Rational nutrition in a hiking trip. Food on a tourist trip

30.03.2019 Healthy eating

To compile a list of products, the layout per person is multiplied by the number of participants. Then the products are packed by day (and preferably divided by meals as well), undergo weight control and distributed to backpacks. As you can see, the first step, namely the preparation of the product layout, is the most difficult. So let's take a closer look at the calculation of nutrition.

Without vitamin C, nowhere.)

When compiling a layout, first of all, it is necessary to take into account that a person spends at least 1000-1500 kcal more on a hike than in a city. The city norm can be considered 1500-2000 kcal, depending on the profession. Therefore, when making a layout, you need to estimate its calorie content in advance. You can calculate the calorie content online on the Internet or by downloading one of the many applications to your smartphone. At the same time, the maximum weight of the layout should not exceed 750 grams per person per day (after all, the weight of a backpack on long hikes is very important) and contain a fairly diverse product.

Layout of food for a hike. Nuances.

Consider the following when calculating products:
  • Count the number of meals on your hike. Perhaps there will be days in your itinerary when you will move without lunch, but with a snack. Those. as a result, you should have accurately calculated and recorded the number of breakfasts, lunches (or snacks), dinners. Consider everything.
  • Analyze the mass and appetite of the group members. It makes no sense to add an increased amount of morning porridge if the participants cannot eat more than three spoons. Better add hearty snack(lard, sausage, cheese or chocolate).
  • Be sure to include snacks on the route and in radial exits, as well as sweets for tea parties.
  • Be sure to add emergency power for 1 day.

Experience shows that setting up for a hike, where 3000-4000 daily calories per person are consumed, is unnecessary. One way or another, on long hikes, participants lose weight, and the calorie content of the layout is approximately equal to 2200-2800 kcal. The satiety of food is not always related to its calorie content.

Meals during the campaign should be familiar and varied - the body should not experience additional stress, and monotony negatively affects the team's morale. If your route is in a hot region, be aware that you may experience a decrease in appetite.

Energy contained in staple foods. For daily value you need to dial 2-2.5 kcal.

Norms of products per person.

Unfortunately, there are no uniform rules for the travel layout. However, based on the average values, you can draw up a diet and check its adequacy in a weekend hike. Based on our own experience, we make the following layout for the hike:
  • morning porridge 60-70 gr. per person + 10 grams of dried fruits;
  • basic cereals 70-80 gr. per person + 10 gr. dried (freeze-dried) meat;
  • cheese, sausage, bacon, 25-30 gr. per serving;
  • pasta 80-100 gr. per person + 10 gr. dried meat;
  • crispbreads 50-70 gr. or crackers 100-150 gr;
  • chocolate, kozinaki 30-50 gr each;
  • sugar or substitutes - 40-50 gr;
  • tea 2.5 gr. per serving (weight of 1 sachet), coffee 5 g., sugar - 5 g;
  • potato flakes - 50-80 grams per person + 10 grams. meat.
  • dried vegetables(alone or in a soup mixture) - 15-20 gr.

In long hikes, stew is replaced with dried or freeze-dried meat, and bread is replaced with bread or biscuits. It is better to take raw smoked sausage, cheese hard varieties... You can also take lard - it is very high in calories and gives a lot of energy. It is very convenient to pre-pack the layout in packages and sign by day. For example: “Dinner. Day 1.". On the route, it is inconvenient to do this and there is no time. Packages can be glued with tape, sealed. Coffee, tea and sugar are easier to put in a container for convenience.

The layout for the hike is a delicate, individual thing. You can reach the golden mean every time, taking into account the peculiarities of both the team and the route. Here, as in many things, experience is needed. It is not for nothing that the position of a caretaker is one of the most difficult in the campaign. For example, for a hike of increased complexity, food norms per person will not be increased in weight, but shifted towards calorie content.

Ensuring adequate nutrition is one of the important conditions for a successful hike. It should be borne in mind that calculations, purchase, packaging of products - everything must be done before entering the route. It will be too late to do this on the hike.

