How to make delicious instant coffee. Benefits and harm to the human body

23.04.2019 Meat Dishes

To learn how to properly brew instant coffee, you first need to get acquainted with the mechanism for preparing its raw materials. First, the fruits are harvested and dried, then they are fried, ground and scalded with boiling water. But the average consumer will bypass this technology by purchasing a finished product.

The first step is to decide on the type of product. It is advisable that it does not contain a large amount of caffeine. For improvement taste it is recommended to add cream, milk or sweet syrup.

This invigorating instant drink does not have such a rich aroma and taste as its "natural" counterpart. To bring these parameters as close as possible to the ideal, you need to purchase a granular version.

Preparation instant coffee - simple and fast process. Gourmets have called it "the way for the lazy." Nevertheless, when correct brewing this drink will also be delicious.

Classic brewing option

To indulge in an invigorating drink, you don't have to go to expensive cafe, because it can be made at home.

According to the traditional recipe, instant coffee is prepared from two ingredients: boiling water and finished product... Sugar is added to taste.


  1. Choose a mug with thick sides. Put 1-2 tablespoons of granulated raw materials in it.
  2. Boil water. Pour it into a cup after cooling down for a while. Optimum temperature for brewing instant product - 85-90 degrees. If you want to save time, do not bring the water to a boil by removing it from the heat before it starts to bubble.
  3. The drink should be infused for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Sweeten it (optional).

there is different recipes instant coffee. We will get acquainted with the most interesting below.

With ice

If you want to relax and think about something mundane on a hot summer day, we recommend making this drink. For this you will need:

  • granulated sugar;
  • instant powder;
  • milk;
  • vanillin;
  • purified water.

Step by step method:

  1. Take a cup and place coffee powder, granulated sugar and vanillin on the bottom.
  2. Boil water. Pour the ingredients into a container with it. Stir and cool the mixture.
  3. Pour the contents of the cup into an ice cube tray and freeze.
  4. Heat the milk. Add some coffee cubes prepared the night before. Wait for them to completely melt.

There is another, simpler option for preparing such a drink. It consists in adding frozen water to a strong concentrated espresso.

With milk and cinnamon

If properly prepared, such a product will have an amazing aftertaste and aroma. Components:

  • granulated sugar (optional);
  • ground cinnamon;
  • water;
  • milk.

Step by step brewing method:

  1. Put coffee and sugar in the selected container. Pour 3/4 of boiling water over it. Leave the ingredients for 3 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, put the pot of milk on the fire. As the product begins to boil, a foam will begin to form at the top.
  3. Use a whisk to whisk the milk.
  4. Add it to your drink cup.
  5. Finish the composition with ground cinnamon.

As alternative option you can use cream instead of milk. But keep in mind that the calorie content will become much higher.

Cooking Egyptian with foam

Required Ingredients:

  • granulated sugar;
  • warm milk;
  • mineral water.

Step-by-step brewing method:

  1. To make delicious instant coffee by following egyptian recipe, you need to pour the powder and sugar not hot, but warm water... Don't take it from the tap!
  2. Use a straw to create a lush lather. Lower it to the bottom of the coffee glass and start rotating it quickly.
  3. Once creamy, add hot milk to the container.

Correct serving involves laying out the previously made foam on top of the glass.

To enhance the taste, you can add shredded chocolate or coconut flakes.


At home, this drink can be prepared in two ways. The first is to add ice and use a blender.

Combine powdered cappuccino, chocolate syrup, sugar and milk in a separate bowl. Beat the mixture well. Frozen water can also be grinded with a blender or added to an already prepared drink.

To improve the palate, it makes sense to include maple topping in the ingredients list. Finish off by sprinkling some grated chocolate on top of the coffee.

To make hot cappuccino, you should also purchase the powder form of the drink. Raw materials are poured hot water and milk. Take the same number liquids. Sweeten them as desired.

If you want to make coffee like in a cafe, you need to make foam. This requires a long and intensive whipping of the milk. An easier option is to use whipped cream.

Little coffee secrets

To taste coffee prepared with soluble powder, was pleasant, it needs to be brewed properly. First, never scald such a product with freshly boiled water. We need to wait for it to cool. This usually takes no more than 1-2 minutes.

