What does freeze-dried coffee mean, how it differs from granulated coffee, a rating of the best brands. How freeze-dried coffee is made, differences from other types of instant coffee, brands

12.08.2019 Meat Dishes

Many varieties of instant coffee can be found on store shelves: powdered, granular, and freeze-dried. Real “coffee lovers”, of course, prefer to buy natural grain or ground coffee. But it also happens that there is no time or opportunity to brew a cup of natural aromatic drink.

This is where instant coffee comes to the rescue. The highest quality and most expensive of all its varieties is considered to be a freeze-dried drink. So what is freeze-dried coffee and how is it different from granular or powdered coffee?

Freeze-dried coffee: what it means

Freeze-dried coffee is also called freeze dried which means "dry freeze". It is an instant drink made by vacuum evaporation of liquid from coffee beans... This procedure is rather lengthy and expensive. The technology of freeze-drying of coffee raw materials was invented back in the 60s. last century. It consists in instant freezing and simultaneous vacuum drying of coffee powder. At the same time, the aroma, taste and strength of natural coffee are preserved. But, it is worth noting that a freeze-dried drink is made from coffee beans of the lowest quality.

Do you know what kind of word "coffee" is - masculine or middle? Find the answer by.

Production process: how this type of coffee is made

Probably, many lovers of a strong morning drink wondered how freeze-dried coffee is made. This procedure is rather complicated and consists of several stages.

It should be noted that only natural extracts and essential oils are used for expensive brands of coffee. In cheaper types, synthetic substitutes prevail. You can read more about how much coffee is in instant coffee.

It is thanks to this freeze dryd technology that freeze-dried instant coffee preserves as much as possible not only the taste and rich aroma of ground coffee, but many useful properties of a natural drink.

You can find out how many calories are in coffee with milk, sugar and without.

What is the difference between freeze-dried coffee and granulated coffee?

Often, most coffee buyers have a question: what is the difference between freeze-dried coffee and soluble granular or powdered coffee. I must say that the difference lies not only in price or taste, but also in production technology.

The difference is that freeze-dried coffee is made by quick freezing, with vacuum drying of the raw material without the formation of liquid. And for the production of a granular or powdery drink, the coffee extract is sprayed and the excess water is simply evaporated from it. For granulated coffee, the resulting powder is slightly moistened. As a result, loose, loose granules, dark brown in color, are obtained. For the production of the cheapest, powdery drink, the coffee "dust" obtained by evaporation is immediately packaged in bags or cans, without pretreatment.

Distinguished by freeze-dried coffee and richer flavor, light caramel color and neat pyramidal granules... Manufacturers claim that such a drink retains the taste and aroma of real coffee beans, since the sublimation process does not destroy the structure of coffee molecules. But it is not so. After all, any instant drink is necessarily treated with flavorings before packaging. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about the completely natural origin of freeze-dried coffee.

The benefits and harms of this type of instant coffee

It is believed that freeze-dried coffee is not as harmful to health as regular instant coffee. The benefits of using it are obvious. The freeze-dried drink contains quite a lot niacin, caffeine, antioxidants, and very few different chemical additives. But do not forget that an excessive passion for freeze-dried coffee (as well as instant coffee) can cause serious harm. Any instant coffee promotes excretion of calcium from the body, causes disturbances in the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, has a strong diuretic effect, negatively affects male potency, can cause female infertility. Read more about the benefits and dangers of instant coffee.

Rating of the best brands

It is not easy to choose the best product from the huge number of names and manufacturers of freeze-dried coffee. The Test Purchase program compiled a rating of the most popular brands of such a drink.

This list includes:

In our next article, we will talk about perhaps the most famous oolong tea - Chinese Tiguanin tea: its amazing effect, properties, varieties and much more:

When choosing freeze-dried coffee, the first thing to look for is integrity of packaging and shelf life(it must not be more than 2 years old). All granules should be uniform, whole, light brown, large. You should not buy coffee if there is powder at the bottom of the can. For a high-quality, natural freeze-dried drink, the packaging must indicate percentage of Arabica and Robusta.

