewing gum began to be given out to every immigrant who entered the United States through Ellis Island.

The Wrigley Corporation developed at a galloping pace in the United States, and soon entered the global market. In 1910, the company built its first out-of-state factory in Canada. In 1915 a plant was built in Australia. Wrigley did not skimp on advertising campaigns that followed one after another.

To popularize chewing gum among children, a book "Mother Goose" was published with poems and colorful illustrations. For promotional purposes, chewing gum was mailed to all New Yorkers whose names were listed in the city telephone directory.

Later, a piece of chewing gum began to be given out to every immigrant who entered the United States through Ellis Island. As a result, William Wrigley's chewing gum has become a symbol of America.

To date, Wrigley has entered the markets of more than 180 countries around the world. The corporation includes 15 factories around the world. Wrigley is one of the largest confectionery manufacturers in the world.

and chewing gum - one of the symbols of America and the cherished dream of a Soviet child - was patented exactly 140 years ago. The dentist who issued the copyright for the chewing gum claimed that its mixture of rubber with the addition of chalk and charcoal had beneficial effects on the condition of the teeth, and one piece of it could be used for weeks or months. Now doctors are not so unambiguous about the benefits of "bubble-gum".

Chewing gum (gum) is a special culinary product that consists of an inedible elastic base and various flavoring and aromatic additives. In the process of use, the chewing gum practically does not decrease in volume, but all the fillers gradually dissolve, after which the base becomes tasteless and is usually thrown away. Many types of gum can be blown into bubbles as entertainment, which in English-speaking countries gave it another name Bubble Gum (that is, something like "rubber for bubbles").

Ancestors of the chewing man

The history of chewing gum goes back centuries. The very first chewing gum dates back to the Stone Age, VII-II millennia BC. In 2007, a 5,000-year-old piece of resin with imprints of human teeth was found during excavations in Finland.

It is known that even the ancient Greeks chewed the resin of the mastic tree to freshen the breath. The Maya Indians used the frozen sap of the sapodilla tree to brush their teeth and freshen their breath. They called this chewing mixture "chicle". Much later, it served as the basis for the industrial production of chewing gum.

Generation F

The fashion for chewing gum appeared in the world after the Second World War. American soldiers, whose ration included gum, introduced this product to the inhabitants of Asia, Africa and Europe. Chewing gum began to be produced in Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France and other countries.

In the Soviet Union, chewing gum was not produced for a long time, and the Soviet counterparts that appeared in the 1970s were inferior to foreign ones in terms of elasticity and packaging design.

"Imported chewing gum" was a kind of cult object among Soviet children and adolescents. We collected wrappers and inserts from her, exchanged them for various little things, played or argued on them.

Undoubted benefit ...

There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and dangers of chewing gum. Gum manufacturers are proving the health benefits of their product. First of all, it is the ability to clean the teeth and oral cavity from food debris after eating, freshness of breath.

Chinese astronauts even brush their teeth with special chewing gum, not being able to use a regular toothbrush in space. And during the Prohibition years in the United States, chewing gum was handed out to visitors in bars that sold alcohol illegally to drown out the smell of alcohol.

In addition to mechanical cleaning of the oral cavity, thanks to sweeteners (sorbitol, xylitol) in modern chewing gum, the acid-base balance is restored.


The whitening properties of gum are greatly exaggerated, the gum is completely unable to remove plaque: it is too tenacious for it. A small exception may be chewing gum with hard granules in its composition, which can slightly "scratch" the surface of the tooth. However, no amount of gum can replace a full-fledged brushing with toothpaste.

In addition, airplane passengers use chewing gum to avoid ear problems. And recently, scientists said that sugar-free gum "burns" kilograms.

... and undoubted harm

These and other arguments are counterbalanced by the fact that chewing gum too often has a negative effect on tooth enamel. In addition, excessive chewing contributes to the development of gastritis, since when a person chews, gastric juice is released, which irritates the gastric mucosa.

