The harm and benefits of store juices. The whole truth about juices: store-bought, natural, healthy

20.09.2019 Dishes for children

It is impossible to dispute the fact that any juice contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. In addition, the juice energizes and improves intestinal motility, thereby beneficially affecting the skin condition and improving the immune system. But, despite all the positive qualities, not every juice brings so many benefits. Juice, in a tetrapak sold in a store, and juice made at home, are two big differences. Let's try to figure out what are the benefits and harms of juices that are sold in modern stores.

The harm of store juices

  • The specificity of mass production of juices is such that in factories, fruits and vegetables are squeezed out using various powerful mechanized devices. After that, such juice must undergo special processing in various ways - antiseptics, preservatives, freezing. Without a doubt, all these substances are harmful to the body, especially to children.
  • In addition, most of the vitamins are destroyed during processing, since they cannot withstand the conservation process.
  • But the main hidden threat of packaged juices, which few consumers pay attention to, is sugar. 90% of store juices contain so much sugar that there is no point in talking about the benefits of such juice.

The benefits of store juices

  • Despite the manufacturing process and various preservatives, juices are still classified as healthy foods. Even after all the processing processes, a certain amount of useful substances remains in them.
  • If you choose the right juices in the store, you can improve your immunity and prevent the development of various diseases of the cardiovascular system, dermatological problems, problems with the digestive system, improve the condition of the peripheral nervous system, get rid of stress and depression. But, it should only be quality juice! In order to choose a high-quality juice among all the variety of goods offered, you must read the composition. A good product will not contain even a hint of refined sugar and flavors. The second point is the shelf life of the store juice. There is only one rule here - the longer the shelf life, the more preservatives in the product, therefore, the less useful it is.

Juices are an important and integral part of a balanced, correct human diet. If you regularly drink even a small amount of freshly squeezed juice, vegetable and fruit, you can forget about many diseases, including chronic ones. Therefore, one of the necessary things in the kitchen for every family should be a juicer. Juices made from seasonal vegetables and fruits are inexpensive, but very important for health.

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Can Tomato Benefit? Yes, nutritionists, including scientists in the field of advanced medicine, found out that tomato juice, including paste, contains many vitamins, useful minerals and trace elements. Therefore, if a person periodically takes a tomato drink or other dish with tomatoes, then this will help improve health.

But, despite such an affordable, healthy and tasty product, not all people can drink it. There are contraindications. Therefore, we will consider what can be prepared from pasta, what it consists of, under what conditions to drink and to whom it is contraindicated.

Chemical composition

Tomato, unlike other vegetables, contains a huge amount of nutritional components.

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It contains minerals, vitamins and organic acids. Composition:

  1. Vitamins from groups C, A, E, B are included in the juice. A small amount of vitamins H, PP.
  2. Trace minerals such as boron, copper, including chromium, zinc and selenium. In addition, tomato contains cobalt, iron, fluorine and rubidium.
  3. Macronutrients are also present such as phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, and sulfur. Some purchased juices, for example "Dobry", additionally include chlorine and sodium.
  4. Sucrose, fructose and glucose.
  5. There are many organic acids; not only citric, malic and succinic acids are included, but also oxalic, tartaric or lysine.

Additional ingredients include pigments (lycopene), dietary fiber, and pectin.

Calorie content

A liquid food product is prepared exclusively from fresh vegetables. Dyes, salts and preservatives are not used at the time of preparation.

The calorie content of tomato juice is 21 kcal.

At the same time, proteins are 1.1 g, fats 0.2 g and a large percentage are carbohydrates, 3.8 g, directly per 100 grams of the product.

At the expense of low calorie content, it can be used in dietary nutrition, for example, for weight loss.

Indications for use in traditional medicine

The indications for use are extensive, so we will consider only the main ones.


  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • glaucoma;
  • with weakened memory, it is recommended to drink for the elderly;
  • angina pectoris;
  • anemia;
  • prescribed to patients who have suffered myocardial infarction;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • with chronic fatigue;
  • helps prevent cancer;
  • joint diseases.

In addition to these indications, the juice is able to suppress the putrefactive processes in the intestines, and also has a positive effect on peristalsis.

Canned tomato juice: benefits and harms

Canned juice is prescribed for children to activate the biochemical process. In case of poisoning, to remove harmful substances from the body.

Tomato juice (canned) is prescribed for prevention atherosclerosis in adults or to eliminate deposited salts in the body.

