Stages of intoxication of a person. Various degrees of alcoholic intoxication

10.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Today, almost everyone drinks alcohol with one or another frequency, but most rarely seriously think about the dangers of these drinks. Before any use of alcohol, it is important to know what the degrees of alcoholic intoxication are, their signs, stages of change in consciousness, the state of a person after drinking and the possibility of clinical cases after drinking. This will allow you to determine your measure and maintain health.

What is alcohol intoxication

This is the state that is created as a result of the psychoactive action of alcoholic beverages. During the intake of alcohol, changes occur in the mental and physical activity of the individual, her behavior. This condition often leads to various behavioral disorders, health problems: loss of cognitive functions, diseases of internal organs.

There are various degrees of simple alcoholic intoxication according to the amount of ethanol consumed and the effect produced on the body. It depends on the weight of the person, the state of his health, the amount of food eaten, the strength of the drink itself. There are other factors - for example, in a state of extreme fatigue, even a small amount of alcohol causes severe intoxication. Each stage is distinguished by characteristic signs of changes in speech, reaction, perception of the surrounding world.

How drunkenness occurs

The mechanism of the intoxication process is extremely simple. In a normal state, red blood cells are covered with a layer of lubricant that becomes electrified during friction in the vessels. After consuming ethyl alcohol through the stomach, it enters the bloodstream, this layer is removed, and the cells stick to each other. Irregular clots form from hundreds of red blood cells and begin to block arterioles. Oxygen circulation is reduced, hypoxia occurs, and blood flows poorly to the brain.

The process of oxygen starvation of the brain is perceived by the body as euphoria, a feeling of freedom. During this time, parts of the brain become numb, and subsequently die off. In parallel, there is an effect on the internal organs. In the blood, the production of platelets, white and red cells is destroyed. Human vessels are filled with premature sclerotic changes. Seriously beats alcohol on the pancreas, stomach.


Moderate doses of alcohol reduce mental stress, can improve mood, create the illusion of freedom, euphoria. However, as the dose of ethanol increases, self-control is lost. The condition is characterized by excitement, leads to increased aggression, a strong feeling of depression. In a state of intoxication, a person is prone to committing antisocial acts. There are several options for human behavior, depending on the psychological state.

Atypical intoxication is characteristic of unbalanced, emotional individuals who have any problems. This happens with mental disorders, psychosis, neurological disorders. For example, stress can lead to dysphoric intoxication, during which a person experiences hostility to everything around him, anger, discontent. This state is like the reverse coin of euphoria after drinking alcohol. A person may develop a viciously intense affect, signs of depression, he becomes aggressive.

Pathological intoxication is the result of long-term alcohol consumption. After a small amount of drunk, behavior changes completely, aggression appears, hallucinations, spontaneous delusions may begin. A person may simply not perceive the world around him, or the perception will be distorted. All these changes in consciousness are associated with mental problems, which are catalyzed by alcohol-containing products.

Drunkenness in ppm - table

Today there is an approved system for measuring the amount of ethanol in human blood. It is determined in the so-called ppm. This value indicates the content of the substance in grams per liter. That is, 0.2 ppm is 0.02% alcohol in a liter of blood. Depending on the number of ppm, the state of the drinker changes, and internal organ damage of varying degrees occurs. Drunkenness in ppm is determined by special devices. More than 5 ppm is considered a critical dose for the body. Below is a table of the degree of intoxication in ppm:

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication

After drinking alcohol, a lot of physical and psycho-emotional processes occur with a person. This is a change in behavior, internal state, attitude towards others and ongoing events. As ethanol is assimilated, the personality state changes - from mild euphoria and inner comfort to aggression and depressive states. The stages of alcoholic intoxication and their symptoms have long been studied and classified. Specialists-narcologists are engaged in the issues of treatment, removal of patients from intoxication.

Mild degree

There are three stages of intoxication. The first of them - slight intoxication - is the initial one. After drinking alcohol, a person experiences a feeling of euphoria, a feeling of comfort, relaxation. Almost everything around us begins to bring pleasure, thinking accelerates. The emotional background becomes changeable - a trifling event can turn fun into resentment and vice versa.