Formulation of the diet

The food ration is determined, first of all, by the duration and complexity of the trip. The simplest case is a one-day hike without an overnight stay. Here you can sometimes do without cooking food and go through the day, as tourists sometimes say, "on sandwiches." The guys have breakfast at home, they also have dinner at home, and at the afternoon's rest it is enough to boil tea. Do not just take the mentioned "sandwiches" too literally. If the guys show up at the station with two slices of bread each with thin slices of smoked sausage or cheese, this, of course, will not be enough for young people who have spent the day on the move in the fresh air. The expression "to pass the day on sandwiches" only means the intention of those going on a hike not to cook a full meal, and by no means the range of products taken with them. As for the products, their list can be quite wide. The only requirement is not to take perishable food. Compulsory should, apparently, be considered tea (coffee), sugar, salt, bread.

At the bivouac, all the products taken from home are put together and a common table is arranged. The group leader should never turn things around so that each of the guys is sitting at tea with his own piece. All the guys experience a moment of tension and embarrassment. On the contrary, the common table during the trip is perceived by the guys as something simple and natural.

From the fact that the story about the food ration begins with the case when the hike is carried out "on sandwiches", it does not at all follow that cooking lunch on a one-day hike is generally irrational. It all depends on the goals set for the trip, on the composition of the group, the duration of the route, and the weather.

When the author of this book worked with the guys, it usually went like this. Teaching beginners began with orientation. During this period, it was a pity to spend a lot of time on preparing a full dinner, I wanted to carve out more time to give everyone the opportunity to be the leader of the group. Then we went "on sandwiches". Still, making tea and eating took at least an hour for the newcomers. A full three course meal would have taken two and a half hours, maybe three. When newcomers went on a hike, where there were no educational goals (for example, class exits for a school meeting), they tried to arrange a full lunch during the day with the help of two or three experienced guys who were assigned to classes that did not have their own tourists. After the guys were no longer newbies, learning goals no longer prevailed over the rest.

By that time, the guys were getting used to quickly collecting backpacks, working with fire, and cooking food. Then, on one-day hikes, they began to cook a full meal, which took only an hour and a half with food.

In short, in each individual case, the leader of a one-day trip should think about what would be more rational - to arrange cooking or go on sandwiches. As an intermediate option, you can recommend the so-called sausage kebab. Slices of sausage are put on rods, previously peeled from the bark, and fried over a fire. If you have onions with you, then put onion circles between the sausage slices. Cooking such a kebab takes very little time. True, in large groups- 15 or more people - cooking kebabs can take a long time.

Now let's look at the options and procedures for preparing food rations for longer travel. Usually the person-day is taken as the basis for such calculations. This is really convenient: the rations formulated in this way, with minor adjustments, are suitable for hikes of any length. At the same time, we will proceed from the fact that three brews are arranged during the hike - in the morning, in the evening and during the day's rest. A Sunday overnight camping trip is equivalent to one person-day in terms of food consumption. In this case, only the order of expenditure of products changes - in the evening there will be dinner, and the next day breakfast and lunch. This, of course, does not affect the calculations performed.

The first thing that is taken into account when drawing up a diet, - this is its calorie content. It has been established that during a summer trip, a person spends 3000-3500 large calories per day. These energy costs of the body must be reimbursed through nutrition.

Table 1 Calorie content of basic foodstuffs (per 1 kg)

Information about the calorie content of staple foods can be borrowed from the following table, which shows the number of calories per 1 kg of food (Table 1).

However, it is impossible to formulate a food ration, guided only by the calorie content of products. Equally important is the correct ratio of the main nutritional components - fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is generally accepted that the daily ration should be approximately 120 g of proteins, 60 g of fat, 500 g of carbohydrates. Proteins are found primarily in meat and meat products, fish, cheese, peas, beans and beans, to a lesser extent in flour products and cereals; carbohydrates - in sugar (almost pure carbohydrate), sweets, vegetables and fruits, condensed milk, flour products, cereals; fats - in oil, lard, to a lesser extent - in sausage, cheese, ham. In addition, the food must also contain vitamins and mineral salts. Only with all this in mind, the food will be completely complete.

