Berry cocktail. Fruit and berry drinks

29.10.2019 Fish dishes
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The feeling of hunger is the biggest scourge of those who follow their figure (or try to do it). Often it has nothing to do with the body's actual need for nutrients: food becomes a mania, appetite drives you crazy. Sweets, fast food, baked goods can cause real mental addiction and provoke breakdowns: a person who deliberately restricts their consumption at some point is unable to resist the temptation and pounces on unhealthy foods like an obsessive. And it's not just about willpower: the specific activity of certain parts of the brain and the disruption in the production of a number of hormones can lead to bouts of gluttony, which are not so easy to control on your own. Although in willpower, of course, too, but how difficult it is to rebuild, getting used to pamper yourself with delicious ... That would be to swallow a pill - and stop thinking about food!

High-quality weight loss is impossible without a diet, and a diet is almost always physical and mental suffering caused by the lack of chicken legs, pies, sweets and all other small and large snacks in the body that are so difficult to resist.

Prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals have become a beacon of hope for both obese patients caused by lack of brakes and for everyone whose lifestyle has become a diet. What are the possibilities of medication to suppress appetite exist today, what are the benefits and are they completely safe?

Experts did not come to a consensus regarding medicinal support for weight loss and anorexics (appetite suppressants): this is why, for example, in European countries, potent saturating medicines are sold exclusively by prescription and only in extremely advanced cases. Their peculiarity is in a large number of contraindications and side effects, therefore, the doctor and the patient must always jointly decide what balance exists between the expected result and the possible damage. Self-administration of any weight-loss drugs is highly discouraged... In addition, doctors do not tire of reminding that anorexic pills themselves are not a "cure" and, while taking them, one should not relax and abandon other procedures leading to normalization of weight: rationalization of nutrition, physical activity.

Drugs that help in losing weight by suppressing hunger can be roughly divided into three main types:

  • Appetite suppressants: suppress hunger at the stage of its onset in the hypothalamus
  • Stomach Fillers: cause a feeling of fullness in the stomach
  • "Miracle pills": contain various plant and organic substances in a micro dosage

In addition, there are combined agents that work by combining several components.

Actually, medicines are only appetite suppressants, the rest of the drugs, as a rule, are produced in the form of dietary supplements in food, sold without a prescription, differ in democratic cost and, sadly, in comparison with medicines, are ineffective.

Appetite suppressants

Appetite suppressants are essentially antidepressants with the side effect of defeating hunger. First-generation drugs that manipulate the centers of hunger and satiety in the hypothalamus include phentermine (Recin) and fenfluramine... Today they are included in the list of potent substances and, in fact, are equated to drugs, since they not only have a whole bunch of "side effects", but also cause addiction.

Their successor, releasing serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, whose elevated levels in the central nervous system cause feelings of fullness and satisfaction with life, became sibutramine... It is a part of such drugs as "Meridia", "Reduxin", "Obestat" and others - the trade mark depends on the manufacturer and the country of manufacture of the tablets. In addition to regulating appetite, sibutramine helps people with eating disorders overcome painful cravings for carbohydrates and speeds up metabolism, qualitatively improving glucose uptake and stimulating fat storage, including by increasing body temperature.

The effect of sibutramine is achieved after six months of taking the pills (the maximum course is 12 months) and after the end of the intake it lasts for about a year, but normalization of nutrition and physical activity remains a prerequisite.

Sibutramine is considered the most modern drug, and, according to its creators, is not addictive, but it has side effects - insomnia, psychosis, and a violation of taste, and digestive upset can become them. Sibutramine-containing medicines have for some time been available exclusively in prescription pharmacies. Selling sibutramine without a prescription is a felony.

It should be noted that sibutramine, fenfluramine and phentermine, as well as their derivatives (derivatives), are often included in dubious dietary supplements, the use of which is dangerous not only because of contradiction with the legislation, but also due to non-compliance with the medical dosage, which can seriously affect health.

Another player in the appetite suppressant market is rimonabant (Zimulti), lost state registration in Russia just a few days ago. This so-called CB1 blocker, discovered by French scientists in the course of studying the properties of marijuana, reduced the desire to eat something tasty, fatty and sweet, but at the same time aggressively influenced the central nervous system, causing severe mental disorders.

