Instant granular coffee. How and from what is instant coffee made? Granules and powder - what's the difference

09.05.2019 Beverages
  • Instant coffee - a stable phrase applied to coffee powder, which, when dissolved in water, forms a coffee drink.

This drink is significantly inferior in its taste and aromatic qualities to natural coffee, it also differs in chemical composition- instant coffee is susceptible to aggressive external influences. Most often used for the production of instant coffee are unusable, spoiled or deformed coffee beans.


Instant coffee is a drink made from roasted grains coffee tree... Through various technological processes coffee dehydrates and turns into powder or granules. After adding hot water, a drink is obtained that tastes close to natural coffee. In some brands of instant coffee, in addition to dehydration itself, decaffeination is also carried out - a decrease in the caffeine content.

Small academic dictionary

th, th; -ri? m, -
a, -o. Soluble.
Soluble salts. Instant coffee.

Consumer vocabulary

Instant coffee- a coffee drink made from natural coffee and not requiring traditional ways cooking. In the production of instant coffee, they try to preserve the taste, aroma and tonic properties of natural coffee. Its main advantage is simplicity and speed of preparation, as well as a longer shelf life, compared to ground coffee or coffee beans.

The inventor of instant coffee is the Japanese scientist Satori Kato. He developed the basic principle for making this drink in 1901. Principle industrial production Instant coffee was developed by the English chemist D.K. Washington in 1906. And already in 1909, the first commercial batch of instant coffee, Red E Coffee, entered the market.

The first truly popular brand of instant coffee was Nescafe by Nestle. After World War II, this product gained wide popularity, first in the United States and then throughout the world.

Advantages and disadvantages of instant coffee

Benefits of instant coffee:

  1. cooking speed
  2. longer shelf life (natural coffee due to evaporation coffee oils loses aroma rather quickly).

Disadvantages of instant coffee

  1. The main disadvantage is a significantly weaker aroma than that of a natural one. Manufacturers of high-end coffee brands combat this by using artificial or natural coffee oils, which they add to the product.
  2. Instant coffee tastes quite different from natural coffee, especially in cheap coffee varieties.
  3. In instant coffee, the percentage of caffeine is less than that of natural coffee, and the bitter component of the taste is more noticeable.
  4. For the production of instant coffee, coffee beans are usually used. Low quality(the best grains are kept for sale). Also, in the production process, it sometimes uses unwanted sediment left after harvest.

The main methods for the production of instant coffee

Powdered (powdered) coffee

Powdered (powdered) instant coffee is the oldest and cheapest industrial method of making instant coffee. This method was the only one from 1910 until the outbreak of World War II. Technologically, the process of extracting instant coffee looked like this: raw coffee was cleaned, after which it was fried. Roasted coffee beans were crushed to a size of 1.5-2 mm, loaded into special batteries, where they were processed hot water under pressure of 15 atmospheres for 3-4 hours. Then, the resulting extract was cooled, filtered and dried with hot air.

Today, almost all well-known manufacturers continue to produce powdered coffee. Mainly because of its cheapness. Powdered coffee is most often sold in cans (Real Cafe, Nescafe Brazero, Golden Brasil, Brasilian Plantation, Brasilian Gold), although exceptions are possible (Chibo Family, Jacobe Euridei).

Granular (agglomerated) coffee

Granular coffee is no longer a powder, but coffee, knocked down into small lumps. To obtain it, the ready-made coffee powder is again moistened and churned into granules using steam. Under the influence of strong pressure, the molecular structure of the grain changes: the solubility of such coffee increases, its color becomes more intense, but the aroma and taste deteriorate.

Due to its greater solubility, granulated coffee gradually displaces powder. Most famous brands granulated coffee "Nescafe classic", "Maxwell house", "Jacobe maxima", "Folgers extra mocha". "Mocha on the Exeplent", "Grandos Classic".


Sublimation (from the Latin sublimatio - "elevation, ascension") is the newest and most expensive method of producing instant coffee, which allows to preserve all the original properties of natural coffee to the maximum. The technology is as follows: a very strong coffee infusion is frozen to a temperature of -40C, the ice turns into steam - evaporates - bypassing the liquid phase. And the coffee remains in the form of crystals. The vacuum allows you to dehydrate the coffee crystals and give the freeze-dried coffee more discriminating taste and aroma than other types of instant coffee.

