Instant coffee calories with sugar. How many calories are in coffee with sugar, milk and without

02.07.2020 Beverages

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Delightful aroma and unsurpassed taste - a cup of black coffee will help you wake up in the morning, invigorate in the afternoon and cause a surge of strength, energy and mental activity in the afternoon. Black coffee is made from or from.

Coffee as a drink has a rich history, but the exact place where the invigorating drink was first consumed has not been historically established. Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of coffee, where, according to a famous legend, a local shepherd noticed the unusually active behavior of goats that ate the leaves and fruits of a short tree. Also, the primacy of the use of coffee can be challenged by Yemen, where for the first time they began to use a decoction from the heart of the red fruits of coffee trees.

Coffee taste

Black coffee has a coffee aroma, the taste of the drink depends on the type of selected beans or instant coffee, it can be tart, with a slight bitterness or sourness, rich. Despite the huge variety of natural varieties of coffee beans, the taste and aroma of the drink directly depends on the method of roasting the beans and the technology of preparation. Many people mistakenly believe that the bitterness of coffee, its "strength" depends on the presence of caffeine in it. However, this is not the case, since a completely different alkaloid is responsible for the taste and smell, which is located in coffee beans. But the taste of coffee bitterness is provided by tannins.

The color of natural black coffee is almost black, instant coffee ranges from dark to medium brown. As a rule, coffee brewed from beans is covered with a dense foam of a delicate creamy color.

Black coffee varieties

The abundance and variety of coffees is based on two coffees - arabica and robusta- and their various combinations. Arabica has a rich coffee aroma, the strength of the drink is average. Robusta beans give the brewed coffee strength and astringency, but inferior to Arabica in taste and aroma. There are several other types of coffee, for example, liberica, but the taste and aroma of this variety are much inferior to those known.

Calorie content of black coffee

The calorie content of black coffee (in the form of a ready-made drink) is 2 kcal per 100 ml of drink.

Composition and useful properties of black coffee

Black coffee contains caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the intestines, increases brain and physical activity. After drinking black coffee, adrenaline is released in the body, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and the physical activity of the body (calorizator) increase. The product contains minerals:, and, due to which the risk of colon cancer is reduced and type 2 diabetes is less common. Several cups of black coffee have been proven to alleviate and prevent Parkinson's disease. Black coffee has many health benefits. Black coffee prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, helps to overcome depression, and improves blood flow to the brain. Contrary to popular belief that black coffee increases blood pressure, the drink has a diuretic effect, that is, it lowers blood pressure.

The harm of black coffee

The persistent belief that the enamel of teeth turns yellow from coffee has no real confirmation. The loss of fluids as a result of drinking several cups of black coffee can be easily replenished by drinking a glass of clean water. Excessive coffee consumption (more than six 100-gram cups a day) is fraught with kidney and gallbladder problems.

Black coffee in weight loss

Black coffee without sugar and milk contains a minimum amount of calories, so for those who cannot imagine their day without a cup of coffee, help -, or. With any diet, black coffee without it will not harm and will not add calories.

Black coffee in cooking

There are several ways to prepare black coffee - brew it in a turk from ground grains, brew instant or freeze-dried coffee in a cup, use a coffee machine or coffee maker. Black coffee is a standalone drink, as well as the basis for preparing cappuccino and other types of coffee-based drinks.

For more information about coffee, its benefits and dangers, see the video “Product of the Day. Myths about coffee ”of the TV program“ About the Most Important ”.

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It is difficult to find such a corner on our planet, where coffee is not loved. This fragrant invigorating drink has long conquered the whole world. But is it possible to gain or lose weight from coffee? How many calories are in a cup of coffee? What ingredients can multiply the calories in this magical drink? How many calories are in coffee with milk?

For many, a cup of morning coffee has become a familiar and necessary ritual of awakening. She is able not only to drive away the remnants of sleep, but also to give the necessary strength for the whole working day. Scientists have even confirmed the fact that coffee increases efficiency, improves the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, stimulates attention and memory. We will tell you in detail how many calories are contained in natural coffee, instant coffee, and coffee with the addition of milk.

What determines the calorie content of coffee

Are you wondering how many Kcal is in coffee? In fact, coffee is distinguished by its low calorie content. There are only two of them in 100 ml of black coffee without sugar and other additives. The calorie values ​​are influenced by the type of coffee, the method of preparation, the additives used and the volume of the final drink. Most of all, the calorie content is increased by such additives as milk, sugar, condensed milk and, of course, cream. Want to get a minimum of calories? Then drink natural black coffee without additives. There will only be two calories in a cup of this drink. How many calories are in coffee with milk and sugar? If you are a latte lover, then with every cup you drink, your body gets a whopping 250 Kcal. And if you add just a teaspoon of sugar here, the number of calories rises to 275. As you can see, the calorie content of coffee with milk and sugar increases hundreds of times. The size of the cup is also important. The larger it is, the more energy you will receive. Therefore, you should calculate how many calories are in coffee with sugar, taking into account the volume of your cup as well.

What is a calorie

Let's first find out what lies under the generally accepted term "calorie". The fact is that everything is superfluous that we eat. It is deposited in our body as fat. These are the reserves that the body spends in the event of hunger or illness. The amount eaten and drunk is now usually measured in calories. A calorie is a common unit of energy that the body gets from food. In order for the balance in the body not to be disturbed, all the calories received during the day must be disposed of. Otherwise, fat accumulations will be deposited in the body. In nature, this is considered a completely normal process that can save life in case of food problems. But for a modern person, the accumulation of calories has become an extremely undesirable phenomenon. Few people want to get extra pounds and cellulite. It just so happens in our society that it is considered not very beautiful.