If you carefully consider the calorie content of foods indicated in the table, it is easy to see that bread, flour products, cereals, vegetables and fruits, that is, almost all foods rich in carbohydrates (with the exception of sugar), are quite low in calories. Therefore, when compiling a diet, tourists often have a desire to replace them with more high-calorie foods and thereby achieve a gain in weight. Camping practice shows that the best weight ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1: 1: 4. A further decrease in the amount of carbohydrates and an increase in the proportion of fats and proteins in order to reduce the weight of food while maintaining the same calorie content leads to unpleasant, although not so terrible consequences. They consist in the fact that the participants in the hike, after eating, feel an empty stomach and begin to complain of malnutrition, although they receive enough high-calorie food. There is nothing wrong with that. Experienced tourists know this well and sometimes deliberately use such rations in order to reduce the weight of their backpacks. However, it is hardly advisable to make up such a diet for hiking with schoolchildren. Younger hikers usually do not participate in such difficult hikes, where such rations can be justified. Therefore, we will not deviate greatly from the 1: 1: 4 ratio. If it is observed, the food is nutritious enough and does not overload the backpack.

So, the food on the hike should be high-calorie and satisfying, but that's not all. It should also be tasty. The fact is that during a hike, if it lasts a week or more, it is often necessary to observe how in the first days the participants lose their appetite, they begin to refuse food, while objectively the body needs nutrition.

Therefore, in addition to basic food, onions, garlic, peppers, bay leaves, tomato paste in tubes, lemons or citric acid are also taken on hikes. Dry soups are also used, bouillon cubes, custard, dry vegetables and roots. All this makes it possible to diversify the table even with a relatively poor assortment of basic products.

Tea and salt should be added to the listed products as indispensable, coffee and cocoa as creating variety, and then the list of products used in hiking trips can be considered quite complete.

However, there is still a long way to go before the final composition of the diet. So far, we have reviewed the products in terms of their calorie content, satiety and taste. But there is one more essential point that must be taken into account when drawing up a tourist's diet - this is weight. No matter how tasty and nutritious the diet is, all its advantages will be crossed out if its weight goes beyond the permissible limits. Tourist practice shows that weight daily ration per person should be in the range from 900 to 1200 g. The longer the trip, the more the diet approaches the lower limit, the shorter - the more the weight of the food ration can be increased.

So, we will consider the most appropriate kilogram diet, providing from 3000 to 3500 calories. In 3-4-day hikes, as well as in such hikes, when you can periodically replenish the stock of food, its weight can be increased to 1.2 kg (mainly due to the replacement of rusks with bread).

Within these limits, using the products listed above, you can make up a wide variety of diets, taking into account the specifics of hikes. Below we will consider, for example, some of these diets, but for now it should be noted that in them the norms of the main food products usually have small deviations from the following figures: bread 400-500 g (or half the norm of crackers), sugar 100-150 g, butter 100 g, meat 100 g, cereals with pasta 200 g, tea and salt are also required. For the rest of the food, ration planners give their imagination a wide variety. Consider, for example, one of the daily rations borrowed from the hiking practice of experienced tourists (Table 2). The weight of this diet is 1 kg, the calorie content is approximately 3300-3400 calories. The diet is not very diverse, but contains everything you need. Attention is drawn to the desire of its compilers to focus on foods rich in proteins: canned meat together with sausage was taken noticeably more than usual. Since the diet was calculated for hiking, associated with a large muscle load, this desire can be considered justified. However, the diet contains some reserves for weight loss. It would be possible, for example, to replace condensed milk with powdered milk and slightly reduce the amount of rusks and thereby gain about 50 g of weight.

In order to correctly carry out the selection of food for hiking trip or travel, you need to remember that the diet should be as varied as possible. Products for the trip are chosen for a long time, as light as possible, high-calorie, which could be quickly cooked.

Try to keep protein, fat and carbohydrates in your daily diet close to 1: 1: 4 - this is what doctors recommend. There are a lot of proteins in meat and fish, cheese, peas, beans and beans. Carbohydrates - in sugar, sweets, honey, jam, flour products, cereals. Fat - in oil and lard. Various vitamins, mineral salts are also needed - there are many of them in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Calorie content of basic foodstuffs (per 1 kg).