Tomato juice in packets from the store - what's the use

Why do you want tomato juice? The juice is used to eliminate the hangover syndrome, it helps to quench thirst and begins to gradually normalize the condition. But, this is not the only useful quality of packaged juice.

  1. You can drink daily in bags from the store, as a prophylaxis in case of a lack of vitamin C.
  2. In old age, this drink from the pacts helps to solve intestinal problems. Eliminates bloating and flatulence. In addition, the juice has a positive effect on the entire digestive tract.
  3. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, he needs to drink packed tomato juice, because it reduces the risk of thrombosis.
  4. Reduces blood pressure.

In addition, the juice can be used for other problems and serious illnesses. Homemade juice is good for diabetes.

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Shop juice for diabetes

Diet doctors prescribe juice to patients with diabetes mellitus. After all, juice helps to reduce the level of sugar in the patient's blood and improve his condition.

Every patient should understand that as soon as a doctor diagnoses diabetes mellitus, it means that a lot of toxins and toxins have accumulated in the body. To remove them, you must drink purified juice, such as pasteurized.

The main effect of juice in diabetes mellitus is delayed aggregation. In other words, store juice prevents platelets from sticking to each other, thereby thinning the blood.

Therefore, with periodic use, the patient passes: thirst, appetite returns to normal, efficiency increases, pain syndrome is eliminated.

Important! In diabetes mellitus, tomato juice alone is not able to cope with the disease; it is prescribed as a dietary food. The main treatment is taking medication.

Benefits and harm to the human body

Above, we have described several positive qualities of a tomato drink. It should be noted that these are not all the benefits, the juice has other positive properties.

Why homemade juice is useful for women and men

General beneficial properties:

  • strengthening;
  • refreshing;
  • quenches thirst.

Phytoncides, which are part of the juice, helps to suppress fermentation processes, directly in the human intestine

Additional positive qualities:

  1. Stimulates the formation of gastric juice.
  2. Potassium has a positive effect on the work of the heart.
  3. Organic acids help to activate metabolic processes.
  4. Lactic and malic acid, can increase the alkaline reserve of the blood.

Special harm tomato paste or juice does not yield if taken correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the contraindications in which it is strictly prohibited to drink it. Otherwise, the symptoms of the disease will worsen, and this can lead to serious complications.

Why is tomato paste juice useful for men

For the first time, tomatoes were grown in South America. Local residents used tomato juice with potency benefits. The tradition has remained to this day.

Scientists have found that juice can be used as a preventive measure.

For children

In childhood, you can drink tomato juice with the above diseases.

Pediatricians are prescribed to strengthen the immune system.

After all, not all children can drink juice, some have an allergic reaction to it.

What are the benefits for pregnant women

It is not advisable to drink juice during pregnancy. After all, the composition includes salts and acids, so they can disrupt water-salt metabolism in a pregnant woman.

But, on the other hand, the juice contains many vitamins that are needed for the normal differentiation of fetal cells. Therefore, for pregnant women, you can drink juice in small quantities, for example, 1-2 cups per week.

Indications for varicose veins

With varicose veins, pain, fatigue or burning sensation occurs in the affected areas. Nutritionists recommend including tomato juice in the diet, this will help normalize excess weight and normalize the salt balance in the joints.

Healing properties for blood vessels and heart

It helps to lower blood pressure, so a drink is often prescribed to patients, for example, for hypertension.

Active ingredients have a positive effect on the body, including the work of the cardiovascular system.

With pancreatitis

Drink strictly as directed by your doctor. Allowed to drink juice in small quantities in the chronic course of the disease.

With gastritis

The main components that are included in tomato juice have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Since the drink has an antiseptic spectrum of action, it helps prevent the spread of infection.

But, if increased acidity is noted with gastritis, then drink the juice with caution.

Fasting for the liver

With age, the function of the liver weakens, so many resort to traditional medicine in order to somehow improve the functioning of the organ. But, if we are talking about a tomato, then it can be used only as a prophylaxis for liver disease, and not for illness, for example, with cirrhosis of the liver.

Mineral complexes and organic acids serve as a catalyst for the body.

The load on the affected organ increases and the patient has serious complications.

Help with gout

With gout, diet number 6 is prescribed, which includes vegetables, including tomatoes. But, you cannot drink juice, it is better to include tomato soup gazpacho in the diet. If deterioration occurs, exclude tomatoes from the diet.