Secondly, the coffee preparation technology should be phased. Do not dissolve the product in cold milk first and then heat it up. Such manipulation will lead to a deterioration in taste.

Also, do not forget about the foam. Its presence makes the drink more presentable. We recommend using a blender to get it.

Components for making foam:

  • powdered sugar;
  • cold water;
  • milk.

To make the crepe thick and lush, you should not make it from a large number liquids. Rub it vigorously until you get the consistency you want.

Instant coffee is significantly inferior to ground coffee in terms of aroma and taste. But it is not always possible to find time for washing, drying, roasting and grinding the beans.

You can cook tasty coffee from instant cappuccino, latte. On store shelves, you can find a powder, freeze-dried or granular form of such a product.

Give preference only to high-quality coffee, which does not contain flavors or sweeteners. It is recommended to use homemade ingredients such as ginger to correct its taste.

If coffee for you is just something from a professional coffee machine or the result of a transformation of instant powder, then we will surprise you - coffee is something more. HLEB learned where to start an alternative acquaintance with this drink, how to make it enjoyable, and why you need it at all

Where to begin

Before choosing your perfect coffee, decide how you see it. Be sure to tell the barista (you went to a professional store, not a supermarket, right?) What coffee you prefer, how you are used to making it, and what new are you looking for in this drink. Do not be afraid to admit that you drink instant, nevertheless, this is the easiest way. Remember that a barista is not just someone who knows how to turn on a coffee machine, but a deep understanding of coffee. Good masters they drank thousands of mugs, grinded dozens of kilograms of various varieties and already by sight distinguishes one grain from another. So it's worth listening to them.

The coffee machine remains the most popular brewing method today, but more and more attention is paid to alternative brewing methods. Their main advantage is the ability to receive every time new drink, whatever you want according to your mood. This is a whole field for experiments: you can try different varieties and change conditions - amount of coffee, brewing time, water temperature. Don't be afraid. Conventionally, there are no wrong cooking methods. The main thing is to understand how changes in proportions affect the taste and strength of coffee, what leads to what, and which of the options is closest to you.

Why doneness and grind are important

Because the taste of coffee directly depends on this. For example, grinding can be fine, medium and coarse, and this affects the brewing time - coarse particles take longer. The main thing is that the grinding is uniform. If you want to plunge headlong into the art of coffee and grind your own beans, then this is great for many reasons.

First, your coffee will always be fresh. Secondly, you yourself can control the degree of grinding by adjusting the millstones. It is better to choose coffee grinders with ceramic burrs, they give a more uniform grind than knife ones, and the coffee is less likely to overcook. Thirdly, many people find the process of circular rotation of the coffee grinder (we are talking about manual) awakening, pleasant and, contrary to popular belief, does not take much time.

If you are not yet ready for this, you can buy coffee in small portions. For example, in "Kafem", which helped us prepare this material - there it is ground in a professional coffee grinder, and it is always freshly roasted. It is best to store ground coffee in a ceramic or glass (in no case in an iron), opaque jar with a rubberized lid. These can be found in any kitchen or home supply store.

The standard coffee roast is medium. It is she who reveals the taste of coffee most harmoniously and brightly. But there are other roasts, for example, light. It gives coffee a slightly viscous herbal taste, a kind of pea, a touch of undercooked rice or under-baked bread. If the roast is dark, then burnt sugar will be felt, because the grain contains sugar, and it is released precisely when there is excess heat. If you open a pack with such coffee, you can notice with the naked eye a slight caramelization of the beans. Such coffee will be bitter, burnt, although some consider it delicious, for example, Italians, and this is what they make espresso from. But you need to understand that they just swallow 35 ml of such coffee, get cheerfulness and run on, savor pleasant taste it won't work with him. Medium roast is required for all alternative brews. Otherwise, there will be either acidity or bitterness.

What about the varieties

And, finally, an important step is the choice of the type of coffee, but here, as with perfume, you have to try, otherwise you cannot choose. There are two well-known varieties of coffee in the world - arabica and robusta. In world markets, Arabica is much more valuable than Robusta. There are various international associations that select the best arabica beans in coffee-producing countries (eg Cup of Excellence). Leadership in the amount of coffee grown is not always a leader in quality: now coffee from small family plantations, with its own history and cultivation characteristics, is a reality, and it costs much less than the famous Kopi Luwak. At the moment coffee is grown in North America (Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba), South America (Peru and Colombia), Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Cameroon) and Asia (Vietnam, India, Indonesia).