Product name Calorie count Product name Calorie count
Rye bread 1900 Candies 2500-3500
Wheat bread 2600 Chocolate 4800
Rye crackers 3000 Raisin 2600
Biscuits 3900 Dried apricots, prunes 2150
Wheat rusks 2800 Hard smoked sausage 5500
Biscuits 3200 Boiled sausage 2050
Butter 7800 Semi-smoked sausage 3000
Ghee butter 8850 Canned stew. 1900
Dutch cheese 3900 Ham 2500
Processed cheese 2150 Sausages 1950
Powdered milk 4800 Fat-lard 6150
Egg powder 5300 Liver pate 3000
Condensed milk with sugar 3400 Fresh potatoes 650
Condensed milk without sugar 2000 Different vegetables 200-350
Buckwheat 3100 Fresh apples 450
Oat groats 3300 Dry apples 2200
Semolina 3400 Fresh pears 350
Pasta, noodles, noodles 3450 Oranges 250
Peas, beans, beans 2800 Canned fish in tomato 1100-1850
Rice 3300 Fresh fish 400-500
Millet 3000 Dried roach 2900
Millet and buckwheat concentrate 3500 Vegetable oil 8500
Kissel 2500 Sugar 3900

It is desirable that the food be complete and fully replenish the considerable costs that each traveler incurs daily - up to 3000-4000 kcal on an easy route, up to 2 800-3000 kcal on days of passive rest. In the most general diet with three meals a day, on average, each tourist needs food products every day, in grams.

- Bread (black, white) - 350-400.
- Cereals and pasta (semolina 50-60 g per serving, the rest 70-80 g) - 180-220.
- Soups (concentrates) - 30-40.
- Canned meat - 100-130.
Sausages, bacon, bacon, ham (or canned fish) — 50-80.
- Oil - 40-50.
- Cheese - 30-40.
- Condensed milk - 50.
- Sugar, sweets - 130-150.
- Dried fruits, onions, garlic, nuts - 50.
- Salt - 5-10, spices are also desirable.

The calorie content of such a set is 3,000-3,500 kcal, the weight with the package is 1-1.4 kg. If instead of bread we take crackers (150-180 g), then the weight of the ration will decrease to 0.8-1.2 kg. In not too long, up to 15 days, hikes, you can use low-calorie layouts (less than 2,000 kcal) weighing 400-500 g. You can use this scheme when drawing up a diet. For the first week, apply a diet weighing about 400 g, then increase it to 500-600 g. For example, the weight of food in grams is indicated in parentheses.

- Breakfast (136): rusk (15), pemmican (20), soup (concentrate in bags, 45), filler (rolled oats or noodles, 20), cocoa (6), powdered milk (30).
- Instead of lunch (145): dried fruits (35), sausage (40), halva (35), sweets (20), cookies (15).
- Dinner (109): rusk (15), soup (45), filler (20), butter (25), tea (4).
- Miscellaneous (76): sugar (63), onion, garlic (10), salt (3).

Thus, the total weight of the daily diet will be 476 g. In order to switch to such a meager diet, tourists or travelers must be psychologically prepared for this. Before such a trip, you need to arrange hunger days at home in order to relieve the fear of starvation.

Packing food for the hike.

The main container in which the products for the hike are packed are cloth bags. It is best to use keeper tape for the ties, usually called cotton tape. It is better to choose the material for the bags in a light color so that you can make an inscription on it with a ballpoint pen indicating what is stored in the bag and how much, for example: "Buckwheat - 2 kg", "Sugar - 1.5 kg", etc. Products that are especially afraid of moisture, for example, sugar, salt, milk powder, in addition, should be placed in waterproof bags.

Advice and advice on the selection, preparation and packaging of food for the trip.

Bread should be taken for a maximum of 2-3 days - it is heavy and quickly stale, crumbles. From pasta it is better to take horns or thin pasta. It is preferable to take hard cheese or sausage. It lasts longer. Insofar as butter cannot be stored in the summer for more than two or three days, then it is better to take melted meat with you. Sugar is more convenient to have lumpy. If you are not going to buy on the way fresh vegetables and fruits, take vitamin preparations on a long journey.

Sliced ​​rusks should not be placed in bulk in a bag. They will break and crumble in the backpack. They are stacked tightly to each other, wrapped in tracing paper and placed in an old (but clean!) Nylon stocking. On it, knots are made between the packs. It turns out a garland, from which it is easy to cut off a portion without printing out the rest. A similar package - in stockings - is also suitable for cookies, sweets, dried fruits, onions. Dried fruits are washed several times ahead of time. warm water and dried on clean paper (not in the oven!).