Of all types of instant drinks, it is better to choose freeze-dried coffee. It contains the least amount of chemical and synthetic additives. It has a richer flavor and is less harmful to health. All his brands are quite famous and popular. And which one is better to choose is a matter of taste.

Video tips to help you make delicious coffee:


Reading time: 5 minutes


Every morning we brew delicious invigorating coffee. Due to lack of time, it is not always possible to prepare it in a Turk, so many people brew freeze-dried coffee. It is very easy to prepare it in a minimum of time. Freeze-dried coffee what this means, we will now try to figure it out.

It is known that coffee is grain, ground and instant. The latter is subdivided into freeze-dried, powdered and granular.

Of all the options offered, freeze-dried coffee is of high quality and, accordingly, cost. These factors are influenced by the technology of making the drink. Let's define how freeze-dried product is made and how it differs from other types.

The product is made according to modern technology freeze dried, which means "dry freezing". This production method has been known since the last century. It consists in the fact that moisture is removed from frozen grains by vacuum.

Sublimation in another way crystallization is the process of obtaining a substance from a solid to a gaseous one. Frozen granules do not become liquid and do not melt, therefore the product retains its useful properties, aroma and color.

Freeze-dried coffee is time consuming and costly to produce, so the cost of the product is high. The outlet drink has a pronounced aroma and balanced taste.

Experts say that the freeze-dried product practically does not differ in quality from the custard product. But, unfortunately, many manufacturers use poor quality raw materials in the manufacture of the drink.

The main stages of manufacturing

Probably, each of us will be interested to know how our favorite coffee is made. This process is quite costly and time consuming.

First, the coffee beans are roasted and ground. Then the finished powder is boiled for three hours in separate closed containers.

One of the important processing steps is the extraction of essential oils from the product. Oils that will be required for further use are discharged through a special tube attached to each container.

Then, the coffee mass is frozen. This step is carried out very quickly at low temperatures, because it affects the quality of the original product. With this vacuum freezing, when the moisture evaporates quickly, the coffee mixture dries completely.

The next step is to grind the dry solid mass into small pieces, these are the coffee granules that we see in the pack.

At the end of the treatment, the resulting granules are enriched with the previously obtained essential oils. After that, the finished coffee has a pleasant aroma and unusual taste.

When preparing high quality products, only natural essential oils and extracts are used. Artificial substitutes are added to inexpensive types of coffee.

What is the difference between freeze-dried coffee

Not only the appearance, but also the technology for the production of freeze-dried coffee differs from other types:

The last stage of product processing is the main difference. In the production of powder and granular form, the extract is first sprayed, and only then the moisture is removed. Then, the starting powder is moistened to form granules. And in freeze-dried, the coffee mass is frozen.


The freeze-dried product is very different in appearance. The same smooth granules have a caramel color, similar to coffee beans. They have a delicate pleasant aroma, do not have such a pungent odor as other species.

The taste characteristics of the drink depend on what grains and flavors the manufacturer uses. The best freeze-dried coffee can be purchased in glass jars where you can see how it looks.


The product has a higher price than other soluble types. If you believe the manufacturers, they explain this by the fact that the aroma and taste of natural coffee beans are preserved in the drink. But, we know that this is not the case, all kinds of instant product are artificially flavored. In the manufacture of sublimate, great costs are really used, therefore it is more expensive than others.

Benefit or harm

Is freeze-dried coffee beneficial or harmful for the body? According to doctors, it is believed that a soluble product does more harm to our health. If you choose from all types, then freeze-dried coffee is less harmful than others. This factor depends on the complexity of manufacturing.

Cons of freeze-dried beverage:

  • The presence of tannins adversely affects the functioning of the digestive system;
  • If you drink the drink often, it can cause an allergic reaction;
  • The caffeine in the product can lead to dizziness and nausea;
  • Instant coffee has a negative effect on male potency.

In addition to these negative properties, the drink also has positive ones:

  • Useful for people with low blood pressure;
  • Has a beneficial effect on blood vessels;
  • Antioxidants are an excellent way to preserve beauty and youth;
  • The drink improves mood and energizes.