For weight loss in women: with a diet

When losing weight, you can resort to fasting days. At home, you can make fresh tomato smoothies. Improve metabolism and lose a couple of extra pounds.

Diet for 3 days (removes fat folds on the abdomen):

  1. Morning (breakfast): chicken egg, tomato juice.
  2. Afternoon snack: 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, fresh tomato smoothie with bell pepper.
  3. Lunch: boiled turkey breast, pan salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots,). Season with a little olive oil.
  4. Dinner: green tea or rosehip-based, you can drink 250 ml of pasteurized juice.

If you need to lose more than kg, then you can resort to a long diet. A nutritionist can tell you exactly which diet is right for you. After all, it is necessary to take into account the age and concomitant diseases.


Contraindications include stomach ulcers and increased acidity of gastric juice. In addition, doctors do not recommend taking tomato juice for inflammation of the pancreas or cholecystitis.

Additional contraindications:

  • do not use for urolithiasis;
  • with gallstone disease;
  • if there is a history of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys or bladder.

In case of diseases, it is necessary to give up tomato juice. But, for example, with pancreatitis, doctors may allow you to drink a small amount of this juice, but only prepared at home.

Tomato paste juice: recipe

The easiest recipe for liquid tomato paste juice is to dilute 1 tablespoon of tomato in 250 ml of boiled, cooled water.

If you need to prepare a thick drink, then you need 2-3 tablespoons of tomato and a similar amount of water.

To add flavor to the juice, you can add salt or light spices. Gourmets like to add sugar or pepper to homemade juice.

How to cook for the winter at home: a recipe

There are tons of tomato-based recipes that you can cook for the winter.

30-40 years ago, fruit juice was recommended by pediatricians as the first food for babies. From the very first days of their lives, children were given juices drop by drop. We started with an apple. In our time, at any women's forum, a woman who said that she does this would be mixed with mud. And the pediatrician would hardly have stroked the head. According to modern concepts, there is no need to rush with juices.

Juice harm to a child

It is now read that the juice can even be harmful to the child. In children under three years of age, the body (or rather the stomach and pancreas) is not yet able to adequately perceive the juice. It is too aggressive for gastric juice, increases the acidity of the stomach. The sugar contained in the juice is practically poisonous for the baby. The juice loosens stools and can dehydrate the body. Carbohydrates, which are abundant in juices, are too heavy a burden for the body and, in addition, they can contribute to the appearance of excess weight.

The benefits of juice for the body

In addition to the above, juice is still a rich source of vitamins. The juice contains substances that act almost like medicines - they have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Recent studies have shown that juices can even detoxify the body. And in modern ecology, this factor is important.

Each type of juice carries its own beneficial element or quality to the body. For example, apple juice is a source of vitamins A and C, iron and magnesium. Orange juice provides vitamin C. Pomegranate juice is an excellent antiseptic. Cranberry juice enhances the immune system and protective functions of the body.

How to use juice correctly

So, a child under three years old can and should drink juice. However, so that this does not turn into problems, do not forget about some points.

  • ... Buy special, age-appropriate juice. Fruits and vegetables for juicing are selected more carefully than for adults and are made without sugar.
  • ... Do not give juice to a child on an empty stomach. If you cannot give juice after the main meal, then you need to do it at least at the same time with some food.
  • ... Until the age of three, do not drink more than 200 grams of juices per day. Give preference to milk and sour milk drinks, tea and compotes and homemade fruit drinks.
  • ... Store purchased juices according to the instructions. Do not use juice that has been kept open for a long time.

Thus, in most cases, the question of giving or not giving juice to a child must be resolved positively. The main thing is to do it gradually. Make sure that the child's body accepts it, there is no allergy. Experts strongly recommend starting with small portions and it is advisable to use first of all juices, in the preparation of which fruits and vegetables of the breadth in which the child was born are used, not to get carried away by exotic. Also, it is advisable not to use multifruit juices for the first samples. Since, if suddenly the child's body reacts negatively to such juice, it will take a lot of time to find out which element the reaction went to.

Indeed, Goodini is a mixture of reconstituted juices. Our partners all over the world grow local fruits and vegetables. Juice is squeezed out immediately after harvest to preserve the original taste of fresh fruits, as well as vitamins and other useful substances. Then, in a gentle mode, water is evaporated from the juice - it takes up to 50% of the volume, depending on what fruit the drink is made of. Only water is removed: minerals, vitamins, pulp particles - everything important remains in place. This produces a concentrated juice from the freshest, freshly harvested fruits and vegetables. In consistency, it is similar to honey when it comes to orange juice, for example. Or puree if we're talking about plum juice.