The sausage needs to be greased sunflower oil and wrap in tracing paper. The same is done with cheese. Lard, loin, brisket, cheese, sausage should not be put for a long time in plastic bag- they suffocate without access to air. You can melt the butter and, in a semi-liquid state, pour it into plastic jars with a wide neck or metal from under instant coffee... The latter must first be checked for leaks by pouring water into them. Just in case, the jar is put in a plastic bag.

Vegetable oil, tomato sauce from bottles are poured into flasks or plastic jars with a tightly screwed cap. If it leaks, then you need to pull on top of a rubber fingertip or children's balloon... Backpacks containing oil should be handled with care when hiking. They do not need to be thrown at random, put on their side to sit on a small rest, etc.

Do not skimp on seasonings, especially since their weight is insignificant - adjika, pepper, Bay leaf, various dried herbs, tomato paste. Onions and garlic not only improve taste qualities dishes, but, in general, are useful, as they have antimicrobial properties. A clove of garlic, eaten at night, disinfects the oral cavity and palatine tonsils, preventing colds.

Personal utensils and cooking utensils for the hike.

On a hike or trip, it is preferable to take aluminum spoons, since wooden spoons sometimes break or float away when washing dishes in the river. It is advisable to take an enamel mug, 300 grams, aluminum burns both lips and hands. Both aluminum and enamel bowls are used, although the latter are heavier. A flask and a thermos are optional items on the hike.

From kitchen utensils for a one-day hike, if you are going to make a fire, one pot or saucepan is enough for tea. Copper not tinned, galvanized or enameled buckets and pans are dangerous. Some can cause poisoning, while others - on fire sometimes enamel bounces off and gets into food. It is best to use cookware made of aluminum alloys or stainless steel.

The capacity of the dishes is chosen so that each one has a total of 1.5 to 2 liters. For example, for a group of 9-10 people, on a multi-day hike, a set of buckets or pans of 6, 6.5 and 7 liters is suitable, for 6-7 people - 5, 5.5 and 6 liters. The cooks on duty need 1-2 ladles, tarpaulin gloves (remove the buckets from the fire), a dishwashing brush, a metal washcloth, a piece of oilcloth replacing the table.

The composition of the daily diet of a tourist

Food concentrates... Products prepared as much as possible for use while traveling. They are mixtures, freed from inedible parts and water, have minimum weight and volume, long shelf life (6 to 12 months) and require little time for final preparation.

Along with briquetted concentrates, the food industry also produces bulk concentrates. This is usually soup sets consisting of vegetables, cereals and pasta with fat, meat and spices, packed in a combined gas-waterproof bag-shell. Their preparation method is also extremely simple.

In addition to finished concentrates, the industry also produces individual semi-finished products - dry, cereals, past heat treatment... Depending on the degree of processing of these cereals, either a minimum cooking time is required, or cooking is not needed at all. Sometimes it is enough just to set it with boiling water (so as not to heat the food in the future), let the cereal swell, and then add butter, sugar and salt to taste. Hot porridge is ready to eat. Having done the same with potato nibs, a tourist within a few minutes can get a very rare dish in a difficult hike - mashed potatoes, which has a fairly good taste.

Cereals... In the diet of tourists are provided 15 - 25% total calories diet. In terms of calorie content, cereals almost do not differ from each other, therefore, when choosing individual cereals, a gain in weight will not work. Little they (with the exception of legumes) differ in the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Buckwheat, rice and oatmeal are of the greatest value only in terms of the content of essential amino acids. Therefore, when choosing croup for a hike, you should adhere to the most important thing - their variety. Cereals are an important source of minerals and vitamins, and the wider their range, the more and the variety of amino acids, vitamins and minerals entering the body.

Since semolina, "Poltavskaya", "Artek" are made from wheat and but their composition is very close to white bread crumbs, liver, bagels, pasta, if the latter are widely represented in the diet, these cereals from wheat can be partially replaced by others.

except nutritional value, when choosing cereals, you need to take into account the taste of the dishes prepared from them. Many tourists prefer to cook buckwheat or rice porridge, less often - semolina. Oatmeal and millet porridge are somewhat less attractive. Almost everyone likes peas and beans - as a side dish for meat, and in meat soup.