Considering all the features of freeze-dried coffee, it is worth noting that it is better not to drink a strong drink on an empty stomach and know when to stop.

What is the best freeze-dried drink

According to the results of the Test Purchase program, the following brands are considered the most famous and proven:

How to choose a freeze-dried drink

When buying freeze-dried coffee, you need to pay attention to the composition. Also at the date of manufacture, it is worth noting that the shelf life of the product is two years. The packaging must be intact, tightly closed.

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Freeze-dried coffee, what does it mean? This phrase refers to the way the drink is produced. It is manufactured using the most advanced, gentle technology. Similar in taste, aroma and caffeine content to natural coffee, this option is considered elite among other varieties of instant coffee. If you understand how freeze-dried coffee is made, you can understand why this drink has such properties.

For this type of instant coffee, as well as for the preparation of natural coffee, whole high-quality coffee beans are roasted and ground.

Why do they drink freeze-dried or natural coffee

A cup of invigorating drink, drunk in the morning, saves from annoying drowsiness.

Precautions for use

Due to the high amount of caffeine, the benefits of freeze-dried beverage are about the same as natural coffee. Therefore, its application requires the same care. The authors of medical studies limit the daily consumption of both drinks to approximately the same volumes. It is recommended to check with your personal doctor.

  • Neglect of reasonable dosages is fraught with increased excitability and other unpleasant reactions from the nervous system.
  • When the body processes excessive amounts of coffee, liver cells are damaged.
  • The flushing of potassium from the body, caused by the diuretic properties of this drink, is dangerous for the work of the heart.
  • Like natural coffee, the freeze-dried version is dangerous to drink on an empty stomach. This can provoke an attack of gastritis.
  • Like natural coffee, the freeze-dried version that increases blood pressure is harmful for hypertensive patients.

So beloved by "coffee lovers" "horse doses" are harmful to the body in any case. Whether it is any of the varieties of instant coffee or natural coffee brewed from high quality freshly ground beans. The benefits and harms of a freeze-dried drink are also determined, first of all, by the volumes of portions in which it is consumed.

The danger of excessive consumption of cheap granulated coffee is that the body becomes clogged with harmful and ballast substances.

Spray drying, a crude technology for producing powdered coffee, practically deprives it of caffeine, aromatic essential oils and other useful substances.

The processing of such a powder with steam, used in order for its small grains to stick together into granules, does not improve the taste of the drink.

Therefore, for the production of granulated coffee, they generally use not the highest quality raw materials. The finished product is often "improved" by adding bitterness to the taste and reaching a richness of aroma with the help of artificial flavors and flavor enhancers. This is, in fact, how freeze-dried coffee differs from granulated coffee.

The method and speed of preparation of a cup of instant coffee is the same and does not depend on the method of production and the cost of dry coffee granules. You just need to add boiling water to them. Only its relatively low price speaks in favor of granulated coffee. Therefore, for everyone who does not want to save on their own health, the conclusion suggests itself which coffee is better to buy freeze-dried or granulated.

How to choose the best (real) instant coffee?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of different fakes on the instant coffee market. Sometimes even a solid price and a beautifully sounding fashion brand do not guarantee that the contents of a beautiful jar or box will be genuine and of high quality. Therefore, when choosing, you need not only to know what freeze-dried instant coffee is, but also to follow some rules:

Knowing all this, you can easily find the best version of instant coffee for breakfast. Fast in preparation, preserving the main set of properties of natural coffee, the freeze-dried version is better than all the others.

The coffee industry has long been one of the most profitable. Therefore, every day, year, more and more new products appear on the shelves of supermarkets and shops. There is nothing to be done, because the interest of buyers needs to be warmed up all the time.

Of course, freeze-dried coffee has long and firmly entered our life, so it is very difficult to call it a novelty. But even so, few people know what the product under that name is. Therefore, in today's article we invite you to take a journey into the world of coffee technology and learn a lot of interesting and useful information about this type of your favorite product.