Various blends of Arabica or Arabica with Robusta are created to cater to one or another common taste needs. The mixtures are easy to prepare and just as easy to drink, sometimes they bear downright speaking names - for example, "Harmony".

In "Cafe" there is the entire world coffee belt and, choosing varieties from different countries, you can make small gastronomic trips around the world. To get them off to a pleasant start, you can ask the barista to prepare a sample portion of any coffee you are interested in in some alternative way.

There are so many things that affect the taste of coffee (much like wine). Firstly, the place where the grains grew (soil, air, monsoons, winds), secondly, the type of grain processing (dry, washed or half washed) and, finally, thirdly, the roasting technology. Coffee can have anything in its bouquet: nuts, fruits, berries, honey, bread crusts, chocolate, etc. or, if something goes wrong at any stage, the coffee can taste unpleasant herbaceous or rancid.

Coffee is harmful

Not really. If you do not drink liters of Robusta (the most robust grade with a bright bitterness), then nothing bad will happen. Doctors believe that without harm to health, you can drink up to four cups of coffee daily, with or without milk - at the discretion of everyone, but better without sugar (it overshadows the taste of coffee and spoils everything). If you feel that something has gone wrong (lost sleep and shaking hands), it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps everything is in order with coffee, caffeine is simply contraindicated for you, and then decaffeinated coffee will be the solution.

Do not be prejudiced towards him. Decaffeinated coffee is made from good coffee beans, according to the same technologies, only caffeine is "taken out" from it, leaving all the other pleasant properties - taste, color and aroma. Great option, for example, for pregnant women. Everyone else should adopt only the rule that it is better to reduce the strength of the coffee by evening. In Russia, there are no special rules for drinking coffee, as, for example, in Italy. There, cappuccino is ordered only before lunch, and a person who drinks it after 12 noon immediately betrays himself a tourist. If you are in Rome, don't forget.

Than badly soluble

In essence, nothing. If it exists, then someone needs it. The main thing is to choose the right manufacturer and check the composition - there should be only natural ingredients (instant coffee often suffers from artificial flavors or outright coffee waste), and it should be produced no more than six months ago. It is also believed that freeze-dried coffee is better than granular and powdered coffee.

Alternative methods of making coffee


The apparatus consists of an Erlenmeyer flask (the author of Chemex is an American chemist who wanted to get his perfect coffee, and, probably, like any scientist, he just had a flask at hand), and a glass funnel, which can also be made of ceramic and plastic. Coffee in a kemex is brewed by the spill method - boiling water from a teapot is poured into a funnel, where coffee coarse passes through a filter paper and pours into the flask, becoming light and clean. In terms of strength, it is best suited for the afternoon and evening.

Time: about 2-3 minutes.
Coffee: coarse, coarse grinding.
A portion: in a large kemex you can make up to 6 servings, in a small one - up to 3.


The main advantage of the airport is its mobility and simplicity. You just need to add coffee, add water (the recommended temperature is from 80 to 95 degrees) and press the press, thanks to which all the oils will be released, and the coffee will turn out to be aromatic. It's almost as easy as brewing ground coffee in a mug, but more enjoyable - the paper filter will hold all the particles, and the coffee will taste brighter.

Time: 1-2 minutes.
Coffee: medium to coarse.
A portion: 15-20 grams of coffee will yield approximately 200 ml of coffee.

Turk on water or milk

Turks are different: copper, ceramics, clay. Each type has its pros and cons, it is worth determining which is best for you. For example, ceramics store heat well and release it slowly. In such a Turk, coffee is brewed evenly, but there is a risk of overexposing, so you will have to hone your skill in removing it from the stove before it "explodes" (foam will come to the neck). The same problem is not terrible for copper - it cools quickly, and it is recommended to remove it from the fire exactly at the moment when the foam has already appeared. AND clay turks suitable for those who have clearly defined their favorite type of coffee, because clay tends to store the aroma of the drink that has been in it.