But who counts how many calories are in a particular food or drink? How can this be established? It turns out that scientists have found many ways to do this. Moreover, the result is quite accurate. The most common way to count calories in food and drink is with a calorimeter. This is a specially designed camera. It has special thermal insulation. In this chamber, the product in which you want to count the calories is simply burned. This generates a certain amount of heat. This is the heat that the product emits during combustion and is calculated. This is an indicator of the energy that a food or drink can give to the body during its consumption. This method is very effective and simple enough. Its accuracy is due to the fact that in our body, food is also practically burned. In this case, the body receives energy that is extremely important for it. It is vital for us. It is thanks to this energy that all our organs and systems work. It provides metabolism, physical activity. Thanks to her, our body produces heat. As you can see, calories should be appreciated. They are the source of life.

Another important question is how to measure the calories that we lose during physical activity? Every day, and even at night, in the process of sleep, we expend a certain amount of energy. In fact, scientists have found a way out here as well. There are huge calorimeters in which you can easily place a person. At the same time, the machine can easily calculate the amount of heat that a person will emit during wakefulness or rest. But this is not the most convenient method to use. Therefore, now other methods of measurement are increasingly being used. One of the most convenient is to measure the exact amount of oxygen that a person has inhaled and the amount of CO2 that he has emitted. You can also simply measure the heart rate and, based on this information, draw conclusions about how many calories a person has spent. During exercise, the heart will beat faster, and during rest, the heartbeat will slow down significantly.

But even despite the fact that scientists have learned to very accurately calculate the number of calories in foods, there is a noticeable discrepancy between these indicators. In different guides, you may stumble upon a fairly large difference in calories in the same foods. It turns out that in the same product, a different number of units of energy can indeed be observed. It directly depends on the soil on which it grew, the variety, climate, its type, etc. For example, the number of calories in apples of different varieties, coffee, different types of meat, etc. can be very different.

There is also such a thing as the intensification of varieties. For example, potatoes a century ago contained about 22% starch. Now this figure has been reduced by almost half and is 13%. This is the result of selection, and the energy value of the product will directly depend on its quantity. That is, now the energy value of potatoes has decreased. We are chasing the yield of the same coffee, but at the same time its energy value decreases. Therefore, in fruitful years, the calorie content of coffee and other products decreases.

Where can you put energy

If you are extremely concerned about how not to gain extra pounds, then you need to rationally spend your energy. This means that in a day you need to spend about the same number of calories that you received during this period. But don't get too confused about this question. Even with a sedentary lifestyle, about 60% of the energy will be spent on supporting your life. But remember that a physically active person spends about 50% of the received energy, while a sedentary person - only 30%. Unfortunately, according to scientists, only 7-8% of the total population forces themselves to lead an active and mobile lifestyle.

It is not calories that do great harm to our body, but the benefits of civilization. The bad news is that we can get more calories from our food than we need. The bad news is that we are not trying to spend them. Instead of taking a walk from work in the fresh air, we get behind the wheel. Instead of training our cardiovascular system and climbing the stairs, we rush to call the elevator. Instead of active sports, we prefer to lie on the couch and watch TV. So we came to the minimum indicator of its costs - only 2000-2400 Kcal per day. This is very small. With such indicators, muscular dystrophy can even develop, the risk of obesity increases, and lethargy appears. If nothing is changed, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes can develop over time. Even children are now suffering from this. But for about a fifth of the whole day, the child should be as physically active as possible.

Calorie dependence on the type of coffee and the type of coffee drink

It turns out that different types of coffee can differ significantly in terms of their calorie content. Now let's take a closer look at how many calories are in the most popular coffee drinks. As you can imagine, ingredients play a decisive role here.

Natural black coffee

This is the lowest calorie coffee. As we already mentioned, 100 of these coffee contains only two calories. This means that it has minimal nutritional value. If your cup is 200 ml, then you are consuming 4 Kcal each time. But this is only if you do not even add sugar to this coffee, not to mention milk or cream. Needless to say, such a bitter drink does not have many fans at all.

Instant coffee

The question "How many calories does coffee contain" worries mainly those who are overweight. Anyone on a strict diet, exercising seriously, or trying to lead a healthy lifestyle is sure to keep track of how many calories are in their daily diet. In such cases, the menu is even compiled for several weeks or even months. For such people, the number of calories in a cup of coffee is not at all a trifle. They don't want to know their exact number out of curiosity. This is a prerequisite for them to be able to fulfill their goals.

Scientists have long calculated the exact number of calories in a standard cup of coffee - 2 Kcal. Let's clarify right away that this amount will be contained in black insoluble coffee (100 ml) without any additives - without sugar or milk. But instant coffee has different characteristics. It contains a lot more calories. Curiously, three cups of instant coffee, in terms of the number of calories they contain, are close to a whole bar of high-calorie milk chocolate. What's the matter? Why does regular insoluble black coffee contain only 2 calories, but their amount in the instant version increases hundreds of times?

Scientists explain this by the fact that instant coffee has a much more complex chemical composition. This makes it much more difficult for the body to digest. At the same time, the human body perceives instant coffee much worse than natural coffee. Therefore, doctors warn that instant coffee is not recommended for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Such a drink can also be harmful with increased pressure.

There is something to please everyone who looks after their health and weight. A cup of natural black coffee with no added sugar or milk contains only two calories. This figure is simply amazing. Therefore, a lot of information has appeared on the Internet that coffee can even help fight obesity. And there is some truth in this. Coffee really helps you lose weight. But for this you need to drink it before physical activity. We will talk about how to lose weight with coffee a little later.

When coffee beans are roasted, they lose some of their nutrients. Therefore, the final product has a relatively low nutritional value. Green, unroasted coffee is high in fat. But during roasting and further brewing, coffee loses most of them. There is one important pattern here - the number of calories will be higher in the drink, which contains less water. In this case, the concentration of coffee will be higher, and accordingly there will be more calories in it.