The first signs of a mild degree of alcoholic intoxication are the revival of facial expressions, the relaxedness of gestures. At the same time, the drinker himself does not notice the changes. There is fun, relaxedness, lightness. The person becomes more sociable and open to the outside world, inclined to contacts with society. Physical signs include a rapid heartbeat, increased appetite, and sometimes sexual activity.

Average degree

It is an average result of the toxic and psychotropic effects of ethanol. This state is achieved with a content of 1.5-2.5 ppm. The user changes his speech, it becomes more difficult for him to choose words, coordination of movements worsens. An increased concentration of alcohol increases self-esteem, reduces a person's critical attitude towards himself, his behavior becomes impulsive and inadequate, and mental agitation occurs.

For such a state, sharp mood swings are typical - in a few minutes, relaxation and friendliness can be replaced by aggression. An intoxicated person tends to raise his voice, repeat the same phrases several times, stammer. Further, speech becomes indistinct, gait - uncertain, ataxia appears. The drinker can become aggressive or gloomy. At the last stage, there is a complete loss of reference.

Strong alcoholic intoxication

Severe alcohol poisoning is the result of the toxic effects of ethanol. There is a strong suppression of the central nervous system. The severity of alcohol poisoning is manifested at a content of 2.5 ppm and above. In this state, breathing disorder, a decrease in blood pressure often appear. Sometimes urgent medical attention is required. Symptoms are easy to define.

Also, the abuse of "fuel" leads to a disorder of temperature regulation in the body. Therefore, in the cold season, drinkers risk getting frostbite of the extremities. People with acute heart failure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, gastric ulcer and other obviously dangerous diseases should avoid abuse.

A blood alcohol level of more than 5 ppm will lead to alcohol intoxication, can provoke irreversible changes in the brain, result in an alcoholic coma and death. Common signs of severe alcohol intoxication are loss of orientation in space, involuntary urination and urination. The next few days, during the recovery from the state of intoxication, there is a decrease in performance, amnesia. This often leads to the development of chronic alcoholism, death.


Ethyl alcohol metabolites are toxins that poison the entire human body. Strong alcoholic intoxication provokes pathological changes in the vegetative-vascular and central nervous system, causes movement disorders. Taking into account the amount of alcohol consumed, as well as the degree of individual sensitivity of the body to alcohol, a person loses the ability to control his behavior.

According to statistics, the use of strong alcohol is especially dangerous when it enters the body quickly and in large quantities.

Depending on the severity of symptoms and their nature, three degrees of intoxication are distinguished: light, medium, and also severe, often turning into an alcoholic coma. The degree of intoxication depends on the degree of ethanol concentration in the blood, which is determined using a special biochemical study.

How is the severe degree of alcohol intoxication expressed, what are the signs, treatment of this condition? We will talk about this with you today. And we will also find out how to provide the necessary first aid to a severely intoxicated person and what folk recipes to use so as not to get very drunk when drinking alcohol.

Signs of severe alcohol intoxication

This degree occurs when the blood alcohol level is 2.5-3 ppm. It is characterized by the following features:

Mental disorder

Consciousness disturbances of varying severity are often observed, and normal psychomotor reactions are impaired. Drowsiness appears, pronounced lethargy, orientation is disturbed. A person has difficulty in contact with others, does not understand the meaning of the questions asked to him. His speech is fragmentary and meaningless.

Vegetative-vascular disorders:

Severe tachycardia appears, there is a decrease in blood pressure, sweating increases. The pupils do not respond well to light, and involuntary urination is possible. In severe intoxication, a person breathes heavily. Due to the accumulation of mucus in the airways, breathing is accompanied by wheezing.

Neuromuscular disorders:

A person cannot stand, perform any purposeful physical actions. He has decreased tendon reflexes. Spontaneous nystagmus may occur.

In addition, with a given degree of intoxication, epileptiform seizures, heart rhythm failures, and a rapid pulse are possible. There is a pronounced smell of alcohol from the mouth. Profuse vomiting is possible.