What is freeze-dried coffee?

You need to know: there are three types of instant drink: granular, powder and freeze-dried. Any manufacturer indicates this data on the product label.

If you want more accurate information, then you can say the following: freeze-dried coffee is a type of instant drink. For its manufacture, a special technology is used, which implies vacuum evaporation of water. Due to the peculiarities of production, this type is also called freeze-dry (which in English means "dry freeze").

Helpful Information: Lyophilization (better known as freeze-drying) is a processing process in which a substance is first frozen and then vacuum dried. Thanks to this, the solvent (water plays its role in the manufacture of coffee) goes into a gaseous state. At the same time, bypassing the liquid stage.

This technology appeared in the sixties of the last century. It is noteworthy that it was immediately "dubbed" an innovation and breakthrough in large-scale coffee production. At the same time, from the mouths of the owners of large coffee industries, you can often hear that freeze-dried coffee is a full-fledged replacement for natural traditional raw materials.

We suggest that you suppress emotions, leaving them for marketers, and turn to the bare facts. Together we will penetrate behind the curtain and get acquainted with the peculiarities of the technology for the production of a freeze-dried drink.

How is freeze-dried coffee made?

Of course, eminent manufacturers try to keep secret the peculiarities of making their drink (from the ubiquitous competitors). Still, the general description of the technology is not a secret at all.

  1. First, the coffee beans are roasted and then ground. It is noteworthy that raw materials of not the highest quality are often used as raw materials for the manufacture of any instant drink (including its sublimated variety). Often it is Robusta. And this choice is explained not only by the lower cost, but also by the higher caffeine content. Due to this, after a long industrial processing, the strength still remains in the drink.

Conclusion: Freeze-dried coffee is made from low quality raw materials. In addition to robusta, Arabica waste and other substandard products are used. Thanks to this, the cost of the product is reduced, and the buyer receives a drink, even remotely, but still resembling coffee.

  1. Then the resulting powder, after grinding, is digested in special extraction batteries. For this, high pressure is used.
  2. The resulting extract is poured into special tanks. While being in them, part of the moisture evaporates from the raw materials, which leads to the fact that the coffee acquires a thicker consistency.
  3. The thickened coffee extract is then frozen.
  4. Then the raw material must be placed in a special device designed for vacuum drying. Water (acting as a solvent) immediately turns into a gaseous form. This transforms the dried coffee particles into granules that have a slightly angular appearance.

This is interesting: if you try freeze-dried coffee in the form of granules immediately after vacuum drying, then a person will be surprised to note that the product has neither smell nor taste. And the fact is, they are not just poorly expressed. The qualities so important for every coffee lover are simply not there.

  1. Already immediately before packaging, angular granules are treated with flavorings to give the product both taste and smell.

Manufacturers at all angles scream about the naturalness of the flavors, with which they generously flavored coffee freeze-dried granules. But can such statements be believed? After all, the exact composition of aromatic and flavoring "cocktails" cannot be found anywhere else. Alas, this is a commercial secret. This alone should alert those who like to buy a freeze-dried product.

Now let's add some math:

  1. Every year in Russia, our citizens drink over 60 tons of instant drink. If we recalculate this indicator by weight, then we get the figure of 1.5 thousand tons. That is how much freeze-dried raw materials are sold in our country every year.
  2. If we consider this issue globally, so to speak on a global scale, then the figure will be several dozen times higher.

Now think about it. How much natural extract is needed to give this huge amount of raw materials the right scent?

The conclusion suggests itself: freeze-dried coffee (like other varieties of instant coffee) is enriched with flavors and flavorings, the composition of which is unknown to any customer.

Consider the differences between freeze-dried coffee

This type of raw material differs from other representatives of instant coffee in both its appearance and production technology. Let's take a closer look at these differences.

Technological differences

The key technological difference is directly related to the last stage of ersatz production. As you already know, to make freeze-dried coffee, you need to freeze the extract and then vacuum dry it (that is, the ice evaporates without turning into a liquid form). But for powder and granular, it is necessary to spray the extract, and then evaporate the liquid from it. The powder is then wetted in order to achieve granule formation. But they can leave it in a "draft form". We often find it on supermarket shelves in the form of the cheapest finely dispersed instant coffee.