Which coffee drink do you think contains the most calories? Scientists have calculated that classic Turkish coffee contains the most calories. It contains about 12 Kcal. But this figure is not large at all. However, do not expect that such a coffee drink will not harm your figure at all. In order to really contain a minimum of calories, sugar, cream or milk should not be added to coffee. Only black coffee contains the least amount of energy charge. But not everyone will like this option. This drink will be bitter and without an additional milky flavor in the taste.

Of course, coffee with sugar and milk will taste much better than a drink without any additives. But at the same time, the number of calories in it will increase tenfold. Therefore, do not overuse delicious treats such as cappuccino, mocacino or latte.

Here the caloric value increases to 7-8 Kcal per 100 ml. That is, if you drink 200 ml, it means that 14-16 Kcal gets into your body. If sugar is added to this drink, the calorie content will triple. This is already a serious threat to the piece.


Americano contains water and espresso. Its calorie count is also low. Drinking 400 ml of Americano, you can get only 14 Kcal. Moreover, such a drink has a fairly balanced taste, it is not too strong. This can be a good choice if you need to get a boost of vivacity, but not energy.


Milk is traditionally used to prepare coffee drinks. It goes well with the coffee taste and softens it. There are many drinks that use milk or cream to add extra flavor. These additives add extra softness to the taste of the drinks. They turn out to be exquisite and pleasant. Not surprisingly, latte, mochacino and cappuccino have become women's favorite drinks. Cream gives a particularly exquisite taste. But in such a drink, the number of calories will simply go off scale. You will have to pay for an attractive fluffy foam on a coffee drink. This is a real threat to the piece.

Now let's dwell on the number of calories in more detail. If we talk about a standard cup of coffee with added milk, then this drink contains from 37 to 40 kcal. If you drink several such cups a day, then the body will get a serious additional portion of calories. But this is not the worst case yet. A real calorie bomb will be your much-loved latte. It is striking in the number of calories - 180-250. This indicator will directly depend on the degree of fat content of the milk used to prepare the drink. We will immediately warn you - if your figure is dear to you, and you do not want to gain extra pounds, in no case drink more than one cup of latte, cappuccino or mochacino per day. Well, if you like to combine coffee drinks with some dessert, this will be a real test for your figure.

The latte contains espresso, as well as milk and foam from it. Of course, due to the use of milk, the calorie content in this delicious drink immediately jumps. Moreover, this indicator increases immediately one hundred times. Together with a standard cup of latte, you will immediately receive 250 Kcal.


It consists of espresso, cream and sugar. The last two are extremely high calorie ingredients. Lush milk foam flaunts on the surface of the cappuccino. It is whipped only from fat milk or even cream. Of course, we are no longer talking about low calorie content. 150 ml will contain about 200 Kcal.


It consists of classic espresso, milk, chocolate syrup or chocolate, sugar or caramel instead. The average portion of this magical drink contains as much as 290 Kcal! In this case, you need to think about what is more important - the divine taste of the drink or the impeccable figure. The choice, as you can see, is not easy.


Consists of a glaze of espresso, to which ice cream is added. Unfortunately, you have to pay for the pleasant, delicate taste of this amazing drink. Glace is high in calories. This figure will depend on how much fatty ice cream is used. On average, it will be 125 Kcal per serving.
Raff coffee

This is a delicious vanilla milk drink with coffee. 150 ml of such a delicacy contains about 140 Kcal. The final figure will depend on the ingredients chosen.


This type of drink is deservedly considered the most high-calorie among all coffee-based drinks. It is often offered in high volume containers. You can't even imagine how many calories it contains! This figure is amazing - on average, it is as much as 400 Kcal!

Coffee with powdered milk and sugar

Now 3 in 1 drinks have become very popular. They include instant coffee, milk powder and sugar. They are liked, above all, due to their pleasant balanced milky taste. The weight of a standard bag is 20 grams. By the way, half of this weight is sugar. How many calories do you think are in such a bag? 10 grams of sugar will add 40 Kcal at once. But milk powder contains a little less of them - about 30 Kcal. In total, a 3-in-1 bag of coffee has a caloric value of about 70 Kcal.

What are the most popular coffee additives in calories?

Not everyone loves plain black coffee without any additives. It has a pronounced bitterness and does not carry additional flavors. A completely different thing is coffee with various additives. The most popular of them are sugar, milk, cream, syrup, condensed milk, ice cream, chocolate, liqueur, cognac, etc. It is enough to add a teaspoon of sugar to the coffee, and you are already drinking a drink with a pleasant sweetish taste. As you can imagine, all these foods are very high in calories. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


If in 100 ml of coffee without sugar there are only a couple of harmless calories, then the sweet drink already contains about 24. And this is only if you added only one teaspoon of sweet sand. Well, if you like a sweeter drink, and add two spoons at once, then the number of calories immediately rises to 48!


Milk has long been a popular coffee addition. Even the Capuchin monks first began to add goat's milk to strong black coffee. This is how the first cappuccino was born. The calorie content of coffee with milk will directly depend on the fat content of the latter. In 100 gr. milk with a fat content of 1.5% contains as much as 45 Kcal, but in milk 2.5% - 54 Kcal, 3.2 - 60 Kcal. But in baked milk, the energy charge is the most - as much as 85 Kcal. If you want to get a minimum of calories, choose skim milk. 100 ml of it contains 32 Kcal.