You need to understand that severe intoxication often turns into collapse - a life-threatening condition. The collapse develops as a result of mechanical asphyxia from the entry of vomit into the respiratory tract, or a sharp drop in blood pressure, or due to the fact that acute heart failure develops.

In addition, often death occurs due to elementary hypothermia or frostbite due to a disorder of thermoregulation.

Heavy intoxication, and even more so an alcoholic coma, is an absolute indication for the provision of professional, emergency medical care.

How is the severe degree of alcoholic intoxication corrected, what treatment is effective?

Therapy includes therapeutic measures to reduce blood alcohol levels, quickly neutralize poisons and toxins, and remove them from the body as soon as possible. To eliminate alcohol intoxication, the following procedures are carried out:

Artificial induction of vomiting, until the smell of alcohol disappears from the vomit. After that, the patient is given warm water to drink with the addition of ammonia (5-10 drops). Either they give a water-soda solution or warm milk with a little honey.

From medicines, a solution of Atropine or Metronidazole is used. A mixture of drugs is also used: Fenamine, Corazol and Nicotinic acid (0.01 g; 0.2 g; and 1-2 ml, respectively).

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is injected intramuscularly. Also, for intravenous administration, a solution of glucose or vitamins B1 and C is used. It is possible to administer insulin (in small dosages). In addition, a large amount of physiological sodium chloride solution must be administered.

According to indications, injections of the following drugs are prescribed: Camphor, Caffeine, Lobelin, as well as Cordiamine and Cititon. In the case of an atypical form of intoxication, Seduxen, Haloperidol, or Aminazine in the form of injections are used.

To reduce the severity of symptoms, alleviate the patient's condition, symptomatic therapy is performed. For example, if there is strong nervous overexcitement, sedatives are prescribed. If respiratory depression is observed, drugs that stimulate the respiratory center are used.

First aid

If a person is in a strong, severe degree of intoxication, he must be urgently taken to a hospital, or an ambulance must be called. Before the arrival of doctors, it is very important to provide him with competent first aid. It is as follows:

To reduce the absorption of alcohol, give the patient a few crushed activated charcoal tablets, at the rate of 10 g per 1 kg of body weight. Instead of coal, you can use the drug Polyphepan (reception, according to the instructions).

10 minutes after taking one of the listed funds, you should rinse the stomach with plenty of water and induce vomiting. After that, give the patient a glass of warm water to drink, to which add 10 drops of ammonia.

Give a laxative tablet to drink.

Put the drunk person on his back, raise his head and quickly, strongly rub his ears with your palms. This will increase blood flow to the head, which has a sobering effect. Further treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

How to drink and not get drunk? Folk recipes:

Of course, it is better not to drink strong alcohol at all. But this is only easy to say. Drinking can be difficult at a fun party. In order not to bring yourself to an average, and even more severe, life-threatening degree of intoxication, use time-tested means that will not allow you to become very intoxicated. Here are some helpful recipes:

Take activated charcoal for about half an hour before you start drinking. Observe the proportion: 10 g per 1 kg of body weight. After 15 minutes, take a Festal or Mezim forte tablet (the instructions for use of each drug must be studied personally before using it from the official annotation included in the package!). This will help ease the work of the stomach and intestines.

If the party is for the evening, drink some alcohol at lunchtime. After that, have a hearty lunch. This will help the body to quickly neutralize and remove the evening dose of alcohol. Therefore, in the evening, drunkenness will come much later and you can easily adjust the amount you drink.

The sharp intoxication and tincture of Eleutherococcus (Eleutherococcus liquid extract) will inhibit. Just before the meal, drink 20 drops of the tincture with a little water.

To make alcohol less absorbed, eat a slice of bread greased with canned fish oil and sprinkled with grated cheese. Or eat a piece of lard or fatty sausage. These foods will help you avoid heavy intoxication.

What prescriptions against intoxication do you or your friends use? Write to us about it. Your experience will be very useful to our site visitors. Describe it here, just below, in the comments. Thank you in advance!

Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, behavior changes, reaction, coordination of attention, movement, psycho-emotional background deteriorate.

There are 4 stages of alcoholic intoxication. The more severe the ethanol poisoning, the more pronounced the symptoms of vasomotor, physiological disorders.

How does alcohol breakdown in the body?

Alcohol has a pronounced effect on brain cells, causing euphoria and mood improvement. Due to the effect of alcohol on the cerebral cortex, external manifestations of disorientation and other psychopathic signs of intoxication are observed. After sobering up, the affected neurons cannot function normally for some time, therefore, with a hangover, a painful reaction to bright light and loud sounds occurs.

Stages of alcohol intoxication

The severity of alcoholic intoxication depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. According to the content of ethanol in the blood, a light, medium and severe stage is distinguished.

With a slight intoxication, the serum contains 0.5-1.5 ‰, with an average degree of alcoholic intoxication, this indicator increases to 2.5, and with severe intoxication it is 5 ‰. If a higher concentration of alcohol is determined, the state of intoxication is considered fatal.

Mild degree

At the initial stage, a person feels pleasant relaxation, inner warmth. A mild degree of intoxication is characterized by an improvement in mood, problems fade into the background, emotions are more pronounced.

For example, loud laughter, friendly attitude towards unfamiliar people, etc. Shyness disappears, people find a common language faster, there is looseness in speech, movements, desire to speak a lot.

With a mild degree of intoxication, there is an increased appetite, redness of the skin of the face, neck, and increased heart rate. Self-esteem rises, and even shy people become intrusive, unrestrained. Increased excitability can be replaced by lethargy, drowsiness, apathy. Thinking and reaction speed slow down.

Middle stage

With an average degree of intoxication, a person becomes more aggressive, repeats the same phrases several times, and cannot concentrate on one object for a long time. Movements become inaccurate, facial expressions become expressionless.

External signs of alcoholic intoxication of moderate severity:

  1. slurred speech;
  2. rude, tactless behavior towards others;
  3. impaired coordination of movements;
  4. unsure gait;
  5. a tendency to aggression, the creation of conflict situations;
  6. dull feeling of pain;
  7. weakening of the instinct of self-preservation.

If an average degree of intoxication has been achieved, then a few hours after stopping the use of alcohol, symptoms of general malaise appear. Disturbed by strong thirst, headache, nausea, vomiting, blood pressure rises.

Severe stage

Heavy alcoholic intoxication is characterized by slow speech, a drunk man can hardly pronounce the words (“the tongue is braided”), and speaks very loudly. Arm movements become sweeping, behavior - inadequate.

External and general symptoms of alcohol intoxication of moderate severity:

  • increased aggressiveness;
  • wobbly gait;
  • hearing impairment;
  • disorientation in space;
  • increased sex drive.

With the continuation of the feast, hyperexcitability is replaced by lethargy, drowsiness. A person can fall asleep anywhere, not paying attention to those around him, the air temperature. In some cases, a moderate state of intoxication leads to involuntary urination, defecation, and gastric emptying.

After sobering up, the drinker may poorly remember the previous events. The symptoms of body poisoning are more pronounced than ethyl alcohol.

Fatal degree of alcohol poisoning

When there are severe neurological disorders caused by toxic damage to the cerebral cortex. Such alcoholic intoxication can lead to the development of a coma, an epileptic seizure. Respiration is suppressed, the work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. Asphyxiation by own vomit during sleep is possible.

The fatal degree of alcoholic intoxication is characterized by a critical state of the body

The lethal dose of alcohol for adults is 4–10 g / kg. In case of extremely severe intoxication of the body with ethyl alcohol, the victim must call emergency medical care.

Pathological intoxication

According to the observations of doctors in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation, in isolated cases, alcohol intoxication is accompanied by an acute transient change in the psyche. The pathological condition develops when taking small doses of alcohol, proceeds in the form of a twilight clouding of consciousness. A person distortedly perceives the events taking place, sees hallucinations, he is disturbed by panic fear.