The emergence and spread of instant coffee

Instant coffee was invented in 1908 by the Japanese American inventor Satori Kato, who adapted the technology he had invented. instant tea for coffee. He did it by order of a certain American company. Later, it was the Americans who spread instant coffee around the world, and during World War II, instant coffee was part of the diet of the American troops.
In 1909, instant coffee appeared on the wide market under the name "RED-I-COFFEE", thanks to the invention of the Englishman George Constant Washington, who lived in Guatemala. One day, while waiting for his wife in a cafe, he noticed coffee dust on a silver spoon - condensation of coffee vapor. And soon he invented the technology of its deliberate preparation.
Modern instant coffee was invented in 1938 in Brazil. The country found itself needing to conserve its surplus coffee beans. The Swiss chemist Max Morgenthaler solved the problem. It is he who is called the father of the invigorating instant drink.
According to statistics, most of humanity today uses instant coffee.

Instant coffee labeling

  • When buying a can of instant coffee, you should consider its labeling.
  • If the label is red, or there is a red speck on the package, this coffee is considered strong and is recommended for morning consumption.
  • Green or of blue color(as well as the corresponding stain on the package) indicates a lesser strength. This type of coffee can also be consumed in the daytime or in the evening.
  • If the composition of the product is not indicated on the packaging, it is assumed that the product consists of 100% natural coffee.

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What is the difference between freeze-dried coffee and granulated coffee?

There are many adherents of this invigorating aromatic drink in the world. Some people use it "on the run" in the morning to wake up completely. Others prefer to enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee after a hard day. One way or another, the tart and slightly bitter taste of roasted grains cannot leave almost anyone indifferent. Since many people do not have enough time and patience to brew coffee on their own, an instant version of the drink is widely popular today. About the varieties of the latter and there will be a speech in our article. Let's take a closer look at the difference between freeze-dried coffee and granulated coffee.


Freeze-dried coffee- an instant drink produced using the "dry freezing" technology. To make it, the beans are roasted and finely ground, then the resulting coffee "dust" is brewed in closed sealed containers for about three hours. Steam is removed from the tanks using special pipes. Along with it, the essential oils contained in the grains leave, which are subsequently extracted using special technologies. The digested coffee mass is quickly frozen in a vacuum, during which all moisture is removed from it. The dry product is broken up into particles and impregnated with essential oils extracted from the grains. Thanks to such a complex and delicate preparation technology, freeze-dried (or frozen) coffee is characterized by a rich taste and aroma. In the line of instant drinks of this category, it is considered the highest quality and natural.

Granular coffee- soluble powder, compressed into grains by means of steam treatment. The method of preparation of the drink is called "spray-drying". First, the grains undergo a cleaning procedure, after which they are fried and crushed into particles with a size of 1.5-2 mm. The next step is the extraction of soluble substances. For this, the ground coffee is processed with hot water supplied under pressure for 3-4 hours. The resulting mass is cooled and filtered, insoluble and resinous substances are removed from it. The hot air-dried powder turns into lumps when exposed to steam. The use of this production technology leads to the fact that the resulting product almost does not retain the properties of natural coffee. Since during prolonged heat treatment of raw materials, it practically loses its rich color and smell, various dyes and artificial flavors are added to the powder.

Difference between freeze-dried and granulated coffee

Let's start with the comparison with the appearance of the products. Freeze-dried coffee is in the form of crystals or pyramids, approximately equal in size. The mass has a pleasant light brown shade, comparable to the color milk chocolate... Granular coffee is a powder compressed into small grains. It can be either light or dark brown. As mentioned above, the freeze-dried drink is produced according to the modern, gentle "dry freezing" technology. Thanks to its use, the product retains up to 95% nutrients contained in coffee beans... Natural essential oils give the drink a delicate refined aroma.

The difference between freeze-dried coffee and granulated coffee is that the latter is made using a coarser spray-drying technology. During the long heat treatment raw materials, it almost completely loses its useful properties. The resulting product does not have a pronounced coffee smell and color, and therefore dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, etc. are added to it. Such a drink is very far from a natural grain analogue. This fact determines its relatively low cost. The price of freeze-dried coffee is much higher. However, it should be noted that it is highly discouraged to abuse such a drink. After all, it contains a lot of caffeine. Similarly, a granulated drink is much safer. But nevertheless, doctors do not advise drinking it in large quantities and on an empty stomach.