In Turkey, where the method of brewing coffee in a Turk (otherwise "oriental") comes from, there is also a special gesture - before serving coffee, they break the froth on it and several times deafly knock on the table with a Turk so that the leftovers settle down below and do not get into the mug. and did not spoil the enjoyment of the drink. And spice lovers can safely add them to coffee right during brewing. Cinnamon, cardamom will do. nutmeg, dried mint and even salt (it greatly enhances the flavor). And if instead of water you brew coffee with milk (it is better to choose fatter - 3.2-3.5%), then you get a delicious coffee drink.

Time: from 3 minutes on low heat.
Coffee: finely ground, "into dust".
A portion: a teaspoon of coffee with a slide per 100 ml of water. It is important to always completely fill the volume of the turk with water. They come in from 100 ml to 600 ml.


Siphon (in other words "gabet") is another alternative way brewing coffee. Hot water is poured into the lower flask, a burner is placed under it, the water rises into the upper flask through a filter (disposable paper or reusable rag), and coffee is brewed there. This method will really appeal to those who like to cook in a Turk, but are already fed up. And for those who love rich, pure coffee without suspension.

Time: about a minute.
Coffee: medium or coarse grinding.
A portion: for a large siphon (500 ml) - 27-30 grams of coffee, for a small (300 ml) -18 grams.

* in a regular teaspoon about 6-7 grams of medium ground coffee, in a dining room - 11-12 grams.

In "Cafe" 100 grams of the most budget coffee will cost about 133 rubles. A good plantation Arabica costs 258 rubles, and the auction variety "Salvador" sells for 458 rubles. Buy these and many other coffees, all coffee paraphernalia and get valuable advice from the barista is now possible in the new store "Kafema" at the address: st. Dzerzhinsky, 40.

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It would seem that coffee has long and firmly entered our life. Today very few people imagine their morning without a cup of this invigorating and aromatic drink. But only a select few know about its correct brewing. Say no to the vending machines and throw that bright instant can in the trash can. Today we will teach you how to brew coffee correctly, and, therefore, get the maximum pleasure from its taste.

Where did he come from?

Of course, this drink came to us from the Arab world. Coffee - from the Arabic "qahwa". Homeland of grains coffee treerich in aromatic substances and alkaloids, mainly caffeine - South Arabia (Yemen) and Ethiopia. They are still grown there the best varieties coffee - mocha (from distorted Mecca) and arabica. Wild coffee tree forests are common in Africa, Madagascar.

However, the main suppliers of coffee to the world market today are countries South America (Brazil and Colombia provide 60% of the coffee on the world market), where it was brought by greedy Europeans. In terms of their biochemical characteristics, these varieties are worse than real African and Arabian grain. Best coffee Costa Rica now supplies from Latin America, Colombian is in second place in quality, and Brazilian is the most massive, average or even worse quality.

How to brew coffee correctly?

A properly brewed coffee should be thick, strong and aromatic. He is able to drive away sleep, cheer up. To begin with, the Turk must be slightly warmed up - for this, rinse it with boiling water. Then add coffee. The usual norm - 2 teaspoons per 100 - 150 ml of water. Now pour boiling water over the coffee, and try to keep the powder out of the water. And don't forget - you must use clean water to make coffee.

Now heat up the water, just not very quickly. Bring the drink to a boil, but do not boil it. As soon as the foam rises to the edge of the pan, immediately remove the drink from the heat. Wait a little for the thick to settle, and serve the coffee to the table. You can speed up the settling process if you drop a few drops of cold and always boiled water on top.

If you don't feel like messing around with pre-boiling water, you can slightly change the described cooking process. Pour cold water into a coffee pot, bring to a boil. Then remove from heat, quickly add coffee, stirring until thick foam... When it settles, put the Turk on low heat again and bring it to the moment when the foam "breathes". This can be repeated 3-4 times, as a result of coffee crema a lot of aromatic and flavoring substances accumulate.

In Brazil, a slightly different procedure is adopted. First, ground coffee is poured into the bottom of the Turks, then poured with boiling water, stirred and filtered into a vessel pre-scalded with boiling water. There is enough unusual options cooking. For example, a pound (0.45 kg) of medium ground coffee is dipped in a quart (0.95 L) cold water for a day. Then the extract is filtered. For cooking coffee drink the cold extract must be mixed with cold water.