Even with a mild degree of alcoholic intoxication, the drinker becomes aggressive, quickly loses orientation in space. Excitement is quickly replaced by sleep, after awakening, memories may be erased or completely absent. observed in persons suffering from mental illness, with chronic overwork, idiosyncrasy, organic cerebral insufficiency.

What determines the degree of alcohol poisoning?

Factors affecting alcohol intoxication:

  1. duration of alcohol consumption;
  2. food intake;
  3. type of alcoholic beverage;
  4. general condition of the body;
  5. air temperature;
  6. alcohol consumption rate;
  7. physical activity.


Women get drunk faster than men. The state of alcoholic intoxication depends on the type of food that is eaten during the feast. When eating meat dishes, the effect occurs more slowly. Often drinkers get drunk for a short time, while a sober person will need to drink more alcohol.

With regular sports, the appearance of signs of intoxication is noted for a longer period than in people who neglect to visit the gym.

Video: Stages of drunkenness on real people

Alcoholism is a deadly pathology that develops as a result of regular and prolonged use of alcoholic products. Addiction to alcohol is formed in a person at the physical and mental level. Hundreds of thousands of people die from alcohol poisoning and chronic alcoholism every year.

A person under the influence of alcohol becomes dangerous for others. This is especially true of drinking drivers. Fatal accidents, according to statistics, are more often committed by people under the influence of alcohol. What are the degrees of alcoholic intoxication per thousand, it is important to know for every person - the owner of a car.

Alcohol affects everyone differently.

To determine the concentration of alcohol in the human body, the unit of measure is taken ppm. This is a Latin word and it means "for a thousand".

One ppm is equal to a thousandth of a specific number or 1/10 of one percent.

To determine the presence of alcohol in the human body, a special device is used - a breathalyzer. The degree of intoxication in ppm in the exhaled air, which a person produces in a special tube-mouthpiece, is determined.

What are the stages of intoxication, depending on the ppm

It is almost impossible to deceive this device, so there is no reason to doubt the reliability of the result. But how to determine your own intoxication if you don't have a tester at hand?

Revealing the degree of intoxication

When drinking alcoholic beverages, a person exhibits certain symptoms. They vary depending on the amount of alcohol consumed. With a mild degree of intoxication, the symptoms are as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • incoherence of speech;
  • unnatural glitter of eyes.

Symptoms of intoxication are increasing, and even with a severe degree of alcohol intoxication, a person can lose consciousness, even memory. A highly intoxicated person will also lack reflexes to external stimuli, in the worst case, alcohol intoxication can lead to coma and death of a person.

Drunkenness in ppm table

Specialists have developed a special classification system for various degrees of intoxication with reference to ppm. Each degree has its own symptoms and affects the well-being and behavioral reactions of a person in its own way. For convenience, all data can be displayed in one table:

Intoxication stage Ppm Symptoms
first or easy 0,5-1,5 mood improves, self-esteem increases;

lethargy disappears, tension decreases;

speech and motor functions are slightly reduced

second or middle 1,5-2,5

the conversation of the drunk becomes more monotonous, speech expressiveness is lost;

initial euphoria is replaced by irritability;

there is aggressiveness towards others;

the feeling of self-preservation disappears;

decreased memory and coordination

third or strong 2,5-3 the ability to coordinate their movements completely disappears;

there is a loss of auditory and visual abilities;

severe drowsiness develops;

a person may lose consciousness;

sometimes there is involuntary bowel movement and urination

fourth or severe 3-4

the ability to move will disappear;

speech functions disappear;

a person does not recognize people, locality;

complete or partial amnesia (memory loss) is noted;

possible alcoholic coma, leading to death

fifth or fatal over 5this stage is characterized by complete damage to the central nervous system and the work of all internal organs, this degree of poisoning almost always leads to death

But this state of intoxication in ppm, given in the table, is considered average. Alcohol acts on a person individually and selectively.

What does drunkenness depend on?

The level and extent of the effect of alcohol on the human body depends on a number of many factors. It has been noticed that in women, the degree of intoxication develops much faster, especially on certain days of the monthly cycle.