To summarize, what is the difference between freeze-dried and granular coffee.

More information

Depending on the last stages manufacture of freeze-dried, granular and powdered instant drink fast food... The latter is considered the lowest quality, the first two are more aromatic and tastier. But what is the difference between freeze-dried and granulated coffee if most of the manufacturing process is the same?

Freeze-dried coffee production

The technology for obtaining the product is called dry freezing. It determines the price of the final product, its biochemical composition... Natural coffee beans are used as raw materials - arabica or a mixture with robusta. To reduce the cost of goods, to give strength to the drink, the latter variety is required, since it contains more caffeine. Regardless of the varietal accessory of the beans, the quality is lower in comparison with the production of grain and ground natural coffee.

On a note! Unscrupulous producers, saving on raw materials, use old, stale grain of poor quality. For this reason, it is not worth buying a cheap item.

Making freeze-dried coffee begins with roasting the beans. At this stage, the resulting gases are removed. Then the mass is ground, the finer the powder turns out, the easier it is to process it. Ground coffee is placed in hermetically sealed containers. The extract is digested for several hours. In the process, steam is generated, which is removed from the tank through pipes. Natural essential oils are obtained from it by means of condensation.

The freeze-drying process begins with the roasting of the beans

The described processing of beans is also carried out for granulated coffee. But the subsequent stages are very different, they are the main difference between the products.

Further, the cooked mass is sublimated, undergoing shock freeze... It is important that the process goes quickly, delay can result in a complete loss of taste. The frozen extract is dried under vacuum. The resulting layer of coffee is crushed into smooth, polygonal granules, which are impregnated with the previously collected essential oils. The exact composition of the substances to be processed is not known, as manufacturers hide it as a trade secret. Ready sublimate packed in a hermetically sealed container.

On a note! The absence of scrap and powder indicates the correctness of the sublimation. It is important to pay attention to this sign when buying a product.

Granulated coffee production

The initial manufacturing steps are the same prior to the sublimation process. The following processing distinguishes granular from freeze-dried coffee. The finished boiled extract is sprayed in a stream of hot air until moisture is completely removed. To obtain granules, the mass is cooled, mixed with aromatic, flavoring, structure stabilizing and other additives. As a result, a powder is formed, which is presented in the usual powdered version of coffee.

The production of a granular product involves further processing prepared powder with steam. Getting on the mass, moisture is absorbed by dry matter, granules are formed. Depending on the quality and brand of the product, the appearance may differ, but it does not at all look like freeze-dried coffee.

It is important to understand that in the manufacture of any instant product, the outer shell of the grain containing caffeine, used in the pharmacology and food industry, is removed. The inside is almost free of this alkaloid, so essentially any instant product is decaffeinated coffee. As a result of the invigorating effect, the drink does not, on the contrary, it may make you want to sleep.

On a note! Sometimes additional caffeine is added to the soluble product for strength, since there is almost no caffeine left during the processing of the beans.

Major differences

First of all, freeze-dried and granulated goods differ from each other in production technologies. In addition, organoleptic indicators are striking. Freeze-dried coffee has large, dense, even granules of light brown color, pyromid-like in shape. Granular has loose granules, similar to dry dark coffee lumps.

The aroma of the granules depends on the additives with which the dried extract is treated. Freeze dried smells better due to the use of natural essential oils but the true composition of the flavoring mixture is not known. High quality granular products may smell better than cheap freeze-dried products. Taste also depends on the manufacturer, brand, product line.

The price of freeze-dried coffee is much higher than granulated coffee, due to the expensive freeze-drying, raw materials used, and packaging. It makes no sense to pack expensive goods in cheap containers. More often used for sublimate glass jars allowing you to see the contents well protected from moisture ingress. Also, packaging can be gift and there are ordinary plastic bags. The latter are used to reduce the cost of products or low-quality, cheap goods.

Thus, the main differences are:

  • manufacturing technology;
  • appearance, taste and aroma;
  • cost of production.

Which coffee tastes better - granular or freeze-dried?