Last year, British doctors said that from overuse gum can even be an upset stomach with serious consequences.

The temporomandibular joint, the one that connects the temporal bone and the lower jaw, can suffer from constant chewing. When this joint is inflamed, it is not recommended to chew.

Sticky debris

Used chewing gum causes the most undeniable harm to city streets, public transport, etc. For example, about 3 kg of old gum is collected daily at the central railway station in New York. V English language there is even a special term for gum contamination of walls and sidewalks - gumfitti.

Unsurprisingly, for example, chewing gum is prohibited by law in Singapore.

"Alley of chewing gum" "Alley of chewing gum"

Illegal position

But chewing gum, regardless of brand and taste, has never been a product that everyone likes. In the 1970s, some American doctors considered it harmful because, in their opinion, it "drained the salivary glands and could lead to sticking internal organs". In the 1950s and 1960s, orthodontists banned it from patients with braces on their teeth due to the fact that it was considered impossible to clean with a toothbrush. The ban on chewing gum was then extended to American schools. But the most famous case of illegal gum is the ban on its import and sale in Singapore, imposed by Prime Minister Go Chok Tong in 1992. The punishment for illegal distribution is a large fine and even imprisonment for up to two years. Thus, the authorities of the southeastern state known for its impeccable cleanliness wanted to rid sidewalks, buildings and public transport from black spots left by chewing gum. However, in the battle between money and purity, the former won. In 2004, thanks to the free trade agreement between the United States and Singapore, the ban was lifted. However, now in Singapore, only chewing gum with medicinal properties (anti-nicotine) is allowed for sale, and when buying it, an identity card is still required.

The economic side of the cleanliness of the streets is also a concern in Europe. The 450 euro fine in Barcelona for chewing gum thrown in a public place does not help: city services wipe about 1,800 stains from it every day, spending 100,000 euros a year on it. In November 2010, the Spanish government decided that the local chewing gum was too sticky, and decided to change its composition - the question of the use in the production of a polymer used in the creation of plastic and in the cosmetic industry is being considered. In the UK, chewing gum with similar properties appeared in March 2010. Chicza, imported by the British from Mexico, not only does not stick to the floor, but is also biodegradable.

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It is difficult to find in the modern civilized world a person who has no idea about chewing gum. People have always chewed something, only for different purposes. In ancient times, teeth were cleaned in this way, chewing muscles were developed, and nerves were calmed. Our ancestors most often used birch resin as chewing gum. Only at the end of the 19th century. began to chew natural rubber, adding various substances to it to improve the taste.

In 1928, the first commercially successful chewing gum, the Dubble Bubble, was released. After that, the composition of the gum is constantly changing, new substances are added to improve the taste, color, smell. Rubber is a natural polymer obtained from latex that makes up the elastic base of chewing gum. It is also used for the manufacture of rubber, shoes, glue.

What is chewing gum made of?

The basis of modern chewing gum is rubber. Various flavors, colors and sweeteners are also added to it.
  1. Latex, the base of the gum, is considered harmless.
  2. Fragrances (natural or identical to them, which can cause allergies).
  3. Dyes (all kinds of E are far from harmless substances, many of them have carcinogenic properties).
  4. Sweeteners (sugar promotes tooth decay, aspartame can cause headaches and nausea, sorbitol and xylitol are known laxatives).

Is there a benefit?

Undoubtedly, chewing gum must have some positive properties, otherwise its distribution and use is pointless. And she has such advantages. Firstly, chewing gum still helps to clean the teeth, which is loudly shouted by advertising. Chewing after meals improves the condition of the mouth, the texture of the gum helps the food debris to stick to it, and thus they are removed. Secondly, during chewing, saliva is actively produced - a natural tooth cleaner. The refreshing effect of gum is undeniable, however, it has a short-term effect, masking (if any), rather than eliminating the cause. The chewing process itself has been proven to be soothing - no matter what. Chewing gum has a suitable consistency and properties, does not change in volume over time and does not dissolve, so it can be chewed for a long time and measured, bringing nerves in order. True, it is difficult to track the long-term effect of such anti-stress.