Try the same eastern way... This requires a small, tapered saucepan with long handlecalled a cezva. This method requires finely ground coffee. Put sugar and coffee in a cezvu, cover with water and slowly heat over low heat. As soon as the foam rises, immediately remove the cezve from the heat, making sure that a layer of foam remains on the surface of the coffee.

The coffee should simmer for a while, inside the cezve, covered with foam, like a lid. Repeat the heating process 2-3 times. The second option is also possible. Put sugar in the cezve, pour cold water and bring to a boil. Then remove the cezva with boiled water from the heat and pour coffee into it, stirring quickly with a spoon. Gotta rise thick foam... After the foam has slightly settled, put the vessel on low heat again. After several warming ups, the drink will be ready.

The bulk of lovers of this invigorating drink prefers to drink it in the morning after waking up. There are times when coffee makers may not be at hand. Aromatic water-soluble coffee comes to the rescue.

Cooking options

To make simple instant coffee, you need to take:

  • 240 ml boiling water;
  • 2 teaspoons of instant powder
  • 2 teaspoons sugar, if desired;
  • some milk or cream to taste;
  • can add various spices or vanilla extract for more spicy taste.

In order to make whipped instant coffee, you will need:

  • 1 tsp instant coffee;
  • 180 ml milk or cream;
  • ice - 5 cubes;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp;
  • add vanilla or chocolate if desired.

To make an instant latte you will need:

  • 1 tsp coffee;
  • 2 teaspoons of boiling water;
  • 240 ml boiling water;
  • if desired, you can add sugar (a couple of teaspoons);
  • spices and cocoa are added to taste.

To prepare a drink according to simple recipe it is necessary to boil the water, it should be almost boiling. You can boil water in microwave oven, on the stove or in an electric kettle. For brewing, you need to give a minute for the water to cool slightly.

The amount of powder must be calculated based on the amount of water available. If you do not know the proportions, then in most cases they are written on the coffee can.

At the stage of adding granulated sugar and spices should be guided by the following proportions:

  • 240 ml of liquid will need 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • flavoring agents should be added based on the preferences of the amateur.

Cooking steps:

  • For chocolate lovers, you can add cocoa powder or chocolate syrup.
  • Classic taste will help you get some drops vanilla extract.
  • For more spicy aroma should be mixed allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg.
  • You can instead of sugar and spicy additives use flavored dry cream.
  • Pour in a glass of hot water.
  • Add the right amount instant coffee.
  • Pour in the required amount of cream or milk. Their number depends on your preference. Milk will help to be whole, coconut, can be diluted coconut milk with the usual. Some coffee drinkers choose not to add dairy products to their coffee.
  • The final step is to carefully weigh all the components in the cup.

Iced coffee

In order to properly prepare the base for this type of drink, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of coffee and 2 teaspoons of hot water. After this, a thick gruel is obtained.

For more rich taste you can add the following components:

  • cocoa powder or chocolate syrup;
  • vanilla extract (for a sweeter taste);
  • a pinch of spices;
  • dry flavored cream.

The next step is to pour out the resulting coffee syrup on the ice. Pour as slowly as possible. You can drink iced coffee without adding cream, or you can add the required amount on top of the ice. The amount of milk added should be determined based on your preference.

The drink should be consumed immediately after preparation to prevent ice melting. You can drink it through a straw or as usual.

Whipped coffee

In order to make whipped coffee, you need to prepare kitchen blender... It is important to make sure it is clean.

  • Instant powder, granulated sugar, ice, milk must be placed in the blender bowl. For example, for a 180 ml portion of milk, you need to take 1 spoonful of sugar, 1 spoonful of coffee, and 6 ice cubes.
  • Beat coffee in a blender, after which you can add a teaspoon of vanilla extract, caramel sauce, chocolate syrup for a more savory taste. Then you need to beat all the ingredients until smooth. All additives are determined based on personal taste.
  • If after mixing it turns out too thick consistency, you need to add milk. If, on the contrary, the mass is liquid, then ice is added.
  • It is better to pour the drink into a tall glass. The whole mass will not overflow, so you need to stock up on a spatula or spoon.
  • The last step will be the original dyeing. You can come up with anything: from grated chocolate to whipped cream.