What's next

The concentrated juice is poured into aseptic barrels with a volume of 200 liters, less often into tanks. And then they are sent to Moscow for the production of Ochakovo. Here we restore the concentrated juice. We add to it exactly as much water as was withdrawn during the manufacture of the concentrated juice. We pre-purify the water and balance the salt composition at our own water treatment plant. It was designed and manufactured for us by the German company Chriwa Wasser-Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH. What was taken - exactly what they returned to the juice back. No DIY, tap water or sugar. Yes, we do not add sugar to juices, because we restore only high-quality concentrates from ripe fruits and vegetables. The taste of Goodini is so intense due to natural sugars that are initially found in ripe fruits.

Why exactly

Freshness of taste and benefits are preserved better if the fruits are processed immediately after harvest. They do not deform during transportation and do not deteriorate during storage. In addition, it is cheaper this way: if you carry whole fruit, the juice will turn out to be unreasonably expensive due to the fact that the cargo is too bulky, heavy and perishable.

We obtain concentrated juices from different cities and countries from selected suppliers. Citrus fruits are from Brazil, juicy tomatoes are from Chile, beets are from Germany, and cherries and apples are from Oryol, Tambov and Lipetsk regions. One thing is invariable: concentrated juice is made from freshly picked ripe vegetables and fruits. This is important for us, so we do not use cheap concentrated juices from China.

Drink to your health!

International Juice Day is celebrated on Saturday. It is believed that juice is the most affordable way to obtain vitamins, macro- and microelements. The experts told how to drink juice so that it is beneficial, whether it is possible to check the product for naturalness at home and which of the types is the most useful.

International Juice Day was invented in 2010 by the International Fruit Juice Producers Association. Initially, this idea was supported by Turkey, Spain and Poland, then other countries joined, for example, Russia in 2012. The World Health Organization's Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health recommends eating 400 grams of fruits and vegetables daily, of which one fifth can be replaced with a glass of juice.

Juices are divided into freshly squeezed, directly squeezed - they are stored for a short time, and reconstituted - they are produced in factories and are massively sold in stores. There can be nothing in the juice except the actual juice. That is why there is no composition on a pack of juice, if it is one-component.

The difference between nectar and juice is that it contains from 25% to 50% of the juice part, sugar, honey or sweeteners are allowed. The required minimum for each fruit is set in the documents: for apple and orange - 50%, for peach - 40%. The juice drink is characterized by a small juice content - 10%. Add 15% berry juice to fruit drinks.

According to manufacturers, nectar appeared not because of economy, but because of the too sour and tart taste of some fruits and berries, for example, it is impossible to drink pure cherry juice. Another reason is the high density of mashed potatoes: it is almost impossible to squeeze juice from bananas.

Residents of Russia most often buy apple, multifruit and orange juices.

Just add water

In Novosibirsk, a juice production line operates at the Coca-Cola plant, where. Recovered juices and nectars are made here using the technology of the Multon plant. There are two main ingredients - a fruit or berry concentrate and water.

Concentrates are purchased from hundreds of suppliers around the world: pineapples - in Thailand, oranges - in Egypt and Brazil, grapes - in Spain. Tomato and apple puree is produced in Russia. To obtain a concentrate, fruits and berries are put under a press, and then excess water is evaporated from the juice, for this it is heated to a temperature of 60–65 degrees. The concentrate is brought to the plant in aseptic bags placed in barrels.

Then the concentrated juice is diluted with water. It flows from the city's supply system into giant tanks and goes through eight stages of purification. After filtration, the water is saturated with the necessary elements. Further, both liquids are piped into huge blending tanks with a capacity of 1 to 10 tons, where mixing takes place.

After the reconstituted juice is pasteurized - heating for 30 seconds to a temperature of 85 degrees. Before the juice enters the bag, the packaging material undergoes heat treatment and, following a peroxide bath, enters the sterile chamber. The filling takes place in a sterile chamber. Then the finished box is marked and the lid is glued.

The juice production conveyor is fully mechanized. The operator only monitors how the process is going. The laboratory takes a product from the line every half hour. It is checked, including the amount of sugar. If something goes wrong, the entire line is removed. At the same time, according to the manufacturer, the defect is only 0.01%.