Many people are very fond of adding cream to coffee. They make the taste of the drink softer and more pleasant. In this case, the number of units of potential energy increases significantly. 10 grams of cream with a fat content of 10% contains 12 Kcal, and 20% - 20 Kcal. If the cream is in powder, its calorie content rises to 45. Well, the fattest 30% cream is guaranteed to replenish 100 ml of the drink with 30 Kcal. This means that if you add a couple of tablespoons of cream with a fat content of 30% to coffee, the number of calories in it will immediately increase by 60.

Ice cream

Who doesn't love to enjoy strong aromatic coffee with sweet and delicate ice cream? In 100 gr. ice cream contains as much as 227 Kcal, milk - 132 Kcal, and creamy - 184 Kcal. As you can see, milk ice cream contains the least calories. If you add a standard scoop of ice cream to your coffee, it weighs about 50 grams. Now you can calculate by yourself how much the calorie content of the drink will increase.


It is not uncommon to add chocolate or chocolate syrup to coffee. It's delicious! But remember that 100 gr. chocolate contains 149 Kcal at once! But a tablespoon of syrup is 37 Kcal, a teaspoon is about 15.

Condensed milk

Condensed milk is a very tasty product. Many have loved her since childhood. It goes well with coffee, as it immediately gives it both sweetness and a pleasant milky taste. But this is a very high-calorie food product. 100 ml contains 295 Kcal at once. If you add a tablespoon of condensed milk to a cup, this will be about 73 Kcal. To reduce this figure, you can use sweetened condensed milk. Then 100 ml of the product will contain only 131 Kcal. A tablespoon of sugar-free condensed milk is 32 Kcal.

So, we examined in great detail how many calories are in the most popular coffee drinks and separately coffee additives. The conclusion is simple - each of them has its own calorie content. By itself, natural insoluble coffee has a meager nutritional value. But each supplement to it multiplies the number of calories tens, and sometimes hundreds of times. If you like tasty and sugary drinks, try not to overuse them, and also lead an active healthy lifestyle. Do not give up your favorite aromatic drink for fear of ruining your figure. The calories you just get should be spent quickly. Then you will not only enjoy your favorite drink, but also train your body with physical activity.

Almost everyone drinks coffee. And many are thinking about what calorie indicators this drink has. Does it harm the process of losing weight if a person is on a diet? There are quite a few nuances here.

To begin with, different coffees have different metrics. And the addition of all kinds of additives, such as milk, cream, etc., also affect the calorie content, the presence of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Let's deal with all this.

How many calories are in coffee without milk, with sugar

Let's start with the simplest option. it plain black coffee, and a drink with milk.

Calorie content of coffee (per 100 grams of product)

So, these are the indicators of the feedstock. Let's calculate the desired values.

As you can see from this data, the lowest calorie coffee is granulated... Until now, a lot of people continue to drink this drink. On average, 2 tablespoons of coffee are taken for one 200 ml cup. In our case, one spoon is about 8 grams of raw material.

As a result, we get 15 grams, for one finished mug.

Conclusion - 1 cup of instant coffee contains about 14 calories

For calculations, we again take 2 spoons of raw materials per cup. These indicators are adhered to in most recipes - for Turks, in coffee machines, etc. Accordingly, we need 15 grams of coffee. We carry out simple calculations, and we get the result.

A cup of coffee beans - about 33 calories.
A cup of ground coffee - about 30.

You can see other indicators in the table. What can be noted. Natural grain coffee can be safely consumed before sports training. They contain proteins necessary for muscle growth, as well as carbohydrates, which saturate our body with energy. This is a perfectly acceptable energy drink.

But we completely forgot about sugar. If you add it to a finished drink, then add 30-32 calories per scoop. If we add 2 teaspoons to our coffee beans, then our drink will eventually contain about 100 calories.

Now you have everything you need to calculate.

How many calories in coffee with milk

Milk is the most popular coffee addition. And this product has not small calorie values. So that you can independently calculate the final values, you need to know what content of nutrients is in milk. And do not forget that the numbers vary greatly depending on the fat content, and in the process of preparing the drink for sale. Below you will find everything you need.

Milk typeCalorie index per 100 gramsServing size 20 ml. (kcal)Serving 50 ml (kcal)
Fat content 0.1%31 6 16
Fat content 0.5%36 7 18
Fat content 1.5%44 9 22
Fat content 2.5%52 10 26
Fat content 3.2%58 12 29
Fat content 3.5%61 12 31
Home cow64 13 32
Dry whole476 95 238
Dry skim350 70 175
Soy 0.1%28 6 14
Soy 0.6%43 9 22
Condensed sugar-free75 15 38

The number of calories in your cup of coffee will depend on how much milk you add to it. Standard version from 20 to 50 ml. Depending on this, take the required data from the table and calculate the result.

If we add 50 ml of milk to our ground coffee, and add 2 tablespoons of sugar, we get a drink containing about 125 kcal. In the example, we used milk with a fat content of 2.5%

As for all kinds of coffee drinks, they are prepared using milk of 2.5% and 3.2% fat, respectively. But sugar is not added to them. Only at your request, or leaving it to your taste. Therefore, their calorie indicator, need to be calculated separately.

Calorie content of coffee drinks

It's about drinks that are prepared for us using coffee machines, such as espresso. These are used in cafes and restaurants, in fast food outlets, etc. Below are the calorie values ​​of ready-made drinks, without added sugar.

NameVolume (gram)Calorie content (kcal)
Americano450 15
Latte450 250
Cappuccino150 210
Moccachino450 290
Glace450 125
Frappuccino450 400
3 in 1 coffee200 70
Raff coffee150 135

You can always do the calculations yourself.

Let's take a coffee latte as an example. To prepare a portion of 250 ml, you need 15 grams of ground coffee, and about 100-150 ml of milk. If we add 2 tablespoons of sugar, we get a drink containing about 140 kcal.