When selecting cereals, the speed of their cooking is also taken into account. So, semolina and buckwheat are boiled for 7 - 10 minutes, and pearl barley- up to 70 min. But the longer the cooking time, the greater the fuel consumption, the greater the weight of the backpack. True, the duration of cooking such slowly boiling cereals such as pearl barley, buckwheat unground, rice, as well as peas and beans can be significantly reduced if it is possible to soak them 3 to 4 hours before cooking or overnight.

The next factor is compatibility with other products. In this respect, rice is the most versatile. You can cook sweet milk porridge from it, use it as a filling in any soups, including fish soup and mushroom, as a side dish for meat and fish main dishes. Pasta is also very common among tourists.

Taking into account all of the above, we offer an approximate daily diet for tourists making a difficult journey.

Daily ration for one tourist

Product name Weight, g Digestible edible part, g Calorie content, kcal
Protein Fats Carbohydrates
Dairy products (140 g)
Butter 20 0,1 15,8 - 147
Ghee butter 20 - 18,7 - 174
Vegetable oil 20 - 19,0 - 176
Cheese 50% fat 25 5,0 7,0 0,8 90
Powdered milk 50 12,0 12,5 19,0 235
Egg powder 5 2,5 1,7 - 26
Total: 140 19,6 74,7 19.8 848
Meat and fish products (235 g)
Sublimated minced meat 40 33,0 9,0 - 220
Pork, carbonate, freeze-dried roll 35 28,5 5,6 - 168
Raw smoked sausage 25 5,0 9,0 - 105
Smoked loin 25 2,6 13,5 - 138
Canned meat 50 7,5 8,5 0.7 113
Canned liver pate 25 3,9 6,3 0,3 76
Canned fish in oil 20 0,8 12,5 0,3 125
Dried or salty fish 15 6,5 0,7 - 34
Total: 235 87,8 65,1 1,3 979
Cereals, concentrates (175 g)
Buckwheat unground 15 1,4 0,4 10,0 48
Rice 10 0,7 0,1 7.3 34
Oatmeal 10 0,9 0,6 6,0 34
Peas 10 1,6 0,3 5,0 30
Semolina 10 1,0 0,1 7,0 34
Pasta, noodles, noodles, horns 15 1.5 0,2 10,8 51
Oatmeal 10 1,2 0,6 6,3 36
Millet 10 0,8 0,2 6,3 32
Pearl barley 10 0,6 0,1 6,7 31
Barley 10 0,6 0,1 6,7 31
Potato nibs 15 0,3 - 9,0 28
Soups (bulk concentrates) 50 6,7 5,0 20,0 150
Total: 175 16,7 7,7 101,1 550
Sweets and drinks (280 g)
Sugar 120 - - 119,0 475
Halva 30 4,8 7,8 13,5 160
Candies 40 - - 36,0 150
Nuts with raisins 50 2,5 9,0 12,0 142
Glucose with vitamins 20 - - 19,8 81
Tea, cranberry extract, lemon acid 15 - - 8,6 40
Coffee, cocoa 10 2,0 1,8 3,8 41
Kissel, compote 15 0,6 - 11,0 47
Total: 280 9,9 18,6 223,6 1136
Bread, rusks (150 g)
Black rusks 70 6,0 0,9 45,2 220
White crackers 30 3,2 0,5 22,0 106
Waffles, drying, biscuits, biscuits, crispbread 50 7,5 4,1 35,0 215
Total: 150 13,7 5,5 112,2 541
Spices (30 g)
Salt 10 - - - -
Onion garlic 10 - - - -
Pepper, bay leaf, tomato paste etc. 10 - - - -
Total: 30 - - - -
Total: 1010 147,7 171,6 448,1 4054

This diet is universal for all difficult travels for any type of tourism. Groups wishing to increase their caloric intake above 4000 kcal can do this by adding food products for large and small halts: butter, cheese, bacon, crispbread, chocolate, etc.

Hot food... When switching from normal home conditions to outdoor conditions, it is not recommended to drastically change the already established diet and the nature of food. This can lead to indigestion. It is desirable that participants in hikes and trips, when developing a route and tactics of movement (and, consequently, food regulations), strive to ensure that the marching diet should differ as little as possible from the established home diet.