Now let's talk about organoleptic differences.

Freeze-dried coffee looks favorably against the background of its so-called "congeners". This type of coffee is characterized by neat granules of the same size. As a rule, they have a pleasant caramel shade. This appearance evokes persistent associations with natural coffee beans. Perhaps this is the secret of the success of this type of instant drink.

It should also be noted that freeze-dried coffee has a nicer and softer smell. The aroma lacks the specific notes that instant powder is famous for.

Warning: if you have chosen freeze-dried coffee for yourself, then you should not really hope for a long-term invigorating effect after a cup of drink. The same goes for the taste of the drink. After all, your expectations will be destroyed by harsh reality.

You should understand that the taste and effect of taking a freeze-dried drink is very far from natural. This is all the same instant coffee with only some improved characteristics.

The taste differences of all three existing types of instant drink depend on the type and quality of flavorings used in the production process. The type of coffee beans, which are used by manufacturers as a basis for the production of an instant drink, is also slightly less affected.

Please note: As a rule, freeze-dried coffee is most often sold in glass, clear cans. This clever trick allows manufacturers to draw the attention of customers to the presentable and highly appetizing appearance of the product.

About the difference in price

Walking through the supermarket, be sure to pay attention to the price of all varieties of instant drink. Of course, you will notice that freeze-dried is more expensive than the rest. The manufacturer, together with marketers, assures buyers that the higher price is due to the preservation of the aroma and taste of natural raw materials. But, as you probably already understood, this is not the case.

Without exception, all existing types of instant coffee undergo the aromatization process before packaging. So what is the reason for the higher cost of the drink in comparison with the "congeners"? This is due to the fact that technological and energy costs in the production of sublimate cost the manufacturer several times more.

Now let's talk about the dangers of a freeze-dried drink.

Medical research and experiments of scientists have repeatedly proved that instant coffee drink is not at all good for the human body. For example, experts learned that coffee is harmful to drink during pregnancy using the example of instant coffee.

Of course, manufacturers claim that freeze-dried is the best evil among instant drinks. But no matter how it was, we could not find medical data relating exclusively to the sublimated product. Therefore, 4 we suggest that you consider the dangers of instant coffee in general.

Harm to the body:

  1. Increases the risk of having a premature baby by almost 60%.
  2. When consumed, it has a negative effect on the condition and functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The first warning sign should be regular heartburn that appears after a cup of instant coffee. It is no secret that this type of drink provokes the development of gastritis and gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
  3. When taking instant coffee, a person may be disturbed by symptoms such as nausea and dizziness. This is especially true if you are trying to calm your nerves with a cup of coffee. This feature is due to an excess of adrenaline.
  4. It has been proven that instant coffee (unlike natural coffee) is capable of provoking erectile dysfunction in men.

Is there a natural freeze-dried product

Of course, today's consumers are already accustomed to the tricks that marketers go for, and often believe them. On some packages with freeze-dried coffee, you can read the inscription - natural freeze-dried coffee. But let us together with you try to figure out how true such a statement is.

Manufacturers prove that since the sublimate is made from traditional coffee beans, it can be added to the category of a natural drink. But this is the handiwork of all the same ubiquitous and cunning marketers.

Remember: the content of natural raw materials in the sublimated product ranges from 13-15%. And do not forget that the freeze-dried product comes only in a soluble form.

Regardless of the inscription on the label or the manufacturer's promises, freeze-dried coffee is just natural ersatz, which was invented to replace the classic natural coffee in field conditions.