The taste and aroma of instant coffee drinks depend on the manufacturer, product quality, and cost. Even one brand may have several varieties with different taste, smell and strength. When choosing which coffee is better, freeze-dried or granulated, you need to focus solely on the quality of the product. Initially, sublimation allows you to get more valuable product, but technology violations are also possible, in which the taste is greatly deteriorated.

On a note! Natural freeze-dried coffee dissolves in cold water without sediment within 3 minutes.

Which instant coffee to choose - sublimate or granulate?

The main criteria for choosing a product:

  • manufacturer - popular brands will not dare to produce low-quality products, fearing to lose customer confidence;
  • there are almost no nutrients in both drinks, but sublimation allows you to save a small part, in addition, the granules are processed with natural essential oils;
  • the packaging must be completely sealed, the ingress of moisture into any of the products will lead to its deterioration, and coffee is also distinguished by the ability to absorb foreign odors;
  • price - quality products can't be cheap.

Important! The choice of instant coffee should be made according to personal preference. The appearance, taste and aroma of freeze-dried and instant products vary greatly.

Rating of the best brands

Manufacturers who have earned the trust of consumers:

  • Egoiste is famous for the best roasted beans. Joint production of Germany and Switzerland. It differs from others in that the process is completely done by themselves, from roasting to packaging. finished products... The company has patented the In-Fi technology - natural ground coffee is placed in an instant casing. Used as raw materials elite varieties arabica. The line of instant products is represented by a wide assortment.
  • Carte Noire - elite quality of goods. Manufacturer France, the brand is intended for the middle class. The product is made from Arabica and combines divine aroma, traditional bitterness and mild aftertaste. The secret of roasting beans - first strong heating, then rapid cooling - gives the drink an unforgettable smell. Instant products differ in strength, method of production, and the presence of caffeine.
  • Bushido is considered to have the best recipe. This is a Japanese brand, but the factories are located in Switzerland. Arabica is used for the manufacture of the product. Advantages - hand roasting, free cooling, modern packaging. The peculiarity of the drinks is that the composition is exclusively natural, without the use of dyes and flavors.
  • Nescafe is popular with the best assortment. A mixture of Arabica and Robusta is used as a raw material. The classic instant drink has a strong bitter taste and strong aroma. The degree of roasting of the beans varies, there is plenty to choose from.
  • Jacobs is prized for value for money. Raw materials for instant goods are arabica. The product line includes freeze-dried decaffeinated coffee. The price category is medium.

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Millions of people cannot imagine the beginning of the day without a cup of this delicious and aromatic drink. Exists great amount its varieties, in particular - granulated coffee.


Many do not know how coffee in granules differs from ordinary instant or freeze-dried coffee. To obtain granules, coffee raw materials are dried and pressed under high pressure to obtain granules. For preparation, they take exceptionally high-quality raw materials, so there is no doubt that granulated coffee will be good. In terms of structure, such raw materials are quite crumbly and dry, they will not stick together into lumps. Also, the granules have a dark, rich shade, and the taste of the drink remains natural, since in the process of creating the granules no extraneous flavors and flavor enhancers are used.

Coffee in granules is quick and easy to prepare, you do not have to spend time and effort grinding the beans and brewing them. You just need to add a couple of tablespoons of powder to a cup and pour hot water over everything. Also, granulated coffee retains its taste and aroma for a long period without any changes.

The calorie content of the drink from granules is minimal, so you can not be afraid for your figure, no matter what coffee you drink. Unless, of course, you add sugar, cream, and other foods to the cup. The caffeine content of granulated coffee is average - from 60 to 100 milligrams per 1 serving.

TOP coffee producers

V modern stores there is a huge selection of different jars and packages. They differ in cost, volume, brand and much more. It is important to note that not always expensive granulated coffee can turn out to be really tasty and of high quality. Therefore, so that you do not get confused in the variety of offers, consider the rating of the best brands.

Nescafe Gold

This brand belongs to a Swiss corporation that produces several types of coffee, including granulated coffee. Arabica beans are used as raw materials, and the amount of caffeine in it is quite large - about 4 percent. The drink is strong, rich taste and a pronounced aroma, both after brewing and in powder form. Also, the taste is distinguished by a slight bitterness and harshness. Nescafe Gold coffee granules have a light uniform shade. They quickly dissolve into hot water leaving no residue. The cost of one jar is quite budgetary.