Is chewing gum a pest?

except positive properties, chewing gum and its misuse has a number of negative properties. During chewing, the saliva released, which has an alkaline reaction, inevitably enters the stomach, reducing its acidity. In response to this, the production of an additional amount of gastric juice begins, the basis of which is hydrochloric acid. If this happens on an empty stomach, problems cannot be avoided, since the aggressive action of the acid is directed primarily at the walls of the stomach itself. The constant irritating effect of gastric juice contributes to the development of gastritis and. The next point that should be noted is the harm of constant stimulation of the work of the salivary glands, in which at first a lot of saliva is released, and then its deficiency develops. This phenomenon can contribute to the development of xerostomia - pathological dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. , breakage of dentures and braces, overloading of the periodontal tissues in case of periodontal disease - this can also be facilitated by prolonged chewing of gum. The composition of the gum includes various preservatives, dyes, flavors, stabilizers and thickeners, all of which enter the body and have far from positive effects.

Chewing and brain work

Many people know from childhood that eating and reading are difficult things to combine, either food or information is not assimilated. Chewing gum not only calms, but also inhibits brain activity, reducing attention, preventing concentration. Although someone may disagree with these statements, this is a personal matter for everyone.

Culture and gum

Eating should take place in places intended for this. In today's fast moving and accelerating world, we do everything quickly, on the go. Having a snack during a trip on the subway, on the street, in a car, a person does not think about how much it corresponds to culture and etiquette. As a continuation of the meal - chewing gum, which lasts for a long time. People are constantly in a hurry, experiencing stress, chewing gum in such a situation helps to calm down, only this habit has nothing to do with culture. A well-mannered person respects other people and is unlikely to chew during a conversation, in the theater or on a TV screen. Self-confidence will not improve with gum, although many believe the opposite and are actively demonstrating it.

Rules for using chewing gum

Chewing gum should be used immediately after a meal and no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Chewing gum should be used solely for oral hygiene purposes after a meal, when there is no way to brush your teeth.
  • You need to chew until the gum tastes good (about 5-10 minutes). This time is quite enough to remove food debris from the oral cavity.
  • Do not use the chewing gum on an empty stomach or for chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Buy quality chewing gum while avoiding third-world products.
  • Do not use chewing gum for chronic gum disease, multiple fillings in the oral cavity, abnormal abrasion of teeth.

Popular representatives

Chewing gum brand Orbit from Wrigley have wide range of of various flavors and are very popular, have been produced since 1944. The same company produces such gum as Hubba Bubba, Juicy Fruit, Eclipse, Extra, Big Red. Dirol chewing gum has been around since 1968 and was the first sugar-free gum. In Russia, it appeared only in the early 90s. Chewing gum is produced in the form of dragees or plates, with a liquid filler or as part of candies, for every taste and color.


In 1988, the European Dental Association recommended the use of xylitol chewing gum after every meal as a preventive measure. Xylitol (E-967) is a sugar substitute that is poorly absorbed by the body. It does not ferment, and plaque bacteria cannot use it as food, which explains it. Xylitol acts as a laxative, the maximum allowable daily dose is about 30 g.

To chew or not to chew?

The fashion for chewing gum in our country appeared in the 90s. last century and steadily entrenched among young people. To chew or not - it is up to everyone individually. It is worth remembering the rules for using chewing gum and avoiding too long and frequent use of it. As a hygiene product, chewing gum is recommended by dentists, but only as a means of cleaning teeth after meals for short-term use. In children, the use of chewing gum is recommended in cases where it is not possible to brush your teeth. It is worth thinking about what substances will enter the baby's body at the time of chewing gum, and weigh the appropriateness of its use at an early age, before promoting the formation of a bad chewing habit in a child.