Let's talk about brands and prices

Now let's talk a little and how the price of sublimate differs from a natural product. For clarity, let's turn to popular brands:

  • Nescafe is loved and respected in our country. The company's products are focused on a wide segment of consumption, therefore, the cost of a can of coffee is average. For example, a 190 g can will cost you 450 rubles. If we count it per 100 g, then it turns out that 100 g of raw materials cost 253 rubles.
  • Jacobs is an equally popular product. The company is engaged in the production of not only instant, but also natural coffee. The manufacturer is pursuing a democratic pricing policy, as it strives to reach an increasing number of coffee consumers. A jar of freeze-dried coffee in a nice glass jar with a volume of 190 g will cost you 535 rubles. Thus, for 100 g of the product, you will pay 282 rubles. There is also Jacobs Monarch freeze-dried drink without caffeine. Its cost (for a can of 95 g) is 290 rubles. That is, the price for 100 g is 305 rubles.
  • TchiboExclusive is gradually reducing the price of its products. At the moment, 190 g freeze-dried coffee costs 470 rubles. In terms of 100 g, 247 rubles come out.
  • CarteNoire is positioned as a premium product of the highest quality. By the way, it should be noted that the manufacturer did a very good job on the design of the can. Indeed, it is the same size as those that hold 190 g of freeze-dried product. For a can of 95 grams, you will have to pay 500 rubles. And for 100 g - all 526 rubles.
  • Bushido also belongs to the premium segment. The Japanese manufacturer claims that its freeze-dried coffee is made entirely from Arabica. Therefore, the cost is appropriate - 550 rubles. for 100 grams.
  • Ambassador is a popular and well-known brand that has a whole line of natural coffee. By the way, the freeze-dried product from this manufacturer is very inexpensive. A can of 190 grams is sold for 360 rubles. And if you count in 100 g, it turns out that Ambassador is the cheapest sublimate. Consumers pay 190 rubles for 100 g of coffee.

Attention: manufacturers are positioning freeze-dried coffee as a premium product. That is why its cost is 30-60% higher than that of other varieties of instant product.

The instant drink has gained popularity in the world. The shorter cooking times and the simplification of the process have pleased people all over the world. Freeze-dried coffee is considered the most delicious and natural among instant products. Various brands offer products containing original or common additives in the beverage industry.

Freeze-dried coffee - what does it mean?

Raw materials undergo special processing, also called dry freezing, to preserve the aroma and taste of coffee beans as much as possible. Of all instant drinks, only this variety contains useful substances remaining after processing, albeit in insignificant quantities. The inscription on the packaging "Freeze-dried coffee" means that the beans have undergone special processing, as a result of which an instant product of instant preparation with the color, taste and smell close to natural is obtained.

Sublimation - the transition of a solid to a gaseous substance, bypassing the liquid stage.

Manufacturers do not reveal the secrets of making the product, only the basic technology is known. It is not known what components besides the essential oils of coffee beans are added to the processed raw materials, since the information is hidden from the consumer under the guise of a trade secret. The packs contain only 100% natural Arabica beans or a mixture with Robusta.

How is freeze-dried coffee made?

Grains of low quality, non-marketable appearance, as well as stale in the warehouse are subjected to the sublimation process. This reduces the cost of the finished product, since the production itself is expensive. Conscientious manufacturers, fearing to lose their name, will not use old and low-grade raw materials, which greatly increases the price of the product.

The main stages of the technology for the production of freeze-dried coffee:

  • roasting coffee beans with accompanying degassing (removal of generated gases);
  • fine grinding;
  • digestion of the extract for several hours in hermetically sealed containers;
  • the resulting steam is discharged through pipes and processed in a special way to extract essential oils;
  • instant freezing by low temperatures of the cooked mass;
  • removal of moisture in a vacuum;
  • sludge crushing;
  • soaking the formed pieces with essential oils collected earlier, at this stage other substances can be added;
  • packing in a hermetically sealed container.

On a note! The slightest violation of the technology, including a delay in the freezing stage, leads to a complete loss of taste or its deterioration.

Natural freeze-dried coffee - can this be?

On the packaging, the product is often referred to as natural freeze-dried. This is a marketing ploy, meaning that the contents of the jar are made from coffee beans. In fact, it does not contain crushed grains, but an extract, additionally processed with flavoring and aromatic substances. The organoleptic characteristics are as close as possible to the ground natural, but inferior to it in terms of quality indicators.