What is the permissible blood alcohol intake of a person

The form of intoxication is influenced by a number of physiological reasons, as well as additional ones that do not depend on human physiology.


  • the person's age and gender;
  • baseline health status;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • emotional state at the time of drinking.

Other factors affecting the degree of intoxication:

  • type of alcoholic beverage;
  • availability and quality of snacks.

In addition to the average degrees of intoxication, there is also an atypical form of intoxication. It occurs in people after head trauma of varying severity. Also, the indicators of the stages of intoxication may differ in persons suffering from chronic alcoholism.

Alcohol withdrawal rate

The rate of elimination of alcohol also differs. If for women this indicator averages 0.08-0.1 ppm per hour, then for men the process is faster - about 0.1-0.15 ppm every 60 minutes. This process is long and difficult, especially for the liver.

It has been proven that when intoxicated with an alcohol concentration of 2 ppm, the body will be cleansed of the decay products of ethyl alcohol and will completely return to normal only after 20-24 hours. This time also varies. For some, just a couple of hours is enough to sober up, while the other suffers from a long and severe hangover.

How much alcohol is withdrawn on average, depending on the type of alcohol

Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the exact level of alcohol content of the body without having a breathalyzer at hand. Moreover, considering that the rate of intoxication is also variable. For some, a couple of sips of beer are enough, while others retain clarity of thought even after a bottle of vodka.

When can I get behind the wheel?

In the blood of even a completely sober person, upon careful examination, natural alcohol can be found. It contains about 0.3 ppm. This level is considered natural and the only one at which it is possible to drive a vehicle in our country.

But in some foreign countries, the authorities are more loyal to alcohol-loving drivers. In such countries, the maximum ppm threshold for them is raised. For example:

  • German and French police will wish you a good journey even if 0.5 ppm is found in your blood - there this is considered the maximum permissible norm;
  • but in Ireland and England, you can safely roll out while driving a car, being in a mild degree of intoxication, the maximum permissible indicators there are even higher and amount to 0.8 ppm.

What threatens the violator

In Russia, there are very strict laws regarding drunkenness while driving. If the traffic police recorded any degree of intoxication, the violator faces the following fines:

  1. Upon the first registration of a violation, a monetary fine of 30,000 rubles. Also, the car owner's rights are revoked for up to 2 years.
  2. With the second arrest of this driver, the amount of the penalties will already be about 50,000 rubles. Plus, the offender is already facing a real term of imprisonment for 10-15 days. He will lose his rights for 3 years.

How many ppm are in each type of alcohol

Let us repeat that alcohol affects each person in a different way. Moreover, alcohol can affect the same person differently at different times of the day and with an unequal physical and mental state of a person. If we take the average indicators, then they can be reduced to the following figures:

  • beer (0.5l): 0.5 ppm;
  • vodka (300 g) or beer (2.5 l): 1.2 ppm;
  • vodka (1 liter): 5 ppm.

That is, we can say that a couple of bottles of vodka for the average person can become a lethal dose. But, even being in a mild stage of intoxication, drivers can create dangerous situations on the road.

Alcoholism is a socially most dangerous phenomenon. The number of alcohol addicts is increasing every year. Recently, doctors often diagnose alcoholism even in very young adolescents. Remember that it is very simple and easy to become an alcoholic, but it is much more difficult to part with an addiction.

Many are interested in the question of what are degree of intoxication and how they affect the ability to drive and drive. There are unforeseen situations when you urgently need to find out how drunk you are and how much alcohol is in your blood in ppm.

Determine efficiently and accurately blood alcohol level a special device will help, which is used not only by representatives of the traffic police, but also by ordinary people under certain circumstances. For example, when parents let their child go to a disco or a party and upon returning home they need to find out at what stage of intoxication their child is and how much alcohol is in his blood. A modern special device will give a result easily, quickly and with great accuracy, therefore, under no circumstances it will not be possible to deceive it. He will show an accurate and truthful result.