Instant cappuccino can be prepared in several ways. This can be a cappuccino with whipped milk or an Indian recipe.

In order to use whipped milk per serving, you need to take:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 2 spoons of coffee;
  • milk and sugar to taste.

Bring 250 ml of water to a boil, add 2 teaspoons of instant powder and the preferred amount of granulated sugar. At the same time, bring the milk to a boiling state. You can use a small saucepan for this. After boiling, remove the milk from heat.

To make cappuccino froth, pour the milk into a well-sealable container and shake vigorously until foam forms. This usually takes 30 seconds. Spoon the resulting milk mass onto the surface of the drink.

In order to make an Indian cappuccino you need to take:

  • 1-1.5 tsp soluble powder;
  • 1 spoonful of sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon of water;
  • 230 ml of milk.

It is necessary to put milk on fire, at this time mix the powder with sugar and water. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous brown mass. After boiling milk, remove it from the hob, pour into the mixture, mix well (you should get foam). An invigorating drink is ready!

Coffee - aromatic drink, which can sometimes work wonders with our body - wake up from sleep, cheer up, or even inspire to work. Everyone at least once faced insane fatigue, and a tasty one came to the rescue, invigorating coffee... The main substance that coffee contains is caffeine. In addition to caffeine, coffee contains niacin, tannin, theobromine, glucoside and many others. The amount of various substances in coffee can vary from 800 to 1000 components. The composition of the coffee depends directly on where it was grown coffee beans, and what degree of roast was produced.

In addition to grain coffee, there is also instant coffee, it, as is customary, is more popular in our latitudes due to the ease of brewing. Instant coffee is most often made from the Robusta variety, since this variety is resistant and resistant to climatic conditions, and accordingly it is cheaper than, for example, Arabica. There are several types of instant coffee:

  • - powder;
  • - sublimated;
  • - granular.

These types of coffee differ in the technology of preparation and processing of beans before starting to transform them into the product that we are used to seeing on store shelves.

How to make delicious coffee

Just making coffee is easy, but how to make this invigorating drink richer and more delicious? The FoodBest team has prepared a few tips for you to help you get an unforgettable cup of coffee.

  • For lovers of soft coffee, butter will help. Some may find coffee and butter incompatible, but this is not the case. To prepare such "oily" coffee, you will need 150 ml of freshly brewed natural coffee, half a teaspoon of natural butter and sugar. Combine all the ingredients in a blender until the consistency is uniform. Such coffee will not only invigorate after waking up, but also energize the body for the whole day. But this cooking option has its own contraindications. Do not get carried away with it if you have problems with gastrointestinal tract or liver.
  • To make the espresso richer and more enjoyable caramel flavor, ground coffee should be roasted with the addition of brown sugar at the rate of half one teaspoon for one serving of coffee. Then the coffee is brewed in a Turk.
  • Standard coffee of medium strength is prepared at the rate of one - one and a half teaspoons for every 180 ml of water. By correctly calculating the dose of coffee, you can prepare exactly the drink that will suit your taste.
  • Ground ginger, vanilla essence, cinnamon or nutmeg will make the coffee spicy. One pinch of any spice should be added to one serving when brewing coffee in a Turk. This advice also applies to instant coffee, main secret the fact that spices need to be added not to water, but to still dry coffee.
  • For chocolate lovers, we recommend mixing with ground coffee cocoa powder before cooking. Such coffee will instantly acquire chocolate flavor and will delight you with its unforgettable scent.

  • If you prefer to drink coffee with milk, then choose the whole milk type, as it prevails creamy taste, Unlike skim milk... Pour milk first, and then hot water, in the case of instant coffee and freshly brewed natural coffe, in the case of cereal or ground. Milk added to the cup after boiling water will instantly lose its flavor.
  • If you have instant coffee, sugar and milk on hand, you can make coffee with real tasty crema. To do this, grind the ingredients into a thick gruel and pour boiling water over it.
  • In order to coffee grounds did not spoil the process of drinking coffee, before preparing it in a Turk, you should add two to three teaspoons of cold water to the bottom of the Turk. This will help the sediment to stay on the bottom and not get into your cup.
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