Composition and calorie content

After processing, almost no vitamins and minerals remain in the product. The chemical composition is represented by proteins, fats, carbohydrates, caffeine, essential oils. The calorie content of natural freeze-dried coffee varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, ranging from 75-260 kcal per 100 g of dry product.

How much caffeine will remain in the granules depends on its content in the feedstock. For the manufacture of instant coffee, varieties with the highest amount of this alkaloid are used. According to various sources, a drink made from a freeze-dried product contains 30-100 mg of caffeine per 1 coffee cup.

What are the benefits and harms of the drink?

The properties of natural coffee beans determine beneficial and negative effects on the body. But after complex processing, a significant mass of biologically active substances is lost, therefore the benefits and harms of freeze-dried coffee are very different from a natural drink.

There are few useful nutrients left; instead, the product is enriched with flavoring additives, the composition of which is kept secret. Whether the drink is harmful because of this depends on the quality of the product and the individual reaction of the individual to it.

Compared to ground natural product, caffeine is contained in a smaller amount, there are brands that offer freeze-dried coffee without it. If a natural drink made from coffee beans is poorly tolerated due to the presence of an alkaloid, then you can choose a product with a weak strength.

On a note! Of the varieties of instant coffee, freeze-dried is the safest. The invigorating effect on the body is weak, but still present.

Harm attributed to the drink:

  • indigestion;
  • excretion of potassium and calcium from the body;
  • negative effect on the fetus when consumed during pregnancy;
  • possible allergic reactions.

Differences between freeze-dried and other types of coffee

Natural ground or grain product has a rich taste and aroma, a lot of useful properties, as well as side effects, contraindications. The chemical composition depends on the variety, the degree of roasting, and the quality of the feedstock. It makes no sense to compare instant counterparts with it, since it wins in most positions. Among the soluble products, there are: freeze-dried, powder and granular. The manufacturing technology is the same until the extract is digested. After the freeze-dried variety is subjected to dry freezing.

For the production of other soluble analogs, the prepared extract is sprayed in a stream of hot air until it dries completely and turns into a powdery state. The resulting powder is cooled, mixed with flavors, flavorings, dyes, stabilizers and other substances. In the case of a product with aromas of vanilla and other spices, they are introduced at the same stage. The result is instant coffee powder. The production of pellets does not end there. To give the appropriate appearance, the powder is processed under pressure with steam; due to moisture, granules are formed.

The shelf life of all types of instant coffee is 24 months. Freeze-dried product jars sometimes have a shelf life of 3 years. But moisture must not be allowed to enter, because the dry substance forms lumps or solidifies, becomes unusable.

Freeze-dried coffee is more expensive than other instant coffee analogues. This is due to the complexity of the manufacturing technology. It is also often packaged in glass jars to showcase beautiful and even pieces. Their cost is more than tin or plastic packaging, in which you can find powder and granular goods.

On a note! The high price of freeze-dried coffee allows the use of high-quality raw materials for its production.

What is the difference between freeze-dried and granulated coffee?

The main indicators by which the product differs from the granular powder:

  • production technology is complex and expensive;
  • the organoleptic characteristics of the sublimated analog are close to natural;
  • the chemical composition of the granular powder is distinguished by the addition of moisture to form granules, as well as chemical additives to improve the taste and aroma, and increase the shelf life;
  • the energy value of some brands of freeze-dried beverage is lower;
  • the taste of the granulated product is worse;
  • high price of natural freeze-dried coffee.

How to prepare a drink correctly?

An instant product is easy to prepare, does not take too much time. It is enough to boil water, pour the granules. Compliance with some recommendations will make the drink tastier and increase the shelf life of the contents of the jar.

To prepare 1 portion of an aromatic freeze-dried drink, pour 1 or 2 tsp into a cup with a dry spoon. dry matter. It is important that there are no water droplets in the cup either. Brew with hot, but not boiling water, because boiling water will worsen the taste, add bitterness. Add sugar, milk, cream, spices if desired.