It all depends on the specific recipe, and the volume that we want to get in the end. As an example, in a cafe you can choose from drinks with a volume of 30 to 500 ml. Accordingly, the final indicators will vary greatly.

Other coffee additives

Milk is the most common, but not the only ingredient that can be used in the preparation of a black drink. Many add condensed milk, cream, ice cream, and much more. Let's see how many calories they contain and add that data to our calculations. We will take the average indicators as a basis.

Chocolate (syrup)

For 100 grams of product - 149 kcal.
A teaspoon - 10 kcal.

Cream 10%

For 100 grams of product - 100 kcal.
A teaspoon - 10 kcal.

Condensed milk

For 100 grams of product - 295 kcal.
A teaspoon - 29 kcal.

Ice cream

Per 100 grams of product - 124.2 kcal.
A teaspoon - 12 kcal.


Coffee itself is a low-calorie beverage. By adding various components, this figure can be greatly increased. The final values ​​need to be calculated in each specific case - it all depends on the products you use and your preferences for the taste of the finished drink.

Milk is one of the most popular coffee drinks. It is usually added to soften the bitterness and strength of the coffee. However, it is important to understand that the calorie content of the drink in this case increases.

Chemical composition of grains

100 grams of coffee beans contain up to 5 mg of calcium, 2 mg of iron. In addition, it contains nitrogen, phosphorus and sodium, as well as B vitamins and vitamin PP. The latter has a beneficial effect on the vascular system, strengthening the vascular walls and preventing the formation of cholesterol "plaques" on their inner surface.

Coffee beans contain up to 30 organic beans, both common (apple, coffee) and quite rare (chlorogenic). Grains are rich in caffeine, which is contained here in the range of 0.65 - 2.7%. At the same time, during the roasting process, the caffeine content rises to at least 1.3%. In the soluble form, the caffeine content is even higher and can reach 5%.

How many calories?

Some people mistakenly think of coffee as a high-calorie drink. However, black coffee without sugar, milk and additives has a low energy value, so it can be included in the diet. What's more, the caffeine in beans has a slight fat burning effect.

Milk added to coffee increases its calorie content. In this case, the fat content of the milk supplement is important. The lower they are, the less calorie intake. So, with a fat content of 1.5% milk, it contains 45 kcal per 100 ml or 9 kcal per 1 teaspoon. With a fat content of 2.5%, these indicators increase to 55 kcal and 11 kcal, respectively. A milk fat of 3.2% indicates that 100 ml contains 61 kcal and a teaspoon contains 12 kcal.

A tablespoon holds about 20 ml of milk; this amount is usually added to a small cup of coffee. When it comes to a larger glass, it is optimal for many to add 50 ml of milk (about 2.5 tablespoons). In this case, the calorie content for 50 ml of milk with a fat content of 1.5% is 22 kcal, for milk with a fat content of 2.5% - 26 kcal, with a fat content of 3.2 - 29 kcal.

If homemade cow's milk is used, which is quite fat, then in 100 ml - 64 kcal, in 20 ml - 13 kcal, in 50 ml - 32 kcal.

Skim milk has the lowest energy value (this includes those with a fat content of less than 0.5%). Only 35 kcal is contained in 100 ml and 7 kcal in a teaspoon. However, in terms of its composition, skim milk cannot be considered "empty" - it contains vitamins D, A, C, PP, as well as calcium, potassium, trace elements, amino acids and enzymes important for the body.

Those people whose body does not assimilate milk protein replace animal milk with plant milk. Soy is considered the most popular and affordable. A drink with soy milk has a caloric value of 8 to 24 kcal, depending on the type of milk and its amount. 100 ml of 0.1% soy milk contains 64 kcal, 20 ml - 6 kcal, 50 ml - 14 kcal, respectively.

With an increase in the fat content of soy milk to 0.6%, the calorie content increases to 43/9/22 kcal per 100/20/50 ml.

Coconut milk demonstrates even greater nutritional value - in 100 ml of the product, it is 180 kcal. Accordingly, 90 kcal for 50 ml and 36 kcal for 20 ml.

If we talk about dry coconut milk, then its energy value reaches 690 kcal per 100 g! Definitely, this product cannot be called dietary and its addition to coffee is highly undesirable for those who have a problem of excess weight.

Some people, for various reasons, refuse "liquid" plant or animal milk in favor of a more convenient dry milk. It, in turn, is whole and fat-free, although in both cases we are talking about high calorie content. For 100 g of dry whole milk there are 476 kcal, for non-fat dry milk - 350 kcal. 20 mg of the first contains 95 kcal, the second - 70 kcal. Finally, the energy value of whole milk powder is 238 kcal, skim milk - 175 kcal.

To calculate the calorie content of coffee with milk, add the number of calories per serving of coffee and the calorie intake of milk added to the drink. This takes into account its volume and fat content.


The nutritional value of natural or grain ground coffee is quite low - 201 kcal per 100 g of dry product. If we are talking about a teaspoon of ground natural coffee (about 3-5 g), then the calorie content ranges from 6-10 kilocalories.

A cup of black natural coffee (200 ml) is 2 kcal. If you add 50 ml of milk and a teaspoon of sugar to the same amount of drink, then the calorie content will rise to 60 kcal, if 2 tablespoons of the sweetener - up to 85 kcal.

The calorie content also depends on the degree of roasting of the beans. Green coffee beans have a caloric value of 331 per 100 g of product, black ground coffee contains 200.6 kcal for the same amount. It turns out that in black ground coffee for 10 g (approximate amount per cup) - 20.06 kcal.


Instant coffee is more nutritious than natural coffee beans. This is due to the fact that it contains no more than 15-20% of natural grains, while the rest is thickeners, stabilizers and other additives. The percentage of caffeine in it is also higher. There are 94 kilocalories per 100 g of coffee. It is much more convenient to measure the calorie content with spoons - the teahouse contains 12 kcal, the dining room - 34 kcal.