Reconstituted juice is stored for a year precisely because it is hermetically sealed. “If the packaging is slightly damaged, you get mold instantly. After opening the juice, it cannot be stored outside the refrigerator, it will ferment literally in a day, in the refrigerator (shelf life) - maximum four days, because it is natural, "explained the head of external and internal communications in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East of Coca- Cola HBC Russia Marina Mokina.

Flexible technical regulations

The Krasnoyarsk Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing regularly evaluates juices from store shelves. The last check took place in August: experts analyzed five nectars - RICH, Fruit Garden, Da Da Dacha, Stanitsa, Svoy Sad, four types of juices - RICH, J7, Sady Pridonya, Ya, as well as three fruit drinks - "Fruit Garden", "Dobry" and "Golden Rus". Full minced meat: how to choose tasty and healthy meat?

Ivan Dorofeev, an engineer for standardization of the Krasnoyarsk CSM FBU, noted that the center is trying to monitor different manufacturers. There are dozens of juice brands, but they are made by three or four large enterprises.

He clarified that tests were carried out on physical and chemical indicators, including the mass fraction of soluble dry substances, mineral impurities. If the juices were with pulp, then the mass fraction of this pulp looked. All samples successfully passed the tests, but, according to the expert, there were no big difficulties in this.

“Today the normative documentation that is in effect in Russia is technical regulation 023 for juice products, there is GOST 32104, but 90% or even more of juice products are manufactured according to technical specifications. What are the requirements in the technical conditions, we do not know - this is the property of the manufacturer. The technical regulations that operate on the territory of the Customs Union are quite flexible and, roughly speaking, any product can be adjusted to fit it, ”said Dorofeev.

Two years ago, the center also conducted an organoleptic assessment, when experts assessed the appearance, texture, color, taste and aroma of the drink. Then the research also showed that the juice meets the requirements of national standards and technical regulations.

“The organoleptic evaluation established that the product has a mild apple aroma, the taste is not typical for the product and an unnatural sweetish aftertaste,” - this is how one of the apple juices was described in the study of the Krasnoyarsk FSC.

Two glasses a day

Director of the Siberian Federal Center for Health Nutrition, doctor of the highest category Yakov Novoselov, speaking about the usefulness of juices, quoted ex-chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko, who said that 80% of our juice does not meet the requirements.

“Today natural juices are conventionally natural juices made from concentrates that are brought to us from foreign countries, because the production of concentrates is not developed in Russia. Of natural juices, there can be, with some degree of probability, plum, apple and tomato juices, ”Novoselov said.

He added that preservatives are very often added to juices made from concentrates in order to increase profits by reducing costs, and what is written on the labels is rarely true.

“Of course, it won't be especially dangerous (concentrate). But the nutrients in it have already been destroyed to a greater extent, and you get a mostly colored drink with sugar with a taste of this or that fruit or berry, ”the doctor noted.

The UCM expert has a different point of view. “The concentrate does not mean that this is some kind of diluted chemistry, it is technologically the same squeezed juice, just excess water is removed from there. Speaks about the unnaturalness of the juice is also not entirely correct. These are the same natural raw materials, ”said Dorofeev.

But, in his opinion, it is better to choose directly squeezed juices. They are technologically made from raw materials, not from concentrate. “In this case, squeezing, separation, filtration and so on are performed - it is technologically considered more close to what we can do at home,” the engineer of the Krasnoyarsk CSM described.

Price is not an indicator of good or bad juice quality. According to Dorofeev's experience, there is no difference between expensive and cheap juice.

According to Novoselev, it is enough for a healthy person to drink two glasses of juice a day. But it must be remembered that these two glasses must be diluted in half with water. “Because fruit juices contain a large amount of various acids, which, if consumed in such a concentrated manner, will irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system,” the doctor explained.

If a person is prone to allergies, then the abundant use of juices, especially with a large amount of sugar and various flavors and dyes, increases the development of allergies. Patients with pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, a huge amount of sugar, which manufacturers often add to their products, is also not beneficial.

Novoselov advised to alternate fruit juices with vegetable juices - carrot, beetroot, potato. The doctor named potato juice the most useful, but, unfortunately, it is not very tasty.

In Russia, per capita consumption in 2016 amounted to about 16 liters of juice products, we are still very far from fulfilling the recommendation of the World Health Organization to drink one glass of juice a day.