Stomach Fillers

The mechanism of their work is simple and transparent - they fill the stomach with "false food", causing a feeling of satiety, but not carrying calories. Fillers give a good result in combination with physical activity and auxiliary substances such as L-carinitine, which allows to accelerate the consumption of fat reserves. The filler tablet is taken before meals to help you feel full. By washing down the filler with water, you allow the pill, which is based on collagen, cellulose, or alginates (plastic substances used, in particular, to make exotic makeup in movies), swell like a sponge. Thus, taking fillers can be compared to an operation to reduce the stomach - there is something in the stomach all the time that simply does not allow filling it with harmful goodies.

The advantage of this method is that fillers do not interact with body chemistry., but work purely physically, so the possibility of side effects is very small. However, preparations containing cellulose, for example, have recently been sold by prescription in Europe, since in some cases this active ingredient causes allergic reactions.

When taking fillers, special attention should be paid to adequate fluid intake. If there is too little moisture, it can cause stomach and intestinal upset, and it will be difficult for the "sponge" to leave the body.

"Miracle pills"

Most nutritionists, in all honesty, admit the futility or extremely low efficiency (which is often based on the "placebo effect" or the result of other weight loss efforts) of all kinds of pills that promise "amazing results in a short time", "the use of the magic power of nature" etc. The ability to reduce appetite in "miracle pills" is also unimportant, and are most often caused not by "natural components" such as chitosan, guarana, apple cider vinegar and birch buds, but by the same cellulose or collagen swelling in the stomach, indicated as auxiliary substances, or the addition of chromium, which affects the production of insulin. In some cases, sibutramine of unknown origin and unpredictable dosage is corny added to "miraculous" dietary supplements, as we have already mentioned above.

Even plants and substances that really have some kind of fortifying and metabolism-accelerating properties are contained in tablets in such microscopic doses that if you swallow them in packs, nothing will change. And there is no need to swallow in packs - manufacturers, referring to the "centuries-old experience of the aborigines" and "the secret of the East", in the vast majority of cases do not bother themselves with serious clinical and laboratory tests of their drugs. Suffice it to recall the history of the insanely popular Caucasian hellebore several years ago, which turned out to be a toxic shrub, causing severe poisoning after the first applications.

Looking at the high popularity of milkshakes included in the menus of small cafes and respectable restaurants, I want to repeat this drink at home and prepare it with fresh berries. By combining the flavors of raspberry, strawberry and milk, you can create a refreshing summer cocktail that is easy to prepare. A couple of minutes to prepare the ingredients, the same amount of time to whip in a blender, a minute to make a drink and a milkshake with berries is ready!

Such drinks are good for parties, "snacks", while they are equally liked by both adults and children. Sometimes it is difficult to get children to drink a glass of milk, so a milkshake with berries is a real way out.

Ingredients for making a milkshake with berries (for 2 servings):

  • milk - 1 glass
  • fresh strawberries - 200 g
  • fresh raspberries - 200 g
  • sugar - 30 g (or to taste)
  • vanilla - to taste

Recipe milkshake with berries:

Sort through and rinse the raspberries and strawberries. Remove all twigs, leaves and other debris that is often found in the harvested berries. Then cut off the strawberry tails.

Pour the berries into a blender bowl, add sugar and vanilla (or ground cinnamon). By the way, making a cocktail without a blender is very problematic, because first you need to grind the berries through a sieve, and then beat them with milk to the maximum possible foam.

Then pour milk to the berries (and you can use milk of any fat content and even 10% cream).

Beat the milkshake with berries in a blender at a slow speed for 1 minute, and then for another minute at maximum speed. Taste the cocktail for taste and sweetness, add sugar if necessary. In the meantime, milk alcohol, honey and fruit syrups can be added to such cocktails. Use common sense and personal taste!

Serving the drink consists in pouring it into glasses and decorating it with strawberry or raspberry slices. Serve immediately after cooking. If you want to get a very cold drink, then use ice cream instead of ice to cool it. Milkshake with berries is ready!

Enjoy your meal!

A cocktail with berries is a delicious dessert, breakfast, a great addition to a festive table. It will help you to freshen up, quench your thirst, and feel more invigorated. How to make such a drink? First you need to learn how to select and combine ingredients. If you master this, you can get a unique drink, which will also be useful.