When it comes to instant coffee in small sachets (single portion), then most of them are a 3 in 1 mixture and contain sugar. When you add a glass of water (200 ml), you get a drink with an average of 70 kcal.

A similar product without sugar (black instant coffee in a bag) has a much lower calorie content - about 17-18 kcal.

By the way, if you are on a diet, then it is much better to drink just such a drink, and not an analogue "3 in 1".

If necessary, it can be sweetened, while the calorie content will still be less than the "3 in 1" nutritional value. So, a teaspoon of granulated sugar (about 6 g) contains only 24 kcal, and a refined sugar cube (weighing 5 g) - 20 kcal.

As for the instant drink in cans, the calorie content per 1 teaspoon is about 10 g and can vary depending on the brand. So, there are less high-calorie types of instant coffee, for example, 1 teaspoon of Nescafe contains about 4-5 kilocalories, while in the same amount of coffee from the Tchibo brand this figure can reach 20!

The exact data are always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. To calculate the calorie content of the finished drink, it is also important to add the calorie content of milk and sugar, if you put it. For example, if you brew 2 teaspoons of Carte Noire coffee, you get a 20 kcal drink (10 kcal in each spoon). If you add 50 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5% to it, the calorie content will increase to 46 kcal.

There is another type of instant product - decaf coffee. The calorie content of such granules is from 0 to 1 kcal, therefore, when calculating it, it can be completely ignored, calculating only the amount and energy value of milk additives and a sweetener.

Summing up, we can say that the most harmless for those who consider the amount of calories consumed is grain. A standard serving contains about 7-10 kcal. The most dangerous is the "3 in 1" drink, a portion of which can be up to 105 kcal. The "intermediate" indicator shows instant coffee, the calorie content of which per 200 ml serving is approximately 20 kcal.


Calorie content depends not only on the type of coffee, but also on the volume of a cup of coffee with milk, the number of spoons of sugar that is added to the drink.

A standard cup of coffee is 200 ml. In this case, it is better that most of it is coffee. Milk should be added to the drink using a teaspoon or tablespoon. If you increase the volume of coffee, choosing a larger mug, follow the same rule - the larger volume should be taken up by the drink with a lower calorie content.

It is important to observe the proportions of coffee preparation - for a 200 ml cup, 7 g of ground beans or 1 and 2 teaspoons of instant coffee are taken. If you increase the amount of coffee, the drink will be too strong, which will make you want to add more milk or add sweetener.

Caution should be exercised when drinking coffee drinks with the addition of frothed milk and cream, since milk in them is usually taken in equal or similar quantities with coffee, which in itself increases the energy value.

In addition, to obtain a beautiful "cap", fatty milk or cream is used, as well as sugar and syrups. Finally, these drinks (cappuccino, mocha, etc.) are usually served in tall glasses ranging from 180 ml to 300-400 ml. This also contributes to the fact that for one "coffee" you get at least 200 kcal.

Various additives

The combination of coffee and milk serves as the basis for preparing many drinks. They can include various additives and sweeteners, which is why their energy value varies.

So, for example, cappuccino is an espresso with the addition of milk, some of which is pre-frothed. The drink is usually served in 180 ml glasses, adding sugar. This portion has 210 kcal, and 100 ml of the drink contains 120 kcal.

Another type of coffee with milk is latte. It is a double espresso with milk that is steamed. Served in tall glasses with a volume of 220 ml. Its energy value is 180-220 kcal.

One of the most high-calorie coffee drinks with milk is mocha or moccacino. In addition to strong espresso and milk, it includes hot chocolate and cream, and in addition, it can be decorated with syrups, chocolate chips. Nutritional value per 100 ml of drink - 250 kcal.

The leader in calorie content, perhaps, can be called frappuccino - a cold coffee drink made from espresso and milk with the addition of 1 tablespoon of sugar and ice. A serving of frappuccino is 460 ml, and there are 400 calories in this amount of drink.

When trying such drinks in coffee houses and restaurants, it is not always possible to compare their calorie content. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the larger and more magnificent the milk cap on the coffee, the more nutritious it turns out. This is due to the fact that milk of a higher fat content (at least 3-3.5%) is used to obtain fluffy foam, since when whipping less fatty analogs, the foam turns out to be gray and quickly settles.

This allows us to conclude that in most cases latte is more nutritious than cappuccino. It is important that in different networks the calorie content of the same drink of the same volume may vary. For example, a 100 ml portion of a latte at Shokoladnitsa contains 35 kcal, while the same 300 ml drink at McDonalds contains 123 kcal. It is easy to calculate that having drunk the same 300 ml in Shokoladnitsa, you will get a little less calories - 105 kcal.

Sugar is added to almost all coffee drinks. Depending on the type, it has a caloric content of 20-40 kcal. If we are talking about a teaspoon of white granulated sugar, then its calorie content is 24 kcal. In cafes, the drink is often served along with small paper bags filled with sugar. Its volume is 6 mg, which corresponds to 1 teaspoon.

Brown sugar, or cane sugar, has almost the same calorie content as the usual white sugar - 25 kcal per 1 teaspoon. Refined sugar contains from 20 to 40 kcal, depending on its size.

Some people prefer to drink coffee with honey instead of sugar. All other things being equal, such a drink will be more high-calorie than with sugar. A teaspoon of honey contains about 30-44 kcal.

Sometimes condensed milk is added to a cereal or instant drink instead of milk. The taste of the drink becomes softer, and it itself is noticeably sweeter. The average calorie content is 300 kcal per 100 g of product. A teaspoon can hold up to 12 g of condensed milk, so the nutritional value of coffee with condensed milk (with each teaspoon) increases by 36 kcal. There is also condensed milk without sugar, the energy value of which is 2.5 times less than usual.