We measure the degree of intoxication in ppm.

In order to perform subsequent actions (draw up a protocol, write out a fine or take away the rights) after the accident, the traffic police must find out the degree of intoxication... There is a logical connection between the level of intoxication and how a person behaves while driving:

  1. 0.2-0.5 ppm. With such a degree of intoxication, objects moving towards the meeting are practically not perceived. The driver tends to drive at high speed and cannot adequately assess the situation. For a carefree ride, you must maintain a distance between cars. In this form of intoxication, a person driving cannot correctly determine the distance from his car to those that are moving towards.
  2. 0.5-0.8 ppm. The eyes do not react well to changing lighting, the distance between vehicles is determined completely incorrectly. Red light is perceived much weaker than when sober, so the driver may not notice the red light of traffic lights or the brake lights of other cars. The reaction to everything that happens becomes weak, the person is inattentive. With this degree of intoxication, his balance is already disturbed.
  3. 0.8-1.2 ppm. Having such a degree of intoxication, the driver becomes rather relaxed, while overestimating his ability to properly drive the vehicle. The angle of view and, accordingly, the perception of objects is significantly reduced. There is no longer an adequate assessment of what is happening. Riding becomes unnecessarily risky. Due to the fact that vision deteriorates during light switching, the driver may not notice the curb, fence, moving cyclist or other vehicle, or he will do it much later than the required time.
  4. 1.2-2.4 ppm. With such a degree of intoxication, the driver behaves arrogantly and impudently on the road. He does not understand that he sees very badly. In addition, vision deteriorates, balance is completely lost, coordination is disturbed. The driving style is very risky. The person driving is not at all oriented in space, which can cause serious consequences.

As we understand from the information received, any degree of alcoholic intoxication can serve the fact that the unforeseen happens on the road.

Three main degrees of alcoholic intoxication.

PPM is a value that shows the amount of alcohol in a person's blood. For example, a tester will show 0.5 ppm of alcohol if a person drinks half a liter of beer. But it should also be remembered that there are three degrees of human intoxication, depending on physical factors, regardless of the situation in which it is necessary to get behind the wheel:

1) Mild intoxication... If we consider it in ppm, then the device will show a figure of 0.5-1.5. It comes in the first minutes after alcohol has been drunk. It is characterized by a feeling of warmth throughout the body. Muscles relax, mood improves. A person becomes very active, he has fun and well. He communicates easily and naturally, brags, feels confident in himself and in everything. But in the course of a conversation, he may not control himself.

2) Moderate intoxication phase... Alcohol is contained in the blood in an amount of 1.5-2.5 ppm. Occurs after taking another dose of alcohol. The person is even more active, although the speech is inexpressive, monotonous and indistinct. He cannot walk smoothly, because coordination of movements is impaired. Instead of joy comes anger, sadness and aggression. The person may behave restlessly, provoking fights while doing so. It is during this stage of drunkenness that memory problems arise.

3) Severe intoxication... It occurs when the body contains 2.5-3% alcohol. A person has completely slurred speech, he may lose consciousness. At this stage, complete amnesia, seizure of convulsions and involuntary defecation are possible.

The degree of intoxication depends on the concentration of alcohol in the human body.

Important! A 5 percent blood alcohol content can lead to death.

The level of intoxication depends not only on the amount of alcohol consumed, but also on many other factors: the individual characteristics of the organism, the state of its nervous system, accumulated fatigue, general tension, and the food eaten while drinking. Also of great importance is the type of alcohol drunk.

How is alcohol removed from the body?

The main organ involved in the processing of alcohol is the liver. This process is quite lengthy. If, for example, a person drank well in the company of friends and there is 2.0 ppm in his body, then they will be completely processed only by the evening of the next day.

Remember! Alcohol is removed from the body of a man in the amount of 0.10% per hour, for women - 0.85.

From the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn. After taking a dose of alcohol, you should get behind the wheel no earlier than the evening of the next day. In addition, it is impossible to remove alcohol from the body by any artificial means. And even a shower, strong coffee or other drinks will not be able to help at all.