If you want to soften the tart taste of this coffee, just add a little milk or cream with sugar to it.

Maxwell house

This coffee is produced on the domestic market. The quality of the raw materials is quite good, but such a drink definitely cannot be attributed to the premium segment. Granules are made from both Arabica and Robusta. They are distinguished by their small size, uniform light color. Maxwell House coffee does not have a pronounced rich aroma. If consumed in low concentration, the taste is quite pleasant. However, an increase in the number of granules leads to the appearance of bitterness and slight sourness. Such coffee dissolves rather quickly, sometimes a slight sediment may remain. You also don't have to pay much for it.


Another fairly large coffee producer in Russia. Most of all, this brand is famous thanks to all known small sachets of instant drink "3 in 1", which consists of cream, sugar and coffee powder. Also "McCoffee" makes freeze-dried and granulated coffee. The raw materials for the product are brought from Brazil.

After processing, the granules are smooth and large. The dry matter smell is quite bright, but after brewing it becomes noticeably softer. This drink also characterized by bitterness when brewed in high concentration. The price for one jar of such a product does not exceed a couple of hundred rubles.

Please note that this list contains brands of exclusively granular instant coffee. Such famous brands like Carte Noire, Jardin, Bushido, Moccona and others, produce freeze-dried coffee that is different from granular coffee. That is why we have not included them in the rating.

No matter which brand of product you prefer, We recommend that you follow these steps before purchasing.

  • Check the integrity and tightness of the packaging. If you find any damage, it means that the goods were stored incorrectly. Consequently, its quality may deteriorate significantly. It is not worth buying such a product.
  • When you take coffee in a metal container, it is imperative to check for traces of corrosion, noticeable dents and damage. If the jar is made of glass, then it should also be free of chips and cracks.
  • Pay attention to print quality - this is much more significant than you might think. The font must be legible and the barcode data must be the same as that of the supplying country. There is a special symbol on the packages of domestic products, which confirms the conformity of the goods to the state standard.
  • Be sure to follow the expiration date of the product. By the way, the shelf life of real high-quality coffee cannot exceed 24 months.

Do you love flavored coffee in the morning? Instant or freshly brewed? Powdered, granular, or freeze-dried? Let's figure out together which instant coffee is better.

Which coffee is better - freeze-dried or granulated?

From time immemorial, Latin American countries have grown a huge amount of coffee beans. And everyone knows that coffee is a perishable product. Therefore, it was decided ... to dry it. This is the main method of making coffee from beans. Depending on the production method, instant coffee is divided into powdered, granular or freeze-dried. Freeze-dried and granulated coffee, what's the difference? Let's figure it out.


Raw coffee is refined, roasted and crushed. Then, from these treated grains, hot water under pressure is extracted soluble substances... Then all this is cooled, filtered, insoluble substances are removed and dried with hot air.


The coffee powder is collected with hot steam into small lumps, then moistened again, and so on until larger particles (granules) are obtained.


This coffee is the most expensive and aromatic of all coffee varieties. instant varieties... Under vacuum, the ice crystals of the brew are dehydrated, as a result of which the coffee retains large quantity natural useful properties... This method allows you to preserve the maximum of nutrients inherent in ground coffee... By appearance this variety can be easily distinguished from granular. Granular coffee has the correct lumps round shape, and in the sublimated - irregular polygonal shape.

Pros and cons of instant coffee

Instant coffee has many benefits.

Ease of preparation

  • A minute is enough to pour boiling water over the coffee and get aromatic drink.

Shelf life

  • Instant coffee is stored much longer than natural coffee, retaining its unique rich taste and aroma.

Acceptable price

  • All together provided instant coffee a huge number of fans in all corners of the world.

It used to be thought that coffee causes the body great harm but the more research that was done, the clearer it became that coffee in small portions is very beneficial for health. It prevents multiple sclerosis and contains enough Ballast substances are chemical compounds that play a significant role in digestion and maintain normal blood sugar levels. This aromatic drink, whether it is brewed from ground grains or instant, must contain soluble sugars and cellulose, which are essential ballasts. Doctors advise limiting coffee consumption to those who have diseases such as acute cholecystitis, hepatitis and serious liver disease.