Cooking features

The name of the drink speaks for itself: the main component in it is berries, both fresh and frozen. But if you mix them without diluting, then it will be a puree, not a cocktail. How to cook? Don't be afraid to experiment. Berry cocktail recipes are usually simple. Most often, they include ingredients:

  • any berries;
  • water (just not from the tap) or dairy products;
  • different syrups;
  • aromatic additives (vanilla, cinnamon, etc.);
  • honey or sugar.

If you want to add spice, use carbonated water instead of plain water. The taste will become even more interesting.

Great start to the day

A berry cocktail made in a blender is called a smoothie. Translated into Russian it sounds like “pleasant, soft, smooth”. Ice, milk, tea, spices are also added to it.

Cocktails with berries are superior in quality to juices and fresh juices - they contain fiber, which contributes to the health of the body. Freshly made with a specific set of berries, a smoothie will make a great breakfast. And to add satiety, use flaxseed, oat bran. Try a banana for the perfect smoothie base. And if you mix it with cottage cheese, the beginning of the day will turn out delicious and healthy.

A highlight for a celebration

A cocktail with wild berries will delight you with its special taste. If a children's party is coming, prepare it for a festive table. Young guests will surely like this drink. And if the method of preparation is slightly changed by adding alcohol, then such a cocktail will not leave an adult indifferent. Various liqueurs, champagne, gin and even vodka are used for dilution.

There are many recipes for making berry cocktails. Our article will teach you how to correctly combine the components of a cocktail, creating completely unique drinks.

Berry cocktails are delicious and healthy - this statement does not raise the slightest doubt. Do you know how to cook them correctly? will share this useful information with you.

Types of berry cocktails

The main ingredient of any berry cocktail, of course, remains the berries themselves, and they can be used both fresh and frozen. However, if you just mix several types of berries, you get the usual mashed potatoes, but our task is to make cocktails. This means that some additives are indispensable here.

The cocktail may contain useful water, which somewhat dilutes the dense texture of the grated berries. Carbonated water is most often used - it gives a peculiar piquancy to this healthy drink.

Berry cocktails containing alcohol are very popular. In this case, the choice is quite large - cocktails can include champagne, gin, liqueur and even vodka.

Berry cocktails containing dairy products (milk, powdered milk, yogurt, kefir) are in constant demand (especially among children).

Additional ingredients of any berry cocktail are syrups, flavoring and aromatic additives (vanilla, mint leaves), honey, sugar, etc.

Berry cocktail recipes

Our article invites you to find out simple cocktail recipes that can decorate the most sophisticated table.

To prepare sparkling water cocktail, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2-3 types of berries (total amount - 5 glasses)
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Carbonated water - 400 ml

The berries are ground through a sieve, mixed with sugar (it must completely dissolve) and with carbonated water. Ice cubes are added to cocktail glasses

For cooking light alcoholic cocktail the following components are required:

  • Table white wine - 400 ml
  • Carbonated water to taste
  • Berries - 2 cups
  • Sugar - 100 g

The berries are ground with sugar until it is completely dissolved. Pour the berry mixture with a glass of wine and leave for a couple of hours. Then another 200 ml of wine and a little soda water are poured. Served in glasses, decorated with mint leaves.

Another popular recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • Berries - 0.5 kg
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Liqueur - 100 ml
  • Vodka - 300 ml
  • Water - 100 ml

The berries are rubbed through a sieve, all the components are added there, mixed in a shaker and poured into glasses (ice cubes are placed on the bottom).

To prepare milkshake with berries, the following ingredients are required:

  • Skim milk - 200 ml
  • Powdered milk - 1/3 tbsp.
  • Berries - 0.5-1 tbsp.
  • Vanilla - 1 tsp
  • Cinnamon - a pinch
  • Sugar to taste

The berries are ground through a sieve, mixed with sugar and milk powder, and then whipped with the rest of the ingredients.

A cocktail with kefir or yogurt is extremely simple to prepare - just beat the berries and the base chosen for the cocktail with sugar.

Any of these original and uncomplicated cocktails will satisfy even the most fastidious gourmet. Successful berry "impromptu"!

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