Cream is another additive that is used in coffee instead of, and sometimes with milk. It should be understood that they significantly increase the nutritional value of the drink due to their higher fat content. So, a standard bag of cream (10 ml) contains about 30 kcal, and a similar bag of dry cream - 45 kcal. If we are talking about cream of 35% fat, then there are 340 kcal per 100 ml. The same cream is used for whipping when forming a creamy "cap" on coffee.

Can I use it when losing weight?

Coffee itself, as already mentioned, has a small amount of calories, and drunk in the morning, it invigorates, improves concentration and energizes. For people with low blood pressure, coffee in the morning can help them feel better for the whole day.

It is important to choose the right coffee so that its calorie content can easily fit into the daily calorie intake. The least high-calorie is considered to be grain coffee. It is he who should be given preference. Better yet, buy grains and grind them yourself just before eating. When buying ready-made ground coffee, there is a possibility that the packaging contains other components that increase the calorie content.

It is better for dieters to avoid 3-in-1 drinks, they contain too many calories and sugar. The latter, in turn, provokes dangerous insulin surges in the body.

With a decrease in the fat content of milk by 0.5%, its energy value decreases by almost 2 times. This should be used if you are on a diet, but still cannot refuse coffee with milk. In this case, skim milk, which also contains the necessary nutrients, will be the best choice.

Of course, it is better to reduce the volume of milk to 1 teaspoon or tablespoon. If you add milk to soften the bitterness of coffee, then it makes more sense to brew it from natural Arabica beans. The drink will be less strong and bitter, so you can add less milk. When adding robusta, the bitterness increases, so you want to add more milk.

Again, when using natural beans for brewing coffee, you can add fatty milk or a higher volume of its non-fat drink in the drink. When you brew instant coffee, it shows more richness, so the addition of milk should be moderate.

Be careful when choosing coffee drinks in coffee shops and cafes, as when it comes to coffee with milk, the menu is replete with attractive descriptions and photographs. It is useful to first study the calorie content of foods that must be present in a person's menu in the form of breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

As a rule, a large serving of cappuccino or latte can be as caloric as an afternoon snack or make up half of the lunchtime diet. At the same time, it will not bring the same benefits to the body and will only give a short feeling of satiety. Moreover, due to a sharp jump in blood sugar, after a short time, you will again feel the desire to eat something sweet.

The most correct way to consume coffee with milk on your diet is to add it to your daily diet. So, for example, if you drink instant coffee with 50 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5%, this is about 46 kcal. Relatively little. If you drink it 3-4 times a day, then the calorie content will be 138-184 kcal. This "pulls" for a small snack, so you should definitely include such a coffee break in your daily diet.

It is important that such a meal plan for every day is very disciplined and saves from the temptation to eat or drink something inappropriate under the influence of emotions or a sudden feeling of hunger.

Modern nutritionists recommend another option for drinking coffee with milk during your diet. This option is suitable for those who follow a fairly strict diet and do not allow flour, sweet, fatty foods for a week. However, once a week it is fashionable to arrange a cheat meal, that is, the use of one "forbidden" product. As such, it is quite possible to afford a large portion of cappuccino or mocha, generously poured with syrup and decorated with chocolate chips.

Cheat meal allows you to avoid breakdowns, introduces into the dietary process the effect of competition with oneself, and also helps to overcome the "plateau" when weight, despite proper nutrition, does not decrease.

Nutritionists say that it is better to eat a small amount of "forbidden" foods in the morning. The same rule applies to the use of sweet coffee with milk. It is best to drink it in the morning, as you will still have a whole day to burn calories.

The most harmful can be called coffee, which is drunk by most office workers. We are talking about instant drinks or sachets "3 in 1" and cream in tablet packaging, as well as dry analogues. Each of these components is high in calories by itself, and when mixed and added sugar, this figure can reach colossal values.

If possible, it is better for the office to purchase a coffee machine that will be "refueled" with ground coffee beans or special coffee capsules also based on natural beans.

In some cases, experts recommend coffee with milk for dieters. First of all, this applies to those who cannot drink a drink without sugar. If we compare the calorie content of the latter and the nutritional value of milk, the latter will be less caloric and will help eliminate bitterness and soften the drink.

Moreover, unlike sugar, which does not benefit the body, milk contains calcium. The latter is known to be washed out when drinking caffeinated beverages. Thus, milk in coffee serves a double function - it allows you to eliminate sugar, reducing the bitterness of coffee, and increases the benefits of the latter.

Interestingly, there are even diets that involve drinking coffee with milk. Several of them have gained the most popularity.

The first one is designed for 2 weeks. This meal plan requires you to have a small cup of milk and coffee at breakfast. For lunch, you should choose a portion of vegetable salad and 100-150 g of lean meat or fish, and 20 minutes after the meal, drink a cup of coffee with milk again. For dinner, you can cook vegetables (fresh or stewed, baked) and all the same drink.

The second diet is designed for a week and generally repeats the first, but demonstrates an increased amount of proteins. For lunch, in addition to meat (preferably chicken or turkey), eggs are recommended, for dinner - cottage cheese. Coffee with milk is offered as a drink 3 times a day.

Most people drink coffee sweet. A pure black drink can taste sour (Arabica) or bitter (Robusta), or it can combine both of these shades. Sweeteners are especially often added to instant drink in order to somehow muffle the chemical aftertaste and make it at least a little tasty. And if coffee itself contains almost no calories, then even a spoonful of granulated sugar significantly increases the calorie content of the drink. But many of us drink not from a small cup, but from a large mug, and put two spoons, and even with a slide. So how to calculate the calorie content of coffee with sugar, depending on various parameters?