This is most consistent with 3 hot meals a day. It not only helps to adhere to the daily routine adopted in everyday life, but also allows you to more rationally replenish the energy costs associated with moving along the route.

Breakfast... Its purpose is to create an energy reserve in the body to maintain the longest possible working state during the longest part of the working day, since the bulk physical activity on a tourist trip falls between breakfast and lunch. Breakfast should be high-calorie, about 30% of the total calorie content of the daily diet, easily digestible, small in volume, rich in sugar, phosphorus, vitamins C and B12, substances that stimulate the nervous system. The calorie content of the breakfast is 1,250-1,700 kcal, depending on the complexity of the tourist trip.

Dinner... Its goal is to make up for a possible deficit in energy costs formed in the body as a result of the discrepancy between the high intensity of work on the route, which requires up to 2,500 kcal or more, and the total calorie content of breakfast (approximately 1,400 kcal) and dry food at a big break after 3 hours of movement. after breakfast (about 500 kcal), as well as on small halts after 45-50 minutes of movement (about 100 kcal). Lunch should also be quite dense - up to 30% of the total calorie content of the daily meal, contain a high percentage of animals with protein r>, a large number of carbohydrates and fats. For lunch, the bulk of the food should be included, containing the most difficult to digest foods, rich in fiber and the longest lingering in the stomach. The calorie content of lunch is 1000-1700 kcal, depending on the complexity of the route.

Dinner... Its task is to restore as much as possible the energy expended over the past working day and prepare the body for movement along the route the next day. It is necessary that the range of foods included in the dinner, contribute to the restoration of tissue proteins and replenishment of carbohydrate reserves in the body. The calorie content of dinner should be 30% of the total calorie content of the daily diet. For dinner, you should not eat foods that linger in the stomach for a long time, sharply arousing nervous system and activities gastrointestinal tract... The calorie content of dinner is up to 1,700 kcal.

It should be borne in mind that too light breakfast does not give the body a proper "charge" for the upcoming work: fatigue quickly sets in, working capacity decreases. After too hearty lunch in the body begins a struggle "for blood": the brain and muscles need it for work, the stomach - for digestion. As a result, both work and digestion are affected. It is known that it is bad to sleep on an empty stomach, but too hearty dinner is no less harmful. At night, a full stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm and interferes with the normal functioning of the heart and lungs. Sleep in these conditions becomes inadequate and does not give proper rest. Therefore, dinner should not be too dense.

In summer, in conditions of long daylight hours, on foot and water travel, even high categories complexity, it is advisable to adhere to a 3-time hot meal.

And yet, it is very difficult to organize 3 hot meals a day, especially on difficult mountain and ski trips, since it takes up to 2 hours to prepare second courses if you need to get water from the snow (depending on the air temperature, snow condition, location kitchen).

Hot meals for difficult hikes in the highlands or on skis usually consist of 2 courses. For the first, a semi-liquid dish is prepared - porridge soup with big amount meat and fats. The second hot dish is an abundant drink: tea, cocoa, milk.

Hot food should be plentiful, since the feeling of satiety depends not only on the calorie content, but also on the duration of its stay in the stomach. Food, even very high in calories, but small in volume, cannot cause a feeling of satiety. Frequent repetition of the same dishes should be avoided, and dishes from the same dishes should be avoided on the same day. food products(e.g. noodle or pasta soup and noodle side dish). Hearty and high-calorie is such a dish as fried freeze-dried pork with a side dish of cereals. In this case, the state of satiety lasts almost 6 hours.

If you are planning an early start on the route, due to the need to cross low water, overcoming rocky or avalanche-hazardous areas or other tactical considerations, it is advisable to prepare breakfast the night before. If the group has an autoclave, breakfast is prepared in it. When ready, without violating the tightness of the autoclave, you need to wait until the end of the steam release through the bleed valve, wrap the autoclave in a clean cover, then into a warm jacket and put all this in a multi-sleeping bag at your feet. In the morning the group will have hot food. If the autoclave is not present, heating is already ready meals will take a little time. Eating hot food in the morning instead of eating dry food will significantly increase the vigor and strength of the group, help warm up during the morning frosts, and increase the number of walking hours by eliminating a long stop for preparing a hot lunch, which is necessary when the group leaves early without hot meals.