It goes well with freeze-dried coffee:

  • cinnamon;
  • vanilla;
  • ginger;
  • cardamom;
  • Carnation;
  • lemon;
  • nutmeg;
  • ground black pepper.

Popular brands and prices

Freeze-dried coffee is an expensive product. But if you choose from all types of instant drink, then you should opt for it, since good raw materials are used for its production, many manufacturers value the name and monitor the quality. The taste and aroma are as close as possible to natural coffee beans. Also, the harmful effect on the human body is reduced to a minimum.

Rating of the best natural freeze-dried coffee:

  • Bushido is a Swiss product brand considered to be one of the finest coffees of this type. Arabica is used for production. The fortress is average, 3.2%. Packaging design is different, there are unusual containers. There are varieties with the addition of other components, one of the most original is gold. The product is presented in large granules without powder. The drink is very aromatic, without sediment. The taste is coffee-chocolate, slightly bitter. The price category is high, a jar of 100 g costs up to 750 rubles.
  • Egoiste is a premium freeze-dried coffee produced in Germany and Switzerland. Arabica is used as raw material. The granules are light, even, and do not contain powder. The concentration of caffeine is 4%, so the drink is strong. No sediment, taste and aroma are pronounced. There is a variety with the addition of natural ground coffee. The price for 100 g is about 400 rubles.
  • Carte Noire is an American premium freeze-dried coffee, there are factories for production in Russia. It is made from Arabica, the strength of the finished drink is 4%. The granules are large, light in color, there is no powdery residue. A little bitterness is present, but the taste is balanced. A jar weighing 95 g costs 500 rubles.
  • Jardin is a Russian coffee brand that produces a product with a medium strength from various varieties of Arabica. Good quality granules, light, no coffee dust. Ready drink without sediment, with a slight fruity sourness, bitterness is barely discernible. Price category - on average 200 rubles per 100 g.
  • Moccona is another Russian brand that makes freeze-dried coffee from Arabica. Caffeine content 4%. The granules are dark, large, with a pronounced aroma. A finished drink with a noticeable bitterness, no sediment is formed. Price for 100 g 200 rubles.
  • Taster's Choice, formerly Maxim - means the production of South Korea, not Nescafe. Standard freeze-dried coffee has a strength of 4%. In addition, there are softer and caffeine-free foods. Homogeneous granules, no impurities. The taste is slightly bitter, fruity sourness is expressed. No precipitate is formed. Cost per 100 g - from 260 rubles.
  • Tchibo Exclusive is a holding company from Germany, manufactured in Russia. The raw material is a mixture of Arabica and Robusta. The caffeine content is 3.1%. Granules are light, sometimes contain an admixture of crumbs and powder. The finished drink has a pronounced aroma, but the taste is sour, shallow, no sediment appears. The cost depends on the design of the packaging and the type of coffee, on average for 100 g - 300 rubles.

On a note! When choosing a brand of freeze-dried coffee, you need to pay attention to the fact that there is no powder among the even pieces. Its presence indicates a violation of technology and low quality of the product. For this, it is advisable to choose a product in transparent packaging.

To drink or not to drink?

Of course, a drink made from an instant product cannot be compared to the taste of natural, freshly ground grain, but there is not always enough time to cook according to all the rules. In this case, freeze-dried coffee is the best option. Of the instant analogs, it has a pleasant taste and aroma, and is capable of causing the least harm.

The choice in its favor can also be made by people who do not tolerate natural coffee. The effect of the product is individual, the content of biologically active substances in the initial concentration is not beneficial to everyone. For this reason, the body perceives the sublimated analogue more favorably.

We must not forget about the possible side effects. Exceeding the permissible dosage (2-3 cups per day) is fraught with the development of indigestion and poor health. Therefore, you need to monitor your well-being and, if symptoms of intolerance appear, stop drinking the drink.

Freeze-dried coffee fits perfectly into the modern rhythm of life. The main disadvantage is the price, but if you choose among other soluble analogs, then you should not skimp on quality. The industry offers many options, among which everyone will find a suitable one.