There is no definite answer to this question and cannot be. Everything varies depending on the size of the cup, the amount of dry matter, and especially the sweetener, as well as the method of preparation. But you can roughly calculate the number depending on how much and what kind of sugar you add, since the calorie content of the finished drink will completely depend on the amount of sugar. In this case, we assume that there are no more additives in the coffee.

Loose sugar

One Standard Size Teaspoon Holds:

  • 5 g flat;
  • 7 g with a small slide;
  • 10 g with a large slide.

When they talk about a spoonful of sugar, they usually mean a teaspoon with a small slide, that is, 7 grams.

Calorie table of different types of sugar

Type of sugar Calories per 100 g kcal, per 5 g kcal, per 7 g kcal, per 10 g
Sand 390 19,5 27,3 39
Raw, crystals 360 18 25,2 36
Reed 400 20 28 40
Maple 350 17,5 24,5 35


Refined sugar in terms of the weight of the cubes is not standardized in any way. Depending on the shape of the press, one cube can weigh from 3.4 to 5.95 grams.

Calorie content of refined sugar - 400 kcal per 100 grams. To calculate the exact weight of one cube, you need to open the package, count how many cubes are in one layer, multiply by the number of layers. Let's get the total number of cubes in the package. We divide the total weight by the quantity, we get the exact answer. Sometimes manufacturers write this data on the packaging, but this is rare.

  • On average, small cubes weigh 4.5 g;
  • Large cubes "standard" size - 5.5 g.

Based on the energy value and total calorie content per 100 g of the product, we find that there are 4 kcal in 1 gram of refined sugar.

Cube weight One cube, kcal Two cubes, kcal 3 cubes, kcal
Cubes of 4.5 g 18 36 54
5.5 g cubes 22 44 66

Sugar sticks

Usually comes in standard 5 gram sticks. There are exceptions in the form of large sachets of 10 g and small sticks of 4 grams. They put ordinary granulated sugar with a nutritional value of 390 kcal per 100 grams, that is:

Packing 1 pc, kcal 2 pcs, kcal 3 pcs, kcal
Stick 4 g 15,6 31,5 46,8
Stick 5 g 19,5 39 58,5
Stick 10 g 39 78 117

Calorie content of natural coffee with sugar

There are 2-4 calories in a 200-220 ml cup. Let's calculate the energy value if you put 1 or 2 tablespoons of sand in a cup, with and without a slide. If you use sticks or refined sugar, be guided by the indicators of 1 or 2 scoops 5 grams.

Calorie table of coffee with sugar

Type of drink Volume, ml Calories in coffee per serving

With 1 spoon of sugar

With 2 tablespoons of sugar

With 1 spoon of sugar 7 g With 2 tablespoons of sugar 14 g
Ristretto 15 1 21
Espresso 30 2 22 41 29
Americano 180 2,2 22 41 30 57
Double Americano 240 4,4 24 43 32 59
Filter coffee or French press 220 2 22 41 29 57
Infused with cold water 240 6 26 45 33 61
In a Turk, cooked 200 4 24 43 31 59

Calorie content of instant coffee with sugar

The nutritional value of an instant coffee drink is higher than that of a natural one. This is due to the fact that in the manufacturing process 15-25% of natural grains remain, everything else is stabilizers, emulsifiers, dyes and other chemical components. It happens that even crushed flour or chicory is added. Therefore, there are many more calories in a teaspoon of instant powder or granules.

Different manufacturers have different components of the finished product, and the energy value of a pure soluble powder (or granules) can range from 45 to 220 kcal per 100 grams. A cup usually contains one spoonful of instant coffee with a large slide, or 2 almost without a slide (only 10 g). Let's calculate the total nutritional value of a 200 ml drink made from coffee of different calories and different amounts of sand.

200 ml is the standard volume of a medium-sized plastic cup or a medium-sized cup.

If you do not know the exact calorie content of coffee, read it at the rate of 100 kcal per 100 g, this is the mass average. The energy value of granulated sugar is calculated as 3.9 kcal in 1 gram. The exact numbers for a specific brand and a specific product can be found on the packaging, we will focus on the 3 most popular values.

Calorie table of instant coffee without sugar, with 1 spoon, with 2 spoons

Calories in coffee per 100 grams Calories in coffee per 200 ml serving

With 1 spoon of sugar

With 2 tablespoons of sugar

With 1 spoon of sugar 7 g With 2 tablespoons of sugar 14 g
50 5 25 44 32 60
100 10 30 49 37 65
220 20 40 59 47 75

Calorie content of decaffeinated coffee with sugar

Natural decaffeinated black coffee contains no more than 1 calorie per cup, instant coffee can have a calorie content and about 15 kcal per cup of a drink made from 10 grams of powder or granules (1 teaspoon with a large slide or 2 almost without a slide). So if you are drinking a natural decaffeinated drink, you can simply add 1 calorie to the calories from the sweetener, regardless of the cup size, and if you drink instant - on average, you can add 10 kcal. The exact information can be found on the packaging.

Despite the fact that there is almost no energy value in the natural drink decaf, it is not recommended to consume it in an amount of more than 6 servings per day.


  1. Basically, the calorie content of the drink depends precisely on the amount of added granulated sugar - 390 kcal per 100 grams of sand, 400 - for refined sugar.
  2. For maximum convenience in counting, you can take a teaspoon of granulated sugar with a slide for 30 kcal.
  3. Instant coffee itself is higher in calories than natural coffee, and a drink in a standard 200 ml glass with two sticks / refined sugar cubes / smooth spoons of sugar is 50 kcal.
  4. In an average portion of natural coffee ~ 200 ml and with two sticks / cubes of refined sugar / smooth spoons of sugar - 40-43 kcal.